
Bonjour, vous êtes venu ici pour chercher la signification du mot Utilisateur:Gz260/LiveRC.js. Dans DICTIOUS, vous trouverez non seulement toutes les significations du dictionnaire pour le mot Utilisateur:Gz260/LiveRC.js, mais vous apprendrez également son étymologie, ses caractéristiques et comment dire Utilisateur:Gz260/LiveRC.js au singulier et au pluriel. Tout ce que vous devez savoir sur le mot Utilisateur:Gz260/LiveRC.js est ici. La définition du mot Utilisateur:Gz260/LiveRC.js vous aidera à être plus précis et correct lorsque vous parlerez ou écrirez vos textes. Connaître la définition deUtilisateur:Gz260/LiveRC.js, ainsi que celles d'autres mots, enrichit votre vocabulaire et vous fournit des ressources linguistiques plus nombreuses et de meilleure qualité.
*Documentation : ]
*Author : ]
*Dev & enhancements : ], ] & ]
*Version: 0.3.7 (beta)

=== Variables globales ===

<syntaxhighlight lang="javascript"> */

if (wgTitle == "Gz260/LiveRC") {

  // Appel des parametres par défaut de LiveRC ;
  // ///////////////////////////////////////////
  document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="' 
             + mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?title='+wgPageName+'/LiveRCparam.js' 
             + '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s"></script>');

  // Appel des parametres utilisateur ;
  // ///////////////////////////////////////////
  document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="' 
             + mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?title=User:'+encodeURI(wgUserName)+'/LiveRCparam.js' 
             + '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s"></script>');

  var cssNode = document.createElement('link');
  cssNode.type = 'text/css';
  cssNode.rel = 'stylesheet';
  cssNode.href = 'http://pl.wikipedia.org/skins-1.5/common/diff.css?90';
  cssNode.media = 'screen';
  cssNode.title = 'dynamicLoadedSheet';

  document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="http://pl.wikipedia.org/skins-1.5/common/diff.js?90"></script>');

  var lastrevid,lasttimestamp=1; // Timestamp d'initialisation;

  // Découpage de l'URL et de ses parametres;

  var _GET = new Array();
  var _uri = location.href;
  var _temp_get_arr = _uri.substring(_uri.indexOf('?')+1, _uri.length).split("&");
  var _temp_get_arr_1 = new Array();
  for(_get_arr_i=0; _get_arr_i<_temp_get_arr.length; _get_arr_i++){
    _temp_get_arr_1 = _temp_get_arr.split("=");
    _GET)] = decodeURIComponent(_temp_get_arr_1);
  delete _uri; delete _temp_get_arr; delete _temp_get_arr_1;

  // Variables d'état (pour test sur rc.state);

  var IP          = 1;
  var BOT         = 2 << 0;
  var SYSOP       = 2 << 1;
  var NEW         = 2 << 2;
  var MINOR       = 2 << 3;
  var NEWNS       = 2 << 4;
  var RENAMED     = 2 << 5;
  var PATROLLED   = 2 << 6;
  var REVERT      = 2 << 7;
  var BLANKING    = 2 << 8;
  var REPLACED    = 2 << 9;
  var REDIRECT    = 2 << 10;
  var CATEGORIZED = 2 << 11;
  var LOCK        = 2 << 12;
  var FULLLOCK    = 2 << 13;
  var HOMONYMIE   = 2 << 14;
  var ADQ         = 2 << 15;
  var BA          = 2 << 16;
  var APDQ        = 2 << 17;
  var COPYRIGHT   = 2 << 18;
  var PAS         = 2 << 19;
  var FIRE        = 2 << 20;

  var UPLOAD      = 2 << 21;
  var NEWUSER     = 2 << 22;
  var BLOCK       = 2 << 23;
  var DELETE      = 2 << 24;
  var MOVE        = 2 << 25;
  var PROTECT     = 2 << 26;
  var PATROL      = 2 << 27;

  var lstSysop = new Array();   // Sysop list;
  var lstContact = new Array(); // Contact list;
  var lstRevoc = new Array();   // Reverted list;
  var lstHidden = new Array();  // Hidden users list;

  // Has user patrol rights?
  var lrcPatrol = false;
  if(wgUserGroups.indexOf("autopatrolled") != -1)
    lrcPatrol = true;
  // Is user Sysop;
  var lrcAdmin = false; // default value;
  if(wgUserGroups.indexOf("sysop") != -1)
    lrcAdmin = true;
    lrcPatrol = true;

  // Watchlist;
  var lstSuivi = new Array();
  var lstSuiviHH = new Array();

/* </syntaxhighlight>


<syntaxhighlight lang="javascript"> */
var wpajax = {
  http: function(bundle) {
    // mandatory: bundle.url
    // optional:  bundle.async
    // optional:  bundle.method
    // optional:  bundle.headers
    // optional:  bundle.data
    // optional:  bundle.onSuccess (xmlhttprequest, bundle)
    // optional:  bundle.onFailure (xmlhttprequest, bundle)
    // optional:  bundle.otherStuff OK too, passed to onSuccess and onFailure
    var xmlhttp;
    try {
      xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); 
    } catch(e) { 
      try {
        xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
      } catch (e) { 
        try {
          xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
        } catch (e) {
          xmlhttp = false

    if (xmlhttp) {
      xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
        if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4)
      xmlhttp.open(bundle.method ? bundle.method : "GET",bundle.url,bundle.async == false ? false : true);
      if (bundle.headers) {
        for (var field in bundle.headers)
      xmlhttp.send(bundle.data ? bundle.data : null); 
    return xmlhttp;

  httpComplete: function(xmlhttp,bundle) {
    if (xmlhttp.status == 200 || xmlhttp.status == 302) {
      if (bundle.onSuccess)
    } else if (bundle.onFailure) {
    } else {
      // A activer en debug mode ?
      // alert(xmlhttp.statusText);

// Parser
if (document.implementation.createDocument) {
  var gml_xmlparser = new DOMParser();

function gml_XMLParse(string) {
  if (document.implementation.createDocument) {
    return gml_xmlparser.parseFromString(string, "text/xml");
  } else if (window.ActiveXObject) {
    var gml_xmldoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
    gml_xmldoc.async = "false";
    ret = gml_xmldoc.loadXML(string);      
    if (!ret)
      return null;
    return gml_xmldoc.documentElement;
  return null;

// HTMLize
String.prototype.htmlize = function() {
  var chars = new Array('&','<','>','"');
  var entities = new Array('amp','lt','gt','quot');
  var regex = new RegExp();
  var string = this;
  for (var i=0; i<chars.length; i++) {
    regex.compile(chars, "g");
    string = string.replace(regex, '&' + entities + ';');
  return string;

/* </syntaxhighlight>

=== LiveDiff ===

<syntaxhighlight lang="javascript"> */

function liveDiff(page, id, oldid) {
  var el = document.getElementById( 'livePreviewTitle' );
  el.innerHTML="<b style='text-decoration: blink;'>Diff : <span style='color:red'>"+page+"</span>...</b>";
  wpajax.http({ url: mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?title='+encodeURIComponent(page)+'&diffonly=1&diff='+id+'&oldid='+oldid, 
                onSuccess: getDiff, mpage: page, mid: id, moldid:oldid});

function getDiff(xmlreq, data) {
  var doc = gml_XMLParse(xmlreq.responseText);
  var page=data.mpage;
  var oldid=data.moldid;
  var id=data.mid;
  var bC  = doc.getElementById('bodyContent');
  if (bC ==  null) bC  = doc.getElementById('article')
  var LP = document.getElementById( 'livePreview' );
  var dLP = document.getElementById( 'divLivePreview' );
  var lD = getElementsByClass('diff',bC,null);

  var upage=page.replace(new RegExp(/\'/g), "\\'");

  if (lD == null)
    LP.innerHTML = bC.innerHTML;
  else {
    if (document.getElementById('showDiffR').checked) {
      var avantEl = getElementsByClass('diff-deletedline',bC,null);
      var apresEl = getElementsByClass('diff-addedline',bC,null);
      var rollback = getElementsByClass('mw-rollback-link',bC,null);
      if (rollback == null)
        var rl = "";
        var rl = rollback.innerHTML+"<br />";
      var avant = "";
      var apres = "";
      var lav = avantEl.length;
      var lap = apresEl.length;
      for(var n=0; n < lav ; n++)
        avant = avant + avantEl.innerHTML + "<br />";
      for(var n=0; n < lap ; n++)
        apres = apres + apresEl.innerHTML + "<br />";
      LP.innerHTML = rl+"<table width='100%'><tr><td width='50%' class='diff-deletedline'>"+avant+"</td><td class='diff-addedline'>"+apres+"</td></tr></table>";
    else {
      LP.innerHTML = "<table border='0' width='98%' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='4' class='diff'>"+lD.innerHTML+"</table>";
  if (dLP.style.display == "none") {
    var elcb = document.getElementById( 'shidPrev' );
    dLP.style.display = "inline";

  var entete = document.getElementById( 'livePreviewTitle' );
  entete.innerHTML='<b><a href="'+wgServer + 'https://dictious.com/fr/' + encodeURI(page) + '" target="_new">' + page + '</a></b> • ' +
  '(<a href="javascript:;" onClick="liveHist(\''+upage+'\');" style="color:darkorange">Hist</a>)';

  var asNextDiff = doc.getElementById("differences-nextlink");
  if ((asNextDiff == null) && lrcPatrol) { 
    var optAvert = "";
    var optl = lstAvert.length;
    for (j=0; j<optl; j++) {
      optAvert += '<option value="'+lstAvert.template;
      if(lstAvert.hasPage) optAvert += '|'+upage;
      optAvert += '">'+lstAvert.string+'</option>';

    // Get username of submitter
    var user1 = doc.getElementById( 'mw-diff-otitle2' );
    if (user1 != null) {
      var usertmp=user1.innerHTML;
      // user1 = usertmp.replace(new RegExp(/<a (.*)>(.*)<\/a>  \(<a(.*)/g), "$2");
      user1 = usertmp.replace(new RegExp(/<a (.*)>(.*)<\/a>(.*)\((.*)\)/g), "$2");
      user1 = user1.replace(new RegExp(/(.*)<(.*)>/g), "$1");
    var user2 = doc.getElementById( 'mw-diff-ntitle2' );
    if (user2 != null) {
      var usertmp=user2.innerHTML;
      // user2 = usertmp.replace(new RegExp(/<a (.*)>(.*)<\/a>  \(<a(.*)/g), "$2");
      user2 = usertmp.replace(new RegExp(/<a (.*)>(.*)<\/a>(.*)\(<a(.*)/g), "$2");
    user1=user1.replace(new RegExp(/\'/g), "\\'");
    user2=user2.replace(new RegExp(/\'/g), "\\'");
    var identique="";
    if(user1 == user2) {
     identique =  "<b style='color:red'></b> ";

    entete.innerHTML = '<table width="100%" class="creator"><tr><td>' + entete.innerHTML + 
    '</td><td align="right"><small>' + identique +
    // Verifier avant si le patrouilleur peut modifier cette page ? (query.php?what=permissions&titles=page)
    '.UNDORC+'</a>] • ' +
    lang_menu.REASON+' : <input id="LiveRevertMessage" /> ••• ' +
    '.AVERTS+'</a>] : ' +
    '<select id="averto">' + optAvert + '</select>' +

function getLiveAverto(user) {
  var link = document.getElementById('LiveAvertoLink');
  link.href = "javascript:;";
  link.style.color = "silver";
  link.style.cursor = "default";
  link.style.textDecoration = "none";
  document.getElementById('averto').disabled = true;
  var message = document.getElementById('averto').value;
  wpajax.http({ url: mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?title=User_Talk:' + encodeURIComponent(user) + '&action=edit',
                onSuccess: postLiveAverto,
                user: user, message: message });

function postLiveAverto(xmlreq, data) {
  var parser = new DOMParser();
  var doc = parser.parseFromString(xmlreq.responseText, 'application/xhtml+xml');

  var user = data.user;
  var message = data.message.replace(new RegExp(/\\'/g),"'");
  // Message au début
  // var wpTextbox1 = encodeURIComponent('{{subst:' + message + '}} ~~~~\n' + doc.getElementById('wpTextbox1').value);

  var wpTextbox1 = encodeURIComponent(doc.getElementById('wpTextbox1').value + '\n\n{{subst:' + message + '}} ~~~~\n');

  var inputs = doc.getElementById('editform').getElementsByTagName('input');
  var editform = new Array();
  for (i=0; i<inputs.length; i++) {
    editform.name] = inputs.value;
  var wpStarttime = encodeURIComponent(editform);
  var wpEdittime = encodeURIComponent(editform);
  var wpEditToken = encodeURIComponent(editform);

  var wpSummary = encodeURIComponent('LiveRC : « ' + message.replace(new RegExp(/\|(.*)/), ' » suite aux modifications sur « ] »') + ' !');
//  var wpSummary = encodeURIComponent('LiveRC : Warning following edits ! ' + message.replace(new RegExp(/\|(.*)/), ' on ]') + ' !');

  var headers = new Array();
  headers = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
  wpajax.http({ url: mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?title=User_Talk:' + encodeURI(user) + '&action=submit',
                method: "POST", headers: headers,
                data: 'wpSave=1&wpTextbox1=' + wpTextbox1 + '&wpStarttime=' + wpStarttime + '&wpEdittime=' + wpEdittime
                    + '&wpEditToken=' + wpEditToken + '&wpSummary=' + wpSummary});

function getLiveMessage(where, user1, user2, page, oldid) {
  var links = ;
  var i,len=links.length;
  for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
    links.href = "javascript:;";
    links.style.color = "silver";
    links.style.cursor = "default";
    links.style.textDecoration = "none";
  document.getElementById('LiveRevertMessage').disabled = true;
  var message = document.getElementById('LiveRevertMessage').value;
  wpajax.http({ url: mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?title=' + encodeURI(page) + '&action=edit&oldid=' + oldid,
                onSuccess: postLiveRevert,
                where: where, page: page, user1: user1, user2: user2, message: message });

function postLiveRevert(xmlreq, data) {
  var parser = new DOMParser();
  var doc = parser.parseFromString(xmlreq.responseText, 'application/xhtml+xml');

  var where = data.where;
  var page = data.page;
  var user1 = data.user1;
  var user2 = data.user2;
  var message = data.message;

  var wpTextbox1 = encodeURIComponent(doc.getElementById('wpTextbox1').value);

  var inputs = doc.getElementById('editform').getElementsByTagName('input');
  var editform = new Array();
  for (i=0; i<inputs.length; i++) {
    editform.name] = inputs.value;
  var wpStarttime = encodeURIComponent(editform);
  var wpEdittime = encodeURIComponent(editform);
  var wpEditToken = encodeURIComponent(editform);

  switch(where) {
    case 'liverevert':
      var wpSummary = lang_menu.RVMES1 + ' [[Special:Contributions/' + user2 + '|' + user2
        + ']]; '+lang_menu.RVMES2+' ]';
/*    case 'livevandalism':
      var wpSummary = 'LiveRC : Révocation de vandalisme par [[Special:Contributions/' + user2 + '|' + user2
        + ']]; retour a la version de ]';
      break; */
  if (message)
    wpSummary = wpSummary + ' ; ' + message;
  wpSummary = encodeURIComponent(wpSummary);

  var headers = new Array();
  headers = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
  wpajax.http({ url: mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?title=' + encodeURIComponent(page) + '&action=submit',
                method: "POST", headers: headers,
                data: 'wpSave=1&wpTextbox1=' + wpTextbox1 + '&wpStarttime=' + wpStarttime + '&wpEdittime=' + wpEdittime
                    + '&wpEditToken=' + wpEditToken + '&wpSummary=' + wpSummary});

/* </syntaxhighlight>

=== LiveHist ===

<syntaxhighlight lang="javascript"> */

function liveHist(page) {
  var el = document.getElementById( 'livePreviewTitle' );
  el.innerHTML="<b style='text-decoration: blink;'>Hist : <span style='color:red'>"+page+"</span>...</b>";
  wpajax.http({url:mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?title=' + encodeURIComponent(page) + '&action=history', onSuccess: getHist, message: page });

function getHist(xmlreq, data) {
  doc = gml_XMLParse(xmlreq.responseText);
  bC  = doc.getElementById('bodyContent')
  if (bC ==  null) bC  = doc.getElementById('article')
  var c=data.message;
  var LP = document.getElementById( 'livePreview' );
  var dLP = document.getElementById( 'divLivePreview' );
  LP.innerHTML = bC.innerHTML;
  if (dLP.style.display == "none") {
    var elcb = document.getElementById( 'shidPrev' );
    dLP.style.display = "inline";
  var elt = document.getElementById( 'livePreviewTitle' );
  elt.innerHTML='<b><a href="'+wgServer+'https://dictious.com/fr/'+encodeURI(c)+'" target="_new">'+c+'</a></b>';

/* </syntaxhighlight>

=== LiveArticle ===

<syntaxhighlight lang="javascript"> */

function liveArticle(page) {
  var el = document.getElementById( 'livePreviewTitle' );
  el.innerHTML="<b style='text-decoration: blink;'><span style='color:red'>"+page+"</span>...</b>";
  wpajax.http({url:mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?title=' + encodeURIComponent(page) + '&redirect=no', onSuccess: getArticle, message: page });

function getArticle(xmlreq, data) {
  doc = gml_XMLParse(xmlreq.responseText);
  bC  = doc.getElementById('bodyContent')
  if (bC ==  null) bC  = doc.getElementById('article')
  var c=data.message;
  var LP = document.getElementById( 'livePreview' );
  var dLP = document.getElementById( 'divLivePreview' );
  LP.innerHTML = bC.innerHTML;
  if (dLP.style.display == "none") {
    var elcb = document.getElementById( 'shidPrev' );
    dLP.style.display = "inline";
  var elt = document.getElementById( 'livePreviewTitle' );
  elt.innerHTML='<b><a href="'+wgServer+'https://dictious.com/fr/'+encodeURI(c)+'" target="_new">'+c+'</a></b>';

/* </syntaxhighlight>

=== LiveContrib ===

<syntaxhighlight lang="javascript"> */

function liveContrib(user) {
  var el = document.getElementById( 'livePreviewTitle' );
  el.innerHTML="<b style='text-decoration: blink;'><span style='color:red'>"+user+"</span>...</b>";
  wpajax.http({url:wgServer + 'https://dictious.com/fr/Special:Contributions/'+encodeURIComponent(user), 
                   onSuccess: getContrib, message: user });

function getContrib(xmlreq, data) {
  doc = gml_XMLParse(xmlreq.responseText);
  bC  = doc.getElementById('bodyContent')
  if (bC ==  null) bC  = doc.getElementById('article')
  var user=data.message;
  var LP = document.getElementById( 'livePreview' );
  var dLP = document.getElementById( 'divLivePreview' );
  LP.innerHTML = bC.innerHTML;
  if (dLP.style.display == "none") {
    var elcb = document.getElementById( 'shidPrev' );
    dLP.style.display = "inline";
  var utilde=user.replace(new RegExp(/\'/g), "\\'");

  var optAvert = "";
  var optl = lstAvert.length;
  for (j=0; j<optl; j++) {
    if(lstAvert.hasPage) continue;
    optAvert += '<option value="'+lstAvert.template+'">'+lstAvert.string+'</option>';

  var entete = document.getElementById( 'livePreviewTitle' );
  entete.innerHTML='<b><a href="'+wgServer+'https://dictious.com/fr/User:'+encodeURIComponent(user)+'" target="_new">'+user+'</a></b>';
  entete.innerHTML = '<table width="100%" class="creator"><tr><td>'+entete.innerHTML +
    '</td><td align="right"><small>' +
    '.AVERTS+'</a>] : ' +
    '<select id="averto">' + optAvert + '</select>' + '</td></tr></table>';

/* </syntaxhighlight>

=== LiveLog (:it:User:Jalo) ===

<syntaxhighlight lang="javascript"> */
function liveLog(action,page) {
  var titolo = '';
  switch(action) {
    case 'upload':
      titolo = 'Log dei caricamenti';
    case 'newuser':
      titolo = 'Log dei nuovi utenti';
    case 'block':
      titolo = 'Log dei blocchi utente';
    case 'delete':
      titolo = 'Log delle cancellazioni';
    case 'move':
      titolo = 'Log degli spostamenti';
    case 'protect':
      titolo = 'Log delle protezioni';
  var el = document.getElementById( 'livePreviewTitle' );
  el.innerHTML="<b style='text-decoration: blink;'><span style='color:red'>"+titolo+"</span>...</b>";
  wpajax.http({url:mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?title=Special:Log&type=' + action + "&user=&page=" + encodeURIComponent(page), onSuccess: getLog, message: page });
function getLog(xmlreq, data) {
  doc = gml_XMLParse(xmlreq.responseText);
  bC  = doc.getElementById('bodyContent')
  if (bC ==  null) bC  = doc.getElementById('article')
  var c=data.message;
  var LP = document.getElementById( 'livePreview' );
  var dLP = document.getElementById( 'divLivePreview' );
  LP.innerHTML = bC.innerHTML;
  if (dLP.style.display == "none") {
    var elcb = document.getElementById( 'shidPrev' );
    dLP.style.display = "inline";
  var elt = document.getElementById( 'livePreviewTitle' );
  elt.innerHTML='<b><a href="'+wgServer+'https://dictious.com/fr/'+encodeURI(c)+'" target="_new">'+c+'</a></b>';

/* </syntaxhighlight>

=== LiveSysop ===

<syntaxhighlight lang="javascript"> */

function liveSysop() {
  wpajax.http({url:mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?title=Special:Listusers&limit=500&group=sysop', 
                   onSuccess: getSysop, message: "Pobieranie listy adminów" });

function getSysop(xmlreq, data) {
  var doc = gml_XMLParse(xmlreq.responseText);
  var bC  = doc.getElementById('bodyContent');
  if (bC ==  null) bC  = doc.getElementById('article')
  var lstSys = bC.getElementsByTagName( 'ul' ).getElementsByTagName( 'li' );
  var info="";
  var len = lstSys.length
  for(var i=0; i < len ; i++) {
    info=lstSys.getElementsByTagName( 'a' ).innerHTML;

function liveWatch() {
  wpajax.http({url:wgServer + 'https://dictious.com/fr/Special:Watchlist/edit', 
                   onSuccess: getWatch, message: "Pobieranie obserwowanych" });

function getWatch(xmlreq, data) {
  var doc = gml_XMLParse(xmlreq.responseText);
  var bC  = doc.getElementById('bodyContent');
  if (bC ==  null) bC  = doc.getElementById('article')
  var info="";
  var lstUL = bC.getElementsByTagName( 'ul' );
  var lenUL = lstUL.length;
  for(var j=0; j < lenUL ; j++) {
    var lstLI = lstUL.getElementsByTagName( 'li' );
    var lenLI = lstLI.length;
    for(var i=0; i < lenLI ; i++) {
      var input = lstLI.getElementsByTagName( 'input' )
      if (input.length > 0) {
         info = input.value

/* function liveWatch() {
  wpajax.http({url:mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/api.php?action=query&list=watchlist&wllimit=500&format=xml', 
                   onSuccess: getWatch, message: "Pobieranie listy obserwowanych" });

function getWatch(xmlreq, data) {
  var a=xmlreq.responseText;
  var c=data.message;
  var i;
  // document.getElementById('debug').innerHTML = a+"<br />**************************";
  if(a.indexOf("<error")!=-1) {
    var lvSuivi = document.getElementById( 'liveSuivi' );
    lvSuivi.innerHTML = "<small>Suivi désactivé. (API.php : watchlist)</small>";
  var info="";
  for(i=a.length-1; i >= 0 ; i--) {
    info=a.substr(0,a.indexOf("\" pageid"));
    if (info == "") continue;
  //document.getElementById('debug').innerHTML += lstSuivi;
} */

function liveNS() {
  wpajax.http({url: mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/api.php?action=query&meta=siteinfo&siprop=namespaces&format=xml', 
                   onSuccess: getNS, message: "Pobieranie nazw przestrzeni" });

function getNS(xmlreq, data) {
  var api = xmlreq.responseXML;

  if (api.firstChild.nodeName == "error") return;

  var nss = api.getElementsByTagName('query').getElementsByTagName('namespaces').getElementsByTagName('ns');
  var len = nss.length;
  var i,j;
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/* </syntaxhighlight>

=== LiveRC ===

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function supprLigne(quelLigne) {
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function changeLigne(quelLigne) {
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function getElementsByClass(searchClass,node,tag) {
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function tsToHhMm(timestamp) {
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    tz = -now.getTimezoneOffset();
  match = regex.exec(timestamp);
  if (!match) {
    return 'xx:xx';
  var tt = (match*60 + match*1 + tz + 1440) % 1440;
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function updateHidden() {
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function updateFollowContact() {
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    var uadmin   = '';
    if (lrcAdmin == true) {
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    var ueditor  = '<a href="'+wgServer+'https://dictious.com/fr/User:'+encodeURIComponent(user)+'" target="_new">'+user+'</a>';
    var ligne = '<span id="contact-' + timestamp + '"><small>' + tsToHhMm(timestamp) + ' • ' + udiscut + ' • ' + ucontrib + uadmin + ' • </small>' + ueditor + '</span><br />';
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function updateFollowRevoc() {
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    var udiscut  = '<a href="'+wgServer+'https://dictious.com/fr/User talk:'+encodeURIComponent(user)+'" style="color:seagreen" target="_new">T</a>';
    var ucontrib = '<a href="javascript:;" onClick="liveContrib(\''+utilde+'\');" style="color:#43CD80">C</a>';
    var uadmin   = '';
    if (lrcAdmin == true) {
       uadmin = ' • <a href="'+wgServer+'https://dictious.com/fr/Special:Blockip/'+encodeURI(user)+'" target="_new" style="color:seagreen">B</a>';
    var ueditor  = '<a href="'+wgServer+'https://dictious.com/fr/User:'+encodeURIComponent(user)+'" target="_new">'+user+'</a>';
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//function getRevision(xmlreq, data) {
function getRevision(rc) {
  if (document.getElementById('stopLive').checked) return;

//  var api = xmlreq.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('api');
//  if (api.firstChild.nodeName == "error") return;

  var match, regex = new RegExp();

//  var rc = data.rc
  var title = rc.title;
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  var revid = rc.revid;
  var oldid = rc.old_revid;
  var user = rc.user;
  var comment = (rc.comment ? rc.comment : "");
  var timestamp = rc.timestamp;
  var ns = rc.ns;
  var state = rc.state;

  var escTitle = title.replace(regex, "\\'");
  var escUser = user.replace(regex, "\\'");

//  var revisions = api.getElementsByTagName('query').getElementsByTagName('pages').getElementsByTagName('page').getElementsByTagName('revisions').getElementsByTagName('rev');
//  var oldsize = (state & NEW ? 0 : revisions.textContent.length);
//  var newsize = revisions.textContent.length
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  var newsize = rc.newlen
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  // SUPPR. LIGNE //

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  // ARTICLE //
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  if (state & NEW) 
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    diff = '<a href="javascript:;" onClick="changeLigne(\''+pageid+'_'+revid+'\');liveLog(\'delete\',\''+escTitle+'\');'+diffClose+'" style="color: saddlebrown">Log</a>';
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    diff = '<a href="javascript:;" onClick="changeLigne(\''+pageid+'_'+revid+'\');liveLog(\'move\',\''+escTitle+'\');'+diffClose+'" style="color:black">Log</a>';
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  else  { // simple edit
    diff = '<a href="javascript:;" onClick="changeLigne(\''+pageid+'_'+revid+'\');liveDiff(\''+escTitle+'\','+revid+','+oldid+');'+diffClose+'" style="color:orange">Diff</a>';
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  var hist = '';
  var edit = '';
  var admin = '';
  // Don't show link for log rows
  if (!(state & UPLOAD) &&
      !(state & NEWUSER) &&
      !(state & BLOCK) &&
      !(state & DELETE) &&
      !(state & PROTECT) &&
      !(state & PATROL) &&
      !(state & MOVE))
    hist = '<a href="javascript:;" onClick="liveHist(\''+escTitle+'\');" style="color:darkorange">C</a>';
    edit = '<a href="' + mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?title='+encodeURIComponent(title)+'&action=edit" target="_new" style="color:tomato">M</a>';
    if (lrcAdmin == true) {
      admin = ' • <a href="' + mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?title='+encodeURIComponent(title)+'&action=delete" target="_new" style="color:orangered">S</a>';
      admin += ' • <a href="' + mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?title='+encodeURIComponent(title)+'&action=protect" target="_new" style="color: coral">P</a>';

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//    artiStyle = 'color: magenta; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;';
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    arti = '<a style="'+artiStyle+'" href="javascript:;" onClick="liveArticle(\''+escTitle+'\',\''+user+'\');">'+title+'</a>';
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    postArti += ' <img src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c1/Crystal_personal.png/16px-Crystal_personal.png" width="16px" alt="Nouvel utilisateur" />';
    arti = '<a style="'+artiStyle+'" href="javascript:;" onClick="liveArticle(\''+escTitle+'\',\''+user+'\');" onDblClick="window.open(\''+wgServer+'https://dictious.com/fr/'+encodeURI(title)+'\');">'+title+'</a>';
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//    artiStyle = 'color: magenta; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;';
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    arti = '<a style="'+artiStyle+'" href="javascript:;" onClick="liveArticle(\''+escTitle+'\',\''+user+'\');" onDblClick="window.open(\''+wgServer+'https://dictious.com/fr/'+encodeURI(title)+'\');">'+title+'</a>';
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    arti = '<a style="'+artiStyle+'" href="javascript:;" onClick="liveArticle(\''+escTitle+'\',\''+user+'\');" onDblClick="window.open(\''+wgServer+'https://dictious.com/fr/'+encodeURI(title)+'\');">'+title+'</a>';
  else {
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                + preArti + arti + postArti;

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  var contrib = '<a href="javascript:;" onClick="liveContrib(\''+escUser+'\');" style="color:#43CD80">C</a>';
  var editor = "", preEditor = "";

  // Bot ? ;
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  var uadmin   = '';
  if (lrcAdmin == true) {
    uadmin = ' • <a href="'+wgServer+'https://dictious.com/fr/Special:Blockip/'+encodeURI(user)+'" target="_new" style="color:seagreen">B</a>';
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  // Remplace lien ] par <a> ;
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    th1.style.backgroundColor = "#FDC5FF";
    td2.style.backgroundColor = "#FDC5FF";
    td3.style.backgroundColor = "#FDC5FF";
    td4.style.backgroundColor = "#FDC5FF";
    tr1.style.border = "1px solid magenta";
  if (state & PROTECT) {
    th0.style.backgroundColor = "#B2BCC6";
    th1.style.backgroundColor = "#B2BCC6";
    td2.style.backgroundColor = "#B2BCC6";
    td3.style.backgroundColor = "#B2BCC6";
    td4.style.backgroundColor = "#B2BCC6";
    tr1.style.border = "1px solid  darkslategray";

  if (state & REVERT) {
    th0.style.backgroundColor = "#FFE4E1";
    th1.style.backgroundColor = "#FFE4E1";
    td2.style.backgroundColor = "#FFE4E1";
    td3.style.backgroundColor = "#FFE4E1";
    td4.style.backgroundColor = "#FFE4E1";
    tr1.style.border = "1px solid crimson";

  if (state & BLANKING || newsize == 0) {
    th0.style.backgroundColor = "white";
    th1.style.backgroundColor = "white";
    td2.style.backgroundColor = "white";
    td3.style.backgroundColor = "white";
    td4.style.backgroundColor = "white";
    tr1.style.border = "2px double crimson";
  if (state & NEW) {
    th0.style.backgroundColor = "#e2f2d2";
    th1.style.backgroundColor = "#e2f2d2";
    td2.style.backgroundColor = "#e2f2d2";
    td3.style.backgroundColor = "#e2f2d2";
    td4.style.backgroundColor = "#e2f2d2";
    tr1.style.border = "1px solid green";

  if (state & IP) {
    td2.style.backgroundColor = "white";
    td3.style.backgroundColor = "white";
    td4.style.backgroundColor = "white";

  if (isTOR.test(user))
    td2.style.backgroundColor = "pink";

  if (state & REPLACED) {
    th0.style.backgroundColor = "pink";
    th1.style.backgroundColor = "pink";
    td2.style.backgroundColor = "pink";
    td3.style.backgroundColor = "pink";
    td4.style.backgroundColor = "pink";
    td4.innerHTML = '<img src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/95/Categorie_III.svg/10px-Categorie_III.svg.png" width="10px" alt="Warning"/>';
    tr1.style.border = "2px solid crimson";

  if (lstContact) {
    td2.style.border = "2px solid gold";
    td2.style.backgroundColor = "yellow";

  if (user == wgUserName) {
    td2.style.border = "2px solid #A0B0E0";
    td2.style.backgroundColor = "#F0F8FF";

  // DELTA SIZE //

  // delta de modif ;
  var txtdiff = "";
  if (sizediff < 0) 
    txtdiff = '<sub style="color:red">'+sizediff+'</sub>';
  else if (sizediff == 0)
    txtdiff = '<small style="color:purple">='+sizediff+'</small>';
    txtdiff = '<sup style="color:blue">+'+sizediff+'</sup>';
  td4.innerHTML += txtdiff;
  td4.style.border = "1px";
  td4.style.textAlign = "right";


  tr1.id = pageid+"_"+revid;

  var tab = document.getElementById( 'tabRC' );
  var elold = document.getElementById(pageid+"_"+oldid);

  if (tab.firstChild != null)
    tab.insertBefore(tr1, tab.firstChild);
  if (elold == null) {
    if (tab.childNodes.length > lrcRCLimit) {
      var idt = tab.lastChild.id;
  } else {

  // Don't show RC if checkbox is not checked
  if ((!document.getElementById('showRC').checked) &&
     (!(state & UPLOAD) &&
      !(state & NEWUSER) &&
      !(state & BLOCK) &&
      !(state & DELETE) &&
      !(state & PROTECT) &&
      !(state & MOVE)))

  if (state & PATROL)
  // Don't show Log if checkbox is not checked
  if ((!document.getElementById('showLog').checked) &&
     ((state & UPLOAD) ||
      (state & NEWUSER) ||
      (state & BLOCK) ||
      (state & DELETE) ||
      (state & PROTECT) ||
      (state & MOVE)))


  var spos = lstSuivi.indexOf(title);
  if(spos != -1) {
    th0.style.border = "2px solid gold";
    th0.style.backgroundColor = "yellow";
    th1.style.border = "2px solid gold";
    th1.style.backgroundColor = "yellow";
    lstSuiviHH = tsToHhMm(timestamp);
    var tempsAr = new Array();
    var len = lstSuivi.length;
    for (var n = 0; n < len; n++) {
      if(lstSuiviHH == "--:--") continue;
      var cstilde = lstSuivi.replace(new RegExp(/\'/g), "\\'");
      var sdiff = '<a href="javascript:;" onClick="liveDiff(\''+cstilde+'\','+revid+','+oldid+');" style="color:orange">Diff</a>';
      var shist = '<a href="javascript:;" onClick="liveHist(\''+cstilde+'\');" style="color:darkorange">H</a>';
      var sarti = '<a href="javascript:;" onClick="liveArticle(\''+cstilde+'\');">'+lstSuivi+'</a>';
      var ligne='<small>' + lstSuiviHH + ' • ' + sdiff + ' • ' + shist + ' • </small>' + sarti +'<br />';
    len = tempsAr.length;
    var lvSuivi = document.getElementById( 'liveSuivi' );
    lvSuivi.innerHTML = "";
    for (var n=len-1; n >= 0; n--)
      lvSuivi.innerHTML = lvSuivi.innerHTML + tempsAr;

  if (lstContact) {
    lstContact.ts = timestamp;

  if (state & REVERT) {
    match = regex.exec(comment);

    if (!match) {
		match = regex.exec(comment);
    if (match) {
      var userR = match;
      if (userR != user && userR != wgUserName) {
        if (!lstRevoc) lstRevoc = { ts: 0, nb: 0 };
        lstRevoc.ts = timestamp;
        lstRevoc.nb += 1;

function getRedirCat(xmlreq, data) {
  if (document.getElementById('stopLive').checked) return;
  var yurik = xmlreq.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('api');
  if (yurik.firstChild.nodeName == "error") return;
  var rc = data.rc;
  var pageid = rc.pageid;
  var revid = rc.revid;
  var state = rc.state;
  var page = yurik.getElementsByTagName('pages').getElementsByTagName('page');
  if (page.getElementsByTagName('redirect').length) {
    state += REDIRECT;
    if (page.getElementsByTagName('redirect').getElementsByTagName('to').length)
      rc.redirect = page.getElementsByTagName('redirect').getElementsByTagName('to').textContent;
  if (page.getElementsByTagName('categories').length) {
    state += CATEGORIZED;
    var categories = page.getElementsByTagName('categories').getElementsByTagName('cl');
    var i,j;
    var leni = categories.length;
    var lenj = categoriestests.length;
    for (i=0; i<leni; i++)
      for (j=0; j<lenj; j++)
        if (new RegExp(lang_category+categoriestests.regex, "i").test(categories.textContent))
          state += categoriestests.state;
  rc.state = state;
//  wpajax.http({ url: mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/api.php?action=query&prop=revisions&pageids=' + pageid + '&rvstartid=' + revid + '&rvlimit=1&rvprop=content&format=xml', 
//                onSuccess: getRevision, rc: rc });
function getRedirCat2(xmlreq, data) {
  if (document.getElementById('stopLive').checked) return;
  var yurik = xmlreq.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('api');
  if (yurik.firstChild.nodeName == "error") return;
  var log = data.log;
  var pageid = log.pageid;
  var revid = log.revid;
  var state = log.state;
  var page = yurik.getElementsByTagName('pages').getElementsByTagName('page');
  if (page.getElementsByTagName('redirect').length) {
    state += REDIRECT;
    if (page.getElementsByTagName('redirect').getElementsByTagName('to').length)
      log.redirect = page.getElementsByTagName('redirect').getElementsByTagName('to').textContent;
  if (page.getElementsByTagName('categories').length) {
    state += CATEGORIZED;
    var categories = page.getElementsByTagName('categories').getElementsByTagName('cl');
    var i,j;
    var leni = categories.length;
    var lenj = categoriestests.length;
    for (i=0; i<leni; i++)
      for (j=0; j<lenj; j++)
        if (new RegExp(lang_category+categoriestests.regex, "i").test(categories.textContent))
          state += categoriestests.state;
  log.state = state;
//  wpajax.http({ url: mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/api.php?action=query&prop=revisions&pageids=' + pageid + '&rvstartid=' + revid + '&rvlimit=1&rvprop=content&format=xml', 
//                onSuccess: getRevision, rc: rc });
// Get RC and Log
function getRC(xmlreq, data) {
  if (document.getElementById('stopLive').checked) return;

  var api = xmlreq.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('api');

  if (api.firstChild.nodeName == "error") return;

  var rcs = api.getElementsByTagName('query').getElementsByTagName('recentchanges').getElementsByTagName('rc');
  var i,j,leni,lenj,rc;

  for (i=leni-1; i>=0; i--) {
    if (rcs.getAttribute('revid') <= lastrevid) continue;

    rc = new Object();
    rc.state = 0;

    lenj = rcs.attributes.length;
    for (j=0; j<lenj; j++) {
      switch(rcs.attributes.name) {
        case 'anon':
          rc.state += IP;
        case 'bot':
          rc.state += BOT;
        case 'new':
          rc.state += NEW;
        case 'minor':
          rc.state += MINOR;
        case 'new_ns':
          rc.state += NEWNS;
        case 'new_title':
          rc.state += RENAMED;
        case 'patrolled':
          rc.state += PATROLLED;
        case 'type':
          rc.attributes.name] = rcs.attributes.value;

    if (typeof(rc.comment) != "undefined") {
      lenj = commenttests.length;
      for (j=0; j<lenj; j++)
        if (new RegExp(commenttests.regex).test(rc.comment))
          rc.state += commenttests.state;

    if (lstSysop.indexOf(rc.user) != -1)
      rc.state += SYSOP;

    var mitigating = (rc.state & REVERT)
      || (rc.state & BLANKING)
      || (rc.state & REPLACED)
      || (lstContact)
      || (lstRevoc)
      || (rc.user == wgUserName);

    if (document.getElementById('showIP').checked
      && !(rc.state & IP)
      && !mitigating ) continue;

    if ((rc.state & PATROLLED)
      && document.getElementById('showIPNEW').checked
      && !mitigating ) continue;

    if (lstHidden && !mitigating) continue;

    wpajax.http({url: mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/api.php?titles=' + encodeURIComponent(rc.title) + '&action=query&prop=categories&redirects&format=xml',
                 onSuccess: getRedirCat, rc: rc });

  // Log
  var logs = api.getElementsByTagName('query').getElementsByTagName('logevents').getElementsByTagName('item');
  var i,j,leni,lenj,log;
  for (i=leni-1; i>=0; i--) {
    if (logs.getAttribute('timestamp').replace(new RegExp(/\D/g), "") <= lasttimestamp) continue;
    log = new Object();
    log.state = 0;
    lenj = logs.attributes.length;
    for (j=0; j<lenj; j++) {
        if (logs.attributes.name == 'type')
          switch(logs.attributes.value) {
            case 'patrol':
// I "Segna come verificata" non li cago
            log.state += PATROL; 
            case 'newusers':
              log.state += NEWUSER;
            case 'upload':
              log.state += UPLOAD;
            case 'block':
              log.state += BLOCK;
              if (logs.firstChild)
                log.duration = logs.firstChild.attributes.value;
            case 'delete':
              log.state += DELETE;
            case 'move':
              log.state += MOVE;
              if (logs.firstChild)
                log.new_title = logs.firstChild.attributes.value;
            case 'protect':
              log.state += PROTECT;
          log.attributes.name] = logs.attributes.value;
    if (typeof(log.comment) != "undefined") {
      lenj = commenttests.length;
      for (j=0; j<lenj; j++)
        if (new RegExp(commenttests.regex).test(log.comment))
          log.state += commenttests.state;
    if (lstSysop.indexOf(log.user) != -1)
      log.state += SYSOP;
    wpajax.http({url: mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/api.php?titles=' + encodeURIComponent(log.title) + '&action=query&prop=categories&redirects&format=xml',
               onSuccess: getRedirCat2, log: log });

  lastrevid = rcs.getAttribute('revid');
  lasttimestamp = rcs.getAttribute('timestamp').replace(new RegExp(/\D/g), "");
  document.getElementById('tsInit').innerHTML = "Last situation : " + lasttimestamp;

function liveRC() {
  var refresh = 10;
  timer= setTimeout("liveRC()",refresh*1000);

  if (document.getElementById('stopLive').checked) return;

  var rcns = document.getElementById('showNS0').value;
  if (rcns == null) return;
  var rcshow = "";
  if (document.getElementById('showBot').checked) rcshow = '&rcshow=!bot';

  var rcprops;
  if (lrcPatrol == true)
    rcprops = 'user|comment|flags|timestamp|title|ids|sizes|patrolled';
    rcprops = 'user|comment|flags|timestamp|title|ids|sizes';

  wpajax.http({url:wgServer + wgScriptPath
    + '/api.php?action=query&list=recentchanges|logevents&rcnamespace=' + rcns
    + '&rcprop=' + rcprops  + rcshow
    + '&rcend=' + lasttimestamp + '&rclimit=' + lrcRCLimit
    + '&leend=' + lasttimestamp + '&lelimit=' + lrcRCLimit
    + '&format=xml',
    onSuccess: getRC, message: "Traitement en cours...\n\n" });

function hideUser(name) {
   lstHidden = true;

function unhideUser(name) {
   delete lstHidden;

function showHideObj(parent, fils) {
  var ofils = document.getElementById( fils );
  if (parent.checked)

$(function () {
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      '<a href="javascript:;" onClick="supprLigne(\'r\');" style="color: rgb(255, 99, 83); font-weight: bold;">X</a>' +
      '<a href="javascript:;" onClick="supprLigne(\'n\');" style="color: rgb(178, 243, 113); font-weight: bold;">X</a>' +
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      '<input id="showBot"   type="checkbox" ' + lrcShowBotChecked + ' />' +
      '<label for="showBot">'  + lang_menu.NOBOTS  + '</label>' + 
      '<input id="showIP"    type="checkbox" ' + lrcShowIPChecked + '/>' +
      '<label for="showIP">'   + lang_menu.IPONLY  + ' </label>' +
      showIPNEWbox +
      '<input id="showRC"    type="checkbox" ' + lrcShowRCChecked + ' />' +
      '<label for="showRC">'   + lang_menu.RCLABEL  + ' </label>' +
      '<input id="showLog"    type="checkbox" ' + lrcShowLogChecked + '/>' +
      '<label for="showLog">'   + lang_menu.LOGSHOW  + ' • </label>' +
      '<span id="selectNS" />';

//      '<input id="shidRC"    type="checkbox" checked onclick="showHideObj(this, \'divTabRC\');" />' +
//      '<label for="shidRC">'   + lang_menu.RCLABEL + '</label>' +

    if (lrcPreviewHeight) document.getElementById('livePreview').style.height = lrcPreviewHeight;

    var _lstContact = lstContact;
    var _len = lstContact.length;
    lstContact = new Array();
    for (var _i=0; _i<_len; _i++)
      lstContact] = { ts: 0 };

    // Main

/* </syntaxhighlight> */