3 Tuloksia löytyi "Tiedosto:Northern_Italy_topographic_map-blank.png".

Tiedosto:Northern Italy topographic map-blank.png

This image is a derivative work of the following images: File:Italy_topographic_map-blank.svg licensed with Cc-by-sa-3.0, GFDL 2009-09-14T14:16:23Z Sting...

Tiedosto:Northern Italy river blank map.png

*{{en|Location of Parma river - Italy}} *{{it|Posizione del fiume Parma - Italia}} |Source = based upon [[:Image:Map of Italy (w.o. Labels).jpg]] |Date =...

Tiedosto:Italy topographic map-blank.svg

Alike 3.0 truetrue You may select the license of your choice. English Italian Mappa topografica dell'Italia con i confini regionali. author name string:...