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(1936) Mot formé à partir du topotype Xihucun (Hsihutsun), Miyun Co., Beijing, Chine, par C. C. Wang.

Nom commun

Singulier Pluriel
hsihutsunite hsihutsunites

hsihutsunite \si.hu.tsu.nit\ féminin

  1. (Minéralogie) Variété de rhodonite exceptionnellement riche en calcium.


Voir aussi


  • C. C. Wang, “The Rhodonite Veins of Hsihutsun, Changping District, North of Peiping”, in Bulletin of the Geological Society of China, volume 15, numéro 1, 1936, pages 87-98 : From a pure chemical standpoint the mineral under study does not agree in composition either with fowlerite or with rhodonite and might be termed in a new name “Hsihutsunite”.
  • C. C. Wang, Mineralogical Abstracts, volume 6, Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Mineralogical Society of America, 1937, page 442 : This composition differs from that of fowlerite and ordinary rhodonite, and the name hsihutsunite is suggested.