DescriptionCallosamia promethea 20.jpg English: Macro photo of Callosamia promethea moth Date 10 June 2006, 06:28:05 Source http://www.meddlingwithnature...
BY 4.0 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 truetrue English Female ''Callosamia promethea'' author name string: Skye McDavid Wikimedia username: P2N2222A URL:...
BY 4.0 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 truetrue English Male ''Callosamia promethea'' author name string: Skye McDavid Wikimedia username: P2N2222A URL:...
DescriptionCallosamia promethea 2.jpg English: Macro photo of Callosamia promethea moth Date 10 June 2006, 07:20:30 Source http://www.meddlingwithnature...
DescriptionCallosamia promethea larva.jpg English: Callosamia promethea larva Date 20 April 1995 Source
DescriptionPrometheaFemaleNoFlash.jpg English: Female Promethea Silkmoth (Callosamia promethea). Acworth, Bartow County, Georgia. Aug. 1, 2007. This specimen...
20 September 2015 English object has role: photographer author name string: Internet Archive Book Images Flickr user ID: 126377022@N07 URL: https://www...