Cette table définit la structure du menu de navigation des pages d’aide.
La clé bg
correspond à la couleur d’arrière plan de l’onglet/item. La clé fg
correspond à la couleur du text de l’onglet/item. Les couleurs doivent suivre le format CSS.
colors = {
normal = { bg = "", fg = "" }, -- Couleurs quand l’onglet/item n’est pas sélectionné
selected = { bg = "", fg = "" }, -- Couleurs quand l’onglet/item est sélectionné
itemActive = { bg = "", fg = "" } -- Couleurs de l’onglet quand un des items est sélectionné
return {
homePage = {
page = "", -- Titre de la page sommaire de l’aide.
title = "", -- Texte du bouton du sommaire.
icon = "", -- Nom de l’icone à afficher.
colors = { ... } -- Cf. format des couleurs.
tabs = {
= { -- Titre complet de la page vers lequel l’onglet doit pointer.
title = "", -- Texte à afficher.
index = 1, -- Indice de l’onglet dans le menu.
subGroups = { -- Liste de sous-groupes. À définir uniquement s’il doit y avoir des sous-groupes d’items.
= {
from = 1, -- Indice du premier item du sous-groupe.
to = 4 -- Indice du dernier item du sous-groupe.
items = { -- Liste des items de l’onglet.
= { -- Titre complet de la page vers lequel l’item doit pointer.
title = "", -- Texte de l’item.
index = 1 -- Indice de l’item dans le menu, sans prendre en compte les sous-groupes.
colors = { ... } -- Cf. format des couleurs
La documentation de ce module est générée par le modèle {{Documentation module}}.
Elle est incluse depuis la page Module:sommaire aide/data/Documentation. Veuillez placer les catégories sur cette page-là.
Les éditeurs peuvent travailler dans le bac à sable (créer).
Voir les statistiques d'appel depuis le wikicode sur l'outil wstat et les appels depuis d'autres modules.
return {
homePage = {
page = "Aide:Sommaire",
title = "Aide",
icon = "Circle-icons-support.svg",
colors = {
normal = {
bg = "#fef6e7",
fg = "black"
tabs = {
= {
title = "Forum d’entraide",
index = 1,
items = {},
colors = {
normal = { bg = "#eaf3ff", fg = "black" },
selected = { bg = "#36c", fg = "white" },
itemActive = { bg = "#2a4b8d", fg = "white" }
= {
title = "FAQ",
index = 2,
items = {
= { title = "FAQ générale", index = 1 },
= { title = "FAQ lecteurs", index = 2 },
= { title = "FAQ participants", index = 3 },
= { title = "FAQ administration", index = 4 },
= { title = "FAQ technique", index = 5 },
= { title = "FAQ divers", index = 6 },
colors = {
normal = { bg = "#fef6e7", fg = "black" },
selected = { bg = "#fc3", fg = "black" },
itemActive = { bg = "#ac6600", fg = "white" }
= {
title = "Bienvenue !",
index = 3,
items = {
= { title = "Accueil", index = 1 },
= { title = "Le Wiktionnaire", index = 2 },
= { title = "Premiers pas", index = 3 },
= { title = "Bac à sable", index = 4 },
= { title = "Particularités du Wiktionnaire", index = 5 },
colors = {
normal = { bg = "#d5fdf4", fg = "black" },
selected = { bg = "#00af89", fg = "black" },
itemActive = { bg = "#14866d", fg = "white" }
= {
title = "Bien débuter",
index = 4,
items = {
= { title = "Compte utilisateur", index = 1 },
= { title = "Créer une page", index = 2 },
= { title = "Modifier une page", index = 3 },
= { title = "Syntaxe du Wiktionnaire", index = 4 },
= { title = "Lier les pages", index = 5 },
= { title = "Conseils généraux", index = 6 },
= { title = "Caractères spéciaux", index = 7 },
= { title = "Tutoriels interactifs", index = 8 },
colors = {
normal = { bg = "#eaf3ff", fg = "black" },
selected = { bg = "#36c", fg = "white" },
itemActive = { bg = "#2a4b8d", fg = "white" }
= {
title = "Principes fondamentaux",
index = 5,
items = {
= { title = "Neutralité de point de vue", index = 1 },
= { title = "Règles de savoir-vivre", index = 2 },
= { title = "Droit d’auteur", index = 3 },
= { title = "Réutilisation du contenu", index = 4 },
colors = {
normal = { bg = "#eaf3ff", fg = "black" },
selected = { bg = "#36c", fg = "white" },
itemActive = { bg = "#2a4b8d", fg = "white" }
= {
title = "Conventions",
index = 6,
items = {
= { title = "Critères d’acceptabilité", index = 1 },
= { title = "Structure des pages", index = 2 },
= { title = "Présentation du wikicode", index = 3 },
= { title = "Typographie", index = 4 },
= { title = "Apostrophes", index = 5 },
= { title = "Définitions", index = 6 },
= { title = "Notes", index = 7 },
= { title = "Étymologie", index = 8 },
= { title = "Prononciation écrite", index = 9 },
= { title = "Exemples", index = 10 },
= { title = "Illustrations", index = 11 },
= { title = "Traductions", index = 12 },
= { title = "Prononciation audio", index = 13 },
= { title = "Références", index = 14 },
= { title = "Liens", index = 15 },
= { title = "Flexions", index = 16 },
= { title = "Redirections", index = 17 },
= { title = "Catégories", index = 18 },
= { title = "Thésaurus", index = 19 },
= { title = "Annexes", index = 20 },
= { title = "Rimes en français", index = 21 },
= { title = "Formes reconstruites", index = 22 },
= { title = "Droit des marques", index = 23 },
colors = {
normal = { bg = "#eaf3ff", fg = "black" },
selected = { bg = "#36c", fg = "white" },
itemActive = { bg = "#2a4b8d", fg = "white" }
= {
title = "Parcourir le Wiktionnaire",
index = 7,
items = {
= { title = "Rechercher une page", index = 1 },
= { title = "Consulter les pages", index = 2 },
colors = {
normal = { bg = "#ffc6a6", fg = "black" },
selected = { bg = "#fe701f", fg = "white" },
itemActive = { bg = "#e35f14", fg = "white" }
= {
title = "Guides de rédaction",
index = 8,
items = {
= { title = "Types de mots", index = 1 },
= { title = "Définitions", index = 2 },
= { title = "Étymologies", index = 3 },
= { title = "Prononciation écrite", index = 4 },
= { title = "Exemples", index = 5 },
= { title = "Expressions", index = 6 },
= { title = "Traductions", index = 7 },
= { title = "Synonymes et antonymes", index = 8 },
= { title = "Mots et locutions dérivés", index = 9 },
= { title = "Mots apparentés", index = 10 },
= { title = "Vocabulaire apparenté", index = 11 },
= { title = "Hyperonymes et hyponymes", index = 12 },
= { title = "Méronymes et holonymes", index = 13 },
= { title = "Prononciation audio", index = 14 },
= { title = "Homophones et paronymes", index = 15 },
= { title = "Anagrammes", index = 16 },
= { title = "Voir aussi", index = 17 },
= { title = "Références", index = 18 },
= { title = "Flexions", index = 19 },
= { title = "Abréviations, sigles et acronymes", index = 20 },
= { title = "Reconstructions", index = 21 },
= { title = "Catégories", index = 22 },
= { title = "Thésaurus", index = 23 },
= { title = "Annexes", index = 24 },
= { title = "Conjugaisons", index = 25 },
colors = {
normal = { bg = "#fef6e7", fg = "black" },
selected = { bg = "#fc3", fg = "black" },
itemActive = { bg = "#ac6600", fg = "white" }
= {
title = "Patrons",
index = 9,
items = {
= { title = "Adjectif", index = 1 }
colors = {
normal = { bg = "#fee7e6", fg = "black" },
selected = { bg = "#d33", fg = "white" },
itemActive = { bg = "#b32424", fg = "white" }
= {
title = "Ressources",
index = 10,
items = {
= { title = "Ressources linguistiques", index = 1 },
= { title = "Liste des références", index = 2 },
= { title = "Langues, dialectes", index = 3 },
= { title = "Wiktionnaire en hors-ligne", index = 4 },
= { title = "Prononciation", index = 5 },
= { title = "Polices de caractères", index = 6 },
colors = {
normal = { bg = "#d5fdf4", fg = "black" },
selected = { bg = "#00af89", fg = "black" },
itemActive = { bg = "#14866d", fg = "white" }
= {
title = "Modèles",
index = 11,
items = {
= { title = "Les modèles", index = 1 },
= { title = "Tous les modèles", index = 2 },
= { title = "Tous les modèles par langue", index = 3 },
= { title = "Liste des langues", index = 4 },
colors = {
normal = { bg = "#d5fdf4", fg = "black" },
selected = { bg = "#00af89", fg = "black" },
itemActive = { bg = "#14866d", fg = "white" }
= {
title = "Multimédia",
index = 12,
subGroups = {
= { from = 1, to = 2 },
= { from = 3, to = 4 },
items = {
= { title = "Illustrations", index = 1 },
= { title = "Planches illustratives", index = 2 },
= { title = "Prononciation écrite", index = 3 },
= { title = "Prononciation audio", index = 4 },
= { title = "Importer un fichier", index = 5 },
colors = {
normal = { bg = "#d5fdf4", fg = "black" },
selected = { bg = "#00af89", fg = "black" },
itemActive = { bg = "#14866d", fg = "white" }
= {
title = "Aide diverse",
index = 13,
subGroups = {
= { from = 1, to = 5 },
= { from = 6, to = 9 },
items = {
= { title = "Espace de noms", index = 1 },
= { title = "Page d’utilisateur", index = 2 },
= { title = "Pages de discussion", index = 3 },
= { title = "Redirections", index = 4 },
= { title = "Pages d’homonymie", index = 5 },
= { title = "Liens", index = 6 },
= { title = "Modèles", index = 7 },
= { title = "Gadgets", index = 8 },
= { title = "Jargon", index = 9 },
colors = {
normal = { bg = "#d5fdf4", fg = "black" },
selected = { bg = "#00af89", fg = "black" },
itemActive = { bg = "#14866d", fg = "white" }
= {
title = "Développement",
index = 14,
subGroups = {
= { from = 1, to = 4 },
= { from = 5, to = 5 },
items = {
= { title = "Conventions", index = 1 },
= { title = "Aide", index = 2 },
= { title = "Test unitaires", index = 3 },
= { title = "Aide des tests unitaires", index = 4 },
= { title = "Gadgets", index = 5 },
colors = {
normal = { bg = "#d5fdf4", fg = "black" },
selected = { bg = "#00af89", fg = "black" },
itemActive = { bg = "#14866d", fg = "white" }