
Bonjour, vous êtes venu ici pour chercher la signification du mot MediaWiki:Gadget-CommonWikt.js. Dans DICTIOUS, vous trouverez non seulement toutes les significations du dictionnaire pour le mot MediaWiki:Gadget-CommonWikt.js, mais vous apprendrez également son étymologie, ses caractéristiques et comment dire MediaWiki:Gadget-CommonWikt.js au singulier et au pluriel. Tout ce que vous devez savoir sur le mot MediaWiki:Gadget-CommonWikt.js est ici. La définition du mot MediaWiki:Gadget-CommonWikt.js vous aidera à être plus précis et correct lorsque vous parlerez ou écrirez vos textes. Connaître la définition deMediaWiki:Gadget-CommonWikt.js, ainsi que celles d'autres mots, enrichit votre vocabulaire et vous fournit des ressources linguistiques plus nombreuses et de meilleure qualité.
 * (en)
 * Various utility functions for gadgets.
 * (fr)
 * Différentes fonctions utiles pour les gadgets.
 * ]

// Polyfill
if (!String.prototype.format) {
   * Formats a string.
   * @param var_args {...Object} The list of values to insert into the string.
   * @return {string} The formatted string.
  String.prototype.format = function (var_args) {
    var args = arguments;
    return this.replace(/{(\d+)}/g, function (match, number) {
      return typeof args !== "undefined" ? args : match;

// Polyfill
if (!String.prototype.includes) {
   * Checks whether this string contains the given string.
   * @param value {string} The value to search for.
   * @return {boolean} True if the value is present.
  String.prototype.includes = function (value) {
    return this.indexOf(value) !== -1;

// Polyfill
if (!Array.prototype.includes) {
   * Checks whether this array contains the given value.
   * @param value {*} The value to search for.
   * @return {boolean} True if the value is present.
  Array.prototype.includes = function (value) {
    return this.indexOf(value) !== -1;

 * Global object containing functions and variables for gadgets.
window.wikt = window.wikt || {}; = {};
wikt.text = {};
wikt.edit = {};
wikt.user = {};
wikt.html = {};
wikt.cookie = {};
wikt.gadgets = {};

 * Text

 * Converts the first character in the given string to lower case.
 * @param string {string} The string to convert.
 * @return {string} The converted string.
wikt.text.toLowerCaseFirst = function (string) {
  return string.length > 0 ? string.substr(0, 1).toLowerCase() + string.substr(1, string.length) : "";

 * Converts the first character in the given string to upper case.
 * @param string {string} The string to convert.
 * @return {string} The converted string.
wikt.text.toUpperCaseFirst = function (string) {
  return string.length > 0 ? string.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + string.substr(1, string.length) : "";

 * Converts an strictly positive (> 0) integer to a Roman numeral.
 * @param i {number} The number to convert.
 * @return {string|null} The Roman numeral for the number
 * or null if the argument is not a strictly positive integer.
wikt.text.intToRomanNumeral = function (i) {
  if (i <= 0 || i > 399999) {
    return null;

  i = Math.floor(i);
  var symbols = [
    "I", "V",
    "X", "L",
    "C", "D",
    "M", "ↁ",
    "ↂ", "ↇ",
  var exp = 0;
  var rn = "";

  while (i > 0) {
    var d = i % 10;
    var unit1 = symbols;
    var unit5 = symbols;
    var unit10 = symbols;
    var s = "";

    if (d !== 0) {
      if (d <= 3) {
        for (var j = 0; j < d; j++) {
          s += unit1;
      } else if (d === 4) {
        s += unit1 + unit5;
      } else if (d === 5) {
        s += unit5;
      } else if (5 < d && d < 9) {
        s += unit5;
        for (var k = 0; k < d - 5; k++) {
          s += unit1;
      } else {
        s += unit1 + unit10;
    rn = s + rn;
    i = Math.floor(i / 10);

  return rn;

 * Converts a Roman numeral to an integer.
 * @param rn {string} The Roman numeral to convert.
 * @return {number} The corresponding integer or NaN if the argument is not a Roman numeral.
wikt.text.romanNumeralToInt = function (rn) {
  rn = rn.toUpperCase();
  // Check arg is a valid roman numeral
  var regex = /^ↈ{0,3}(ↇ?ↂ{1,3}|ↂ?ↇ|ↂↈ)?(ↁ?M{1,3}|M?ↁ|Mↂ)?(D?C{1,3}|C?D|CM)?(L?X{1,3}|X?L|XC)?(V?I{1,3}|I?V|IX)?$/;
  if (!rn || !regex.test(rn)) {
    return NaN;
  var symbolToValue = {
    "I": 1,
    "V": 5,
    "X": 10,
    "L": 50,
    "C": 100,
    "D": 500,
    "M": 1000,
    "ↁ": 5000,
    "ↂ": 10000,
    "ↇ": 50000,
    "ↈ": 100000,

  var n = 0;
  var prevDigit = 0;
  for (var i = 0; i < rn.length; i++) {
    var d = symbolToValue];
    n += d;
    // Cases: IV, IX, XL, XC, etc.
    if (d === 5 * prevDigit || d === 10 * prevDigit) {
      n -= 2 * prevDigit;
    prevDigit = d;

  return n;

 * Editing

 * Returns the edit box as a jQuery object.
 * @return {{wikiEditor: function}|null} The jQuery element corresponding
 * to the edit box or null if it could not be found.
wikt.edit.getEditBox = function () {
  var $editBox = $("#wpTextbox1");
  return $editBox.length ? $editBox : null;

 * Gets the text from the edit textarea.
 * Supports syntax coloring.
 * @param $textInput {Object?} The text input or textarea to use instead of the main edit box.
 * @return text {string}
wikt.edit.getText = function ($textInput) {
  var $editBox = $textInput || this.getEditBox();
  // noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
  return $editBox ? $editBox.val() : null;

 * Sets the text in the edit textarea.
 * Supports syntax coloring.
 * @param text {string} The text to set.
 * @param $textInput {Object?} The text input or textarea to use instead of the main edit box.
wikt.edit.setText = function (text, $textInput) {
  var $editBox = $textInput || this.getEditBox();

  if ($editBox) {
    // noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction

 * Inserts the given text at the specified position in the edit area.
 * Supports syntax coloring.
 * @param index {number} The index at which the text is to be inserted.
 * @param text {string} The text to insert.
 * @param $textInput {Object?} The text input or textarea to use instead of the main edit box.
wikt.edit.insertText = function (index, text, $textInput) {
  var $editBox = $textInput || this.getEditBox();

  if ($editBox) {
    // noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
    var currentText = $editBox.val();
    var newText = currentText.substring(0, index) + text + currentText.substring(index);
    // noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction

 * Replaces the text between the given positions in the edit area.
 * Supports syntax coloring.
 * @param startIndex {number} The start index at which the text is to be inserted.
 * @param endIndex {number} The end index at which the text is to be inserted.
 * @param text {string} The text to insert.
 * @param $textInput {Object?} The text input or textarea to use instead of the main edit box.
wikt.edit.replaceText = function (startIndex, endIndex, text, $textInput) {
  var $editBox = $textInput || this.getEditBox();

  if ($editBox) {
    // noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
    var currentText = $editBox.val();
    var newText = currentText.substring(0, startIndex) + text + currentText.substring(endIndex);
    // noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction

 * Fetches then returns the current location of the text cursor inside the edit box.
 * @param $textInput {Object?} The text input or textarea to use instead of the main edit box.
 * @return {number} The index from the start of the text.
wikt.edit.getCursorLocation = function ($textInput) {
  var $editBox = $textInput || this.getEditBox();

  if ($editBox) {
    if (this._isCodeMirrorInput($editBox) && this.isCodeMirrorEnabled()) {
      // noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
      return this.getCodeMirror().indexFromPos(this.getCodeMirror().getCursor());
    } else {
      // noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
      return $editBox.get(0).selectionStart;

 * Sets the location of the text cursor inside the edit box.
 * @param position {number} The location.
 * @param $textInput {Object?} The text input or textarea to use instead of the main edit box.
wikt.edit.setCursorLocation = function (position, $textInput) {
  var $editBox = $textInput || this.getEditBox();

  if ($editBox) {
    if (this._isCodeMirrorInput($editBox) && this.isCodeMirrorEnabled()) {
      // noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
    } else {
      // noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
      $editBox.get(0).selectionStart = position;
      // noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
      $editBox.get(0).selectionEnd = position;

 * Selects text the edit box between start and end positions.
 * @param start {number} The start location.
 * @param end {number} The end location.
 * @param $textInput {Object?} The text input or textarea to use instead of the main edit box.
wikt.edit.setSelection = function (start, end, $textInput) {
  var $editBox = $textInput || this.getEditBox();

  if ($editBox) {
    if (this._isCodeMirrorInput($editBox) && this.isCodeMirrorEnabled()) {
      // noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
    } else {
      // noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
      $editBox.get(0).selectionStart = start;
      // noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
      $editBox.get(0).selectionEnd = end;

 * Returns the indices of currently selected lines in the edit box.
 * @param $textInput {Object?} The text input or textarea to use instead of the main edit box.
 * @return {Array<number>} An array containing line start and end indices for the current selection.
wikt.edit.getSelectedLineNumbers = function ($textInput) {
  var $editBox = $textInput || this.getEditBox();
  var start, end;

  if (this._isCodeMirrorInput($editBox) && this.isCodeMirrorEnabled()) {
    // noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
    start = this.getCodeMirror().getCursor("from").line;
    // noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
    end = this.getCodeMirror().getCursor("to").line;
  } else {
    var text = this.getText($editBox);
    // noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
    start = text.substring(0, $editBox.get(0).selectionStart).split("\n").length - 1;
    // noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
    end = text.substring(0, $editBox.get(0).selectionEnd).split("\n").length - 1;

  return ;

 * Selects the lines between start and end indices.
 * @param start {number} Start line index.
 * @param end {number?} End line index.
 * @param $textInput {Object?} The text input or textarea to use instead of the main edit box.
wikt.edit.selectLines = function (start, end, $textInput) {
  var $editBox = $textInput || this.getEditBox();
  if (!end) {
    end = start;
  var s, e;

  if (this._isCodeMirrorInput($editBox) && this.isCodeMirrorEnabled()) {
    // noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
    s = this.getCodeMirror().indexFromPos({line: start, ch: 0});
    // noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
    e = this.getCodeMirror().indexFromPos({line: end, ch: this.getCodeMirror().getLine(end).length});
  } else {
    var text = this.getText();
    s = text.split("\n").slice(0, start).join("\n").length + 1;
    e = text.split("\n").slice(0, end + 1).join("\n").length;

  this.setSelection(s, e);

 * Returns the currently selected text in the edit box.
 * @param $textInput {Object?} The text input or textarea to use instead of the main edit box.
 * @return {string} The selected text.
wikt.edit.getSelectedText = function ($textInput) {
  var $editBox = $textInput || this.getEditBox();

  if (this._isCodeMirrorInput($editBox) && this.isCodeMirrorEnabled()) {
    return this.getCodeMirror().getSelection();
  } else {
    // noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
    var start = $editBox.get(0).selectionStart;
    // noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
    var end = $editBox.get(0).selectionEnd;
    // noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
    return $editBox.val().substring(start, end);

 * Replaces the currently selected text in the edit box by the given one.
 * @param replacement {string} The replacement text.
 * @param $textInput {Object?} The text input or textarea to use instead of the main edit box.
 * @return {string} The selected text.
wikt.edit.replaceSelectedText = function (replacement, $textInput) {
  var $editBox = $textInput || this.getEditBox();

  if (this._isCodeMirrorInput($editBox) && this.isCodeMirrorEnabled()) {
    // noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
  } else {
    // noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
    var start = $editBox.get(0).selectionStart;
    // noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
    var end = $editBox.get(0).selectionEnd;
    // noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
    var text = $editBox.val();
    // noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
    $editBox.val(text.substring(0, start) + replacement + text.substring(end));

 * Indicates whether the toolbar is enabled.
 * @return {boolean} True if the toolbar is enabled.
wikt.edit.isEditToolbarEnabled = function () {
  return typeof this.getEditBox().wikiEditor !== "undefined";

 * Returns the toolbar if enabled.
 * @return {Object|null} The toolbar or null if it is disabled.
wikt.edit.getToolbar = function () {
  return this.isEditToolbarEnabled() ? this.getEditBox().wikiEditor() : null;

 * Indicates whether syntax coloring is enabled.
 * @return {boolean} True if syntax coloring is enabled.
wikt.edit.isCodeMirrorEnabled = function () {
  return $(".CodeMirror").length !== 0;

 * Returns the handle to CodeMirror.
 * @return {Object} CodeMirror handle.
wikt.edit.getCodeMirror = function () {
  // Caching CodeMirror for quicker repeated access.
  if (!this._cm) {
    this._cm = $(".CodeMirror").prop("CodeMirror");
  return this._cm;

 * Indicates whether the given element is the edit box used by CodeMirror.
 * @param {Object} $elem The element to check.
 * @return {boolean} True if the element is used by CodeMirror.
wikt.edit._isCodeMirrorInput = function ($elem) {
  var $editBox = this.getEditBox();
  // noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
  return $elem && $editBox && $elem.attr("id") === $editBox.attr("id");

 * Returns the edit summary field.
 * @return {Object} The edit summary field.
wikt.edit.getEditSummaryField = function () {
  return $("#wpSummary");

 * Users

 * Tests whether the current user belongs to the given group.
 * @param groupname {string} The group’s name.
 * @return {boolean} True if the user belongs to the group.
wikt.user.isInUsergroup = function (groupname) {
  var usergroups = mw.config.get('wgUserGroups');

  if (!usergroups) {
    return false;
  for (var i in usergroups) {
    if (usergroups.hasOwnProperty(i) && usergroups === groupname) {
      return true;

  return false;

 * Page functions

 * Returns the title the current page.
 * @return {string} The title without the namespace.
 */ = function () {
  return mw.config.get("wgTitle");

 * Returns the namespace ID of the current page.
 * @return {number} The namespace ID.
 */ = function () {
  return mw.config.get("wgNamespaceNumber");

 * Tells whether the current page’s namespace is one of the given ones.
 * @param namespacesNames {Array<string>} The list of namespace names.
 * @return {boolean} True if the current page’s namespace is in the list, false otherwise.
 */ = function (namespacesNames) {
  var authorizedNamespaces = ;

  for (var i = 0; i < namespacesNames.length; i++) {
    var ns = namespacesNames.toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, "_");

  return authorizedNamespaces.includes(

 * Adds the namespace name to the given page name.
 * @param namespaceId {int} The namespace’s ID.
 * @param pageName {string} The page name.
 * @return {string} Full page name as « namespage:pageName ».
 */ = function (namespaceId, pageName) {
  // "" is main namespace
  if (namespaceId === mw.config.get("wgNamespaceIds")) {
    return pageName;
  return mw.config.get("wgFormattedNamespaces") + ":" + pageName;

 * Returns all the subpages of the given base page that match the given CirrusSearch pattern.
 * Sends an AJAX request to WikiMedia’s servers.
 * @param namespaceId {number} The page’s namespace ID.
 * @param basePageName {string} The page’s name.
 * @param subPagesPattern {string} The CirrusSearch pattern subpages’ names must match.
 * @param callback {Function<Object,void>} A callback function.
 */ = function (namespaceId, basePageName, subPagesPattern, callback) {
  // Échapement des caractères spéciaux de regex
  var escaped = basePageName.replace(/(|\\<>?./])/g, "\\$1");
        action: "query",
        list: "search",
        srnamespace: namespaceId,
        srprop: "",
        srsearch: "intitle:/{0}\\/{1}/".format(escaped, subPagesPattern),
        format: "json",

 * Adds the given buttons to the current page’s title.
 * @param buttons {Array<Object>} The buttons to add.
 * Each button object has to define a text, a title and
 * a callback function.
 */ = function (buttons) {
  var $heading = $("#firstHeading");

  for (var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) {
    var button = buttons;
    var text = button;
    var title = button;
    var $span = $("<span>");
    var $link = $("<a>");

    $span.addClass("noprint ancretitres");
    $span.attr("style", "font-size: small; font-weight: normal; " +
        "-moz-user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; " +
        "-ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; margin-left: 5px;");

    $link.attr("href", "#");
    $link.attr("title", title);
    $link.on("click", button);


 * Adds a listener to DOM changes for the current page.
 * @param callback {function} Function to execute when mutations are observed.
 * Parameters are the list of mutations and the observer which invoked the callback.
 * @param node {HTMLElement?} The root element to monitor. If null, the body node will be used.
 * @param options {object?} Custom options. Default: attributes, childList & subtree.
 * (see for accepted values)
 * @return {MutationObserver} The created observer instance.
 */ = function (callback, node, options) {
  var targetNode = node || document.body;
  var config = options || {attributes: true, childList: true, subtree: true};
  var observer = new MutationObserver(callback);
  observer.observe(targetNode, config);
  return observer;

 * Utilisations :
 * MediaWiki:Gadget-CreerFlexionFr.js
 * MediaWiki:Gadget-CreerNouveauMot.js
 * Utilisateur:Maintenance gadgets/Gadget-CreerNouveauMot.js
 * Utilisateur:Maintenance gadgets/Gadget-CreerNouveauMot.js
 * Utilisateur:GaAsBot/CreerConjugFr.js (2018)
 * (Utilisateur:Automatik/test2.js)
 * (Utilisateur:Déesse23/Gadget-CreerNouveauMot.js) (2013)
 * (Utilisateur:Eiku/Gadget-CreerNouveauMot.js) (2013)
 * (Utilisateur:Automatik/Gadget-CreerNouveauMot.js) (2013)
 * Utilisateur:Otourly/Gadget-CreerFlexionIt.js
 * Utilisateur:Pamputt/Gadget-CreerFlexionDa.js
 * (Utilisateur:Pamputt/Gadget-CreerFlexionDaTest.js)
 * Utilisateur:Pamputt/Gadget-CreerFlexionEn.js
 * Utilisateur:Pamputt/Gadget-CreerFlexionEs.js
 * Utilisateur:Pamputt/Gadget-CreerFlexionFr.js
 * Utilisateur:Pamputt/Gadget-CreerFlexionFr2.js
 * Computes the sorting key for the given word.
 * French words only need to take apostrophies into account.
 * @param word {string} The word.
 * @return {string} The sorting key.
function CommonWikt_CleTri(word) {
  var key = word;

  key = key.replace(//g, "cx");
  key = key.replace(//g, "gx");
  key = key.replace(//g, "hx");
  key = key.replace(//g, "jx");
  key = key.replace(//g, "sx");
  key = key.replace(//g, "ux");
  key = key.replace(//g, "");
  key = key.replace(//g, " ");

  return key;
} = CommonWikt_CleTri;

 * Parses and renders the given wikicode.
 * /!\ Makes a synced AJAX request to the server. /!\
 * @param wikicode {string} The wikicode to parse.
 * @param onlyFirstParagraph {boolean?} If true, only returns the HTML contents of the first paragraph.
 * @return {Object|string} The corresponding jQuery object or the HTML code if onlyFirstParagraph is true.
 */ = function (wikicode, onlyFirstParagraph) {
  var html;

    url: "",
    data: {
      action: "parse",
      text: wikicode,
      contentmodel: "wikitext",
      format: "json",
    async: false,
    complete: function (data) {
      // noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
      var $text = $(data.responseJSON);
      if (onlyFirstParagraph) {
        html = $text.find("p:first").html();
      } else {
        html = $text;
    dataType: "json",

  // noinspection JSUnusedAssignment
  return html;

 * Utilisations :
 * MediaWiki:Gadget-CreerNouveauMot.js
 * Utilisateur:Maintenance gadgets/Gadget-CreerNouveauMot.js
 * Utilisateur:GaAsBot/CreerConjugFr.js (2018)
 * (Utilisateur:Déesse23/Gadget-CreerNouveauMot.js) (2013)
 * (Utilisateur:Eiku/Gadget-CreerNouveauMot.js) (2013)
 * (Utilisateur:Automatik/Gadget-CreerNouveauMot.js) (2013)
 * Utilisateur:Psychoslave/common.js
 * (Utilisateur:ArséniureDeGallium/tmp.js)
 * Ajoute un menu dans les onglets.
 * @param link {string} L’URL.
 * @param title {string} Le titre de la page.
 * @deprecated Préférer utiliser mw.util.addPortletLink()
 *             (cf. ])
function CommonWikt_AddTabMenu(link, title) {
  $(function () {
    var cactionsTab = document.getElementById('p-cactions');
    if (cactionsTab) {
      var tabList = cactionsTab.getElementsByTagName('ul');
      tabList.innerHTML += '<li><a href="' + link + '">' + title + '</a></li>';
      if (cactionsTab.className) {
        cactionsTab.className = cactionsTab.className.replace(/\s*emptyPortlet\s*/, " ");

 * Utilisations :
 * Utilisateur:GaAsBot/CreerConjugFr.js (2018)
 * Détermine les dimensions de l’écran.
 * @return {{largeur: number, hauteur: number}}
function CommonWikt_Screen() {
  var userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
  var size = {largeur: 0, hauteur: 0};

  // Pour Internet Explorer
  if (userAgent.includes("msie") && userAgent.includes("opera")) {
    size.largeur = screen.width;
    size.hauteur = screen.height;
  } else {
    size.largeur = window.innerWidth;
    size.hauteur = window.innerHeight;

  return size;

wikt.getScreenSize = CommonWikt_Screen;


 * Remplace le contenu de la page spécifiée par le code HTML donné.
 * @param doc {Object} Le document dont il faut remplacer le contenu.
 * @param newHtml {string} Le nouveau contenu.
wikt.html.replacePageBody = function (doc, newHtml) {
  while (doc.body.firstChild) {
  doc.body.innerHTML = newHtml;

 * Utilisations :
 * MediaWiki:Gadget-CreerNouveauMot.js
 * Utilisateur:Maintenance gadgets/Gadget-CreerNouveauMot.js
 * Utilisateur:GaAsBot/CreerConjugFr.js (2018)
 * (Utilisateur:Déesse23/Gadget-CreerNouveauMot.js) (2013)
 * (Utilisateur:Eiku/Gadget-CreerNouveauMot.js) (2013)
 * (Utilisateur:Automatik/Gadget-CreerNouveauMot.js) (2013)
 * Supprime un élément HTML.
 * @param element {Object} L’élément à supprimer.
function CommonWikt_Delete(element) {
  if ((element) && (element.parentNode)) {

wikt.html.deleteNode = CommonWikt_Delete;

 * Cookies

 * Utilisations :
 * MediaWiki:Gadget-CreerNouveauMot.js
 * Utilisateur:Maintenance gadgets/Gadget-CreerNouveauMot.js
 * (Utilisateur:Déesse23/Gadget-CreerNouveauMot.js) (2013)
 * (Utilisateur:Eiku/Gadget-CreerNouveauMot.js) (2013)
 * (Utilisateur:Automatik/Gadget-CreerNouveauMot.js) (2013)
 * Crée un cookie.
 * @param name {string} Le nom du cookie.
 * @param value {string} La valeur du cookie.
 * @param days {number} La durée de vie en jours.
function CommonWikt_AjouteCookie(name, value, days) {
  var date = new Date();
  date.setTime(date.getTime() + days * 86400000);
  // noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction
  document.cookie = "{0}={1}; expires={2}; path=/".format(name, value, date.toGMTString());

wikt.cookie.create = CommonWikt_AjouteCookie;

 * Utilisations :
 * MediaWiki:Gadget-CreerNouveauMot.js
 * Utilisateur:Maintenance gadgets/Gadget-CreerNouveauMot.js
 * (Utilisateur:Déesse23/Gadget-CreerNouveauMot.js) (2013)
 * (Utilisateur:Eiku/Gadget-CreerNouveauMot.js) (2013)
 * (Utilisateur:Automatik/Gadget-CreerNouveauMot.js) (2013)
 * Lit la valeur d’un cookie.
 * @param name {string} Le nom du cookie.
 * @return {string|null} La valeur du cookie ou null s’il n’existe pas.
function CommonWikt_LitCookie(name) {
  var cookies = document.cookie.split(';');

  for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
    var cookie = cookies;
    var valueIndex = cookie.indexOf(name + "=");
    if (valueIndex >= 0) {
      return cookie.substr(valueIndex + name.length + 1);

  return null;
} = CommonWikt_LitCookie;

 * Utilisations :
 * MediaWiki:Gadget-CreerNouveauMot.js
 * Supprime un cookie.
 * @param name {string} Le nom du cookie.
function CommonWikt_SupprimeCookie(name) {
  wikt.cookie.create(name, "", -1);

wikt.cookie.delete = CommonWikt_SupprimeCookie;


 * Utilisations :
 * MediaWiki:Gadget-CreerFlexionFr.js TEMP en cours de refactor
 * Utilisateur:Maintenance gadgets/Gadget-CreerTrad.js
 * Utilisateur:GaAsBot/CreerConjugFr.js (2018)
 * (Utilisateur:Automatik/test2.js)
 * Utilisateur:Lepticed7/Gadget-CreerFlexionEo.js
 * Utilisateur:Automatik/Gadget-CreerTrad.js (2018)
 * Utilisateur:Romainbehar/Gadget-CreerFlexionIt.js
 * Utilisateur:Otourly/Gadget-CreerFlexionIt.js
 * Utilisateur:Pamputt/Gadget-CreerTrad.js
 * Utilisateur:Pamputt/Gadget-CreerFlexionDa.js
 * (Utilisateur:Pamputt/Gadget-CreerFlexionDaTest.js)
 * Utilisateur:Pamputt/Gadget-CreerFlexionEn.js
 * Utilisateur:Pamputt/Gadget-CreerFlexionEs.js
 * Utilisateur:Pamputt/Gadget-CreerFlexionFr.js
 * Utilisateur:Pamputt/Gadget-CreerFlexionFr2.js
 * Objet permettant d’envoyer une requête AJAX aux serveurs WikiMedia.
 * - soit via l’interface standard (index.php)
 * - soit via l’API (api.php)
 * - soit via les requêtes POST et GET
 * @deprecated Utiliser $.get() à la place.
var CommonWikt_ajax = {
  http: function (bundle) {
    var xmlhttp;
    try {
      xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
    } catch (e) {
      try {
        xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
      } catch (e) {
        try {
          xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
        } catch (e) {
          xmlhttp = false;
    if (xmlhttp) {
      xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function () {
        if (xmlhttp.readyState === 4) {
          CommonWikt_ajax.httpComplete(xmlhttp, bundle);
      }; ? bundle.method : "GET", bundle.url, bundle.async !== false);
      if (bundle.headers) {
        for (var field in bundle.headers) {
          try {
            xmlhttp.setRequestHeader(field, bundle.headers);
          } catch (err) {
      xmlhttp.send( ? : null);
    return xmlhttp;
  httpComplete: function (xmlhttp, bundle) {
    if (xmlhttp.status === 200 || xmlhttp.status === 302) {
      if (bundle.onSuccess) {
        bundle.onSuccess(xmlhttp, bundle);
    } else { // noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable
      if (bundle.onFailure) {
        bundle.onFailure(xmlhttp, bundle);

 * This function loads asynchronously the list of given scripts.
 * @param scripts The list of scripts to load.
 * @return {Object} An object that provides a "done" function taking
 * a callback that will be executed once all scripts have been loaded.
wikt.loadScripts = function (scripts) {
  var deferreds = ;

  $.each(scripts, function (i, script) {
    // External script, use $.getScript
    if (script.match(/^(https?:|\/\/)/)) {
    } // Use mw.using, convert callbacks to Deferreds
    else {
      var d = $.Deferred();
      mw.loader.using(script, d.resolve, d.reject);

  return $.when.apply($, deferreds);