
Te damos la bienvenida, seguro que has llegado hasta esta web en busca del significado de la palabra politickly. En esta web no solo dispondrás de la oportunidad de conocer la totalidad de las acepciones reconocidas para la palabra politickly, sino que además te explicaremos su etimología, sus especificaciones y conocerás el modo en que se dice politickly en singular y en plural. Todo lo que es necesario saber en referencia a la palabra politickly aquí lo tienes. La definición de politickly te será de utilidad a que tengas mayor concreción e idoneidad en el momento de charlar o redactar tus documentos. Conocer la definición depolitickly, así como los significados de otros términos, incrementan nuestro vocabulario y nos proporcionan mayores y mejores recursos lingüísticos.

pronunciación falta agregar

Etimología 1

De politick y el sufijo -ly.


Positivo Comparativo Superlativo
politickly more politicklymost politickly
Grafía obsoleta de  politicly.
  • Ejemplo:

Theſe wicked Spirits, doubtleſs, are politically and politickly conſtituted, ſubordinated, and ſituated.John Reynolds. Inquiries Concerning the State and Oeconomy of the Angelical Worlds. 1723.

  • Ejemplo:

It has always been the Humour of Men to look for truly great and unexceptionable Characters in ancient Times ; Neſtor frequently tells the Greeks in Homer, what ſort of Perſons liv’d when he was a Boy, and they were eaſily admitted to be far ſuperior to the greateſt and moſt excellent then alive ; and had he been three times as old as he was, he might have almoſt deify’d his Heroes ; but it is hard to be conceived, that a Set of Men could ever be choſen by the Cotemporaries to have divine Honours paid them, whilſt numerous Perſons were alive, who knew their Imperfections, and who themſelves or their immediate Anceſtors might have as fair a Pretence, and come in Competition with them : Alexander the Great had but ill Succeſs in his Attempt to make the World believe him the Son of Jupiter Ammon ; nor could Numa Pompilius, the ſecond King of Rome, make Rumulus’s Tranſlation to Heaven ſo firmly believ’d, as not to leave room for ſubſequent Hiſtorians to report him kill’d by his Subjects (c) ; nor can I conceive that Julius Cæſar’s Canonization, tho’ it was contrived more politickly, and ſupported with more ſpecious and popular Appearances, would ever have ſtood long indiſputable, if the Light of Chriſtianity had not appeared ſo ſoon after this Time, as it did, and impaired the Credit of the Heathen Superſtitions.Samuel Shuckford. The Sacred and Prophane History of the World Connected. 1731.

  • Ejemplo:

Many taken with the Speciouſneſs and Magnificence of the Title praiſed up to the Skies ſo high and noble a Project ; calling it a Profeſſion truly worthy of the pontifical Majeſty, and of the great Soul of Julius, who could not have undertaken an Enterprize more generous, and which was formed with no leſs Prudence than Magnanimity ; ſince he had politickly contrived that Barbarians ſhould encounter with Barbarians, and that Foreigners more than Italians ſhould ſpend their Blood againſt the French, by which Means he would not only ſave the Lives of his Countrymen, but, after he had driven out one of the Parties, leave it much eaſier to expel the other, already weakened and enervated, with the Arms and Forces of Italy.Francesco Guicciardini. The History of Italy. 1754.

Referencias y notas

Separar politickly en sílabas

Puede ser de que al margen todo aquello que ahora ya sabes en referencia a la palabra politickly, también te mostremos el modo de cómo se separa en sílabas. Si quieres aprender a separar si quieres aprender a separar politickly en sílabas.

Listado de errores ortográficos de politickly

Abajo te incluimos una lista con los errores ortográficos más generalizados, de forma que los tengas en cuenta y sepas cómo no cometerlos.Sin más preámbulos, aquí tienes el listado de errores ortográficos de politickly