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white-collar crime \Prononciation ?\
White-collar crime may be denned approximately as a crime committed by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of his occupation (Sutherland, 1949, p. 9)."— (Edwin Sutherland, The white collar criminal in V. C. Branham , S. B. Kutash, Encyclopedia of Criminology, 1949, 511-515)
If it can be shown that white collar crimes are frequent, a general theory that crime is due to poverty and its related pathologies is shown to be invalid.— (Edwin Sutherland, White Collar Crime: The Uncut Version, New Haven, Yale University Press, 1983)
White-collar crimes often involve deception of a gullible victim and generally occur where an individual's job, power, or personal influence provide the access and opportunity to abuse lawful procedures for unlawful gain.— (United States Bureau of Justice Statistics, Report to the Nation on Crime & Justice, 1988 , p. 9)
White-collar crimes include a multitude of dimensions that continue to expand and complicate this area of study. Several crimes are studied and classified as white-collar crimes, although some researchers are questioning whether they should still be "housed under this umbrella".— (Gennaro F. Vito,Jeffrey R. Maahs,Ronald M. Holmes, Criminology: Theory, Research, and Policy, 2007)