8 Resultados encontrados para "es/scarcely".


the Time Traveller held in his hand was a glittering metallic framework, scarcely larger than a small clock, and very delicately made.H. G. Wells. The Time...


scarcely pronunciación falta agregar...


very fast.Traducción: Ese perro es muy rápido. Sinónimos: highly, remarkably, really, truly, quite. Antónimos: scarcely, slightly, hardly, barely. 2 -ísimo...


silenciosa”. Wikipedia. 3 Producto químico que contiene arsénico. Ejemplo: It is scarcely possible... to handle arsenicals with more utter disregard of the general...


the Time Traveller held in his hand was a glittering metallic framework, scarcely larger than a small clock, and very delicately made.Traducción: La cosa...


to hold free commerce in China ; we now at laſt have obtained, though ſcarcely twelve months ſince, the true and authentique Hiſtories of that Empire...


Howard. The Sign of the Snake. 1931. 3 Forzar o violentar algo. Ejemplo: Scarcely a week after this incident, another attempt to get at the mummy - this...


Traducciones Esperanto: [1] apenaŭ (eo) Inglés: [1] scarcely (en); [1] hardly (en)...