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Singulier | Pluriel |
assart \Prononciation ?\ |
assarts \Prononciation ?\ |
assart \əˈsɑː(ɹ)t\
an assart of the Forest, is the greatest offence or trespasse of all other, that can be done in the forest, to vert or venison, containing in it as much as waste or more. For whereas the waste of the Forest, is but the felling and cutting downe of the couerts, which may grow againe in time: an assart, is a plucking them vp— (John Cowell, The Interpreter: or Booke Containing the Signification of Words, John Legate, Cambridge, 1607)
Temps | Forme |
Infinitif | to assart \əˈsɑː(ɹ)t\ |
Présent simple, 3e pers. sing. |
assarts \əˈsɑː(ɹ)ts\ |
Prétérit | assarted \əˈsɑː(ɹ)t.ɪd\ |
Participe passé | assarted \əˈsɑː(ɹ)t.ɪd\ |
Participe présent | assarting \əˈsɑː(ɹ)t.ɪŋ\ |
voir conjugaison anglaise |
assart \əˈsɑː(ɹ)t\