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- pul 1. 6. 10. P. polati, pulati, polayati, to be great or large or high, to be piled or heaped up Dhātup. xx, 11
- xxxii, 61
- pula mfn. extended, wide L
- m. horripilation ( See under pulaka) L
- N. of an attendant of Siva L
- (ā), f. the soft palate or uvula L
- N. of a partic. pace of horses Śiś. v, 60. Sch
- (ī), f. a bunch ( See tṛṇa-pulī)
- n. size, extent L
- ○keśin and m. N. of princes L
- ○keśi-vallabha m. N. of princes L
- pulaka m. a species of edible plant MBh
- a species of tree L
- (pl.) erection or bristling of the hairs of the body (considered to be occasioned by delight or rapture rather than by fear) Kāv. Pur. (also n. but mostly occurring ibc. and ifc. with f. ā)
- a bunch ( See tṛṇa-p○)
- a kind of stone or gem Var
- flaw or defect in a gem L
- a kind of insect or vermin L
- a cake of meal with which elephants are fed L
- orpiment L
- a Gandharva L
- = asurājī (?) L
- N. of a prince VP
- of a Nāga L
- n. a species of earth L
- horripilation (cf. above)
- ○kâkulâkṛti mfn. 'having the frame excited by bristling hair', thrilled with joy MW
- ○kâṅkita-savâṅga mf(ī)n. having the whole body covered with bristling hair Pañc
- ○kâṅkura m. (sprout of) bristling hair Gīt
- ○kâṅga m. the noose or cord of Varuṇa L
- ○kâcita mfn. covered with bristling hair Śak. (Pi.) iii, 12 (v. l. ○kâncita)
- ○kâlaya m. N. of Kubera L
- ○kôkampa mfn. trembling with a thrill of delight Kathās
- ○kâdgama m. erection of the hair Bhartṛ
- ○kâddhūṣita-śarīra (B. dhṛṣita-ś○), mfn. having she body covered with erected hairs Pañc
- ○kâdbheda, m.= ○kâdgama Bhartṛ
- pulaḍkaya Nom. P. ○yati, to have or feel the hair of the body erect (with rapture or delight) Gīt
- pulaḍkita mfn. having the hair of the bṭbristling erect, thrilled with joy Kāv. Pañc. Hit
- -sarvâṅga mf(ī)n. having the whole bristling covered with bristling hair Pañc
- pulaḍkin mfn. = ○kita W
- m. Nauclea Cordifolia L
- pulaḍkī-kṛta mfn. ○kita BhP
- pulasa mfn. g. tṛṇâdi
- pulastí mfn. (perhaps fr. pulas for puras
- but according to Uṇ. iv, 179 Sch. fr. pula and √3. as) wearing the hair straight or smooth VS
- m. N. of a man, g. gargâdi
- pulasḍtya m. N. of an ancient Ṛishi (one of the mind-born sons of Brahmā
- also enumerated among the Prajā-patis and seven sages, and described as a lawgiver) AV. Pariś. Pravar. Mn. MBh. &c. (IW. 517, n. 1)
- N. of Śiva Śivag
- -siddhânta m. -smṛti f. ○tyâṣṭaka n. N. of wks
- pulaha m. (pula + √2. hā) N. of an ancient Ṛishi (one of the mind-born sons of Brahmā enumerated among the Prajā-patis and seven sages) AV.Pariś. Pravar. Mn. MBh. &c. (IW: 517, n. 1)
- N. of a star Hariv
- N. of Śivi Śivag
- ○hâśrama m. N. of a hermitage BhP. (= harikṣetra Sch.)
- pulāka m. n. shrivelled or blighted or empty or bad grain Mn. MBh. &c
- a partic. species of grain L
- a lump of boiled rice L. (○kâdaka n. rice-water Suśr.)
- brevity, abbreviation, compendium L
- celerity, dispatch (-kārin mfn. making haste, hastening) L
- pulāḍkin m. a tree L
- pulānikā f. (prob.) induration of the skin Suśr
- pulāyita n. a horse's gallop L. (cf. ardha-p○)
- pulina m. n. (g. ardarcâdi) a sandbank, a small island or bank in the middle of a river, an islet, a sandy beach (ifc. f. ā) MBh. Kāv. &c
- the bank of a river (= tīra) Ragh. Sch
- m. N. of a mythical being conquered by Garuḍa MBh
- of a poet Cat
- ○jaghanā f. having sandbanks for hips (said of the Gambhtrā river personified as a female) Megh
- ○dvīpa-śobhita mfn. beautified by shoals and islets MW
- ○pradeśa m. situation or place of an island Kathās
- ○maṇḍita mfn. adorned with sandbanks or islets R
- ○vatī f. (prob.) N. of a river, g. ajirâdi
- pulinda m. pl. (Uṇ. iv, 85) N. of a barbarous tribe AitBr. MBh. &c
- (sg.) a man or the king of this tribe
- a barbarian, mountaineer MBh. Kathās
- N. of a king BhP
- the mast or rib of a ship (= polinda) L
- (ā), f. N. nf a serpent-maid Kāraṇḍ
- (ī), f. a Pulinda woman BhP
- (in music), N. of a Rāga
- pulinḍduka m. pl. N. of a barbarous tribe (= pulinda) MBh
- (sg.) N. of a king of the Pulinda and Śabara and Bhilla Kathās.
- of a son of Ārdraka VP
- (ikā), f. (in music) = pulindī
- pulika m. N. of a man VP
- (ā), f. yellowish alum L
- pulikeśin m. = pula-keśin Inscr
- pulimat m. N. of a man VP. (cf. pulomat)
- pulirika m. a snake L
- pulilśa m.= Paulus (Alexanndrinus), N. of the author of a Siddhanta (also ○śâcārya) VarBṛS. Sch
- pulīkoya m. a partic. aquatic animal MaitrS. (cf. kulikaya, kulipaya and purīkaya)
- pulī́kā f. a species of bird MaitrS. (cf. kulīkā)
- pulītát n. = purītat MaitrS
- pulu mfn. = puru in comp
- ○kā́ma mfn. having many desires, covetous RV. i, 179, 5
- pulv-aghá mfn. doing much evil ib. x, 86, 21
- puluṣa m. N. of a man (cf. pauluṣi)
- puloma m. (m.c.) = puloman R
- (ā), f. N. of a daughter of the demon Vaiśvānara (she was loved by the demon Puloman, but became the wife of Bhṛigu or Kaśyapa) MBh. Hariv. Pur
- Acorus Calamus (= vacā) L
- puloma in comp. for ○man
- ○jā f. 'daughter of Puloman', N. of Indrāṇi Prasannar
- ○jit m. conqueror of Prasannar., N. of Indra Cat
- ○tanayā f. = -ja Gal
- ○dviṣ m. 'enemy of Prasannar., N. of Indra L
- ○niṣūdana (Gal.),
- ○bhid (L.), m. 'destroyer of PṭPrasannar., N. of Indra (who destroyed his father-in-law PṭPrasannar. in order to avert his imprecation consequent on the violation of his daughter)
- pulomâri m. = ○ma-dvith, Kāvyśd
- pulomârcis m. 'having the lustre of PṭPrasannar., N. of a prince VP
- pulomâvi m. (prob.) wṛ. for ○mâri ib
- puloman m. N. of a demon (the father-in-law of Indra by whom he was destroyed) MBh. Hariv. Pur
- of a prince VP
- pulomat m. N. of two princes VP. (cf. pulimat)
- pulomahī f. opium L
- púlkaka See púklaka and next MaitrS
- pulkasa m. (ī f.) N. of a despised mixed tribe Gaut. MBh. (also ○kaka BhP
- cf. paulkasá and pukkaśa)
- pulya mfn., g. balâdi
- pulla mfn. expanded, blown L
- n. a flower L. (prob. wṛ. for phulla)
- pulvaghá mfn. See pulu
- puṣ cl. 4. P. puṣyati, to divide, distribute Dhātup. xxvi, 106 (vḷ. for vyuṣ, q.v.)
- puṣ cl. 1. P. (Dhātup: xvii, 50) poṣati (trans.), only Nir. x, 34 ; cl. 4. P. (Dhātup. xxvi, 73) púṣyati (trans. and intrans. ; m.c. also A. ○te) RV. &c. &c. ; cl. 9. P. (Dhātup. xxxi, 57) puṣṇāti (trans.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (pf. pupóṣa, pupuṣyās RV. ; aor. apuṣat or apoṣīt Gr. ; Pot. puṣeyam, RY. ; Prec. puṣyāsam, ○sma Br. ; fut. poṣiṣyati, pokṣyati ;poṣitā, poṣṭā Gr. ; Pass. puṣyate Kāv. ; sor. apoṣi Gr. ; inf. puṣyáse RV.), to be nourished (with instr., e.g. bhāryayā MBh. xiii, 4569), to thrive, flourish, prosper (also with póṣam, puṣṭim or vṛddhim) RV. AV. VS. ŚBr. (rarely in later language, e.g. MBh. see above, and sometimes in Bhiṭṭ., where also 3 sg. puṣyati-tarām)
- to cause to thrive or prosper, nourish, foster, augment, increase, further, promote, fulfil (e.g. a wish), develop, unfold, display, gain, obtain, enjoy, possess RV. &c. &c.: Caus. poskáyati (aor. apūpuṣat Gr.), to rear, nourish, feed, cause to thrive or prosper RV. &c. &c
- to cause to be reared or fed by (instr.) Śak.: Desid. pupoṣiṣati, pupuṣithati, pupukṣati Gr.: Intens. popuṣyate, popoṣṭi ib
- puṣ mfn. (ifc.) nourishing, causing to thrive (cf. vitva-p○) showing, displaying Śiś. x, 32.
- puṣa mfn. (ifc.) nourishing, cherishing (cf. graha-p○)
- m. N. of a teacher Cat
- (ā), f. Methonica Superba L
- puṣita mfn. nourished, nurtured (= puṣṭa) W
- puṣka a word formed for the explanation of puṣkala g. sidhmâdi (perhaps also underlying the formation of puṣkara, puṣpa and puṣka-jit
- cf. pauṣka-jiti)
- púṣkara n. (rather fr. puṣka + ra than fr. puṣ + kara
- but Uṇ. iv, 4) a blue lotus-flower, a lotus, Nelumbium Speciosum or Nymphaea Nelumbo (ifc. f. ā) AV. &c. &c. (met. 'the heart' MBh. v, 1790)
- the bowl of a spoon (ifc. f. ā) RV. Br. GṛŚrS
- the skin of a drum Kālid
- the tip of an elephant's trunk Var
- water ŚBr
- the sky, heaven Prab. (of Naigh. i, 3)
- a night of new moon falling on a Monday or Tuesday or Saturday Hcat
- an arrow L
- the blade or the sheath of a sword L
- a cage L
- Costus Speciosus or Arabicus L
- a part L
- the art of dancing L
- union L
- war, battle L
- intoxication L
- N. of a celebrated place of pilgrimage (now called Pokhar in the district of Ajmere, RTL. 558) MBh. Hariv. Pur. &c. (also pl
- according to Vishṇ. Sch. there are three, viz. jyeṣṭha, madhyama and kaniṣṭha)
- m. n. = -dviipa MBh. Pur
- = brahmâṇḍa Nīlak
- (with Jainas) one of the 5 Bhārata L
- m. Ardea Sibirica Pañc
- (in astrol.) an inauspicious Yoga, an ill-omened combination of a lucky lunation with an unlucky day, 3/4 of a lunar mansion W
- a kind of drum MBh
- a kind of serpent L
- the sun L
- a pond, lake L
- a kind of disease L
- the regent of Pokhar-dvipa (below) MārkP
- N. of Kṛishṇa MBh
- of Śiva Śivag
- of a son of Varuṇa MBh. Pur
- of a general of the sons and grandsons of Varuṇa L
- of an Asura Hariv
- of a son of Kṛishṇa BhP
- of a Buddha Lalit
- of a prince (the brother of Nala) Nal
- of a son of Bharata VP
- of Su-nakshatra BhP
- of a son of Vṛika and Dūrvâkshi ib
- of an author Cat
- of a mountain in Pokhar-dvipa MBh
- m. pl. N. of a class of clouds said to occasion dearth and famine L. (cf. puṣkarâvartaka)
- of the inhabtants of Kuśa-dvipa corresponding to Brihmans VP
- of the lunar mansions Punar-vasu, Uttarashādhā, Kṛittikā, Uttara-phagūnī, Pūrva-bhādrapadā and Viśākhā collectively L
- (ī), f. (g. gaurâdi) N. of one of the 8 wives of Śiva Cat. (perhaps wṛ. for puṣkasī i.e. pulkasī)
- ○karṇikā f. the finger on the tip of an elephant's trunk Gal
- ○kalpa m. N. of wk
- ○cūḍa m. 'lotus-crested', N. of one of the 4 elephants that support the earth BhP
- ○ja n. 'lotus-born', N. of the √of Costus Speciosus L
- ○tīrtha n. N. of a sacred bathing-place L
- ○dvīpa m. N. of a Dvipa or great division of the earth L
- ○nāḍī f. Hibiscus Mutabilis L
- ○nābha m. 'lotus-naveled', N. of Vishṇu BhP
- ○pattra n. a lotus-leaf. Bhartṛ
- -netra mfn. having eyes like lotus. leaves Ragh
- ○parṇá n. a lotus-petal and a kind of brick named after it AV. ŚBr. &c
- ○ṇikā or ○ṇī f. Hibiscus Mutabilis L
- ○palāśa n. = -parṇa Lāṭy
- ○purāṇa n. N. of a Purāṇa
- ○prādurbhāva m. N. of wk
- ○priya m. or n. wax L
- ○bīja n. lotus-seed Mṛicch. Suśr
- Costus Speciosus or Arabicus L
- ○mālin m. 'wearing a lotus-wreath', N. of a man MārkP
- ○māhātmya n. N. of wk
- ○mukha n. the aperture of the tip of an elephant's trunk Śiś
- mf(ī)n. (a vessel) having a mouth like the tip of an elṭelephant's trunk, Āryav
- ○mūla (Bhpr.),
- ○mūḍlaka (L.), n. the √of Costus Speciosus or Arabicus
- ○vana n. the forest in the Tirtha Pushkara TBr. Sch
- -prādur-bhāva m. -māhātmya n. N. of wks
- ○vyāghra m. 'water-tiger', an alligator L
- ○śāyikā f. a species of aquatic bird Suśr
- ○śikā (prob.) wṛ. for next
- ○śikhā or f. Costus Speciosus or Arabicus L
- ○śiphā f. Costus Speciosus or Arabicus L
- ○sad m. N. of a man
- pl. his descendants, g. yaskâdi
- ○sāgara m. or n. Costus Speciosus or Arabicus L
- ○sādá m. a species of bird (according to TS. Sch. = puṣkarasarpa or bhramara)
- ○sādi m. N. of a teacher Āpast. (prob. wṛ. for pauṣkarasādi)
- ○sādin m. = -sāda, Mahrdh
- ○sārin m. wṛ. for pauṣkarasādi
- ○sārī f. 'having the essence of the lotus', a kind of writing Lalit
- ○sthapati m. N. of Śiva MBh. (= brahmâṇḍasya svāmī Nīlak.)
- ○sraj f. a lotus-wreath, T3āṇḍBr
- (pú○), mfn. wearing a lotus-wrṭwreath RV. AV. ŚBr
- m. du. N. of the two Aśvins L
- puṣkarâkṣa mf(ī)n. lotus. eyed MBh
- m. N. of Vishṇu L
- of a man BrahmaP.
- of a prince Ratnâv
- of a poet Cat
- puṣkarâkhya m. Ardea Sibirica L
- puṣkarâgra n. the tip or extremity of an elephant's trunk Pañc
- puṣkarâṅghrija m. or n. Costus Speciosus or Arabicus L
- puṣkarâcchādikā f. a species of bird Gal
- puṣkarâraṇya n. = puṣkara-vana MBh
- puṣkarâruṇi m. N. of a prince BhP
- puṣkarā-vatī f. 'abounding in lotuses', N. of a town (= the ? ? of the ancients and the Pousekielofati of Hiouen-Thsang) R. Kathās. Pur. (cf. Pāṇ. 6-3, 119 Sch.)
- a form of Dākshāyaṇi MatsyaP
- puṣkarâvartaka m. N. of a partic. class of clouds Kālid. (cf. puṣkalâv○)
- puṣkarâṣṭaka n. N. of wk
- puṣkarâhva (Car.),
- puṣkarâḍhvaya (L.), m. Ardea Sibirica
- ī. Costus Speciosus or Arabicus. 1
- puṣkarêkṣaṇa mfn. lotus-eyed
- m. (with puruṣa), N. of Vishṇu R. 2
- puṣkarekṣaṇa mfn. being for a moment in the sky MW
- puṣkarôddhṛta mfn. raised with the extremity of the trunk ib
- puṣkarāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to act as or represent a drum Daśar
- puṣkarikā f. a kind of disease (formation of abscesses on the penis) Suśr
- N. of a woman Daś
- puṣkarin mfn. abounding in lotuses R
- m. an elephant Dhūrtan
- a sword Gal
- N. of a prince (= puṣkarâruṇi) VP
- (íṇī), f. a lotus pool, any pool or pond RV. &c. &c
- Costus Speciosus or Arabicus L
- Hibiscus Mutabilis L
- a female elephant L
- N. of a river ŚivaP
- of the wife of Bhumanyn MBh
- of the wife of Cākshusha and mother of Manu Hariv
- of the mother of Manu Cākshusha VP
- of the wife of Vyushṭa and mother of Cakshus and grandmṭmother of Manu BhP
- of the wife of Ulmuka ib
- of a temple in Maru or Marwar Buddh
- puṣkalá mf(ā)n. (cf. puṣka) much, many, numerous, copious, abundant MBh. Kāv. &c
- rich, magnificent, full, complete, strong, powerful, excellent, best AV. &c. &c
- loud, resonant, resounding MBh. Hariv. Pur
- purified L
- m. (vḷ. ○kara) a kind of drum MBh
- (in music) a Partic. stringed instrument
- N. of Śiva Śivag
- of a son of Varuṇa L
- of an Asura Hariv
- of a Ṛishi Cat
- of a son of Bharata R
- of a Buddha Lalit
- of a Tirtha (rather n.) L
- pl. N. of, people MārkP
- of the military caste in Kuśadvipa VP
- (ī), f. g. gaurâdi
- n. (ifc. f. ā) the bowl of a spoon Gṛihyās. (vḷ. ○kara)
- a partic. measure of capacity (= 8 Kuñcis = 64 handfuls) ĀpŚr. Sch
- a partic. weight of gold KātyŚr. Sch
- alms to the exient of 4 mouthfuls of food W (rather m.) N. of mount Meru L
- ○mocana n
- ○vijaya m. N. of chs. of PadmaP
- puṣkalāvata m. an inhabitant of Pushkalā-vati Var. (also ○taka)
- N. of an ancient physician (vḷ. pauṣk○) Cat
- n. N. of the residence of Pushkala (son of Bharata) R
- (ī), f. N. of a city (= puṣkarā-vatī)
- puṣkā́âvarta m. (prob.) = next
- -mâhātmya n. N. of wk
- puṣkalâvartaka m. N. of a partic. class of clouds (= puṣkarâv○), Mallin. on Śiś. xv, 107
- puṣkalaka m. the musk-deer L
- a post, wedge, pin, bolt L
- a Buddhist or Jaina mendicant L. (wṛ. puṣalaka)
- puṣṭá mfn. nourished, cherished, well-fed, thriving, strong, fat, full, complete, perfect, abundant, rich, great, ample Mn. MBh. &c
- rich in, blessed with (instr.) Daś
- full-sounding, loud Hariv
- burnt W. (wṛ. for pluṣṭa?)
- incubated, brooded over MW
- n. growth, increase, gain, acquisition, wealth, property (esp. of children or cattle) RV. VS. AV
- ○tā f
- ○tva n. the being well-fed, a prosperous or thriving condition MW
- ○páti m. the lord of prosperity or welfire AV
- ○vipuṣṭa m. du. the well-fed and the ill-fed Pañc
- puṣṭâṅga mf(ī)n. fat-limbed, well-fed, fat Hit
- puṣṭârtha mfn. having a complete sense, fully intelligible (a-p○) Sāh
- puṣṭā́-vat mfn. breeding or rearing cattle RV
- púṣṭi (or puṣṭi, esp. RV.), f. well-nourished condition, fatness, plumpness, growth, increase, thriving, prosperity, wealth, opulence, comfort RV. &c. &c
- breeding, rearing (esp. of cattle
- also with paśoḥ) RV. TS. ŚBr
- development, fulness, completeness Sāh
- N. of a partic. ceremony performed for the attainment of welfare or prosperity Cat
- N. of a daughter of Daksha and wife of Dharma MBh. Hariv. Pur.
- of the mother of Lobha, MārkP
- of a daughter of Dhruva VP
- of a daughter of Paurṇamāsa ib
- of a Śakti Hcat
- one of the 16 Mātṛikās or divine mothers L
- of a Kalā of the moon BrahmaP
- of a Kalā of Prakṛiti and wife of Gaṇêśa BrahmaP
- of a form of Dakshāyanī MatsyaP
- of a form of Sarasvatī W
- Physalis Flexuosa L
- ○kara mf(ī)n. nourishing, causing to thrive or grow Var. Suśr. MārkP
- ○karman n. a religious ceremony performed for the attainment of prosperity GṛŚrS. MBh
- n. a verse or formula relating to this cerṭceremony Kauś
- ○kānta m. 'beloved of Pushṭi.' N. of Ganêśa L
- ○kāma (pú○), mfn. wishing for prṭprosperity AV. &c. &c
- ○gu (○pú○), m. N. of a man (said to be a Kānva and author of RV. viii, 51, 1)
- ○da mfn. yielding or causing prṭprosperity, nourishing, cherishing Hariv. Var. Suśr
- m. pl. N. of a class of Pitṛis MārkP
- (ā), f. N. of a drug (= vṛddhi) L
- Physalis Flexuosa L
- ○dāvan mf(arī)n. = -da mfn. Kauś
- ○páti m. the lord of prṭprosperity or welfare TS. Br. GṛŚrS
- ○pravāha-maryādā-bheda m. N. of wk
- -vivaraṇa n. N. of Comm. on it
- ○mát mfn. thriving, abundant, prosperous, well off RV. &c. &c
- containing the word puṣṭi or any other derivative of √2. puṣ ŚBr. ŚrS
- m. N. of a prince VP
- ○mati m. N. of an Agni MBh
- ○mārga m. 'the way of well-being', N. of the doctrine of a Vaishṇava sect founded by Vallabhâcārya RTL. 134
- ○m-bhará mfn. bringing prosperity (said of Pūshan) RV
- ○līlā-ṭīkā f. N. of wk
- ○várdhana mfn. increasing prṭprosperity or welfare RV. &c. &c
- m. a cock L
- ○śrāddha n. N. of a partic. Śrāddha VP
- puṣṭicchu mfn. desirous of prosperity or welfare KātyŚr
- puṣṭika m. N. of a poet Cat
- (ā), f. a bivalve shell, an oyster (prob. wṛ. for puṭikā)
- puṣṭy-artha n. N. of a Śrāddha ('for health and well-being of body') RTL. 305
- púṣpa n. (for puṣka?) a flower, blossom (ifc. f. ā, in names of plants oftener ī
- Pāṇ. 4-1, 64 Vārtt. 1) AV. &c. &c
- the menstrual flux Suśr
- a partic. disease of the eye, albugo Suśr
- a spot on the nails and teeth Car
- (in dram.) gallantry, politeness, declaration of love Daśar. Sāh. Pratāp
- N. of a Sāman TāṇḍBr. Lāṭy
- of a book, Divyâiv
- a kind of perfume L
- the vehicle of Kubera L
- blooming, expanding L
- m. a topaz R
- N. of a serpent-demon MBh
- of a son of Ślisṭi Hariv
- of a son of Śaṅkha ib. (C. puṣya)
- of a Bodhi-sattva(?) Lalit
- of a mountain, MārkP
- of a book (prob. = puṣpa-sūtra), Divyáv
- (ā), f. N. of the town Campā L
- ○karaṇḍa or n. flower-basket', N. of a grove near Avanti or Oujein (also ○dâdyāna n. Mṛicch.)
- ○karaṇḍḍaka n. flower-basket', N. of a grove near Avanti or Oujein (also ○dâdyāna n. Mṛicch.)
- ○karaṇḍinī f. N. of Onjein (cf. prec.) L
- ○kárṇa mfn. having a flower(-shaped mole) in the ear TS
- ○kāra m. N. of the author of the Pushpa-sūtra L
- ○kāla m. 'flower-time', the spring Var
- the time of the menses Suśr
- ○kāsīsa (Suśr.),
- ○kāsīḍsaka (L.), n. green or black sulphate of iron
- ○kīṭa m. 'flower-insect', a large bee L
- ○ketana m. 'characterized by flower', the god of love L
- ○ketu m. id. MBh
- vitriol used as a collyrium Caurap
- calx of brass W
- N. of a Buddha L
- of a prince of Pushpa-bhidra HPariś
- ○gaṇḍikā f. N. of a kind of farce in which men act as women and women as men Bhar. Sāh. ('contrary purpose or effort of man and woman' W.)
- ○giri m., flower-mountain', N. of a mythical mountain (the favourite resort of Varuṇa) W
- ○gṛha n. 'flower-house', a conservatory R
- ○granthana n. wearing a wreath or garland of flower Vet
- ○ghātaka m. flower-destroyer, the bamboo (whose stem is said to decay after the plant has flowered) L
- ○caya m. a quantity of flower W
- gathering flower ib
- ○cāpa m. a bow of flower, the bow of the god of love Kālid
- the god of love Kathās
- ○cāmara m. having flower for a chowrie', Artemisia Indica or Pandanus Odoratissimus L
- ○cintāmaṇi m. N. of wk
- ○cūla m. 'flower-crested', N. of a man HPariś
- (ā), f. N. of a woman ib
- ○ja mfn. 'flower-born', derived or coming from f. (-jaṃ rajaḥ, pollen Sāh.)
- m. the juice of flower s L
- (ā), f. N. of a river rising in the Vindhya mountains MārkP
- ○jāti f. flower-born', N. of a river rising in the Malaya mountains VP
- ○da m. 'flower-giving', a tree L
- ○daṃṣṭra m. 'having flower for fangs, N. of a serpent-demon MBh
- ○danta m. 'flower-toothed', N. of Śiva R
- of an attendant of Śiva MBh
- of an attendant of Vishṇu. BhP.
- (also -ka) of a Gandharva (author of the Mahimna? Stava?) Cat
- of a Vidyā-dhara L
- of a serpent-demon L
- (with Jainas) of the 9th Arhat of present Avasarpiṇī
- of a partic. being Hcat
- of the elephant of the northvest quarter ib
- of the mountain Śatruṃ-jaya Śatr
- (du.) sun and moon ib
- (ī), f. N. of a Rākshasī Buddh
- n. N. of a temple Kathās
- of a palace Buddh
- of a gate Hariv
- -tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha SkandaP
- -bhid m. N. of Śiva L. (prob. wṛ. for pūṣa-danta-bhid)
- -vat mfn. one who has flowered teeth Hcat
- ○tânvaya, in an elephant with partic. marks (descended from the race of Pushpa-danta) Gal
- ○dāman n. a garland of flower, Śiṅgār
- a kind of metre Col
- ○drava m. the juice of flower L
- an infusion of flower (as rosewiter &c.) L
- ○druma m. a tree which bears flower
- -kusumita-mukuṭa m. 'having a flowery diadem like a tree in bloom', N. of a Gandharvarāja L
- ○dha m. the offspring of an out-caste Brāhman Mn. x, 21
- ○dhanus and m. 'armed with a bow of flower', N. of the god of love Kāv
- ○dhanvan m. 'armed with a bow of flower', N. of the god of love Kāv
- ○dhāraṇa m. 'flower-bearer', N. of Kṛishṇa MBh
- ○dhvaja m. = -ketana L
- ○nāṭaka m. v. l. for -baṭuka
- ○nikara m. throwing flower W
- a multitude of flower MW
- ○nikṣa m. 'flower-kissing', a bee L
- ○niryāsa and m. exudation or juice of flower L
- ○niryāḍsaka m. exudation or juice of flower L
- ○netra n. 'flower-tube', a kind of catheter Suśr
- ○ṃ-dhaya m. 'flower-sucking', a bee L
- ○nyāsa m. an offering of flower W
- ○paṭa m.flowered cloth Mṛicch. Sch
- ○pattra m. 'flower-feathered', a kind of arrow L
- ○pattrin mfn. having flower for arrows (said of the bow of Kāma-deva) W
- ○patha m. (L.),
- ○padavī f. (Hāsy.) 'course of the menses', the vulva
- ○pāṇḍu m. a species of serpent Suśr
- ○puṭa m. a cup or bag filled with flower L
- the hands arranged in the shape of the calyx of a flower Cat
- (in music) a partic. position in dancing
- ○pura n. (Ragh. &c.),
- ○purī f. (Daś.) N. of the city Pāṭali-putra or Palibothra
- ○peśala mfn. as delicate, as flower Kathās
- ○pracaya m. plucking flower (to steal them) Pāṇ. 3-3, 60
- ○pracāya m. plucking or gathering flower ib
- ○yikā f. id. Uṇ. ii, 32 Sch. (tava puṣpa-pracāyika, it is thy turn to gather flower Pāṇ. 6-2, 74, Scb.) -1
- ○phala m. Feronia Elephantum L
- Benincasa Cerifera L. -2
- ○phala n. flower and fruits MBh
- -druma m. pl. trees bearing flower and fruits Ragh
- -vat mfn. bearing flower and fruits Suśr
- ○baṭuka m. a courtier, gallant Cat. (vḷ. -nāṭaka)
- ○bali m. an oblation of flower MārkP
- ○bāṇa m. flower-arrowed', the god of love
- -vilāsa m. N. of a poem (attributed to a certain Kālidāsa)
- ○bhaṅga m. a festoon of flower ('treading on flower' Sch.) MW
- ○bhadra m. beautiful with flower', a kind of pavilion with 62 columns Vāstuv
- N. of a man Mṛicch
- n. N. of a city HPariś
- (ā), f. N. of a river BhP
- ○bhadraka n. N. of a partic. wood BhP
- ○bhava mfn. being or contained in flower
- m. the nectar of flower W
- ○bhājana n. a flower basket Śak
- ○bhūti m. 'essence of flower', N. of a prince Hcar
- ○bhūṣaṇa n' 'ornament of flower', N. of a Nāṭaka Sāh
- ○bhuṣita n. 'adorned with flower', N. of a Prakaraṇa ib
- ○bherôtsa (?), m. N. of a man Buddh
- ○mañjarikā f. a species of creeper L. ('blue lotus' W.)
- ○maya mf(ī)n. made or consisting of flower, flowery MBh. Kāv
- ○mātham ind. (with √math) to crush like a flower Bālar
- ○mālā f. a garland of flower R
- N. of a Dik-kanyā (s.v.) Pārśvan
- N. of a poem and of another wk. (on flower to be used or avoided in the worship of deities)
- ○la-kathā f. N. of wk. Pañcad
- ○lā-maya mf(ī)n. consisting of flower-garlands Hcat
- ○lin mfn. wearing a flower-gṭgarlands Jātakam
- ○mās or m. flower -month', the spring R
- ○māsa m. flower -month', the spring R
- ○mítra m. (vḷ. puṣya-m○) N. of a king (according to the Brāhmanical account, a general of the last Maurya dynasty and father of prince Agni-mitra, or according to Buddhists, a king, the successor of Pushyadharman) Mālav. Pur. Buddh. (cf IW. 167, n. 2)
- of another king VP
- -sabhā f. the court of king Pushyadharman Pāṇ. 1-1, 68 Vārtt. 7 Pat
- ○megha m. a cloud raining flower
- ○ghī-. √kṛ, to turn into a cloud raining flower Megh
- ○yamaka n. a Yamaka (s.v.) of the final syllables of all lines of a stanza, e.g. Bhaṭṭ. x, 14
- ○rakta mfn. red as a flower Megh
- dyed red with vegetable colour W
- m. Hibiscus Phoeuiceus L
- ○racana n. making flower into a garland (one of the 64 arts or Kalās) Gal
- ○rajas n. 'flower-dust', pollen
- (esp.) saffron L
- ○ratha m. 'flower-chariot', a car for travelling or for pleasure R. Hcat.
- ○rasa (or ○sâhvaya), m. (having the name) flower-juice, the nectar or honey of flower L
- ○rāga m. 'flower-hued', a topaz Var
- ○rāja m. 'flower-king (?)', id. L
- ○reṇu m. 'flower-dust', pollen Ragh
- ○rocana m. Mesua Roxburghī L
- ○lāva m. a flower- gatherer or garland-maker (also ○vin) L
- (il), f. a female flower-gatherer Megh
- ○likṣa m. 'flower-licker', a bee W. (cf. -nikṣa)
- ○lipi f. 'flower-writing.' N. of a partic. style of writing Lalit
- ○lih m. (nom. ṭ) a large black bee W
- ○līlā f. 'flower-sport', N. (of a woman?) Cat. -1
- ○vat (púṣpa-), mfn. having flower or decorated with flower, flowery, blooming RV. &c. &c
- m. N. of a Daitya MBh
- of a man Saṃskārak
- of a prince Hariv. Pur
- of a mountain in Kuś-dvipa MBh
- (du.) sun and moon Bālar. Gaṇit. (perhaps fr. -vanta)
- (ī), f. (a woman) having the menses L
- (a cow) longing for the bull BhP. Sch
- N. of a sacred bathing place MBh. -2
- ○vat ind. like a flower Bhartṛ
- ○vana n. N. of a mountain
- -māhātmya n. N. of wk
- ○vartman m. 'flower-path', N. of Dru-pada Hcar
- ○varṣa n. flower-rain', flower showered upon a hero on any great occasion Ragh. (also ○ṣaṇa MW.)
- m. N. of a mountain BhP
- ○vahā f. 'carrying flower', N. of a river ib
- ○vāṭikā (Kuval.),
- ○vāṭī (Pañc.), f. a flower-garden
- ○vāhana m. 'having a flowery car', N. of a king of Pushkara AgP
- ○vāhinī f. (= -vahā) N. of a river Hariv
- ○vicitrā f. N. of a metre L
- ○viśikha m. = -bāṇa Alaṃkārav
- ○vṛkṣa m. a tree bearing blossoms L
- ○vṛṣṭi f. = -varṣa n. Ratnâv
- ○veṇī f. a chaplet or garland of flower R
- N. of a river MBh
- ○sakaṭikā f. a voice coming from heaven
- -nimitta-jñāna n. knowledge of the omens which result from heavenly voices (one of the 64 arts or Kalās) BhP. Sch
- ○śakaṭī f. (L.) and -jñāna n. (Gal.) = prec
- ○śakalin m. 'having flower-like scales', a kind of serpent Suśr
- ○śakuna m. 'flower-bird', Phasianus Gallus MBh. (v. l.)
- ○śayyā f. a couch of flower Śak
- ○śara m. = -bāṇa L
- ○râsana m. = -dhanus Vcar
- ○śilī-mukha m. = -bāṇa Prasannar
- ○śūnya m. 'flowerless', Ficus Glomerata L
- ○śekhara m. a garland of flower Kathās
- ○śrī-garbha m. 'filled with the beauty of flower', N. of a Bodhi-sattva L
- ○samaya m. 'flower-season', the spring L
- ○sādhāraṇa m. 'common time for flower', id. L
- ○sāyaka m.= -bāṇa Dhirtas
- ○sāra m. the nectar or honey of flower L. (-sudhā-nidhi m. N. of wk.)
- (ā), f. holy basil BrahmaP
- ○sitā f. 'white like flower', a kind of sugar Bhpr
- ○sūtra n. N. of a Sūtra work (ascribed to Gobhila or to Vara-ruci) on the change of Ṛiks into Sāmans
- -bhāṣya n. N. of Comm. on it
- ○saurabhā f. 'smelling like flower', Methonica Superba L
- ○snāna n. v. l. for puṣya-sn○
- ○sraj f. a garland of flower Kāv
- ○sreda m.= -sara L
- ○hārin mfn. stealing or taking away flower, Pāṇ. vi, 2, 79 Sch
- ○hāsa m. 'smiling with flower', a flower-garden Hariv
- N. of Vishṇu ib
- of a man L
- (ā), f. a woman during menstruation L
- ○hīna mfn. flowerless, not flowering L
- (ā), f. a woman past child-bearing L
- Ficus Glomerata L
- puṣpâkara mfn. rich in flower, flowery
- m. (with māsa) the flowery month, spring Vikr
- -deva m. N. of a poet Cat
- puṣpâgama m. 'flower-advent', the spring Ṛitus
- puṣpâgra n. flower-point', a pistil Vām
- puṣpâjīva and m. 'living by flower', a gardener, florist, garland-maker L
- puṣpâjīḍvin m. 'living by flower', a gardener, florist, garland-maker L
- puṣpâñjana n. calx of brass employed as a collyrium L
- puṣpâñjali m. two handfuls of flower L
- N. of sev. wks. (also -stotra and ○lyaṣṭaka n.)
- mfn. presenting flower or a nosegay in both hands opened and hollowed W
- puṣpâḍa and m. a kind of rice Gal
- puṣpâḍḍaka m. a kind of rice Gal
- puṣpânana m. flower faced', N. of a Yaksha MBh
- puṣpânauga n. a powder promoting menstruation Car
- puṣpâṅta mfn. perishing after the blossom (?) SāmavBr
- puṣpâpaṇa m. a flower-market Pañcad
- puṣpâpīḍa m. 'chaplet of flower', N. of a Gandharva Śukas
- puṣpâbbikīrṇa mfn. strewed with flower Lalit
- m. a kind of spotted snake Suśr
- puṣpâbhiṣeka m. = ○pa-snāna Var
- puṣpâmbu n. the honey or nectar of flower L
- puṣpâmbhas n. flower-water, N. of a sacred bathing-place MBh
- puṣpâyudha m. 'flower armed', the god of love Kāv
- puṣpâráma m. a flower-garden Kathās
- puṣpârṇa m. 'flower-stream', N. of a son of Vatsara and Svar-viithi BhP
- puṣpârpaṇa n. N. of wk.
- puṣpâvakīrṇa m. 'strewed with flower', N. of a prince of the Kiṃnaras Kāraṇḍ
- puṣpâvacaya m. gathering flower W. (cf. Vām. v, 2, 42)
- ○cāyikā f. the gathering of flower (a kind of play or sport) Cat
- ○cāyin m. gathering flower, a flower-gatherer W
- púṣpā-vat mfn. = 1. púṣpa-vat TS
- (ī), f. N. of a town Cat
- puṣpāvalivanarājikusumitābhijña3puṣpâvali-vanarāji-kusumitâbhijña m. knowing the season of the flowering of the rows of flower and of the forest-trees', N. of a Buddha Lalit. (vḷ. puṣpa-bali-v○)
- puṣpâśin mfn. eating flower Vishṇ
- puṣpâsava m. a decoction of flower R. Ṛitus
- honey L
- puṣpâsāra m. = ○pa-vṛṣṭi Megh
- puṣpâstaraka m. (Cat),
- puṣpâstaḍraṇa n. (BhP. Sch.) the art of strewing flower (one of the 64 Kalas)
- puṣpâstra m. = ○pâyudha L
- puṣpâhara mfn. one who takes or plucks flower W
- puṣpâhvā f. Anethum Sowa L
- puṣpêṣu m.= ○pa-bāṇa Kathās
- puṣpôtkaṭā f. N. of a Rākshasi the mother of Rāvaṇa and Kumbha-karṇa) MBh
- puṣpottara m. or n. (with Jainas) N. of a partic. heaven W
- puṣpôdakā f. 'having flower for water', N. of a river in the lower world MBh
- puṣpôdbhava m. 'sprung from flower', N. of a man Daś
- puṣpôdyāna n. a flower-garden MW
- puṣpôpagama mfn. bearing flower Vishṇ
- puṣpopajīvin m.= puṣpâjīvin R
- puṣpaka m. a kind of serpent Suśr
- N. of a mountain MārkP
- (ikā), f. the tartar of the teeth L
- the mucus of the tongue. Gal
- the mucus of the glans penis or urethra L
- the last words of a chapter (which state the subject treated therein) L
- n. (rarely m.) N. of the self-moving aerial car of Kubera (also -vimāna, n
- it was carried off by the demon Rāvaṇa and constantly used by him till he was slain by Rāma-candra, who then employed the car to transport himself and Sītā back to Ayodhyā) MBh. R. &c
- N. of a forest Hariv
- calx of brass or green vitriol used as a collyrium L
- a bracelet (esp. one of jewels) L
- a small earthen fire-place or furnace on wheels L
- a cup or vessel of iron L
- a partic. disease of the eyes (albugo) L
- puṣpāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to become a flower, Kularṇ
- puṣpita mf(ā)n. flowered, bearing flowers, blooming, in bloom MBh. Kāv. &c
- having marks like flowers, variegated, spotted, (said of bad teeth) Car
- exhaling an odour indicative of approaching death ib
- completely manifested, fully developed Kathās
- florid, flowery (as speech) Bhag
- m. N. of a Buddha Lalit
- (ā), f. a menstruous woman L
- ○palāśa-pratima mfn. resembling a Butea Frondosa in flower MW
- puṣpitâkṣa mfn. having spots (allugo) on the eye VarBṛS. Sch
- ○kṣi-tva (l), n. ib
- puṣpitâgra mfn. covered at the extremities with flowers or blossoms MBh. Gīt
- (ā), f. N. of a metre
- puṣpitaka m. N. of a mountain Hariv
- puṣpín mfn. bearing flowers, flowering, blossoming RV. &c. &c
- florid, flowery (as speech) BhP
- (iṇī), f. (a woman) in menstruation or desirous of sexual intercourse Kāv. BhP
- puṣpya Nom. P. ○yati (p. Ā. ○yamāna) to bear flowers, flower, blossom, bloom MBh. Kāv. &c. (cf. √puṣp, ○pyati in Dhātup. xxvi, 15)
- púṣya n. nourishment (pl.) Car
- the blossom or flower i.e. the uppermost or best of anything (cf. Gk. ? ; Lat. flos) RV
- (puṣyā), m. N. of the 6th (or 8th, but See nakṣatra) lunar asterism (also called Sidhya and Tishya) AV. &c. &c
- (= -yoga), the conjunction of the moon with Pushya Mn. MBh. &c
- N. of the month Pausha VP
- of the Kali-yuga or fourth age W
- of one of the 24 mythical Buddhas MWB. 136, n. 1
- of various princes VP
- n. N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr
- (puṣyā́), f. a species of plant AV
- the asterism Pushya L
- ○dharman m. N. of a prince Buddh
- ○netra mfn. having the asterism Pushya for a guide Pāṇ. 5-4, 116 Vārtt. 2 Pat
- ○mitra m. N. of a prince VP
- pl. his dynasty ib. (cf. puṣpa-m○)
- ○yaśas m. N. of a man with the patr. Audavraji L
- ○ratha m. the asterism Pāṇ. as a car Śiś
- a carriage for pleasure ib. (cf. puṣpa-r○)
- ○lipi vḷ. for puṣpa-l○
- ○snāna n. a partic. ceremony of purification performed while the moon is passing through the asterism Pāṇ. Var. (v. l. puṣpaṣ○)
- puṣyâbhiṣeka m. id. ib. (vḷ. puṣpâbh○)
- puṣkara ○kala, See pp. 638, 639.
- puṣkaletra m. N. of a village Rājat
- puṣkaśa ○kasa, v. l. for pukkaśa, pulkasa, q.v
- puṣkiriṇī f. often for puṣkariṇī Divyâv
- puṣpalaka m. a post, pin, stake, peg, wedge L. (cf. puṣkalaka)
- puṣpasa m. the lungs L. (cf. pupphusa, phupphusa)
- puṣpāṇanāḍa m. N. of a Grāma Rājat
- puṣyalaka wṛ. for puṣkalaka
- pus cl. 10. P. posayati, to discharge, emit Dhātup. xxxii, 92
- pust cl. 10. P. pustayati, to respect or disrespect (?) Dhātup. xxxii, 52
- to bind Vop. (cf. √bust)
- pusta m. n. (g. ardharcādi) working in clay, modelling, Kathā
- (also ā f.) a manuscript, book Var. (cf. below) Hcat
- mfn. covered, filled W
- ○karman n. plastering, painting W
- ○maya mf(ī)n. formed of metal or wood, wrought in clay, modelled Suśr
- ○vārtta m. one who lives by books or makes books VarBṛS
- pustaka m. or n. a protuberant ornament, boss ( below)
- mf(ikā)n. a manuscript, book, booklet Hariv. Kāv. Var. &c
- ○kara m. an embosser VarBṛS. Sch
- pustakâgāra n. 'book-room', a library MW
- pustakâstaraṇa n. the wrapper of a manuscript Hcat
- pū cl. 9. P. Ā. (Dhātup. xxxj, 12) punā́ti, punīté (3. pl. Ā. punáte AV., punaté RV
- 2. sg. Impv. P. punīhi RV. &c., punāhí SV.)
- ci. 1. Ā. (xxii 70) pávate (of P. only Impv. -pava RV. ix, 19, 3, and p. gen. pl. pavatām Bhag.x, 31
- p. Ā. punāná below, pávamāna, See p. 610, col. 3
- 1. sg. Ā. punīṣe RV. vii, 85, 1
- pf. pupuvuh. ○ve Br
- apupot RV. iii, 26, 8
- aor. apāviṣuḥ Subj. apaviṣṭa RV
- fut. paviṣyati, pavitā Gr
- ind., p. pūtvā́ AV
- pūtvií RV
- pavitvā Gr
- -pū́ya and -pāvam Br. &c
- inf. pavitum Br.), to make clean or clear or pure or bright, cleanse, purify, purge, clarify, illustrate, illume (with sáktum, to cleanse from chaff, winnow'
- with krátum or manīṣā́m, to enlighten the understanding'
- with hiraṇyam, 'to wash gold') RV. &c. &c
- (met.) to sift, discriminate, discern
- to think of or out, invent, compose (as a hymn) RV. AV
- (Ā. pávate) to purify one's self. be or become clear or bright
- (esp.) to flow off clearly (said of the Soma) RV
- to expiate, atone for ib. vii, 28, 4
- to pass so as to purify
- to purify in passing or pervading, ventilate RV. &c. (cf. √pav): Pass. pūyáte, to be cleaned or washed or purified
- to be freed or delivered from (abl.) Mn. MBh. &c.: Caus. paváyati or pāvayati (ep. also ○te
- aor. apīpavat Gr
- Pass. pāvyate Kāv.), to cleanse, purify TS. Br. &c.: Desid, pupūṣati, pipaviṣate Gr.: Desid. of Caus. pipāvayiṣati Gr. fire.]
- punāná mfn. being clear or bright or purified RV. (also with tanvám or tanvā́)
- washing off, destroying (sin) RV. vi, 66, 4
- pouring forth i.e. showing (brightness), ii, 3, 5
- punītá mfn. cleaned, purified MBh
- pū mfn. cleansing, purifying (ifc
- cf. annauda-, ghṛta- &c.)
- pūtá mfn. (for 2. See √pūy, p. 641) cleaned, purified, pure, clear, bright RV. &c. &c
- m. (L.) a conch-shell
- white Kuśa grass
- Flacourtia Sapida
- du. the buttocks (cf. puta)
- (ā), f. a species of Dūrvā grass L. ; N. of Durgā L.
- ○kratā (pūtá-.), f. N. of a woman RV. (cf. next)
- ○kratāyī f. the wife of Pūta-kratu Pāṇ. 4-1, 36
- the wife of Indra Uṇ. i, 78 Sch
- ○kratu (pūtá-), m. 'pure-minded', N. of a man RV. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 36)
- N. of Indra Uṇ. i, 78 Sch
- ○gandha m. a species of plant ( = varvara) L
- ○tṛṇa n. white Kuśa grass L
- ○dakṣa (pūtá-), mfn. pure-minded (also ○kṣas) RV
- m. N. of an Āṅgirasa (author of RV. viii, 83)
- ○dru m. 'pure tree', Butea Frondosa L.
- ○dhānya -n. 'winnowed grain', sesamum L
- mf(ā)n. containing winnowed grain AV.Paipp
- ○pattrī f. holy basil L
- ○pāpa or mfn. purified or freed from sin MBh
- ○pāpman mfn. purified or freed from sin MBh
- ○phala m. 'pure-fruited', the bread-fruit tree L
- ○bándhana mf(ī)n. attached to that which is purified RV
- ○bandhu (pūtá-), mfn. of pṭpurified descent or noble race RV
- ○bhṛ́t m. a kind of vessel which receives the Soma juice after it has been strained VS. TS. Br
- ○mati m. 'pure-minded', N. of Śiva Śivag
- ○mūrti mfn. having one's form or body cleansed, pure, purified Rājat
- ○yavam ind. at the time of winnowing barley, g. tiṣṭhadgv-ādi, (cf. pūyamāna-y○)
- pūtâtman mfn. pure-minded (○ma-tā f.) Hariv
- m. N. of Vishṇu RTL. 106
- a saint, ascetic
- a man purified by ablution W
- pū́ti f. (for 2. See col. 3) purity, purification ŚBr. MBh
- ○dhānya wṛ. for pūta-dh○ (above)
- pūtríma mfn. purified, pure, clean AV
- pūna mfn. destroyed (= vi-naṣṭa) Pāṇ. 8-2, 44 Vārtt. 3 Pat
- pūná-devī f. N. of a woman Cat
- pūni f. purifying, cleansing (?) Pāṇ. 8-2, 44 Vārtt. 1 Pat. (vḷ. dhūni)
- pūyámāna mfn. being cleansed or purified &c. RV
- m. N. of a man L
- ○yavam ind. at the time of winnowing barley, g. tiṣṭhadgv-ādi (cf. pūta-y○)
- pū mfn. (√1. pā) drinking ( See agre-pū́)
- pūḥ-kāmya See p. 636, col. 1
- pūga m. (ifc. f. ā
- cf. puñja) any assemblage or combination or body of persons, a multitude, number, mass, quantity (in one place n.) ŚāṅkhBr. Mn. MBh. &c
- country court or an assembly of townsmen IW. 296, n. 1
- disposition, property, nature W
- the Areca Catechu, called betel-nut tree (n. its nut) Var. Kāv. Suśr
- = kaṇṭaki-vṛkṣa L
- = chanda, or chandas L. = bhāva L
- ○kṛta mfn. made into a heap, gathered, collected Pāṇ. 6-2, 46 Sch
- ○khaṇḍa m. or n. a piece of Areca-nut Rājat
- ○pātra n. a betel-box or -next L
- ○pīṭha n. 'betel receptacle', spitting-pot, spittoon (the Areca-nut, when chewed with betel, producing saliva) L
- ○puṣpikā f. Areca-nut and flowers (presented to the principal guests at a marriage festival) L
- ○pota m. a young Areca-tree BhP
- ○phala n. 'fruit of the Areca tree', commonly called 'betel-nut' Var. Suśr
- ○yalña m. a sacrifice offered for a number of persons
- ○ñiya mfn. relating to it MBh
- ○roṭa or (?), m. Phoenix Paludosa L
- ○voṭa (?), m. Phoenix Paludosa L
- ○vaira n. enmity against a number of persons MBh
- pūgatitha mfn. numerous, manifold Pāṇ. 5-2, 52 (cf. gaṇat○, bahut○)
- pūgī f. the Areca Catechu (producing a nut chewed with betel-leaf)
- ○phala n. the Areca-nut Subh
- ○latā f. the Areca-palin Kād
- pūgya mfn. belonging to a multitude
- (ifc.) belonging to the troop or band of, g. varg-âdi
- pūj cl. 10. P, (Dhātup. xxxii, 100) pūjayati (ep. also Ā. ○te and cl. 1. P. pūjati
- pf. pupūjire MBh
- aor. apūpujat Gr
- ind. p. pūjayitvā Mn. &c
- pūjya MBh.), to honour, worship, revere, respect, regard ĀśvGṛ. Mn. MBh. &c
- to honour or present with (instr.) Mn. vii, 203
- to initiate, consecrate Vet
- pūjaka mf(ikā)n. honouring, respecting, worshipping, a worshipper (with gen. or ifc.) Mn. MBh. &c
- pūjana n. reverencing, honouring, worship, respect, attention, hospitable reception ib. (mālikā f. N. of wk.)
- an object of reverence Pāṇ. 8-1, 67
- (ī), f. = ○janīyā f. MBh. Hariv
- a hen-sparrow L
- pūjanīya mfn. to be revered or worshipped, venerable, honourable, (compar. -tara
- superl. -tama) MBh. R. &c
- (ā), f. N. of a female bird (a friend of king Brahnia-datta) Hariv
- pūjayāna mfn. honouring, reverencing MW
- pūjayitavya mfn. = ○janīya Nir. Hit. Pūjsyitṛi, mfn. honouring, worshipping, a worshipper. MBh
- pūjā f. honour, worship, respect, reverence, veneration, homage to superiors or adoration of the gods GṛS. Mn. MBh. &c
- ○kara mfn. paying respect or showing homage to (comp.) Pañc
- ○karman mfn. denoting the action of honouring, meaning 'to honour' Nir.
- ○kāṇḍa n
- ○krama m
- ○khaṇḍa m. or n. N. of wks
- ○gṛha n. 'house of worship', a temple Dhūrtan
- ○nyāsavidhi m. N. of wk
- ○paṭṭaka n. a deed or document of honour, Lokapr
- ○pathya-mālā f
- ○paddhati f
- ○prakāśa m
- ○pradīpa m
- ○ratna n
- ○ratnâkara m. N. of wks
- ○"ṣrha (○jârha), mfn. worthy of reverence or honour, venerable, respectable Kathās
- ○vat mfn. enjoying honour or distinction Śaṃk
- ○vidhi m. paying respect, showing homage L
- N. of wk
- ○vaikalya-prâyaścitta n. N. of wk
- ○satkāra m. = -vidhi Ratnâv
- ○sambhāra m. (Mālatim.),
- pūḍjôpakaraṇa n. (Ratnāv.) the requisites for the worship or adoration of a god
- pūḍjôpayogi-sāman n. pl. N. of wk
- pūjita mfn. honoured, received or treated respectfully, worshipped, adored Mn. MBh. &c
- honoured by (gen. or comp. Pāṇ. 2-2, 12) or on account of (comp.) Mn. MBh. &c
- acknowledged, recommended MBh. Suśr
- frequented, inhabited MBh
- consecrated Kathās
- supplied with (comp.) MBh. R
- m. a god L
- n. N. of a place Divyāv
- ○pattra-phalā f. N. of a plant L
- ○pūjaka mfn. honouring the honoured MBh
- pūjila mfn. = ○janīya
- m. a god Uṇ. i, 57
- pūjya mfn. = ○janīya (superl. -tama) Mn. MBh. &c
- m. an honourable man Car
- a father-in-law L
- ○tā f. (MBh.), or (MārkP.) venerableness, honourableness, the being entitled to honour
- ○tva n. (MārkP.) venerableness, honourableness, the being entitled to honour
- ○pāda m. N. of Deva-nandin Cat. (○dacaritra n. N. of wk.)
- ○pūjā f. honouring those worthy of honour (○jā-vyatikrama, m. neglecting to do so) Ragh
- pūṇ cl. 10. P. pūṇayati, to collect or heap together Dhātup. xxxii, 92 (v. l.)
- cf. puṇpūl
- pūt ind. an onomat. expressive of blowing or hard breathing (prob. wṛ. for phūt, phut, q.v.)
- ○kārī f. N. of Sarasvati L
- of the capital of the Nāgas or serpent race W
- pūtana m. a partic. class of demons or spirits (also = vetāla), Mālatim. Bālar. SaddhP
- (ā), f. See next
- pūtanā f. N. of a female demon (said to cause a partic. disease in children, and to have offered her poisoned breast to the infant Kṛishṇa who seized it and sucked away her life
- regarded also as one of the Mātṛis attending upon Skanda, and as a Yogini) MBh. Hariv. Kāv. Pur
- a kind of disease in a child (ascribed to the demon PṭPūtanā) W
- Terminalia Chebula L
- a species of Valeriana L
- wṛ. for pṛtanā
- ○keśa m.,,
- ○keḍśī f. a species of plant Car
- ○tva n. the state or condition of Pūtanā Kāraṇḍ
- ○dūṣaṇa m. 'PṭPūtanā-destroyer', N. of Kṛishṇa L
- ○mokṣaṇa-prastāva m. N. of ch. of BrahmaP
- ○vidhāna n. N. of wk
- ○"ṣri (○nârī),
- ○sūdana and m. 'enemy, destroyer, slayer of Pūtāva', N. of Kṛishṇa L
- ○han m. 'enemy, destroyer, slayer of Pūtāva', N. of Kṛishṇa L
- pūtanāya Nom. P. ○yati, to represent Pūtanā BhP
- pūtanikā f. the demon Pūtanā Gīt
- pūtara m. a partic. aquatic animal Gaṇar. iv, 291 (applied to an insignificant or mean person= adhama and opp. to kuñjara) HPariś
- pūtu-dāru m. = pūta-dru, the tree Butea Frondosa Kauś
- pūtú-dru (AV.),
- pū́tu-dru (TS.), m. the tree Acacia Catechu or Pinus Deodora
- n. its fruit
- pūthikā (?), f. a species of culinary plant Suśr. (vḷ. pṛthukā and yūthikā)
- pūpa m. a cake, a sort of bread MBh. R. &c. (cf. apūpa)
- ○śālā f. a cake room, baker's shop Mn. ix, 264 (prob. apūpa-ś○)
- pūpâṣṭakā f. the 8th day of the wane of the moon after the day Āgrahāyaṇī L
- pūpalā (L.),
- pūpaḍlikā (Car.), or (L.), f. a kind of sweet cake fried with ghee or oil L
- pūpaḍlī (L.), f. a kind of sweet cake fried with ghee or oil L
- pūpālika m. (Suśr.),
- pūpāḍlikā (ib.) and f. id
- pūpāḍlī (L.), f. id
- pūpikā f. id. L
- pūpīya or mfn. g. apūpâdi
- pūpya mfn. g. apūpâdi
- pūy cl. 1. P. pū́yati (TS. ŚBr. &c.), /A pūyate (Dhātup. xiv, 13), to become foul or putrid, stink. [Cf. Zd. pū, puiti
- Gk. ?, ? ; Lat. pūs, pūteo ; Lith. púti ; Goth. fûls ; Germ. faul ; Eng. foul.]
- pūta mfn. (for 1. See √pū, p. 640) putrid, foul-smelling, stinking L
- pū́ti mfn. (for 1. See col. 1) putrid, foul-smelling, stinking, fetid, ill-smelling AV. &c. &c. (after a finite verb expressive of blame or censure, e.g. pacati pūti or pūtiḥ, PIṇ. viii, 1, 69 Pat.)
- m. purulent matter, pus MBh. ix, 2259
- Guilandina Bonduc Bhpr
- civet L
- f. a stench, stink W
- n. a species of grass L
- ○karaja (l) and m. Guilandina Bonduc L
- ○karañja m. Guilandina Bonduc L
- ○karṇa m. a disease of the ear with discharge of putrid matter Suśr
- -tā id. ib
- ○karṇaka m. id. Suśr
- Guilandina Bonduc L. (vḷ. ○ṇika)
- ○kāṣṭha and n. Pinus Deodora and Longifolia L
- ○kāṣḍṭkaka n. Pinus Deodora and Longifolia L
- ○kiṭa m. stinking insect', a kind of insect Suśr
- ○kuṣmāṇḍāya Nom. (fr. pṭputrid-kuṣmāṇḍa) Ā. ○yate, to resemble a rotten gourd i.e. be quite worthless Sarvad
- ○dāyamāna-tva n. complete worthlessness ib
- ○khaṣa m. a kind of animal Āpast. (cf. -ghāsa). -1
- ○gandhá m. fetid odour, stench TS. Mn. Yājñ. -2
- ○gandha mfn. foul-smelling, stinking L
- m. sulphur L
- Terminalia Catappa L
- (ā), f. Vernonia Authelminthica L
- tin L
- ○gandhi mfn. ill-smelling, fetid MBh. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-4, 135)
- ○gandhika mfn. id. L
- (ā), f. Serratula Anthelminthica L
- ○ghāsa m. 'eating putrid food', a species of animal living in trees Suśr
- ○tailā f. 'containing ill-smelling oil', Cardiospermum Halicacabum L. -tva n. putrid state, stinking Suśr
- ○nasya n. a disease of the nose causing offensive breath Suśr. (wṛ. pūta-n○)
- ○nāsā-gada m. id. L
- ○nāsika mfn. having a fetid nose Yājñ
- ○pattra m. 'having ill-smelling leaves', a variety of Śyonaka L
- ○parṇa m. 'id.', Pongamia Glabra L
- ○puṣpikā f. 'having ill-smelling blossoms', Citrus Medica L
- ○phalā or,
- ○phaḍlī f. 'bearing ill-smelling fruit', Sereatula Anthelminthica L
- ○bhāva m. putrid state, stench Kap
- ○mayūrikā f. Ocimum Villosum L
- ○māṃsa n. dead or decayed flesh W
- ○māṣa m. N. of a man, AśvSr
- ○mukta m. or n. voiding excrement L
- ○mṛttika m. or n. 'having fetid soil', N. of a hell Mn. Yājñ
- ○meda m. Vachellia Farnesiana L
- ○rajjú f. a rotten cord AV. Kauś
- ○vaktra mfn. 'fetid-mouthed', one who has offensive breath Yājñ
- -tā f. Mn
- ○vaya v. l. for -ghāsa Suśr
- ○vāta m. foul wind expelled from the bowels BhP
- Aegle Marmelos L
- ○vṛkṣa m. 'ill-smelling tree', Calosanthes Indica L
- ○vraṇa n. a foul ulcer MW
- ○śapharī f. rotten fish Kauś
- ○śārijā (?), f. a polecat, civet-cat L
- ○śṛñjaya m. pl. N. of a people VP
- puty-aṇḍa m. a partic. ill-smelling insect MBh. (vḷ.)
- a musk-deer L
- pūtika mfn. foul, stinking, putrid MBh
- m. = pūtīka ĀśvŚr. MBh. Suśr
- Guilandina Bonduc Bhpr
- (ā), f. Basella Cordifolia L
- a white ant (wṛ. for puttikā) MBh. Pañc
- n. ordure, excrement W
- pūtikā-mukha m. a bivalve shell L
- pūtikêśvara-tīrtha n. N. of a Tirtha on the banks of the Revā Narma-da ŚivaP
- pūtī́ka m. a species of plant serving as a substitute for the Soma plant (often explained by rohiṣa, perhaps Guilandina Bonduc) TS. Br. ŚrS. Suśr
- the polecat, civet-cat L. (cf. pūtika)
- pūtī-karañja v. l. for pūti-k○
- pū7ya m. n. purulent matter, pus, suppuration, discharge from an ulcer or wound ŚBr. &c. &c
- ○bhuj mfn. eating purulent carcasses Mn. xii, 72
- ○rakta m. (sc. roga) 'having purulent blood', a kind of disease of the nose with discharge of pṭpurulent blood Suśr. -vaha, m. 'filthy-streamed', N. of a partic. hell VP
- ○śoṇita n. purulent blood, ichor Mn. iii, 180
- pūyâbha n. 'resembling pus', a kind of bloody-flux L
- pūyâri m. 'hostile to suppuration', the Nimb tree, Azadirachta Indica (the leaves of which are used to produce dispersion or absorption of purulent matter) L
- pūyâlasa m. a partic. disease of the place of junction (saṃdhi) of the eye
- suppuration at the joints, white swelling Suśr
- pūyôda m. 'having fetid wafer', N. of a partic. hell (cf. pūya-vaha)
- pūyana n. pus, discharge from a wound or sore L
- pūra mfn. (√pṝ, Caus.) filling, making full (cf. pāṇi-)
- fulfilling, satisfying (cf. kāma-)
- m. the act of filling, fulfilling &c. Kāv. Pur
- the swelling or rising of a river or of the sea, a large quantity of water, flood, stream (also met. = abundance, high degree, esp. ifc.) Kāv. Suśr. &c.
- a cake R. (cf. ghṛta-)
- a kind of breath-exercise = pūraka below BhP
- the cleansing of a wound L. (cf. pūraṇa)
- the citron tree (= bīja-pūra) L
- (ī), f. N. of a woman Cat
- n. a kind of incense L
- bdellium L
- mf(ā)n. a sort of unleavened cake fried with ghee or oil W. (cf. pūrikā below)
- pūrâmla n. the fruit of Spondias Maugifera L
- pūrôtpīḍa m. excess or superabundance of water Kathās
- pūraka mfn. filling, completing, fulfilling, satisfying (ifc. or with gen
- Pāṇ. 2-3, 70 Kāś.) Mn. MBh. &c
- m. flood, stream, effusion BhP
- (in arithm.) the multiplier
- a ball of meal offered at the conclusion of the oblations to the Pitṛis L. (also piṇḍa, m. Kull. on Mn. v, 85)
- closing the right nostril with the forefinger and then drawing up air through the left and then closing the left nostril and drawing up air through the right (as a religious exercise) RTL. 402
- the citron tree L
- (ikā), f. a sort of cake MBh. Yājñ. (○kâpūpa) Bhpr. &c
- ○kumbhaka-recaka m. pl. or n. pl. (?) inhaling and then retaining and then exhaling air MW
- pūraṇa mf(ī)n. filling, completing, satisfying causing, effecting KātyŚr. Śaṃk. Hariv
- drawing (a bow) MW
- m. 'completer', N. of the masculine ordinal numbers from dvitīya upwards Pāṇ. 2-2, 11 &c
- a dam, bridge L
- the sea L
- a medicinal oil or embrocation L
- N. of a man ĀśvŚr
- (with the patr. vaiśvāmitra), N. of the author of RV. x, 160
- (ī), f. an ordinal number in the feminine gender Pāṇ. v, 4, 116 &c
- Bonibax Heptaphyllum L
- (du.) the cross threads in weaving cloth, warp Rājat
- N. of Durgā MW
- of one of the two wives of the popular deity Ayenār RTL. 219 (pū́r○), n. the act or filling or filling up, puffing or swelling up AV. &c. &c
- fulfilling, satisfying Mālav
- furnishing, equipping Var
- (with dhanuṣaḥ) drawing or bending a bow to the full MBh. R
- (in medic.) injection of fluids or supplying with food
- (in astron.) the revolution of a heavenly body through its orbit Sūryas
- (in arithm.) multiplication
- rain L
- a sort of cake Bhpr
- Cyperus Rotundus L
- the cross threads in weiving cloth, warp L
- ○kāśyapa m. N. of a man Buddh
- ○pariśiṣṭa n. N. of wk
- ○pratyaya m. an affix forming an ordinal Pāṇ. Sch
- ○vyākhyā f. N. of Comm. on MānGṛ
- pūraṇīya mfn. to be filled up, to be supplied Jaim. Sch
- pūram
- pūrayitvā See √pṝ
- pūrayitavya mfn. to be filled or filled up Pāṇ. 6-3, 59
- to be satisfied Nir. vii, 23
- pūrayitṛ mfn. one who fills or fulfils or satisfies Kāv
- m. N. of Vishṇu MBh
- of Śiva Śivag
- pūrikā See under pūraka
- pūrita mfn. filled, completed &c
- made full or strong, intensified (as a sound) MBh
- filled with wind, blown (as a conch) BhP
- multiplied, overspread W
- pūrin mfn. filling, making full (ifc.) MBh
- pūrṇá mfn. filled, full, filled with or full of (instr. or gen. or comp.) RV. &c. &c
- abundant, rich Kāv
- fulfilled, finished, accomplished, ended, past ŚāṅkhGṛ. MBh. R. &c
- concluded (as a treaty), Rajat
- complete, all, entire SāṅkhBr. Mn. MBh. &c
- satisfied, contented R
- (ifc.) perfectly familiar with Hcat
- drawn, bent to the full (as a bow) MBh. Hariv
- (in augury) fullsounding, sonorous and auspicious (said of the cry of birds and beasts, opp. to dīpta, q.v.)
- uttering this cry VarBṛS
- strong, capable, able L
- selfish, self-indulgent W
- m. a partic. form of the sun Cat
- a kind of tree R
- (in music) a partic. measure
- N. of a Nāga MBh
- of a Deva-gandharva ib
- of a Buddhist ascetic Lalit
- (ā), f. N. of the 15th Kalā of the month BrahmaP
- of the 5th, 10th and : 15th Tithis Var
- N. of a woman Vet
- (with Śiktas) of an authoress of Mantras Cat
- of 2 rivers VP
- ī. fulness, plenty, abundance AV. TS
- water Naigh. i, 12
- the cipher or figure o Gaṇit
- ○kaṃsa m. a full cup L
- ○kakud mfn. 'fullhumped' humpbacked Pāṇ. 5-4, 146 Sch
- ○kākud or mfn. Pāṇ. 5-4, 149
- ○kākuḍda mfn. Pāṇ. 5-4, 149
- ○kāma mfn. one whose wishes are fulfilled, satisfied Mcar
- -tā f. MārkP
- ○kāraṇa mfn. (ifc.) fulfilling, satisfying BrahmaP
- ○kuṭa m. a partic. class of birds Var
- ○kumbha m. (ifc. f. ā) a full cup or jar, (esp.) a cup full of water (also with apām) Mn. Ragh.
- a cup filled with holy water and used at the consecration of a king W
- a partic. mode of fighting MBh
- N. of a Dānava Hariv. (vḷ. kumbha-karṇa)
- m. or n. a hole (in a wall) of the shape of a waterjar Mṛicch
- mf(ā)n. having a full pitcher ŚāṅkhŚr
- ○kośā f. 'having a full pod', a species of plant Var
- ○koṣṭhā f. a species of Cyperus L
- ○kha mfn. (prob.) having its axle-hole well greased (said of a waggon), SaṃhitUp
- ○gabhasti (pūrṇá-), mfn. one whose arms or hands are full (of wealth) RV
- ○garbha mf(ā)n. one whose interior is well-filled Bhpr
- (ā), f. pregnant, ready to bring forth MW
- ○giri m. N. of a place Cat
- ○candra m. the full moon MBh. R
- N. of a Bodhi-sattva Buddh
- of an author Cat
- -nibhânana mf(ā)n. having a face like the full moon Nal
- -prâyaścitta. prakaraṇa n. N. of wk
- -prabhā f. the lustre of the full moon MW
- ○cāttra n. a spindle wound round with yarn Gobh
- ○tā f. (Hariv.) and n. (Kathās.) fulness
- ○tva n. (Kathās.) fulness
- ○tūṇa mfn. full-quivered, having the quiver full MW
- ○darvá n. a ceremony with a full ladle ŚBr. ŚāṅkhŚr. (vḷ. ○vya)
- ○deva m. N. of an author Cat
- ○dharma m. w, r. for pūrta-dh○ (below)
- ○parvêndu f. the day of full moon A
- ○pātrá m. n. a full vessel or cup, as much as will fill a vessel, a cupful (as a measure of capacity properly 256 handfuls of rice) ŚBr. TBr. GṛŚrS. (also ī f. ŚaṅkhGṛ.)
- n. a vessel full of rice presented at a sacrifice to the superintending and officiating priests W
- a vessel filled with valuable things to be distributed as presents (esp. a present made to any one who brings good news), Mālatim. Kād. Hcar
- -pratibhaṭa mfn. emulating the fullness or a full vṭvessel i.e. overflowing, supreme (as glory) Rājat
- -maya mf(ī)n. consisting of a full vessel, amounting to a full vessel or to only so much (as a speech) MBh. Kathās
- -vṛttya ind. after the manner of a full vessel, plentifully, abundantly, Mālatim
- ○purī m. N. of a scholar Cat
- ○puruṣârtha-candra m. or n. N. of a drama
- ○prakāśa m. N. of an author Cat
- ○prajña m. N. of Madhva (also called Madhya-mandira), and of his adherents Sarvad. (cf. IW. 118 ; 119)
- -darśana n. N. of ch. of Sarvad
- ○bandhura for -vandhura VS
- ○bīja m. a citron L
- ○bhadra m. N. of a serpent-demon MBh
- of the father of the Yaksha Hari-keśa, Skandap
- of several men Hariv. Daś
- of a scholar (who revised the Pañcasantra in 1514) Cat
- ○bhedinī f. a species of plant L
- ○maṇḍala n. a full circle Cat
- ○mā f. full-moon (day) L
- ○mānasa mfn. having a satisfied mind, contented R
- ○mās (pūrṇá-), m. full moon ŚBr
- ○māsa (pūrṇá-), m. full moon
- a ceremony on the day of full moon TS. Br. MBh. &c
- full moon personified as son of Dhātṛi and Anumati BhP
- N. of a son of Kṛishṇa BhP
- (ī), f. = pūrṇa-mā ĀpŚr. Comm
- ○mukta mfn. shot from a bow completely bent (as an arrow) R
- ○mukha n. a full mouth
- instr. (blowing) with full cheeks MānŚr
- m. a species of bird R
- N. of a serpent-demon MBh
- ○muṣṭi mf. a handful, ŚaṅkhGṛ
- ○maitrāyaṇī-putra m. N. of a man Buddh
- ○yoga m. a partic. mode of fighting MBh
- ○yauvana mfn. one whose youth is in full vigour Daś
- ○ratha m. a complete warrior Kathās
- ○lakṣmīka mfn. full of magnificence or wealth Kathās
- ○vandhura (pūrṇá-), mfn. having the chariot-seat filled RV
- ○vapus mfn. full-bodied', full (the moon) MBh
- ○varman m. N. of a man Buddh
- ○viṃśativarṣa mfn. full 20 years old Mn
- ○víghana mfn. full but not hard (?) ŚāṅkhGṛ
- ○vaināśika mfn. maintaining the doctrine of absolute annihilation
- m. pl. N. of Buddhists (= sarva-vaisāśika) Col
- ○śakti f. 'Full energy', N. of a partic. form of Rādhā W. (cf. RTL. 187)
- -mat mfn. possessing that Energy (Kṛishṇa) ib
- ○śrī mfn. having fullness of fortune Subh
- ○śruti mfn. having the ears filled MW
- ○samaya m. N. of a Kshapaṇaka Cat
- ○sena m. N. of an author Cat
- ○saugandha m. N. of a man L
- ○sruva m. a full ladle called sruva MānŚr
- ○homa m. = pūrṇâhuti Gobh. Kaut. Vait
- pūrṇâkṣa and m. N. of a Maudgalya Car
- pūrṇâḍkṣya (l), m. N. of a Maudgalya Car
- pūrṇâṅka m. 'a full figure or number', an integer MW
- -gaṇita n. arithmetic of integers MW
- pūrṇâṅgada m. N. of a serpent-demon MBh
- pūrṇâñjali m. 'full Añjali' two handfuls, Kauś'
- pūrṇânaka n. 'full drum', a partic. drum L
- the sound of a drum L.
- clothes and garlands presented to friends at a feast (v. l. pūrṇālaka
- cf. pūrṇa-pātra) L
- a vessel L
- a moon-beam L
- pūrṇā-nadī f. N. of a sacred river MW
- pūrṇânanda m. full delight, RamatUp
- N. of the Supreme Being A
- of sev. authors (also -tīrtha, -nātha, -sarasvatī &c.) Cat
- -prabaudha m. N. of wk
- pūrṇâpūrṇa mfn. full and not full Pañcat
- pūrṇâbhilāṣa mfn. one whose wishes are fulfilled, satisfied, contented MW
- pūrṇâbhiṣikta m. pl.a partic. sect of the Śāktas W
- pūrṇâbhiṣeka m. a partic. ceremony among the Śāktas W
- -paddhati f. N. of wk
- pūrṇâbhra-rasa m. a partic. medicament, Rasendrac
- pūrṇâmṛta mfn. full of nectar
- (ā), f. N. of the 16th Kala of the moon BrahmaP
- ○tâṃśu-vadana mfn. having a face like the full moon Kathās
- pūrnâyata n. a completely bent bow Hariv
- pūrṇâyus m. N. of a Gandharva MBh. Hariv. (vḷ. ūrṇāyu)
- pūrṇârtha mfn. one who has attained his object, whose wishes have been realized BhP
- pūrṇâvatāra m. N. of the 4th, 7th and 8th incarnations of Vishṇu A
- pūrṇâśā f. N. of a river MBh. (vḷ. parṇâśā)
- pūrṇâśrama m. N. of an author, ○mīya n. his wk
- pūrṇâhutī f. 'complete oblation', an offering made with a full ladle Br. GṛŚrS. MBh. Rājat. (○tika mfn. relating to it KātyŚr. Sch.)
- -prayoga m. -mantra m. pl. N. of wks
- pūrṇêccha mfn. one whose wishes have been realized Kathās
- pūrṇêndu m. the full moon Kāv. Kathās. &c
- -bimbânana mfn. having a face like a full moon MW
- -rasa m. a partic. medicament Rasar
- -vadana mfn. having a face like a full moon MW
- pūrṇêśa m. N. of an author (○ī f. of an authoress) of Mantras among Śāktas Cat
- pūrṇôtkaṭa m. N. of a mountain MārkP
- purṇôtsaṅga mf(ā)n. far advanced in pregnancy MBh. (v. l. putrôtsaṅgā)
- m. N. of a prince VP
- pūrṇôda nif(ā)n. having a full bed (as a river) R
- pūrṇôdarā f. N. of a deity Cat
- pūrṇôpamā f. a complete comparison (containing the four requisites upamāna, upameya. sādhāraṇa-dharma, and upamā-vācaka or sādṛśya-pratipādaka
- opp. to luptâpamā) Kpr. Kuval. Pratāp
- pūrṇaka m. a species of tree R
- the blue jay (= svarṇa-cūḍa) MBh. (Nīlak.)
- a cock MW
- a partic. vessel or utensil (used by the Magas) VP
- = dhānya-jvara Gal
- (ikā), f. a species of bird described as having a double or cleft beak (also called nāsā-chinnī) Malatīm
- pūrḍṇālaka n. vḷ. for pūrṇânaka
- pūrḍṇiman m. N. of a brother of Kaśyapa and son of Marīci and Kalā BhP
- pūrṇimā f. the night or day of full moon Rājat. Sūryas
- -dina n. the day of full moon Pañcat. (○ṇimânta m. the end of the day of full moon MW.)
- -manoratha-vrata n. N. of a partic. observance Cat
- ○rātri f. the night of full mṭmoon Hemac
- -śarvarī f. the night of full moon Kpr
- pūrṇimāsī f. (according to some) = paurṇamāsī, q.v. L
- pūrṇī-kṛ √to make complete Kathās
- pūrtá mfn. filled, full, complete, completed, perfected Pur
- (iṣṭaś ca pūrtaś ca dharmau, = iṣṭāpūrta, q.v. MārkP.)
- covered, concealed L
- n. fulfilling, fulfilment
- granting, rewarding, a reward, merit, a meritorious work, an act of pious liberality (such as feeding a Brāhman, digging a well &c.) RV. &c. &c
- keeping, guarding L
- N. of wk. (also -kamabâkara)
- -dharma (wṛ. pūrṇa-dh○), m. a meritorious work (cf. pūrta) MārkP
- -prakāśa m. mālā f. ○tóddyota m. N. of wks
- pūrtaya Nom. P. ○yati (with dharmam) to perform the meritorious works called pūrta ( See above) BhP
- pūrtí f. filling, completion Pāṇ. Sch. (cf. pāda-p○)
- ending, coming to an end Naish
- granting, rewarding, reward RV. TS
- satiety, satisfaction MW
- -kāma (pū́rti-), mfn. (ifc.) desirous of completing or supplying BhP
- desirous of a grant or reward AV
- pūrtin mfn. possessing the merit of pious liberality (cf. pūrta) TS. Kāṭh. Pāṇ. Sch
- filling, completing, effective W
- pūrtvan mfn. one who has eaten his fill Kāṭh
- pū́rya mfn. to be filled or satisfied Br. MBh
- pūrú m. (orig.= puru, and connected with puruṣa, pūrvṣa) a man, people. RV
- N. of a tribe (associated with the Yadus, Turvaśas, Druhyus) ib
- of a class of demons ŚBr
- of an ancient prince (the son of Yayāti and Śarmishṭhā) MBh. Śak. Pur. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 165 Vārtt. 3 Pat.)
- of a descendant of Atri and author of RV. v, 16 ; 17 RAnukr
- of a son of Manu and Naḍvalā Hariv
- of a son of Jahnu BhP
- pū́ruṣa m. (m. c.) = púruṣa RV. &c. &c
- ○ghná mfn. slaying men RV
- ○tvá-tā ind. = puruṣa-tvá-tā ib
- pūruṣấd mfn. devouring men RV. AV
- pūruṣâda m. N. of a tribe of cannibals VarBṛS
- pūrv-āyus See pūrvâyus under pūrva
- pūr-jáyana pūr-dvār &c. See p. 636, col. 1
- pū́rva mf(ā)n. (connected with purā, puras, pra, and declined like a pron. when implying relative position whether in place or time, but not necessarily in abl. loc. sg. m. n. and nom. pl. m
- See Pāṇ. 1-1, 27 ; 34 ; vii, 1, 16) being before or in front fore, first RV. &c. &c
- eastern, to the east of (abl.) ib
- former, prior, preceding, previous to, earlier than (abl. or comp.) ib. (gaja-pūrva, preceding the number 'eight', i.e. seven, the seventh Śrutab
- māsena p○, or māsa-p○, earlier by a month Pāṇ. 2-1, 31
- ifc. often = formerly or before, e.g. strī-p○, fṭformerly a wife
- āḍhya-p○, formerly wealthy
- esp. after a pp., e.g. kṛta-p○, done before, dṛṣṭa-p○, seen before
- ifc. also preceded or accompanied by, attended with, e.g. smita-pūrvā-vāk, speech accompanied by smiles
- sometimes not translatable, e.g. mṛdu-pūrvā vāk, kind speech)
- ancient, old, customary, traditional RV. &c. &c
- first (in a series), initial, lowest (opp. to uttara
- with dama or sāhasa 'the lowest fine') Mn. viii, 120 &c
- (with vayas) 'first age', youth MBh
- foregoing, aforesaid, mentioned before (abl.) Mn. MBh. Pāṇ
- m. an ancestor, forefather (pl. the ancients, ancestors) RV. &c. &c
- an elder brother R
- N. of a prince BhP
- (ā), f. (with or sc. diś) the east MBh. R
- N. of a country to the east of Madhya-deśa L
- of the Nakshatras Pūrva-phalgunt, Pūrvâshāḍhā and Pūrvabhadrapadā collectively Var
- n. the fore part Śak. ii, 4 (Pāṇ. 2-2, 1)
- a partic. high number (applied to a period of years) Buddh
- N. of the most ancient of Jaina writings (of which 14 are enumerated) L
- N. of a Tantra Cat
- an ancient tradition W
- (am), ind. before (also as a prep. with abl.), formerly, hitherto, previously (sometimes with pres.) RV. &c. &c. (often ibc., e.g. pūrva-kārin, active before, pūrvôkta, said before
- also ifc. in the sense of 'with', e.g. prīti-pūrvam, with love
- mati-pūrvam with intention, intentionally
- mṛdu-pūrva-√bhāṣ, to speak kindly
- above.
- also with an ind. p., e.g. pūrva-bhojam, or -bhuktvā, having eaten before Pāṇ. 3-4, 24
- adya-p○, until now, hitherto
- previously -tataḥ, first-then
- pūrva-paścāt, previously-afterwards
- pūrva-upari, previously-subsequently
- pūrva-adhūnā or adya, formerly-now)
- (eṇa), ind. in front, before
- eastward, to the east of (opp. to apareṇa, with gen. or acc
- Pāṇ. 5-3, 35 Sch.) ŚBr. &c. &c
- (with tataḥ) 'to the east of that' MBh
- ○karman n. a former work or action Śaṃk. Kathās
- preparation Suśr
- ○ma-kṛta-vādin m. one who asserts that only preceding actions determine the following Jātakam
- ○kalpa m. the preceding or aforesaid manner PārGṛ. MBh
- (e or eṣu), ind. in former times MBh. Kull
- ○kāma-kṛ́tvan mfn. fulfilling former wishes AV
- ○kāya m. the fore (part of the) body (of animals) or the upper (part of the) body (of men) KātyŚr. MBh. &c
- ○kārin mfn. active at first ŚāṅkhŚr
- ○kārya mfn. to be done before or first R
- ○kala m. a former or previous time L
- mfn. belonging to a formerly time previously mentioned (-tā, f.) VPrāt
- ○kālika (MBh.),
- ○kālīna (Nyāyak. -tva n.), mfn. belonging to former times, ancient
- ○kāṣṭhā f. the eastern quarter A
- ○kṛ́t mfn. active from ancient times VS
- ○kṛta mfn. done formerly or in a prior existence, previous
- n. (with or sc. karman) an action done in former times or in a former birth Mn. MBh
- ○kṛtvarī f. acting beforehand AV
- ○kṛṣṇīya n. N. of wk
- ○koṭi f. anticipation L
- the starting point of a discussion, the first statement = pūrva-pakṣa (q.v.) A
- ○kramâgata mfn. descended from ancestors Yājñ
- ○kriyā f. preparation Siṃhâs
- ○ga mfn. going before preceding MBh. Rājat
- belonging to what precedes Hemac
- ○gaṅgā f. 'eastern Gaṅgā', N. of the Narmadā or Revā river Kathās
- ○gata mfn. gone before Śak
- n. N. of a Jaina wk. belonging to the Dṛishṭi-vāda
- ○gátvan mfn. going to meet RV
- ○gama m. (ifc.) a predecessor Kāraṇḍ
- ○grāmin m. N. of a family Cat.
- ○ghaṭakarpara m. or n. N. of wk. (prob. the first part of the poem Ghaṭa-karpara)
- ○ṃ-gata mfn. going before Dhūrtan
- ○ṃ-gama mfn. id. L
- serving zealously, obedient Divyâv
- ifc. attended by, furnished with L
- ○cít mfn. piling up first, preceding in piling up VS
- ○citī f. wṛ. for -cittī MBh
- ○citta (pū́rva-), mfn. wṛ. for -cit AV
- ○citti (pūrvá-), f. foreboding, presentiment (only dat. 'at the first notice, forthwith') RV
- (prob.) first notion or conception VS
- N. of an Apsaras VS. MBh. Hariv. Pur
- (prob.) wṛ. for -cita VS
- ○cittikā (Gal.) and f. N. of an Apsaras = -citti
- ○cittī (MBh.), f. N. of an Apsaras = -citti
- ○cintana n. former cares or trouble Rājat
- ○codita mfn. formerly stated or prescribed Mn
- -tva n. PārGṛ
- ○já mfn. born or produced before or formerly, former
- ancient, primaeval RV. &c. &c
- first-born, elder, the eldest (son, brother &c.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- produced by something antecedent, caused MW
- born in the east, eastern W
- antecedent (to what precedes in comp.) L
- m. an elder brother, the eldest before Mn. MBh. &c
- an ancestor, forefather R. Ragh. Kathās. &c
- the eldest son Gaut
- the son of the elder wife A
- (pl.) the deified progenitors of mankind W
- the Pitṛis living in the world of the moon A
- (ā), f. an elder sister ib
- -deva m. N. of Brahmā MBh
- ○janá m. pl. men of former times AV
- ○janman n. a former birth, fṭformerly state of existence or life Ragh. Hit. Kathās
- m. an elder brother Ragh
- ○ma-kṛta mfn. done in a former birth or previous state of existence Hit
- ○mârjita mfn. acquired in some former state of existence (as merit &c.) MW
- ○jā́ mfn. born or produced before RV
- ○jāti f. = -janman Kathās
- ○jā́van mfn. born or produced before RV
- ○jina m. 'ancient sage', N. of Mañju-śrī L
- ○jñāna n. knowledge of a former life Yājñ
- ○tana mfn. former, earlier MBh
- ○tantra n. N. of a Tantra
- ○tara (pū́rva-), mfn. earlier, previous, prior, anterior RV. &c
- (am), ind. before, first, previously Bhag. R
- ○tas ind. before, in front, towards or in the east Gobh. MBh. Kāv. &c
- first, in the first place BhP
- ○taskara m. a former thief Mn
- ○tā f. the being preceded or accompanied by (comp.) Daś
- ○tāpanīya n. (and ○yôpaniṣad f.) N. of the first half of the Nṛisiṃha-tāpanī-yôpanishad Col. (cf. uttara-tāpanīya)
- ○tāpinī f. = -tapaniya
- -dīpikā f. Cat
- ○tra ind. previously, in the preceding part, above (opp. to uttaratra) Pāṇ. 8-2, 1
- = loc. of pūrva e.g. pūrvatra janmani, 'in a former life' Kathās
- p"ṣ dine, on the day before L
- ○traigartaka mfn. (fr. -trigarta) L
- ○traiyalinda mfn. (fr. next) Pat
- ○tryalinda N. of a village Pat
- ○tva n. precedence, priority, former state or condition Jaim. Pāṇ. Sch
- ○thā (pūrvá-), ind. formerly or is formerly, previously, first RV. TBr
- ○dakṣiṇa mf(ā)n. south-eastern KātyŚr. MārkP
- ○datta mfn. given before Hcat
- ○darśana m. N. of a man BhP
- ○dāvika mfn. (fr. -devikā) Pāṇ. 7-3, 1 Sch
- ○dik-pati or m. 'regent of the eastern quarter', N. of Indra L
- ○dig-īśa m. 'regent of the eastern quarter', N. of Indra L
- ○dina n. the earlier part of the day, forenoon MW
- ○diś f. the eastern region, east quarter Pañcad
- ○diśya mfn. situated towards the east, hearing east
- eastern MW
- ○diṣṭa mfn. determined by former actions BhP
- n: the award of destiny A
- ○dīkṣā́ f. the former consecration ŚBr
- ○kṣin mfn. taking the formerly consecration AitBr
- ○dugdha mfn. sucked out or plundered before Daś
- ○duṣkṛta-bhoga m. the pain or penalty consequent on sins committed in a former birth MW
- ○dṛṣṭa mfn. seen before Kathās
- appeared in former times, primaeval MBh
- declared by the ancients Mn. ix, 87
- ○dṛṣṭi f. a former view or sight MW
- ○deva m. a primaeval deity MBh. (applied also to the Pitṛis= -devatā Mn. iii, 192)
- an Asura or demon (offspring of Kaśyapa, the parent of both gods and demons) Siṃhâs
- ○devikā f. N. of a village in the eastern part of India Pāṇ. Sch
- ○deśa m. the eastern direction
- (e, to the east of abl. Pāṇ. Sch.)
- the eastern country MBh
- ○deha m. a former body
- (e), ind. in a formerly birth or existence Hariv
- ○dehika and mfn. done in a former existence MBh
- ○daihika (also paurva-d○), mfn. done in a former existence MBh
- ○dvāra mfn. favourable in the eastern region Sūryapr
- ○dvārika mfn. favourable to an expedition towards the east Var
- ○nagarī f. g. nady-ādi
- ○naḍaka n. a hollow bone in the upper part (of the thigh) KātyŚr
- ○nipāta m. (in gram.) the irregular priority of a word in a comp.
- ○nimitta n. an omen Lalit
- ○nivāsa m. 'former habitation', a former existence Divyâv
- -jñāna n. (with Buddhists) knowledge of the past lives of all beings MW
- ○sânusmṛti f. 'recollection of former habitations', reminiscence of formerly existence (one of the 10 powers of a Buddha) Dharmas. 20 ; 76
- ○niviṣṭa mfn. made formerly or in ancient times (as a pond) Mn. ix, 281
- ○nyāya m. a previous judgment Yājñ. Sch
- ○nyāsa m. N. of wk
- ○pakṣá m. the fore part or side TBr
- the first half of a lunar month, the fortnight of the waxing moon TS. Br. Lāṭy. &c. (○kṣâha, a day in the first half &c. ĀpGṛ.)
- the first half of a year KātyŚr
- an action at law, the first statement of the plaintiff, first step in a law-suit Yājñ. Vishṇ. Nār
- the first objection to an assertion in any discussion, the prima facie view or argument in any question Śaṃk. Suśr. MārkP. (cf. IW. 99)
- -grantha m. ○tha-ṭīkā f. ○tha-prakāśa m. ○tha-rahasya n. ○thânu-gama m. -nirukti f. N. of wks
- -pāda m. the first step of a legal process or law-suit, the plaint of the plaintiff W
- -rahasya n. -lakṣaṇa n. -vyāpti f. ○ti-kroḍa m. ○ti-lakṣaṇa n. -vyutpatti-lakṣaṇa n. -vyutpatti-vāda m. ○kṣâvalī f. N. of wks
- ○pakṣaya Nom. P. ○yati, to make the first objection to an assertion in any discussion Bādar. Sch
- ○pakṣin mfn. one who makes the first objṭobjection to an assṭassertion ib
- ○pakṣī-√kṛ = -pakṣaya
- ○pakṣīya mfn. situated on the front side Pāṇ. 4-2, 138
- ○pañcāla (pūrvá-), m. pl. the eastern Pañcālas Pāṇ. 6-2, 103 Sch
- sg.- pūrvaḥ pañcālānām Pāṇ. 8-3, 13 Sch
- ○patha m. a former way, way gone before Kathās
- ○pada n. the first member of a comp. Prāt. Pāṇ. &c.: -prakṛti-svara mfn. having the original accent of the first member of a comp
- -tva n. Pāṇ. 2-1, 4 Vārtt. 2
- ○padika mfn. relating to the first member of a comp. W
- = pūrva-padam adhī7te veda vā Pāṇ. 4-2, 60 Kāś
- ○padya mfn. belonging to the first member of a comp. RPrāt
- ○parigraha m. first claim, prerogative, precedence MBh
- mf(ā)n. claimed as first privilege by (gen.) R
- ○pariccheda m. and n. N. of wks
- ○paribhedya (?), n. N. of wks
- ○parvata m. the eastern mountain (from behind which the sun is supposed to rise) L
- ○paścāt adv. from the east to the west Hcat
- ○cān-mukha mf(ī)n. flowing to the east and west R
- ○paścâyata mfn. spreading or running from the east to the west Hcat. MārkP
- ○paścima mf(ā)n. directed from the east to the west Sūryas
- -tas adv. from the east to the, vest Hcat
- ○pā́ mfn. drinking first or before others RV
- ○pāñcālaka mfn. belonging to the eastern Pañcālas Pāṇ. 6-2, 105 Sch
- ○pāṭali-putra n. N. of a city
- ○traka mfn. being in Pūrva-pṭpreviously (?) Pāṇ. 7-3, 14 Sch
- ○pāṇinīya m. pl. the disciples of Pāṇini living in the east
- mfn. relating to them Pāṇ. 6-2, 104 Sch
- ○pāda m. a forefoot KātyŚr. ŚāṅkhŚr
- N. of a man (vḷ. pūjya-p○) Cat
- ○pāna (Nir.),
- ○pā́yya (RV.), n. = -pīti
- ○pālin m. N. of a prince MBh
- of Indra A
- ○pitāmaha m. a forefather, ancestor MBh. Kathās
- ○pīṭhikā f. introduction Daś
- N. of wk. (?)
- ○pīti (pūrvá-), f. precedence in drinking RV
- ○puruṣa m. a forefather, ancestor Kauś. Bālar. Pañcat
- (pl. forefathers, ancestors Kād.)
- 'the primaeval Soul', N. of Brahmā Hariv
- ○pūjita mfn. consecrated before Kathās
- ○pūrṇa-māsī f. the first or real day of full moon Jyot
- ○pūrva mf(ā)n. each previous or preceding one, each one mentioned previously (also -tama) MBh
- m. pl. forefathers, ancestors MBh
- ○vânugaṇḍikā f. N. of a range of hills (cf. apara-gaṇḍikā) MBh
- ○vôkta mfn. each one mentioned previously Vedântas
- ○péya n. precedence in drinking RV. AitBr
- precedence AV
- ○prajñā́ f. knowledge of the past, remembrance, memory ŚBr
- ○pratipanna mfn. one who has promised before Kathās
- ○prayoga m. N. of wk
- ○pravṛtta mf(ā)n. formerly happened or done or fixed &c. R
- ○prasthita mfn. gone before, set ont in advance Vikr
- ○prâyaś-citta n. N. of wk
- ○prêta mfn. gone or flown away before TāṇḍyaBr
- deceased, dead Divyâv
- m. pl. the Pitṛis
- -pūjaka mfn. worshipping the Pitṛis, Lalit
- ○phalgunī f. 'the first Phalguni', N. of the 11th Nakshatra (cf. uttara-phalgunī) VP. Uṇ. Sch
- -bhava m. N. of Bṛihas-pati or the planet Jupiter L
- ○bandhu m. first i.e. best friend Mṛicch
- ○bādha m. suspension or annulment of something preceding Siṃhâs
- ○brāhmaṇa n. N. of wk.
- ○bhakṣikā f. (prob.) wṛ. for -bhikṣikā
- ○bhadra-pada m. (and ā f. pl.) = -bhādrap○ L
- ○bhava m. a former life Hemac
- ○bhāga m. the fore part L
- the upper part (opp. to adho-bhāga) Suśr
- dina-p○, the earlier part of the day, forenoon, morning Ragh
- mfn. whose conjunction with the moon begins in the forenoon Sūryapr
- ○bhā́j mfn. receiving the first share, the first sharer, preferred, privileged, excellent RV
- belonging to the preceding Prāt
- ○bhādrapada m. (and ā f. pl.) the 25th Nakshatra, the former of the two called Bhādrapadā (containing two stars) MBh. VP. Col
- ○bhāva m. prior or antecedent existence, priority KapS. Bhāshāp
- (in rhet.) disclosing an intention Daśar. Pratāp
- ○bhāvin mfn. being anterior, preceding TBr. Comm
- ○vi-tva n. priority Kap
- ○bbāṣin mfn. speaking first, polite, complaisant R
- ○bhikṣikā f. a breakfast Divyâv
- ○bhukti f. prior or long-continued possession Mn.viii, 252
- ○bhūta mfn. existing previously, preceding Pāṇ. Sch
- ○bhū-bhṛt m. the eastern mountain (from behind which the sun is supposed to rise)
- a former prince Subh
- ○magadha m.pl. the eastern Magadhas
- ○madra m. pl. the eastern Madras (cf. paurvam○) L
- ○madhyâhna m. the forenoon Kathās
- ○māgadhaka mfn. relating or belonging to the eastern Magadhas L
- ○mārin mfn. dying before GṛŚrS. Mn. &c
- ○mīmāṃsā f. 'inquiry into or interpretation of the first or Mantra portion of the Veda', N. of the system of philosophy attributed to Jaimini (as opp. to uttara-m○, which is an inquiry into the later or Upanishad portion
- the pūrva-m○ is generally called the Mantra, and in interpreting the Vedic text discusses the doctrine of the eternity of sound identified with Brahma IW. 98 &c.)
- N. of wk. of Soma-nātha
- -kārikā f. pl. and ○sârtha-saṃgraha m. N. of wks
- ○mukha mfn. having the face turned towards the east Hcat
- ○yakṣa m. 'the first Yaksha', N. of Maṇi-bhadra (one of the Jinas or Jaina teachers) L
- ○yāmya mfn. south-eastern
- (e), ind. in the south-east Hcat
- ○yāyāta n. the more ancient form of the legend of Yayāti or that current in the east Siddh
- ○yāyin mfn. moving towards the east Sūryas
- ○yā́van m. 'going before', a leader RV
- ○yoga m. olden time, history of oṭolden time SaddhP
- ○raṅga m. the commencement or prelude of a drama, a prologue, an overture Śiś. ii, 8 Daśar. Sāh. &c
- ○rāga m. earliest or incipient affection, love between two persons which springs from some previous cause Sāh
- ○rāja m. an ex-king Mudr
- ○rātrá m. the first part of the night, the time from dusk to midnight AitBr. Kauś. KātyŚr. MBh. &c
- -krita mfn. done during the formerly previously of the night (= tre kṛ○ Pāṇ. 2-1, 45 Sch.)
- ○rūpá n. indication of something approaching, an omen AV
- something prior or antecedent to, (esp.) the symptom of occurring disease Car. Suśr
- the first of two concurrent vowels or consonants (-tā f.) TUp. Prāt. &c
- (in rhet.) a figure of speech which describes the unexpected return of anything to its former state Kuval
- mf(ā)n. having the previous form or shape, being as before Dhūrtas
- ○lakṣaṇa n. indication of anything about to occur Car. -1
- ○vat mfn. having (or relating to) something preceding or antecedent VPrāt
- (an argument) in which a conclusion is drawn from a previous cause to in effect Nyāyad
- f. one who has been previously married Āp
- ○vat-tara mfn. antecedent, former R. -2
- ○vát ind. as before, as hitherto, as heretofore, as aforesaid
- according to something previous (applied in the Nyāya to a kind of inference such as inferring from the previous appearance of a cloud that rain will fall) RV. &c. &c
- ○vayas mfn. or being in the first period or stage of life, young MBh
- ○vayaska mfn. being in the first period or stage of life, young MBh
- ○vayasá n. the first period or stage of life, youth Br
- ○vayasín mfn. being in the first period of life, young TBr
- ○vartin mfn. existing before, preceding, prior, previous
- ○ti-tā f. (Bhāshāp.), ○ti-tva n. (Mṛicch. Sch.) former existence, precedence, priority
- ○váh (vā́h), mfn. drawing in front, being the first horse or leader, or harnessed for the first time (applied to a horse) Br. Kāṭh. ĀpŚr
- ○vākya n. (in dram.) an allusion to a former utterance Sāh
- ○vāda m. the first plea or plaint in an action at law Vishṇ. Yājñ. Sch
- ○vādin m. 'speaking first', 'making the first statement of a case', a complainant, plaintiff Yājñ
- ○vāyu m. the east wind Var
- ○vārṣika mfn. relating to the first half of the rainy season Pāṇ. 7-3, 11 Sch.
- ○vid mfn. knowing the things or events of the past Mn. ix, 44
- ○videha m. the country of the eastern Videhas (with Buddhists 'one of the 4 continents' Dharmas. 120)
- -lipi f. a partic. mode of writing L
- ○vidhi m. a preceding rule Kāś. on Pāṇ. 1-4, 51
- N. of wk
- ○vipratiṣedha m. the conflict of two statements or rules the first of which is opposed to the second ĀpŚr. Comm
- ○vihita mfn. deposited or buried before (as a treasure) Mṛicch
- ○vṛta mfn. chosen before Kum
- ○vṛtta mfn. formerly happened
- relating to a previous occurrence Hariv
- n. a former event, previous occurrence Kālid. Śaṃk
- former conduct MārkP
- ○vairin mfn. one who is the first to begin hostilities MBh
- ○śāṃśapa mfn. (fr. -śiṃśapā) Pāṇ. 7-3, 1 Sch
- ○śānti f. N. of wk
- ○śārada mfn. relating to the first half of the autumn Pat. on Pāṇ. 1-1, 72
- ○śāstra n. N. of wk
- ○śiṣya m. (and ā f.) a former or ancient pupil Mālatīm
- ○śīrṣa mf(ā)n. having the head or top turned towards the east MBh
- ○śaila m. = -parvata L
- pl. N. of a Buddhist school
- -saṃghârāma m. N. of a Buddhist monastery
- ○śaiva-dīkṣā-vidhi m. and N. of wks
- ○ṣaṭka (?), n. N. of wks
- ○saṃhitā f. N. of wk
- ○sakthá n. (prob.) the upper part of the thigh Pāṇ. 5-4, 98
- ○saṃcita mfn. gathered before Mn.vi, 15
- ○saṃjalpa m. an introduction in the form of a dialogue Car
- ○sád mfn. sitting in front SV
- ○saṃdhyā f. 'earlier twilight', dawn, day-break W
- ○sabhika m. the chief of a gambling house Mṛicch
- ○samudra m. the eastern sea Var
- ○sara mf(ī)n. going before, preceding Pāṇ. 3-2, 19 Bhaṭṭ
- ○sasya n. earliest-sown grain Var
- ○sāgara m. the eastern sea Ragh. VarBṛS
- ○sāra mfn. going eastwards Pāṇ. 1-?1ī, 2, 19 Sch
- -sārâsvādinī f. N. of wk
- ○sārin mfn. preceding, taking precedence of all others MBh
- ○sāhasa n. the first or heaviest fine or punishment Mn
- ○siddha mfn. previously settled or determined or proved KapS
- ○siddhânta m. and -pakṣatā f. N. of wks
- ○supta mfn. formerly or already fallen asleep Pañcat
- ○sū́ mfn. first bringing forth RV
- firstborn, ancient, primaeval ŚāṅkhŚr
- ○sūri m. an ancient master (of music) Saṃgīt
- ○sevā f. first use or practice of (gen.) Baudh
- ○stha mfn. standing first, most excellent MBh
- ○sthiti f. first or former state MW
- ○svara m. (in gram.) having the accent of the preceding MW
- ○hūti (pūrvá-), f. first or earliest invocation, morning prayer RV. VS
- ○homá m. an introductory, sacrifice TBr
- pūrvâgni m. 'original or primaeval fire', the householder's sacred formerly (= āvasa-thya) AV. ŚBr. KātyŚr
- -vahana n. a vehicle for carrying the sacred fṭformerly KātyŚr
- -vā́h n. a bull carrying the sacred formerly ŚBr. KātyŚr
- pūrvâṅga n. the former body Kathās
- a constituent part of the preceding VPrāt. Sch
- m. the first day in the civil month Sūryapr
- pūrvâcarita mfn. formerly done or followed W
- pūrvâcala m. = ○va-parvata VarP. Śatr
- pūrvâcārya-vṛttânta-dīpikā f. N. of a comm. on wks. of the Rāmânuja school
- pūrvātitha n. (= paurv○) N. of sev. Sāmans ĀrshBr
- pūrvâtithi m. N. of a man Cat
- pūrvâdi mfn. beginning with the word pūrva Var
- pūrvâditas ind. beginning from the east ib
- pūrvâdya mfn. beginning with the east ib
- pūrvâdri m. = ○va-parvata Kathās
- pūrvâdhika mfn. greater than before
- -dyuti mfn. more brilliant than before Kathās
- pūrvâdhikārin m. a prior owner, former proprietor MW
- pūrvâdhirāma n. the more ancient form of the story of Rāma on the form current in the east Pāṇ. Sch
- pūrvâdhyuṣita mfn. formerly inhabited R
- pūrvânubhūta mfn. formerly felt or enjoyed Caurap
- pūrvânuyoga m. N. of a Jaina wk. belonging to the Dṛishṭi-vāda
- pūrvânuṣṭhita mfn. observed or performed before
- -tva n. Baudh
- pūrvânta m. (in gram.) the end of a preceding word
- anticipation (= pūrvakoti) L
- -tas ind. in advance Lalit
- pūrvâpakārin mfn. one who has injured another before R
- pūrvâpara mfn. being before and behind
- directed forward and backward, eastern and western KātyŚr. Kālid. &c. (-tva n. Śaṃk.)
- prior and subsequent, first and last
- preceding and following, following one another, connected with one another KātyŚr. MBh. &c
- (ám), ind. one after another RV. ĀpŚr. Sch
- n. that which is before and behind, east and west Sūryas
- connection Mn. viii, 56
- the proof and thing to be proved W
- -grantha m. N. of wk.
- -dakṣiṇa mf(ā)n. eastern, western and southern MBh
- -dina n. forenoon and afternoon Cat
- -rātri f. the former and latter half of the night, ŚāṅkhGr
- -prayoga m. N. of wk
- -virodha m. opposition of prior and subsequent, inconsistency, incongruity MW
- -smārta-prayoga m. N. of wk
- ○parâyata mf(ā)n. running from east to west KātyŚr. Sch
- ○parī-bhāva m. the following one another, succession Sarvad
- ○parī-√bhū, to follow one another, be connected with one another Nir. Sāh
- ○parya n. = paurvāparya
- (eṇa), ind. one after another KātyŚr. Sch. VarBṛ. Sch
- pūrvâpaharaṇā f. g. ajâdi Kāś. (vḷ. ○pahāṇā)
- pūrvâpúṣ (?) RV. viii, 22, 2 (Sāy. = pūrveṣām poṣakaḥ
- vḷ. pūrâyus, q.v.)
- pūrvā-bhādrapadā f. the 25th Nakshatra MBh. (vḷ. pūrva-bh○)
- pūrvâbhibhāṣin mfn. = -pūrva-bhâṣin, q.v. Rājat
- pūrvâbhimukha mf(ā)n. turned or flowing towards the east (as rivers) Suśr
- pūrvâbhirāmā f. N. of a river MBh
- pūrvâbhiṣeká m. previous anointing
- (Sāy. 'a partic. Mantra') ŚBr
- pūrvâbhyāsa m. the repetition of what precedes
- (ena), ind. afresh, anew ŚārṅgP
- pūrvâmbudhi m. the eastern ocean Kathās
- pūrvâyús mfn. (prob.) 'of an early age', young RV. (vḷ. for pūrvâpúṣ, q.v
- others pūrv-āyus, 'having or granting vital power')
- pūrvârāma m. 'eastern garden', N. of a Buddhist monastery
- pūrvârcika n. N. of the first half of the Sāma-veda (the second half of which is called uttarârcika)
- pūrvârjita mfn. attained or gained formerly or by former works Kathās
- pūrvârdhá m. (later n.) the front or upper part
- eastern side (opp. to jaghanârdha, uttarârdha &c.) TS. ŚBr. GṛŚrS. &c
- the fore or first half (of a hemistich) Śrutab
- (with dinasya) forenoon Bhartṛ. &c
- -kāya m. the front or upper part of the body MBh
- -bhāga m. the upper part, top Ragh
- -lambin mfn. having the foremost half inclined, leaning forward MW
- pūrvārdhya mfn. being on the eastern side Lāṭy. KātyŚr. Pāṇ. Sch
- pūrvâvadhīrita mfn. formerly disdained Śak
- pūrvâvedaka m. 'making the first statement', a plaintiff Yājñ
- pūrvâśā f. the east Hcat
- pūrvâśin mfn. eating before another (abl. or loc.) MBh
- pūrvâṣāḍhā f. the first of two constellations called Ashāḍhā (the 18th or 20th Nakshatra or lunar asterism) Var. Pur
- ○ḍha-janana-śānti f. N. of wk
- pūrvâsín mfn. shooting before (another) AV
- pūrvâhṇá m. the earlier part of the day, forenoon (mostly loc
- sometimes incorrectly pūrvâhna) RV. &c. &c
- (○hṇa-kāle or ○hNe-k○, ○hṇa-tare or ○hNe-t○, ○hṇa-tame or ○hNe-t○ , ○hṇe-tarām or -tamām , ind. in the forenoon
- -hṇa-kṛta mfn. = ○hNe-kR○ , to be done in the formerly
- ○hṇâparâhṇayoḥ ind. in the formerly and afternoon Lāṭy. Gobh
- ○hṇe-geya mfn. to be sung in the fṭformerly)
- ○hṇaka m. 'born in the forenoon', N. of a man Pāṇ. 4-3, 28
- ○hṇatana or ○hṇe-tana (vi, 3, 17 Sch.), mfn. belonging or relating to the forenoon
- ○hṇika mf(ī)n. id. MBh
- n. a matutinal ceremony or sacrifice = p"ṣ-kriyā (or -vidhi) MBh
- pūrvêtara mf(ā)n. 'other than eastern', western L
- pūrvedyús ind. on the day before, yesterday (opp. to uttaredyus, apare-dyus &c.) TS. Br. GṛŚrS. Mn. &c
- early, betimes, in the morning. L
- during that portion of a day on which religious ceremonies are to be performed = dharmâhe, dharma-vāsare L
- ○dyur-āhṛtá mfn. fetched on the day before ŚBr
- ○dyur-dugdhá mfn. milked on the day before ŚBr
- pūrvêndra m. a former Indra MBh
- pūrvêṣukāmaśamī N. of a village Pāṇ. 2-1, 50 &c. Sch
- ○vaiṣukāmaśama mfn. (fr. prec.), iv, 2, 107 &c. Sch
- pūrvôkta mfn. said before, formerly stated, aforesaid, before mentioned Mn. Kathās. &c
- -parāmarśaka mfn. referring to something before mentioned MW
- pūrvôcita mfn. before accustomed, known from former days, former R
- pūrvôttara mf(ā)n. north-eastern MBh. MārkP. Hcat. &c
- (e), ind. in the north-east Hcat
- du. or (ibc.) the antecedent and subsequent, the preceding and following VPrāt. Pāṇ. Sch
- -śānti f. N. of wk
- pūrvôtthāyin mfn. rising the first (in the morning) Gaut. MBh
- pūrvôtthita mfn. risen before (as smoke) Ragh
- pūrvôtpatti mfn. arising before KapS
- pūrvôtpanna mfn. produced or arisen or existent before
- -tva n. = pūrva-bhāva Bhāshāp.
- pūrvôdak-plava mfn. inclined towards the north-east Var
- pūrvôdita mfn. aforesaid, before mentioned W
- pūrvôpakārin mfn. one who has formerly, done a service to another MBh
- pūrvôpakrama mf(ā)n. beginning from the east Gobh
- pūrvôpanihita mfn. previously hidden away (as a treasure) Mn. viii, 37
- pūrvôpapanna mfn. (prob.) having prior claims MBh
- pūrvôpasṛtá mfn. approached or arrived first TBr
- pūrvôpârjita mfn. formerly occupied or acquired Pañc
- pūrvaka mf(ikā)n. earlier, former, previous, prior, first MBh. Kāv. &c. (strī-p○, 'one who was formerly a woman', bhūta-p○, 'having been before'
- ifc. also= preceded or accompanied by, connected with, consisting in
- am ind. = after, with, amid, according to)
- m. a forefather, ancestor Hariv. R. MārkP
- pūrvaya only in upâdhāyya-p○ mfn. 'having an edge or border' (of braid), trimmed, edged TS
- pūrvika mfn. former, ancient Kāraṇḍ
- formerly invited L
- wṛ. for pūrvaka MBh
- pūrviṇa mfn. derived from ancestors or fore-fathers, ancestral ĀśvŚr
- pūrvin mfn. id. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-4, 133, and See a-, daśa-, strī-p○)
- pūrvineṣṭhá mfn. (prob.) wṛ. SV
- pūrvī́ f. See purú
- pūrvīṇa mfn. = pūrviṇa Pāṇ. 4-4, 133
- pūrveṇa ind. See under pūrva
- pūrvyá (rarely pū́rvya), mf(ā)n. former, previous, ancient, old (opp. to naviiyas, nū-tana &c.) RV. AV. ŚāṅkhŚr. ŚvetUp
- precedent, first RV. RPrāt
- next, nearest RV
- most excellent ib. ŚBr. (Sch. 'young')
- (ám), ind. before, formerly, at first, long since, hitherto RV
- -stuti (pūrvyá-), f. first cr principal praise RV
- pūl cl. 1. 10. P. pūlati, pūlayati, to collect, gather Dhātup. xv, 25
- xxxii, 93
- pūla m. a bunch, bundle MānGṛ. KātyŚr. Sch. (also -ka)
- pl. straw ĀśvŚr. Sch
- pūlāka g. palāśâdi
- pūlāsa n. g. saṃkalâdi Gaṇar. 81
- ○kuraṇḍa g. rāja-dantâdi
- pūlāsaka in -karaṇḍa Kāś
- -kuraṇḍa n. g. rāja-dantâdi Gaṇar. 83
- pūlya n. an empty or shrivelled grain of corn AV
- pūṣ (= √2. puṣ), cl. 1. P. pūṣati, to nourish, increase Dhātup. xvii, 24
- pūṣa m. a kind of mulberry tree L
- (ā), f. N. of the third Kalā of the moon BrahmaP
- pūṣa in comp. for ○ṣan
- ○danta-hara m. 'taking away Pūshan's teeth', N. of Śiva L
- ○dhra (prob.) wṛ. for pṛṣa-dhra
- ○bhāsā f. 'sun-splendour', N. of the capital of Indra L. (wṛ. -bhāṣā)
- ○mitra m. 'friend of Pūsha', N. of a man L
- ○rāti mfn. (prob.) giving growth or increase RV
- pūṣâtmaja or m. 'son or younger brother of Pūsha', N. of Parjanya MBh. (Nīlak.)
- pūṣânuja m. 'son or younger brother of PṭPūsha', N. of Parjanya MBh. (Nīlak.)
- pūṣâṣṭôttara n. N. of a Stotra
- pūṣâsuhṛd m. 'enemy of Pūsha', N. of Śiva L
- pūṣaṇ in comp. for ○ṣan
- ○vát mfn. accompanied by Pūshan RV. VS. AitBr
- pūṣáṇa m. N. of a god (= Pūshan) RV
- (ā), f. N. of one of the Mātṛis attending on Skanda MBh
- pūṣán m. (the a not lengthened in the strong cases, but acc. ○ṣāṇam, in MārkP.) N. of a Vedic deity (originally connected with the sun, and therefore the surveyor of all things, and the conductor on journeys and on the way to the next world, often associated with Soma or the Moon as protector of the universe
- he is, moreover, regarded as the keeper of flocks and herds and bringer of prosperity
- in the Brāhmaṇas he is represented as having lost his teeth and feeding on a kind of gruel, whence he is called karambhâd
- in later times he is one of the 12 Ādityas and regent of the Nakshatra Revatī or Paushṇa
- du. 'Pūshan and Aryaman' VP. Sch.)
- the sun Kād. Bālar
- (?) growth, increase (cf. pūṣa-rāti)
- the earth L
- pūṣkara n. a word formed for the explanation of puṣkara ŚBr
- pṛ cl. 3. P. (Dhātup. xxv, 4) píparti (3. pl. píprati RV
- Impv. pipṛhi BhP
- para VS
- cl. 9. P. pṛṇāti, 'to protect' Dhātup. xxxi, 19
- pf. 3. pl. pipruḥ BhP.
- aor. Subj. parṣi, parṣati, parṣa, pāriṣat RV.
- apārīt Bhaṭṭ
- inf. parṣáṇi RV.), to bring over or to (acc.), bring out of, deliver from (abl.), rescue, save, protect, escort, further, promote RV. AV. VS. ŚāṅkhGṛ. BhP. Bhaṭṭ
- to surpass, excel (acc.) RV. viii, 50, 8 AV. xi, 5, 1 ; 2
- to be able (with inf.) BhP.: Caus. pāráyati (ep. and m. c. also ○te
- aor. apīparat
- Pass. pāryate), to bring over or out, rescue, protect, save, preserve, keep alive RV. &c. &c
- to get over, overcome, bring to an end ib
- to resist, withstand, be a match for (acc.) Mn. MBh. &c
- to be capable of or able to (with an inf. which after pāryate has a pass. sense
- √.śak and Pāṇ. 3-4, 66 Sch.) Kāv. Pur. &c. Lat. porta, peritus ; Slav. pirati ; Germ. fahren ; Eng. fare.]
- pṛ cl. 5. P., 6. Ā. pṛṇoti or priyate (Dhātup. xxvii, 12 ; xxviii, 109), to be busy or active (only in ā-√pṛ and vy-ā-√pṛ, q.v.)
- pṛkkā f. Trigonella Corniculata L. (cf. spṛkkā)
- pṛkta pṛkti, See under √1. pṛc
- pṛktha n. possession, property, wealth L. (cf. riktha)
- pṛ́kṣ f. (nom. wanting
- prob. fr. √1. pṛc) refreshment, satiation, nourishment, food RV
- pṛkṣá mfn. (either connected with pṛśni, pṛṣat, or fr. √1. pṛc) spotted, dappled (others 'fleet, swift'
- others, having or bringing food')
- m. a spotted (or a swift &c.) horse (others 'beast of burden'
- others 'food, nourishment, abundance') RV
- N. of a man ib. ii, 13, 8
- = saṃgrāma Naigh. ii, 57
- ○prayaj (○kṣá-), mfn. in which oblations of food begin to be offered (said of the dawn) RV. iii, 7, 10 (Sāy
- according to others 'hastening with swift horses')
- ○yāma (○kṣá-), mfn. 'driving swift horses' (prob. N. of a family) RV. i, 122, 7
- pṛkṣú (prob.) wṛ. for pṛtsú SV
- pṛkṣúdh mfn. (?) RV. i, 141, 4
- pṛc cl. 7. P. (Dhātup. xxix, 25) pṛṇákti Ā. pṛṅkté (or cl. 2. pṛkte Dhātup. xxiv, 20
- cl. 1. P. pṛñcati AV
- cl. 3. P. pipṛgdhi, pipṛkta RV
- pf. papṛcuḥ AitBr
- papṛcāsi, ○cyāt, ○cāná RV
- aor. párcas [p. pṛcāná ib
- Prec. pricīmahi] ib
- aprāk AV
- apṛkṣi, ○kta ib
- aparcīt, ○ciṣṭa Gr
- fut. parciṣyati, ○te, parcitā ib
- inf. -pṛ́ce, -pṛ́cas RV.), to mix, mingle, put together with (instr., rarely loc
- dhanuṣā śaram, 'to fix the arrow upon the bow' Bhaṭṭ.), unite, join RV. &c. &c
- to fill (Ā. one's self?), sate, satiate RV. MBh
- to give lavishly, grant bountifully, bestow anything (acc. or gen.) richly upon (dat.) RV
- to increase, augment ib. (Prob. connected with √pṝ, to fill
- cf. also √pṛj.)
- pṛktá mfn. mixed or mingled with, full of
- brought into contact with, touching (instr. or comp.) RV. &c. &c
- n. wṛ. for pṛktha L
- pṛkti f. touch, contact L
- pṛ́c f. food, nourishment, refreshment RV. v, 74, 10 (cf. ghṛta-, madhu-)
- pṛcchaka mf(ikā)n. (√prach) one who asks or inquires about (gen.) Yājñ. Śak. Pañc
- inquiring into the future VarBṛS
- m. an inquirer, inquisitive person W
- pṛcchana n. asking, inquiring W
- pṛcchā f. asking, questioning (acc.), question about (comp.) Kāv
- an inquiry into the future VarBṛS
- pṛcchya mfn. to be asked or inquired after BhP
- pṛj pṛñj, cl. 2. Ā. pṛkte, pṛṅkte Dhātup.xxiv, 20 (vḷ. for pṛc) ; 15 (vḷ. for pij). Cf. an-ava-pṛgṇa, ava-prajjana
- parjanya
- pṛḍ cl. 6. P. pṛḍati, to gladden, delight Dhātup. xxviii, 39
- pṛṇ cl. 6. P. pṛṇati (p. pṛṇát, Ved. Inf. pṛṇádhyai), See √pṝ
- pṛṇākā f. the female young of an animal ( hariṇa-p○).
- pṛt f. (only in loc. pl. pṛtsú, in one place pṛtsúṣu RV
- but according to Vop. also in other cases, viz. pṛtas, pṛtā, pṛdbhyām) battle, contest, strife
- ○sutí m. or f. hostile attack (Sāy. 'a host') RV
- pṛ́tana n. an army or a hostile encounter TBr
- (ā), f. See next
- pṛ́tanā f. battle, contest, strife RV. VS. Br
- a hostile armament, army RV. &c. &c. (in later times esp. a small army or division consisting of 243 elephants, as many chariots, 729 horse, and 1215 foot= 3 Vahinīs)
- pl. men, mankind Naigh. ī. 3
- ○"ṣj (○nâj), mfn. rushing to or in battle RV. (AV. vḷ. ○nâjí)
- ○"ṣja (○nâja), m. = śūra, a hero SāṅkhŚr
- ○jaya m. victory in battle or over armies PārGṛ
- ○jít mfn. victorious in bṭbattle AV. ŚāṅkhBr
- m. N. of an Ekâha ŚāṅkhŚr
- ○"ṣjya (○nâjya), n. 'rushing together in battle', close combat, fight RV
- ○nī or m. a leader in battle, commander, general MBh
- ○pati m. a leader in battle, commander, general MBh
- ○ṣ�āh mfn. victorious in bṭbattle RV. AV
- m. N. of Indra L
- ○ṣā́hya (RV.) and n. = -jaya
- ○sā́hya (TBr.), n. = -jaya
- ○"ṣháva (○nâh○), m. challenge to battle, fight RV
- pṛtanāya Nom. P., only p. ○yát, fighting together, engaged in combat RV. AV. VS
- pṛtanāḍyú mfn. hostile
- m. an enemy RV
- pṛtanya Nom. P. ○yáti, to attack, assail, fight against (acc.) RV. AV
- pṛtaḍnyā f. an army BhP
- pṛtaḍnyú mfn. attacking, hostile
- m. an enemy RV. VS
- pṛtsu loc. of pṛt in comp
- ○túr mfn. victorious in battle RV
- pṛtsudha (?), m. = saṃgrāma (vḷ. for pṛtsu Naigh. ii, 17)
- pṛtsúṣu See pṛt
- pṛth cl. 10. P. parthayati, to extend Dhātup. xxxii, 10 (cf. √prath, of which it is only the weak form)
- pṛth f. = pṛthā below L
- pṛthá m. the flat or palm of the hand ŚBr
- a partic. measure (the length of the hand from the tip of the fingers to the knuckles, or = 13 Aṅgulis) KātyŚr
- (ā), f. See below
- ○mātrá n. the breadth of a hand TBr
- mfn. a hand broad KātyŚr
- ○vāna (pṛ́tha-), m. N. of a man RV
- ○hara m. wṛ. for pṛthu-h○ MBh
- pṛthâśva m. N. of a king MBh
- pṛthā f. N. of a daughter of Śūra and adopted daughter of Kuntī and one of the wives of Pāṇḍu (mother of Karṇa before her marriage, and of Yudhi-shṭhira, Bhīma, and Arjuna after her marriage
- See Kuntī) MBh. Hariv. &c
- ○ja m. 'son of Pāṇḍu', N. of Arjuna L
- Pentaptera Arjuna L
- ○janman m. 'id.', N. of Yudhi-shṭhira, Pracaṇḍ
- ○tmaja (○thâtm○), m. = prec. Veṇis
- ○pati m. 'husband of Pāṇḍu', N. of Pāṇḍu L
- ○bhū m. 'son of Pāṇḍu', N. of Yudhi-shṭhira, Pracaṇḍ
- ○raṇi (○thâr○), f. 'the Araṇi PṭPāṇḍu', N. of Kuntī the wife of Pāṇḍu (as the mystical wood from which the Pāṇḍavas were struck out or generated
- cf. pāṇḍava-vahni and pāṇḍavâraṇi)
- ○suta m. 'son of Pāṇḍu', N. of Arjuna Kir
- ○sūnu m. 'id.', N. of Yudhi-shṭhira Veṇis
- pṛ́thak ind. (√pṛth or prath + añc) widely apart, separately, differently, singly, severally, one by one (often repeated) RV. &c. &c
- (as a prep. with gen. or instr
- Pāṇ. 2-3, 32) apart or separately or differently from L
- (with abl.) without Prab
- except, save Bhaṭṭ
- ○karaṇa n. separating, setting apart ĀpŚr. Sch. Pāṇ. Sch
- ○kāma mfn. (pl.) having different wishes KātyŚr
- ○kārya n. a separate or private affair Mn. vii, 120
- ○kula mfn. (pl.) belonging to different families L
- ○√kṛ to make separate, sunder KātyŚr
- to keep off, avert Sāy
- ○kṛta mfn. separated, sundered, cut off MārkP
- ○kṛti f. an individual BhP
- ○kriyā f. separation, disunion Mn. Yājñ
- ○kṣetra m. pl. children of one father by different wives or by wives of different classes Yājñ. Sch
- ○cara mf(ī)n. going separately or alone MW
- ○ceṣṭā f. pl. different activities Bhag
- ○tā f. separateness, severalty, singleness, individuality Nyāyam. Sch
- ○tva
- n. id. ŚāṅkhŚr. Nir. MBh. &c. (cf. IW.68)
- (ena), ind. singly, one by one MBh
- -tas (ŚāṅkhŚr.) and -śas (Nyāyam. Sch.), separately, singly
- ○tvacā f. 'diverse-barked', Sanseviera Zeylanica L
- ○pada mfn. consisting of single i.e. uncompounded words (-tva n.) Vām
- ○parṇikā f. 'diverse-leaved', = -tvacā L.
- ○parṇī f. id. L
- Hemionitis Cordifolia Car. Suśr
- ○pinda m. a distant kinsman who offers the Śrāddha oblation ( See piṇḍa) by himself and not together with the other relations Mn. v, 78 (Kull. = 'samānôdaka')
- ○śabda m. a separate or distinct or independent word Vop
- ○śayyā f. sleeping apart Hit
- ○śāyin mfn. (pl.) sleeping alone or apart Vishṇ
- ○śruti mfn. uttering a distinct sound, distinctly heard RPrāt
- ○sukha mfn. (pl.) having different joys MBh
- ○sthita mfn. existing separately, separate MW
- ○sthiti f. separate existence, separation Vikr
- pṛthakat ind.= pṛthak Pāṇ. 5-3, 72 Sch
- pṛthag in comp. for ○thak
- ○abhimati mfn. regarding the world as separate (from God) MW
- ○artha mfn. (pl.) having separate or distinct advantages MBh
- having separate or distinct meanings (-tā f.) Kir
- ○ātman mfn. 'having a sṭseparate nature or essence', separate, distinct, individual W
- m. individualized spirit, the individual soul (as distinct from universal spirit or the soul of the universe) ib
- ○ma-tā f. separateness, severalty L
- discrimination, judgment W
- ○mikā f. separate or individual existence, individuality L
- ○ālaya mfn. (pl.) having sṭseparate dwelling Kathās
- ○īśa-mānin mfn. regarding God as separate from the universe MW
- ○upâdāna n. separate mention Pāṇ. 4-2, 113 Sch
- ○gaṇa m. a separate company or class Mn. i, 37
- ○guṇa mfn. having distinct properties. W
- ○gotra mfn. (pl.) belonging to different families MārkP
- ○jana m. a man of lower caste or character or profession Mn. MBh. &c. (-vat ind. Ragh. viii, 89)
- an ordinary professing Buddhist MWB. 132
- a fool, blockhead Śiś
- villain L
- pl. common people, the multitude (also sg.) Mn. MBh. &c
- = pṛthak-kṣetra W
- -kalyāṇaka m. a man wishing for conversion Divyâv
- ○jana-pada n. each single country or people Lāṭy
- ○jaya m. victory in a separate combat or duel (a-pṛth○) Gaut
- ○dṛś mfn. seeing something different from (abl.) BhP
- ○devata mfn. having a separate or special deity Sāy
- ○dvāra n. pl. special doors i.e. means of attainment MBh
- ○dharma-vid m. pl. each knowing different laws Gaut
- ○bīja m. Semecarpus Anacardium L
- ○bhāva m. separate state or condition, difference, distinctness, individuality KaṭhUp. MBh. &c
- ○√bhū to be peculiar to Divyâv
- -bhūta mfn. become separate, separated, different MW
- ○yoga mfn. (prob.) wṛ. for -bhāga (having different lots) or -bhoga (hṭhaving distinct enjoyments) Kathās
- ○yogakaraṇa n. the separation of a grammatical rule into two Pāṇ. Sch. (cf. yoga-vibhāga)
- ○rasamaya mf(ī)n. made of a distinct or special sap or essence BhP
- ○rūpa mfn. variously shaped, diverse, different, manifold L
- ○lakṣaṇa mf(ā)n. having dṭdistinct characteristics KātyŚr
- ○vartman (pṛ́thag-), mfn. having distinct courses ŚBr. ChUp
- ○varṣa n. pl. a year in each case, each and every year Gaut
- ○vādín mfn. each saying something different ŚBr
- ○vidha mfn. of distinct kinds, manifold, various Mn. MBh. &c
- distinct from (abl.) BhP
- pṛthaṅ in comp. for ○thak
- ○niṣṭha mfn. existing by itself, being something different or distinct in each case MBh
- pṛthavī f. = pṛthivii L
- pṛ́thi m. N. of a man (protected by the Aśvins, according to Sāy. a Rājarshi) RV. (Cf. pṛthī, pṛthu
- pārtha, ○thya.)
- ○sava m. N. of a partic. ceremony TBr. Sch
- pṛthikā f. a centipede L
- pṛthivi f. = ○vii
- ○tvá n. the state or condition of the earth TS. TBr
- ○dā mfn. earth-giving Kāṭh. ĀpŚr
- ○bhāga (○vii-), mfn. having the earth as a share, entitled to it TS
- ○mūla m. 'e-rooted', N. of a man L
- ○loká m. the earth regarded as a world ŚBr
- ○ṣád mfn. = -sad AV
- -ṣṭha or -ṣṭhā́ mfn. standing on the earth, stepping firmly (as a horse) RV
- ○sád mfn. sitting on the earth VPrāt
- pṛthivī́ f. (= pṛthvii f. of pṛthu) the earth or wide world ('the broad and extended One', personified as devii and often invoked together with the sky
- according to VP. daughter of pṛthu
- the Veda makes 3 earths, one called bhūmi, inhabited by men, and a under it
- there is also an earth between the world of men and the circumambient ocean "ṣBr. and one extending through the 3 worlds ṇaigh.) RV. &c. &c
- land, ground, soil ib
- earth regarded as one of the elements Prab. Suśr.
- = antarikṣa Naigh. i, 3
- ○vyā vrata and saṃsarpa n. N. of Sāmans ĀrshBr
- ○kampa m. an earthquake MBh
- ○kṛtsna n. one of the 10 mystical exercises called Kṛitsna L
- ○kṣit mfn. dwelling on or ruling over the exercises, m. a prince, king KātyŚr. ChUp. &c
- ○grantha m. N. of wk
- ○candra m. 'eṭexercises-moon', N. of a prince of the Tri-gartas Rājat
- ○jaya vḷ. for next Hariv
- ○ṃ-jaya mfn. eṭexercises-conquering
- m. N. of a Dānava MBh
- of a son of Virāṭa ib
- ○tala n. 'eṭexercises-surface', ground, the terrestrial or infernal regions MBh. Kāv. &c
- ○tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha MBh
- ○tva n. state or condition of the exercises, earthiness Sarvad
- ○daṇḍapāla m. the police-magistrate of a country (-tā, f.) Mṛicch
- ○devī f. N. of a woman Kathās
- ○dyā́vā (○vií-), nom. du. eṭexercises and heaven RV. (cf. dyāvā-pṛthivii)
- ○dhara m. (with miśrâcārya) N. of an author Cat
- ○dharaṇa n. a prop or support of the exercises Hariv
- ○ṃ-dadā f. 'eṭexercises-giving', N. of a Gandharvii Kāraṇḍ. (cf. pṛthivi-dā)
- ○"ṣndra (○vii7ndra), m. 'the Indra of the exercises', a prince, king A
- ○pati m. 'exercises-lord', a prince, king TBr. Mn. &c
- N. of Yama L
- (with sūri) N. of an author Cat
- a species of bulbous plant growing on the Himâlaya L
- ○paripālaka m. 'eṭexercises-guardian', a prince, king MārkP
- ○pārvataka m. or n. rock-oil, petroleum (?) L
- ○pāla (MBh. Kāv.),
- ○pāḍlaka (MārkP.), m. = -paripālaka
- ○prá mfn. exercises-filling AV
- ○plava m. 'eṭexercises-flood', the sea Gal
- ○bhuj m. 'eṭexercises-enjoyer', a king Vikr. Rājat
- ○bhujaṃga m. 'eṭexercises-lover', a king MārkP
- ○bhṛt m. 'exercises-bearer', a mountain Śiś
- ○maṇḍa m.or n. eṭexercises-scum L
- ○maṇḍala m. or n. the circuit of the exercises MW
- ○máya mf(ī)n. formed of eṭexercises, earthen ŚBr
- ○rasa m. exercises-sap L
- ○rājya n. 'eṭexercises-dominion', sovereignty Kathās
- ○ruha m. 'exercises-grower', a plant, tree Hariv
- ○loka m. vḷ. for ○vi-loká, q.v
- ○vara-locana m. N. of Bodhi-sattva Kāraṇḍ
- ○"ṣśa (vii7śa), m. 'eṭexercises-lord', a king MārkP
- ○śakra m. 'the Indra of the eṭexercises', id. L
- ○"ṣśvara (○vI7zv○), m. = ○vI7za○ R. MārkP
- ○ṣad mfn. abiding on eṭexercises MānŚr. (vḷ. -sad)
- ○saṃśita (○vií-), mfn. impelled by the exercises AV
- ○sava m. N. of a partic. ceremony ĀpŚr
- pṛthivy in comp. for ○vii before vowels
- ○āpīḍa m. N. of 2 princes of Kaśmīra Rājat
- ○upasaṃkramaṇā f. N. of a Kiṃ-narī Kāraṇḍ
- pṛ́thī m. (nom. ○thī dat. ○thyai or ○thaye gen. ○thyās) N. of a mythical personage with the patr. Vainya (said to have been the first anointed sovereign of men, to have ruled also the lower animals, and to have introduced the arts of husbandry into the world
- he is enumerated among the Ṛishis and said to be the author of RV. x, 148) RV. AV. Br. (cf. pṛthi, pṛthu
- pārtha)
- pṛthú mf(vií or u)n. broad, wide, expansive, extensive, spacious, large
- great, important
- ample, abundant
- copious, numerous, manifold RV. &c. &c. (u ind.)
- prolix, detailed Var
- smart, clever, dexterous L
- m. a partic. measure of length (= pṛtha) L
- fire L
- N. of Śiva MBh
- of one of the Viśve Devās VP
- of a Dānava Hariv
- of a son of An-enas MBh. Hariv
- of a Vṛishṇi and son of Citraka ib
- of a son of Citra-ratha BhP
- of a descendant of Ikshvāku (son of An-araṇya and father of Tri-śaṅku) R
- of a son of Para Hariv
- of a son of Prastāra VP
- of a son of Rucaka BhP
- of a son of one of the Manus Hariv
- of one of the Saptarshis ib
- of a son of Vaṭêśvara (father of Viśākha-datta) Cat
- of a son of Veṇa MWB. 423
- of a monkey R
- (u), f. Nigella Indica L
- = hiṅgu-pattrī L
- opium L
- (vii), f. See below.
- ○karman m. N. of a son of Śaśa-bindu and grandson of Citra-ratha VP
- ○kalpiṇī f. vḷ. for patha-kalpanā
- ○kīrti mfn. far-famed R
- N. of a son of Śaśa-bindu VP
- f. N. of a daughter of Surā Hariv
- ○kucôtpīḍam ind. pressing a full bosom Prab
- ○kṛṣṇā f. a species of cumin Bhpr
- ○kola m. a species of jujube L
- ○ga m. pl. 'far-moving', N. of a class of deities under Manu Cākshusha VP
- ○gmán mfn. (prob.) = -jman RV
- ○grīva m. 'broad-necked', N. of a Rākshasa RV
- ○cārv-añcitêkṣaṇa mf(ā)n. having large and beautiful and curved eyes Nal
- ○cchada m. 'broad-leaved', a species of plant L
- ○jaghana mf(ā)n. large-hipped Bhartṛ
- ○jaya m. 'victorious far and wide', N. of a son of Śaśabindu VP.
- ○jman mfn. broad-pathed AV. (cf. -gman)
- ○jráya (f. ī) and mfn. widely extended RV
- ○jráyas mfn. widely extended RV
- ○ṃ-jaya vḷ. for ○thu-j○
- ○tama mfn. broadest, widest, largest, greatest MW
- ○tara mfn. broader, wider, larger, greater
- ○rī-√kṛ, to open (the eyes) wider Ratnâv
- ○tā f
- ○tva n. breadth, width, largeness, greatness Suśr. Var
- ○daṃṣṭra mfn. large-tusked MBh
- ○datta m. N. of a frog Pañcat
- ○darśin mfn. far-seeing, far-sighted (met.) Suśr
- ○dātṛ m. vḷ. for -dāna
- ○dāna m. N. of a son of Śasa-bindu VP
- ○dīrghabāhu mfn. having broad and long arms MW
- ○dharaṇi-dhara m. N. of Vishṇu MBh
- ○dharma m. vḷ. for -karman
- ○dhāra mfn. broad-edged MBh. R
- ○nitamba mfn. large-hipped MW
- ○pákṣas mfn. broad-flanked (said of a horse) RV
- ○pattra m. a kind of garlic (= rakta-laśuna) L
- ○párśu mfn. armed with large sickles RV
- ○palāśikā f. Curcuma Cedoaria (= śaṭī, palāśaka) L
- ○pāja-vat mfn. containing the word pṛthu-pā́jas ĀpŚr
- ○pā́jas mfn. far-shining, resplendent RV
- ○pāṇi (pṛthú-), mfn. brṭbroad-handed RV
- ○pīna-vakṣas mfn. having a brṭbroad and fleshy breast Var
- ○pragāṇa (pṛthú-), mfn. having a wide approach or access, approached by wide avenues RV
- ○pragāman (pṛthú-), mfn. wṭwide-striding, taking wide strides RV
- ○prajña mfn. having a wide understanding L
- ○pratha mfn. farfamed, having a wide reputation Rājat
- ○protha mfn. having broad or wṭwide nostrils (said of a horse) MBh
- ○bāhu mfn. broad-armed, having brawny arms MBh
- ○bījaka m. lentils L
- ○budhna (or pṛthú-b○), mfn. brṭbroad-based, having a broad basis or foot, having a brṭbroad sole or under-part RV. AV. VS. ṢaḍvBr. Lāṭy
- broad in the hinder part (as a worm) Car
- ○bhuvana n. the wide world Bhartṛ
- ○mat m. N. of a prince VP
- ○mukha mfn. wide-mouthed Pāṇ. 6-2, 168
- having a thick point KātyŚr
- ○mṛdvīkā f. 'wide grape', (prob.) a raisin MBh
- ○yaśas mfn. far-famed, of wṭwide renown MBh. Hariv. VarBṛ
- m. N. of a son of Śaśa-bindu VP
- of a son of Varāha-mihira Cat
- of an author ib
- ○yāman mfn. having a broad path (said of Ushas) RV
- ○raśmi m. N. of a Yati PañcavBr. Kāṭh
- ○rukma or m. N. of a son of Parā-jit (or Parā-vṛit) Hariv. VP
- ○rukḍman m. N. of a son of Parā-jit (or Parā-vṛit) Hariv. VP
- ○roman m. 'having broad hairs or scales', a fish VarBṛS
- mayugma n. the zodiacal sign Pisces VarBṛ
- ○lalāṭatā f. having a wide forehead (one of the 80 minor marks of a Buddha) Dharmas. lxxxiv, 72
- ○locana mf(ā)n. having large eyes MBh
- ○vaktrā f. 'wide-mouthed', N. of one of the Matṛis attending on Skanda MBh
- ○vakṣas mfn. having a broad breast R
- ○vega m. 'having excessive force or impetus', N. of a prince MBh
- ○vyaṃsa mfn. brṭbroad-shouldered MBh
- ○śimba m. a species of Śyonāka L
- ○śiras (pṛthú-), mfn. brṭbroad-headed, flat-headed AV. Suśr
- f. N. of a daughter of Puloman Hariv
- ○śṛṅga m. a broad-horned species of sheep Bhpr
- ○śekhara m. 'broad-crested', a mountain L
- ○śrava m. wṛ. for next
- ○śrávas mfn. far-famed, of wide renown
- m. N. of a man RV. MBh
- of a son of Śaśa-bindu Hariv. VP. BhP
- of a son of Raghu BhP
- of a son of the 9th Manu MārkP
- of a serpent-demon PañcavBr. MBh
- of a being attendant upon Skanda MBh. (wṛ. -śrava)
- of the elephant of the north quarter Var
- ○śrī mfn. having great fortune, highly prosperous MBh
- ○śroṇi (pṛthú-) and f. broad-hipped, having large hips or buttocks ŚBr. MBh
- ○śroṇī f. broad-hipped, having large hips or buttocks ŚBr. MBh
- ○ṣeṇa (ṣ for s), m. 'having an extensive army', N. of a son of Rucira (or Rucirâśva) Hariv. VP. (vḷ. -sena)
- of a son of Vibhu BhP
- ○ṣṭu or mfn. having a broad tuft of hair RV. (= -jaghana Nir.)
- ○ṣṭuka mfn. having a broad tuft of hair RV. (= -jaghana Nir.)
- ○sattama m. N. of a prince VP
- ○sattvavat mfn. abounding in great living creatures MW
- ○sampad mfn. possessing large property, rich, wealthy Rājat
- ○sena m. vḷ. for -ṣeṇa, q.v
- ○skandha m. 'bṭbroad-shouldered', aboar L
- ○hara m. N. of Śiva MBh
- pṛthū7daka n. 'having extensive waters', N. of a sacred bathing-place on the northern bank of the Sarasvatī MBh
- m. and -svāmin m. N. of the author of a Comm. on the Brahma-gupta BhP. Col
- pṛthū7dara m. 'broad-bellied', a ram L
- N. of a Yaksha Kathās
- pṛthū7pâkhyāna n. 'episode of Pṛithu.' N. of the 29th and 30th ch. of Part II of PadmaP
- pṛ́thuka m. n. rice or grain flattened
- rice scalded with hot water and then dried over a fire and ground in a mortar TBr. BhP. Suśr. (also -taṇḍula Āp. BhP.)
- m. a boy, the young of any animal Hariv. Śiś. &c
- pl. a species of grain Car
- vḷ. for pṛthu-ga VP
- (ā), f. a girl L
- a species of plant (= hiṅgu-pattrī) L
- pṛthukīya and mfn. (fr. pṛthuka), g. apūpâdi
- pṛthukya mfn. (fr. pṛthuka), g. apūpâdi
- pṛthula mf(ā)n. broad, large, great MBh. Śiś. Kathās
- m. vḷ. for pṛthulâkṣa VP
- (ā), f. a species of plant (= hiṅgu-pattrī) L
- ○locana mf(ā)n. large-eyed MBh
- ○vakṣas mfn. broad-breasted MBh
- ○vikrama mfn. of great heroism BhP
- pṛthulâkṣa m. 'large-eyed', N. of a prince (son of Catur-aṅga) MBh. Hariv. VP. BhP
- pṛthulâujas mfn. of great energy MārkP
- pṛthū-√kṛ to extend, expand, enlarge, spread out MW
- pṛthvikā f. = pṛthviikā
- pṛthvī́ f. (cf. pṛthivii) the earth (also as an element) RV. &c. &c
- Nigella Indica L
- Boerhavia Procumbens L
- = hiṅgu-pattrī L
- great cardamoms L
- N. of 2 kinds of metre Col
- N. of the mother of the 7th Arhat of present Avasarpiṇī L
- ○kurabaka m. a species of tree L
- ○khāta n. a hole or pit in the earth, cavern MW
- ○garbha m. N. of Gaṇêśa L
- of a Bodhi-sattva W
- ○gṛha n. a dwelling in the earth, a cave Hariv
- ○candrôdaya m. N. of wk
- ○ja m. 'earth-born', a tree A
- N. of the planet Mars A
- n. a species of salt (= gaḍa-lavaṇa) L
- ○tala n. the ground, dry land Pañcad
- ○daṇḍapāla-tā f. vḷ. for pṛthivii-a○
- ○dāna-vidhi m. N. of wk
- ○dhara m. 'e-supporter', a mountain Naish
- N. of a demon Var. Vāstuv. Hcat
- (also -bhaṭṭa and ○râcārya) N. of sev. authors Cat
- of the author of Comm. on Mṛicch. Cat
- ○pati m. 'earth-lord', a prince, king, sovereign Prab. Kathās
- -tva n. princedom, kingdom Kathās
- ○pāla m. N. of a man Rājat
- ○pura n. N. of a town in Magadha, Satr
- ○premôdaya m. N. of wk
- ○bhara m. (?) a species of the Aty-ashṭi metre W
- ○bhuj m. 'earth-enjoyer', a prince, king Bālar. Inscr
- ○bhṛt m. 'earth-bearer', a prince, king Subh
- ○malla and m. N. of authors Cat
- ○mallarāja m. N. of authors Cat
- ○rāja m. N. of a prince and poet Cat
- -vijaya m. N. of a poem
- ○rājya n. earth-dominion, kingdom Kathās
- ○rūpa m. N. of a prince Kathās
- ○varāha-saṃvāda m. N. of ch. of VarP
- ○"ṣśa (○vii7śa), m. 'lord of the earth', a prince, king, sovereign MBh
- -tā f. princedom, kingdom Hcat
- ○sāra-taila n. a partic. med. preparation L
- ○hara m. N. of a man Rājat
- pṛthvīkā f. large or small cardamoms L
- Nigella Indica Suśr. (also pṛthvikā) L
- pṛ́dāku m. an adder, viper, snake VS. TS. AV. MBh. (also pṛdākū́, f). a tiger or panther L.
- an elephant L
- a tree L
- ○sānu (pṛ́d○), mfn. having a surface like that of a serpent, smooth or shining like a serpent RV
- pṛ́śana n. (√spṛś) clinging to
- (ī́), f. tender, gentle RV
- pṛ́śaḍnāyú f. = ○nī ib
- pṛ́śni mfn. (Uṇ.iv, 52) variegated, dappled, piebald, speckled, spotted (said esp. of cows, serpents, frogs &c.) RV. AV. Br. ŚrS. MBh
- (pl.) manifold, different (as desires) TS
- dwarfish, thin, small L
- m. N. of a prince (the father of Śvaphalka) Hariv. VP
- (pl.) N. of a family of Ṛishis MBh. (○nayo'jāh, the supposed authors of RV. ix, 86, 31-40 Anukr.)
- (i), f. a dappled cow (fig. = milk, the earth, a cloud, the starry sky) RV. MBh
- a ray of light L
- N. of the mother of the Maruts RV
- of the wife of Savitṛi BhP
- of the wife of king Su-tapas (who in a former birth under the name of Devakī was mother of Kṛishṇa) ib
- (ī), f. Pistia Stratiotes L
- n. (with bharad-vājasya) N. of 2 Sāmans ĀrshBr. [Cf. √pṛṣ
- Gk. ?.]
- ○garbha (pṛ́○), mf(ā)n. being in the variegated bosom or in the being of the vṭvariegated one RV
- m. N. of Vishṇu-Kṛishṇa Vishṇ. MBh. &c
- ○gu (pṛ́○), mfn. = next
- m. N. of a man RV. i, 112, 7
- ○go (pṛ́○), mfn. driving with dappled cows ib. vii, 18, 10
- ○tvá n. the being variegated &c. TS
- ○dhara m. 'earth-bearer', N. of Kṛishṇa W
- ○niprêṣita mfn. sent or hastening down to Pṛiśni i.e. the earth RV. vii, 18, 10 (Sāy. 'sent by Pṛiśni')
- ○parṇikā f. Hemionitis Cordifolia or Uraria. Lagopodioides L.
- ○parṇī́ f. id. ŚBr. KātyŚr. Suśr
- ○bāhu (pṛ́○), mfn. having speckled arms i.e. front legs (said of a frog) AV
- m. N. of a mythical being ib
- ○bhadra m. 'propitious to Devakī or to the earth', N. of Kṛishṇa L
- ○mat mfn. containing the word pṛśni AitBr
- ○mantha m. a drink made by stirring and mixing ingredients coming from a speckled cow Kauś
- ○mātṛ (pṛ́○), mfn. having the earth for a mother (said of herbs) AV
- having Pṛismni for a mother (said of the Maruts) RV. AV
- ○vat (pṛ́○), mfn. = -mat TBr
- ○vāla mf(ā)n. having a spotted tail ĀpŚr
- ○śapha mf(ā)n. having spotted hoofs ib
- ○śṛṅga m. 'having a small or a variegated crest', N. of Vishṇu or of Gaṇêśa L
- ○sakthá mfn. having spotted thighs TS. Kāṭh
- ○hán mfn. slaying the speckled (snake) AV
- pṛśnikā f. Pistia Stratiotes L
- pṛśnī f. See pṛśni
- pṛśny-āhvayā f. = pṛśni-parṇī Suśr
- pṛṣ cl. 1. P. parṣati, to sprinkle
- to weary
- to vex or hurt
- to give Dhātup. xvii, 55
- cl. 1. Ā. parṣate (xvi, 12, vḷ. for varṣ), to become wet. (Perhaps akin to √pruṣ
- cf. also pṛśni.)
- pṛṣa in comp. for ○ṣat
- ○dhra m. N. of a man RV. viii, 52, 4 (supposed author of RV. viii, 56)
- of a son of one of the Manus MBh
- of a warrior on the side of the Pāṇḍavas ib. (wṛ. -dhru
- cf. pṛśni-dhara)
- pṛṣôkta m. N. of a prince VP
- pṛṣôtthāna mfn. g. pṛṣôdarâdi (vḷ. ○ṣôdvāni)
- pṛṣôdará mf(ā)n. having a spotted belly TS. (cf. Pāṇ. 6-3, 109)
- pṛṣôdyāna n. a small garden or grove L
- pṛṣôdvāni See ○ṣôtthāna
- pṛ́ṣat mf(atī)n. spotted, speckled, piebald, variegated AV. VS. Br. GṛŚrS
- sprinkling W
- m. the spotted antelope R. (cf. g. vyāghrâdi, where Kāś. pṛṣata)
- a drop of water (only pl
- ○tām pati m. 'lord of the drops of water', the wind) Śiś. vi, 55
- (atī), f. a dappled cow or mare (applied to the animals ridden by the Maruts) RV. VS. ŚBr. ŚrS
- a spotted doe MBh. R. &c
- = pārṣatī, the daughter of Pṛishata MBh. i, 6390
- n. a drop of water or any other liquid Hariv. BhP
- ○tā f
- ○tva n. the being spotted or variegated KātyŚr. Sch
- pṛṣata mfn. having white spots, speckled, variegated L
- (○tá), m. the spotted antelope VS. &c. &c. (ī f. See under pṛṣat)
- a drop of water MBh. Hariv. Kāv
- a spot, mark Var
- N. of the father of Dru-pada MBh. Hariv. Pur
- pṛṣatâśva m. air, wind (= pṛṣad-aśva) L
- pṛṣatka m. a round spot Harav
- an arrow (as being variegated or as bring as swift as an antelope) L. (cf. IW. 405, n. 1)
- the versed sine of an arc Gaṇit
- pṛṣad in comp. for ○ṣat
- ○aṃśa g. utsâdi (Kāś. pṛṣa, daṃśe),
- ○aśva (pṛ́○), mfn. having piebald horses or having antelopes for horses (said of the Maruts) RV
- m. wind or the god of wind Hcar
- N. of Śiva Śivag
- N. of a man (pl. his descendants) Pravar. MBh
- of a son of An-aranya and father of Hary-aśva VP
- of a son, of Virūpa BhP
- ○ājyá n. curdled or clotted butter, ghee mixed with coagulated milk (forming an oblation) RV. TS. Br. GṛŚrS
- -dhānī f. a vessel for an oblation of ghee and curds ĀpŚr
- -praṇutta (○jyá-), mfn. driven away from the oblṭoblation of ghee and curds AV
- ○dhra wṛ. for pṛṣa-dhra
- ○yoni (pṛ́○), mfn. (prob.) = pṛśni-garbha RV
- ○vat (pṛ́○), mfn. party-coloured, variegated RV
- ○vatsa mfn. having a spotted calf Kāṭh
- ○varā f. 'best among spotted antelopes', N. of a wife of Ruru and daughter of a Vidyā-dhara by Menakā (a sort of antelope) Kathās
- ○vala m. 'Piebald', N. of a horse of Vāyu or the wind (cf. -aśva) L
- ○vāṇa m. 'having variegated arrows', N. of a man (cf. pārṣadvāṇa)
- pṛṣanti m. a drop of water L
- pṛṣāta mfn. spotted, variegated Gal
- pṛṣā́taka m. n. a mixture of ghee and coagulated milk or some similar compound (cf. pṛṣad-ājya) AV. GṛŚrS
- m. (pl.) a kind of ceremony PārGṛ
- N. of Rudra MānGṛ
- (ī́), f. a kind of disease or N. of a female demon causing it AV
- pṛṣita n. rain Gobh
- pṛṣabhāṣā f. = pūṣa-bhāsā L.
- pṛṣākara (?), f. a small stone used as a weight L
- pṛṣṭá mfn. (√prach) asked, inquired, questioned, interrogated, demanded, wished for, desired, welcome RV. &c. &c
- n. a question, inquiry ĀpGṛ. Pāṇ
- ○prativacana n. the act of answering a question or inquiry Pāṇ. 3-2, 120
- ○bandhu mfn. one by whom adherents or praisers are wished for (Agni) RV. iii, 20, 3
- ○hāyana m. an elephant ('whose years are inquired about', sc. in buying or selling?) L
- pṛṣṭabhidhāyin mfn. answering when asked, i.e. not puzzled how to answer an inquiry Var
- pṛṣṭvā ind. See √prach
- pṛṣṭa-parṇī f. Hemionitis Cordifolia L. (cf. pṛśni-p○)
- pṛṣṭí f. a rib (cf. parśu) RV. AV. (○ṭī, xi, 1, 34) VS. ŚBr. -tás ind. on the ribs TS
- ○v�ā́h mfn. carrying on the sides (or on the back) AV
- ○sācayá mfn. joined with the ribs ŚBr
- pṛṣṭy-āmayá m. a pain in the side AV
- ○yín mfn. suffering from it RV
- pṛṣṭyā́ f. a side-horse (mare) AV. vi, 102, 2 (cf. praṣṭi)
- pṛṣṭi f. touch L. (cf. spṛṣṭi)
- a ray of light L. (cf. pṛśni)
- pṛṣṭi = pṛṣṭha Pañcad. Kauś. Sch
- pṛṣṭhá n. (prob. fr. pra-stha, 'standing forth prominently'
- ifc. f. ā) the back (as the prominent part of an animal), the hinder part or rear of anything RV. &c. &c. (pṛṣṭhena-√yā, with gen., to ride on
- ○ṭhena-√vah, to carry on the back
- ○ṭhaṃ-√dā, to give the back, make a low obeisance
- ○ṭhe ind. behind or from behind)
- the upper side, surface, top, height ib. (with diváḥ, or nā́kasya, the surface of the sky, vault of heaven
- cf. ghṛta-p○)
- the flat roof of a house (cf. gṛha-p○, harmya-p○)
- a page of a book MW
- N. of partic. arrangement of Sāmans (employed at the midday libation and formed from the Rathaṃtara, Bṛihat, Vairūpa, Vairāja, Śākvara, and Raivata Śalkvara) TS. Br. ŚrS
- N. of various Sāmans ĀrshBr
- ○ga mfn. mounted or riding on Kathās
- ○gāmin mfn. going behind, following, devoted or faithful Pañcat. (B.)
- ○gālana (?), HYogas
- ○gopa m. one who guards or protects the rear of a tighting warrior MBh
- ○granthi m. 'back-knot', a hump on she back L
- a kind of swelling L
- mfn. hump-backed A
- ○ghna m. 'killing from behind' (?)
- N. of a man Cat
- ○cakṣus m. 'having eyes in the back', a crab L
- a bear, V
- ○ja m. 'back-born', N. of a form (or a son) of Skanda MBh. (vḷ. pṛ́ṣṭha-taḥ)
- ○jāha n. 'back-√', (prob.) os coccygis L
- ○tap mfn. having one's back burned (by the sun) Āpast
- ○talpana n. the exterior muscles of an elephant's back L
- ○tás ind. from or on or behind the back, behind (with gen. or ifc.)
- to the back, backwards
- secretly, covertly ŚBr. &c. &c. (with √kṛ, to place on the back R
- to neglect, abandon, forsake, give up, renounce MBh. R. &c
- with √gam, to go behind, follow, pursue Pañc
- with √bhū, to be behind, be disregarded or of no account MBh.)
- -"ṣto-bhāvam ind. Pāṇ. 3-4, 61 Sch
- -"ṣto-mukha mfn. with back turned Divyâv
- ○tāpa m. 'back-burning', noon, midday MBh
- ○dṛṣṭi m. 'looking backwards', a bear L
- ○deśa m. the back part, rear
- (e), ind. behind (with gen.) Pañcat
- ○dhāraka mfn. bearing on the back, bearing (a weight as burden) ĀpŚr. Sch
- ○pātin mfn. being behind a person's back, following, watching, observing, controlling Rājat
- ○pīṭhī f. a broad back Bālar
- ○phala n. (in alg.) the superficial contents of a figure Col
- ○bhaṅga m. 'breaking or bending the back', N. of a mode of fighting MBh
- ○bhāga m. the hinder part, back, rear Kāv
- ○bhūmi f. the upper story or roof-terrace of a house Kathās
- ○madhya m. the middle of the back MW
- ○māṃsa n. the flesh on the back (○saṃ-√khād or bhakṣ, 'to eat the flesh of a person's back', backbite) MBh. Kāv
- ○sâda or ○sâdana mfn. a backbiter, slanderer L
- backbiting, slandering A
- ○yájvan m. one who sacrifices on high places RV
- ○yāna n. 'going on the back (of a horse &c.)', riding Suśr
- mfn. = next Kām.
- ○yāyin mfn. riding on the back of (comp.) Kām. Sch
- ○rakṣa m.= -gopa MBh
- ○rakṣaṇa n. protection or defence of the back MārkP
- ○lagna mfn. hanging about a person's (gen.) back, following Pañc
- ○vaṃśa m. the back-bone Suśr
- ○vāstu n. the upper story of a house Mn. iii, 91
- ○v�ā́h mfn. 'borne on the back', riding Hariv
- carrying a load on the back MaitrS
- wṛ. for paṣṭha-v○ and praṣṭha-v○, q.v
- ○vāha m. a beast of burnt, draught-ox Nīlak
- ○vāhya m. id. L
- ○śamanīya m. N. of a partic. Agni-shṭoma Nyāyam. Sch
- ○śaya mfn. lying on the back, g. pārśvâdi
- ○śṛṅga m. 'having horns over the back', a wild goat L
- ○gin m. (L.) 'id.', a ram
- a buffalo
- a eunuch
- N. of Bhāma
- ○śveta m. 'white on the back or on the other side', N. of a kind of rice Gal
- ○stotra n. N. of a partic. arrangement of Sāmans (= pṛṣṭha, q.v.) Br. ŚrS
- pṛṣṭhâkṣepa m. acute and violent pain in the back Car
- pṛṣṭhânuga (R.),
- pṛṣṭhânugāmin (Pañcat.), mfn. going behind, following
- pṛṣṭhânupṛṣṭhaka mf(ikā)n. being behind a person's back, pursuing, following
- pṛṣṭhâvaguṇṭhana-paṭa m. a horse-cloth (covering the back) Kād
- pṛṣṭhâṣṭhīla m. or n. the back of a tortoise Bālar
- pṛṣṭhâsthi n. the back bone L
- pṛṣṭhôdaya mfn. rising from behind (applied to the zodiacal signs Aries, Taurus Gemini, Sagittarius, and Capricorn) Var
- pṛṣṭhôpatāpa m. the shining of the sun upon the back SāmavBr
- pṛṣṭhaka n. the back R
- ○ke-√kṛ, to place behind, postpone, neglect, resign Caurap. Pañc
- pṛṣṭhī-√bhū to become depressed or dejected L. (prob. wṛ. for piṣṭī-√bhū)
- pṛṣṭhe loc. of pṛṣṭha in comp
- ○mukha mf(ī)n. having the face in the back MBh
- pṛṣṭhyá mfn. belonging to or coming from the heights (with payas or andhas n. the milk or the plant from the heights, i.e. the Soma) RV
- carrying on the back
- m. (with or sc. aśva) a horse for riding or for draught Lāṭy. MBh
- (ā), f. the edge which runs along the back of a Vedi KātyŚr. Sulbas
- (pṛ́○), mfn. forming the Stotras called Pṛishṭha TāṇḍBr
- having these Stotras (said of a partic. period of 6 sacrificial days as subst. m., viz. pṛṣṭhyâhan, pṛṣṭhya-tryaha, -pañcâha, -stotriya, -caturtha, -ṣaṣṭha Vait.)
- m. = pṛṣṭhānāṃ samūhaḥ Pāṇ. 4-2, 42 Vārtt. 1 Pat
- ○stoma m. N. of 6 Ekâhas or of a period of 6 sacrificial days (cf. above) ŚrS
- pṛṣṭhyâvalamba m. (sc. pañcâha), a period of 5 sacrificial days ib
- pṛṣṇi (L.) mfn. = pṛśni
- f. = pārṣṇi, or = pṛśni (ray of light)
- pṛṣṇi-parṇī wṛ. for pṛśni-p○
- pṛ́ṣva mf(ā)n. produced by hoar-frost TS. (Sch.)
- pṝ cl. 9. P. (Dhātup. xxxi, 19) pṛṇā́ti RV
- cl. 6. P. (√pṛṇ, xxviii, 40) priṇáti ib
- cl. 3. P. (xxv, 4) píparti ib. (also Ā
- Impv. pipīpṛhi BhP. iv, 19, 38
- pf. papāra, 3. pl. paparuḥ, or papruḥ Pāṇ. 7-4, 12
- pupūre, ○rire Bhaṭṭ
- -pupūryās RV
- papṛvás MaitrS
- aor. apārīt Gr., pūriṣṭhās TĀr
- Impv. pūrdhí RV
- Prec. priyāsam AV., pūryāt Gr
- fut. , Gr
- ind. p. pūrtvā Gr., -pūrya MBh
- -pūram [in comp. with its object
- cf. udara-p○, goṣpada-p○, carma-p○. and Pāṇ. 3-4, 31 ; 3]
- inf. pṛṇádhyai RV
- -puras Kāṭh
- pūritum R.), to fill (Ā. 'one's self') RV. AV
- to fill with air, blow into (acc.) Bhaṭṭ
- to sate, cherish, nourish, bring up RV. AV
- to refresh (as the Pitṛis) Bhaṭṭ. (aor. apārīt vḷ. atārpsīt)
- to grant abundantly, bestow on (dat.), present with (instr.) RV. AV. (often p. pṛṇát = bounteous, liberal, ungrudging)
- to fulfil, satisfy (as a wish) BhP.: Pass. pūryáte (ep. also ○ti, and RV. Ā. pū́ryate, p. pū́yamāṇa), to be filled with, become full of (instr.), be sated RV. VS. ŚBr. MBh. &c
- to become complete (as a number) Lāṭy.: Caus. pārayati, to fill Dhātup. xxxii, 15
- to fulfil (only aor. pīparat) RV
- pūráyati (Dhātup. xxxiii, 126), ○te (Pass. pūryate .
- aor. apūri, apūriṣṭa), to fill, fill up with (instr.) ŚBr. GṛŚrS. MBh. &c
- to fill (with a noise, said also of the noise itself) MBh. R
- to fill with wind, blow (a conch) ib.
- to draw (a bow or an arrow to the ear) R
- to make full, complete, supplement (a sentence) Kuval
- to cover completely, overspread, bestrew, surround MBh. Kāv. &c
- to load or enrich or present with (instr.) ib
- to fulfil (a wish or hope) AV. &c. &c
- to spend completely (a period of time) R.: Desid. , pupūrṣati Gr.: Intens. pāparti, popūrti, popūryate ib. Lat. plere, plenus ; Lit. pílti, pílnas ; Slav. ; Goth. fulls ; Germ. voll ; Eng. full.]
- peki m. or f. a species of bird Svapnac
- pecaka m. (√1. pac?) an owl (cf. kṛṣṇa-p○)
- the tip or the √of an elephant's tail Var
- a couch, bed (= paryaṅka) L
- a louse L
- a cloud L
- (ikā), f. a kind of owl Hariv. (vḷ. picaka and pecuka)
- pecakin m. an elephant L. (vḷ. picakin)
- pecila m. id. L. (vḷ. picila)
- pecu n. Colocasia Antiquorum L
- pecuka n
- peḍculī f. id. L
- peja m. See tila-p○
- (ā), f. = peyā L
- peñjūṣā f. the wax of the ear L
- peṭa mf(ā, or ī)n. (√piṭ?) a basket, bag L
- a multitude L
- a retinue L
- m. the open hand with the fingers expanded (= pra-hasta) L
- ○kandaka m. a species of bulbous plant Gal
- peṭâlu n. id. ib
- peṭaka mf(ikā)n. a little basket, casket, box Daś. Sāy. Kull. (cf. kośa-peṭaka, bhūṣaṇa-peṭikā)
- m. n. = dvaṃdva L
- n. a multitude, company, quantity, number Rājat. Kathās. (○kaṃ-√kṛ, with instr. 'to join or consort with')
- (iká), f. a species of plant L
- peṭāka m. a basket L
- peṭṭāla m. or n. id. Mālatīm. vi, 18/19 (vḷ. ○laka)
- peḍā f. id. (?) Divyâv
- peṭṭi-bhaṭṭa m. N. of the father of Viśvêśvara-bhaṭṭa Cat
- peḍḍanâcārya m. N. of an author Cat
- peḍḍa-bhaṭṭa m. N. of the commentator Mallinātha Cat
- peḍhāla m. N. of the eighth Arhat of the future Utsarpiṇī L
- peṇ cl. 1. P. peṇati, to go
- to grind
- to embrace Dhātup. xiii, 15 (cf. paiṇ, praiṇ, laiṇ)
- peṇḍa m. a way, road Gal
- pétva m. (√1. pā?) a ram, wether RV. AV. VS. TBr
- a small part, W
- n. nectar, Amṛita Uṇ. iv, 115 Sch
- ghee or clarified butter L
- pedú m. (√pad?) N. of a man (under the especial protection of the Aśvins, by whom he was presented with a white horse that killed serpents) RV
- pepīyamāna mfn. (√1. pā, Intens.) drinking separately or greedily ChUp. Hariv
- peya mfn. to be drunk or quaffed, drinkable MBh. Kāv. &c
- to be tasted, tastable MBh. (opp. to ghreya, spṛśya &c.)
- to be taken (as medicine) Car
- to be drunk in or enjoyed by (cf. śrotra-p○)
- m. (sc. yajña-kratu) a drink offering, libation ŚāṅkhŚr
- (ā), f. rice gruel or any drink mixed with a small quantity of boiled rice MBh. Car. Suśr
- a species of anise (= miśreyā) L
- n. a drink, beverage MBh. R. Suśr
- perú mfn. drinking VS. (Mahīdh
- perhaps rather = 3. péru)
- (péru), thirsty (?) TS
- m. (only L.) the sun
- fire
- the ocean
- the golden mountain (cf. meru)
- peb cl. 1. Ā. pebate Dhātup. x, 11 (vḷ. for sev, q.v.)
- peyālam (?), ind. once more, repeatedly L
- peyūṣa m. or n. (= and vḷ. for pīyūṣa, q.v.) biestings
- fresh butter
- nectar L
- peraja or peroja n. a turquoise L. (cf. Pers. ?).
- peraṇi or ○ṇī f. (in music) a kind of dance
- perama-bhaṭṭa m. N. of the father of Jagan-nātha Paṇḍita-rāja Cat
- perala-sthala-māhātmya n. N. of ch. of SkandaP
- perā f. a kind of musical instrument Bhaṭṭ
- perú mfn. (√1. pṛ) carrying across, rescuing, delivering RV. (For 1. See col. 2.)
- péru mfn. (√pī, pyai) swelling or causing to swell RV. TĀr
- m. seed, germ, off-spring (with apā́m = Soma) ib. VS. TS. MaitrS
- peruká m. N. of a man RV
- peru-bhaṭṭa m. (with lakṣmīkānta) N. of the Guru of Jagan-nātha Paṇḍita-rāja Cat. (cf. perama-bh○)
- pel cl. 1. 10. P. pelati (Dhātup. xv, 34), peláyati (Naigh. ii, 14), to go
- pela m. a small part W
- going W
- n. = next L
- pelaka m. a testicle L
- pelava mf(ā) n. delicate, fine, soft, tender Kālid. Kathās. (ifc. 'delicate like' or 'too dṭdelicate for')
- thin, slim, slender Śiś. Suśr. (opp. to bahala)
- ○kṣauma n. fine linen Suśr
- ○puṣpa-pattrin mfn. having tender flowers for arrows Kum
- peli g. chāttry-ādi
- ○śālā f. ib
- pelin m. a horse W
- pelu-vāsa (?), m. a chameleon L
- pev cl. 1. Ā. pevate, = sev Dhātup. xiv, 33
- péśa m. (√piś) an architect, carpenter(?) RV. i, 92, 5 ; vii, 34, 11
- ornament, decoration AitBr. BhP. (cf. puru- and su-
- g. gaurâdi and sidhmâdi)
- (ī), f. See below
- péśana mf(ī)n. well formed, beautiful RV. AV
- peśalá mf(ā)n. (g. sidhmâdi) artificially formed, adorned, decorated VS. TBr
- beautiful, charming, lovely, pleasant MBh. Kāv. &c
- soft, tender, delicate, Kalid
- expert, skilful, clever Bhartṛ
- fraudulent, crafty L
- (am), ind. tenderly, delicately Kathās
- m. N. of Vishṇu, V
- n. charm, grace, beauty, loveliness BhP
- ○tva n. dexterity, skill VarBṛS. Sch
- ○madhya mfn. slender-waisted Ragh
- peśalâkṣa mfn. having beautiful eyes
- -tā f. Rājat
- peśalī-√kṛ to render beautiful R
- péśas n. shape, form, colour RV
- an artificial figure, ornament, embroidery, an embroidered garment ib. VS. AitBr
- ○karī f. a bee (conceived of as a female) Gal
- ○kārin m. a wasp BhP
- ○kārī́ f. a female embroiderer VS. ŚBr
- ○kṛt m. the hand (as 'the artist') BhP
- a wasp ib
- ○vat (péśas-), mfn. decorated, adorned VS
- peśi m. wṛ. for peṣi
- f. an egg or = next L
- peśikā f. rind, shell (of fruit) Suśr
- peśitṛ́ m. one who cuts in pieces or carves, carver, a VS
- peśī f. (g. gaurâdi) a piece of flesh or meat (also māṃsa-p○ or peśī māṃsa-mayī) ṢaḍvBr. Gobh. MBh. (cf. piśita)
- the fetus shortly after conception (-tva n.) Nir. MBh. Suśr
- a muscle (of which there are said to be 500 in the human body) Yājñ. Suśr
- the peel or rind (of fruit) Suśr. (cf. peśikā)
- a kind of drum MBh
- a sheath, scabbard L
- a shoe L
- the egg of a bird L
- spikenard L
- a blown bud L
- N. of a Piśācī and a Rākshasī L
- of a river L
- ○kośa m. a bird's egg L
- peśī ind. for ○śa
- ○kṛta mfn. cut into pieces, carved R. (cf. 1. peṣī)
- peśy-aṇḍa n. a piece of flesh (esp. the fetus soon after conception) BhP
- a bird's egg L
- peśvara mfn. (prob.) who or what grinds Vop
- peṣ cl. 1. Ā. peṣate, to exert one's self, strive diligently Dhātup. xvi, 14
- peṣa mf(ī)n. (√piṣ) pounding, grinding (ifc.) Baudh. (cf. śilā-p○)
- m. the act of pounding or grinding or crushing Śiś. (cf. piṣṭa-p○)
- peṣaka mf(ikā)n. one who pounds or grinds (cf. gandhaka-peṣikā).
- peṣaṇa n. pounding, grinding (of grain) KātyŚr. Hcat
- crushing (○ṇaṃ-√yā, to be crushed), MārkP
- a threshing floor L
- a hand-mill L
- Euphorbia Antiquorum L
- (ī), f. See below
- ○vat mfn. a word formed for the explanation of pipiṣvat Sāy
- peṣaṇi f. = next L
- peṣaṇī f. a grind-stone Mn. iii, 68
- ○putraka m. a small grind-stone L
- peṣaṇīya mfn. to be ground or pounded or pulverized MW
- peṣāka m. a small grind-stone L
- peṣi m. a thunderbolt L
- peṣī ind. for peṣa
- ○√kṛ (ind. p. -kṛtya or -kṛtvā), to crush, pound MBh. (cf. 2. peśī)
- peṣṭṛ mfn. who or what pounds or grinds Kull
- peṣya mfn. = peṣaṇīya
- (ifc.) to be ground into Suśr
- péṣī f. swaddling-clothes RV. v, 2, 2 (others 'churning-stick'
- others 'nurse' Sāy. = hiṃsikā, piśācikā)
- peṣṭra n. (√piś) a bone AV
- pes cl. 1. P. pesati, to go (= pis) Dhātup. xvii, 69
- pésuka mfn. (√pis) spreading, extending ŚBr
- pesvara mfn. (Pāṇ. 3-2, 175) going, moving W
- destructive ib
- splendid ib
- pai cl. 1. P. pāyati, to dry, wither Dhātup. xxii, 23
- paiṅga mfn. (fr. piṅga) relating to a rat or mouse Kauś
- m. N. of a teacher (prob. wṛ. for ○gya)
- n. N. of wk
- ○rājá m. a kind of bird VS
- paiṅgākṣī-putra m. and (fr. piṅgâkṣī-putra) Pāṇ. 4-2, 28 Vārtt. 1 ; 2 Pat
- paiṅgākṣī-puḍtrīya mfn. (fr. piṅgâkṣī-putra) Pāṇ. 4-2, 28 Vārtt. 1 ; 2 Pat
- paiṅgāyani-brāhmaṇa n. N. of wk. ĀpŚr
- paiṅgi m. patr. of Yāska L
- paiṅgin mfn. derived from Paiṅgya Pāṇ. Sch
- m. a follower of Pāṇ. Anup
- ○paiṅgi-rahasyabrāhmaṇa n. N. of wk
- paiṅgī f. of ○gya
- paíṅgī-pútra m. N. of a teacher ŚBr
- paíṅgya m. patr. of a teacher Br. MBh
- n. the doctrine of Paíṅgya Br
- ○smṛti f. N. of wk
- paiṅgyāyana-brāhmaṇa n. N. of wk. (cf. paiṅgāyani-br○)
- paiṅgarāyaṇa m. patr. fr. piṅgara g. naḍâdi
- paiṅgala m. (sg. and pl.) patr. fr. piṅgala g. kaṇvâdi
- n. the manual of Piṅgala
- ○kāṇva m. pl. the followers of Piṅgala-kāṇva Pāṇ. 1-1, 173 Vārtt.8 Pat
- paiṅgalôpaniṣad f. N. of wk
- paiṅgalāyana (g. naḍâdi),
- paiṅgalāḍyani (Saṃskārak
- next.), m. patr. fr. piṅgala
- paiṅgalaudāyani m. g. pailâdi (Kāś. paiṅgalāyani)
- paiṅgalya m. patr. fr. piṅgala g. gargâdi
- n. brown or tawny colour Suśr
- paicchilya n. (fr. picchila) sliminess, mucilaginousness Suśr
- paija m. N. of a teacher BhP
- paijavaná m. (fr. pijavana) patr. of Su-dās and of several men RV. &c. &c
- paijūlāyana patr. fr. pijūla g. aśvâdi
- paiñjūṣa m. the ear L. (cf. piñjūṣa, peñjūṣa)
- paiṭaka or paiṭāka m. patr. fr. g. śivâdi
- paiṭ�ākika mfn. = g. utsaṅgâdi
- paiṭakalāyana m. sg. and pl. patron. Saṃskārak
- paiṭhara mf(ī)n. (fr. piṭhara) cooked in a saucepan R
- paiṭharika m. (prob.) one who uses a saucepan for making musical sounds Pat
- paiṭhasarpa mfn. (fr. pīṭha-sarpin) Pāṇ. 6-4, 144 Vārtt. 1 Pat.
- paiṭhika m. (prob.) patr. fr. pīṭha Hariv
- paiṭhīna m. = next Cat
- paiṭhīnasi m. patr. of an ancient teacher (a Muni and author of a system of laws) AV.Pariś. Pravar. &c
- ○smṛti f. N. of wk
- paiṭhīnasya m. patr. Saṃskārak
- paiḍika mf(ī)n. (fr. piḍakā) relating to boils or pustules Suśr
- paiḍva wṛ. for paidva
- paiṇ cl. 1. P. paiṇati, to go
- to send
- to embrace Dhātup. xiii, 15 (cf. peṇ)
- paiṇḍapātika mf(ī)n. (fr. piṇḍapāta) living on alms Buddh
- paiṇḍāyana m. patr. fr. piṇḍa g. naḍâdi
- paiṇḍikya n. (fr. piṇḍika), g. purohitâdi
- paiṇḍinya n. (fr. piṇḍin) L
- paiṇḍḍya n. metron. (fr. piṇḍī) Pāṇ. 4-1, 151
- paitadārava mfn. (fr. pīta-dāru), g. rajatâdi
- paitarāvaṇa m. patr. (fr. pītarāvaṇa?) Pravar
- paitā Vṛiddhi form of pitā in comp
- ○putrīya mfn. relating to father and son KātyŚr
- ○maha mf(ī)n. relating to or derived from a grandfather AitBr. MBh
- relating to or derived from or presided over by Brahmā MBh. Kāv. &c
- m. Brahmā's son (patr. of Manu) MBh
- (pl.) forefathers, ancestors MW
- n. the lunar mansion called Rohiṇī Var
- -tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha ŚivaP
- -siddhânta m. ○hī-bhāṣya n. N. of wks
- ○mahaka mfn. belonging or relating to a grandfather Pāṇ. 3-4, 77 Sch
- paitṛ Vṛiddhi form of pitṛ in comp
- ○kriyā f. N. of wk
- ○matyá mfn. sprung from one who has an illustrious father ĀpŚr. Sch
- m. the grandson of an illustrious man VS. Pravar. (g. kurv-ādi)
- ○medhika mfn. relating to a sacrifice to the Pitṛis
- m. or n. N. of wk
- -vidhāna n. -vidhāna-prayoga m. -vidhi m. -sūtra, n. N. of wks
- ○yajñika (Lāṭy.),
- ○yajñīya (Mn.), mfn. = -medhika
- ○ṣvaseya mf(ī)n. sprung from a father's sister or paternal aunt Mn. MBh. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 133)
- m. a fathers's sister's son BhP
- (ī), f. a father's sister's daughter Mn. xi, 171
- ○ṣvasrīya mfn. = prec. Pāṇ. 4-1, 132
- paitṛka mf(ī)n. belonging to a father, paternal, ancestral Mn. MBh. &c
- relating or sacred to the Pitṛis Rājat
- n. a sacred rite or Śrāddha in honour of deceased ancestors MBh
- ○tithi-nirṇaya m. N. of wk
- ○dhana n. ancestral property, patrimony MW
- ○bhūmi f. the country of one's ancestors
- a paternal estate W
- ○vidhāna n. N. of wk
- ○ṣvaseya m
- ○ṣvaseḍyī f. = paitṛ-ṣ○ above
- paitra mf(ī)n. = paitṛka ŚāṅkhŚr. MBh
- n. a partic. part of the hand (cf. pitṛ-tīrtha) W
- paitrâhorātra m. a day and night of the Pitṛis (= one month) W
- paitrika (prob.) wṛ. for paitṛka
- paitrya mf(ī)n. relating or belonging to the Pitṛis MārkP. Suśr
- paitudārava mfn. relating to or derived from the tree Pītu-dāru Br. ŚrS
- paitudrava mfn. = daivadārava ŚāṅkhŚr. Sch
- paitta mf(ī)n. (fr. pitta) relating to the bilious humour, bilious Suśr
- paittika mf(ī)n. id. ib
- of a bilious temperament Var
- paittala mf(ī)n. (fr. pittala) made of brass, brazen L
- paidvá m. (scil. aśva) the serpent-killing horse of Pedu RV
- painaddhaka mfn. (fr. pi-naddha), g. varāhâdi
- paināka mf(ī)n. (fr. pinākin) belonging to or coming from Rudra-Śiva R
- m. patr. fr. pināka Pravar
- painya n. (fr. pīna) fatness, thickness Dhātup. ix, 46
- paippala mf(ī)n. (fr. pippala) made of the wood of the holy fig-tree Mcar.
- paippaḍlava mfn. g. kaṇvâdi
- paippaḍlavya m. (fr. pippalū), g. gargâdi
- paippalāda mf(ī)n. derived from Pippalâda GarbhUp
- m. patr. fr. pippalâda
- pl. N. of a school of the AV
- ○dôpaniṣad f. N. of an Up
- paippalāḍdaka mf(ī)n. peculiar to or taught by Pippalâda or Paippalāda
- n. the treatise or text of Pippalâda Pāṇ. 4-2, 104 Vārtt. 23 Pat
- paippalāḍdi m. patr. of a teacher Pravar. MBh. Hariv
- (pl.) N. of a school of the AV. Col
- paippalāyani m. patr. of a teacher VP. (cf. pippalāyani)
- paippalī-kacchapa mfn. Kāś. on Pāṇ. 4-2, 126
- paiyavana wṛ. for paijavana
- paiyūkṣa mfn. (fr. pīyūkṣa), g., tālâdi
- paiyūṣa n. = pīyūṣa L
- paila m. (metron. fr. pīlā Pāṇ. 4-1, 118) N. of a teacher (a sage and promulgator of the Ṛig-veda) GṛS. MBh. &c
- ○garga m. N. of a man MBh
- ○garbha m. 'offspring of PṭPāṇ. N. of a man MW
- ○meli m.patr. Saṃskārak
- ○śyāparṇeya m. pl., g. kārta-kaujapâdi
- ○sūtra-bhāṣya n. N. of wk
- pailīya m.pl. the disciples of Paila Pat
- paileya m. metron. fr. pīlā Pāṇ. 4-1, 118
- pailava mf(ī)n. made of the wood of the Pīlu tree (as the staff borne by a Vaiśya) Mn. Gaut
- pailu Vṛiddhi form of pīlu in comp
- ○kuṇa mfn. g. utsâdi
- ○mūla mfn. = pīlu-mūle dīyate kāryaṃ vā g. vyuṣṭâdi
- ○vaha
- ○vaḍhaka Pāṇ. 4-2, 122 Sch
- ○śīrṣi m
- ○śīrṣyā f. Pāṇ. 6-1, 61 Vārtt. 3 Pat
- pailya m. vḷ. for paila ĀrshBr
- paillya n. (fr. pilla) blear-eyedness Car
- pailva m. vḷ. for paila ĀrshBr
- pailvakāyana m. sg. and pl. patr. Saṃskārak
- paiśalya n. (fr. peśala) graciousness, affability MBh
- paiśāca mf(ī)n. relating or belonging to the Piśācas, demon-like, infernal GṛS. Mn. MBh. &c. (with graha m. demoniacal possession MBh.)
- m. a Piśāca or kind of demon (also as N. of a tribe) MBh. (cf. g. parśv-ādi)
- the eighth or lowest form of marriage (when a lover secretly embraces a damsel either sleeping or intoxicated or disordered in her intellect) Mn. iii, 34
- (ī), f. a present made at a religious ceremony to secure friendly regard W
- (in dram.) a sort of jargon spoken by demons on the stage (cf. piśāca-bhāṣā)
- night L
- n. N. of wk
- ○bhāṣya a. N. of Comm. on Bhag
- paiśācika mf(ī)n. relating to the Piśācas, demoniacal (cf. cūlikā-p○)
- paiśācya n. demoniacal nature BhP
- paiśuna n. (fr. piśuna) tale-bearing, backbiting, calumny, malignity, wickedness Mn. MBh. &c
- paiśunika mfn. slanderous Divyâv
- paiśunya n. = paiśuna n. Mn. MBh. &c. (-vādin mfn. slanderous Daś.)
- = bhikṣâśitva L. (prob. wṛ. for paiṇḍinya)
- paiṣṭa mf(ī)n. (fr. piṣṭa) made of flour, ground or made up into a cake Gṛihyās. Hcat
- m. patr. fr. piṣṭa g. śivâdi
- (ī), f. spirituous liquor distilled from rice or other grain L. (cf. RTL. 193)
- paiṣṭika mf(ī)n. made of meal or flour Suśr
- (ā), f. = paiṣṭī
- n. a quantity of cakes L
- paisukāyana m. patr. Pravar
- po (nom. pauḥ), fr. Nom. pāvaya Pāṇ. 1-1, 58 Vārtt. 2 Pat
- pogaṇḍa mfn. not full-grown or adult, young Pur
- deformed, having a redundant or defective member L
- m. a boy, one from his 5th to his 16th year W. (cf. a-p○)
- paugaṇḍa mf(ī)n. relating to a boy, boyish Pur
- n. (also ○ḍaka) boyhood, a period lasting from the 5th to the 16th year BhP. Sch.
- poñch cl. 1. Ā. poñchate, to clean (shoes) Divyâv. (prob. for prôñch, q.v.)
- poṭa m. (√puṭ?) the foundation of a house L. (cf. pota)
- putting together, uniting, mixing L
- = śakala (?) Hcar. Sch
- (ā), f. a hermaphrodite or a woman with a beard Hcar
- a female servant or slave L
- (ī), f. the rectum PārGṛ. Sch
- a large alligator L
- ○gala m. (only L.) a species of reed
- Saccharum Spontaneum
- a fish
- = pañcajanya
- poṭaka m. a servant KātyŚr. Sch
- (ikā), f. a species of plant L
- poṭāya Nom. Ā. ○yate = poṭāṃ karoti Pāṇ. 3-1, 17 Vārtt. 1
- poṭala (Car.) and ○laka (KātyŚr. Sch.), m. ○likā (L.), f. a bundle or packet
- poṭṭala n
- poṭṭaḍlī f. id. L
- poṭṭalaka m. or n. id. Car
- poṭṭalī-√kṛ to put together into a bundle or packet Car
- poṭika m. a pustule, boil L
- poṭṭila m. (with Jainas) N. of the ninth Arhat of the future Utsarpiṇī L
- poḍu m. the parietal bone, the bone forming the upper part of the skull L
- pota m. (hardly fr. √pū
- but Uṇ. iii, 86) a young animal or plant (mostly ifc., e.g. mṛga-p○ 'a young deer', cūta-p○ 'a young mango tree') MBh. Kāv. &c
- a fetus which has no enveloping membrane L
- cloth, a garment L
- the foundation of a house L. (cf. poṭa)
- m. n. a vessel, ship, boat MBh. Hariv. Var. Kāv. [Cf. Lat. putus
- Lit. pautas.]
- ○ja mfn. produced from a fetus which has no enveloping membrane (opp. to jarāyu-ja) L
- ○tva n. the state or condition of (being) a ship Mcar
- ○dhāra (Gal.),
- ○dhāḍrin (Śatr.), m. a ship-owner, master of a vessel
- ○plava m. 'floating in a ship', a seaman, mariner Var
- ○baṇij See -vaṇij
- ○bhaṅga m. shipwreck Kathās. Pañc
- ○rakṣa m. 'ship-governing', the rudder of a boat L
- ○vaṇij m. 'ship-merchant', a voyaging merchant Hit
- ○vāha (L.),
- ○vāḍhaka (Pañcad.), m. 'boat-conductor', a boatman, steersman
- ○śāli m. small or young rice L
- potâcchādana n. 'cloth-covering', a tent L
- potâdhāna n. small fry, a shoal of young fish, Vāsav
- potâbha m. a species of camphor Gal. (cf. potāsa)
- potaka m. a young animal or plant (mostly ifc
- cf. pota) MBh. Kāv. &c
- N. of a serpentdemon MBh
- the site or foundation of a house L. (cf. gṛha-p○)
- (ikā), f. (only L.) cloth, a garment
- Basella Lucida or Rubra
- Anethum Sowa
- = mūlapotī
- (ī), f. Turdus Macrourus or Basella Lucida L
- potāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to be a ship Siṃhâs
- potyā f. = potānāṃ samūhaḥ g. pāśâdi
- potana n. N. of a town HPariś
- potaraka m. or n. = next Buddh
- potala m. or n. N. of a seaport on the Indus (= ?
- later applied to the residence of the Dalai Lama in Lhassa) Buddh. (cf. MWB. 292 &c.)
- potalaka m. or n. N. of a mountain (= potala?) L
- (ikā), f. See go-potalikā
- ○priya m. 'fond of the mountain Potālaka', N. of a Buddha or of a Jina L
- potāla m. N. of a Brāhman L
- wṛ. for potala
- potāsa m. a species of camphor L. (Eng. potaṣ?)
- potimatsaka m. N. of a prince MBh. (vḷ. pautimatsyaka and yotimatsaka)
- potu m. (√1. pū) = mānabhāṇḍa-śo-dhaka L
- pótṛ or m. 'Purifier', N. of one of the 16 officiating priests at a sacrifice (the assistant of the Brāhman
- potṛ́ m. 'Purifier', N. of one of the 16 officiating priests at a sacrifice (the assistant of the Brāhman
- = yajñasya śodhayiṭri Sāy.) RV. Br. ŚrS. Hariv
- N. of Vishṇu L
- (trī), f. N. of Durgā Gal. (cf. pautrī)
- ○tva-prayoga or m. N. of wk
- ○ḍtṛprayoga m. N. of wk
- potrá n. the Soma vessel of the Potṛi RV
- the office of the Potṛi ib. KātyŚr
- the snout of a hog, Ṛit. Hcar
- a ploughshare L
- a garment or a thunderbolt (= vastra vḷ. vajra L.)
- a ship or boat L. (cf. pota)
- ○maṇḍala n. 'snout-orb', the round snout (of a hog &c.), Ṛit.
- potrâyudha m. armed with a snout, a hog, boar L
- potri in comp. for ○trin
- ○daṃṣṭrā-ja m. a kind of gem (supposed to be produced in the tusk of a boar) L
- ○rathā f. 'hog-vehicled', (with Buddhists) N. of Māyā
- (with Jainas) N. of a Śakti or female divinity
- potrin m. 'snouted', a wild boar Vcar
- potrī f. a garment (?) Divyâv
- potrīya mfn. relating or belonging to the Potṛi AitBr. KātyŚr
- ponaka See śata-p○
- popuva mfn. (fr. Intens.) purifying much or repeatedly Pāṇ. 1-1, 4 Sch
- potha m. (√puth) a blow, stroke R
- pothak�ī f. a kind of ulcer on the eyelids Suśr. (cf. poṭika)
- pothikā See ava-p○
- ponnūru-sthala-māhātmya n. N. of wk
- poyā f. a kind of wind instrument Kalpas
- poyāladaha m. or n. N. of a tank or pool Kshitîś
- pora = parvan, in nīla-p○ and śata-p○, q.v
- poraka id. in śata-p○
- pola m. (√pul) magnitude, bulk, heap L. (g. jvalâdi)
- (ī), f. See next
- polikā (Bhpr.),
- poḍlī (L.), a kind of cake (cf. pūlikā, paulī, pūpālī)
- polinda m. the mast or the ribs of a ship or boat L. (cf. padāra, ○raka, pādālinda)
- poviya m. N. of the father of Gaṅga-dāsa Cat
- póṣa m. (√puṣ) thriving, prosperity, abundance, wealth, growth, increase RV. AV. Br. GṛŚrS
- nourishing, nurture, rearing, maintaining, supporting Kāv. Pur. &c
- póḍṣaka mf(ikā)n. nourishing, feeding, a nourisher, supporter, breeder, keeper Mn. MBh. &c
- (ifc.) subsisting on or by Hariv
- póḍṣaṇa mfn. nourishing, cherishing (cf. pakṣa-p○)
- n. the act of nourishing, fostering, keeping, supporting MBh. Kāv. &c
- póḍṣaṇīya mfn. to be nourished or kept or protected MārkP
- póḍṣam ind. (with √puṣ) to thrive or prosper in (comp.) Pat
- poṣayitṛ mfn. (fr. Caus.) one who nourishes or cherishes or rears L
- poḍṣayitnú mfn. causing to grow or thrive, nourishing, fostering RV
- m. the Indian cuckoo L
- poḍṣayiṣṇú mfn. causing to thrive, advantageous, beneficial AV
- poṣas See viśvấyu-poṣas
- poṣita mfn. nourished, cherished, supported MW
- poḍṣitavya mfn. to be cherished or protected W
- poḍṣitṛ mfn. one who breeds or rears Kull
- poṣin mfn. nourishing, rearing Kathās
- poṣuka mfn. prospering, growing ṢaḍvBr
- poṣṭṛ mfn. = ○ṣitṛ MBh. Var
- m. grey benduc W
- -vara mfn. the best of nourishers, nourishing best W
- póṣya mfn. thriving, well fed RV
- abundant, copious ib
- causing wealth or prosperity AV
- to be nourished or fed or brought up or taken care of MBh. Kāv. Pur
- -putra (W.), -putraka (Pur.), m. an adopted son
- -putra-karaṇa n. adoption MW
- -varga m. a class of persons or objects to be cherished (as parents, children, guests, and the sacred fire) W
- póḍṣyā́-vat mfn. causing prosperity, beneficial RV
- poṣadha m. (with Buddhists) fasting, a fasting day Lalit
- sacred day Jātakam
- poṣaḍdhôtsava m. sacred festival Jātakam
- ○dhôṣita mfn. keeping the fast Divyâv
- poṣadhika mfn. relating to fasting or a fṭfestival day (?) L
- poṣadheya n. fasting must be observed Lalit
- pauṃścalīya mfn. (fr. puṃś-cali) belonging or relating to harlots, meretricious
- -vidyā f. knowledge concerning harlots Rājat
- pauṃśḍcaleyá m. the son of a hṭharlots TBr
- pauṃśḍcalya n. female incontinency, harlotry Mn. Hariv
- pauṃsavana n. fr. and = puṃsavana L. ( See p. 630, col. 3.)
- pauṃsāyaná m. patr. fr. 2. puṃs ŚBr
- pauṃsna mf(ī)n. worthy of or fit for or relating to a man, manly, human BhP
- n. manhood, virility ib
- paúṃsya mfn. belonging to men, manly Śaṃk
- n. manhood, virility, manly strength or a manly deed RV
- paukkasa vḷ. for paulkasa BrahmUp
- paugaṇḍa ○ḍaka, See pogaṇḍa
- pauccha mfn. (fr. puccha) being on the tail, caudal Kathās
- pauñjiṣṭhá m. (fr. puñjiṣṭha) a fisherman (vḷ. ○ṣṭa) AV. TBr
- patr. (vḷ. pauj○) Saṃskārak
- pauṭali m. a patr. Saṃskārak
- pauṭāyana m. a patr. fr. puṭa g. aśvâdi
- pauḍa See pakta-p○
- pauṇaki m. patr. fr. puṇaka Hcar
- pauṇiki m. ○kyā f. patr. fr. puṇika Pāṇ. 4-1, 79 Sch
- pauṇikera m. metron. (fr. ?) Pat
- pauṇḍarīka mf(ī)n. (fr. puṇḍarīka) made or consisting of lotus-flowers (as a garland) Mālatīm
- m. a kind of Soma sacrifice lasting 11 days ṢaḍvBr. ŚrS. &c
- patr. of Kshema-dhṛitvan TāṇḍBr
- n. (sc. kuṣṭha) a kind of leprosy Suśr
- ○kārikā f
- ○kḷpti-prayoga m
- pauṇḍarīkadaśadivasapaddhati3pauṇḍarīka--daśa-divasa-paddhati f
- ○paddhati f
- ○prayoga m
- ○ratnâkara m
- ○sāman n. pl.,
- ○hotṛ-saptaka n
- ○hautra-prayoga m. N. of wks
- pauṇḍarīya ○rīyaka and ○rya n. a kind of drug used as a remedy for diseased eyes (= puṇḍarya) L
- pauṇḍra m. (fr. puṇḍra) a species of sugar-cane of a pale straw colour Suśr
- (pl.) N. of a people and of a country (said to include part of South Behar and Bengal) MBh. Hariv. Pur
- (sg.) a king of this country (regarded as a son of Vasudeva) ib
- N. of the conch-shell of Bhīma MBh
- n. a sectarian mark KātyŚr. Sch
- ○rāja m. a king of the Pauṇḍras Kathās
- ○viṣaya m. the country of the PṭPauṇḍras ib
- pauṇḍra Vṛiddhi form of puṇḍra in comp
- ○nāgara mfn. Pāṇ. 7-3. 24 Sch
- ○matsyaka m. N. of a prince MBh
- ○vatsa m. N. of a Vedic school L. (vḷ. -vaccha)
- ○vardhana n. N. of a city (= puṇḍra-v○) R. Kathās. (also -vivardhana Uṇ. ii, 13 Sch.)
- m. N. of a country (Behar) L
- pauṇḍraka m. the pale straw-coloured species of sugar-cane Bhpr
- a prince or (pl.) the people of the Pauṇḍras Mn. MBh. Hariv. Pur
- N. of a partic. mixed caste of hereditary sugar-boilers (the son of a Vaiśya by a woman of the distiller class, regarded as one of the degraded races of Kshatriyas) Mn. x, 44
- n. (as mfn. ifc.) a sectarian mark BhP
- pauṇḍrika m. a species of sugar-cane L
- pl. N. of a people MBh
- pauṇḍhra wṛ. for pauṇḍra
- pauṇya mfn. (fr. puṇya) acting rightly, virtuous, worthy TāṇḍBr. KātyŚr
- pautakratá m. metron. fr. pūtakratā RV
- pautana m. (fr. pūtanā?) N. of a country or people Suśr. (Sch. = mathurā-pradeśa)
- pautanya n. (fr. pūtanā) Pat
- pautarīya mfn. (fr. pūtara), Gaṇ
- pautava n. a kind of mensure L. (cf. potu)
- pauti Vṛiddhi form of pūti in comp
- ○nāsikya n. fetor of the nostrils Mn. xi, 50
- ○māṣa mfn. (fr. -māṣya), g. kaṇvâdi
- ○māṣya m. (g. gargâdi) patr. or metron. of a teacher BṛĀrUp. (also ○ṣī-putra)
- (ā), f. Pāṇ. 4-1, 74 Vārtt. 1 Pat
- ○māṣyāyaṇa (paúti-), m. patr. fr. prec. ŚBr
- (ī), f. Pat.
- pautika mfn. (fr. pūtika, or ○kā), g. saṃkalâdi
- (ī), f. a kind of pot-herb L
- pautikya n. g. purohitâdi Kāś
- paútudruva mfn. relating to the tree Pūtu-dru ĀpŚr
- pautṛka mfn. (fr. potṛ) Pāṇ. 4-3, 78 Sch
- pauttika n. (fr. puttikā) a kind of honey Bhpr
- paútra mf(ī)n. (fr. putra) derived from or relating to a son or children AV. MBh. &c. (with iṣṭi f. 'a sacrifice performed to obtain a son' R.)
- m. a son's son, grandson AV. Br. &c. (also -ka Kāv.)
- (ī), f. a granddaughter MBh. Hariv. Kathās
- N. of Durgā L
- ○jīvika n. an amulet made of the seeds of Putranjiva Roxburghī Suśr
- ○martya n. the dying of children MantraBr
- ○mṛtyu in. id. HirGṛ
- pautrâgha n. any injury or evil happening to children AV
- pautrâdya (prob.) wṛ. for prec
- pautrāyaṇa m. patr. fr. pautra ChUp
- pautrika m. patr. fr. putrika or = next
- pautrikeya m. (fr. putrikā) the son of a daughter adopted to raise issue for her father Kull
- ○vat mfn. having a grandson by an adopted daughter ib
- pautrikya n. (fr. putrika), g. purohitâdi
- pautrin mfn. (fr. pautra) having a grandson Mn. ix, 136
- pautra n. the office of the Potṛi g. udgātrādi
- paudanya n. N. of a city MBh. (vḷ. vaidanya)
- paudgalika mfn. (fr. pudgala) substantial, material, Śīl
- selfish Divyâv
- paunaḥ Vṛiddhi form of punaḥ in comp
- ○punika mfn. frequently reiterated, repeated again and again Vop
- ○punya n. frequent repetition
- (ena), ind. again and again, repeatedly Vedântas. Kāś. Vop
- paunar Vṛiddhi form of punar in comp
- ○ādheyika mf(ī)n. relating to the rite of replacing or renewing the sacrificial fire ŚrS
- ○ukta n. repetition, tautology, Kad
- ○uktika mfn. = punaruktam adhī7te veda vā g. ukthâdi
- ○uktya n. = -ukta Ragh. Śaṃk. Sāh
- ○nava mfn. belonging to the Punar-navā (Boerhavia Procumbens) Suśr
- ○bhava mf(ā)n. relating or belonging to a widow who has married a second husband
- m. the son of a widow remarried Mn. Gaut. MBh. &c
- m. (with bhartṛ) a woman's second husband Mn. ix, 176
- ○bhavika mf(ī)n. relating to regeneration L
- ○vasava mfn. relating to the physician Punar-vasu
- m. (with yuvan) a student of medicine Hcar
- ○vācanika or mfn. pleonastic, superfluous ĀśvGṛ. Sch
- ○vācika mfn. pleonastic, superfluous ĀśvGṛ. Sch
- paupika m. pl. (fr. pūpa?) patron. Saṃskārak
- paumpā f. N. of a sacred lake
- -māhātmya n. N. of wk
- pauyamāni m. patr. fr. pūyamāna Pat
- paurá m. (√pṝ) 'filler, increaser', N. of Soma (Sāy. = udara-pūraka)
- of Indra (Sāy. = pūrayitṛ)
- of the Aśvins &c. RV
- of a Ṛishi (author of RV. v, 73 ; 74)
- (pl.) of a dynasty VP
- paura mf(ī)n. (fr. pura) belonging to a town or city, urban, civic
- m. a townsman, citizen (opp. to jānapada) Gaut. MBh. Kāv. &c
- a prince engaged in war under certain circumstances (= nāgara, q.v., applied also to planets opposed to each other) Var
- (pl.) N. of a dynasty VP
- (ī), f. the language of the servants in a palace L
- n. a species of fragrant grass L
- ○kanyā f. a maiden of the city Ragh
- ○kārya n. public business Śak
- ○jana m. m. townsfolk, citizens MBh. R. &c
- ○jānapada mf(ī)n. belonging to town and country
- m. pl. townsmen and country-people MBh. R
- ○mukhya m. chief man of the city Daś
- ○yoṣit f. a woman living in a city, townswoman MW
- ○ruci-deva m. N. of a man Kathās
- ○loka m. sg. and pl.= -jana Kathās. Pañc
- ○vṛddha m. = -mukhya MBh. Daś
- ○sakhya n. fellow-citizenship Mn. ii, 134
- ○strī f. = -yoṣit W
- paurâgragaṇya m. = paura-mukhya Daś.
- paurâṅganā f. = ○rayoṣit Megh
- pauraka m. a garden in the neighbourhood of a city or round a house L
- pauraṃjana mf(ī)n. sprung or descended from Puraṃ-jana and Puraṃ-janī BhP
- pauraṃdara mf(ī)n. (fr. puraṃ-dara) relating to or derived from or sacred to Indra MBh. Kāv. &c
- n. the Nakshatra Jyeshṭhā Var
- paurika m. a townsman, citizen MārkP
- a governor of a city L
- N. of a prince of the city of Purikā MBh
- pl. N. of a people MārkP
- paurakutsī f. wṛ. for pauru-k○ Hariv
- pauragīya mfn. (fr. pura-ga), g. kṛśâśvâdī
- pauraṇa m. patr. fr. pūraṇa ĀśvŚr
- (ī), f. wṛ. for paurāṇi Hariv
- pauraṇṭaka and ○ṭhaka m. N. of a teacher Cat. (wṛ. paurandaka)
- pauraṃdhra mfn. (fr. puraṃdhri) belonging to a woman, feminine Viddh
- paurava mf(ī)n. (fr. pūru) belonging to or descended from Pūru MBh. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-1, 168, Vartt. 3 Pat.)
- m. a descendant of Paurava ib. &c
- pl. the race of Paurava Śak. Pur
- N. of a people in the north or north-east of India MBh. R. Var. (vḷ. paulava)
- (ī), f. N. of the wife of Vasu-deva or of Yudhi-shṭhira Pur
- (in music) N. of a Mūrchanā or a Rāga
- ○tantava See para-p"ṣ-t○ (p. 587, col. 1)
- pauravaka m. pl. N. of a people MBh
- pauravīya mfn. devoted to Pūru Pāṇ. 4-3, 100 Sch
- pauraścaraṇika mfn. (fr. puraś-caraṇa) Pāṇ. 4-3, 72
- paurastya mf(ā)n. (fr. puras) situated in front, foremost Ragh. BhP
- eastern (-pavana m. east wind Kathās.)
- pl. the people in the east (= gauḍa) Kāvyâd
- paurāṇa mf(ī)n. (fr. purāṇa) relating to the past or to former times, previous, ancient, primeval, Paurānic MBh. Hariv. R
- paurāḍṇika mf(ī)n. id. Kāv. Pur. Suśr
- versed in ancient legends and stories MBh. (cf. Pat. on Pāṇ. 4-2, 60)
- of the value of one Purāṇa (coin) Saṃskārak
- m. a Brāhman well read in the Purāṇas, a mythologist W
- paurika See above
- pauriṇa wṛ. for pauraṇa
- pauru Vṛiddhi form of puru in comp
- ○kutsa m. patr. of Trasa-dasyu Br. MBh. &c. (ī f. Hariv.)
- ○kutsi (paúru-),
- ○kutsyá m. id. RV
- ○madga n. N. of 2 Sāmans ĀrshBr. (wṛ. -mahna)
- ○mīḍha or n. N. of a Sāman ŚrS
- ○mīḻha n. N. of a Sāman ŚrS
- ○śiṣṭi m. N. of a teacher TĀr
- ○hanmana n. N. of sev. Sāmans Br. Lāṭy
- ○hūta mfn. belonging to Puruhūta i.e. Indra Śak
- paurūravasa mfn. belonging or relating to Purū-ravas MBh
- m. patr. fr. purūravas ĀśvŚr. (wṛ. pauroravasa)
- pauruṣá mf(ī)n. (fr. puruṣa) manly, human ŚBr. MBh. &c
- belonging or sacred to Purusha RPrāt. Mn. MBh. &c
- = puruṣa-dvayasa, -daghna or -mātra Pāṇ. 5-2, 37 ; 38
- m. a weight or load which can be carried by one man Mn. viii, 404 (Kull.)
- N. of a Rākshasa VP. (vḷ. pauruṣeya)
- (ī), f. a woman ŚāṅkhŚr
- a period of 3 hours (= yāma) HPariś
- n. manhood, virility (opp. to strītva) R
- manliness, manly strength or courage or deed, valour, heroism MBh. Kāv. &c
- force (opp. to buddhi, 'intellect') Kathās
- a man's length VarBṛS
- a generation ĀśvŚr. MārkP
- semen virile L
- the penis Suśr
- a sun-dial L
- ○tā f. and manhood, manly strength or spirit W
- ○tva n. manhood, manly strength or spirit W
- pauruṣa Vṛiddhi form of puruṣa in comp
- ○medhika (paúr○), mfn. relating or belonging to a human sacrifice ŚrS
- ○vidhika mfn. man-like, human Nir
- pauruṣāda mfn. relating or peculiar to man-eaters or cannibals Hariv
- pauruṣāsakin m. pl. the school of Purushāsaka, g. śaunakâdi (Kāś. vḷ. ○ṣāṃsakin)
- pauruṣika m. a worshipper of Purusha BhP
- paúruṣeya mf(ī)n. relating to or derived from or made by man, human RV. VS. AV. Br. MBh.
- coming from the soul, spiritual Kap. Sch
- m. a hireling, day-labourer SaddhP
- = samūha, vadha or puruṣasya padântaram (?) L
- N. of a Rākshasa BhP
- n. human action, the work of man AV
- ○tva n. human nature or origin Jaim. Sch
- ○veda-vādin m. one who asserts the human origin of the Veda Sarvad
- pauruṣya mfn. relating to Purusha VPrāt
- n. manliness, manly strength or courage, heroism MārkP
- paureya mfn. (fr. pūra), g. sakhyādi
- pauro Vṛiddhi form of puro = puras in comp
- ○gava m. an overseer or superintendent of a royal household, (esp.) the inspector of the royal kitchen MBh. Hariv. Rājat
- ○dāśá m. relating to the Puroḍāśa (s.v.) ŚBr
- m. a Mantra recited upon making the Puroḍāśa oblation Siddh
- ○śika mf(ī)n. fr. prec. KātyŚr. Sch. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-3, 70 Sch.)
- ○śīya mfn. ĀpGṛ. Sch
- ○dhasa m. patr. fr. puro-dhas Saṃskārak
- the office of the Purohita BhP
- ○bhāgya n. envy, malice Kālid
- ○hita mf(ī)n. belonging to or proceeding from a Purohita MārkP
- ○hitika m. metron. fr. puro-hitikā g. śivâdi
- ○hitya mfn. belonging to the family of a Purohita ĀśvŚr
- n. the office of a recited Kauś. MBh. Kāv. &c
- paurṇa Vṛiddhi form of pūrṇa in comp
- ○darva n. = pūrṇa-d○ ĀśvŚr
- ○māsá mf(ī)n. relating to the full moon, usual or customary at full moon, having the fṭfull moon ŚBr. &c. &c
- mṇ. full moon sacrifice AV. &c. &c. (-dharma m. the duty or rule of the full moon sacrṭsacrifice KātyŚr
- -vat ind. like (at) the full moon sacrṭsacrifice ib
- -sthālī-pāka-prayoga m. ○sêṣṭi f. and ○sêṣṭi-prayoga, m. N. of wks.)
- m. patr. of a man Saṃskārak
- of a son of Marīci and Sambhūti Pur
- of a prince of the Āndhra dynasty ib
- n. a day of full moon GṛŚrS. MBh
- (ī), f. a day or night of full moon
- (○sy-adhikaraṇa n. N. of wk.)
- ○saka m. full moon sacrifice AgP
- ○sāyana n. a kind of full moon sacrṭsacrifice SāṅkhŚr
- ○sika mf(ī)n. used for the full moon sacrṭsacrifice KātyŚr. Sch
- ○sya n. a full moon sacrṭsacrifice ib. MBh
- ○vatsa m.pl. N. of a school of the Yajur-veda AV.Pariś
- ○saugandhi m. patr. fr. pūrṇa-saugandha Saṃskārak
- paurṇamī f. a day of full moon (= pūrṇimā) L
- paurṇima m. (fr. pūrṇimā) an ascetic
- (ā), f. prec. W
- paurta mfn. (fr. pūrta) with karman n. a meritorious or charitable work (such as feeding Brāhmans, digging wells &c.) MBh. MārkP
- paurti m. patr. fr. pūrta Pat
- paurtika mfn. relating to a charitable or meritorious work Mn. Hcat
- paurya patr. fr. pura g. kurv-ādi
- paurva mf(ī)n. (fr. pūrva) relating or belonging to the past
- relating to the east, eastern W
- paurva Vṛiddhi form of pūrva in comp
- ○kālya n. priority of time Pat
- ○janmika mfn. done in a former life Vajracch
- ○dehika or mfn. belonging to or derived from a former body or a, former existence, done in a fṭformer life Yājñ. MBh. Hariv
- ○daihika mfn. belonging to or derived from a former body or a, former existence, done in a fṭformer life Yājñ. MBh. Hariv
- ○nagareya mfn. fr. pūrva-nagarī g. nady-ādi
- ○pañcālaka mfn. = pūrvaḥ pañcālānām Pāṇ. 7-3, 13 Sch
- ○padika mfn. seizing by the fore-foot (?) Kāś. on Pāṇ. 4-4, 39
- relating to the first member of a compound Pat. (cf. auttarap○)
- ○bhaktika mf(ī)n. taken before eating Car
- ○madrika mfn. fr. pūrva-madra Pāṇ. 4-2, 108 Kāś
- ○varṣika mfn. = pūrvāsu varṣāsu bhavaḥ ib. vii, 3, 11 Sch
- ○śāla mfn. = pūrvasyāṃ śālāyām bhavaḥ ib. iv, 2, 107 Kāś
- paurvātitha m. patr. fr. pūrvâtithi, Prav
- n. N. of a Sāman Br
- paurvāparya n. priority and posteriority, the relation of prior and posterior, succession, continuity Lāṭy. Śaṃk. &c
- paurvārdhaka or mfn. living or situated on the eastern side of (gen.) Pāṇ. Sch
- paurvārḍdhika mfn. living or situated on the eastern side of (gen.) Pāṇ. Sch
- paurvāhṇika mfn. (wṛ. ○hnika) relating to the morning, produced in the forenoon, matutinal KātyŚr. MBh. &c
- paurvika mf(ī)n. former, prior, ancient, old, ancestral Mn. MBh. &c
- (ī), f. an ancestress MBh
- paula m. sg. and pl. patr. Saṃskārak
- ○hasti m. patr. ib
- paulava vḷ. for paurava, q.v.
- paulastya mfn. relating to or descended from Pulasti or Pulastya R
- m. patr. of Kubera or Rāvaṇa MBh. Hariv. R
- of Vibhīshaṇa L
- (pl.) the brothers of Dur-yodhana MBh
- (pl.) a race of Rākshasas L
- the moon L
- N. of an author
- (-smṛti f. N. of wk.)
- wṛ. for paurastya Kathās
- (○stī). f. patr. of Sūrpa-ṇakhā (the sister of Rāvaṇa) L
- paulāka mfn. (fr. pūlāka), g. palāśâdi
- paulāsa mfn. (fr. pūlāsa), g. saṃkalâdi
- pauli m. grain half dressed or scorched or fried with ghee and made into a sort of cake L
- patr. (also pl.) Saṃskārak
- paulikā f. a kind of cake L. (vḷ. polikā)
- paulinya mfn. (fr. pulina), g. saṃkāśâdi
- pauliśa mfn. derived from or composed by Puliśa
- -mata n. -siddhânta m. N. of astron. wks
- paúluṣi m. (fr. puluṣa) patr. of Satya-yajña ŚBr
- pauloma mfn. relating to or treating of Pulomā (N. of the 4th-12th Adhyāyas of MBh. i
- IW. 371, n. 1)
- relating to Puloman or Pulomā or Pulomī MBh. Hariv
- m. N. of a Ṛishi Hariv
- (pl.) of a class of demons KaushUp. MBh. &c
- (ī), f. See next
- paulomī f. 'daughter of Puloman', N. of the wife of Indra Kāv. Pur
- of the wife of Bhṛigu (cf. pulomā) VāyuP
- ○pati m. 'lord or husband of Paulomī', N. of Indra Bhām
- ○vallabha m. 'lover of PṭPaulomī', N. of Indra Bālar
- paulomī7śa m. = ○mi-pati L
- paulkasá m. (= pulkasa) the son of a Nishāda or of a Śūdra father and of a Kshatriyā mother VS. ŚBr. &c
- pauṣa mf(ī), n. relating to or occurring at the time when the moon is in the asterism Pushya Ragh. Var
- m. the month Pausha (December-January, when the full moon is in the asterism Pushya) GṛŚrS. MBh. &c
- N. of the 3rd year in the 12 years' cycle of Jupiter VarBṛS
- (ī), f. the night or day of full moon in the month Pausha Kauś
- n. a festival or a partic. festival L
- a fight, combat L
- N. of sev. Sāmans Br
- ○māhātmya n. N. of wk
- pauṣya mfn. relating to the asterism Pushya MBh
- relating to king Paushya (○ṣyôpâkhyāna n. N. of MBh. i, 3
- IW. 371, n. 1)
- m. N. of a prince (the son of Pūshan and king of Karaviirapura) MBh
- pauṣadha m. (cf. poṣadha) a fasting day Kalpas. HPariś. (also -dina n.)
- pauṣkajiti m. patr. (fr. puṣkajit?) Saṃskārak
- pauṣkara mf(ī)n. relating to or made of or connected with the blue lotus MBh. Hariv. Pur
- (m. with or scil. prādur-bhāva, 'the appearance of Vishṇu in the form of a lotus flower' Hariv.)
- relating to or derived from Costus Speciosus or Costus Arabicus
- n. the √(with or sc. mūla) or fruit of Costus SpṭSpeciosus or Arc Suśr. L
- N. of wk
- ○tantra n
- ○saṃhitā f. N. of wks
- pauṣkaraka mfn. = pauṣkara (also with prādur-bhāva) Hariv
- pauṣkarasādi m. (fr. puṣkara-sad) N. of a grammarian TPrāt
- pauṣkariṇī f. = puṣkariṇī, a lotus pool L
- pauṣkareyaka mfn. g. kattry-ādi
- pauṣkala m. (fr. puṣkala) a species of grain MārkP
- n. N. of sev. Sāmans Br
- pauṣkalāvata m. (fr. puṣkalā-vatī) N. of a physician Suśr
- mfn. derived from or composed by PaushkṭPaushkalāvata ib
- pauṣkaleyaka mfn. g. kattry-ādi
- pauṣkalya n. full growth, maturity, complete development BhP
- pauṣki m. patron. (Kāś., vḷ. in g. taulvaly-ādi)
- pauṣṭika mf(ī)n. (fr. puṣṭi) relating to growth or welfare, nourishing, invigorating, furthering, promoting (with gen.) Gṛihyās. Mn. MBh. &c.
- n. a cloth worn during the ceremony of tonsure L
- pauṣṭī f. (fr. puṣṭa?) N. of the wife of Pūru MBh
- pauṣṭhimera m. patron. Saṃskārak
- pauṣṇa mf(ī)n. (fr. pūṣan) belonging or relating or sacred to Pūshan VS. TS. Br. ŚrS
- relating to the sun Jyot
- n. the Nakshatra Revatī Var. (wṛ. ○ṇya)
- pauṣṇāvata m. pl. patron Saṃskārak. (prob. wṛ. for pauṣtāvata fr. puṣṭā-vat)
- pauṣpa mf(ī)n. (fr. puṣpa) relating to or coming from or made of flowers, flowery, floral Kāv. Pur. (often wṛ. for pauṣya MBh.)
- (ī), f. N. of the city of Pāṭali-putra (= puṣpa-purī) L
- pauṣpaka mfn. = pauṣpa Hcat
- n. oxide of brass considered as a collyrium, green vitriol L
- pauṣpaketava mfn. (fr. puṣpa-ketu) relating to the god of love Bālar
- pauṣpāyaṇa m. patr. fr. pauṣpi g. taulvaly-ādi
- pauṣpi m. patr. fr. puṣpa ib
- pauṣpīya mfn. fr. pauṣpi Pāṇ. 4-2, 113 Sch
- pauṣpañji or ○piñji m. patr. of a teacher VāyuP
- ○piñjin m. pl. his disciples ib
- pauṣpiṇḍi or ○piṇḍya or ○pidya (?), m. N. of an ancient teacher Cat
- pauṣya See under pauṣa
- pauṣyañji ○yiñji vḷ. or wṛ. for pauṣpañji, ○piñji
- pauskara wṛ. for pauṣkara
- pnā f. the braided hair of Śiva L
- pyāṭ ind. a particle used in calling, ho! hallo! L. (cf. g. câdi)
- pyāy See pyai below
- pyukṣṇa m. or n. a covering for a bow (made of sinews or of the skin of a serpent
- only -veṣṭitaṃ dhanuḥ) ŚBr. KātyŚr
- pyuṣ cl. 4. 10. P. pyuṣyati, pyoṣayati vḷ. for vyuṣ Dhātup. xxvi, 7
- pyus cl.4.P. pyusyati vḷ. for vyuṣ Dhātup. xxvi, 106
- pyai or pyāy, cl. 1. Ā. (Dhātup. xxii, 68 ; xiv, 17) pyā́yate (pf. papye Gr
- aor. apyāyi ib
- apyāsam AitĀr
- Prec. pyāyiṣīmahi or pyāsiṣīmahi AV. VS. Br
- fut. pyāsyate or pyāyiṣyate Gr
- pyātā, pyāyitā ib.), to swell, be exuberant, overflow: Caus. pyāyáyati, ○te AV. &c
- (Pass. pyāyyáte Br.) to make overflow, fill up (mostly in comp. with ā-, See ā-pyai
- √.pi, pī)
- pyāta (TS.) or (Gr.), mfn. fat, swollen (= pīna)
- pyāna (Gr.), mfn. fat, swollen (= pīna)
- pyāyana mfn. causing to thrive, promoting growth or increase, invigorating Nir
- n. growth, increase Vop
- pyāyita mfn. fat
- grown fat
- increased
- strengthened, refreshed (= pīna) MW
- prá ind. before
- forward, in front, on, forth (mostly in connection with a verb, esp. with a verb of motion which is often to be supplied
- sometimes repeated before the verb, Pāṇ. 8-1, 6
- rarely as a separate word, e.g. AitBr. ii, 40)
- as a prefix to subst. = forth, away, cf. pra-vṛtti, pra-sthāna
- as pref. to adj. = excessively, very, much, cf. pra-caṇḍa, pra-matta
- in nouns of relationship = great-, cf. pra-pitāmaha, pra-pautra
- ('according to native lexicographers it may be used in the senses of gati, ā-rambha, ut-karṣa, sarvato-bhāva, prāthamya, khyāti, ut-patti, vy-avahāra) RV. &c. &c. [Cf. puras, purā, pūrva ; Zd. fra
- Gk. ? ; Lat. pro ; Slav. pra-, pro- ; Lith. pra- ; Goth. faúr, faúra ; Germ. vor ; Eng. fore.]
- pra mfn. (√pṝ or prā) filling, fulfilling
- (n. fulfilment, ifc
- cf. ākūti-, kakṣya-, kāma-)
- like, resembling (ifc
- cf. ikṣu-, kṣura-).
- prá-�ga n. (prob. fr. pra-yuga) the forepart of the shafts of a chariot RV. (cf. hiraṇya-p○) TS. ŚBr. KātyŚr
- a triangle MānGṛ. Śulbas
- mṇ.= -śastra RV. VS. Br. ŚrS
- prá-�ga--cít mfn. piled up or arranged in the form of a triangle ŚBr
- prá-�ga--cíti f. arrangement in the forepart of a triangle MaitrS
- prá-�ga--śastra n. N. of the second Śastra or hymn at the morning libation Vait
- N. of wk
- prá-�ga--stotra n. N. of a partic. Stotra ib
- pra�gâdhyāya m. N. of wk
- pra-�gyá mfn. being at or on the forepart of the shafts of a chariot ŚBr
- pra-kaṅkatá m. a partic. venomous worm or reptile RV
- pra-kaca mfn. (prob.) having the hair erect L. (cf. ut-k○, vi-k○)
- pra-kaṭa mf(ā)n. (according to Pāṇ. 5-2, 29 fr. pra + affix kaṭa
- but prob. Prākr. = pra-kṛta, cf. ava-k○, ut-k○, ni-k○, vi-k○, saṃ-k○), evident, clear, manifest, open, plain, public Sūryas. Kāv. Kathās. (prakaṭah so'stu, 'let him show himself') Pur. &c
- m. N. of a Śaiva philosopher Cat
- ibc. and (am), ind. evidently, visibly, openly, in public Var. Kathās. Pañc
- -prīti-vardhana m. 'evidently increaser of joy', N. of Śiva Śivag
- -raktânta-nayana mfn. having the eye-corners visibly red Pañc
- -vaikṛta mf(ā)n. openly inimical Rājat
- -śīrṣa mfn. bearing the head uplifted Mṛicch
- ○tâprakaṭa mf(ā)n. open and not open L
- pra-kaṭa Nom. P. ○ṭati (pr.p. ○ṭat), to appear, become manifest Hariv
- pra-ḍkaṭana n. manifesting, bringing to light ŚārṅgP
- pra-ḍkaṭaya Nom.P. ○yati, to manifest, disclose, evince, display Kāv. Pur
- pra-ḍkaṭāya Nom. P. ○yati, to manifest, reveal, proclaim VarP
- pra-ḍkaṭita mfn. manifested, unfolded, proclaimed, public, evident, clear Kāv. Pur
- -hatâśeṣa-tamas mfn. having openly destroyed utter darkness Kāv
- pra-ḍkaṭī ind. (= ○kaṭa) in -karaṇa n. making visible, manifesting, proclaiming Cat
- -√kṛ (ind. p. -kṛtya), to manifest, unfold, display Kāv. Pañc. &c
- -kṛta mfn. manifested, shown, displayed Kāv. Pur
- -√bhū (ind. p. -bhūya), to become manifest, appear Kāv. Kathās
- -bhūta mfn. manifest, open, plain Kāv. Pur. Pañc
- pra-kaṇva m. 'freed from evil' (?), N. of a place Pāṇ. 6-?153 Kāś
- pra-√kath P. -kathayati (ind. p. kathayya Pāṇ. 6-4, 56 Sch.), to announce, proclaim R
- pra-ḍkathana n. announcing, proclaiming Pāṇ. 1-3, 32 (am, ind. enclit. after a finite word, g. gotrâdi)
- pra-kamana n. (√2. kam) Pāṇ. 8-4, 34 Sch
- pra-ḍkamanīya mfn. ib
- pra-√kamp Ā. -kampate, to tremble, shake, quiver MBh. R
- to become lax, be loosened Suśr
- to vibrate (said of sound) RPrāt.: Caus. -kampayati, to cause to tremble R. BhP
- to swing, wave, brandish, shake Br. KātyŚr
- pra-ḍkampa mfn. trembling R
- m. (ifc. f. ā) trembling or violent motion, quaking, staggering &c. MBh. Kāv. &c
- pra-ḍkampana mf(ā, or ī)n. trembling violently W
- m. wind, air Śiś
- N. of a hell L
- of an Asura Kathās
- n. great trembling, violent or excessive motion MBh. Hariv. (cf. Pāṇ. 8-4, 32 Sch.)
- pra-ḍkampanīya mfn. to be made to tremble Vop
- pra-ḍkámpita (!), mfn. trembling, quaking Suparṇ. R
- (fr. Caus.) made to tremble, shaken Bhaṭṭ
- n. trembling or violent motion Var
- pra-ḍkampin mfn. trembling, moving to and fro MārkP
- pra-ḍkampya mfn. to be caused to tremble or shake R. (cf. duṣ-prak○)
- pra-kara &c. See pra-√kṛ
- pra-kara See pra-√kṝ, p. 654
- pra-karṣa &c. See pra-√kṛṣ
- pra-kal √2. P. -kālayati, to drive onwards, chase, pursue MBh
- to drive out (cattle for grazing) Gobh
- to urge on, incite Kāṭh
- pra-ḍkālana mfn. driving on, chasing, pursuing MBh. Hariv
- m. N. of a Nāga of the race of Vāsuki MBh
- pra-kalā f. part of a part, a minute portion L
- prakala-víd mfn. knowing very little, ignorant RV. vii, 18, 15 (Sāy
- = vaṇij Nir.)
- pra-kalpaka ○pana &c. See pra √kḷp.
- pra-kalyāṇa mfn. very excellent Śivag
- pra-kaśá m. the thong or lash of a whip AV
- the urethra (cf. niruddha-p○) Suśr
- hurting, killing W
- pra-√kas Caus. -kāsayati, to drive away Dhūrtas. (in Prākr.)
- to cause to bloom Ghaṭ
- pra-√kāṅkṣ P. -kāṅkṣati, to wish for, desire Suśr
- to watch, lie in wait, waylay MBh
- pra-√kāṅḍkaṅkṣā f. desire of food, appetite Car
- pra-kāṇḍa m. n. the stem or trunk of a tree from the √to the branches Śiś. ix, 45
- a branch, shoot W
- (ifc.) anything excellent of its kind Mcar. Bālar. Naish. (cf. go-, -mantri-
- also ○ḍaka Bhaṭṭ.)
- m. the upper part of the arm L. (cf. pra-gaṇḍa)
- prakāṇḍara m. a tree L
- pra-kāmá m. joy, delight VS
- pl. objects of desire R
- ibc. and am, or -tas ind. with delight, willingly, according to desire, sufficiently, very much, indeed MBh. Kāv. &c
- ○bhuj mfn. eating till satisfied, eating enough Ragh
- ○vikasat mfn. expanding or blooming abundantly Amar
- ○vinata mfn. quite drooping Śak
- ○vistāra m. great expansiveness Ragh
- prakāmântastapta mfn. internally consumed by heat Mṛicch
- prakāmâlokanīyatā f. the being an object that may be viewed at pleasure Kum
- prakāmốdya n. talking to the heart's content, talkativeness VS. ŚBr
- pra-kāra &c. See pra-√kṛ
- pra-√kāś Ā. -kāśate (ep. also P. ○tī), to become visible, appear, shine, become evident or manifest Up. MBh. Kāv. &c.: Caus. -kāśayati (rarely ○te), to make visible, cause to appear or shine, illumine, irradiate, show, display, manifest, reveal, impart, proclaim ib.: Intens. (only pr.p. -cākaśat) to illumine (and) to survey RV. iv, 53, 4
- pra-ḍkāśa mfn. visible, shining, bright ŚāṅkhBr. MBh. &c
- clear, manifest, open, public Mn. MBh. &c. (nāmadheyam prakāśaṃ kṛtvā, 'pronouncing a name out loud' ŚāṅkhGṛ.)
- expanded W
- universally noted, famous, celebrated for (instr. or comp.) MBh. Kālid
- renowned throughout (comp.) Ragh
- (ifc.) having the appearance of, looking like, resembling MBh. R. &c
- ibc. and (am), ind. openly, publicly, before the eyes of all Mn. MBh. &c. (○śaṃ nâbhyudaikṣata, 'he did not look up openly' R.)
- aloud, audibly (esp. in dram., opp. to ātma-gatam, sva-gatam &c.)
- m. clearness, brightness, splendour, lustre, light RV. &c. &c
- (fig.) light, elucidation, explanation (esp. at the end of titles of explanatory works, e.g. kāvya-, tarka- &c.)
- appearance, display. manifestation, expansion, diffusion MBh. Kāv. Sāh
- publicity, fame, renown, glory Hariv
- sunshine open spot or air MBh. Śak. MārkP. (e ind. openly, publicly, before the world, ifc. in the presence of MBh. Prab.)
- the gloss on the upper part of a (horse's) body VS. (Mahīdh)
- wṛ. for prāk○ TBr
- a chapter, section, Cat
- N. of sev. wks. ib
- laughter L
- N. of a Brāhman (son of Tamas) MBh
- of Manu Raivata Hariv
- (pl.) the messengers of Vishṇu L
- n. bell-metal, brass L
- -kartṛ m. 'light-maker', N. of the sun MBh
- -karman m. 'whose work is to give light', N. of the sun MBh
- -kāma mfn. wishing for renown ĀśvŚr
- -kraya m. a purchase made publicly MW
- -tā f. brightness, brilliance, splendour Yājñ. Pañcat
- publicity (○tāṃ-√gam, to become known or public Mudr.)
- renown MBh
- -tva n. clearness, brightness Naish. Sch
- appearance, manifestation (sva-, 'of one's self') Sāh
- celebrity, renown MBh
- -datta m. N. of a poet Cat
- -devii f. N. of a princess Rājat
- -dhara m. N. of an author Cat
- -nārī f. 'public woman', a prostitute Mṛicch
- -vañcaka m. 'open rogue, a public deceiver or cheat MW
- -vat mfn. (-vat-tva n.) bright, brilliant, shining ChUp. Ragh. Sch. Śaṃk
- m. N. of one of the feet of Brahmā ChUp
- -varṣa m. N. of a poet Cat
- -vāda m. -saṃhitā f. -saptati f. -sūtra n. N. of wks
- ○śâkāśa-kānti mfn. bright as a clear sky MW
- ○śâtmaka mfn. = ○śâtman (○ka-tva n. the possession of a brilliant nature or character, brilliancy) Śaṃk
- ○śâtman mfn. brilliant in character or nature, brilliant, shining Sūryas
- m. N. of Śiva Śivag
- the sun L
- N. of sev. men and authors (also with yati and svāmin) Cat
- ○śâditya m. and ○śânanda m. N. of authors Cat
- ○śī-karaṇa n. giving light, illuminating R
- ○śī-√kṛ P. Ā. to give light, illumine Var.
- to publish, make known Hariv
- ○śī-bhāva m. the becoming light, morning twilight Nir
- ○śêtara mfn. 'other than visible', invisible Śak
- ○śêndra m. N. of a man (the father of Kshemêndra) Cat
- ○śôdaya m. N. of wk
- pra-ḍkāśaka mf(ikā)n. clear, bright, shining, brilliant Sāṃkhyak. Tattvas. MBh
- universally known, renowned Rājat
- irradiating, illuminating, giving light BhP. Sāṃkhyak. Sch. MBh. &c
- making clear, illustrating, explaining Sarvad. Śaṃk
- making apparent or manifest, disclosing, discovering, publishing, evincing, betraying Sāh. MārkP
- indicating, expressing L
- m. 'light-giver', the sun Kathās
- (ikā), f. N. of sev. Comms
- n. bell-metal, brass L
- ○ka-jñātṛ and -prajñātṛ m. 'knowing the giver of light, i.e. the sun', a cock L
- ○ka-tva n. illustration, explanation Vedântas
- pra-ḍkāśana mfn. illuminating, giving light RāmatUp. MBh
- (ā), f. teaching L
- n. illuminating, giving light
- causing to appear, displaying, bringing to light, publicly showing or manifesting Nir. MBh. Suśr. &c
- -vat mfn. irradiating, illuminating Nir
- pra-ḍkāśanīya mfn. to be displayed, to be shown or manifested MW
- pra-ḍkāśita mfn. become visible, brought to light, clear, manifest, apparent, evident
- displayed, unfolded, discovered
- illumined, enlightened, irradiated
- published, promulgated MBh. R. Suśr. &c
- -viruddha-tā f. and ○ddha-tva n. (in rhet.) a partic. awkwardness in expression (saying something at variance with what ought to be said) Sāh
- pra-ḍkāśin mfn. visible, clear, bright, shining MBh. Hariv
- making visible or manifest Pañcat
- ○śi-tā f. and -tva n. clearness, brightness, brilliance, light MBh
- pra-ḍkāśya mfn. to be brought to light or made manifest Sāṃkhyak. Saṃk. Sāh
- n. wṛ. for prāk○, q.v. MBh. R. MārkP
- -tā f. the being manifest, publicity Rājat
- pra-kiraṇa -kīrṇa &c. See pra-√kṝ
- pra-√kīrt P. -kīrtayati, to announce, proclaim, declare, call, name, state, approve Mn. Yājñ. MBh. &c
- pra-ḍkīrtana n. announcing, proclaiming, extolling, praising MBh. MārkP
- (ā), f. mentioning, naming Nir
- pra-ḍkīrti f. celebration, declaration Bhag
- pra-ḍkīrtita mfn. announced, proclaimed, revealed, stated, said, mentioned Mn. Yājñ
- named, called Mn. Pañc
- approved, praised, celebrated Yājñ. Pañc
- pra-kuñca m. (cf. kuñci) a partic. measure of capacity (somewhat more or less than a handful) Suśr
- = pala Car
- pra-√kuṭ (only ind. p. -kuṭya), to cut or carve (meat) into small pieces MBh
- pra-kuthita mfn. (√kuth) putrid, putrescent Suśr
- pra-ḍkotha m. putrefaction, putridity ib
- mfn. in ○thôdaka n. filthy water ib
- pra-√kup P. -kupyati, to be moved or agitated
- to become enraged, fly into a passion MBh. R. &c.: Caus. -kopayati, to set in motion, agitate, excite, provoke to anger Mn. MBh. &c
- pra-ḍkupita (prá-), mfn. moved, agitated, shaken RV. ii, 12, 2
- very angry, incensed, enraged Mn. Yājñ. &c
- pra-ḍkupta mfn. enraged, incensed Vikr. iv, 57
- pra-ḍkopa m. effervescence, excitement, raging (of diseases, war &c.) Var. Rājat
- tumult, insurrection Hit
- violent anger, rage, fury, wrath, ire Mn. MBh. &c
- (in med.) excess, superabundance, vitiation Suśr
- pra-ḍkopaṇa or mf(ī)n. (fr. Caus
- pra-ḍkopana mf(ī)n. (fr. Caus
- Pāṇ. 8-4, 31 Sch.) exciting, irritating, provoking Suśr
- n. anything irritating, irritation ib
- provoking, exasperating, incensing MBh. Hit
- pra-ḍkopaṇīya or mfn. to be irritated or provoked Pāṇ. 8-4, 31 Sch
- pra-ḍkopanīya mfn. to be irritated or provoked Pāṇ. 8-4, 31 Sch
- pra-ḍkopita mfn. (fr. Caus.) irritated, provoked, enraged R
- pra-ḍkopitṛ mfn. exciting, disquieting, disturbing (ifc.) MBh
- pra-ḍkopin mfn. irritated Car
- (ifc.) irritating, stimulating ib
- prakubrátā f. (of unknown etym. and meaning) ŚBr
- pra-kula n. a handsome or excellent body L. (vḷ. pra-hvala)
- pra-√kūj P. -kūjati, to utter groans Car
- pra-ḍkūjana n. groaning ib
- pra-kūṭā f. See paca-prak○ under 2. paca, p. 575, col. 2.
- pra-√kūrd P. -kūrdati, to jump forward, leap about Pañc
- pra-kūṣmāṇḍi f. N. of Durgā L
- pra-kṛ √1. P. Ā. -karoti, -kurute, -kṛṇoti, ○ṇute &c., to make, produce, accomplish, perform, achieve, effect RV. &c. &c
- to make into, render (with double acc.) Mn. MBh. &c
- (with dārān) to take to wife, marry MBh
- to appoint, charge with (loc.) PārGṛ. Mn. Yājñ
- to enable to, make fit for (inf.) RV
- to remove, destroy, kill AV. Hariv
- (only Ā. by Pāṇ. 1-3, 32) to violate, pollute (a girl) Mn. viii, 370
- (Ā.) to induce, move, incline RV
- to make a person perform anything PārGṛ
- (with manas, or buddhim) to set the heart upon, make up the mind to (dat. or loc.), resolve, determine Mn. MBh. R
- to gain, win, conquer RV
- to lay out, expend Pāṇ. 1-3, 32
- to put forward, mention first, make the subject of discussion ib
- to serve, honour, worship Bhaṭṭ.: Caus. -kārayati, to cause to be made or prepared Gaut
- pra-kara mf(ī)n. (for 2. See pra-kṝ) doing much or well W
- m. aid, friendship ib
- usage, custom ib
- respect ib
- seduction ib
- (ī), f. a kind of song Yājñ
- an episodical interlude inserted in a drama to explain what follows Daśar. (also ○rikā Pratāp.)
- theatrical dress or disguise W
- pra-ḍkaraṇa n. production, creation Hariv
- treatment, discussion, explanation
- treatise, monograph, book, chapter (esp. introduction or prologue) GṛŚrS. MBh. Sarvad
- a subject, topic, question, matter, occasion, opportunity MBh. Kāv. &c
- (asminn eva "ṣraṇe, 'on this occasion' or 'in this connection' MBh
- na ca "ṣraṇaṃ vetsi, 'nor do you know what is the matter' Kathās.)
- a kind of drama with a fictitious plot (such as Mṛicch. Mālatīm. &c.) Sāh. (IW. 47 r)
- treating with respect W
- doing much or well ib
- N. of wk. (cf. nyāyapr○)
- -tas ind. occasionally Suśr
- -tva n. Vedântas
- -pañcikā f. -pāda m. -vādârtha m. N. of wks
- -śas ind. according to species or kind (opp. to pṛthak-tvena) Nir
- -sama m. a kind of sophism, an assertion by two opponents of some argument which has the same force of argument pro and con Nyāyas. Car
- ○ṇī (or ○ṇikā), f. a drama of the same character as the Prakaraṇa but of less extent Sāh
- pra-ḍkaraṇikā and See above
- pra-ḍkarikā See above
- pra-ḍkartavya mfn. to be prepared MBh
- to be disclosed or brought to light Pañcat
- to be appointed to (loc.) MBh
- pra-ḍkartṛ mfn. one who causes MBh
- pra-kāra m. sort, kind, nature, class, species, way, mode, manner, APrāt. Kauś. Mn. MBh. &c
- kena "ṣreṇa, in what way? how? Pañc
- ○raiḥ, in one way or another R
- rāmāyaṇasya bhāratasya vā "ṣraḥ, a kind of R. or MBh. Rājat. (mostly ifc. mfn
- cf. tri- 'of three kinds', nānā-, bahu-)
- similitude or difference L
- -ka mfn. = kāra ifc. (cf. tat-, niṣ-)
- -tā f. speciality Bhāshāp
- -vat mfn. belonging to a species Pāṇ. 5-3, 69 Sch
- pra-ḍkārya mfn. to be evinced or manifested Pañc
- pra-ḍkṛta mfn. made, done, produced, accomplished, prepared RV. &c. &c
- appointed, charged KātyŚr
- (ifc.) made or consisting of (tat-p○) Pāṇ. 5-4, 21
- commenced, begun or one who has commenced or begun, iii, 4, 71
- put forward, mentioned, under discussion or in question KātyŚr. Kathās. Sāh
- (in rhet.) = upa-meya Kpr
- wished, expected W
- genuine, real MW
- m. N. of a man, g. aśvâdi
- n. something begun L
- original subject, present case MW
- -tā (prakṛtá-), f. the being begun or in process of execution ŚBr
- -tva n. the being the subject of discussion Śaṃk
- the being offended Jātakam
- ○târtha mfn. having the original sense
- real, true Kathās
- ○tôkta mfn. being spoken of as the original subject of discussion Sāh
- pra-ḍkṛti f. See next p
- pra-ḍkriyā f. producing, production Sarvad
- procedure, way, manner MBh
- a ceremony, observance, formality Hariv. Kathās. Rājat
- precedence, high position, elevation, privilege MBh. Rājat. Kathās
- the insignia of high rank Rājat
- characterisation Nyāyas
- a chapter (esp. the introductory chapter of a work) Śaṃk. Cat
- (in med.) a prescription Bhpr
- (in gram.) etymological formation
- rules for the formation and inflection of words MW
- -kaumudī (and ○dī-vṛtti), f. -"ṣñjana-ṭīkā (○kriyâñj○), f. -pradīpa m. -bhūṣaṇa n. -mañjarī f. -ratna n. -rūpâvalī f. -"ṣrṇava (○kriyârṇ○), m. -saṃgraha m. -sarvasva n. -sāra m. N. of gram. wks.
- pra-kṛti f. 'making or placing before or at first', the original or natural form or condition of anything, original or primary substance (opp. to vi-kṛti, q.v.) Prāt. Nir. Jaim. MBh
- cause original source Mn. MBh. Śak. &c
- origin, extraction Mṛicch
- nature, character, constitution, temper, disposition MBh. Kāv. Suśr. &c. (ibc. and ○tyā ind. by nature, naturally, unalterably, properly Prāt. ŚrS. Mn. &c.)
- fundamental form, pattern, standard, model, rule (esp. in ritual) ŚrS
- (in the Sāṃkhya phil.) the original producer of (or rather passive power of creating) the material world (consisting of 3 constituent essences or Guṇas called sattva, rajas and tamas), Nature (distinguished from puruṣa, Spirit as Māyā is distinguished from Brahman in the Vedântas)
- pl. the 8 producers or primary essences which evolve the whole visible world (viz. a-vyakta, buddhi or mahat, ahaṃ-kāra, and the 5 tan-mātras or subtle elements
- rarely the 5 elements alone) IW. 80 &c
- (in mythol.) a goddess, the personified will of the Supreme in the creation (hence the same with the Śakti or personified energy or wife of a deity, as Lakshmī, Durgā &c
- also considered as identical with the Supreme Being) W. IW. 140 RTL. 223
- (pl.) N. of a class of deities under Manu Raibhya Hariv
- (in polit.) pl. a king's ministers, the body of ministers or counsellors, ministry Mn. MBh. &c
- the subjects of a king, citizens, artisans &c. ib
- the constituent elements or powers of the state (of which are usually enumerated, viz. king minister, alies, treasure, army, territory, fortresses Mn. ix, 294 ; 295)
- the various sovereigns to be considered in case of war (viz. the madhyama, vijigīṣu, udāsīna and śatru
- to which should be added 8 remoter princes, viz. the mitra, arimitra, mitra-mitra, arimitra-mitra, pārṣṇi-graha, ākranda, pārṣṇigrāhâsāra, ākrandâsāsa
- each of these 12 kings has 5 Prakṛitis in the form of minister, territory, fortresses, treasure and army, so that the total number of Prakṛitis may be 72) Mn. vii, 155 ; 157 Kull
- (in gram.) the crude or elementary form of a word, base, √, an uninflected word Sāh. Pāṇ. Sch. Vop
- N. of 2 classes of metres Col
- (in arithm.) a co-efficient multiplier ib
- (in anat.) temperament, the predominance of one of the humours at the time of generation W
- (with tritīyā) the third nature, a eunuch MBh
- matter, affair Lalit
- the male or female organ of generation L
- a woman or womankind L
- a mother L
- an animal L
- N. of a woman Buddh
- N. of wk
- ○kalyāṇa mf(ī)n. beautiful by nature MārkP
- ○kṛpaṇa mfn. naturally plaintive
- nature feeble (in discriminating) MW
- ○khaṇḍa n. N. of BrahmaP. ii
- ○gāna n. N. of wk
- ○guṇa m. one of the 3 constituent essences of Pāṇ. ( See guṇa) MW
- ○ja mfn. springing from nature, inborn, innate Bhag
- ○tattva-nirūpaṇa n. N. of wk
- ○tarala mfn. naturally changeful, volatile, fickle, dissolute W
- ○tva n. the state or condition of being the original or natural or fundamental form of anything Kap. Śulbas
- ○niṣṭhura mfn. naturally hard or cruel R
- ○pāṭha m. = dhātup○, list of verbal roots Pat
- ○puruṣa m. a minister, servant Megh
- a standard or model of a man Siṃhâs
- (du.) nature and spirit L
- ○pralaya m. = -laya MW
- ○bhava mfn. natural, usual, common Var
- ○bhāva m. the natural state or unaltered condition of anything ĀśvŚr
- mfn. = -bhava Var
- ○bhūta mfn. being in the original state or condition, original
- ○têkāra m. the original sound or letter i MW
- ○bhūman n. pl. plurality of original form or nature Nir. vii, 4
- ○bhojana n. usual food Car
- ○mañjarī f. N. of wk
- ○maṇḍala n. the aggregate of the Prakṛitis or of a king's subjects, the whole kingdom Ragh
- ○mat mfn. having the original or natural form or shape, natural, usual, common MBh
- in a natural or usual frame of mind R
- ○maya mf(ī)n. being in the natural state or condition RāmatUp
- ○laya m. absorption into Prakṛiti, the dissolution of the universe Sāṃkhyak
- N. of a class of Yogins Yogas
- ○vat ind. as in the original form, Upal
- ○vikṛti f. mutation of the original form or state Rājat
- -yāga-kālaviveka m. N. of wk
- -sva-bhāva m. the relation of (a word in its) radical form to (itself under the) mutations (of inflection &c.) MW
- ○viṣama mfn. naturally rough Bhartṛ
- ○vihāra-kārikā f. pl. N. of wk
- ○śraiṣṭhya n. superiority of origin Mn.x, 3
- ○ṣṭha mfn. = -stha Car
- ○sampanna mfn. endowed with a noble nature R.
- ○siddha mfn. effected by nature, natural
- n. true or real nature Bhartṛ
- ○subhaga mfn. naturally pleasant or agreeable Megh
- ○stha mfn. being in the original or natural state, genuine, unaltered, unimpaired, normal, well, healthy Yājñ. Kāv. Var. Suśr. (also -sthita Var.)
- inherent, innate, incidental to nature Ragh
- bare, stripped of everything MW
- -darśana mfn. one who has recovered the faculty of sight Śak. (Pi.) iii, 36/37
- ○sthita mfn. See -stha
- ○hautra n. N. of wk
- prakṛtī-jana m. sg. the subjects of a king R
- prakṛtī7śa m. 'lord of subjects', a magistrate Hariv
- prakṛtī7ṣṭi-nirṇaya m
- prakṛtyṛc f. N. of wks
- pra-kṛt √2. P. -kṛntati, (ep. also -kartati), to cut off
- to cut up, cut to pieces AV. MBh
- pra-ḍkṛntá m. one who cuts to pieces TS. (vḷ. vi-kṛntá)
- pra-kṛśita (√kṛś), mfn. attenuated, thin, emaciate W
- pra-√kṛṣ P. -karṣati, to draw or stretch forth, drag along or away Kauś. MBh. &c
- to push off, remove from (abl.) R
- to lead (an army) MBh. R
- to draw or bend (a bow) MBh
- to distract, trouble, disturb R.: Caus. -karṣayati, to cause (a field) to be ploughed ĀśvGṛ
- pra-ḍkarṣa m. pre-eminence, excellence, superiority, excess, intensity, high degree MBh. Kāv. &c. (often ifc., e.g. adhva-pr○, a great distance R
- kāla-pr○, a long time Suśr
- guṇa-pr○, extraordinary qualities Mṛicch
- phala-pr○ mfn. consisting chiefly in fruit Suśr
- śakti-pr○, possessing extraordinary power Inscr.)
- length of time, duration Car
- absoluteness, definitiveness W
- (in gram.) the effect of the prefix pra upon roots ib
- ibc. and (āt, or eṇa), ind. eminently, intensely, thoroughly, in a high degree MBh. Kāv. &c
- -gamana n. going absolutely or finally, departure W
- -tantra mfn. dependent on excellence or superior strength MW
- -vat mfn. pre-eminent, excelling by or in (comp.) Śaṃk
- pra-ḍkarṣaka m. 'harasser, disquieter', N. of the god of love L
- pra-ḍkarṣaṇa m. one who distracts or troubles MBh
- n. drawing away ib
- pushing forth, advancing, Rprāt
- drawing furrows, ploughing W
- extension, length, duration (kāla-) Suśr
- a bridle or whip MBh. vii, 6446
- the act of harassing or disquieting MW
- excellence, superiority W
- realizing by the use of a pledge more than the interest of the money lent upon it ib
- pra-ḍkarṣaṇīya mfn. to be dragged away or moved along KātyŚr. Sch
- pra-ḍkarṣita mfn. (fr. Caus.) drawn forth or out &c
- exceeded in profit (as the interest of a loan) W
- n. profit on a pledge beyond the interest of the money lent upon it W
- pra-ḍkarṣin mfn. drawing forth, causing to move, leading (an army) Hariv
- excellent, pre-eminent, distinguished Jātakam
- pra-ḍkṛṣṭa mfn. drawn forth, protracted, long (in space and time) MBh. R
- superior, distinguished, eminent Mn. MBh. &c. (-tara mfn. Pañcat
- -tama mfn. Daś.)
- violent, strong Ratnâv
- distracted, harassed, disquieted. MW
- -keśâkhya m. coral (lit. having the name 'beautiful hair'
- cf. pra-vāla) Kāvyâd
- -tā f. (MW.), -tva n. (Hit.) transcendent excellence, pre-eminence, superiority
- pra-ḍkṛṣya mfn. = ○karṣaṇīya KātyŚr
- excessive, much
- -kutsita mfn. strongly censured Pāṇ. 2-3. 17, Vartt. 1, (prakṛṣṭa-k○ Bhaṭṭ. ii, 36 Sch.)
- pra-kṝ √1. P. -kirati, to scatter forth, strew, throw about ŚBr. MBh. &c
- to issue forth, spring up R. Suśr.: Pass. (and P. Pot. -kīryāt) to disappear, vanish MBh
- prakara m. (for 1. See pra-kṛ) a scattered heap, heap, multitude, quantity, plenty MBh. Kāv. &c
- a nosegay W
- (ī), f. a place where four roads meet L
- n. aloe wood, Agallochum L
- praḍkaritṛ́ m. one who sprinkles (or seasons?) VS
- praḍkiraṇa n. scattering, throwing about MārkP
- praḍkīrṇa mfn. scattered, thrown about, dispersed Nir. MBh. Kāv
- squandered Dhūrtas
- disordered, dishevelled MBh. R. Suśr
- waved, waving Śiś. xii, 17
- mixed, containing various subjects, miscellaneous Kām
- standing alone, nowhere mentioned Vishṇ
- confused, incoherent (as speech) Śiś. ii, 63
- expanded, opened W
- spread abroad, published ib
- m. Guilandina Bonduc L
- a horse (?) Gal
- n. a miscellany, any miscellaneous collection L
- a chapter or section of a book L
- extent L
- N. of a class of Jaina works MWB. 533
- scattering or throwing about A
- -keśa mf(ī)n. having dishevelled hair MBh. Suśr
- (ī), f. N. of Durgā L
- -pūjā f. -mantra m. pl. N. of wks
- -maithuna mfn. living in mixed (connubial) intercourse MBh
- -saṃgraha m. N. of wk
- ○ṇâdhyâya m. a chapter containing miscellaneous subjects (N. of VarBṛS. xxii)
- ○ṇâmbara-mūrdhaja mfn. with disordered garments and dishevelled hair MBh
- praḍkīrṇaka mfn. scattered, dispersed, occurring singly or in single instances VarBṛS
- mixed, containing various things ib. Sch
- m. a horse L
- m. (L. n.) a tuft of hair used as an ornament for horses MBh. R
- a chowrie (the tail of the Bos Grunniens used as a fan or fly-flap and as an ornṭornament for horses) L
- n. a miscellany, any collection of heterogeneous objects Vām. i, 3, 12
- a section or division of a book L
- N. of the 3rd part of the Vākyapadīya and of another wk. Cat
- (in law) a case not provided for by the Śāstras and to be decided by the judge or king W
- extent, length L
- -dāna n. pl. N. of wk
- praḍkīrya mfn. to be scattered or strewed &c. L
- m. (and ā f.) N. of some medic. plant or plants Car. Suśr. (Guilandina Bonduc and a species of Karañja L.)
- pra-√kṝt See pra-√kīrt
- pra-√kḷp Ā. -kalpate (rarely P. ○ti), to prosper, succeed AV
- to be fit or suitable (with inf.) KātyŚr. Sch.: Caus. -kalpayati, to place in front, put at the head, honour AV. ŚBr
- to put down on (loc.) MBh
- to appoint or elect to, select for (loc.) ib. BhP
- to put in the place of (gen.) Pat
- to contrive, invent, devise, prepare, provide Mn. MBh. &c
- to fix, settle, determine Mn. Yājñ
- to prescribe Car
- to make out, ascertain, calculate Var
- to make into, choose for (2 acc. or acc. and loc.) BhP
- to suppose, imagine (with acc. and loc.) MBh
- pra-ḍkalpaka mf(ikā)n. being in the right place Pat
- pra-ḍkalpana n. placing in, raising to (comp.) Sāh
- (ā), f. fixing, settlement, allotment Mn. viii, 211
- n. or f. supplying or mixing with (saha) Car
- pra-ḍkalpayitrí m. one who prepares or arranges ŚBr
- pra-ḍkalpita mfn. made, done, prepared, arranged, appointed MBh. Kāv. &c
- shed (as a tear) Amar
- (ā), f. a kind of riddle Cat
- pra-ḍkalpya mfn. to be appointed or settled or fixed or determined Mn. Yājñ
- pra-ḍkḷpta mfn. done, made, prepared, arranged, ready R. Kathās
- being in the right place, being right Pat
- (am), ind. readily, easily ŚBr
- -tva n. progress, success KātyŚr
- -snāna-maṇḍana mfn. one whose ablutions and toilet have been arranged R
- pra-ḍkḷpti f. the being there, existing KātyŚr. (wṛ. ○kṛti)
- the being in the right place, being right or correct Pat
- pra-ketá m. (√4. cit) appearance, apparition, sight RV
- perception, intelligence, knowledge (concr. = a knower, vii, 11, 1 ; x, 104, 6) ib
- pra-ḍketana n. appearance, apparition (used to explain prec.) Nir. ii, 19
- pra-koṣṭha m. the fore-arm Kālid. BhP. Suśr
- a room near the gate of a palace Mudr
- (also n. L.) a court in a house, a quadrangle or square surrounded by buildings Mṛicch
- a part of a door-frame W
- pra-ḍkoṣṭhaka m. a room near the gate of a palace Kum
- prakoṣṇā (!), f. N. of an Apsaras VP
- prakkhara m. iron armour for the defence of a horse or elephant L. (cf. pra-kṣara, pra-khara)
- pra-√krand (only aor. 3. sg. -akran), to call or invoke loudly RV. v, 59, 1: Caus. (only aor. -acikradat) to roar, move with a rushing sound ib. ix, 77, 1
- pra-√kram P. Ā. -krāmati, -kramate, (P.) to step or stride forwards, set out, walk on, advance, proceed, resort to (acc
- aor. Ā. -cákramanta RV. ii, 19, 2
- prâkraṃsta Bhaṭṭ.), march, pass, go RV. &c. &c
- (with pradakṣiṇam) to walk around from left to right BhP
- to cross, traverse R
- (Ā.) to undertake, commence, begin (with acc., artham ifc., or inf.) MBh. (also P., e.g. varayām pra-cakramuḥ = ○yāṃ-cakruḥ, i, 1809) Kāv. &c. (cf. Pāṇ. 1-3, 42)
- to act or behave towards (loc.) MBh.: Caus., -krāmayati, to cause to step forwards PārGṛ.: Desid. cikraṃ-siṣyate Pāṇ. 7-2, 36 Vārtt. 2 Pat.
- pra-ḍkrantṛ m. (L.) one who proceeds or begins
- conquering, overpowering, surpassing
- pra-ḍkramá m. (ifc. f. ā) stepping, proceeding L
- a step, stride, pace (also as a measure of distance, the length of which is variously stated at 2 or 3 or 3 1/2 Padas, also at more or less) Br. GṛŚrS
- commencement, beginning, procedure, course KātyŚr. Mālatīm. Prab. Kathās
- leisure, opportunity L
- relation, proportion, degree, measure Vedântas
- method, order, regularity (esp in the position of words and in gram. construction
- cf. -bhaṅga)
- the reading of the Krama (= krama-pāṭha, q.v.) Pat
- discussing any point in question
- the case in question MW
- (pl.) a series of oblations corresponding to the movements of a sacrificial horse ŚBr. KātyŚr
- -tṛtīya n. the third of a square pace KātyŚr
- -bhaṅga m. (in rhet.) want of order or method, the breaking of symmetry in composition or the violation of gram. construction (= bhagna-prakramatā) Kāvyâd. Sch
- ○ga-vat mfn. wanting method or symmetry, irregular, unsymmetrical Pratāp
- -viruddha mfn. stopped in the beginning Prab
- pra-ḍkramaṇa n. stepping forwards, proceeding, advancing towards (comp.) KātyŚr. Kālid
- issuing forth Tattvas
- pra-ḍkramaṇīya (W.), and mfn. to be gone or proceeded
- pra-ḍkramitavya (Pat.), mfn. to be gone or proceeded
- pra-ḍkramitṛ m. = ○krantṛ Pat
- pra-ḍkramya mfn. = ○kramaṇīya W
- pra-ḍkrānta mfn. proceeded, gone &c. Kāv
- commenced, begun L
- previously mentioned or stated MW
- n. the setting out on a journey Yājñ
- the point in question MW
- -tva n. commencement, beginning Kull
- the being meant or understood by anything Hcat
- pra-ḍkrāmaṇī f. a kind of magic Divyâv
- pra-kraya m. (√1. krī) = kḷptika (?) L
- pra-ḍkrī́ mfn. to be bought, purchasable AV
- pra-√krīḍ P. Ā. -krī́ḍati (krī́ḻati), ○te, to play, sport, disport one's self, frolic, amuse one's self (with anything, instr
- with a person, instr. or saha) RV. AV. MBh. &c
- pra-ḍkrīḍá m. play, pastime VS. Hariv
- (with marutāṃ) N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr
- a place of sports, playground ĀśvGṛ
- pra-ḍkrīḍita mfn. playing, sporting MBh
- pra-ḍkrīḍín mfn. playing, sporting RV. vii, 56, 16
- pra-√kruś P. -króśati, to raise a cry, cry out MBh. R
- to utter (cries, acc.), call R
- to invoke, call upon, cry out to (acc.) MBh
- pra-ḍkrośa m. a shriek, scream Lāṭy
- pra-√klid Ā. -klidyate, to become moist or humid, to become wet MBh. Suśr.: Caus. -kledayati, to moisten, wet, make wet Suśr
- wṛ. for -kleśayati Car
- pra-ḍklinna mfn. moist, humid, wet R. Suśr
- putrefied Car
- moved with compassion or sympathy BhP
- -tva n. being moist or humid Suśr
- -vartman n. a kind of disease of the eyelids (cf. klinna-v○) Suśr
- -hṛdayêkṣaṇa mfn. having the heart and eyes moist (with affection) MW
- pra-ḍkleda m. moistness, wetness, humidity MBh
- -vat mfn. becoming moist or wet Suśr
- pra-ḍkledana mfn. moistening, wetting ib
- pra-ḍkledin mfn. id. ib
- fusing, liquefying, resolving (-ditva n.) Car
- pra-√kliś Caus. -kleśayati, to put in a morbid state Car. (wṛ. -kled○)
- pra-√kvaṇ P. -kvaṇati, to sound HPariś
- pra-ḍkvaṇa m. (f. ifc. ā) the sound of a Viṇā or lute Pāṇ. Sch
- pra-ḍkvāṇa m. the sound of a Vīṇā L
- wṛ. for prahvāṇa TāṇḍBr
- pra-kvātha m. (√kvath) seething, boiling Jātakam
- prakṣá m. (for plakṣá, to explain an etymology) TS
- prakṣa mfn. in vana-prakṣá vḷ. for -krakṣá SV
- in nāgarājasama-pr○ wṛ. for nāgarāḍiva duṣ-prêkṣyaḥ MBh
- pra-kṣapaṇa -kṣaya &c. See pra-√kṣi
- pra-√kṣar P. -kṣárati, to stream forth, stream, ooze RV. ŚāṅkhŚr. Pañcad
- to drop down Bhaṭṭ
- pra-ḍkṣara m. iron armour for the defence of a horse or elephant (cf. pra-khara, prakkhara) Hemac.
- pra-ḍkṣaraṇa n. flowing forth, oozing GopBr. Mn. Sch
- pra-√kṣal P. -kṣālayati, to wash off, wash away, rinse ŚBr. ŚrS. Mn. MBh. &c
- to cleanse, purify MBh.: Caus. Ā. -kṣālāpayate (Pot. ○yīta), to have anything (as one's feet) washed ĀśvGṛ
- pra-ḍkṣālaka mfn. washing, one who washes Mn. MBh. R. (cf. sadyaḥ-p○)
- pra-ḍkṣālana mfn. performing frequent ablutions, one who performs frequent ablutions R
- n. washing, washes off, cleaning, cleansing, purifying, KātySr. Pur. Mn. MBh. &c
- bathing MW
- a means of cleaning, anything used for purifying, water for washing KātyŚr. Lāṭy. Yājñ. Suśr
- ○nârthāya ind. for the sake of washing MW
- pra-ḍkṣālanīya mfn. to be washed away or cleansed
- to be purified ib
- pra-ḍkṣālayitṛ m. one who washes (the feet of his guest) ĀpGṛ
- pra-ḍkṣālita mfn. washed, cleansed
- expiated ib
- -pāṇi mfn. having one's hands washed MānGṛ
- -pāda mfn. having one's feet washed Pāṇ. 6-2, 110 Sch. 1
- pra-ḍkṣālya mfn. to be washed or purified MārkP. 2
- pra-ḍkṣālya ind. having washed or rinsed ŚBr. MBh
- pra-kṣāma mfn. (prob.) burnt, singed (said of a sacrifice) ĀpŚr
- pra-√kṣi P. -kṣiṇā́ti, to spoil, destroy, wear out, exhaust RV. AV. ŚBr.: Pass. -kṣīyate, to be destroyed, perish MBh
- to be worn out or exhausted or diminished MW
- pra-ḍkṣapaṇa n. (fr. Caus.) destroying Rājat
- pra-ḍkṣaya m. destruction, ruin, vanishing, end MBh. Hariv. Sarvad
- pra-ḍkṣayaṇa mfn. causing to perish, destroying (in ghaṭa-p○ q.v.)
- pra-ḍkṣīṇa (prá-), mfn. destroyed, perished
- vanished, disappeared
- decayed, wasted, diminished (-candra m. the waning moon Var.) AV. BhP. Hit. &c
- atoned MW
- n. the spot where any one has perished (e.g. prakṣīṇam idam deva-dattasya, this is the spot where Deva perished) Pāṇ. 6-4, 60 Sch
- prakṣin See upala-p○
- pra-√kṣip P. Ā. -kṣipáti, -kṣipate, to cast, hurl, throw or fling at or into (loc.), place in, put before Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c
- to let down Kathās
- to launch a ship Divyâv
- to add Sūryas
- to insert, interpolate Pāṇ. Sch. R. Sch.: Caus. -kṣepayati, to cause or order to cast or put into (loc.) MBh
- pra-ḍkṣipta mfn. thrown or cast at, hurled, flung
- thrown forth, projected Hit
- inserted, interpolated Pāṇ. 6-3, 83 Sch
- -vat mfn. one who has thrown at, one who has thrown W
- pra-ḍkṣipya ind. having thrown at, hṭhaving hurled Pañc
- pra-ḍkṣepa m. throwing, casting, projecting
- throwing into or upon, scattering upon Mn. Kull. BhP
- putting, placing (pāda-p○ pl. steps Kād.)
- adding to, increasing (e.g. a dose) Car
- anything added or thrown into drugs while in course of decoction, an ingredient L
- insertion, interpolation TBr. Sch. ĀpŚr. Sch. Śaṃk
- (also ○paka m.) the sum deposited by each member of a commercial company Līl
- the box of a carriage BhP
- -lipi f. a partic. style of handwriting Lalit
- pra-ḍkṣepaka m. See ○kṣepa
- pra-ḍkṣepaṇa n. pouring upon Suśr
- (ifc.) throwing on or into Śaṃk. Yājñ. Sch
- fixing (as a price) Yājñ
- pra-ḍkṣepaṇīya mfn. to be thrown or cast forth, to be thrown away MW
- pra-ḍkṣepin mfn. (ifc.) throwing upon, placing upon Nir
- pra-ḍkṣeptavya mfn. to be thrown into or upon (loc.), to be scattered upon Yājñ. Hariv. Hcat. Kathās
- pra-ḍkṣepya mfn. to be thrown or put on (as an ornament) Śak. Sch
- pra-kṣībita or -kṣīvita (fr. √kṣīb or √kṣīv), drunken, intoxicated Pāṇ. 8-2, 55 Sch
- pra-√kṣud P. -kṣuṇatti, to pound, crush Bhaṭṭ
- pra-ḍkṣuṇṇa mfn. crushed Bhaṭṭ
- pierced through, lacerated Pañcat
- pra-√kṣubh Ā. P. -kṣobhate, -kṣubhyati, to be moved or shaken or agitated or confused
- to totter, stagger. MBh. Kāv. &c.: Caus. -kṣobhayati, to agitate, excite Suśr
- pra-ḍkṣobhaṇa n. agitating, exciting Prab
- pra-√kṣai P. -kṣāyati, to be consumed, burn (intr.) TBr
- pra-√kṣṇu (only pf. -cukṣṇuvuḥ), to sharpen, whet, point Bhaṭṭ.
- pra-kṣveḍana (Pañc.) or ○ḍanā f. ○dana m. ○danā f. (L
- √kṣviḍ, or kṣvid) an iron arrow (as humming or whizzing)
- calling aloud, clamour W
- pra-ḍkṣveḍa f. humming, grumbling MBh
- pra-ḍkṣveḍita (or ○dita), mfn. clamorous, shouting, noisy MBh. R
- unctuous W
- n. shout, hum R
- -vat mfn. noisy
- unctuous W
- pra-√khan (only aor. -khān), to dig up, up√, eradicate Kathās
- pra-khara mfn. very hard or rough Prasannar
- very hot or acrid Bhām
- m. iron armour for the defence of a horse or elephant L. (cf. prakkhara, pra-kṣara)
- a mule L
- a dog L
- pra-khala m. a great scoundrel or villain Mṛicch
- pra-√khād P. -khādati, to eat up, devour RV
- pra-ḍkhādá mfn. swallowing, devouring ib
- pra-√khid (only pr. p. -khidát), to thrust away VS
- pra-√khud P. -khudáti, futuere AV. ŚāṅkhGṛ
- pra-√khyā P. -khyāti, to see RV. (Subj. -khyat
- inf. -khyaí) ŚBr. (ind. p. -khyāya)
- to announce, proclaim, extol BhP. (Impv. -khyāhi): Pass. -khyāyate, to be seen or known
- to be visible or public or acknowledged or celebrated Mn. MBh. &c.: Caus. -khyāpayati, to make generally known, proclaim, announce, publish Mālatīm. Rājat
- pra-ḍkhyá mfn. visible, clear, bright ŚBr. MBh
- (ā), f. look, appearance (only ifc. = resembling, like) MBh. R. &c
- brightness, splendour (only ifc.) R
- perceptibility, visibility, Jaini
- making manifest, disclosure Daśar
- pra-ḍkhyas m. = prajā-pati Uṇ. iv, 232 Sch
- the planet Jupiter L
- pra-ḍkhyāta mfn. known, celebrated, acknowledged, recognised MBh. Kāv. &c
- forestalled, claimed by right of pre-emption Mn. ( See below)
- pleased, happy W
- -bala-viirya mfn. of celebrated strength and valour R
- -bhāṇḍa n. (with rājñaḥ) a commodity the pre-emption of which is claimed by a king Mn.viii, 399
- -vaptṛka mfn. having a celebrated father L
- -sad-bhartṛ m. known as a good husband Kathās
- pra-ḍkhyāti f. visibility, perceptibility, celebrity (only a-prakh○) MBh
- praise, eulogium W
- pra-ḍkhyāna n. the being perceived or known Pāṇ. 1-2, 54
- = ○khyāpana R
- pra-ḍkhyānīya mfn. to be celebrated or made known Vop
- pra-ḍkhyāpana n. making known, report, information R. Daś
- pra-ḍkhyāpanīya mfn. to be made known or published Vop
- pra-ḍkhyāpita mfn. known as, named (with nom.) Caṇḍ
- pra-ḍkhyāyamāna mfn. being celebrated or spoken about Nal
- pra-ga See under pra-√gam below
- pragaṭa wṛ. for pra-kaṭa HYog
- pra-√gaṇ P. -gaṇayati, to reckon up, calculate MBh. (ind. p. -gaṇayya Pāṇ. 6-4, 56 Sch.)
- pra-gaṇḍa m. the upper part of the arm (also ○ḍaka) L. (cf. pra-kāṇḍa)
- (ī), f. an outer wall or rampart MBh
- pra-gadita mfn. (√gad) spoken, speaking, beginning to speak W
- pra-gādya mfn. Pāṇ. 3-1, 100 Sch
- pra-√gam P. -gacchati (ep. also Ā. ○te), to go forwards, set out, advance, proceed, go to, reach, attain RV. &c. &c
- pra-ga mfn. going before, preceding Pāṇ. 8-4, 38 Sch
- (e), ind., See below
- pra-gata mfn. gone forward, started MBh. Kāv. &c
- separate, apart ( See below)
- gone with difficulty W
- -jānu, or ○nuka mfn. having the knees far apart, bandy-legged, bow-legged L
- pra-gama m. the first manifestation of love, first advance in courtship Pratāp
- pra-gamana n. = prec. Pāṇ. 8-4, 34 Sch
- a speech containing an excellent answer Sāh
- progress, advance W
- difficult progress (?) ib
- disputing (?) ib
- pra-gamanīya mfn. Pāṇ. 8-4, 34 Sch
- pra-gāman n. walk, gait, step ( See pṛthu-g○)
- pra-gāmin mfn. setting out, being about to depart R. (vḷ. prāg-g○)
- pra-ge ind. early in the morning, at dawn, at day-break ('when the sun goes forth' ?) Lāṭy. Mn. &c
- to-morrow morning Siṃhâs
- -tana mfn. (Pāṇ. 4-3, 23) matutinal, early Bālar.
- relating to the next day, future L
- -niśa mfn. one who (sleeps) in the early morning as (if it, were) night MBh
- -śaya mfn. asleep early in the morning ib
- pra-gayaṇa n. an excellent answer Daś. (wṛ. for -gāmana?)
- pra-√garj P. -garjati, to begin to thunder MBh
- pra-garjana n. roaring, roar (cf. siṃha-)
- pra-garjita n. a roar, noise, din L
- pra-gardhín mfn. (√gṛdh) pressing or hastening onwards, eager RV
- pra-√gal Caus. -gālayati, to cause to fall off Car
- pra-galita mfn. dripped down Megh
- pra-√galbh Ā. -galbhate, to be bold or confident, behave resolutely Śiś
- to be capable of or ready to (loc. or inf.) Bālar. Vcar
- to be equal to or fit to pass for (nom.) Sarvad
- to be arrogant or proud W
- pra-galbha mf(ā)n. bold, confident, resolute, brave, strong, able MBh. Kāv. &c
- proud, arrogant, impudent Ragh
- skilful Kād
- illustrious, eminent W
- mature (as age) MW
- m. N. of the fire employed at the Jātakarman Gṛihyās
- (with ācārya) N. of an author (called also Śubhaṃ-kara) Cat
- (ā), f. a bold and confident woman (esp. one of the classes of heroines in dram. composition) Sāh
- N. of Durgā L
- (am), ind. courageously, resolutely Mṛicch
- -kulāla m. a skilful potter Bhartṛ
- -tā f. (Kum.), -tva n. (W.) boldness, wilfulness, resolution, energy, strength, power
- -manas mfn. resolute-minded (a-) Amar
- -lakṣaṇa n. and ○ṇa-prakāśa m. N. of wks
- -vāc mfn. speaking confidently or proudly Kum
- pra-galbhita mfn. proud, arrogant MW
- eminent, conspicuous ib
- shining or resplendent with (instr.) Cat
- pra-√gā P. -jigāti, to go forwards proceed, advance, move, go RV. MBh. 1
- pra-gāṇa n. (for 2. See under pra-√gai) access, approach, See pṛthu-prag○
- pra-gāḍha &c. See pra-√gāh below
- pra-gātha See pra-√gai, col. 2
- pra-√gāh Ā. -gāhate, to dive into, penetrate, pervade RV
- pra-gāḍha mfn. dipped or steeped in, mixed with, soaked, impregnated (ifc.) Suśr
- much, excessive MBh
- rich in, full of (ifc.) Kām
- advanced, late (hour) Daś
- hard, difficult L
- (am), ind. much, exceedingly, greatly Kāv. Suśr
- tightly, firmly W
- n. a crowd MBh. iv, 1977 (= saṃ-kaṭa Nīlak.)
- pain, privation, penance W
- -tā f. -tva n. abundance, excessiveness MW
- hardness ib
- pra-gāhana n. dipping or plunging into (gen.) ĀpŚr
- pra-gīta ○ti, See pra-√gai
- pra-guṇa mf(ā)n. straight (lit. and lig.), right, correct, honest, upright Mālatīm. Hcar
- being in a good state or condition, excellent Ragh. Mālatīm
- -racanā f. = next Daśar
- pra-guṇana n. putting straight, arranging Mālatīm
- pra-guṇaya Nom. P. ○yati, to put straight, set right Dhanaṃj
- to develop, exhibit, manifest Nyāyam
- pra-guṇita mfn. made even or smooth or straight, put in order properly arranged Bālar. Pañc
- pra-guṇin mfn. smooth or even i.e. friendly towards (loc.) MBh
- pra-guṇī in comp. for ○guṇa
- ○karaṇa n. putting straight, arranging properly KātyŚr. Sch
- ○√kṛ to put straight or in order, make smooth or even Car. Pañc
- to make amenable to (loc.) Mudr
- to nourish, bring up A
- ○√bhū to make one's self fit or ready for (dat.), Kuv
- praguṇya mfn. more exceeding, excellent W
- pra-√gup Caus. -gopayati, to protect, guard Pañc. Bhaṭṭ
- to conceal, keep secret Hcat
- pra-gopana n. protection, preservation, salvation W
- pra-√gur (only aor. -gūrta), to cry aloud RV. i, 173, 2 (Sāy. 'to make great efforts')
- pra-gṝ √1. P. -gṛṇāti, to proclaim, announce to (loc.) RV. i, 152, 5
- to extol, praise BhP
- pra-ge See under pra-√gam.
- pra-√gai P. -gāyati (ep. also Ā. ○te), to begin to sing, sing, celebrate, praise, extol
- to sound, resound RV. MBh. BhP. 2
- pra-gāṇa n. (for 1. See pra-gā) singing, song L
- pra-gātṛ m. a singer MBh. ('excellent singer' L.)
- pra-gāthá m. a kind of stanza (the combination of a Bṛihatī or Kakubh with a Sato-bṛihatī so as to form a triplet) VS. RPrāt. &c
- N. of a Ṛishi with the patr. Kāṇva and Ghaura, the author of RV. viii, 1, 2 ; 10 ; 48 ; 51-54
- (pl.) N. of RV. viii (which contains a great many PrṭPragai stanzas)
- -kāram ind. combining into a Pragai stanza Lāṭy
- pra-gāyin mfn. beginning to sing, singing Hariv
- pra-gīta mfn. recited in a singing tone, sung Sarvad
- resonant with singing, vocal MBh. R
- singing, one who has begun to sing Kathās
- n. song Ṛitus. Caurap
- a sing-song or drawling recitation (regarded as a fault) Śiksh
- pra-gīti f. a kind of metre Col
- pra-√grath P. -grathnāti, or -grathati, to string together, join, connect Nyāyam. Sch
- pra-grathana n. connecting or stringing together, intertwining Sāy
- pra-√gras P. -grasati, to eat up, devour, swallow MBh
- pra-√grah P. Ā. -gṛhṇāti, ○ṇīte, to hold or stretch forth, hold AV. &c. &c
- to offer, present ŚBr. ŚāṅkhŚr
- to seize, grasp, take hold of, take ŚrS. MBh. &c
- to accept, receive Śak. Var
- to draw up, tighten (reins), stop (horses) Śak
- to befriend, favour, further, promote MBh. Hariv. R
- to keep separated or isolated (cf. below): Caus. (inf. -grāhitum) to receive, accept MBh
- pra-gṛhīta mfn. held forth or out, taken, accepted &c. R. Hariv. &c
- lofty Divyâv
- joined, united with (ibc.) BhP
- kept separate, pronounced without observing the rules of Saṃdhi
- -pada mf(ā)n. having the words pronounced separately RPrāt. 1
- pra-gṛhya mfn. to be seized or taken or accepted MBh. Kāv. &c
- (in gram.) to be taken or pronounced separately, not subject to the rules of Saṃdhi (as the final ī, ū, and e of the dual terminations, e.g. kavii etau, 'these two poets') Prāt. Pāṇ. &c. 2,
- pra-gṛhya ind. having taken or grasped, carrying away with, with MBh. Kāv. &c
- pra-graha m. (ifc. f. ā) holding in front, stretching forth MBh
- seizing, clutching, taking hold of (○haṃ gataḥ, seized, taken) ib. Hariv
- a partic. manner of fighting MBh. (= śatror uttānapā-tanârtham pādâkarṣaṇam, or = gala-hastakaḥ Nīlak.)
- the seizure of the sun or moon, beginning of an eclipse (cf. graha) Sūryas
- friendly reception, kindness, favour MBh. Hariv
- obstinacy, stubbornness (○haṃgataḥ, obstinate, stubborn) MBh
- a rein, bridle KaṭhUp. MBh. &c
- a ray of light (like all words meaning 'rein' or 'bridle') L
- a rope, halter, cord, string, thong MBh
- the cord or string suspending a balance L
- a guide, leader, ruler (also as N. of Vishṇu-Kṛishṇa) MBh
- a companion, satellite ib
- binding L
- taming, breaking (a horse) L
- the arm L
- a species of plant Car. (Cassis Fistula L.)
- a vowel not subject to the rules of Saṃdhi TPrāt. (-tva n. Sch
- 1. pra-gṛhya)
- N. of a partic. sacrificial rite (also -homa KātyŚr. Sch.)
- mf(ā)n. receiving, kind, hospitable (with sabhā f. a hall of reception, an audience hall) R. (B.)
- = ūrdhvabāhu (?) R. Sch. (cf. práñjali-pragr○)
- -vat mfn. (ifc.) one who has seized, holding MBh
- receiving, kindly, obliging R. (Sch. 'keeping down the wicked' or 'controlling the organs of sense')
- ○hâdi-darpaṇa m. N. of wk
- ○hin mfn. guiding the reins BhP
- pra-grahaṇa m. a leader, guide (only ifc. 'led by') MBh
- stretching forth, offering ŚāṅkhŚr
- taking, seizing, holding ib
- the seizure of the sun and moon, commencement of an eclipse VarBṛS. Sūryas
- a means for taming or breaking in MBh
- the being a leader or guide, authority, dignity ib
- a rein, bridle MW
- a check, restraint ib
- pra-grahītavya mfn. to be checked or controlled Vajracch
- pra-grāha m. (only L.) seizing, taking, bearing, carrying (cf. Pāṇ. 3-3, 46)
- a rein, bridle (cf. ib. 53)
- the string of a balance (cf. ib. 52)
- -vat mfn. having the string of a balance MW
- pra-grāham ind. taking the words separately, not pronouncing them according to the rules of Saṃdhi AitBr
- pra-grīva m. n. (g. ardharcâdi
- also -ka ifc. Hcar.) a wooden balustrade or fence round a building Rājat. viii, 328
- a window, lattice, balcony (projecting like a neck
- cf. grīvā) L
- a summer-house, pleasure-house L.
- a painted turret L
- a stable L
- the top of a tree L
- pra-√glai P. -glāyati, to fade, wither away Bhaṭṭ. (Sch. -mlāyati): Caus. -glāpayati Vop
- pra-gla mfn. wearied, fatigued, exhausted W
- pra-√ghaṭ Ā. -ghaṭate, to exert one's self, devote one's self to (loc.) Bhaṭṭ
- to commence, begin ib
- pra-ghaṭaka (ifc.) a precept, rule, doctrine Cat
- pra-ghaṭā f. the rudiments or first elements of a science
- -vid m. = śāstra-gaṇḍa L
- a general reader (but not a profound one) W. (cf. chāttra-g○)
- pra-ghaṭṭaka m. (√ghaṭṭ) a precept, rule, doctrine Kap. Sch. (cf. pra-ghaṭaka)
- pra-ghaṇa m. n. (√han) a place or a terrace before a house Hcar. (also ) L
- an iron mace or crowbar L
- a copper pot L
- pra-ghana m. = prec
- also vḷ. for prathana, Phaseolus Mungo L
- pra-ghāṇa mṇ.= or vḷ. for ○ghaṇa Hcar. L
- the trunk of a tree L
- pra-ghātá m. a blow, stroke TS. Sch
- a battle, fight L
- the edging of a garment ŚBr
- pra-ghāna See ○ghāṇa
- pra-ghasa m. (√ghas) a devourer (pl. N. of false gods) L. (cf. Pāṇ. 2-4, 37 ; 38)
- N. of a Rākshasa MBh
- of a monkey follower of Rāma R
- (ā), f. N. of one of the Mātṛis attending on Skanda MBh
- pra-ghāsa See varuṇa-praghāsá
- pra-ghāsín (VS.),
- pra-ghāsyá (TS.), mfn. voracious
- pra-ghātaya P. ○yati (Caus. of pra-√han), to strike, kill Divyâv
- praghuṇa m. a guest, visitor L. (prob. wṛ. for prāghuṇa)
- pra-√ghuṣ Caus. -ghoṣayati, to cause to announce aloud, proclaim MBh
- pra-ghuṣṭa mfn. sounding forth Var
- pra-ghoṣa m. sound, noise BhP. (also -ka L.)
- N. of a son of Kṛishṇa BhP
- pra-ghoṣin m. 'roaring', N. of the 9 classes of the Maruts MW
- pra-ghūrṇa mfn. (√ghūrṇ) turning round or rolling violently W
- wandering, roaming ib
- m. a guest, visitor L. (prob. wṛ. for prāgh○)
- pra-√ghṛ P. -gharati, to ooze out Divyâv
- pra-√ghṛṣ P. -gharṣati, to rub to pieces Kauś
- to rub into, anoint Suśr
- pra-gharṣa m. rubbing, anointing Car
- pra-gharṣaṇa m. grinding, crushing, destroying Kāv
- n. rubbing, a remedy for rubbing in or anointing Car
- pra-ghṛṣṭa mfn. rubbed in, embrocated, anointed Suśr
- praca See acyuta-pr○ and nakha-pr○
- pra-cakita mfn. (√cak) trembling, shuddering, terrified Pañc
- pra-cakra n. an army in motion L
- pra-√cakṣ Ā. -caṣṭe, to tell, relate, declare MBh. Ragh
- to suppose, regard or consider as (acc.) Mn. MBh. &c
- to name, call Mn. BhP.: Caus. -cakṣayati, to irridiate, illumine RV
- pra-ḍcakṣaṇam ind. (after a fin. verb), g. gotrâdi
- pra-ḍcakṣas m. N. of the regent of the planet Jupiter, Bṛihas-pati W
- pra-caṅkaśa See a-pr○
- pra-caṇḍa mf(ā)n. excessively violent, impetuous, furious, fierce, passionate, terrible, direful, formidable MBh. Kāv. &c
- great, large, hot, burning, sharp ( See comp. below)
- m. a species of oleander with white flowers L
- N. of a Dānava Kathās
- of a goblin MārkP
- of a son of Vatsa-prī and Su-nandā ib
- (ā), f. a species of Dūrvā with white flowers L
- a form or Śakti of Durgā Cat
- ○ghoṇa mfn. large-nosed, having a long or prominent nose MBh
- ○caṇḍikā f. a form of Durgā
- -sahasra-nāma-stotra n. N. of a Stotra
- ○tarī-√bhū to become fiercer or more passionate Kād
- ○tā f. great violence or passion Uttarar
- ○deva m. N. of a prince W
- ○pāṇḍava n. 'the wrathful sons of Pāṇḍu', N. of a drama by Rāja-śekhara (= bāla-bhārata)
- ○bhairava (prob.) m. N. of a Vyāyoga (kind of drama)
- ○bhairava-rasa m. N. of a partic. medicinal preparation L
- ○mādhava m. (with kāśmīra) N. of a poet Cat
- ○mūrti m. Crataeva Roxburghī L
- ○vadana mf(ā)n. having a terrible face Dhūrtas.
- ○varman m. N. of a prince Daś
- ○śakti m. N. of a man Kathās
- ○śarakārmuka mfn. having sharp arrows and a terrible bow (said of the god of love) MBh
- ○śephas m. N. of a man Kautukar
- ○sūrya mfn. having a hot or burning sun Ṛitus
- ○sena m. N. of a prince, of Tāmra-liptikā Vet
- pracaṇḍâtapa m. fierce or stifling heat, Ṛit
- pracaṇḍogrā f. N. of a Yoginī Hcat
- pra-√cat Caus. Ā. -cātayate, to drive or scare away, remove, destroy RV
- pra-ḍcátā ind. secretly, in secret ib
- pra-capala mfn. very unsteady or restless Hariv
- pra-caya &c. See pra- √1. ci
- pra-√car P. -carati (ep. also Ā. ○te), to proceed towards, go or come to, arrive at (acc.) RV. &c. &c
- to come forth, appear MBh. R. &c
- to roam, wander Prab. BhP
- to circulate, be or become current (as a story) R. Var
- to set about, perform, discharge (esp. sacred functions, with instr. of the object or of the means employed) AV. Br. KātyŚr
- to be active or busy, be occupied or engaged in (loc.) MBh. BhP
- to proceed, behave, act in peculiar manner Mn. MBh. &c
- to come off, take place BhP.: Caus. -cārayati, to allow to roam, turn out to graze Hariv
- to make public W
- pra-ḍcara m. a road, way, path L
- usage, custom, currency W
- going well or widely ib
- pl. N. of a people R. (vḷ. praccara and pra-stara)
- pra-ḍcaraṇa n. going to graze Cat
- proceeding with, beginning, undertaking ŚrS. Bālar
- circulating, being current W
- employing, using MW
- (ī́), f. (sc. sruc) a wooden ladle employed for want of a better at a sacrifice ŚBr. KātyŚr
- pra-ḍcaraṇīya mfn. being in actual use ŚBr
- pra-ḍcarita mfn. followed, practised Mn. x, 100
- arrived at, visited R
- current, publicly known Car. Sch
- pra-ḍcaritavya mfn. to be proceeded with or undertaken, to be performed AitBr
- pra-ḍcaritos inf. (with purā) before he (the Adhvaryu) sets to work GopBr. Vait
- pra-ḍcaryā f. an action, process ĀśvŚr
- pra-ḍcāra m. roaming, wandering Hariv. (cf. bhikṣā-)
- coming forth, showing one's self, manifestation, appearance, occurrence, existence MBh. Kāv. &c
- application, employment, use ib
- conduct, behaviour Mn. MBh. &c
- prevalence, currency, custom, usage W
- a playground, place of exercise Hariv
- pasture-ground, pasturage Mn. ix, 219 (= Vishṇ. xviii, 44, where Sch. 'a way or road leading from or to a house') Yājñ. MBh. Hariv. R
- pra-ḍcāraṇa n. (prob.) scattering, strewing Kād
- pra-ḍcārita mfn. allowed to wander or roam about MW
- made public or manifest ib. (cf. g. tārakâdi)
- pra-ḍcārin mfn. coming forth, appearing MBh
- following, adhering or sticking to (loc. or comp.) ib
- proceeding with, acting, behaving ib
- going about, wandering MW
- pra-√cal P. -calati (rarely Ā. ○te), to be set in motion, tremble, quake TBr. MBh. &c
- to stir, move on, advance, set out, depart MBh. BhP. Pañcat
- to start, spring up from (a seat) R
- to swerve, deviate from (abl.) MBh
- to become troubled or confused, be perplexed or bewildered or excited ib. BhP.: Caus. -calayati, to set in motion, move, jog, wag Kāv
- to remove from (abl.) Suśr
- -cālayati, to cause to shake or tremble R
- to stir up, stir round Pañcat
- pra-ḍcala mfn. moving, tremulous, shaking MBh. Kāv. Suśr
- what goes well or widely W
- current, circulating, customary ib
- -kāñcana-kuṇḍala mfn. (an ear) adorned with golden rings Ṛitus
- -dāsa m. N. of a poet Cat
- -latā-bhuja mfn. having tremulous arm-creepers (= slender arms that tremble) Prab
- -siṃha m. N. of a poet Cat
- -"ṣcalâṅga mfn. having tremulous limbs MBh
- pra-ḍcalaka m. a species of venomous reptile Suśr. (cf. ○calāka)
- pra-ḍcalakin wṛ. for ○calākin
- pra-ḍcalat mfn. moving, trembling, shaking MBh. Kāv. &c
- going, proceeding far or much W
- circulating, being current or customary W
- prevailing, being recognized (as authority or law) ib
- pra-ḍcalana n. trembling, shaking, rocking, swaying MaitrUp. Pañcat
- retiring, flight Pañcat
- going well or widely W
- circulating, being current or customary ib
- pra-ḍcalāka m. shooting with arrows L
- a peacock's tail or crest L
- a chameleon Āpast
- a snake or other venomous animal (cf. ○calaka) Suśr.
- (○calā́kā), f. springing up TS. Sch
- pra-ḍcalākin m. a peacock L
- a snake L
- pra-ḍcalāya Nom. P. ○yati, to nod the head (while asleep) Jātakam
- pra-ḍcalāyana n. nodding the head (on first becoming intoxicated) Car
- pra-ḍcalāyita mfn. nodding the head (while asleep and in a sitting posture) L
- rolling about, tumbling, tossed about (as a ship) MW
- n. See under āsīna
- pra-ḍcalita mfn. set in motion, moved, shaken, tremulous, rolling (as the eye) MBh. R. &c
- one who has set out, proceeded, departed Pañcat. Hit. Vet
- confused, bewildered, perplexed MBh. BhP
- current, customary, circulating W
- prevailing, recognized, received (as authority or law) ib
- n. going away, departure BhP
- pra-ḍcālaka mf(ikā)n. causing to tremble, trembling with (comp.) L
- pra-ḍcālana n. stirring, stir, noise (?) Pañcat
- pra-caṣāla n. a partic. ornament on a sacrificial post MBh
- pra-cāya &c. See below
- pracāla m. the neck of the Vīṇā or Indian lute L. (wṛ. for pravāla)
- pra-ci √1. P. Ā. -cinoti, -cinute, to collect, gather, pluck Gobh. MBh. &c
- to mow or cut down (enemies) MBh
- to increase, augment, enhance Var.: Pass. -cīyate, to be gathered or collected, to grow, thrive, multiply MBh. Kāv
- pra-caya m. (ifc. f. ā) collecting, gathering Pāṇ. 3-3, 40 (cf. puṣpa-)
- accumulation, heap, mass, quantity, multitude Ṛitus. Rājat. Suśr
- growth, increase A
- slight aggregation W
- = -svara TPrāt
- (in alg.) the common increase or difference of the terms in a progression
- -kāṣṭhâgata mfn. one who has attained the highest degree of intensity Nyāyam. Sch
- -svara m. 'accumulated tone', the tone occurring in a series of unaccented syllables following a Svarita RPrāt. Śiksh
- pra-ḍcayana n. gathering, collecting ( phala-)
- pra-ḍcāya m
- pra-ḍcāyikā f. gathering, plucking, collecting (with the hand or in turn, cf: puṣpa-
- the latter also 'a female who gathers', A.)
- pra-ḍcita mfn. gathered, collected, heaped, accumulated
- covered or filled with (instr. or comp.) MBh. Suśr
- pronounced with the Pracaya tone, accentless VPrāt
- m. (also -ka) N. of a metre Col
- -svara m. = pracaya-svara
- pra-ḍcinvat mfn. gathering, collecting, plucking MBh. Hariv
- m. N. of a son of Janam-ejaya Hariv. Pur
- pra-ḍceya mfn. to be collected or gathered
- to be increased MW
- spreading everywhere Jātakam
- pracika g. purohitâdi (Kāś.)
- pra-cikīrṣu mfn. (√1. kṛ Desid.) wishing or intending to requite BhP
- pra-√cit P. Ā. -ciketti, -cikitte, to know or make known RV
- to become visible or manifest, appear ib. TS.: Caus. -cetayati, to make known, cause to appear RV
- (Ā.) to appear ib.: Desid. -cikitsati, to show, point out ib
- pra-ḍcikita (prá-), mfn. knowing, familiar or conversant with VS. (Mahīdh.)
- pra-ḍcetana mfn. illumining, illustrating SV
- pra-ḍcetas (prá-), mfn. attentive, observant, mindful, clever, wise (said of the gods, esp. of Agni and the Ādityas) RV. AV. VS. TS
- happy, delighted L
- m. N. of Varuṇa Hariv. Kālid. BhP
- of a Prajā-pati (an ancient sage and law-giver) Mn. i, 35 (-smṛti f. N. of wk.)
- of a prince (son of Duduha) Hariv
- of a son of Duryāman VP
- of a son of Dur-mada BhP
- pl. (wṛ. prāc○) N. of the 10 sons of Prācīna-barhis by a daughter of Varuṇa (they are the progenitors of Daksha) MBh. Hariv. Pur
- pra-ḍcetasa wṛ. for prāc○
- (ī), f. Myrica Sapida L
- pra-ḍcetita mfn. ( See a-prac○) noticed, observed
- pra-ḍcetúna mfn. affording a wide view or prospect RV
- pra-citi f. (√2. ci) investigation, examination (= vi-citi) Kuṭṭanīm
- pra-√cint P. -cintayati, to think upon, reflect, consider, find out, devise, contrive MBh. Kāv. &c. 1
- pra-ḍcintya ind. having reflected or considered MBh. 2
- pra-ḍcintya mfn. to be reflected or cṭconsidered ib
- pracībala m. or n. a species of plant Suśr
- pra-cīra m. N. of a son of Vatsaprī and Su-nandā MārkP.
- pra-cīrṇa mfn. (√car) come forth, appeared MBh
- pra-√cud P. -codati, to set in motion, drive on, urge, impel RV.: Caus. -codayati id. RV. (Ā. to hasten, make haste, viii, 24, 13) MBh. Kāv. &c
- to excite, inspire RV
- to command, summon, request, demand Mn. MBh. &c
- to announce, make known, proclaim Mn. iii, 228
- pra-ḍcudita mfn. (m. c. for ○codita) hurled, shot off MBh
- pra-ḍcoda m. instigation Buddh
- pra-ḍcodaka mf(ikā)n. instigating
- (ikā), f. 'inflamer', N. of the 4 daughters of Niyojikā (daughter of the demon Du?-saha) MārkP
- pra-ḍcodana n. instigating, exciting MBh
- direction, order, command R
- a rule or law W
- saying ib
- sending ib
- (ī), f. Solanum Jacquini L
- pra-ḍcodita mfn. (fr. Caus.) driven on, urged, impelled MBh. Ragh
- asked, requested, ordered, directed Mn. (cf. a-prac○) R
- decreed, determined BhP
- announced, proclaimed ŚvetUp
- sent, dispatched W
- pra-ḍcodin mfn. driving forward, urging Kathās
- (inī), f. Solanum Jacquini L
- pra-cupita See upasthita-p○
- pracura mf(ā)n. much, many, abundant (opp. to alpa)
- plenteous, plentiful, frequent
- (ifc.) abounding in, filled with MBh. Kāv. &c
- m. a thief A
- ○candana n. much sandal Ṛitus
- ○cchala mfn. hidden in manifold disguises MBh
- ○tā f. (Var.),
- ○tva n. (Hariv. &c.) abundance, multitude
- ○nitya-dhanâgama mfn. receiving many and constant supplies of money Bhartṛ
- ○paribhava m. frequent humiliation ib
- ○pādapa mfn. abounding with trees R
- ○puruṣa mfn. abounding with men, populous W
- m. a thief. L
- ○ratna-dhanâgama mfn. having a large income of gems and money MW
- ○loma mfn. having too much hair Kull
- pracurī in comp. for ○ra
- ○karaṇa n. making abundant, augmenting, increasing W
- ○kṛta mfn. augmented, increased ib
- ○√bhū to become abundant, increase Śiś
- pra-√cūrṇ P. -cūrṇayati (only aor. prâcucūrṇat), to crush, grind to dust Bhaṭṭ
- pra-√cṛt P. -cṛtati, to loose, loosen, untie AV. ĀśvŚr
- pra-ḍcṛtta mfn. loose, dishevelled
- -śikha mfn. with dishṭdishevelled hair ĀśvGṛ
- pra-cetana &c. See pra-√cit
- pracetṛ m. a charioteer L. (wṛ. for pra-vetṛ)
- pra-cela n. (√cel?) yellow sandalwood L
- pra-ḍcelaka m. a horse L
- praceluka m. a cook L. (wṛ. for paceluka)
- pra-coda &c. See pra-√cud
- pra-cchad (√chad), P. Ā. -cchādayati, ○te, to cover, envelop, wrap up (Ā. with instr. 'to cover one's self with, put on') ŚBr. GṛŚrS. MBh. &c
- to be in the way, be an obstacle to (acc.) R
- to hide, conceal, disguise, keep secret Mn. MBh. &c
- pra-cḍcchád f. a cover, covering VS. MaitrS
- pra-cḍcchada m. a cover, coverlet, wrapper, blanket L
- -paṭa m. (L.), -vāsas n. (Kathās.) id
- pra-cḍcchanna mfn. covered, enveloped, shut up ŚBr. MBh. &c
- hidden, concealed, unobserved, private, secret, disguised (ibc. and am ind. 'secretly, covertly') Mn. MBh. &c
- n. a private door
- a lattice, loop-hole L
- -gupta mfn. secretly hidden Bhartṛ
- -cāraka and -cārin mfn. acting secretly or fraudulently R
- -taskara m. a secret thief Mn
- -pāpa m. a secretly sinner ib
- -vañcaka m. a secretly rogue or rascal ib
- -vṛtti f. a secretly manner or way Śukas
- ○cchannī-√bhū, to hide or conceal one's self. L
- pra-cḍcchādaka mf(ikā)n. concealing, covering (ifc.) MārkP. Suśr
- m. the song of a wife deserted by her husband (sung with the accompaniment of a lute and containing a covert description of her sorrows) L
- pra-cḍcchādana mfn. concealing, hiding (cf. piplu-)
- n. covering, concealing, concealment MBh. Pañcat
- an upper or outer garment L
- -paṭa m. a cover, coverlet, wrapper Pañcat
- pra-cḍcchādita mfn. covered, wrapped up, clothed, hidden, concealed R. Suśr. 1
- pra-cḍcchādya ind. having covered or hidden MBh. 2.
- pra-cḍcchādya mfn. to be covered or hidden Kāv
- pracchana See under √prach
- pra-cchāna pra-cchita, See under pra-ccho below
- pra-cchāya (prob.) n. a shadowy place, dense shade Hariv. Śak. Kathās
- pra-cchid (√chid), P.Ā. -cchinatti, -cchintte, to cut off or through, pierce, split, cleave AV. &c. &c
- to rend or take away, withdraw MBh.: Caus. -cchedayati, to cause to cut off &c. MBh.: Caus. of Intens. -cecchidayya Pat
- pra-cḍcchíd mfn. cutting off or to pieces VS. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 61 Sch.)
- pra-cḍcchindyā-karṇa mf(ī)n. whose ear is to be cleft MaitrS. (cf. Pāṇ. 6-3, 115)
- pra-cḍccheda m. a cutting, slip, strip KātyŚr
- a musical division, bar (?) Divyâv
- pra-cḍcchedaka m. a song sung by a wife who thinks her husband false to her Sāh. (cf. pra-cchādaka)
- pra-cḍcchedana n. dividing into small pieces ṢaḍvBr
- pra-cḍcchedya See a-pracchedya
- pra-cchuḍ (√chuḍ), Caus. -cchoḍayati, to stretch out Kāraṇḍ
- pra-cchṛd (√chṛd), Caus. -cchardayati, to vomit Suśr
- pra-cḍcchardana n. emitting, exhaling Yogas
- vomiting, an emetic Suśr
- pra-cḍcchardi (Gal.),
- pra-cḍcchardikā (Pāṇ. 3-3, 108 Sch.), f. vomiting, sickness
- pra-ccho (√cho
- only ind. p. -cchayitvā), to bleed by making incisions in the skin, cup, lance, scarify Suśr
- pra-cḍcchāna n. scarifying, making sore ib
- pra-cḍcchita mfn. cut, lanced, scarified ib
- pra-cyu Ā. -cyavate (ep. also P. ○ti), to move, proceed, depart TS. AV. ŚBr
- to swerve or deviate from (abl.) MBh
- to be deprived of, lose (abl.) ib. Kāv. Pañcat
- to come or stream forth ib
- to fall down, drop, stumble ŚBr. MBh. R
- to fall (scil. from heaven i.e. be born again) HPariś.: Caus. -cyāvayati, to move, shake RV
- to eject, remove or dispel or divert from (abl.) ib. &c. &c
- to cause to fall (lit. and fig.) MBh. Daś. BhP. Suśr
- pra-ḍcyava m. fall, ruin Kāṭh
- withdrawal Kap. Sch
- advancement, improvement MW
- pra-ḍcyavana mfn. removing, destroying Car. (wṛ. for ○cyāvana?)
- n. falling down (esp. from heaven i.e. being born again) HPariś
- departure, withdrawal Suśr
- loss, deprivation (with abl.) MBh
- oozing, dropping A
- pra-ḍcyāvana n. means of removing or diminishing, a sedative Suśr
- causing to give up, diverting from (abl.) Pāṇ. Sch
- pra-ḍcyāvuka mfn. transitory, fragile, SāṅkhBr
- pra-ḍcyuta (prá-), mfn. routed, put to flight expelled, banished, retreated AV
- streamed forth or issued from (abl.) ib. MBh. &c
- fallen from (lit. and fig.), swerved from, deprived of (abl. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c
- subtracted, Bījag
- -tva n. deviation, retreat MW
- pra-ḍcyuti f. going away, withdrawing, departing Śaṃk
- loss, deprivation (with abl.) ib
- falling from, giving up (ifc.) Var. Sch
- decay, fall, ruin (a-pr○) ŚBr. ŚāṅkhŚr
- prach cl.6. P. (Dhātup.xxviii, 120), pṛcchati (Ved. and ep. also Ā. pṛcchate
- pf. papraccha Br. &c., papṛkṣé RV. iv, 43, 7
- aor. áprākṣīt AV. &c., áprāṭ RV., apraṣṭa Kāv
- fut. prakṣyati Br. &c., praṣṭā Gr
- ind. p. pṛṣṭvā, -pṛcchya MBh
- inf. práṣṭum AV. &c., -pṛ́ccham, ○cche RV.), to ask, question, interrogate (acc.)
- to ask after inquire about (acc.)
- to ask or interrogate any one (acc.) about anything (acc., dat., loc., prati, or adhikṛtya with acc
- arthe or hetoḥ ifc.) RV. (pr.p. Ā. pṛcchamāna, 'asking one's self', x ; 34, 6) &c. &c
- (in astrol.) to consult the future Var
- (with nāmato mātaram) to inquire about one's (gen.) mother's name Śak
- (with na) not to trouble one's self with ĀśvŚr
- to seek, wish, long for
- to ask, demand, beg, entreat (acc.) RV.: Pass. pṛcchyáte, to be asked or questioned about (act., dat. &c., as above) RV. &c. &c.: Caus. pracchayati (aor. apapracchat), Gr.: Desid. pipṛcchiṣati Pāṇ. 1-2, 8: Intens. parīpṛcchyate Pāṇ. 7-4, 90 Pat.
- pracchana n. (and ○nā f.) asking, inquiring, a question, inquiry L
- pra-ja See under pra-√jan
- pra-jaṅgha m. N. of a monkey and of a Rākshasa R
- (ā), f. a partic. portion of the lower part of the, thigh, Jātakam
- pra-√jan Ā. -jāyate (ep. also P. ○ti), to be born or produced, spring up from (abl.) be begotten (by instr. or abl.
- from abl.
- or with loc.
- in ) RV. &c. &c
- to become an embryo ŚBr
- to be born again MBh
- to propagate offspring with or by (instr.) RV. ŚBr. Mn
- to bring forth, generate, bear, procreate (acc.)
- beget on (loc. or instr.) MBh
- to cause to be reproduced ŚBr.: Caus. -janayati, to cause any one (acc.) to propagate offspring (instr.) RV
- to beget, procreate MaitrS. (aor. prajanayām akaḥ
- Pāṇ. 3-1, 42) AV. ŚBr
- to cause to be reproduced ŚBr.: Desid. -jijaniṣate, to wish to be born ŚBr.: Desid. of Caus. -jijanayiṣati, to wish to cause to be conceived or born ib
- pra-ḍja mf(ā)n. bringing forth, bearing ( a-praja)
- m. a husband L
- (ā), f. See below. 1
- pra-jajñi mfn. (for 2. See under pra-jñā) able to beget ( See 1. a-prajajñi)
- pra-ḍjana m. begetting, impregnation, generation, bearing, bringing forth (rarely n.) Mn. MBh
- one who begets, generator, progenitor BhP
- ○nartham ind. for the sake of procreation Mn. ix, 96
- pra-ḍjánana mfn. begetting, generating, generative, vigorous VS. ŚBr
- n. the act of begetting or bringing forth, generation, procreation, birth, production (lit. and fig.) AV. &c. &c
- generative energy, semen TS. TBr. ŚrS
- the male (RV. Br.) or female (L.) generative organ
- offspring, children BhP
- = pra-gama, or pra-gata L
- -kāma mfn. desirous of begetting or bringing forth Kauś
- -kuśala mfn. skilled in midwifery Suśr
- -vat (○jánana-), possessing generative power AV
- pra-ḍjanayitṛ́ m. a generator, begetter, progenitor TS. Br
- pra-ḍjanikā f. a mother L
- pra-ḍjaniṣṇú mfn. generative, procreative, producing ŚBr. Kāṭh. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 136)
- being born or produced W
- growing, standing (as corn) ib
- pra-ḍjaniṣyamāṇā f. about to bring forth, being near the time of delivery Suśr
- pra-ḍjanú mf. the organ of generation (of females) TBr
- pra-ḍjanuka (?), m. the body L
- pra-ḍjas (ifc.) = ○jā (cf. duṣ-, bahu-)
- m. N. of a son of Manu Auttami VP
- pra-ḍjāta (prá-), mfn. born, produced, Rv. &c. &c
- (ā), f. a woman who has borne a child ŚrS. MBh. &c. (cf. ṛta-)
- pra-ḍjāti (prá-), f. generating or generative power, generation, production, bringing forth, delivery Br. ŚrS. BhP
- = upa-nayana, initiation with the sacred thread (as causing second birth) BhP. Sch
- m. N. of a prince MārkP. (vḷ. pra-jāni)
- -kāma mfn. desirous of propagation AitBr
- -mat mfn. containing words relating to generation ib
- ○tyānanda m. the joy of propagation BhP
- prajā́ f. (ifc. f. ā
- cf. pra-ja above) procreation, propagation, birth RV. AV
- offspring, children, family, race, posterity, descendants, aftergrowth (of plants) RV. &c. &c
- a creature, animal, man, mankind
- people, subjects (of a prince) ib
- seed, semen VS. (cf. -niṣeka)
- an era Divyâv
- ○kara m. a symbol. N. for 'a sword' (!) L
- ○kalpa m. the time of creation Hariv. (perhaps wṛ. for purā-k○)
- ○kāma (○jā́-), mfn. desirous of offspring AV. &c. &c
- m. desire of offspring ML
- ○kāra m. the author of creation Hariv
- ○gupti f. protection of subjects Āpast
- ○ghnī See -han
- ○candra m. 'people's moon', honorific N. of a prince Rājat
- ○tantu m. a line of descendants, a race TUp. BhP
- ○tīrtha n. the auspicious moment of birth BhP
- ○dā f. 'granting offspring', N. of a species of shrub L
- ○dāna n. procreation of children Āpast
- 'people's gift', silver L
- ○dvāra n. 'gate or means of obtaining progeny', N. of the sun MBh
- ○dhara mfn. supporting creatures (said of Vishṇu) Vishṇ
- ○"ṣdhyakṣa (○jâdh○), m. 'surveyor of creatures', N. of the sun MBh
- of Kardama and Daksha BhP
- ○nātha m. 'lord of creatures', N. of Brahmā or Manu Prab
- of Daksha, Bh
- = -pa Ragh. Rājat
- ○niṣeka m. infusion of semen, impregnation, offspring Ragh. xiv, 60
- ○"ṣntaka (○jânt○), m. 'destroyer of creatures', Yama, god of death L. -1
- ○pa mfn. (for 2. See pra-√jap) protecting subjects Nalac
- m. a prince, king L
- ○pati (○jā-), m. 'lord of creatures', N. of Savitṛi, Soma, Agni, Indra &c. RV. AV
- a divinity presiding over procreation, protector of life ib. VS. Mn. Suśr. BhP.
- lord of creatures, creator RV. &c. &c. (N. of a supreme god above or among the Vedic deities but in later times also applied to Vishṇu, Śiva, Time personified, the sun, fire, &c., and to various progenitors, esp. to the 10 lords of created beings first created by Brahmā, viz. Marīci, Atri, Aṅgiras, Pulastya, Pulaka, Kratu, Vasishṭha, Pracetas or Daksha, Bhṛigu, Nārada [Mn.i, 34
- IW. 206, n.], of whom some authorities count only the first 7, others the last 3)
- a father L
- a king, prince L
- a son-in-law L
- N. of the 5th (39th) year in a 60 years' cycle of Jupiter Var
- the planet Mars, a partic. star, ? Aurigae Sūryas
- (in astrol.) = 2. kāla-nara, q.v
- a species of insect L
- N. of sev. men and authors Cat
- (ī), f. a matron, lady Divyâv
- N. of Gautama Buddha's aunt and nurse (with the patr. Gautamī, the first woman who assented to his doctrines) Lalit
- -grihīta (○jā́-p○), mfn. seized by Prajā-pati VS
- -carita n. N. of wk
- -cití f. Prajā-pati's layer ŚBr
- -datta m. N. of a man Pat
- -nivāsinī f. N. of a Gandharvii Kāraṇḍ
- -pati m. 'lord of the Prajā-pati', N. of Brahmā BhP
- of Daksha ib
- -bhakṣita (○jā́-p○), mfn. eaten by Prajā-pati VS
- -mukha (jā́-p○), mfn. having Prajā-pati as head or chief ŚBr
- -yajña m. 'sacrifice to Prajā-pati', the procreation of children enjoined by law VP
- -loká m. Prajā-pati's world (situated between the sphere of Brahmā and that of the Gandharvas) ŚBr
- -śarman m. N. of a man L
- -sṛṣṭa (○jā́-p○), mfn. created by Prajā-pati AV. ŚBr
- -smṛti f. N. of wk
- -hṛdaya n. 'Prajā-pati's heart', N. of a Sāman ŚrS. (also prajā́pater-hṛ́d○ ŚBr. TS.)
- ○patika m. endearing form of prajāpati-datta Pat
- ○patya wṛ. for prājāpatya
- ○paddhati f. N. of wk
- ○paripālana n. the protection of subjects Vishṇ
- ○pāla m. 'protector of creatures', N. of Kṛishṇa MBh
- a prince, king ib. Rājat
- N. of a king VarP
- ○pālana n. = -paripālana Mn. ix, 253 &c
- N. of wk
- ○pāli m. 'protector of creatures', N. of Śiva Śivag. (cf. go-pāli)
- ○pālya n. the office of protector of the people, royal office R
- ○"ṣmṛtatva (○jâmṛ○), n. perpetuity of posterity AV
- ○"ṣrtham and ind. for the sake of offspring MBh
- ○"ṣḍrthe (○jârth○), ind. for the sake of offspring MBh
- ○vat (○jā́-), mfn. having or granting offspring or children, prolific, fruitful RV. &c. &c
- m. N. of a Ṛishi and his hymn ĀśvGṛ
- (with the patr. prājāpatya) supposed author of RV. x, 183 Anukr
- (atī), f. pregnant BhP
- (ifc.) bringing forth, mother of MārkP. (cf. viira-)
- a brother's wife Ragh
- the wife of an elder brother L
- N. of a tutelary deity of the Su-mantus VarP
- of a Surâṅganā Siṃhâs
- of the wife of Priya-vrata MārkP
- ○varī f. vḷ. for -vatī (f. of prec.) MānGṛ
- ○víd mfn. bestowing or granting progeny AV
- ○vṛddhi f. increase or abundance of offspring Āpast
- ○vyāpāra m. care for or anxiety about the people Siṃhâs
- ○vyṛddha-paśu-vyṛddha mfn. one who has ill luck with his children and cattle ĀpŚr
- ○śānti f. N. of wk
- ○sáni mfn. = -vid VS
- ○sṛj m. creator of beings, N. of Brahmā and Kaśyapa Rājat
- father or king Śiś. i, 28 Sch
- ○han mf(ghnī)n. killing offspring, destroying progeny PārGṛ
- ○hita mfn. favourable to or good for offspring or subjects
- n. water W
- prajêpsu mfn. desirous to obtain offspring MW
- prajâśa m. 'lord of creatures', N. of the god presiding over the procreation of offspring BhP
- 'lord of the people', a prince, king Ragh. BhP
- prajêśvara m. 'lord of creatures', creator (cf. prājeśvara)
- a prince, king Hariv. Ragh
- prajêhā f. desire of offspring MBh
- prajôtpatti f. the raising up of progeny MW
- prajôtpādana n. id. Suśr
- pra-jānā f. the place of bringing forth AitĀr
- pra-ḍjāni m. N. of a prince Pur. (cf. jāti)
- pra-ḍjāyinī f. about to bring forth Suśr
- (ifc.) bearing, bringing forth, a mother of (cf. viira-)
- pra-ḍjijanayiṣitavyá mfn. (fr. Desid. of Caus.) wished to be born ŚBr
- pra-ḍjíjaniṣamāṇa mfn. (fr. Desid.) wishing to be born or produced ŚBr
- pra-√jap P. -japati, to recite in a low tone, whisper, mutter MBh. 2
- pra-ḍjāpa mfn. (for 1. See under pra-jā) muttering prayers, praying Nalac
- pra-jaya See under pra-√ji
- pra-√jalp P. -jalpati, to talk, speak, tell, communicate, announce, proclaim Yājñ. MBh. &c
- pra-ḍjalpa m. prattle, gossip, heedless or frivolous words (esp. words used in greeting a lover) L.
- pra-ḍjalpana n. talking, speaking Pañcat
- pra-ḍjalpita mfn. talked, spoken ib
- one who has begun to talk Kum
- n. spoken words, talk MBh
- pra-java See pra-√jū below
- pra-jahita See pra-√hā
- pra-√jāgṛ P. -jāgarti, to watch, watch over (loc.) Bhaṭṭ
- to lie in wait for (gen.) MBh.: Caus. -jāgarayati (aor. -ajīgaḥ), to wake (trans.) RV
- pra-ḍjāgara mfn. one who wakes, waking MBh. &c
- m. a watchman, guardian BhP
- N. of Vishṇu MBh
- waking, watching, attention, care (also pl.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- waking up (intr.) Kām
- (ā), f. N. of an Apsaras MBh
- pra-ḍjāgaraṇa n. being awake Suśr
- pra-ḍjāgarūka mfn. wide awake, Śrikaṇṭh
- prajāpayitṛ́ in., wṛ. for pradājayitṛ́ TBr
- pra-√ji P. -jayati, to, win, conquer AV. &c. &c
- pra-ḍjayá m. victory, conquest ŚBr
- pra-ḍjit mfn. conquering, defeating Pāṇ. 3-2, 61 Sch
- prajita mfn. driven, impelled, urged on (prob. wṛ. for prâjita
- See tottra-, daṇḍa-)
- prajina m. wind, air (also spelt prajīna) L
- pra-√jinv P. -jinvati, or -jincti, to refresh, animate, promote, further RV
- pra-jihīrṣu mfn. (Desid. of √hṛ) being about to strike or hit Rājat
- pra-jīvana n. (√jīv) livelihood, subsistence Mn. ix, 163
- pra-ḍjīvin m. N. of a minister of Megha-varṇa (the king of the crows) Pañcat
- pra-juṣṭa mfn. (√juṣ) strongly attached to or intent on (loc.) Mn. ii, 96
- pra-√jū Ā. -javate, to hasten forwards RV. iii, 33, 1 (?): Caus. -jāvayati, to set in rapid motion, dart, shoot (arrows) Nir. ix, 17
- pra-ḍjavá m. haste, rapidity RV
- mfn. rapid, swift Gal
- (○jávam), ind. hastily, rapidly TS
- pra-ḍjavana mfn. running very quickly Uttarar
- pra-ḍjavita mfn. driven on, impelled MBh. Hariv. R
- (ifc.) urged on, incited, summoned by (= pra-codita) Hariv
- pra-ḍjavin mfn. hastening, rapid, swift Kād. Kathās. (Pāṇ. 3-2, 156)
- m. a runner, courier, express
- pra-√jṛmbh Ā. -jṛmbhate, to begin to yawn, open the mouth MBh
- pra-√jṝ P. -jīryati, to be digested Suśr
- pra-ḍjīrṇa mfn. digested Car
- prajjaṭikā f. a kind of Prākṛit metre Col
- prajji m. N. of a man Rājat
- pra-jña mfn. = pra-jñu L
- pra-√jñā P. -jānāti, to know, understand (esp. a way or mode of action), discern, distinguish, know about, be acquainted with (acc.) RV. &c. &c
- to find out, discover, perceive, learn MBh. Kāv. &c.:, Caus. , to show or point out (the way) ŚBr
- to summon, invite Lalit. 2
- pra-ḍjájñi mfn. (for 1. See pra-√jan) knowing, conversant with ŚBr
- pra-jña mf(ā)n. (for 1. See above) wise, prudent MāṇḍUp
- (ifc.) knowing, conversant with (cf. nikṛti-, pathi-)
- (ā), f. See col. 2
- -tā (○jñá-) f. knowledge. ŚBr
- pra-jñaka See akṛta-prajñaka
- pra-jñapta mfn. (fr. Caus.) ordered, prescribed (cf. vaidya-)
- arranged (as a seat) Divyâv
- pra-jñapti f. teaching, information, instruction BhP
- an appointment, agreement, engagement W
- arrangement (of a seat) Divyâv
- (with Jainas) a partic. magical art personified as one of the Vidyā-deviis Kathās. (L. also ○tī)
- -kauśika m. N. of a teacher acquainted with the magical art called Prajñapti Kathās
- -vādin m. pl. N. of a Buddhist school SaddhP
- -śāstra n. N. of wk
- pra-jñāta mfn. known, understood, found out, discerned, known as (nom.), well-known, public, common, notorious Mn. MBh. &c
- pra-jñātavya mfn. to be known, discernible KaushUp
- pra-jñāti (prá-), f. knowing the way to (gen.) or the right way ŚBr. TāṇḍBr
- jñātṛ́ m. one who knows the way, guide, conductor RV
- ḍjñātra See a-prajñātrá
- ḍjñā́na mf(ī)n. prudent, wise L.
- easily known AV
- n. knowledge, wisdom, intelligence, discrimination AV. &c. &c
- a distinctive mark, token of recognition, any mark or sign or characteristic AV. MBh. R. &c
- a monument, memorial ŚBr
- -kumuda-candrikā f. N. of wk
- -ghaná m. nothing but knowledge ŚBr. (cf. under ghaná)
- -tṛpta mfn. satiated with, i.e. full of knowledge MBh
- -saṃtati f. a train of thought Tattvas
- ○nânanda, ○nâśrama, and ○nêndra m. N. of authors Cat
- ḍjñāpana n. (fr. Caus.) statement, assertion Nyāyas. Sch
- -pradeśa-vyākhyā, f
- ○nôpâṅga n. N. of wks
- ḍjñāpanīya or mfn. to be asserted Nyāyas. Sch
- ḍjñāpayitavya mfn. to be asserted Nyāyas. Sch
- ḍjñāpita mfn. betrayed, disclosed Śak. i, 23/24 (v. l.)
- pra-jñā́ f. wisdom, intelligence, knowledge, discrimination, judgment ŚBr. &c. &c
- device, design ŚBr. ŚāṅkhŚr
- a clever or sensible woman W
- Wisdom personified as the goddess of arts and eloquence, Sarasvatī L
- a partic. Śakti or energy Hcat
- (with Buddh.) true or transcendental wisdom (which is three fold Dharmas. 110) MWB. 126 ; 128
- the energy of Ādi-buddha (through the union with whom the latter produced all things) MWB. 204
- ○kara m. N. of a Buddh. scholar and of Sch. on Nalôd
- ○kāya m. N. of Mañju-śri Buddh
- ○kūṭa m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva SaddhP
- ○kośa m. N. of a man Kathās
- ○gupta mfn. protected by understanding (-śarīra) ŚārṅgP
- N. of a Buddh. scholar
- ○ghana m. nothing but intelligence BhP
- ○cakṣus n. the eye of understanding Mālav. Vajracch
- mfn. 'mind-eyed', wise, intelligent MBh. iii, 13891
- blind ib. i, 147 &c
- m. N. of the blind king Dhṛita-rāshṭra L
- ○candra m. 'moon of wisdom', N. of a scholar Buddh
- ○"ṣḍhya (○jñâḍhya), m. 'rich in wisdom', N. of a man Kathās
- ○"ṣtman (○jñât○), mfn. 'one whose nature is wisdom', being all wisdom AitĀr
- ○"ṣditya (○jñâd○), m. 'sun of wisdom', N. applied to a very clever man Rājat
- ○deva m. 'god of wisdom', N. of a scholar Buddh
- ○"ṣntaka (○jñât○), m. 'destroyer of wisdom', (with Buddh.) one of the 10 gods of anger Dharmas. 11
- ○pāramitā f. perfection in wṭwisdom Kathās. Kāraṇḍ
- (with Buddh.) one of the 6 or 10 transcendent virtues Dharmas. 17 ; 18 MWB. 128
- -sūtra n. N. of wk
- ○"ṣpêta (○jñâp○), mfn. destitute of wisdom or knowledge KaushUp
- ○prakāśa m. N. of wk
- ○pratibhāsita m. 'illumined by wisdom', a partic. Samādhi Kāraṇḍ
- ○bhadra m. 'excelling in wṭwisdom', N. of a scholar Buddh
- ○maya mf(ī)n. made or consisting of wisdom or understanding MBh
- ○mātrā f. an element of cognition, organ of sense KaushUp
- ○vat mfn. wise, knowing, shrewd, intelligent Kathās. Pañcat. &c
- ○vardhana-stotra n. N. of a Stotra
- ○varman m. 'having wisdom for armour', N. of a man Buddh
- ○vāda m. a word of wisdom Bhag
- ○vṛddha mfn. old in wisdom or knowledge MBh
- ○sahāya mfn. 'having wṭwisdom for a companion', wise, intelligent Kathās
- ○sāgara m. 'sea of wisdom', N. of a king's minister Kathās
- ○sū7kta-muktâvalī f. N. of wk
- ○hīna mfn. destitute of wṭwisdom, ignorant, silly, unwise W
- prajñāla mfn. wise, prudent, g. sidhmâdi
- prajñin mfn. id. L
- prajñila mfn. id., g. picchâdi
- pra-jñu mfn. having the knees far apart, bandy-legged, bow-legged L. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-4, 129)
- pra-√jval P. -jvalati (ep. also Ā. ○te), to begin to burn or blaze, be kindled (lit. and fig.), flame or flash up, shine, gleam TBr. ChUp. MBh. &c.: Caus. , to set on fire, light, kindle, inflame GṛŚrS. ChUp. MBh. &c
- (with Buddh.) to illustrate, explain Divyâv
- pra-√jval--"ṣjvalana n. blazing up, flaming, burning Var. Pratāp
- pra-√jval--"ṣḍjvalanīya mfn. to be set on fire, inflammable MW
- pra-√jval--"ṣḍjvalita mfn. flaming, blazing, burning, shining Lāṭy. MBh. Kāv. &c
- n. flaming up, blazing, burning Hariv
- pra-√jval--"ṣḍjvālana n. kindling, setting on fire Vishṇ
- pra-√jval--"ṣḍjvālā f. a flame, light R
- pra-√jval--"ṣḍjvālita mfn. lighted, kindled MW
- pra-jvāra m. (√jvar) the heat cf fever (sometimes personified) BhP
- pra-ḍīna mfn. (√ḍī) flown up or forward, taking flight R. Mṛicch
- n. the act of flying, flying forward MBh.
- praṇa mfn. (fr. 1. pra) ancient, old Pāṇ. 5-4, 30 Vārtt. 7 Pat
- pra-ṇakha m. or n. (?) the point of the nails ChUp
- pra-ṇad (√nad), P. -ṇadati, to resound, begin to sound or roar or cry MBh. R
- pra-ṇadana n. = ○ṇāda L
- pra-ṇadita mfn. sounding, buzzing, humming (as a bee) Śiś
- pra-ṇāda m. a loud sound or noise (esp. expressive of approbation or delight), shout, cry, roar, yell, neigh &c. MBh. R
- a murmur or sigh of repture W
- noise or buzzing in the ear (from thickening of the membranes &c.), SuŚr
- N. of a Cakra-vattin Divyâv
- pra-ṇādaka mfn. sounding &c. Pāṇ. 8-4, 14 Sch
- pra-ṇapāt m. a great-grandson RV.
- pra-ṇabh (√nabh), Ā. -ṇabhate, to burst, split, cleave RV
- pra-ṇam (√nam), P. Ā. -ṇamati, ○te (ind. p. -ṇamya), to bend or bow down before (often with mūrdhnā, śirasā &c.), make obeisance to (dat, gen., loc. or acc.) Mn. MBh. &c.: Caus. , (ind. p. -namayya), to cause a person (acc.) to bow before (dat.) Kālid
- to bow, incline ib
- pra-ṇata mfn. bent forwards, bowed, inclined ŚāṅkhBr. Mn. &c
- bowed to, saluted reverentially BhP
- bent towards, offered respectfully Mālav. (cf. below)
- humble, submissive to (gen. or acc.) MBh. R. BhP
- skilful, clever W
- a partic. kind of accentuation Sāy
- of a Pariś. of SV
- -kāya mfn. having the body bent down SaddhP
- -bahu-phala mfn. one to whom various fruits or good things are offered Mālav. i, 1
- -vat mfn. bowing, bent, bowed W
- -śiras mfn. having the head bowed, inclined, stooping W
- ○tâtmavat mfn. 'having one's person bowed', inclined, stooping R. (B.)
- ○tâśeṣa-sāmanta mfn. one to whom all his neighbours bow or are submissive L
- pra-ṇati f. bending, bowing, inclination, salutation, reverence, obeisance MBh. Kāv. &c
- pra-ṇamana n. bowing before, salutation, reverence (gen. or comp.) Bhartṛ. Kathās
- pra-ṇamayya ind. bowing Divyāv
- pra-ṇamita mfn. bent, bowed, inclined (-śiras = praṇata-ś○) Mālav
- offered or given respectfully Amar
- a partic. kind of accentuation SaṃhUp
- pra-ṇamra mfn. bowing, inclined
- ○rī-√bhū, to bow down Kāv
- pra-ṇāma m. (ifc. f. ā) bending, bowing, a bow, respectful salutation, prostration, obeisance (esp. to a Brāhman or to a deity) MBh. Kāv. &c
- -kṛti f. making an obeisance Pañcat
- -mitra m. N. of a man HPariś
- ○mâñjali m. reverential salutation with the hands opened and hollowed Daś
- ○mâdara m. reverential salutation Kum
- pra-ṇāmin mfn. bending, bowing before, honouring (comp.) MBh
- pra-ṇaya ○yana &c. See pra-ṇī
- pra-ṇáva See pra-ṇu
- pra-ṇaś (√1. naś), P. -ṇaśati, to reach, attain (only aor. -ṇak and -naśīmahi) RV
- pra-ṇaś (√2. naś), P. -ṇaśati, or ṇaśyati (ep. also Ā. ○te
- fut. -naṅkṣyati
- inf. -naṣṭum Pāṇ. 8-4, 36 Sch.), to be lost, disappear, vanish RV. &c. &c
- to flee, escape Bhaṭṭ.: Caus. -ṇāśyati, to cause to disappear or perish AV. ŚBr. MBh. &c
- to allow to be lost i.e. leave unrewarded Hit
- pra-ṇāśa m. vanishing, disappearance, cessation, loss, destruction, death R. Var. Suśr. &c
- pra-ṇāśana mf(ī)n. (fr. Caus.) causing to disappear, removing, destroying (ifc.) MBh. Hariv. Suśr. &c
- n. destruction, annihilation Ragh
- pra-ṇāśin mfn. = ○ṇāśana mfn. (only f. inī at the end of a verse) MBh. Hariv. R
- pra-naṣṭa mfn. (wrongly written pra-ṇaṣṭa Pāṇ. 8-4, 36 Sch.) lost, disappeared, vanished, ceased, gone, perished, destroyed, annihilated Mn. MBh. &c
- ○jñānika mfn. one whose knowledge or memory is destroyed Suśr
- ○vinaya mfn. uncivil, rude MW
- ○svāmika mfn. (property) the owner of which has disappeared Mn. viii, 30
- pranaṣṭâdhigata mfn. lost and found again ib., 33
- pra-ṇasa mfn. having a prominent nose Pāṇ. 5-4, 119 Sch
- pra-ṇāḍikā or ○ḍī f. a channel, water-course, drain (met. = intervention, interposition)
- ○ḍikayā (Sarvad.), or ○ḍyā (ŚBr. Sch.), ind. mediately, indirectly
- pra-ṇāla m. a channel from a pond, watercourse, drain L
- (prob.) a row, series Kād
- (ī), f. a channel &c. R. Mṛicch. Siś. Bhpr
- recension (of a text
- cf. pāṭha-)
- intervention, interposition Naish
- pra-ṇālikā f. a channel &c. (cf. sruk-praṇ○)
- intervention, medium L
- (ayā), ind. indirectly Mahīdh
- pra-ṇi for pra-ni, according to Pāṇ. 8-4, 17 before a number of roots, viz. gad ( See below), ci, 1. dā, dih, de, do, drā, dhā ( See below), dhe, nad ( below), pat ( See below), pad, psāmā, me, yam, yā, vap, vah, vā, śam, so, han ( See below)
- according to Vop. xii, 1 also before 1. mī
- pra-ṇiṃsita mfn. (√niṃs) kissed W
- pra-ṇiṃsitavya or mfn. to be kissed Pāṇ. 8-4, 33
- pra-niṃsitavya mfn. to be kissed Pāṇ. 8-4, 33
- pra-ṇikṣ (√nikṣ
- only fut. -ṇikṣiṣyati), to devour Bhaṭṭ
- pra-ṇikṣaṇa or n. Pāṇ. 8-4, 33 Sch
- pra-nikṣaṇa n. Pāṇ. 8-4, 33 Sch
- pra-ṇi-√gad (Pāṇ. 8-4, 17), P. -ṇigadati, to speak, say, declare Śiś. vi, 44
- pra-ṇij (√nij
- aor. prâṇaikṣit), to wash away, cleanse AV. TS. ŚBr
- pra-ṇéjana mf(ī)n. washing or wiping away Lāṭy
- n. the act of washing or bathing AV
- water for washing ŚBr
- pra-ṇi-√jñā P. -jānāti, to reflect, consider Bhaṭṭ
- pra-ṇi-√dhā (Pāṇ. 8-4, 17), P. Ā. -dadhāti, -dhatte, to place in front, cause to precede MBh
- to put down, deposit ib
- to place in, bring into (loc.) ib
- to set (a gem) in (loc.) Hit
- to put on, apply Suśr
- to touch MBh
- to turn or direct (the eyes or thoughts) upon (loc.) MBh. Hariv. &c. (with manas and inf. 'to resolve upon' Bhaṭṭ
- scil. manas, 'to give the whole attention to, reflect, consider' MBh
- ātma praṇidhīyatām, 'one must think' ib.)
- to send out or employ (a spy or emissary), to spy MBh. R
- to find out or ascertain anything (acc.) to be (acc.) MBh
- pra-ṇidhātavya mfn. to be turned upon (loc.) Car
- pra-ṇidhāna n. laying on, fixing, applying (also pl.) Car. Suśr
- access, entrance L
- exertion, endeavour SaddhP
- respectful conduct, attention, paid to (loc.) MBh
- profound religious meditation, abstract contemplation of (comp.) Ragh. Kathās. Vedântas
- vehement desire Lalit
- vow ib
- prayer (threefold) Dharmas. 112
- pra-ṇidhāyin mfn. employing, sending out (spies) Prasannar
- pra-ṇidhi m. watching, observing, spying MBh
- sending out (spies or emissaries) R
- a spy, secret agent, emissary Mn. MBh. &c. (○dhī-√bhū, to become a spy Pañcat.)
- an attendant, follower L
- care, attention L
- asking, solicitation, request SaddhP
- prayer Divyâv
- N. of a son of Bṛihad-ratha MBh
- pra-ṇidheya mfn. to be applied or injected (as a clyster) Suśr
- to be sent out (as a spy) MBh
- n. employing, sending out (of emissaries) MW
- pra-ṇihita mfn. laid on, imposed, applied Suśr
- put down, deposited Bālar. BhP
- outstretched, stretched forth Megh. Sāh
- directed towards, fixed upon (loc.) Hariv. Bhartṛ. BhP
- delivered, committed, entrusted to (dat.) Bālar
- contained in (comp.) BhP
- sent out (as a spy) MBh
- found out, discovered ib
- ascertained or stated Mn. vii, 54
- one who has his thoughts concentrated on one point, intent upon (loc.) R. Bhaṭṭ
- obtained, acquired W
- prudent, cautious, wary ib
- resolved, determined ib
- agreed to or admitted ib
- -dhī (Bhartṛ.), ○tâtman (Āpast.), mfn. having the mind fixed upon (loc. or comp.)
- ○têṣaṇa mfn. having the eyes directed towards or fixed upon (comp.) Hariv
- pra-ṇi-√dhyai (only pf. -dadhyau), to attend to (acc.) BhP
- pra-ṇi-√nad (only pr. p. -nadat Pāṇ. 8-4, 17), sounding deep or like thunder W
- pra-ṇināda m. a deep sound ib
- pra-ṇind (√nind
- only ind. p. -ṇindya
- Pāṇ. 8-4, 33), to blame, censure, upbraid Bhaṭṭ
- pra-ṇindana or n. censuring, upbraiding Pāṇ. ib. Sch
- pra-ṇiḍnindana n. censuring, upbraiding Pāṇ. ib. Sch
- pra-ṇi-√pat (Pāṇ. 8-4, 17), P. -patati (esp. ind. p. -patya), to throw one's self down before, bow respectfully to (acc., rarely dat. or loc.) Mn. MBh. &c.: Caus. -pātayati, to cause a person (acc.) to bow down or fall prostrate Mālav.
- pra-ṇipatana n. throwing one's self down before, falling at a person's feet Amar
- pra-ṇipatita mfn. bowed down in reverence, saluting MBh. R
- pra-ṇipāta m. (ifc. f. ā) falling at a person's feet, prostration, humble submission to (gen.), salutation, reverence, obeisance MBh. Kāv. &c
- -gata mfn. resorting to a respectful salutation MBh
- -puraḥsaram ind. preceded by prostration, with an obeisance MārkP
- -pratīkāra mfn. having submission for a remedy, counteracted by submission Ragh
- -rasa m. 'taking pleasure in submission', N. of a magical formula pronounced over weapons R
- pra-ṇipātin mfn. falling at a person's feet, submissive, humble MBh
- pra-ṇi-√han (Pāṇ. 8-4, 17), P. -hanti, to slay, kill, destroy, extirpate. MBh. Kāv. (with acc. or gen
- Pāṇ. 2-3, 56 Sch.)
- to bend down lower (the hand) VPrāt
- to pronounce lower (than Anudātta) ib
- pra-ṇihata mfn. = dviṣṭa, prati-skhalita, or baddha L
- pra-ṇihita See pra-ṇī-√dhā
- pra-ṇī (√nī), P. Ā. -ṇayati, ○te, to lead forwards, conduct, advance, promote, further RV. &c. &c
- to bring or lead to, convey (esp. the sacrificial fire or water or Soma to its place at the altar) ib
- to offer, present Bhaṭṭ
- to produce, perform, execute, finish Up. MBh. Kāv. &c
- to do away with, remove, dispel MBh
- to manifest affection, love, desire MBh
- to show, represent (a drama) Bālar. Prasannar
- to inflict (as punishment) Mn. MBh. &c
- to apply (as a clyster) Car
- to establish, fix, institute, promulgate, teach MBh. Kāv. &c
- to write, compose Sarvad
- (Ā.) to draw in (the breath) ŚBr.: Desid. -ninīṣati (!), to wish to lead or conduct RV
- pra-ṇaya m. a leader Pāṇ. 3-1, 142 (jyotiṣām Nir. ii, 14)
- guidance, conduct MBh
- manifestation, display Mṛicch
- setting forth (an argument) Jātakam
- affection, confidence in (loc.), love, attachment, friendship, favour (ibc
- āt, ena and ○yôpêtam ind. confidentially, affectionately, openly, frankly) MBh. Kāv. &c
- desire, longing for (loc
- anyathā, 'for something else') ib
- an entreaty, request, solicitation R. Vikr
- reverence, obeisance L
- final beatitude L
- -kalaha m. a quarrel of lovers, mere wanton quarrelsomeness Megh. Kād. Pañcat
- -kupita mfn. angry through love, feigning anger Megh
- -kopa m. the (feigned) anger of a coquette towards her lover MW
- -peśala mfn. soft through affection R
- -prakarṣa m. excess of affṭaffection, extraordinary attachment Kathās
- -bhaṅga m. breach of confidence, faithlessness Vikr. Pur
- -madhura mfn. sweet through affection Bhartṛ
- -maya mf(ī)n. full of confidence Jātakam
- -māna m. 'love-pride', the jealousy of love W
- -vacana n. a declaration of love or affection Megh
- -vat mfn. possessing candour, unceremonious, frank, open, confident Kālid
- attached or devoted to, loving (loc. or comp.) ib
- desirous of. longing for (loc.) Śiś
- (ifc.) familiar with, used to Bālar
- -virhāta = -vihata A
- -vimukha mf(ī)n. averse from love or friendship Megh
- -vihati f. refusal of a request, non-compliance W
- -spṛś mfn. exciting love, affectionate Mālatīm
- ○yâparādha m. an offence against (mutual) affection or confidence Amar
- ○yâpahārin mfn. taking with confidence or without shyness MW
- ○yâmṛta-pañcāśaka n. N. of wk
- ○yī-√kṛ, to attach closely Vcar
- ○yī-√bhū, to become attached or affectionate Suśr
- ○yônmukha mf(ī)n. expectant through love Mālav
- ○yâpêta mfn. possessing candour, frank, open MārkP
- pra-ṇayana n. bringing forwards, conducting, conveying, fetching ŚrS. MBh. &c
- means or vessel for bringing or fetching (cf. agni-)
- showing, betraying (ct. śraddhā-)
- (with daṇḍasya or daṇḍa.), applying(the rod), infliction of (punishment) Mn. Yājñ
- establishing, founding (of a school) BhP
- execution, performance, practice MBh. Kāv
- bringing forward, adducing L
- composing, writing L
- satisfying, satiating R
- pra-ṇayanīya mfn. used in bringing or fetching (as wood employed in carrying the sacred fire) ŚrS
- pra-ṇayin mfn. having affection for (gen.), attached to, beloved, dear, intimate, familiar MBh. Kāv. &c.
- feeling attracted towards, longing for, desirous of (instr. or comp.), affectionate, loving, kind ib
- (ifc.) clinging to, dwelling or being in
- turned towards, aiming at
- combined or provided with Kāv
- m. a friend, favourite Kum. v, 11
- a husband, lover
- (inī f.) a beloved female, wife Kālid. Bhartṛ. Kathās. &c
- a worshipper, devotee Kum. iii, 66
- a suppliant, suitor Vikr
- ○yi-kriyā f. the business or affair of a lover or friend Vikr. iv, 31
- ○yi-jana m. a friend or lover (also collect.) Kālid
- ○yi-tā f. attachment or devotion to, desire or longing for (gen., loc. or comp.) Kāv
- ○yi-bhava mfn. being attached to, being in (comp.) Bālar. i, 49
- ○yi-mādhava-campū f. N. of a poem
- pra-ṇāyaka m. a leader, chief or commander(of an army) MBh
- pra-ṇāyya mfn. (only L.) dear, beloved, fit, worthy
- blameless, desireless
- disapproved, rejected
- pra-ṇinīṣeṇya mfn. (fr. Desid.) forming the entrance or beginning (as a day) TāṇḍBr
- pra-ṇī́ m. a leader or guide TBr
- f. guidance, furtherance, devotion (?) RV. iii, 38, 2
- pra-ṇīta (prá-), mfn. led forwards, advanced, brought, offered, conveyed (esp. to the altar, as fire or water or Soma) RV. &c. &c
- brought into, reduced to (e.g. tamas, to blindness RV
- -vaśam, to submission BhP.)
- directed towards (loc.) Sāh
- hurled, cast, shot MBh
- led towards i.e. delivered, given (as a son
- others 'exposed') MBh. i, 4672
- performed, executed, finished, made, done, prepared Up. MBh. &c
- inflicted, sentenced, awarded Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c
- established, instituted, taught, said, written MBh. Kāv. &c
- (-tva n. Sarvad.) wished, desired (cf. manaḥ-)
- good (as food) Divyâv
- entered, approached L
- m. (scil. agni) fire consecrated by prayers or mystical formulas W
- (ā), f. a partic. vessel used at sacrifices, a sort of cup L
- N. of a river L
- pl. (scil. āpas) water fetched on the morning of a festival for sacrificial uses, holy water ŚBr. ŚrS. &c
- n. anything cooked or dressed (such as a condiment) A
- ○tavijñāpana n. begging for dainties L
- ○tā-kāle ind. = praṇītānām praṇayana-kāle ŚāṅkhŚr
- ○tā-caru m. the vessel for the holy water, ŚaṅkhGṛ
- ○tā-praṇáyana n. the vessel in which holy water is fetched ŚBr. GṛŚrS
- pra-ṇīti (prá-), f. conduct, leading, guidance RV. AV
- leading away AV
- favour MW
- pra-ṇīya mfn. to be led on Pāṇ. 3-1, 123
- pra-ṇetavya mfn. to be led or guided MBh
- to be accomplished or executed or used or applied ib
- pra-ṇetṛ́ m. a leader, guide RV. &c. &c. (Ved. with gen. or acc
- Class. gen. or comp.)
- a maker, creator MBh. Hariv
- an author, promulgator of a doctrine MBh. Pur
- a performer or one who plays a musical instrument L
- one who applies (a clyster) Car
- -mat mfn. containing the notion of leading AitBr
- pra-ṇetra See vāyú-praṇetra
- pra-ṇenī́ mfn. (fr. Intens.) leading or guiding constantly or repeatedly RV
- pra-ṇeya mfn. to be guided or led, docile, obedient MBh. Hariv. Śaṃk
- to be (or being) used or applied Bālar. Car
- to be executed or accomplished MBh
- to be fixed or settled ib
- pra-ṇu (√nu), P. Ā. -navati, ○te, to roar, bellow, sound, reverberate RV. AV
- P. -ṇau. ti, to make a humming or droning sound
- (esp.) to utter the syllable om Br. ChUp. ŚrS
- pra-ṇáva (or prá-ṇ○), m. (ifc. f. ā) the mystical or sacred syllable om VS. TS. ŚBr. Mn. (ifc. also -ka) &c. (-tva n. RāmatUp.)
- a kind of small drum or tabor = (and prob. wṛ. for) paṇana L
- -kalpa m. -darpaṇa m. -pariśiṣṭa n. -vyākhyā f. ○vârcana-candṛkā f. ○vârtha-nirṇaya m. ○vârtha-prakāśikā-vyākhyāna n. ○vôpaniṣad f. N. of wks
- pra-ṇuta mfn. praised, celebrated, lauded BhP
- pra-ṇud (√nud), P. -ṇudati, ○te, (inf. nódam RV.), to push on, propel, set in motion, drive or scare away RV. &c. &c.: Caus. -ṇodayati, to push or thrust away KaṭhUp
- to move, excite Pañcat
- to press a person to do anything (2 acc.) Var
- pra-ṇutta (prá-), mfn. pushed away, repelled, set in motion AV
- pra-ṇud mfn. (ifc.) = next MBh. Suśr
- who or what enjoins or commands W
- pra-ṇuda mfn. (ifc.) driving or scaring or forcing away Hariv
- pra-ṇudita mfn. beaten, struck MBh. (Nīlak.)
- pra-ṇunna mfn. = ○ṇutta MBh. R. Śiś
- sent, dispatched MW
- shaken, trembling ib
- pra-ṇottavya mfn. to be propelled AitBr
- pra-ṇoda m. driving, guiding (horses &c.) W
- directing, ordering ib
- ṇodita mfn. (fr. Caus.) set in motion, agitated, Pañcat.
- driven, guided
- directed, ordered W
- ḍṇodya mfn. to be driven or turned away, to be moved MW
- pra-ṇy-asta mfn. (√2. as) beat down or depressed in front TPrāt
- pra-tákvan mfn. (√tak) rushing on
- steep, Precipitous TS
- pra-táṅkam ind. gliding, creeping AV
- pra-√takṣ (only pf. Ā. -tatakehire), to build, make, produce RV
- pra-taṭa n. (?) a high bank Ml
- pra-√taḍ P. -tāḍayati, to strike down, knock down MBh. Pañcat
- pra-tata See pra-√tan
- pra-tatāmaha m. a great-grandfather AV
- pratád-vasu mfn. (for prathad-v○, or pra-tata-v○) increasing wealth RV. viii, 13, 27 (= prâpta-vasu Nir
- = vistīrṇa-dhanu Sāy.)
- pra-√tan P. Ā. -tanoti, -tanute, to spread (intr.) or extend over, cover, fill A. &c. &c
- to spread (trans.), disperse, diffuse, continue, propagate VS. &e. &c
- to show, display, reveal, ŚiŚ
- to undertake, begin, perform, execute, effect, cause, do, make (also with 2 acc.) MBh. Kāv. Rājat.: Pass. -tāyate, to spread or extend from, proceed from (abl.). ChUp
- -tanyate, to be continued or extended or particularized Sarvad
- pra-ḍtata (prá-), mfn. spread over, diffused, covered, filled RV. R. Suśr
- (am), ind. continuously, unintermittingly MW
- pra-ḍtati f. spreading, extension L
- (also ī), a creeping plant L
- pra-ḍtāná m. a shoot, tendril AV. &c. &c
- a plant with tendrils Mn. Var
- (met.) branching out, ramification Kathās. Suśr
- N. of a section of a wk. whose name ends in kalpa-latā Cat
- diffuseness, prolixity Sarvad
- a kind of disease, tetanus, epilepsy L
- N. of a man (pl., his descendants), g. upakâdi
- (ā, or ī), f. N. of a plant (= go-jihvā) L
- ○na-vat mfn. having shoots or tendrils Suśr
- ramified ib
- pra-ḍtānita mfn. treated diffusely or in a prolix manner Sarvad
- pra-ḍtānin mfn. having shoots or tendrils L
- spreading, extending W
- (inī), f. a spreading creeper, climbing plant L
- pra-tana mf(ī)n. (fr. 1. pra) ancient, old Pāṇ. 5-4, 30 Vārtt. 7 Pat. (cf. pra-tna)
- pra-tanu mfn. very thin or fine, delicate, minute, slender, small, insignificant Kāv. Suśr. (also -ka
- ind. -kam)
- ○nū-√kṛ, to render thin, emaciate, diminish, weaken MBh. Jātakam
- pra-√tap P. -tapati, to give forth heat, burn, glow, shine (lit. and fig.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- to feel pain, suffer R
- to warm, heat, shine upon ŚBr. &c. &c
- to roast, bake R. Suśr
- to kindle, light, illumine RV
- to pain with heat, torment, harass MBh. Kāv.: Pass. -tapyate, to suffer pain BhP.: Caus. -tāpayati (fut. -tāpitā MBh. viii, 1971), to make warm, heat GṛŚrS. MBh. and e
- to set on fire, irradiate, illuminate R
- to destroy or pain with heat, torment, harass MBh. R. &c
- pra-ḍtapa m. the heat of the sun
- -tra n. a parasol BhP
- pra-ḍtapat mf(antī)n. burning glowing, shining (lit. and fig.), feeling pain, doing penance MBh
- m. the sun MW. (cf. MBh. iv, 42)
- an ascetic R
- pra-ḍtapana n. warming, heating KātyŚr. MBh. Suśr
- ○ne-√kṛ, (prob.) to put near the fire, make warm (ind. p. -kṛtya, or -kṛtvā), g. sâkṣād-ādi
- pra-ḍtapta mfn. hot, glowing shining MBh
- subjected to great heat, annealed BhavP
- pained (esp. by heat), tortured, harassed MBh. Kāv. &c
- (prob.) n. annealed gold R
- pra-ḍtaptṛ m. one who burns or singes Śaṃk
- pra-ḍtāpa m. glowing heat, heat, warmth Kāv. Var. Suśr
- splendour, brilliancy, glory, majesty, dignity, power, strength, energy Mn. MBh. &c
- Calotropis Gigantea (= arka) L
- N. of a man MBh. Rājat
- -candra m. N. of a king Kathās
- of a Jaina author Sarvad
- -deva (Cat), -dhavala (Inscr.), m. N. of princes
- -nāraśiṃha or -nṛsiṃha m. N. of wks
- -pāla m. N. of a man Rājat
- -pura n. N. of a town ib
- -mārtaṇḍa m. N. of sev. wks
- -mukuṭa m. N. of a prince Vet
- -rāja m. N. of a king Dharmaś
- rāma-pūjā f. N. of wk.
- -rudra m. N. of a king of the Kākatīyas (or according to others of Vijayanagara or of Eka-śilā
- sev. wks. are attributed to him, though in reality composed by different authors) Cat
- ○dra-kalyāṇa n. N. of a drama
- ○dra-yaśo-bhūṣaṇa, or = ○drīya n. N. of wk. by Vidyā-nātha on rhetoric (in which king Pratāpa-rudra is eulogized)
- -vat mfn. full of splendour, majestic, glorious, powerful MBh. R. &c
- m. N. of Śiva Śivag
- of an attendant of Skanda MBh
- -velâvalī f. (in music) N. of a Rāga
- -śīla m. N. of a king (= śilâditya) Rājat
- -śekhara m. (in music) a kind of measure
- -siṃha and -siṃha-rāja m. N. of authors Cat
- ○pâditya m. N. of sev. princes (-tā f.) Rājat
- ○pâlaṃkāra m. N. of wk. (prob.= ○parudrīya)
- ○pêndra m. N. of the sun Hcar
- tāpana mfn. making hot, paining, tormenting MBh. R. Suśr
- m. N. of Śiva Śivag
- a partic. hell BhP
- n. warming, heating, turning, paining, distressing MBh. Suśr
- ḍtāpasa m. Calotropis Gigantea Alba Bhpr
- ḍtāpin mfn. burning, scorching, paining (ifc.)
- glowing, shining, splendid, majestic, powerful MBh. Hariv. Rājat
- pra-√tam P. -tāmyati, to become exhausted or breathless, faint away, lose self-consciousness, perish AitBr. MBh. Suśr
- pra-ḍtamaka m. a partic. form of asthma Suśr
- pra-ḍtām mfn. (nom. ○tān) Pāṇ. 6-4, 15 ; viii, 2, 64 Kāś. (also ind
- g. svar-ādi)
- pra-ḍtāmaka m. = ○tamaka Car
- pra-tamā́m ind. (fr. 1. prá) especially, particularly ŚBr. AitBr
- pra-tarám (RV. AV.),
- pra-taḍrām (VS. ĀśvŚr.), ind. further, more particularly, in future
- pra-tara ○raṇa &c. See pra-√tṝ
- pra-√tark P. -tarkayati
- to form a clear view or notion of (acc.), to gather, conclude MBh. Suśr
- to regard as, take for (2. acc.) Bhaṭṭ
- pra-ḍtarka m. conclusion, supposition, conjecture MBh. Śak
- pra-ḍtarkaṇa n. judging, reasoning, discussion, logic L
- pra-ḍtarkya See a-pratarkya
- pra-tardana See under pra-√tṛd
- pra-tala m. the open hand with the fingers extended L
- m. n. one of the divisions of the lower regions L. (cf. pātāla)
- prá-tavas mfn. mighty, powerful, active (said of the Maruts) RV
- pra-tāmra mfn. excessively red, very red, Sak
- pra-tāra ○raka &c. See under pra√tṝ
- práti ind. (as a prefix to roots and their derivative nouns and other nouns, sometimes pratī
- for 2. See p, 664) towards, near to
- against, in opposition to
- back, again, in return
- down upon, upon, on
- before nouns it expresses also likeness or comparison (cf. prati-candra)
- or it forms Avyayibhāvas of different kinds (cf. prati-kṣaṇam, prati-graham, praty-agni &c
- rarely ifc. e.g. sūpaprati, a little broth Pāṇ. 2-1, 9)
- or as a prep. with usually preceding acc., in the sense of towards, against, to, upon, in the direction of (e.g. śabdam p○, in the dirṭdirection of the sound R
- agnim pr○, against the fire Mn
- also praty-agni ind. Pāṇ. 6-2, 33 Sch
- ripum pr○, against the enemy Mn
- ātmānam pr○, to one's self Ratnâv.)
- opposite, before, in the presence of (e.g. rodasī pr○, befṭbefore heaven and earth RV.)
- in comparison, on a par with, in proportion to (e.g. indram pr○, in comparṭcomparison with little RV
- sahasrāṇi pr○, on a par with i.e. equivalent to thousands ib
- also with abl. or -tas
- Pāṇ. 1-4, 92 ; ii, 3, 11)
- in the vicinity of, near, beside, at, on (e.g. yūpam pr○, near the sacrificial post AitBr
- gaṅgām pr○, at or on the Ganges R
- etat pr○, at this point TS
- āyodhanam pr○, on the field of battle MBh.)
- at the time of, about, through, for (e.g. phālgunam pr○, about the month Phālguna Mn
- ciram pr○, for a long time MBh
- bhṛśam pr○, often, repeatedly Car.)
- or used distributively (cf. Pāṇ. 1-4, 90) to express at every, in or on every, severally (e.g. yajñam pr○, at every sacrifice Yājñ
- yajñaṃ yajñam pr○ TS
- varṣam pr○, every year, anually Pañcat
- in this sense often comp
- above.)
- in favour of, for (Pāṇ. 1-4, 90
- e.g. pāṇḍavān pr○, in favour of the Pāṇ. MBh.)
- on account of, with regard to, concerning (Pāṇ. ib., e.g. sīmām pr○, concṭconcerning a boundary Mn
- gautamam pr○, with regṭregard to Ganges R.)
- conformably or according to (e.g. mām pr○, according to me, i.e. in my opinion Mālav
- cf. mām praty araṇyavat pratibhāti, 'it seems to me like a forest' Hit
- na bubhukṣitam prati bhāti kiṃ cit, 'to a hungry man nothing is of any account' Kāś. on Pāṇ. 2-3, 2)
- as, for (after a verb meaning, to regard or consider'
- Vikr. iv, 69)
- or as prep. with abl. in return or as compensation for, instead or in the place of (Pāṇ. 1-4, 92 Sch.)
- with abl. or -tas See above
- with abl. or gen. (?) to express, 'about', 'at the time of' (only prṭprati vastoḥ', at daybreak' RV.)
- as prep. with gen. = with reference to Hariv. 10967. [Cf. Zd. paiti
- Gk. ?, ?, ?.]
- prati in comp. with nouns not immediately connected with roots
- ○kañcuka m. (prob.) a critic, a critical work Āryabh
- ○kaṇṭham ind. 'throat by throat', singly, severally, one by one (so that each is reckoned), RPrat
- ○kaṇṭhukayā (prob.) wṛ. for
- ○kaṇḍṭhikayā ind. id. Divyâv
- ○kapālam ind. in every cup KātyŚr. Sch
- ○karkaśa mf(ā)n. equally hard, of the same hardness as (comp.) Mṛicch
- ○kalam ind. at every moment, constantly, perpetually Vcar
- ○kalpa m. counter-part (cf. apr○ and also prati-√kḷp)
- ○kalpam ind. in each cosmic period Nīlak
- ○kaśa mfn. (prob.) not obeying the whip Pāṇ. 6-1, 152 Sch
- ○kaṣṭa mfn. comparatively (i.e. beyond expectation) bad Suśr
- ○kāṇḍam ind. for every section or chapter Baudh
- ○kāmá mfn. being according to wish or desire, desired, beloved AV
- (ám), ind. according to wish, at will RV. ŚrS
- ○kāmin mfn. contrary to desire, disagreeable ŚāṅkhBr
- (inī), f. a female rival Śiś
- ○kāmyá mfn. being according to wish or liking AV
- ○kāya m. 'counter-body', an adversary Kir
- a target, butt, mark ib
- an effigy, likeness, picture L
- a bow Gal
- ○kitava m. an adversary at play Daś
- ○kīla m. an opposite post or peg Pat
- ○kuñjara m. a hostile elephant MBh
- ○kuṇḍam ind. in every fire-pit Hcat
- ○kūpa m. a moat, ditch L
- ○kūla mf(ā)n. 'against the bank' (opp. to anu-kūla, q.v.), contrary, adverse, opposite, inverted, wrong, refractory, inimical, disagreeable, unpleasant Mn. MBh. &c
- (kū́lam), ind. contrarily, against, in inverted order AV. &c. &c
- n. inverted order, opposition
- (ena, in invṭinverted order BhP
- ○leṣu sthitaḥ, offering opposition Mn. ix, 275)
- -kārin (Mālav.), -kṛt (R.), mfn. acting adversely, inimical
- -tas ind. in contradiction to (-to-√vṛt, to be in cṭcontradiction to) MBh
- -tā f. (Kāv. &c.), -tva n. (MW.) adverseness, opposition, hostility
- perverseness, contumacy
- -darśana mfn. looking cross or awry, having an ungracious aspect MW
- -daiva mfn. opposed by fate (-tā f. hostility of fate) Pañcat
- -pravartin mfn. (a ship) taking an adverse course or(tongue) causing unpleasantness ŚārṅgP. (v. l.)
- -bhāṣin mfn. speaking against, contradicting R
- -vacana n. refractory speech, contradiction Pañcat
- -vat mfn. refractory, contumacious MBh
- -vartin mfn. being adverse to, disturbing, troubling Kum
- -vāda m. = -vacana MBh
- -vādin mfn. = -bhāṣin ib
- -visarpin mfn. (a ship) moving against the wind or stream, (a tongue) moving unpleasantly ŚārṅgP. (cf. -pravartin)
- -vṛtti mfn. resisting, opposing (with gen.) BhP
- -vedanīya mfn. causing an unpleasant effect Tarkas
- -śabda mfn. sounding unpleasantly Kum
- ○lâcarita n. an offensive action, injurious conduct Ragh
- ○lôkta n. pl. contradiction Kathās
- ○kūlaya Nom. P. ○yati, to resist, oppose R. Kād
- ○kūlika mfn. hostile, inimical Mcar. (prob. wṛ. for prāt○)
- ○kṛttikā f. g. aśvâdi
- ○koṇam ind. for or in every quarter of the sky Hcat
- ○kriyam ind. for each action Kap. ( See also under prati-√kṛ)
- ○krūra mfn. cruel in return, returning harshness MBh. (a-pratikr○)
- ○kṣaṇam ind. at every moment, continually Kālid. Rājat. &c
- ○kṣatra m. N. of a descendant of Atri (author of RV. v, 46) Anukr
- of a son of An-enas Hariv
- of a son of Kshatra-vṛiddha VP
- of a son of Śamin Hariv
- ○kṣapam ind. everynight Śiś
- ○kṣaya m. a guard L
- ○kṣetra n. place, stead
- (e), ind. instead of (gen.) Gṛihyās
- ○kṣepa
- ○kṣeḍpaṇa See pra-√kṣip
- ○kṣoṇi-bhṛt m. opposition king Vcar
- ○khura m. a partic. wrong position of a child at birth Suśr
- ○kheṭaka g. aśvâdi
- ○gaja m.= -kuñjara MBh. Hariv.
- ○gātram ind. in every limb (only ibc.) Dhūrtas
- ○giri m. an opposite mountain BhP
- ○gu ind. against a cow Mn. iv, 52
- ○gṛham (KātyŚr.),
- ○geham (Rājat.), ind. in every house
- ○grāmam ind. in every village Rājat
- ○ma-samīpam ind. near every village Dharmaś
- ○cakra n. a discus which is a match for any other MBh
- a hostile army Nīlak
- ○candra m. a mock moon, paraselene R
- ○caraṇam ind. in every school or branch L
- ○citi ind. in every layer or pile KātyŚr
- ○codanam ind. on every order or injunction ĀśvŚr
- ○cchanada m. a reflected image
- any image, likeness, substitute Hariv. Rājat
- -kalyāṇa mfn. obliging, complaisant L
- ○cchandaka m.= -cchanda Kull
- mfn. versed in, familiar with Nalac
- ○cchāyā f. reflection, likeness, image, shadow, phantom Hariv. Śaṃk
- the distorted image of a sick man (indicative of approaching death) Car
- -maya mf(ī)n. consisting of the distṭdistorted imṭimage of a sick man ib
- ○cchāyikā f. an image, phantom Naish
- ○jaṅghā f. the shin-bone L
- ○janá m. an adversary AV
- ○nya (pratī-), mfn. adverse, hostile RV
- ○janam ind. in every one Śiś
- ○janman See prati-√jan
- ○jihvā and f. the uvula L
- ○jihvikā f. the uvula L
- ○jūti-varpas (práti-), mfn. assuming any form according to impulse RV. iii, 60, 1
- ○tad-vid f. recognition of the contrary KaushUp
- ○tantram ind. according to each Tantra or opinion W
- ○tra-darpaṇa m. N. of wk
- ○tra-siddhânta m. a doctrine adopted in various systems (but not in all) Nyāyas. Car
- ○tarā́m ind. (with √bhū) to retire or shrink more and more ŚBr
- ○taru ind. at each tree Gīt
- ○tāla m. (in music) a kind of measure
- (ī), f. the key of a door L
- ○tālaka m. = prec. (m. and f.) L
- ○tūṇī f. a modification of the nervous disease called Tūṇī Suśr. (cf. pra-tūṇī)
- ○tryaham ind. for three days at a time Gaut
- ○daṇḍa mfn. refractory under the rod, disobedient, obstinate TāṇḍBr
- ○dantin m. = -kuñjara Kir
- ○ty-anīkam ind. against the army of elephants ib
- ○dinam and ind. day by day, daily, every day Kāv. Var. Pañcat
- ○divasam ind. day by day, daily, every day Kāv. Var. Pañcat
- ○diśam ind. in every direction or quarter, all around GṛŚrS. Megh. &c
- ○dūta m. a messenger sent in return Rājat. Kathās
- ○dṛś mfn. similar, like TS
- ○dṛśam ind. in or for every eye BhP
- ○dṛṣṭânta m. a counter example Nyāyas
- -sama m. an irrelevant objection by adducing a cṭcounter example which ignores the opponent's example ib
- ○devatā f. a corresponding deity MuṇḍUp
- ○tam ind. = -daivatam KātyŚr
- ○deśam ind. = -diśam Var. Rājat
- ○deham ind. in each bady Śaṃk
- ○daivatam ind. for each deity ib
- ○doṣám ind. in the evening, in the dark RV
- ○dvaṃdva m. an adversary, rival, foe (in a-pratidv○) MBh. R. &c
- n. opposition, hostility W
- ○dvaya Nom. P. ○yati, to rival Divyâv
- ○dvin m. = ○dva m. (ifc. vying with) MBh. Kāv
- ○dvii-bhūta mfn. being an advṭadversary' Śaṃk
- ○dvādaśan mfn. pl. twelve in each case Gaut
- ○dvāram (Kathās.),
- ○dvāri (BhP.), ind. at every gate or door
- ○dvipa m. = -kuñjara Kir
- ○dvirada m. id. MBh. Hariv
- ○dvīpam ind. in every part of the world Hcar
- ○dhī mfn. (ifc.) as intelligent as, Pracaṇḍ
- ○dhura m. a horse harnessed by the side of another VS. Sch. (cf. apratidh○)
- ○nagaram ind, in every town Hcar
- ○nadi ind. at every river Bālar
- ○naptṛ m. a great grandson, a son's grandson L. (cf. praṇapāt)
- ○namaskāra mfn. one who returns a salutation ŚāṅkhŚr
- ○nayana (ibc.), into the eye Mālatīm
- ○nava mfn. new, young, fresh
- -javāpuṣpa n. a newly opened China rose Megh
- ○nāga m. = -kuñjara MBh
- ○nāḍī f. a branch vein L
- ○nāman (práti-), mf(minī)n. having corresponding names, related by name ŚBr
- ○ma ind. by name, mentioning the name Veṇis
- ○ma-grahaṇam ind. mentioning each individual name Kād
- ○nāyaka m. 'counter hero', the adversary of the hero (in a play) Sāh
- an image, likeness, counterfeit, Śrikaṇṭh
- ○nārī f. a female rival Śiś
- ○niśam ind. every night Kathās
- ○niścaya m. a contrary opinion MBh
- ○niṣka m. or n. (?) a Nishka (s.v.) in each case Hcat
- ○niṣṭha mfn. standing on the opposite side Car
- ○nṛpati m. = -kṣoṇibhṛt Dhanaṃj
- ○nyāyám ind. in inverted order ŚBr
- ○nyāsa a counter deposit Nār
- ○nyūṅkha m. a corresponding insertion of the vowel o ŚāṅkhŚr
- ○khaya Nom. ○yati, to insert the vowel o in the corresponding stanza or verse ib.
- ○pakṣa m. the opposite side, hostile party, opposition MBh. Kāv. &c
- an obstacle Divyâv
- an adversary, opponent, foe ib. (ifc. = a rival in, match for, equal, similar Kāvyâd.)
- a respondent, defendant (in law) W
- m. N. of a king VāyuP
- -graha m. the taking of the opposite side (○haṃ cakruḥ, they took the oppṭopposite side) MBh
- -caṇḍa-bhairava m. N. of the chief of a partic. sect Cat
- janman mfn. caused by the enemy. Śiś
- -tā f. (BhP.), -tva n. (Śaṃk.) opposition, hostility
- ○kṣita mfn. containing a contradiction, contradictory Bhāshāp
- nullified by a contradictory premiss (one of the 5 kinds of fallacious middle terms) MW
- ○pakṣin m. an opponent, adversary Śaṃk
- ○kṣi-tā f. self-contradiction, the being self-contradictory MW
- ○pacanam ind. at each cooking Gobh. Sch.- 1
- ○paṇa m. (for 2. See p. 667) the stake of an adversary at play Kathās
- ○paṇya n. merchandise in exchange Divyâv
- ○pattraphalā f. a kind of gourd L
- ○patni f. (m. c. for ○tnī) a female rival (-vat BhP.)
- ind. for each wife ĀpŚr. Sch
- ○patha m. way back Harav
- (am), ind. along the road Kathās. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-4, 42)
- backwards Rājat
- ○tha-gati mfn. going a long the road Kum. iii, 76
- ○thika mfn. id. Pāṇ. 4-4, 42. 1
- ○pad ind. (cf. prati-√pad, p. 667) = -padam
- -darśinī f. 'looking at every step', a woman L
- ○pada n. N. of an Upâṅga
- (am), ind. (also ○da ibc.) at every step, on every occasion, at every place, everywhere Kāv
- at every word, word by word Sarvad
- literally, expressly (Pāṇ. 2-2, 10 Vārtt.1 ; vi, 2, 26 Sch.)
- each, singly R. (= pratyekam Sch.)
- ○da-tva n. walking step by step Kāṭh
- ○padmam ind. at every lotus flower Hcat
- ○parṇa-śiphā f. Anthericum Tuberosum L
- ○paryāyam ind. at every turn GṛŚrS
- ○parva ind. at every change of the moon Vcar
- ○palam ind. every moment Bhām
- ○pallava m. an opposite or outstretched branch Ragh
- ○paśu ind. at every sacrificial victim TBr. Sch. 1
- ○pāṇa m. (for 2. See s.v.) a counter-pledge, anything staked against another thing MBh
- a counter-stake, counter-game, revenge at play Nal. (cf. -paṇa, above)
- ○pātram ind. (in dram.) in each part, in each character, by every actor Śak
- ○pādapam ind. in every tree Vikr
- ○pādam ind. in each Pāda, in eṭeach quarter of a verse Piṅg
- ○pāpa mfn. wicked or evil in return, recompensing evil for evil MBh
- ○pāpin mfn. id. Nīlak
- ○piṇḍam ind. in each Piṇḍa (s.v.) MānŚr
- ○puṃ-niyata mfn. settled for every soul singly Sarvad
- ○púr f. a hostile castle MaitrS
- ○pura g. aṃśv-ādi Kāś
- ○puruṣa or m. 'a counter-person', a similar man
- ○pūr○ m. 'a counter-person', a similar man
- a companion, assistant
- a deputy, substitute KātyŚr. Sch
- (a-pratip○, unmatched BhP.)
- the effigy of a man (which thieves push into the interior of a house before entering it themselves) Mṛicch
- (ibc. and ám ind.) man by man, every man, for each mṭman Br. GṛŚrS. Hcar. Āp
- for each soul Sāṃkhyak
- ○puṣyam ind. at each time of the moon's entrance into the constellation Pushya Var
- ○pustaka n. a copy of an original manuscript, a copy in general Sāy. on ŚBr
- ○pūruṣa See -puruṣa above
- ○pūrvâhṇam ind. every forenoon Pāṇ. 6-2, 33 Sch
- ○pṛṣṭhā f. each page of a leaf. Cat
- ○praṇavaṃ ind. at every repetition of the syllable om KātyŚr
- ○va-saṃyukta mfn. accompanied each time with the sṭsyllable om Yājñ
- ○praṇāma m. a bow or obeisance in return, saluting in turn Rājat. Kād
- ○pratí mf(tínī)n. being a counter-part, counter-balancing
- being a match for, equal to (acc.) Br. Nir
- ○pratīka (ibc.) and ind. at each initial word ĀśvŚr
- ○pratīḍkam ind. at each initial word ĀśvŚr
- on or at every part of the body Naish
- ○prabhātam ind. every morning Kathās. Inscr
- ○prayāṇakam ind. with each day's journey Kād
- ○prayoga m. counter-application or parallel setting forth of a proposition, Savad
- ○praśna m. a question asked in return ĀpŚr
- an answer Var
- (ám), ind with regard to the controversy ŚBr. (Sāy.)
- ○prasava See under prati-pra- √1. sū
- ○prasavam ind. in each birth Sarvad
- ○prākāra m. an outer rampart L
- ○prâni ind. in or for every living creature Bādar. Sch
- ○prāś (práti-), m. an opponent in controversy, adversary in a lawsuit ( See prati-√prach) AV
- ○prāśita mfn. opposed in debate Kauś
- ○priya mfn. agreeable to (gen.) ĀpŚr
- n. kindness or service in return MBh. Ragh
- ○prêkṣaṇa n. looking at in return Āp.
- ○praī7ṣa m. a cry or call in return, direction given in return KātyŚr
- ○phalī-karaṇam ind. at each cleaning of the corn KātyŚr. Comm
- ○phullaka See p. 668
- ○bandhu m. an equal in rank or station MBh. 1
- ○bala n. a hostile army Vcar. Daś. 2
- ○bala mfn. having equal strength or power, equally matched, a match for (with gen. or ifc., e.g. astra-p○, equal in arms), being able to (dat. or inf.) MBh. R. (cf. a-p○)
- ○bāṇi See -vāṇi below
- ○bāhu m. fore-arm Var
- an opposite side (in a square or polygon) Col
- N. of sev. men BhP
- ○bimba n. (rarely m.) the disc of the sun or moon reflected (in water)
- a reflection, reflected image, mirrored form MBh. Pañcat. Kāv. &c. (also ○baka)
- a resemblance or counterpart of real forms, a picture, image, shadow W
- (among the synonyms of 'equal' Kāvyâd.)
- N. of the chapters of the Kāvya-ptakāśâdarśa Cat
- -vartin mfn. being reflected or mirrored MW
- -bimbâta (?), m. a mirror W
- ○bimba Nom. P. ○bati, to be reflected or mirrored Kap. Sch
- ○bita mfn. reflected, mirrored (-tva n.) ib. &c
- ○bī-√kṛ, to reflect, represent, equal Daś
- ○bimbana n. the being reflected, Sāṃkhyaprav. Sch. Nīlak
- reflection
- comparing together, comparison Sāh
- ○bimbaya Nom. P. ○yati, to reflect, mirror L. (cf. ○bita above)
- ○bīja n. bad seed L
- ○bījam ind. for every sort of grain ĀpŚr
- ○bhaṭa mfn. a match for, vying with (gen. or comp.), rivalling Vcar. Caṇḍ. Rājat
- (○ṭī-kṛ, to equalize to Naish
- m. an adversary Rājat.)
- -tā f. emulousness, emulation Rājat
- ○bhaya mf(ā)n. exciting fear, formidable, terrible, dangerous ĀśvGṛ. Gobh. MBh. &c
- n. fear (with abl. or ifc.) MBh. Rājat
- danger ĀśvGṛ. Rājat
- (am), ind. formidably, frightfully Ragh
- -kara and ○yaM-k○ mfn. causing fear R. Kathās
- -bhayâkāra mfn. having a formidable aspect MW
- ○bhavam ind. for this and all future births L. 1
- ○bhāga (ibc.), for every degree Siddhântaś. (for 2. See under prati-√bhaj)
- ○bhī f. fear Bhojapr
- ○bhuja m. = -bāhu Col
- ○bhūpāla m. = next Vcar
- (pl.) each single prince, all the princes together. Naish
- ○bhūbhṛt m. a hostile prince Vcar
- ○bhairava mf(ā)n. dreadful Var
- ○maṅgala-vāra m. pl. (prob.) every Tuesday Cat
- ○mañca and m. (in music) a kind of measure Saṃgīt
- ○mañḍcaka m. (in music) a kind of measure Saṃgīt
- ○maṇṭhaka (prob.) m. id. Cat. (cf. maṇṭhaka)
- ○maṇḍala n. a secondary disk (of the sun &c.) Hariv
- an eccentric orbit Col
- ○matsya m. pl. N. of a people MBh. VP. (vḷ. -māsya)
- ○mantram ind. with or at every formula or verse KātyŚr. Gaut
- ○mandiram ind. in every house Rājat
- ○manv-antara n. every Manv-antara
- am (Mcar.), e (Hcat.), ind. in each MṭManv-antara
- ○malla m. an opponent in wrestling or boxing, an antagonist or rival Hariv. Kathās. Vcar
- -tā f. rivalry Harav
- ○mahânasa n. every kitchen Gobh. Comm
- ○mahā-vyāhṛti ind. at each Mahā-vyāhṛiti KātyŚr
- ○mahiṣa m. a hostile buffalo Kāv
- ○māṃsa n. new or restored flesh Kathās
- ○mātṛ ind. mother by mother, every mother Gaut
- ○mātrā f. pl. every measure (of time) NṛisUp
- ○māyā f. counter-spell, cṭcounter-charm MBh. Kathās
- ○mārga m. the way back MBh
- (e), ind. on the way Divyâv
- ○mārgaka m. the city of Hari-ścandra (said to hover in the air) L
- ○mālā f. an exercise analogous to capping verses, reciting verse for verses as a trial of memory or skill (one of the 64 Kalās Cat.) W
- ○māsa (ibc.) and ind. every month, monthly L
- ○māḍsam ind. every month, monthly L
- ○māsya m. pl. N. of a people (vḷ. for -matsya, q.v.)
- ○mitra wṛ. for praty-amitra, q.v. MBh
- ○mukula (ibc.), in or upon every bud Prab
- ○mukha n. the reflected image of the face Harav
- (in dram.) a secondary plot or incident which hastens or retards the catastrophe, the Epitasis (also ○khasaṃdhi) Daśar. Pratāp. Sāh. Sch
- an answer Sāh
- mf(ā or ī)n. standing before the face, facing R. BhP. Vajracch
- being near, present R
- (ibc. or am ind.) towards, in front, before GṛS. Mn. MBh
- (i), wṛ.for -mukharī, q.v. Saṃgīt
- ○khâṅga n. (in dram.) progressive narration of events W
- ○mukharī f. a partic. mode of drumming Saṃgīt
- ○mudrā f. a counter-seal Mn. Kull
- the impression of a seal Lalit
- ○muhus ind. again and again, repeatedly Prab. Caurap. Śātiś
- ○muhūrta (ibc.) and ind. every moment, constantly Caurap
- ○muhūrḍtam ind. every moment, constantly Caurap
- ○mūrti f. a corresponding form, image L
- ○mūṣikā f. a species of rat W
- ○yāmini ind. every night Kathās.
- ○yuvati f. a concubine, female rival Vcar
- ○yuvam ind. towards the young man Śiś. viii, 35
- ○yūthapa m. the leader of. a hostile herd (of elephants) MBh
- ○yūpam ind. post by post ĀpŚr
- ○yogam ind. rule by rule Pat
- ○yoní ind. according to source or origin ŚBr
- ○rajani ind. every night Naish
- ○ratha m. an opposite fighter in a war-chariot, an adversary in war, equal adversary Kathās. (cf. a-p○)
- N. of a descendant of Atri (author of the hymn RV. v, 47) RAnukr
- of a son of Mati-nāra and father of Kaṇva Hariv
- of a son of Vajra and father of Sucāru ib
- ○rathyam ind. in every road Kāv
- ○rāja (Kull.) or (R.), m. a hostile king, royal adversary
- ○rāḍjan (R.), m. a hostile king, royal adversary
- ○rājam ind. king by king, for every king Pat
- ○rātram (Hit.) or (Vcar.), ind. each night, nightly
- ○rāḍtri (Vcar.), ind. each night, nightly
- ○ripu ind. against the enemy or the enemies Śiś
- ○rūpa n. the counterpart of any real form, an image, likeness, representation MBh. Var. BhP. (also ā f. KaushUP.)
- a pattern, model for imitation (cf. -dhṛk below)
- anything falsified, a counterfeit of (gen.) Vishṇ
- mf(ā)n. like, similar, corresponding, suitable, proper, fit RV. &c. &c. (○pam akurvan, not requiting. MārkP.)
- agreeable, beautiful MBh
- m. N. of a Dānava ib
- (ā), f. N. of a daughter of Meru BhP
- -carya mfn. exemplary in conduct, worthy of imitation MW
- -caryā́ f. suitable or exemplary conduct ŚBr
- -tā f. resemblance Harav
- -dhṛk mfn. offering (i.e. being) a model or pattern BhP
- ○rūpaka n. an image, a picture L
- forgery Nār
- (prob.) a forged edict MBh
- mf(ikā)n. similar, corresponding, having the appearance of anything (generally ifc.) MBh. Mn. Śak. &c
- m. a quack, charlatan Car
- ○rūpya in a-p○ wṛ. for a-prātirūpya, See prātir○
- ○raudra-karman mfn. acting cruelly against others R
- ○lakṣaṇa n. 'a counter-mark', mark, sign MBh. R
- ○liṅgam ind. at every Liṅga Rājat
- ○lipi f. a copy, transcript, written reply L
- ○loka m. every world Hcat
- ○lomá mf(ā)n. against the hair or grain (opp. to anu-l○), contrary to the natural course or order, reverse, inverted
- adverse, hostile, disagreeable, unpleasant
- low, vile ŚBr. RPrāt. ŚrS. &c
- left, not right W
- contrary to caste (where the mother is of a higher caste than the father) ib
- (ibc. and ám ind.) against the hair, against the grain, in reversed or inverted order TS. Br. ĀśvŚr. &c
- m. N. of a man
- pl. his descendants, g. upakâdi
- (ā), f. a partic. incantation (to be recited from the end to the beginning) Kathās
- n. any disagreeable or injurious act
- (ena), ind. in an unfriendly manner, unpleasantly Cāṇ
- -ja mfn. born in the inverse order of the classes (as of a Kshatriya father and Brāhmaṇī mother, or of a Vaiśya fṭfather and Kshatriyā man or Brāhmaṇī man, in which cases the wife is of a higher caste than the husband
- Mn. x, 16) W
- -tas ind. in consequence of the inverted order or course Mn. x, 68
- invertedly, in inverted order or series Yājñ. MBh. Pañcat
- -rūpa mfn. inverted KaushUp
- ○mânuloma mfn. speaking against or for anything
- (ibc. and am ind.) in inverted order or course and in the natural order or course Mn. Yājñ
- ○ma-tas ind. in an unfriendly and friendly manner R
- ○lomaka mfn. against the hair or grain', reverse, inverted BhP
- n. inverted order, perversion Pañcat
- ○vaktram ind. on every face Hcat
- ○vat mfn. containing the word prati AitBr
- ○vatsara m. a year MBh
- (am), ind. every year, yearly Rājat. Kathās
- ○vanam ind. in every wood or forest Bhartṛ
- ○vanitā f. a female rival Śiś
- ○vargam ind. group by group KātyŚr
- ○varṇa m. every caste Hcat
- (am), ind. containing by containing Gaut
- ○varṇika mfn. having a corresponding colour, similar L
- ○vartmán mfn. taking an opposite road or course AV
- ○varman See su-prati-v○
- ○varṣa (ibc.) or (ind.), every year, yearly MārkP. Pañcat
- ○varḍṣam (ind.), every year, yearly MārkP. Pañcat
- ○vallabhā f. = -yuvati Vcar
- ○vaṣaṭkāram ind. at each exclamation Vashaṭ ĀśvŚr
- ○vasati ind. in every habitation or house Kathās
- ○vastu n. a counterpart, equivalent
- anything given in return, anything contrasted with another Kathās. Pratāp
- vastū7pamā f. (rhet.) a simile or parallel (in which a pṭparallel is, drawn between two different objects by stating some common characteristic belonging to both) Kāvyâd. Sāh. Kuval. &c
- ○vahni-pradakṣiṇam ind. at each perambulation from left to right of the sacred fire Kathās
- ○vākyam ind. in every sentence L. 1.
- ○vāṇi m. fn. unseemly, unsuitable L. 2
- ○vāṇi f. n. an answer L
- opposition L. (wṛ. ○vāni)
- f. = paribhāṣā, prajñapti &c. Gal
- ○vāta m. a contrary wind, Mn Suśr
- (am), ind. against the wind KātyŚr. Śak. Pañcat
- (e), ind. on the lee side MW. -1
- ○vāraṇa m. (for 2. See under prati-√vṛ) a hostile elephant. Hariv
- a sham or mock elephant
- (with daitya), a Daitya in the form of an elephant BhP
- ○vārttā f. account, information Śak
- ○vāsaram ind. every day, daily Rājat. Kathās. Hcat
- (e), ind. -tad-dinam L
- ○vāsarika mfn. daily Hcat
- ○vāsudeva m. 'opponent of a Vāsudeva', (with Jainas) N. of nine beings at enmity with VṭVāsudeva (= viṣṇu-dviṣ) Col
- ○viṭapam ind. to every branch, Śāntiś
- ○vidyam ind. in every doctrine Gaut
- ○vindhya m. N. of a king who ruled over a particular part of the Vindhya mountains MBh
- of a son of Yudhi-shṭhira
- pl. N. of his descendants MBh. Pur
- ○vipāśam ind. along the Vipāś river Laghuk
- ○vimba &c. = -bimba &c. 1
- ○virati ind. (for 2. See prati-vi√ram) at every pause, at each cessation or disappearance, Śāntiś
- ○viśva mfn. pl. one and all
- (eṣu), ind. in all cases Cat
- ○viṣa n. 'counter-poison', an antidote L
- mf(ā)n. containing an antṭantidote Rājat
- (ā), f. Aconitum Heterophyllum Car. Bhpr
- ○viṣaya m. pl. the various objects of sense L
- (ibc. and am ind.) in relation to each single object of sṭsingle Sāṃkhyak
- ○viṣṇu ind. at every (image of) Vishṇu Vop
- towards Vishṇu, in place of Vishṇu W
- ○viṣṇuka m. Pterospermum Suberifolium L
- ○vīra m.an antagonist, a well-matched opponent MBh. Vcar. BhP
- -tā f. the being a well-mṭman opponent, antagonism Prab
- ○vīrya n. (the being a match for in valour) in a-p○ mfn. unequalled, matchless, irresistible MBh. R
- a-prativiiyârambha, not having sufficient strength to undertake anything SaddhP
- ○vṛtta n. an eccentric circle Gol
- ○vṛttântam ind. according to the saying, as they say Rājat
- ○vṛtti ind. according to the modulation (of the voice) RPrāt
- ○vṛṣa m. a hostile bull Hariv
- ○vedam ind. at or for every Veda Yājñ. Bādar
- ○da-śākham ind. for every branch or school of the VṭVeda Madhus
- ○vedântam ind. in every Upanishad Bādar. Sch
- ○velam ind. on every occasion MBh
- ○veśa (práti- or pratī-
- Pāṇ. 6-3, 122 Vārtt. 3). mf(ā)n. neighbouring, a neighbour RV. TS. ŚBr. &c
- auxiliary Br. TBr. Comm
- m. a neighbouring house L
- -tās ind. from the neighbourhood ŚBr
- -vāsin mf(nī)n. living in the neighbourhood
- m.f. a neighbour Alaṃkārak
- ○veśin (or pratī-v○). mfn. neighbouring
- m. and (nī), f. a neighbour Dhūrtas. Mṛicch. Sāh
- ○veśma ind. in every house Śiś
- ○veśman n. a neighbour's house Pañcat
- ○veśya m. a neighbour MBh
- ○vaira n. requital of hostilities, revenge MBh
- ○vyoma or m. N. of a prince Pur
- ○vyoḍman m. N. of a prince Pur
- ○śatru (práti-), m. an adversary, opponent, enemy AV. Kuval. Sch
- ○śabda (or ○daka Kād. Hcar.), m. echo, reverberation MBh. R. Ragh. &c
- -ga mfn. going after a sound or in the direction of a sṭsound MBh
- -vat mfn. re-echoing, resounding Kathās. 1
- ○śaraṇa n. (for 2. See under prati-√śṝ) confidence in (ifc.) Divyâv
- -bhūta mfn. resorted to (acc.) ib. (cf. -saraṇa under prati-√sṛ)
- ○śarâsana n. an adversary's bow Vās
- ○śarīram ind. concerning one's own body or person Pat
- ○śaśin m. a mock moon, paraselene Var
- ○śākham ind. for every branch or school (of the Veda) Bādar. Sch
- ○sākha-vat See -śākhā
- ○śākhā f. a side branch, sound shoot (pl. all the schools of the Veda BhP.)
- -nāḍī f. a branch vein PraśnUp
- ○khavat mfn. having anything as side branches MBh. 1
- ○śāsana n. (for 2. See prati-√śās) a rival command or authority (cf. a-p○) Ragh
- ○śilpa n. a counter-Śilpa ŚāṅkhŚr
- ○śiṣya m. under-disciple (?) Divyâv
- ○śukra-budha (ibc.), towards the planets Venus or Mercury Var
- ○śukram (perhars two words), ind. towards the planet Venus R
- ○śulka wṛ. for -śrutkā ( See under prati-√śru) Lalit
- ○śṛṅgeṇa ind. horn by horn Hcat
- ○śrotas ind. wṛ. for -srotas, q.v
- ○śloka m. a counter Śloka Siṃhâs. L
- (am), ind. at every ŚlṭŚloka BhP
- ○ṣka &c., See prati-ṣkaśa, p. 671
- ○saṃyoddhṛ m. an adversary in war MBh
- ○saṃvatsaram ind. at every year, yearly Yājñ. ĀpŚr. Comm
- ○saṃskāram ind. at every ceremony. ĀpŚr
- ○saṅgakṣikā f. a cloak to keep off the dust (worn by Buddhist mendicants) L. (prob. wṛ. for -saṃkakṣikā).
- ○sadanam ind. every one to his dwelling Mcar
- ○sadṛkṣa or (práti-), mfn. similar VS
- ○sadṛś (práti-), mfn. similar VS
- ○sadma ind. at or in every house BhP
- ○sama mfn. equal to, a match for MBh. Nāg
- ○samantam (práti-), ind. on every side, everywhere ŚBr
- ○sambandhi ind. according to the respective connection Sāh
- ○sarga See under prati-√sṛj
- ○sargam ind. in every creation Mn. Kull
- ○savya mfn. in inverted order, inverted, reverse L
- ○sāma mfn. (prob.) unkind, unfriendly Pāṇ. 5-4, 75
- ○sāmanta m. 'a hostile neighbour', enemy, adversary Kuval. Hcar
- ○sāmarthya n. relative suitableness R
- ○sāyam ind. towards evening Gobh
- ○siṃha m. a hostile lion Kathās
- ○sīrā f. a curtain L
- a screen or wall of cloth, an outer tent W
- ○sundarī f. = -yuvati, q.v. Vcar
- ○sūrya (or ○yaka), m. a mock sun, parhelion Var
- a kind of lizard, a chameleon (which lies or basks in the sun) Uttarar. Suśr
- (am), ind. opposite to the sun Mn
- -matsya m. a partic. appearance in the sun
- (accord. to Comm.) a mock sun and a comet Āp
- -śayānaka m. 'lying or basking in the sun', a kind of lizard, a chameleon L
- ○senā f. an opposing or hostile army Hariv
- ○somā f. a kind of plant (= mahiṣa-vallī) L
- ○somôdakadvijam ind. against the moon or water or a Brāhman Mn. iv, 52
- ○skandha m. every shoulder (instr. 'each on his shoulder') Hit
- N. of an attendant of Skanda (vḷ. kapi-sk○) MBh
- (am), ind. upon the shoulders W
- in every section of a book Pratāp
- ○strī mfn. lying on a woman ChUp
- ○sthānam ind. in every place, everywhere Prab. Sch
- ○sneha m. (prob.) wṛ. for pati-s○ Kathās
- ○srota mf(ā) n. = next (mandakinīm"ṣtām anuvraja, go up the Mercury i.e. up or against the stream) R
- ○srotam (BhP.) or (Mn. MBh. Hariv. &c.), ind. against the stream, up the stream
- ○srotas (Mn. MBh. Hariv. &c.), ind. against the stream, up the stream
- (wṛ. śrotas)
- ○svam ind. 'each for itself.' one by one, singly ĀśvŚr. RPrāt. Comm
- ○svāhākāram ind. at every exclamation Svāhā ĀpGṛ
- ○hasta (-tva n. Vcar.),
- ○hastaka (Hit.), m. a deputy, substitute, proxy
- ○hasti ind. towards elephants MBh
- ○hastin m. the keeper of a brothel Daś. (Sch. 'a neighbour')
- ○hṛdayam ind. in every heart BhP. Sch
- praty in comp. before vowels for prati above
- ○aṃśa m. a portion, share Buddh
- ○aṃśu m. = pratigato'ṃśuḥ Pāṇ. 6-2, 193
- mfn. = pratigata aṃśavo'sya ib. Sch
- ○aṃsa m. = -aṃśa, q.v
- ○aṃsam ind. on the shoulders Śiś
- ○ák See pratyáñc
- ○akṣa See s.v
- ○akṣara (ibc.) in each syllable Vās
- -śleṣa-maya mf(ī)n. containing a Ślesha in each sṭsyllable ib
- ○agam ind. on every mountain Dharmaśarm
- ○agni ind. towards the fire Kauś
- at or near or in every fire KātySr. MBh
- ○agra mf(ā)n. fresh, recent, new, young MBh. R. Kāv. &c
- repeated, reiterated Hariv. Kathās
- pure W
- (ibc. and am ind.) recently Mṛicch. Kathās
- m. N. of a son of Vasu Upari-cara and prince of the Cedis BhP. (cf. agraha below)
- -kṣarat mfn. fresh-flowing, flowing freshly Prab
- -gandhā f. a species of shrub, Rhinacanthus Communis L
- -tā f. or -tva n. newness, freshness W
- -prasavā f. recently delivered, having lately brought forth Pāṇ. 2-1, 65 Sch
- -yauvana mf(ā)n. being in the bloom of youth Kathās
- -rūpa mf(ā)n. juvenile, young MBh
- -vayas mfn. young in age, youthful MBh. R
- n. youth W
- -śodhita mfn. recently purified, pure L
- ○agraha m. N. of a son of Vasu and king of the Cedis MBh. Hariv
- (= -agra
- prob. a contracted form for pratyaggraha)
- ○aṅka mf(ā)n. recently marked (as cattle) Pāṇ. 2-1, 14 Kāś
- ○aṅkam ind. in every act (of a drama) Sāh
- ○aṅga n. a minor or secondary member of the body (as the forehead, nose, chin, fingers, ears &c
- the 6 Aṅgas or chief members being the trunk, head, arms and legs) MBh. R. Suśr. &c
- a division, section, part Suśr. Nir
- a subdivision (of a science &c.) W
- a weapon BhP
- m. a kind of measure Saṃgīt
- N. of a prince MBh
- (ibc. or am ind.) on every part or member of the body, on the limbs severally Pañcat. Hit. Gīt. Kathās
- for one's own person Pat. (cf. -vartin)
- for every part or subdivision (of a sacrifice &c.) Mn
- (in gram.) in each base Pāṇ. 1-1, 29 Pat
- -tva n. the belonging to TPrāt
- -dakṣiṇā f. a fee for each part (of a sacrifice) Mn.
- -vartin mfn. occupying one's self withone's own person Pat
- ○aṅgiras m. N. of a mythical personage (who like Aṅgiras married several of the daughters of Daksha) R
- ○aṅgirasa m. N. of a mythical personage regarded as the father of certain Ṛicas Hariv. VP
- ○aṅgirā f. Acacia Sirissa Rasar
- a form of Durgā, one of the goddesses of the Tāntrikas Cat
- -kalpa m. -tattva n. -pañcâṅga n. -prayoga m. -mantra m. -mantra-ṛk-samudāya m. -sahasra-nāman and ○mastotra n. -siddha-mantrôddhāra m. -sū7kta n. -stotra n. -stotrôpâsanâdi m. or n. N. of wks
- ○ajira n. g. aṃśv-ādi Pāṇ. 6-2, 193
- ○áñc See p. 674
- ○adhikaraṇam ind. at each paragraph Nyāyam
- ○adhidevatā f. a tutelary deity who stays in front or near one Hcat
- ○anantara mfn. being in the immediate neighbourhood of (gen.) R
- standing nearest (as an heir) Mn. viii, 185
- closely connected with, immediately following MBh. R
- (am), ind. immediately after (abl.) MBh
- next in succession W
- ○rī-√bhū, to betake one's self close to (gen.) Prasannar
- ○anilam ind. against the wind MW
- ○anīka mfn. hostile, opposed, injuring (with gen.)
- withstanding, resisting MBh. BhP. Sarvad
- opposite Suśr. Sarvad
- equal, vying with Kāvyâd
- m. an adversary, enemy BhP
- n. a hostile army MBh. Hariv
- hostility, enmity, a hostile relation, hostility position, rivality (sg. and pl.) MBh. R
- injuring the relatives of an enemy who cannot be injured himself Pratāp. Kpr. Kuval
- injuring one who cannot retaliate (?) W
- -tva n. = -bhāva Suśr
- the state of an enemy, hostility MW
- -bhāva m. being the contrary Nyāyad
- ○anuprâsa m. a kind of alliteration Śiś. Comm
- ○anumāna n. a contrary deduction, opposite conclusion KapS
- ○anuyoga m. a counter-question, quṭquestion in return Car
- ○anūkântam ind. at the end of each back part of the altar KātyŚr. Comm
- ○anta mfn. bordering on, adjacent or contiguous to, skirting W
- m. a border, frontier Ragh. Lalit
- a bordering country i.e. a country occupied by barbarians L
- (pl.) barbarous tribes Var
- -janapada n. a bordering country
- ○dâpapatti f. birth in a bordṭbordering or barbarous cṭcountry (with Buddhists one of the eight inauspicious ways of being born) Dharmas. 134
- -deśa m. a country bordering upon another, Śāṅkh. Sch
- -parvata m. an adjacent (small) hill L
- -vāsa n. (!) a frontier-place Lalit
- ○antarī-√bhū = -anantarī-√bhū Uttarar
- ○antāt ind. in each case to the end Lāṭy
- ○antika mfn. being or situated at the border Kāraṇḍ
- ○antima mfn. = -antika Divyâv
- ○andhakāra mfn. spreading shadow Buddh
- ○apara mfn. = -avara, q.v. Vajras
- ○apâya m. perishing again, Śīl
- ○abdam ind. every year, yearly Kathās
- ○abhyāsam ind. at each repetition ĀpŚr. Comm
- ○amitra mfn. opposed as an enemy, hostile
- m. an enemy, opponent, adversary MBh
- ○ayanam ind. every half year Yājñ
- ○ayanastvá n. obtaining again, recovery TBr
- ○ara m. (ŚvetUp. Comm.) or (ŚvetUp.) an intermediate spoke of a wheel
- ○arā f. (ŚvetUp.) an intermediate spoke of a wheel
- ○araṇya (ibc.), near or in a forest Buddh
- ○ari m. a well-matched opponent, equally powerful enemy MBh
- ○arka m. a mock sun, parhelion Var
- ○argala n. the rope by which a churning-stick is moved Gal
- ○arṇam ind. at each syllable Sarvad
- ○artham ind. in relation to anything Jaim
- at every object, in every case Pāṇ. 2-1, 6 Sch
- wṛ. for aty-a○ MBh
- ○ardha g. aṃśv-ādi Kāś
- ○ardhi (práty-), mfn. (prob.) possessing or claiming half of, having equal claims, equal to (gen.) RV
- ○arham ind. in yathā-p○, q.v
- ○avabhāṣa or wṛ. for -bhāsa, q.v. Uttarar
- ○avabhāḍṣā wṛ. for -bhāsa, q.v. Uttarar
- ○ava-marṣa
- ○ava-marḍṣa-vat wṛ. for ava-marśa, ○śa-vat, q.v
- ○avayava (ibc.) or (ind.), on or at every part of the body Naish. Comm
- ○avayaḍvam (ind.), on or at every part of the body Naish. Comm
- in every part or particular, in detail Bādar. Sch
- -varṇanā f. a detailed or minute description Vikr
- ○avara mfn. lower, more insignificant, less honoured than, (abl.) Mn. MBh. R. &c
- -kālam ind. after, later than (with abl. or ifc.) Car. =
- ○aśman m. red chalk L
- ○aṣṭhīlā f. a kind of nervous disease Suśr. Bhpr
- ○asta-gamana n. the setting (of the sun) ChUp. Sch
- ○astam ind. (with √gam) to go down, cease Sarvad
- -aya m. the setting (of the sun)
- cessation, disappearance, end, destruction Bādar. Sch
- ○astra n. missile hurled in return BhP. Kathās
- ○aha mfn. daily Rājat
- (am), ind. day by day, every day KātyŚr. Mn. Kāv. &c.
- in the morning W
- ○ākāra m. a scabbard, sword-sheath L
- ○āgāra (?), m. former place or state W
- ○ācāra m. suitable behaviour, conformable conduct MBh
- ○ātāpá m. a sunny place ŚBr. KātyŚr
- ○ātma (ibc.), or ind. for every soul, in every soul Sarvad
- ○ātḍmam ind. for every soul, in evṭevery soul Sarvad
- singly Pat
- ○maviniyata mfn. individual Car
- ○ātmaka mfn. belonging to one's self SaddhP
- ○ātmika mfn. = -ātmaka ŚāṅkhGṛ
- peculiar, original Car
- ○ātmya n. similarity with or resemblance to one's self
- (ena), ind, after one's own image BhP
- ○ādarśa m. wṛ. for -ādeśa, q.v. Pañcat
- ○āditya m. a mock sun, parhelion AV.Pariś. MBh
- (ibc.) towards the sun (e.g. p"ṣ-guda, one whose hinder parts are towards the sun Suśr.)
- ○ānīka m. (with rājan) a partic. personification ŚāṅkhGṛ
- ○āpīḍa m. a kind of metre Col
- ○āmnāyam ind. for every single text-book ĀśvŚr. Comm
- ○ārdra mfn. fresh
- -tara mfn. Buddh
- ○ārdrā f. g. aṃśv-ādi to Pāṇ. 6-2, 193
- ○ārdrī-√kṛ to moisten again, refresh again Kād
- to wipe out, efface Kir
- ○ārdhapura g. aṃśv-ādi (Kāś. praty-ardha, prati-pura)
- ○ālayam ind. in every house Dharmaśarm
- ○āvāsakam ind. to every station, to every tent Kād
- ○āvāsam ind. in every house Vcar
- ○āśam ind. in all directions Veṇis
- ○āśā f. confidence, trust, hope, expectation Prab. Kathās. &c. (○śa-tva n. ifc. Mālatīm.)
- ○āśin mfn. hoping, expecting W
- trusting, relying upon MW
- ○āha mfn. wṛ. for -aha, q.v. Rājat
- ○āhuti ind. at each oblation ĀpŚr. Kauś
- ○uta See p. 677
- ○uttara n. a reply to an answer, rejoinder, answer Pañcat. Hit. Prab. &c
- ○rīkaraṇa n. replying, an answer Mcar
- ○rī-√kṛ, to answer Kād
- ○udadhi ind. at the sea Bālar
- ○upamāna n. a counter comparison, the ideal of an ideal Vikr
- ○upasadam ind. at each celebration of an Upasad KātyŚr
- ○upâsanam ind. for every kind of worship Bādar. Sch
- ○urasa n. = pratigatam uraḥ Vop
- (am), ind. against the breast, upon the breast Śiś. Kir. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-4, 82)
- ○ulūka m. a bird resembling an owl
- (according to the Sch.) a hostile owl or a crow regarded as an owl's enemy BhP
- ○ulūkaka m. a bird resembling an owl Hariv
- ○uṣṭra m. g. aṃśv-ādi to Pāṇ. 6-2, 193
- ○ūrdhvam ind. on the upper side of (acc.), above, Susr
- ○ṛcam ind. at or in each verse GṛŚrS
- ○ṛtu ind. in each season Vait
- ○eka mfn. each one, each single oṭone, every one Jaim. Sch
- n. a partic. sin Buddh
- (ibc. or am ind.) one by one, one at a time, singly, for every single one ŚāṅkhŚr. Mn. Kāv. &c
- -naraka m. a partic. hell Divyâv
- -buddha m. a Buddha who lives in seclusion and obtains emancipation for himself only (as opp. to those Buddhas who liberate others also) Buddh. (cf. MWB. 134 &c.)
- (-kathā f. -catuṣṭaya n. N. of wks
- -tva n. the state of a Pratyeka Buddha Buddh.)
- -bodhi f. = -buddhatva Kāraṇḍ
- -śas ind. one by one, singly, severally MBh
- ○enas (práty-), m. an officer of justice, punisher of criminals ŚBr
- a surety, the heir nearest of kin who is responsible for the debts of a deceased person Kāṭh. ŚāṅkhŚr. MaitrS
- ○enasya n. the nearest heirship to (gen.) Kāṭh
- prati m. N. of a son of Kuśa BhP
- pratika mf(i)n. (fr. 1. prati) worth a Kārshāpaṇa or 16 Paṇas of cowries Pāṇ. 5-1, 25 Vārtt. 2
- prati-√kamp Caus. -kampayati, to shake, cause to tremble MBh
- prati-kara &c. See prati- √1. kṛ
- prati-karṣa m. (√kṛṣ) aggregation, combination KātyŚr. Sch
- anticipating that which occurs afterwards W
- prati-ḍkṛṣṭa mfn. ploughed back again L
- thrust back KātyŚr
- rejected, despised L
- prati-√kāṅkṣ Ā. -kāṅkṣate, to wish or long for R
- prati-√kāṅḍkāṅkṣitavya mfn. to be expected Vajracch
- prati-√kāṅḍkāṅkṣin mfn. wishing for, desirous of (gen. or comp.) MBh. Hariv
- prati-kāśa m.= pratī-k○ L
- prati-kuñcita mfn. (√kuñc) bent, curved W.
- prati-√kūj P. -kūjati, to coo or warble in return (with acc.) R
- prati-√kṛ P. Ā. -karoti, -kurute, (inf. pratī-kartum BhP.), to do or make an opposition AitBr
- to return, repay, requite (good or evil acc., with gen. dat. or loc. of pers.) MBh. R. &c
- to counteract, resist (acc. or gen.) ib
- to treat, attend to, cure (a disease) Suśr
- to repair, mend, restore Mn
- to pay back (a debt) Gaut.: Caus. Ā. -kārayate, to cause to be repeated ŚBr.: Desid. -cikīrṣati, to wish to take revenge on (acc. or loc.) for (acc.) MBh. R
- prati-ḍkara mf(ī)n. acting against, counteracting(ifc.) Suśr
- m. requital, compensation R. Rājat
- prati-ḍkaraṇīya mfn. to be counteracted or prevented, remediable MW
- prati-ḍkartavya mfn. to be requited or returned, to be repaid (lit. and fig.) MBh. Hariv. Śaṃk
- to be counteracted or resisted R. Prab
- to be treated or cured Suśr
- prati-ḍkartṛ m. a requiter, recompenser MBh
- an opponent, adversary Kull
- prati-ḍkarman n. requital, retaliation, corresponding action MBh. R
- counteraction, cure, medical treatment Car
- decoration, toilet, personal adornment MBh. R. &c
- (a), ind. in every work, at each performance or celebration KātyŚr. MBh
- prati-ḍkāra m. (cf. pratīk○) requital, retaliation, reward, retribution, revenge. R. Kathās. Rājat
- opposition, counteraction, prevention, remedy MBh. Suśr
- = sama and bhaṭa L
- -karman n. opposition, resistance Rājat
- -jña mfn. knowing what remedy should be applied MBh
- -vidhāna n. medical treatment Ragh
- prati-ḍkārin See a-pratikārin
- prati-ḍkārya mfn. (cf. pratī-k○) to be revenged
- n. retribution MBh. i, 6259 (Nīlak., m. 'an enemy')
- prati-ḍkṛta mfn. returned, repaid, requited &c. R
- n. recompense, requital MBh
- resistance, opposition Ragh
- prati-ḍkṛti f. resistance, opposition, prevention Hariv
- retaliation, return, revenge W
- an image, likeness, model
- counterpart, substitute MBh. Kāv. &c
- prati-ḍkriyā f. requital (of good or evil), retaliation, compensation, retribution MBh. Kāv. &c
- opposition, counteraction, prevention, remedy, help ib. (ifc. = removing, destroying)
- -tva n. MBh
- venting (of anger) Kathās
- embellishment, decoration (of the person) MBh
- -śūlinī-stotra n. N. of a Stotra
- prati-cikīrṣ mfn. (fr. Desid
- nom. ○cikīr before b) wishing to requite (loc) HPariś
- prati-ḍcikīrṣā f. wish to requite, desire to be revenged upon (acc. or loc.) MBh. BhP
- prati-ḍcikīrṣu mfn. wishing to return or requite MBh. (vḷ. -jihīrṣu)
- prati-√kṝ P. -kirati, to scatter towards (cf. prati-s-√kṝ and Pāṇ. 6-1, 141)
- prati-ḍkīrṇa mfn. scattered towards MW
- prati-√kḷp Ā. -kalpate (pf. ), to be at the service of (acc.), receive hospitably ŚBr
- to regulate, arrange AV
- prati-ḍkalpya mfn. to be arranged or prepared MBh. (for pratikalpa, See p. 661, col. 3)
- prati-kopa (√kup), m. anger against (any one), wrath MBh
- prati-√kram P. -krāmati (pf. -cakrāma and -cakrame), to come back, return ŚBr. ChUp. MBh
- to descend, decrease (in number, opp. to abhi-√kram) Nid
- to confess Śatr
- prati-ḍkrama m. reversed or inverted order Pratāp
- prati-ḍkrámaṇa n. stepping to and fro ŚBr
- going to confession Kalpas
- -vidhi m. -sūtra n. N. of wks
- prati-√krudh P. -krudhyati, to he angry with (acc.) in return Mn. MBh
- prati-ḍkrodha m. anger in return Kull
- prati-kruṣṭa mfn. (√kruś) miserable, poor Divyâv
- prati-ḍkrośá m. crying out to, halloing AV
- prati-√kṣi (only pr. p. -kṣiyát RV., -kṣyát TS.), to settle near (acc.)
- prati-√kṣip P. -kṣipati (cf. Pāṇ. 1-3, 80), to throw into (loc.) MBh. (vḷ. pari-)
- to push against, hurt Suśr
- to reject, despise, oppose, contradict, ridicule, confute Kathās. Sarvad. Lalit
- prati-ḍkṣipta mfn. thrown into &c. (cf. prec
- -tva n. Sarvad.) sent, dispatched L
- n. medicine L
- prati-ḍkṣepa m. contest MBh. (vḷ. vyati-)
- objection, contradiction, repudiation ib. Sarvad.
- prati-ḍkṣepaṇa n. contradiction, opposing, contesting Prab
- prati-kṣuta n. (√kṣu) sneezing, wheezing W
- prati-√khyā P. -khyāti (impf. -akhyat), to see, behold RV. AV. Br
- prati-ḍkhyāti f. renown (v. l. for pra-vikh○) L
- prati-√gad P. -gadati, to speak in return, answer MBh
- prati-√gam P. -gacchati, to go towards, go to meet RV. MBh. &c
- to go back, return, go home MBh. Kāv. &c
- prati-gata mfn. gone towards or back MBh
- flying backwards and forwards, wheeling in flight W
- lost from the memory R
- prati-gati f. (I.),
- prati-gamana n. (R.) return
- prati-√garj P. -garjati, to roar against or in return, answer with roars MBh
- to resist, oppose Hariv. Ragh
- to vie with (instr. or gen.), Kāvy,
- prati-garjana n. (AV.Pariś.),
- prati-garjanā f. (MBh.) thundering or roaring against or in return, an answering roar
- prati-√gā (only aor. -agāt), to go back, return
- prati-√gāh Ā. -gāhate, to penetrate, enter R
- prati-√gu (only Intens. -jóguve), to proclaim RV
- prati-gupta mfn. (√gup) guarded protected Inscr
- prati-gúpya mfn. to be guarded
- (am), ind. one must guard against (abl .) ŚBr
- prati-√gṛdh P. -gṛdhyati, to be greedy or eager for (acc.) MBh
- prati-gṛbhāya Nom. P. ○yati, to take, receive
- (esp.) to take into the mouth, eat RV
- prati-√gṝ P. Ā. -gṛṇāti, -gṛṇīte, to invoke, salute (acc.) RV
- (with dat
- Pāṇ. 1-4, 41 Sch.) to respond in recitation or chanting (also with prati-garam) ib. TS. Br. ŚrS
- to agree with (dat.) Vop
- prati-gará m. the responsive call of the Adhvaryu to the address of the Hotṛi TS. Br. ĀśvŚr
- prati-garitṛ m. one who makes a responsive cry or chant AitBr. ŚāṅkhŚr
- prati-gīrya mfn. to be answered in recitation or chanting AitBr
- prati-√grah P. Ā. -gṛhṇāti, -gṛhṇīte (irreg. 2. sg. Impv. -gṛhṇa R
- aor. -ajagrabhat AitBr.), to take hold of, grasp, seize (in astrol. = to eclipse, obscure) AV. &c. &c
- to take (as a present or into possession), appropriate, receive, accept RV. &c. &c. (śirasā, 'with the head' i e. 'humbly, obediently' R.)
- to gain, win over R
- to take as a wife, marry Mn. MBh. &c
- to take = eat, drink RV. VS. TBr
- to receive (a friend or guest) RV. &c. &c
- to receive (anything agreeable as a good word or omen) R. Kālid
- to assent to, acquiesce in, approve MBh. R
- (rarely) to receive (an enemy), oppose, encounter MBh. Ragh.: Caus. -grāhayati, to cause to accept, present with (2 acc.) MBh. R. Kālid
- to answer, reply BhP.: Desid. -jighṛkṣati, to wish to accept Gaut
- prati-gṛhīta mfn. taken, received, accepted, married MBh. Kāv. &c
- prati-gṛhītavya
- prati-gṛhītṛ wṛ. for ○grahītavya, ○grahītṛ
- prati-gṛ́hya mfn. to be accepted, acceptable TS. ('from', gen. Pāṇ. 3-1, 118 Vārtt. 1 Pat.)
- one from whom anything may be accepted ( See a-pratigṛhyá)
- prati-grahá m. receiving, accepting, acceptance of gifts (as the peculiar prerogative of Brāhmans
- IW. 237 ; 262) ŚBr. ŚrS. Mn. MBh. &c. (○grahaṃ-√kṛ, to receive presents Mn.)
- friendly reception MBh
- favour, grace MBh
- taking a wife, marrying R
- receiving with the ear i.e. hearing Kathās
- a grasper, seizer (keśa-, a hair-cutter, barber) Gobh. a receiver KātyŚr. R
- a chamber-vessel or any similar convenience for sick persons Car
- a spittoon L
- a gift, present (esp. a donation to a Brāhman at suitable periods) Yājñ. MBh. &c. (instr. 'as a present Kathās.)
- N. of the objects or functions corresponding to the 8 Grahas L
- = kriyā-kāra L
- the reserve of an army (a detachment posted with the general 400 yards in the rear of a line) W
- the sun near the moon's node ib
- -kalpa m. N. of Pariś. of MānGṛS
- -dhana n. money received as a present Kathās.
- mfn. one whose wealth consists only in presents Pañcat
- -prâpta mfn. received as a present Kathās
- -prâyaścitta-prakāra m. N. of wk
- prati-grahaṇa mfn. accepting ŚāṅkhGṛ. (perhaps wṛ.)
- n. receipt, acceptance ib. Lāṭy
- taking a wife, marrying R. (cf. á-pratig○)
- a vessel ŚāṅkhGṛ
- prati-grahaṇīya mfn. to be taken or accepted, acceptable W
- prati-grahin mfn. one who receives, a receiver (opp. to dātṛ) MBh
- prati-grahītavya mfn. to be received Kull
- grahītṛ́ mfn. id. AV. &c. &c
- m. one who takes a wife, one who marries (nom. ○tā, also as 3. sg. fut.) MBh. R
- grāha m. a spittoon L
- accepting gifts W
- grāhaka mfn. one who receives or accepts ( á-pratig○)
- grāhín mfn. id. TS
- grāhya mfn. to be taken or accepted, acceptable MBh. R. (cf. a-pratig○)
- one from whom anything may be received MBh. (cf. ○gṛhya and Pāṇ. ib.)
- m. N. of partic. Grahas TBr. Sch
- prati-gha m. (√han) hindrance, obstruction, resistance, opposition (cf. a-p○)
- struggling against (comp.) Car
- anger, wrath, enmity Mcar. Lalit. (one of the 6 evil passions Dharmas. 67)
- = mūrchā L
- combat, fighting W
- an enemy ib
- opposition, contradiction L
- prati-ghāta m. (cf. pratī-gh○) warding off, keeping back, repulse, prevention, resistance, opposition MBh. Kāv. &c
- rebound Kum
- -kṛt mfn. depriving any one (gen.) of (gen.) Yājñ
- -vid mfn. knowing how to resist, apt to resist MBh
- prati-ghātaka mf(ikā)n. disturbing MBh
- (ifc.) = ○ghāta ib
- prati-ghātana n. warding off, repulsing ib
- killing, slaughter L
- prati-ghātaya (Caus. of prati-√han), ○yati, to ward off MBh
- prati-ghātin mfn. keeping off, repulsing, disturbing, injuring Daś. Kām
- dazzling (netra-) Kum
- prati-ghna n. the body L.]
- prati-ghoṣin mfn. (√ghuṣ) roaring or crying out against
- (iṇī), f. N. of a class of demons ŚāṅkhŚr
- pratiṅgirā f. N. of a Buddh. deity W
- prati-√cakṣ Ā. -caṣṭe, to see, perceive RV. BhP
- to expect BhP
- to cause to see, let appear, show RV
- prati-ḍcakṣa See su-praticakṣá
- prati-ḍcákṣaṇa n. looking at, at viewing RV. BhP. (showing, displaying Sch.)
- appearance, look, aspect AV
- prati-ḍcakṣin mfn. regarding, observing AV.Paipp
- prati-ḍcákṣya mf(ā)n. visible, conspicuous RV
- prati-√car P. -carati, to advance towards, approach RV. TS
- Caus. -cārayati, See below
- prati-ḍcāra m. personal adornment, toilet, Śīl
- prati-ḍcārita mfn. (fr. Caus.) circulated, proclaimed, published MBh
- prati-ḍcārin mfn. exercising, practising L
- prati-cikīrṣ See prati-√kṛ
- prati-√cint P. Ā. -cintayati, ○te, to consider again, reflect upon, remember R
- Caur
- prati-ḍcintana n. thinking repeatedly, considering W
- prati-ḍcintanīya mfn. to be thought over again Kāv
- prati-√cud Caus. -coḍayati, to drive or urge on, impel R
- prati-ḍcodanam See p. 662, col. 1
- prati-ḍcodanā f. prevention, prohibition BhP. (= niṣedha, opp. to vidhi, or = smriti, opp. to śruti Sch.)
- prati-ḍcodita mfn. impelled or excited against (acc.) R
- prati-cchad (√chid), P. -cchādayati, to cover, envelop, hide, conceal, Kauś MBh. &c
- prati-cḍcchadana n. a cover, covering L
- prati-cḍcchanna mfn. covered, enveloped, hidden, concealed, disguised MBh. Kāv. &c
- endowed or furnished with (ifc.) MBh. iii, 1268
- prati-cchid (√chid), P. -cchinatti, to cut or tear off ŚāṅkhŚr. (v. l. pra-cch○)
- to retaliate by cutting to pieces MBh
- prati-cḍccheda m. cutting off
- resistance, opposition W
- práti-cyavīyas mfn. (√cyu) pressing closer against or towards RV. x, 86, 6
- práti-jagdha mfn. (√2. jakṣ) eaten, consumed MaitrS
- prati-√jan Ā. -jāyate, to be born or produced again PraśnUp
- prati-ḍjanman n. re-birth Kathās.
- prati-ḍjāta mfn. born again, renewed
- -kopa mfn. once more angry MBh
- prati-√jap P. -japati, to mutter in response Gobh
- prati-ḍjāpa m. the act of muttering against Kauś
- prati-√jalp P. -jalpati, to answer, reply MBh. R
- prati-ḍjalpa m. an answer, reply L
- prati-ḍjalpaka m. a polite but evasive answer L
- prati-√jāgṛ P. -jāgarti, to watch beside (acc.) RV. VS. AV
- to keep (?) Divyâv
- prati-ḍjāgara m. watchfulness, attention L
- prati-ḍjāgaraṇa n. watching, guarding, attending to MārkP
- prati-ḍjāgaraṇaka m. or n. (?) a district Inscr
- prati-ḍjāgṛvi mfn. watchful, attentive Cat
- prati-√ji P. -jayati, to conquer, defeat (in battle or at play) TS. MBh.: Desid. -jigīṣati, to wish to conquer or defeat, attack, assail MBh
- prati-jihīrṣu mfn. (√hṛ Desid.) wishing to return or requite MBh. (v. l. ○cikīrṣu
- p. 664, col. 3)
- prati-jīvana n. (√jīv) returning to life, resuscitation R
- prati-ḍjīvita n. id. Bālar
- prati-√juṣ Ā. -juṣate, to be kind or tender towards (acc.), honour, serve RV
- to be gratified by, delight in (acc.) ib
- prati-√jṛ Ā. -jarate (inf. -jarádhyai), to roar (as fire) in the direction of, to call out to, salute (acc.) RV
- prati-√jñā P. Ā. -jānāti, -jānīte, to admit, own, acknowledge, acquiesce in, consent to, approve RV. AV. MBh
- to promise (with gen., dat. or loc. of pers., and acc. with or without prati, or dat. of thing, also with inf. MBh. Kāv. &c
- with vākyam and gen. 'to promise fulfilment of a person's word' MBh
- with satyam 'to promise verily or truly' ib.)
- (Ā) to confirm, assert, answer in the affirmative ŚBr. ĀśvGṛ. MBh. &c
- to maintain, assert, allege, state MBh. R. &c. (śabdaṃ nityatvena, 'to assert the eternity of sound' Pāṇ. 1-3, 22 Sch.)
- (Ā) to bring forward or introduce (a topic) Nyāyam. Sch
- to perceive, notice, learn, become aware of MBh. Hariv
- to remember sorrowfully (only in this sense P. by Pāṇ. 1-3, 46
- but really Ā. MBh. xii, 8438)
- prati-jña mfn. acknowledging (ifc.) Vajracch
- (ā), f. See below
- pratijñā f. admission, acknowledgment, assent, agreement, promise, vow MBh. Kāv. &c
- a statement, assertion, declaration, affirmation ib
- (in logic) a proposition, the assertion or proposition to be proved, the first member or avyaya of the fivemembered Nyāya syllogism IW. 61
- (in law) a plaint, complaint, indictment, prosecution Yājñ
- ○kara m. N. of Sch on Nalôd. (usually called prajñā-k○)
- ○ntara (○jñânt○), n. (in logic) a subsequent proposition on failure of the first Nyāyas
- ○pattra or n. a promissory note, a written contract, bond W
- ○patḍtraka n. a promissory note, a written contract, bond W
- ○paripālana n. adherence to a promise, keeping one's word VP
- ○pariśiṣṭa n. N. of Pariś. of the white Yajur-veda
- ○pāraga mfn. one who keeps his word R
- ○pāraṇa n. fulfilment of a vow MBh
- ○pālana n. = -paripālana MBh
- ○pūrvakam ind. so as to begin with the plaint Yājñ. Sch
- ○bhaṅga m. breach of a promise
- -bhīru mfn. apprehensive of breaking a promise MW
- ○lakṣaṇa n. (prob.) 'the characteristic of a proposition'
- -kroḍa m. -ṭīkā f. -didhiti-ṭīkā f. -rahasya n. -vivecana n. ○ṇânugama m. ○ṇâloka m. N. of wks
- ○vāda and m. N. of wks
- ○vādârtha m. N. of wks
- ○virodha m. contradiction between a logical proposition and the argument Nyāyas
- acting contrary to a promise or agreement W
- ○vivāhita mfn. promised in marriage, betrothed ib
- ○saṃnyāsa m. abandonment of one's own proposition (after hearing the argument of the opponent) Nyāyas
- breaking a promise W
- ○sūtra n. N. of Pariś on the white Yajur-veda
- ○hāni f. giving up a proposition or argument Nyāyas
- prati-jñāta (práti-), mfn. admitted, acknowledged KātyŚr. Mn
- promised, agreed MBh. Kāv. &c
- declared, stated, asserted, proposed, alleged ib
- agreeable, desirable ŚBr
- ○târtha m. a statement, averment Yājñ
- prati-jñātavya mfn. to be promised or assented to W.
- prati-jñāti (prob.) wṛ. for pratiprajñāti
- prati-jñāna n. admission, assertion, assent, agreement, promise, APrāt. Yājñ. Sch
- bringing forward or introducing (a topic) Kull
- -vākya n. N. of Pariś. of the white Yajur-veda
- prati-jñāpita mfn. betrayed Śak. i, 23/24 (vḷ
- cf. pra-jñāpita)
- prati-jñeya mfn. to be promised or assented to W
- m. a panegyrist, herald, bard L
- prati-√jval P. -jvalati, to flame, blaze, shine MBh
- prati-√taḍ P. -tāḍayati, to strike in return MBh
- prati-ḍtāḍitavya n. (impers.) a blow must be returned L
- prati-√tap P. -tapati, to throw out or emit heat towards or against (acc.) AV. TāṇḍBr
- to heat, warm, foment GṛŚrS
- prati-tara m. (√tṝ) a sailor, oarsman, ferryman Suśr
- prati-tarkita mfn. (√tark) expected, comprehensible (a-pr○) R. (B.)
- prati-√tarj (only ind. p. -tarjya), to menace, threaten, terrify Kir. xiv, 26
- prati-√tij to emit heat or fire against or towards MaitrS. (only Impv. práti-tigdhi and titigáhi, for which Kāṭh. prati-tityagdhi , and ĀpŚr. prati-tiṅḍhi )
- pra-tithi m. N. of a Ṛishi and teacher (with the epithet Deva-taratha) VBr. Bālar
- prati-√dah P. -dahati (fut. -dhakṣyati), to burn towards, encounter with flames, consume RV. AV. ŚBr. ChUp.: Pass. -dahyate (○ti), to be burnt or consumed by fire MBh
- prati-√dā P. Ā. -dadāti, -datte, to give back, restore, return AV. &c. &c
- to give, offer, present MBh. R.: Caus. -dāpayati, to cause to be given back or restored Yājñ
- prati-ḍdātavya mfn. to be given back or restored Yājñ
- prati-ḍdāna n. restitution (of a deposit), restoration L
- giving or a gift in return Daś. Pāṇ. 1-4, 92
- exchange, barter L. (v. l. for pari-d○)
- prati-ḍdāpya mfn. to be caused to be restored Āpast
- prati-ḍdeya mfn. to be given back or returned Yājñ. MBh
- n. a pledge, pawn
- an article purchased and given back W
- pratī-tta See á-pr○
- prati-dāraṇa n. (√dṝ) battle, fighting, fierce conflict L
- prati-div √2. P. -dīvyati, to throw or cast against Pāṇ. 2-3, 59 Sch
- to play at dice with (acc.), to stake anything (gen. or acc.) at dice against AV. MBh
- prati-ḍdivan m. the sun L
- a day Uṇ. i, 156 Sch
- prati-ḍdī́van m. an adversary at play RV. AV
- the sun L
- prati-√diś Caus. -deśayati, to point towards, point out MBh
- to confess L
- prati-ḍdiśam and See p. 662, col. 1
- prati-ḍdeśam See p. 662, col. 1
- prati-ḍdeśanīya mfn. to be reported or related L
- prati-dīpta mfn. (√dīp) flaming against MBh
- prati-√duh (P. impf. -aduhat aor. -adhukṣat), to add by milking TS
- (P. Pot. -duhīyat A. Subj. -dohate) to yield (like milk), grant RV. (cf. Nir. i, 7)
- prati-ḍdúh n. (nom dhuk
- gen. instr. also dhuṣas, ○ṣā) fresh milk, milk still warm AV. TS. MaitrS. Br. ŚrS
- ○dhuk-tva n. TS
- prati-dūṣita mfn. (√2. duṣ, Caus.) defiled, rendered unclean, contaminated Mn. iv, 65
- prati-dṛś (ind. p. -dṛśya), to look at, behold, perceive, notice ŚBr
- Ā. and Pass. -dṛśyate, to become visible, appear, appear as, be RV. &c. &c.: Caus. -darśayati, to cause to see, show, teach MBh
- prati-ḍdarśa m. (cf. pratī-d○) looking at, viewing ŚāṅkhŚr
- prati-ḍdarśana n. id. R
- (ifc. f. ā) sight, look, appearance MBh
- prati-ḍdṛś
- prati-ḍdṛśam See p. 662, col. 1
- dṛṣṭa mfn. beheld, visible, conspicuous, famous, celebrated BhP. (= pra-khyāta Sch.)
- ○ṭānta, See p. 662, col. 1
- prati-√dru (only aor. -adu bruvat), to run towards (acc.) Bhaṭṭ.
- prati-druh m. (√druh) one who seeks to injure in return (a-p○) BhP
- prati√dhā P. Ā. -dadhāti, -dhatte (Ved. inf. práti-dhātave), to put on or in or near or back, return, restore (loc. or dat.) RV. AV. Br
- to adjust (an arrow), aim ib
- to put to the lips (for drinking) RV. iv, 27, 5
- to put down (the feet), step out Br
- to offer, present AitBr
- to use, employ Śatr
- to restrain BhP
- (Ā.) to commence, begin, approach RV. AV
- pratiḍdhā́ f. putting to the lips, a draught RV
- pratiḍdhāna n. (ifc.) putting to or on Gobh
- adopting precautions Kull
- pratiḍdhí m. a cross-piece on the pole of a carriage RV. VS
- práti-hita mfn. put on or in &c
- (ā), f. an arrow fitted to the bow-string RV. AV
- ○têṣu mfn. = ○hitāyīn Kauś
- práti-ḍhitāyín mfn. one who has adjusted the arrow ŚBr
- práti-ḍhiti f. adjusting an arrow Kāṭh
- prati-√dhāv P.Ā. -dhāvati, ○te, to run back AV
- to rush upon (acc.), attack MBh. R
- prati-ḍdhāvana n. rushing upon, onset, attack MBh. (vḷ. -bādhana)
- prati-√dhī (only pf. -didhima), to expect, hope RV
- prati-ḍdhī mfn. See p. 662, col. 1
- prati-√dhṛ P. Ā. -dhārayati, ○te, to keep back, stop, check ŚBr
- to keep erect, support AitBr
- prati-ḍdhartṛ́ m. one who keeps back or stops VS
- prati-√dhṛṣ (only pf. -dadharṣa and Ved. inf. -dhṛ́ṣe), to be bold against, brave, defy RV. Kāṭh. (cf. a-pratidhṛṣṭa and ○dhṛṣya)
- prati-dhyāta mfn. (√dhyai) thought upon, meditated MBh. (v. l. pra-dhyāta)
- prati-dhvani m. (√2. dhvan) echo, reverberated sound Hcar
- prati-ḍdhvāna m. (n. L.) id. Hit
- prati-ḍdhvānita (Nāg.),
- prati-ḍdhvānin (Sāh.), mfn. sounding, resounding
- prati-dhvasta mfn. (√dhvaṃs) sunk, hanging down MBh
- prati-√nad P. -nadati, to sound back, answer with a cry or shout MBh. R. &c.: Caus. -nādayati, to cause to resound, make resonant, fill with cries ib
- prati-ḍnāda m. echo, reverberation Kād
- prati-ḍnādita mfn. (fr. Caus.) filled with sounds, resonant, echoing or echoed Hariv. R
- prati-ḍninada m. = ○nāda Kir
- prati-√nand P. -nandati, to greet cheerfully, salute (also in return), bid welcome or farewell, address kindly, favour, befriend AV. &c. &c
- to receive joyfully or thankfully, to accept willingly (with na, to decline, refuse, reject) Mn. MBh. &c.: Caus. -nandayati, to gladden, delight, gratify MBh. Kām
- prati-√naḍnanda m. N. of a poet Cat
- prati-√naḍnándana n. greeting, salutation, friendly acceptance AV
- thanksgiving MW
- prati-√naḍnandita mfn. saluted or accepted kindly or cheerfully MBh. Kāv. &c
- prati-√nam (only pf. -nānāma), to bow or incline towards (acc.) RV
- prati-√nard P. Ā. -nardati, ○te, to roar or cry against or after (food), greet or hail with cries MBh. Hariv
- prati-nāha (√nah), See karṇapr○ and cf. pratī-nāha under 1. pratī, p. 673
- prati-niḥ-√sṛj P. -sṛjati, to drive towards, give up to (dat.) ŚBr
- prati-ḍniḥsarga m. giving back, abandonment Lalit. (wṛ. niḥsaṅga)
- prati-ḍniḥsṛjya mfn. to be given up or abandoned L
- prati-ḍniḥsṛṣṭa mfn. driven away Divyâv
- prati-ni-√kṣip P. -kṣipati, to put down or deposit again MBh
- prati-ni-√gad P. -gadati, to speak to, address KātyŚr
- to recite or repeat singly TBr. Sch
- prati-ni-√grah Ā. -gṛhṇīte, to take up (liquids), ladle out ŚBr
- prati-ḍnigrāhya mfn. to be ladled out ĀpŚr. (cf. ○nirgr○)
- prati-ni-√dhā P. -dadhāti, to put in the place of another, substitute ŚrS. Śaṃk
- to order, command MBh
- to slight, disregard MW.
- prati-ḍnidhātavya mfn. to be substituted Nyāyam. Sch
- prati-ḍnidhāpayitavya mfn. to be caused to be substituted ib
- prati-ḍnidhi m. substitution
- a substitute, representative, proxy, surety ŚrS. Mn. MBh. &c
- a resemblance of a real form, an image, likeness, statue, picture Kāv
- (ifc.) an image of i.e. similar, like Kāvyâd. (○dhī-√kṛ, to substitute anything acc. for comp. MBh. Ragh.)
- prati-ḍnidheya mfn. to be substituted Nyāyam
- prati-√nind P. -nindati, to abuse, blame, censure MBh
- prati-ni-pāta m. (√pat) falling down, alighting MBh
- prati-ni-yata mfn. (√yam) fixed or adopted for each single case, particular or different for each case Kap. Śaṃk
- prati-ḍniyama m. a strict rule as to applying an example to particular persons or things only Kap
- prati-nir-√as P. -asyati, to throw back ĀpŚr
- prati-nir-grāhya mfn. (√grah) to be taken up with a ladle ĀpŚr. (cf. prati-nigr○)
- prati-nir-jita mfn. (√ji) appropriated, turned to one's own advantage MBh
- prati-nir-√diś (only Pass. -diśyate), to point or refer back Kāś. on Pāṇ. 1-2, 53
- prati-ḍnirdiṣṭa mfn. referred to again KātyŚr. Sch
- prati-ḍnirdeśa m. a reference back to (with gen.), renewed mention Śaṃk
- prati-ḍnirdeśaka mfn. pointing or referring back (ifc.) KātyŚr. Sch
- prati-ḍnirdeśya mfn. referred to or mentioned again Sāh
- prati-nir-√yat Caus. -yātayati, to give back, return MBh
- prati-ḍniryātana n. giving back, returning Pāṇ. 2-3, 11 Sch
- rewarding, retaliation L
- prati-nir-√yā P. -yāti, to come forth again MBh. MārkP
- prati-nir-√vap P. -vapati, to distribute in return TS. TBr. Kauś
- prati-ni-vāraṇa n. (√1. vṛ) keeping off, warding off BhP
- prati-ni-vāsana n. (√4. vas) a kind of garment Buddh
- prati-ni-viṣṭa mfn. (√viś) quite prepossessed with (loc.) R
- obstinate, obdurate
- -mūrkha m. an obstinate fool Bhartṛ
- prati-ḍniveśa m. obstinacy, obdurateness Baudh
- prati-ni-√vṛt Ā. -vartate (P. 2. pl. fut. -vartsyatha MBh.), to turn back or round, return MBh. Kāv. &c
- to turn away from (abl.), escape, run away, take flight MBh
- to cease, be allayed or abated BhP.: Caus. -vartayati, to cause to go back, turn back, avert R. BhP
- prati-ḍnivartana n. returning, coming back ( See punaḥ-pr○)
- prati-ḍnivartita mfn. (fr. Caus.) caused to return, led back R
- prati-ḍnivṛtta mfn. turned back or from (abl.), come back, return MBh. Kāv. &c
- prati-ḍnivṛtti f. coming back, return ĀpŚr. Sch
- prati-niṣ-kraya m. (√krī) retaliation, retribution L
- prati-niṣ-√pū P. -punāti, to cleanse or winnow again, purify KātyŚr. Kauś. Suśr
- prati-niṣ-ḍpūta mfn. cleansed, winnowed Suśr
- prati-nis-√tṝ P. -tarati, to accomplish Divyâv
- prati-ni-√han (only 2. pers. pf. -jaghántha), to aim a blow at (acc.) RV. i, 52, 15
- prati-ni-√haḍnihata mfn. hit, slain, killed MBh
- prati-√nī P. -nayati, to lead towards or back AV. &c. &c
- to put into, mix Kauś
- prati-ḍnāyaka See p. 662, col. 1
- prati-√nu P. -nauti, to commend, approve Pat
- prati-√nud P. Ā. -nudati, ○te, to thrust back, repulse, ward off RV. VS. TS. Br
- prati-ḍnoda hrusting back, repulse TāṇḍBr. (cf. á-pr○)
- prati-√nṛt P. -nṛtyati, to dance before (in token of contempt), mock in turn by dancing before (acc.) MBh.: Intens. -narnṛtīti, to dance before (in token of love), delight or gladden by dancing before (acc.) Pat.
- prati-ny-√as (only ind. p. -nyasya), to place apart or lay down separately (for different persons) deposit R. (v. l. pra-vi-n○)
- prati-ḍnyāsa See p. 662, col. 1
- prati-ny-ā-√gam P. -gacchati, to come back, return Kāṭh
- pratipa m. N. of a prince L. (prob. wṛ. for pratīpa, q.v.)
- prati-paṇá m. (√paṇ) barter, exchange AV. (for 1. See p. 662, col. 1)
- prati-√pat P. -patati, to hasten towards, run to meet (acc.) MBh
- prati-√pad Ā. -padyate (ep. fut. also -patsyati), to set foot upon, enter, go or resort to, arrive at, resch, attain VS. &c. &c
- to walk, wander, roam ChUp
- to come back to (acc.), return MBh
- to happen, occur, take place PārGṛ. MBh
- to get into (acc.), meet, with, find, obtain, receive, take in or upon one's self. ŚBr. &c. &c
- to receive back, recover AitBr. Śak
- to restore to favour Ragh
- to undertake, begin (acc., dat. or inf.), practise, perform, accomplish Nir. MBh. Kāv. &c
- to do anything to any person, act or proceed or behave towards or against (loc., gen. or acc.) MBh. Hariv. R
- to make, render MBh
- to fall to a person's (acc.) lot or share, PārGr
- to let a person (dat.) have anything Āpast
- to give back, restore Mn. viii, 183
- to perceive, find out, discover, become aware of or acquainted with, understand, learn MBh. R. &c
- to deem, consider, regard Śaṃk. Sāh
- to answer affirmatively say yes (with or scil. tathā, or tathêti), acknowledge, assent, agree, promise MBh. Kāv. &c
- to begin to speak, commence (with acc. or instr.) RV. Br
- to answer ChUp. (also with uttaram R.): Caus. -pādayati, to convey or lead to, procure, cause to partake of (2 acc.). give a present to, bestow on (loc., dat. or gen.) Kauś. Mn. MBh. &c
- to give in marriage Āpast
- to spend. ib
- to present with (instr.) Kāraṇḍ
- to put in, appoint to (loc.) R
- to produce, cause, effect MBh. R. &c
- to establish, substantiate, prove, set forth, explain, teach, impart MBh. R. &c
- to deem, consider, regard as (2 acc.) Pañcat. (vḷ. -vadasi for -pādayasi): Desid. -pitsate (Pāṇ. 7-4, 54), to wish to attain Śaṃk
- to wish to know Bhām.: Desid. of Caus. -pipādayiṣati, to wish or intend to explain or analyze Śaṃk
- prati-ḍpattavya mfn. to be obtained or received MBh
- to be given (as an answer) R
- to be conceived or understood Car. Śaṃk
- to be done or begun MBh
- n. (impers.) it is to be assumed or stated Śaṃk
- one should act or proceed or behave MBh. Daś. Pañcat
- prati-ḍpatti f. gaining, obtaining, acquiring Gaut. Śaṃk
- perception, observation, ascertainment, knowledge, intellect MBh. Kāv. &c
- supposition, assertion, statement Bhartṛ. Tattvas
- admission, acknowledgment Yājñ
- giving, granting, bestowing on (loc. or comp) MBh. Kām
- causing, effecting Kām
- beginning, action, procedure in or with (loc., gen. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (tatra kā pratipattiḥ syāt, what is to be done there? MBh
- kā tasya pratipattiḥ. what is to be done with it? Kull.)
- respectful reception or behaviour, homage, welcome ib. (○ttiṃ-√dā, to show honour Śak.)
- confidence, assurance, determination R. (cf. a-pratp○)
- resource, means for (loc.), expedient against (gen.) Jaim
- high rank or dignity, rule, reign Cat
- conclusion ĀśvŚr
- -karman n. a concluding rite or ceremony ĀpŚr. Sch
- -dakṣa mfn. knowing how to act or what is to be done Pañcat
- -darśin mfn. showing what ought to be done SaddhP
- -niṣṭhura mfn. difficult to be understood Ragh
- -paṭaha m. a kind of kettle-drum (allowed only to chiefs of a certain rank) L
- -parāṅmukha mf(ī)n. averse from compliance, obstinate, unyielding Bhaṭṭ
- -pradāna n. the giving of preferment, conferring promotion Hit
- -bheda m. diversity of views, difference of opinions RPrāt
- -mat mfn. possessing appropriate knowledge, knowing what is to be done, active, prompt R. Kām. Suśr
- celebrated, high in rank W
- -viśārada mfn. = -dakṣa MBh
- prati-ḍpattṛ mfn. one who perceives or hears Sāh
- one who comprehends or understands Śaṃk.
- one who maintains or asserts ĀpŚr. Sch
- prati-ḍpád f. access, ingress. entrance VS. ŚBr
- the path to be walked, the right path L
- beginning, commencement TS. TBr
- an introductory verse or stanza Br. ŚrS
- (also ○padā or ○padī) the first day of a lunar fortnight (esp. of the moon's wane) AgP. L
- understanding, intelligence L
- taste for anything Jātakam
- rank, consequence W
- a kettle-drum ib
- ○paccandra m. the moon on the first day, the new moon (esp. revered and saluted) Ragh
- ○pat-tūrya n. a kind of kettle-drum (cf. ○patti-paṭaha) L
- ○pan-maya mfn. obedient, willing Jātakam
- prati-ḍpadā or f. See under ○pad
- prati-ḍpadī f. See under ○pad
- prati-ḍpanna mfn. come up or resorted to, got into (acc.), approached, arrived MBh. Kālid
- met with, obtained, found, gained, won Kād
- overcome, conquered, subdued W
- undertaken, begun, done ib
- ascertained, known, understood Kum
- familiar with (loc.) MBh
- convinced, sure of anything Śaṃk
- one who has consented or agreed to or promised Kathās. (also -vat) Pañcat
- agreed upon, promised, consented to, to R. Pañcat. (-tva Śukas.)
- avowed, acknowledged (as a brother), admitted (as a debt) Yājñ. Pañcat
- answered, replied Kathās
- offered, given, presented to (loc.) Āpast
- acting or behaving towards (loc.) MBh
- -prayojana mfn. one who has attained his object R
- prati-ḍpannaka m. 'arrived at an aim', (with Buddh.) N. of the 4 orders of Āryas (viz. the Śrota-āpanna, Sakṛid-āgāmin, An-āgāmin, and Arhat) L
- prati-ḍpādaka mf(ikā)n. causing to obtain, giving, presenting to (loc.) MBh. (a-pratip○)
- stating, demonstrating, explaining, teaching (-tva n.) MBh. Kāś. Vedântas
- effective, accomplishing, promoting MW
- m. or n. (?) a receptacle for hair L
- prati-ḍpādana n. causing to attain, giving, granting, bestowing on, presenting to (loc. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- giving back, restoring, returning MBh. (a-pratip○ Kull.)
- bringing back R
- putting in, appointing to (loc.), inauguration ib
- producing, causing, effecting, accomplishing W
- stating, setting forth, explaining, teaching, pro. pounding, illustrating Var. Śaṃk. Sāh
- begining, commencement MBh
- action, worldly conduct W
- prati-ḍpādanīya mfn. to be given, to be married Śak
- to be propounded or discussed or treated of Kap. Sch
- to be accomplished MW
- prati-ḍpādayitavya mfn. to be offered or given, Kā
- prati-ḍpādayitṛ m. a giver, bestower on (loc.) Āpast
- a teacher, propounder, instructor Kāś
- prati-ḍpādita mfn. caused to attain, given (also in marriage), delivered, presented MBh. Hariv. R
- stated, proved, set forth, explained, taught MBh. Kathās. BhP
- (-tva n.) Sāh
- caused, effected, produced MBh. R
- prati-ḍpāduka mf(ī)n. recovering Śiś
- determining, ascertaining W
- causing, effecting ib
- prati-ḍpādya mfn. to be treated of or discussed, to be explained or propounded (-tva. n.) Śaṃk. Vedântas. Kāś
- prati-pitsā f. (fr. Desid.) desire of obtaining, striving after (comp.) Saṃk
- prati-ḍpitsu mfn. desirous of obtaining, longing for (acc. or comp.) ib
- desirous of hearing or learning (acc.) Gobh. Sch
- prati-ḍpipādayiṣā f. desire of setting forth or discussing or treating of (acc.) Kāvyâd. Sch
- prati-ḍpipādayiṣu mfn. wishing to explain, about to treat of Kull
- prati-parā-ṇī (√nī), P. Ā. -ṇayati, ○te, to lead back ŚBr
- prati-parā-√hṛ P. -harati, to hand over ŚBr
- prati-pari-gamana n. (√gam) walking round backwards or again ĀpŚr. Sch
- prati-parī (), P. -paryeti, to go round in a reverse direction KātySr
- prati-paré (), ind. p. -parêtya, to return again ŚBr
- prati-pary-ā-√vṛt Ā. -vartate, to turn round in an opposite direction ŚāṅkhŚr. Kauś
- prati-pary-ā-√hṛ P. -harati, to turn round again ŚāṅkhŚr
- prati-√paś only pr. P. -paśyati, to look at, perceive, see, behold RV. AV. Br. MBh
- to live to see, experience MBh
- (Ā. ○te) to see in one's own possession AV
- prati-pāṇá (√paṇ), m. (for 1. See p. 662, col. 2) ready to exchange, bartering AV.
- prati-pāna n. (√1. pā) drinking Āpast. (cf. pratī-p○)
- water for drinking R
- prati-√pāl P. -pālayati (ep. also ○te), to protect, defend, guard, keep MBh. R
- to observe, maintain ib
- to wait, wait for, expect ChUp. MBh. Kāv. &c
- prati-ḍpālaka mf(ikā)n. protecting preserving
- a protector W
- prati-ḍpālana n. guarding, protecting, keeping, cherishing MBh. Kāv. &c
- maintaining, observing MBh. R
- waiting, expecting Ratnâv
- prati-ḍpālanīya (Śak.),
- prati-ḍpālayitavya (MBh.), mfn. to be guarded or watched or waited for
- prati-ḍpālita mfn. cherished, protected
- practised, followed W
- prati-ḍpālin mfn. guarding MBh
- prati-ḍpālya mfn. = ○pālanīya MBh. Śak
- prati-pitsā -pitsu, -pipādayiṣā, -pipādayiṣu, See col. 2
- prati-√piṣ P. -pinaṣṭi (ep. impf. -apiṃṣat), to rub one thing against another, rub together MBh. (karaṃ kare, or hastair hastâgram, the hands)
- to bruise, grind, crush, destroy. Nir. ChUp. MBh
- prati-ḍpiṣṭa mfn. rubbed or rubbing against each other (as horses), struck against each other, crossed (as swords)
- bruised, crushed MBh. Suśr
- prati-ḍpeṣam ind. rubbing or pressing against each other (uraḥ-pratipeṣaṃ yudhyante, they fight breast to breast) Pāṇ. 3-4, 55 Sch
- prati-√pīḍ P. -pīḍayati, to press, oppress, harass, afflict MBh. R
- prati-ḍpīḍana n. oppressing, harassing, molesting Kām
- prati-√pīy P. -pī́yati, to abuse, revile RV
- prati-√pūj P. -pūjayati, to return a salutation, reverence, salute respectfully, honour, praise, commend, approve Mn. MBh. &c
- prati-ḍpūjaka mfn. honouring, revering, a reverer (ifc.) R
- prati-ḍpūjana n. doing homage, honouring, revering (with gen.) R
- prati-ḍpūjā f. id (with gen. or loc.) MBh
- prati-ḍpūjita mfn. honoured, revered, presented with (instr.) Mn. MBh. &c
- exchanged as civilities W
- prati-ḍpūjya mfn. to be honoured Mn
- prati-√pṝ P. -pṛṇāti (only 2. du. Impv. -pṛṇītám), to bestow in return RV. vii, 65, 5: Caus. -pūrayati, to fill up, make full ĀśvGṛ. Suśr
- to fill (said of a noise) MBh
- to sate, satiate, satisfy ib
- to fulfil, accomplish R
- prati-pūraṇa n. filling up, filling R
- injecting a fluid or other substance, pouring a fluid over Suśr
- the being filled with (instr.) Gaut
- obstruction, congestion (of the head) Car
- prati-ḍpūrita mfn. filled with, full of Hariv
- satisfied, contented BhP
- prati-ḍpūrṇa mfn. id. ChUp. MBh. &c
- -bimba mfn. 'having its disc filled', full (the moon) MBh
- mānasa mfn. (having one's heart) satisfied Hariv
- prati-ḍpūrti f. fulfilment, perfection Lalit
- prati-pra-√grah P. -gṛhṇāti, to take up or receive again MBh
- prati-√prach P. -pṛcchati, to ask, question, inquire of (2 acc.) R. Kathās
- prati-ḍpraśna m. a question in return ĀpŚr. Vait
- an answer Var
- prati-ḍprāś
- prati-ḍprāśita See p. 662, ccl. 2
- prati-pra-√jñā P. -jānāti, to seek out or find again ŚBr
- prati-ḍprajñāti f. discrimination, ascertainment, statement AitBr. Kāṭh
- prati-pra-√dā P. -dadāti, to give back again MBh
- prati-ḍpratta mfn. given up, delivered ŚBr
- prati-ḍpradāna n. giving back, returning R
- giving in marriage ib
- prati-pra-√brū P. -braviiti, to speak in return, reply, answer ŚBr
- prati-prabha m. N. of an Ātreya (author of RV. v, 49) Anukr
- (ā), f. reflection (of fire) MBh
- prati-pra-√muc P. -muñcati, to admit (a calf to the cow) ŚBr
- prati-pra-√yam P. -yacchati, to give back, return, restore TS. GṛŚrS. Daś
- prati-pra-yavaṇa n. (√2. yu) repeated mixture Suśr
- prati-pra-√yā P. -yāti, to go back, return RV. &c. &c
- prati-ḍprayāṇa n. going back, return R. (○ṇakam, See p. 662, col. 2).
- prati-ḍprayāta mfn. gone back, returned MBh. Kāv. &c
- prati-pra-√yuj P. Ā. -yunakti, -yuṅkte, to add instead of something else, substitute TāṇḍBr
- (Ā.) to pay back, restore (a debt) MBh. (B.)
- prati-pra-√vac (only pf. -próvāca and ind. p. -prôrya), to report, relate, tell TS. Br
- prati-ḍprôkta mfn. returned, answered AitBr. BhP
- prati-pra-√vid Caus. -vedayati, to proclaim, announce TS
- prati-pra-√viś P. -viśati, to go back, return R
- prati-pra-√vṛt Caus. -vartayati, to lead towards Kauś
- prati-praśna See prati-√prach
- prati-pra-śrabdhi f. (√śrambh) omission, removal L
- prati-pra-√sū Ā. -suvate, to allow or enjoin again ĀpŚr. Sch
- prati-ḍprasava m. counter-order, suspension of a general prohibition in a particular case Śaṃk. KātyŚr. Sch. Kull
- an exception to an exception TPrāt. Sch
- return to the original state Yogas
- prati-ḍprasavam ind., See p. 662, col. 2
- prati-ḍprasūta mfn. re-enjoined after having been forbidden KātyŚr. Sch
- prati-pra-√sṛp P. -sarpati, to creep near again ĀśvŚr
- prati-pra-sthātṛ́ m. (√sthā) N. of a priest who assists the Adhvaryu TS. Br. ŚrS
- prati-ḍprasthā́na m. N. of a partic. Soma-Graha VS
- n. the office of the Prati-prasthātṛi ( See ○prāsthānika)
- the milk-vessel of the Prati ĀpŚr
- prati-ḍprāsthānika mfn. relating to the office of the Prati
- (with karman), n. the office of the Prati MBh
- prati-pra-hāra m. (√hṛ) a counter-blow, returning a blow Hariv. Ragh
- prati-pra-√hi P. -hiṇoti, to drive or chase back AV. ŚBr
- prati-pra-√hve (only Pass. -hūyate), to call near, invite to (acc.) RV
- prati-prâ-√yā P. -yāti, to come near, approach RV
- prati-prāś -prāśita, See prati√prach and p. 662, col. 2
- prati-prâs (pra + √as), P. -prâsyati, to throw or cast upon KātyŚr
- prati-plavana n. (√plu) jumping or leaping back R
- prati-√phal P. -phalati, to bound against, rebound, be reflected Kāv
- to requite MW
- prati-ḍphala m. (L.),
- prati-ḍphalana n. (Kāv.) reflection, image, shadow
- (W.) return, requital, retaliation
- prati-phullaka mfn. flowering, in blossom L
- prati-√bandh P. Ā. -badhnāti, -badhnīte (ep. impf. also -abandhat), to tie to, fasten, fix, moor (Ā., anything of one's own) ŚBr. Hariv. &c
- to set, enchase MBh
- to exclude, cut off Ragh. Kull
- to keep back or off, keep at a distance Daś. Naish
- to stop, interrupt Śak
- prati-ḍbaddha mfn. tied or bound to, fastened, fixed Kām. Ragh. Suśr
- twisted, wreathed (as a garland), Mālatim. ii, 0/1
- dependent on, subject to (comp.) Kād. Saṃk
- attached to, joined or connected or provided with (instr.) Kap. MBh. Hit
- harmonizing with, (loc.) Kum
- fixed, directed (upari, or comp.) Śaṃk. Pañcat
- hindered, excluded, cut off, Mallin
- kept at a distance MBh
- entangled, complicated Var
- disappointed, thwarted, crossed, vexed L
- (in phil.) that which is always connected or implied (as fire in smoke) MW
- -citta mfn. one whose mind is turned to or fixed on (comp.) Pañcat
- -tā f. the being connected with (comp.) L
- -prasara mfn. hindered or blunted in its course (as a thunderbolt), Mallin. on Kum. iii, 12
- -rāga mfn. having passion in harmonious connection with (loc.), Kum. vii, 91
- prati-ḍbadhya mfn. to be obstructed or hindered L.
- prati-ḍbanddhṛ m. a hinderer, preventer, obstructor
- -tā f. Naish
- prati-ḍbandha m. connection, uninterruptedness, Kap. Kāś
- a prop, support Kād
- investment, siege Hariv
- obstacle, hindrance, impediment Kālid. Śaṃk
- opposition, resistance Śak. (ena, by all kinds of resṭresistance Nal.)
- a logical impediment, obstructive argument Sarvad
- stoppage, suspension, cessation Pāṇ. 3-3, 51 (cf. varṣapr○) ; vii, 1, 45
- -kārin mfn. creating obstacles, hindering, preventing W
- -mukta mfn. freed from obstṭobstacles Śatr
- -vat mfn. beset with obstṭobstacles, difficult to attain Mālav
- prati-ḍbandhaka (ifc.) = ○bandha, impediment, obstacle MBh
- mf(ikā)n. obstructing, preventing, resisting MBh. Rājat. TPrāt. Sch
- m. a branch L
- N. of a prince VP
- prati-ḍbandhana n. binding, confinement, obstruction W
- prati-ḍbandhi in. contradiction, objection L
- -kalpanā f. (in logic) an assumption liable to a legitimate contradiction Sarvad
- prati-ḍbandhin mfn. meeting with an obstacle, being impeded or prevented Pāṇ. 6-2, 6
- (ifc.) impeding, obstructing
- -tā f. Vikr
- prati-√bādh Ā. -bādhate (ep. also P. ○ti), to beat back, ward off, repel MBh. R
- to check, restrain ŚBr
- to pain, torment, vex Hariv. R
- prati-ḍbādhaka mf(ikā)n. thrusting back, repelling (ifc.) R
- preventing, obstructing MW
- prati-ḍbādhana n. beating back, repulsion (gen., acc., or comp.) MBh. BhP
- prati-ḍbādhita mfn. beaten back, repelled MBh
- prati-ḍbādhin mfn. obstructing
- m. an opponent MW
- prati-√budh Ā. -budhyate (ep. also P. ○ti), to awaken (intr.), awake, wake Mn. MBh. &c
- to perceive, observe, learn RV. (2. pf. Subj. -búbodhatha
- p. Ā. búdhyamāna, 'attentive') AV. Br. BhP
- to awaken (trans.) RV.: Pass. (only aor. abodhi) to expand BhP.: Caus. bodhayati, to awaken (trans.) Kāv. Kathās. BhP
- to instruct, inform, admonish MBh. Kāv. &c
- to commission, charge, order MW
- prati-ḍbuddha (práti-), mfn. awakened, awake (also said of the Dawn) RV. &c. &c
- one who has attained to perfect knowledge ŚBr. (cf. MWB. 98, n.)
- illuminated, enlightened BhP
- observed, recognized ib
- known, celebrated W
- made prosperous or great ib
- -vastu mfn. understanding the real nature of things BhP
- ○ddhâtman mfn. having the mind roused or awakened, awake MW
- prati-ḍbuddhaka mfn. known, recognized (a-pratib○) MBh
- prati-ḍbuddhi f. awakening Cat
- hostile disposition or purpose (= śatru-b○) MW
- -vat mfn. having hostile intentions ib
- prati-ḍbodha m. (cf. pratī-b○) awaking, waking Ragh. BhP
- perception, knowledge KenUp. BhP
- instruction, admonition Śukas
- N. of a man, g. bidâdi
- -vat mfn. endowed with knowledge or reason Śak
- prati-ḍbodhaka mfn. awakening (with acc.) R
- m. a teacher, instructor Siṃhâs
- prati-ḍbodhana mfn. awakening, enlivening, refreshing (ifc.) BhP. Suśr
- (ā), f. awaking, recovering consciousness Kād
- n. awaking, expanding, spreading MBh. Suśr
- awakening (trans.) R
- instruction, explanation BhP
- prati-ḍbodhanīya mfn. to be awakened Ratnâv
- prati-ḍbodhita mfn. awakened R
- instructed, taught, admonished W
- prati-ḍbodhin mfn. awaking, about to awake Kathās. (cf. g. gamy-ādi)
- prati-√brū P. Ā. -braviiti, -brūve, to speak in reply, answer RV. &c. &c. (also with 2 acc. R.)
- (Ā.) to answer i.e. return (an attack &c.) RV
- to refuse, deny BhP
- prati-√bhakṣ P. -bhakṣayati, to eat separately or alone ĀśvŚr
- prati-√bhaj P. -bhajati, to fall again to one's share, return to (acc.) Daś. 2
- prati-ḍbhāga m. (for 1. See p. 662, col. 3) division VāyuP. (wṛ. for pra-vibh○?)
- a share, portion, daily present (consisting of fruit, flowers &c. and offered to a king) Mn. viii, 307
- -śas ind. in divisions or classes Suśr
- prati-√bhañj P. -bhanakti, to fracture, break in pieces RV. AV. TBr
- prati-√bhaṇ P. -bhaṇati, to speak in reply, answer Bhaṭṭ
- prati-ḍbhaṇita mfn. answered, replied W
- prati-bhaṇḍitavya mfn. (√bhaṇḍ) to be derided or scoffed in return L
- prati-√bhā P. -bhāti, to shine upon (acc.) Lāṭy
- to come in sight, present or offer one's self to (gen. or acc.) MBh. R. &c.
- to appear to the mind (also with manasi), flash upon the thoughts, become clear or manifest, occur to (acc. or gen.) Up. MBh. &c. (nóttaram pratibhātime, 'no answer occurs to me' Hariv.)
- to seem or appear to (gen., acc. with or without prati) as or like (nom. with or without iva, or yathā, or -vat ind.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (iti pratibhāti me manaḥ, 'so it seems to my mind' MBh.)
- to seem fit, appear good, please to (gen.or acc.) Vikr. Pañcat. &c. (sā bhāryā pratibhāti me, 'this one would please me as a wife' Kathās.)
- prati-ḍbha mfn. wise, intelligent Ragh. viii, 79 (vḷ.)
- prati-ḍbhā f. an image Nir
- light, splendour ( See niṣ-pr○)
- appearance (a-pr○) Gaut
- fitness, suitableness (a-pr○), Śrs
- intelligence, understanding MBh. Kāv. Sāh
- presence of mind, genius, wit Kām
- audacity, boldness (a-pr○) Nyāyad
- a thought, idea Daś. Kathās
- a founded supposition Naish
- fancy, imagination MBh. Kathās. Sāh
- -kṣaya m. loss or absence of knowledge, want of sense Kull
- -tas ind. by fancy or imagination Kathās
- -"ṣnvita (○bhânv○), mfn. intelligent, wise L
- confident, hold L
- -balāt ind. by force of reason or intelligence, wisely Rājat
- -mukha mfn. at once hitting the right, quick-witted L. (confident, arrogant W.)
- -vat mfn. endowed with presence of mind, shrewd, intelligent Kathās
- confident, bold L
- m. (L.) the sun, the moon, fire
- -vaśāt ind. = -tas, Kithās
- -vilāsa m. N. of sev. wks
- -hāni f. privation of light, dulness, darkness W
- = -kṣaya ib
- prati-ḍbhāta n. (prob.) a symbolical offering Hariv. (vḷ. ○bhâna and ○bhāva)
- prati-ḍbhāna n. becoming clear or visible, obviousness TS. Sch
- intelligence Hariv
- eloquence Lalit
- brilliancy W
- boldness, audacity ib
- v. l. for ○bhāta Hariv
- -kūṭa m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva L
- -vat mfn. endowed with presence of mind, quick-witted, shrewd, intelligent MBh. Kāv. &c. (-tva n. Mālatim.)
- bright, brilliant W
- bold, audacious ib
- prati-√bhāṣ Ā. -bhāṣate (ep. also P. ○ti), to speak in return or to (acc.), answer, relate, tell MBh. Kāv. &c
- to call, name (2 acc.), Śrut
- prati-ḍbhāṣā f. an answer, rejoinder L
- prati-ḍbhāṣya n. N. of ch. of BhavP
- prati-√bhās Ā. -bhāsate, to manifest one's self. appear as or look like or as (nom.) Rājat. (nānā-tvena, 'to appear different' Vedântas.)
- to shine, be brilliant, have a bright appearance Kathās
- prati-ḍbhāsa m. appearance, look, similitude, Vedantas. Sāh
- appearing or occurring to the mind Kpr. R. Sch
- illusion Lalit
- prati-ḍbhāsana n. appearing, appearance Kap. Sch. Sāy
- look, semblance Sāh
- prati-√bhid P. -bhinatti, to pierce, penetrate MBh
- to disclose, betray Daś
- to reproach, censure, be indignant with (acc.) Ragh. Śiś
- prati-ḍbhinna mfn. pierced, divided W
- distinguished by (instr. or comp.) Kum. vii. 7 ; 35
- prati-ḍbhinnaka mfn. undecided (?) Divyâv
- prati-ḍbheda m. (ifc. f. ā) splitting, dividing (?) MBh
- discovery, betrayal Rājat. Kathās
- prati-ḍbhedana n. piercing, cutting, dividing W
- putting out (as the eyes) Yājñ
- prati-√bhuj P. -bhunakti, to enjoy MBh
- to eat food besides the prescribed diet Car
- prati-ḍbhukta mfn. one who has eaten food reserved for him Car
- one who has eaten food other than the prescribed diet ib
- prati-ḍbhoga m. enjoyment MBh
- = next Car
- vḷ. for -bhāga Mn.viii, 307
- prati-ḍbhojana n. prescribed diet Car
- prati-ḍbhojita mfn. one who has been allowed to eat food besides the prescribed diet ib
- prati-ḍbhojin mfn. eating the prṭprescribed diet ib
- prati-√bhū P. -bhavati, to be equal to or on a par with (acc.) ŚBr.: Caus. -bhāvayati, to observe, become acquainted with (acc.) MBh.: Pass. -bhāvyate, to be considered as, pass for (nom.) Rājat
- prati-ḍbhāva m. counterpart (-tā f.) Prasannar
- corresponding character or disposition W
- -vat mfn. having corresponding characters, social ib
- prati-ḍbhū m. a surety, security, bail Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c
- prati-√bhūṣ P. -bhūṣati, to make ready, prepare, fit out RV
- to serve, wait upon, honour, worship ib. TS
- to concede, acquiesce in, agree to (acc.) RV
- prati-√bhṛ P. -bharati, to carry towards, offer, present RV
- (-bibharti), to support (a parent) Divyâv
- prati-ḍbhṛta mfn. offered, prevented ib.
- prati-maṇḍita mfn. (√maṇḍ) decorated, adorned SaddhP
- prati-√man Ā. -manute, to render back in return or in reply, contrast with (also with 2 acc.) VS. ChUp.: Caus. -mānayati, to honour, esteem, approve, consider, regard MBh. R. &c
- prati-ḍmānanā f. homage, reverence Śiś
- prati-ḍmānayitavya mfn. to be regarded or considered Mudr
- prati-√mantr P. -mantrayati, to call out or reply to ŚrS
- to consecrate with sacred texts MBh
- prati-ḍmantraṇa n. an answer, reply Kauś
- prati-ḍmantrayitavya mfn. to be answered L
- prati-ḍmantrita mfn. consecrated with sacred texts MBh
- prati-manyūya Nom. Ā. ○yate, á-pratimanyūyamāna
- prati-marśa m. (√mṛś) a kind of powder used as a sternutatory Car. Suśr. (wṛ. -marṣa)
- prati-√mā Ā. -mimīte (Ved. inf. prati-mai), to imitate, copy RV. VS. Kauś
- prati-√mā m. a creator, maker, framer AV. VS
- (ā́), f. an image, likeness, symbol RV. &c. &c
- a picture, statue, figure, idol Mn. Hariv. Ragh. (IW. 218, 1 ; 241)
- reflection (in comp. after a word meaning 'moon', below.)
- measure, extent (cf. below)
- N. of a metre RPrāt
- the part of an elephant's head between the tusks (also ○ma m.) L. (ifc. like, similar, resembling, equal to TBr. MBh. &c
- having the measure of, as long or wide &c. as, e.g. tri-nalva-pr○, 3 Nalvas long Hariv
- ○ma-tā f. -tva n. reflection, image, shadow W.)
- -gata mfn. present in an idol (as a deity) Ragh
- -candra m. 'reflection-moon', image of the moon Ragh
- -dāna n. -dravyâdi-vacana n. N. of wks
- -paricāraka m. an attendant upon an idol (= devala) Kull. (cf. IW. 218, 1)
- -pūjā f. worship of images MWB. 464
- -pratiṣṭhā f. (and ○thā-vidhi, m.), -rodanâdi-prâyaścitta-vidhi m. -lakṣaṇa n. N. of wks
- viśeṣa m. a sort of image, a kind of figure MW
- -śaśâṅka m. = -candra Ragh
- -samprôkṣaṇa n. N. of wk
- ○mêndu m. = ○mācandra Rājat
- prati-ḍmātavya mfn. comparable MW
- prati-ḍmā́na n. a counterpart, well-matched opponent, adversary RV
- a model, pattern MBh. BhP
- an image, picture, idol L
- comparison, likeness, similarity, resemblance MBh. Mālatīm
- a weight Vishṇ. Yājñ. (cf. pratī-m○)
- = -bhāga MBh
- pratimāna-kalpa mfn. like, similar MBh
- -bhāga m. the part of an elephant's head between the tusks L
- prati-ḍmita mfn. imitated, reflected, mirrored Kathās. Rājat
- prati-√mā--miti f. reflected image, Śrikaṇṭh
- meya mfn. comparable ( See a-pratim○)
- prati-mít f. (√mi) a prop, stay, support AV
- prati-√mih P. -mehati, to make water in the direction of (acc.) MBh. R
- prati-√mīv P. -mīvati, to push or press back TS
- to close by pressing, shut ŚBr
- prati-√muc P. Ā. -muñcati, ○te, to put (clothes, a garland &c.) on (dat., gen., loc.), to fix or fasten on, append AV. &c. &c
- (Ā., later also P.) to put on one's self, dress one's self, assume (a shape or form) RV. &c. &c
- to attach or fasten to (loc.) KātyŚr. BhP
- to inflict on (loc.) TBr
- to set at liberty, release, let go, send away Ragh. Rājat. Kathās
- to give up, resign Mṛicch. Pañcat
- to return, restore, pay back (as a debt) MBh
- to fling, hurl RV. MBh. R.: Pass. -mucyate, to be freed or released from (abl.) Mn. MBh. &c.: Caus. -mocayati, to set free, rescue, save MBh
- prati-ḍmukta mfn. put on, applied Ragh
- fastened, tied, bound BhP
- released, liberated, freed from (abl.) Ragh. Rājat. MārkP
- given up, relinquished Mṛicch
- flung, hurled MBh
- prati-ḍmoka m. (ifc.) putting or hanging round ŚBr
- prati-ḍmocana n. liberation, release from (comp.) MBh. Ragh
- prati-ḍmocita mfn. released, saved, delivered Mṛicch
- prati-√muṭ Caus. -moṭayati, to put an end to, kill Chandom
- prati-√mud Ā. -modate (rarely P.) ○ti, to rejoice at, welcome with joy, be glad to see (with acc., rarely gen.) RV. &c. &c.: Caus. -modayate, to gladden, cheer ŚBr.: Desid. of Caus. -mumodayiṣati, to wish to make cheerful ib.
- prati-√muh Caus. -mohayati, to bewilder, confound AV
- prati-mokṣa m. (√mokṣ) liberation, deliverance
- (with Buddh.) emancipation L
- the formulary for releasing monks by penances Kāraṇḍ
- -sūtra n. N. of Buddh. Sūtras MWB. 268
- prati-ḍmokṣaṇa n. remission (of taxes) Kām
- prati-√yaj P. -yajati, to sacrifice in return or with an aim towards anything (acc.) ŚBr. ĀpŚr
- prati-ḍyāga a sacrifice offered with an aim towards anything ĀpŚr. Sch
- prati-√yat Ā. -yatate, to guard against, counteract ŚBr. Śak. i, 32/33 (vḷ.): Caus. yātayati, to retaliate, requite (with vairam, or ○raṇi, 'to take revenge') MBh
- prati-ḍyatna m. care be stowed upon anything, effort, endeavour, exertion Pāṇ. 1-3, 32
- ī. 3, 53 &c
- preparation, elaboration, manufacture Śiś. iii, 54 (cf. a-p"ṣ-pūrva)
- imparting a new quality or virtue Kāś. on Pāṇ. 2-3, 53
- retaliation, requital W
- (also = lipsā, upagraha or ○haṇa, nigrahâdi, grahaṇâdi, pratigraha L.)
- mfn. exerting one's self, taking care or trouble L
- cautious, heedful Jātakam
- prati-ḍyātana n. requital, retaliation (vaira-pr○, 'taking revenge') MBh
- (ā), f. an image, model, counterpart, a picture, statue (of a god &c.) Ragh. Śiś. Hcar
- (ifc.) appearing in the shape of. Hcar
- prati-√yabh (only inf. -yabdhum), to have intercourse with a female TBr. Sch
- prati-√yam P. -yacchati, to be equivalent to, be worth as much as (acc.) TBr
- to grant or bestow perpetually (Impv. -yaṃsi) RV
- to return, restore BhP
- prati-√yā P. -yāti, to come or go to (acc., also with prati) RV. MBh
- to go against (acc.) Hariv
- to go or come back, return to or into (acc.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- to comply with, oblige, please (acc.) R
- to equal, be a match for (acc.) BhP
- to be returned or requited ib.: Caus. -yāpayati, to cause to return to (acc.) BhP
- prati-ḍyāta mfn. gone towards or against or back or away, turned, returned, opposed MBh. R
- -nidra mfn. 'one whose sleep is gone', awakened, wake BhP
- -buddhi mfn. one whose mind is turned towards (dat.) R
- prati-√yu P. -yauti, to tie to, bind, fetter TS
- prati-ḍyuta mfn. tied to, bound, fettered ib
- prati-ḍyuvana n. repeated mixture Hcat
- prati-√yuj P. Ā. -yunakti, -yuṅkte, to fasten on, tie to (acc.) RV
- (Ā.) to pay back (a debt) MBh. (C. prati-pray○): Caus. -yojayati, to fix on, adjust (the arrow on the bow) MBh
- prati-ḍyoga m. resistance, opposition, contradiction, controversy BhP
- an antidote, remedy Kathās
- cooperation, association W
- the being a counterpart of anything ib
- prati-ḍyogi in comp. = ○yogin
- -jñānakāraṇatā f. -jñāna-kāraṇatā-vāda m
- -jñānasya hetutva-khaṇḍana n. N. of wks
- -tā f. correlation, dependent existence Bhāshāp. Sch
- mutual co-operation, partnership W
- -tā-vāda m. N. of wk
- -tva n. = -tā Tarkas
- nirūpaṇa n. ○gyanadhikaraṇe nāśasyôtpatti-nirāsa m. N. of wks
- prati-ḍyogika mfn. antithetical, relative, correlative (-tva n.) Tarkas. Vedântap
- prati-ḍyogin
- mfn. id. Tarkas. Śaṃk. TS. Sch. &c. (cf. a-pratiy○)
- m. an adversary, rival Mcar
- any object dependent upon another and not existing without it W
- a partner, associate ib
- a counterpart, match ib
- prati-ḍyojayitavya mfn. to be fitted with strings Ragh
- prati-√yudh Ā. P. -yudhyate, ○ti, to fight against, be a match for (acc.), fight MBh. Hariv. R.: Caus. -yodhayati id. MBh. Var
- prati-ḍyuddha mfn. fought against, fought R
- n. fighting against, battle in return Hariv
- prati-ḍyoddhavya mfn. to be attacked in return MBh
- prati-ḍyoddhṛ m. an antagonist, adversary, well-matched opponent ib. R
- one who begins a battle Mn. xi, 81 (vḷ.)
- prati-ḍyodha m. an opponent, adversary MBh. Ragh
- prati-ḍyodhana n. fighting against, assailing in turn MBh
- prati-ḍyodhin m. an antagonist, well-matched opponent, g. gamy-ādi (cf. a-pratiy○)
- pra-tira ○ram, See under pra-√tṝ.
- prati-√rakṣ P. -rakṣati, to preserve, guard, protect AV. MBh
- to keep (a promise) MBh
- to be afraid of, fear (acc.) VS
- prati-ḍrakṣaṇa n. preserving, protecting W
- prati-ḍrakṣā f. safety, preservation
- ○ṣârtham ind. for the sake of saving MW
- prati-rañjita mfn. (√rañj) coloured, reddened MBh. R
- prati-√rap P. -rapati, to whisper to, tell something (acc.) in a whisper to (dat.) RV
- prati-√ram P. -ramati, to look towards with joy, long for, expect (acc.) Kāraṇḍ
- prati-ḍrata mfn. delighting in, zealous for (loc.) R
- prati-rambha m. (√rabh) = pratilambha L
- passion, rage, violent or passionate abuse W
- prati-√ras P. -rasati, to echo, resound Caṇḍ
- prati-ḍrasita n. echo, resonance, Veṇis
- prati-√rāj Ā. -rājate, to shine like (iva), equal in splendour Hariv
- prati-√rādh (only ind. p. -rādhya), to counteract, oppose (acc.) Gaut.: Desid. -ritsati Pāṇ. 7-4. 54 Vārtt. 1 Pat
- prati-ḍrāddha mfn. counteracted Gaut
- prati-ḍrādha m. 'obstacle, hindrance', N. of partic. verses of the AV. AitBr. Vait. (cf. pratī-r○, p. 673)
- prati-√rih P. -rihati, to lick AV
- prati-√ru P. -rauti, to cry or call to (acc.) Var
- prati-ḍravá m. crying or calling out to, quarrelling Pañcat
- (also pl.) echo ib. Kathās. Rājat
- (prob.) = upa-rava VS. ŚBr
- prati-ḍruta mfn. answered by crying or calling Var
- prati-ḍrurūṣu mfn. wishing to speak or tell W
- prati-√ruc Ā. -rocate, to please (with acc.) RV.: Caus. -rocayati, to be pleased to (acc.), resolve, decide upon MBh
- prati-√rudh P. Ā. -ruṇaddhi, -runddhe, or -rundhati, ○te, to check, hinder, prevent, oppose, resist TS. Br. &c
- to confine, keep back, shut off MBh. BhP
- to cover, conceal MBh. Hariv
- prati-ḍruddha mfn. checked, prevented, stopped, disturbed, interrupted Mn. MBh. &c
- shut off, kept away, withdrawn MBh. BhP
- rendered imperfect, impaired MW
- prati-ḍroddhṛ m. an opposer (with gen.) Mn. MBh
- prati-ḍrodha m. opposition, impediment, obstruction (-kara mfn. obstructing Suśr.)
- = tiraskāra, vyutthāna, caurya L
- prati-ḍrodhaka m. an opposer, preventer Kād
- a robber, thief. Māav
- an obstacle W
- prati-ḍrodhana n. obstruction, prevention MBh
- allowing anything (gen.) to pass by fruitlessly Mn. ix, 93
- prati-ḍrodhin mfn. obstructing, hindering &c
- m. a robber, thief. Mālatim
- prati-√ruh P. -rohati, to sprout or grow again MBh.: Caus. -ropayati, to plant anything in its proper place Var
- to plant again (lit. and fig.), re-establish Ragh
- prati-ḍrūḍha mfn. imitated BhP
- prati-ḍropita mfn. (fr. Caus.) planted again Ragh
- prati-roṣitavya n. impers. (√ruṣ) anger is to be returned L
- pra-√til P. -tilati, to be desirous of sexual intercourse VS. (= snihyati, Mahidh.)
- prati-√laṅgh Caus. -laṅghayati, to mount, sit down upon (acc.) Sarvad
- to transgress, violate MBh
- prati-√labh Ā. -labhate, to receive back, recover MBh. Kāv. &c
- to obtain, gain, partake of (acc.) MBh. BhP
- to get back i.e. get punished MBh
- to learn, understand MBh. R
- to expect R.: Pass. -labhyate, to be obtained or met with, appear Śaṃk.: Caus. -lambhayati, to provide or present with (instr.), HParit
- prati-ḍlabhya mfn. to be received or obtained, obtainable BhP
- prati-ḍlambha m. receiving, obtaining, finding, getting Nir. Kāv
- recovering, regaining (ifc.) Kād
- conceiving, understanding Sarvad
- censure, abuse W
- prati-ḍlambhita (fr. Caus.), n. obtaining, getting MW
- censure, reviling ib
- prati-ḍlābha m. recovering, receiving, obtaining Śaṃk.
- prati-√lamb (only ind. p. -lambya) to hang up, suspend Pañcat. i, 453/454 (v. l)
- prati-√likh P. -likhati, to write back, answer by letter Mālav
- to wipe off, cleanse, purify HPariś
- prati-ḍlikhita mfn. written back, answered Mālav
- prati-ḍlekhana n. or the regular cleaning of all implements or objects for daily use HPariś
- prati-√lekhanā f. the regular cleaning of all implements or objects for daily use HPariś
- prati-√lih Caus. -lehayati, to cause to lick at (2 acc.) ŚBr. (cf. prati-√rih)
- prati-√lī Pass. -līyate, to disappear BhP
- prati-ḍlīna mfn. unmoved or retired, ŚaṅkhGṛ
- prati-√lubh Caus. -lobhayati, to illude, infatuate RV
- to attract, allure MBh
- prati-√vac P. -vakti, to announce, indicate, recommend RV. i, 41, 4 (Ā. Subj. aor. -voce)
- to speak back, answer, reply (also with 2 acc.) VS. &c. &c
- to refute Śaṃk
- prati-ḍvaktavya mfn. to be answered or replied to, to be given (as an answer) R
- to be opposed or contradicted ib
- to be contested or disputed Śaṃk
- prati-ḍvaktṛ mfn. answering to (gen.), explaining (the law) Baudh
- prati-ḍvacana m. a verse or formula serving as an answer ĀpŚr
- n. a dependent or final clause in a sentence Nir
- an answer Mṛicch. Prab. &c
- an echo W
- ○nī-kṛta mfn. answered Śak
- prati-ḍvacas n. (also with uttara) an answer, reply MBh. Kathās
- an echo W
- prati-ḍvākya n. an answer Nal
- mfn. answerable W
- prati-ḍvāc f. an answer Śiś
- (pl.)yelling at (acc.) MBh
- prati-ḍvācika n. an answer Naish
- prati-ḍvācya mfn. to be contradicted (a-prativ○) GobhGṛ
- práty-ukta mfn. answered (pers. and thing) Br. MBh. &c
- n. = next Megh
- praty-ukti f. an answer, Satr
- prati-√vad P. -vadati, to speak to (acc) RV. Kauś
- to speak back, answer, reply to (acc.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- to repeat KaṭhUp. MBh.: Intens. p. -vāvadat mfn. contradicting AitBr
- prati-ḍvaditavya mfn. to be contested or disputed, Śaṃk
- prati-ḍvāda m. contradiction, rejection, refusal AitĀr. (a-prativ○) MBh. BhP
- an answer, reply, rejoinder MW
- prati-ḍvādin mfn. contradicting, disobedient ( á-prativ○)
- answering, rejoining. MW
- m. an opponent, adversary Mālav. VarYogay
- a defendant, respondent (○di-tā f.) Yājñ. Kull
- ○di-bhayaṃ-kara m. N. of an author Cat
- praty-udita mfn. rejected, repelled BhP. Sch
- prati-√vadh (only aor. -avadhīt), to beat back, ward off MBh
- prati-√vand (only ind. p. -vandya), to receive deferentially Kum
- prati-√vap P. -vapati, to insert (jewels &c.), set or stud with (instr.) Ragh
- to fill up ĀśvŚr
- to add TBr
- prati-ḍvāpa m. (cf. pratī-v○) admixture of substances to medicines either during or after decoction Car
- praty-upta mfn. fixed into (loc.) Uttarar
- (ifc.) set with Daś
- prati-√vas Ā. -vaste, to put on, clothe one's self in (acc.) RV
- vāsita mfn. (fr. Caus.) dressed or clothed in (instr.) MBh
- prati-√vas P. -vasati (ep. also Ā. ○te), to live, dwell MBh. Kāv. &c.: Caus. -vasayati, to cause to dwell, settle RV
- to lodge, receive as a guest MBh
- prati-ḍvasatha m. a settlement, village L
- prati-ḍvāsita mfn. (fr. Caus.) inhabited Divyâv
- prati-ḍvāsin mfn. neighbouring, a neighbour MBh
- prati-√vah P. -vahati, to lead or draw towards RV. Hariv
- to oppose Divyâv.: Caus. -vāhayati, to carry along MBh
- prati-ḍvahana n. leading back L
- beating back, warding off L
- prati-ḍvāha m. (cf. pratī-v○) N. of a son of Śvaphalka Hariv
- prati-ḍvodhavya mfn. to be carried home R
- prati-√vāś Ā. -vāśyate, to bellow or cry out against or in return RV. TāṇḍBr
- Lāṭy. Var
- prati-ḍvāśa mfn. to be contradicted or opposed (vḷ. ○śya in a-prativ○) PārGṛ
- prati-vi-ghāta m. (√han) striking back, warding off, defence MBh
- prati-vi-√jñā P. -√jānāti, to acknowledge gratefully MBh.
- prati-√vid P. -vetti, to perceive, understand RV.: Caus. -vedayati, to make known, report, announce (also with 2 acc.) MBh. R. &c
- to offer, present RV. AV. MBh. &c
- prati-ḍvedita mfn. (fr. Caus.) apprised or informed of (acc.) R
- prati-ḍvedin mfn. experiencing, knowing, (ifc.) Lalit
- prati-√vid P. Ā. -vindati, ○te, to find in addition Br
- (Ā. p. -vidāna) to be opposite to (acc.) ŚBr
- to become acquainted with (acc.) MBh
- prati-ḍvedin See prati-√vid
- prati-vi-√dhā P. Ā. -dadhāti, -dhatte, to dispose, arrange, prepare, make ready R
- to despatch (spies) ib
- to counteract, act against (gen.) Kād
- to contradict a conclusion Śaṃk
- prati-ḍvidhātavya mfn. to be used or employed MBh
- to be provided against Prasannar
- n. (impers.) care should be taken R
- prati-ḍvidhāna n. arrangement against, prevention, precaution (gen. or comp.) R. Pañcat
- care or provision for (comp.) Prasannar. Kull
- a subsidiary or substituted ceremony W
- prati-ḍvidhi m. a means or remedy against BhP
- retaliation MW
- prati-ḍvidhitsā f. (fr. Desid.) desire or intention to counteract Kathās
- prati-ḍvidheya mfn. to be counteracted or to be done in any special case Kālid
- to be rejected Vām
- n. (impers.) measures should be taken Kād. Pat
- prati-ḍvihita mfn. counteracted, guarded against Mudr
- prati-vi-√nud P. -nudati, to get rid of. Divyâv
- prati-vi-parī7 (pari-√i), P. -pary-eti, to turn back again KātyŚr
- prati-ḍviparī7ta mfn. exactly opposite Car
- prati-vi-√budh Ā. -budhyate, to be awakened Divyâv
- prati-vi-√bhaj (only ind. p. bhajya), to distribute severally. apportion KātyŚr
- prati-ḍvibhāga m. distribution, apportionment ib
- prati-vi-√ram P. -ramati to abstain Divyâv. 2
- prati-ḍvirati f. (for 1. See p. 663, col. 2) desisting from (abl.), leaving off L
- prati-vi-ruddha mfn. (√rudh) rebellious Divyâv
- prati-vi-śiṣṭa mfn. (√śiṣ) more distinguished or peculiar, better or worse MBh
- prati-ḍviśeṣa m. peculiarity, singularity, a peculiar circumstance ib
- prati-ḍviśeṣaṇa n. detailed specification TPrāt. Sch
- prati-vi-śrabdha mfn. (√śrambh) full of confidence or trust MBh
- prati-vi-√sṛj P. -sṛjati, to send out, despatch RV
- prati-vi-√hā P. -jahāti, to quit, abandon MBh
- prati-√vī P. -veti, to receive, accept RV
- prati-vī7kṣ (vi-√īkṣ), only ind. p. vii7kṣya, to look upon, observe, perceive R
- prati-ḍvī7kṣaṇa n. looking upon, returning a look MW
- prati-ḍvī7kṣaṇīya and See duṣ-prativ○
- prati-ḍvikṣya See duṣ-prativ○
- prati-vīta mfn. (√vye) covered GopBr
- -tama mfn. totally covered, muffled, suppressed, low (as a voice) Vait
- prati-√vṛ Caus. -vārayati, to keep back, ward off, restrain, prevent, prohibit MBh. R. &c
- to contradict, refute R
- prati-ḍvāra m. warding off, resisting (a-prativ○) Suśr. 2
- prati-ḍvāraṇa mfn. (for 1. See p. 663, col. 2) keeping or warding off, opposing. preventing MBh
- n. the act of keeping off &c. ib. R. (cf. duṣ-prativ○)
- prati-ḍvārita mfn. kept off, prohibited, prevented Mn. MBh. &c
- n. prohibition R
- prati-ḍvārya mfn. to be warded off or restrained or prevented (a-prativ○) MBh. R
- prati-√vṛ (only Ā. aor. -avṛṣata), to choose, elect AV
- prati-√vṛj P. -varjati &c., to throw against Kāṭh
- prati-√vṛt Ā. -vartate, to accrue to (acc.) Mn. i, 81 (v. l. for upa-v○): Caus. -vartayati, to fling, hurl RV.
- prati-ḍvartana n. return, reappearance (a-prativ○) MBh
- prati-ḍvartman
- prati-ḍvarttā and See under prati
- prati-ḍvṛtta See under prati
- prati-√vṛṣ P. -varṣati, to rain or pour down upon, cover with (instr.) MBh
- prati-ḍvarṣaṇa n. pouring out or emitting again Śrīkaṇṭh
- prati-veśa ○śin &c. See p. 663
- prati-√veṣṭ Ā. -veṣṭate, to shrink back TS.: Caus. -veṣṭayati, to strike or drive or turn or bend back ib. Prāt
- prati-voḍhavya See under prati√vah, col. e
- prati-√vyadh P. -vidhyati (ep. also Ā. ○te), to shoot against, hit, wound RV. &c, &c.: Pass. -vidhyate, to be aimed at or hit, to be touched upon or discussed AV
- prati-ḍviddha mfn. pierced, wounded MBh
- prati-vyāhāra m. an answer, reply Kāraṇḍ
- prati-√vyūh Ā. -vyūhate (rarely P. ○ti), to array one's self against (acc.), draw up (an army) against MBh
- prati-ḍvyūḍha mfn. drawn out in array against
- broad R
- prati-ḍvyūha m. drawing out an army in opposite battle-array MBh
- echo, reverberation Hariv. 3605 Nīlak
- others 'multitude')
- N. of a prince VP. (v. l. ○vyoman)
- prati-√vraj P. -vrajati, to return home Bhaṭṭ
- prati-√śaṃs P. -śaṃsati to call or shout to, praise ŚBr. (cf. á-pratiśaṃsat and ○śasta)
- prati-śak (only pf. -śekuḥ), to keep one's ground against, be a match for (acc.) MBh.: Desid. -śikṣati, to allure, invite RV
- prati-√śaṅk Ā. -śaṅkate, to be doubtful or anxious, hesitate MBh
- to trouble one's self about, care for (acc.) BhP
- prati-ḍśaṅkanīya mfn. to be doubted about or feared W
- prati-ḍśaṅkā f. (ifc.) doubt, supposition Kām
- constant fear or doubt W
- prati-√śap P. -śapati, to curse in return (with acc. or gen.) R. BhP
- prati-ḍśāpa m. a curse in return, retorted imprecation MBh. Kād. Pur
- prati-√śam Caus. -śāmayati (ind. p. -śāmya, or -śāmayitvā or -śamayya), to reestablish, restore, put to rights Vajracch. Divyâv
- prati-ḍśama m. (ifc.) deliverance from, cessation of MBh
- prati-ḍśānta mfn. extinguished, allayed
- -kopa mfn. one whose anger is past ib
- prati-śaraṇa. 2 See p. 663 and prati-√śṝ
- prati-śāsana (for 1. See p. 663, col. 2), n. giving orders, commissioning, sending a servant on a message L
- prati-ḍśāsti f. id. MW
- prati-ḍśiṣṭa mfn. sent on a message, despatched Śiś
- refused L
- celebrated, famous W
- prati-√śikṣ See prati-√śak
- prati-√śī (only pf. -śiśye and fut. -śeṣyāmi), to lie or press against, i.e. urge, importune MBh
- prati-ḍśayita mfn. pressing, importuning, importuned Kād. Hcar
- n. the act of importuning, molestation Kād
- prati-ḍśīvan mf(arī)n. serving as a couch or resting-place AV. TS
- prati-śīta (Pāṇ. 6-1, 25 Sch.),
- prati-ḍśīna and mfn. melted, fluid, dropping
- prati-ḍśīna-vat (Kāś. ib.), mfn. melted, fluid, dropping
- śyā f
- ḍśyāya m. a cold, catarrh Suśr. Car
- ḍśyāyin mfn. having a cold Suśr
- prati-√śuc P. -śocati, to burn towards or against (acc.) MaitrS
- prati-√śuṣ P. -śuṣyati, to be dried up, wither, perish RV
- prati-√śṝ P -śṛnāti, to break off or in pieces RV. TS. TBr
- prati-ḍśara m. breaking, going in pieces (a-pratiś○) AitBr. 2
- prati-ḍśaraṇa n. (for 1. See p. 663, col. 2) breaking off, blunting (a point or edge) TBr. Sch
- prati-śobhita mfn. (√śubh, Caus)beautified with (instr.) Hariv. (vḷ. for pari-s○).
- prati-śrama m. (√śram) toil, trouble Divyâv
- prati-śraya m. (√śri) refuge, help, assistance MBh
- a place of refuge, shelter, asylum, house, dwelling Mn. MBh. &c
- a receptacle recipient (tvaṃ tasya pratiśrayaḥ, 'you know all this') MBh
- a jaina-monastery HPariś
- an almshouse, a place where food &c. is given away L
- a place of sacrifice L
- an assembly L
- prati-ḍśrita n. a place of refuge MBh
- prati-√śru P. -sṛṇoti, to hear listen RV. i, 25, 20 (Ā. 3. sg. śṛṇve, 'to be heard' or 'audible', i, 169, 7)
- to listen, give ear to (gen.) Vajracch
- to assure, agree, promise anything (acc.) to any one (gen. or dat.) RV. &c. &c.: Desid. -śuśrūṣati, to wish to promise Pāṇ. 1-3, 59
- prati-ḍśravá mfn. answering VS. xvi, 34 (Mahīdh. 'echo, reverberation')
- m. (ifc. f. ā) promise, asurance R. Rājat. MārkP
- ○vânte ind. after the expiration of a promise i.e. the lapse of a promised period R
- prati-ḍśravaṇa n. hearkening to, listening (cf. below)
- answering Gaut
- assenting to, agreeing, promising Mn. ii, 195 (others 'hearkening' or 'answering') MBh. (-pūrva mfn. promised, assured) Pāṇ. 8-2, 99 (Kāś., 'hearkening')
- (prob.) a partic. part of the ear, ṢaḍvBr
- prati-ḍśravas m. N. of a son of Bhīma-sena MBh
- prati-ḍśrut f. an echo, resonance Ragh
- a promise, assurance Siṃhâs
- prati-ḍśruta mfn. heard R
- promised (also in marriage), assented, agreed, accepted (○te', the promise having been made ) GṛS. Yājñ. MBh. &c.: echoing. resounding R
- m. N. of a son of Ānakadundubhi BhP
- n. a promise, engagement ( See above)
- śruti f. an answer Hariv. Śatr
- a promise, assent Vait
- = next Śiś
- ḍśrútkā f. an echo, reverberation VS. ChUp
- ḍśrotas wṛ. for ○srotas
- ḍśrotṛ mfn. one who promises or assents MW
- prati-√śvas (only pr. p. -śvasat), to breathe fiercely or with a snorting sound towards or against RV
- prati-ṣañj (√sañj), P. Ā. -ṣajati, ○te, to attach something to (loc
- Ā., to one's self') TS. Lāṭy. (cf. prati-saṅgin)
- prati-ṣic (√sic), P. -ṣiñcati, to pour upon, mix together TS. ŚrS
- (-siñcati), to besprinkle or moisten in return BhP
- prati-ḍṣícya mfn. to be besprinkled or moistened TBr
- prati-ḍṣeka m. besprinkling, moistening TBr. Sch
- prati-ḍṣekyá mfn. accompanied by the act of besprṭbesprinkling or moistening MaitrS
- prati-ṣidh (√2. sidh), P. -ṣedhati (ep. also Ā. ○te), to drive away RV
- to keep back, ward off, prevent, restrain from (abl.) Mn. MBh. &c
- to forbid, prohibit, disallow Nir. MBh. R. &c.: Caus. -ṣedhayati, to keep back, prevent, restrain ĀśvGṛ. MBh. &c
- to prohibit, interdict Āpast. MBh. Hariv
- to deny Sarvad
- prati-ḍṣiddha mfn. driven back, kept off, prevented, omitted MBh. Kāv. &c
- forbidden, prohibited, disallowed, refused, denied Mn. MBh. &c
- -vat mfn. one who has forbidden or interdicted something Rājat
- -vāma mfn. refractory when driven back Śak. vi, 18/19 (vḷ.)
- -sevana n. doing what is prohibited W
- -sevin mfn. following or doing what is forbidden ib
- prati-ḍṣeddhavya mfn. to be warded off or kept back or prohibited or forbidden MBh. R
- to be denied Nyāyas
- prati-ḍṣeddhṛ mfn. one who wards off or keeps back &c. MBh. R
- resisting (with acc.) BhP
- prati-ḍṣedha m. keeping back, warding off, prevention, repulsion (of a disease) Mn. MBh. Suśr
- prohibition, refusal, denial ŚrS. Nir. Kālid
- contradiction, exception W
- (in gram.) negation, a negative particle VPrāt. Pāṇ. Vām
- (in rhet.) enforcing or reminding of a prohibition Kuval
- (in dram.) an obstacle to obtaining the desired object Sāh
- ○dhâkṣara n. 'words of denial', a negative answer Śak. iii, 22 (vḷ.)
- ○dhâtmaka mfn. having a negative form or character Yājñ. Sch
- ○dhâpavāda m. annulment of a prohibition Kāś. on Pāṇ. 2-3, 68
- ○dhârthīya mfn. having the meaning of a negation Nir
- ○dhôkti f. expression of denial or refusal Kāvyâd
- ○dhômā f. a comparison expressed in a negative form ib
- prati-ḍṣedhaka mf(ikā)n. keeping off, prohibiting, preventive MBh
- denying negative TPrāt
- prati-ḍṣedhana mfn. keeping or, warding off MBh
- n. the act of keeping or warding off, restraining from (abl.), prevention, repulsion (of a disease) Mn. MBh. Suśr.
- rejection, refutation Suśr
- prati-ḍṣedhanīya mfn. to be kept back or restrained or prevented Ragh. Pañcat
- prati-ḍṣedhayitṛ mfn. denying, negative Śaṃk
- prati-ḍṣedhya mfn. to be prevented or rejected or prohibited Pat
- to be denied or negatived Nyāyas. Sch
- prati-ṣiv (√siv), P. -ṣīvyati, to sew on Kāṭh
- prati-ḍṣevaṇa n. sewing on ĀpŚr. Sch
- prati-ṣkabh (√skabh), only inf. -ṣkábhe, for leaning or pressing one's self against RV. i, 39, 2
- prati-ṣ-kaśa m. (according to Pāṇ. 6-1, 152 fr. √kaś) a messenger or guide or spy L
- a whip or leather thong W. (cf. kaśā)
- prati-ḍṣka m. (abridged fr. prec.) a messenger or spy L
- ṣkaṣa m. a leather thong L
- ṣkaḍṣkasa m. = ○ṣka L
- prati-ṣku (√sku), only impf. praty-askunot, to cover in return (with arrows &c.) Bhaṭṭ
- prati-ḍṣkuta See á-prati-ṣkuta
- prati-ṣṭabdha mfn. (√stambh) obstructed, impeded, stopped, withstood W
- prati-ḍṣṭambha m. obstruction, impediment, hindrance Ragh
- prati-ḍṣṭambhin mfn. impeding (ifc.) R. (cf. pratistambh)
- práti-ṣṭuti f. (√stu) praise or a song of praise RV. TāṇḍBr
- práti-ḍṣṭotṛ m. one who rivals in praising ĀśvŚr
- prati-ṣṭubh (√stubh), P. -ṣṭobhati. to shout in return, answer with a shout RV
- prati-ṣṭhā (√sthā), P. Ā. -tiṣṭhati, ○te, to stand, stay, abide, dwell RV. &c. &c
- to stand still, set (as the sun), cease MBh. BhP
- to stand firm, be based or rest on (loc.), be established, thrive, prosper RV. &c. &c
- to depend or rely on (loc.) Vajracch
- to withstand, resist (acc.) MBh. Hariv
- to spread or extend over (acc.) MBh.: Caus. ṣṭhāpayati, to put down, place upon, introduce into (loc.) Br. GṛŚrS
- to set up, erect (as an image), Ratnav
- to bring or lead into (loc.) MBh
- to establish in, appoint to (loc.) ib. R. &c
- to transfer or offer or present to, bestow or confer upon (dat. or loc.) ĀśvGṛ. Mn. MBh. &c
- to fix, found, prop, support, maintain TS. Br. MBh. Hariv
- to hold against or opposite R
- prati-ḍṣṭhá mf(ā)n. standing firmly, steadfast ŚBr. MBh
- resisting Kauś
- (ifc.) ending with, leading to Jātakam
- famous W
- m. N. of the father of Su-pārśva (who was 7th Arhat of present Avasarpiṇi) L
- (ā), f. See next
- n. point of support, centre or base of anything RV. x, 73, 6 (pratiṣṭhā́hṛdyā jaghantha, 'thou hast stricken to the quick
- pratiṣṭhā may also be acc. pl. of next)
- prati-ṣṭhā́ f. (ifc. f. ā) standing still, resting, remaining, steadfastness, stability, perseverance in (comp.) VS. &c. &c
- a standpoint, resting-place, ground, base, foundation, prop, stay, support RV. &c. &c
- a receptacle, homestead, dwelling, house AV. &c. &c. (ifc. abiding or dwelling in Ragh. Pur.)
- a pedestal, the foot (of men or amimals) AV. Br. ŚāṅkhŚr
- limit, boundary W
- state of rest, quiet, tranquillity, comfort, ease MBh. Kāv
- setting up (as of an idol &c. RTL. 70)
- pre-eminence, superiority, high rank or position, fame, celebrity Kāv. Kathās. Rājat
- establishment on or accession to (the throne &c.) Hariv. Śak. Var. Rājat
- the performance of any ceremony or of any solemn act, consecration or dedication (of a monument or of an idol or of a temple &c
- cf. prâṇa-pr○), settling or endowment of a daughter, completion of a vow, any ceremony for obtaining supernatural and magical powers Var. Kathās. Rājat. Pur
- a mystical N. of the letter ā L
- N. of one of the Mātṛis attending on Skanda MBh
- of sev. metres RPrāt
- (with prajā-pateḥ) N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr
- = hrasva Naigh. iii, 2
- = yoga-siddhi or -niṣpatti L
- -kamalâkara m. -kalpalatā f. -kalpâdi, m.pl. N. of wks
- -kāma (○ṣṭhā́-), mfn. desirous of a firm basis or a fixed abode or a high position TS. TāṇḍBr. GṛŚrS. BhP
- -kaumudī f. -kaustubha m. or n. -cintāmaṇi m. -tattva n. -tantra n. -tilaka n. N. of wks
- -tva n. the being a basis or foundation Śaṃk
- -darpaṇa m. -darśa m. -dīdhiti f. -dyota m. -nirṇaya m. N. of wks.
- -"ṣnvita (○ṣṭhânv○), mfn. possessed of fame, celebrated MW
- -paddhati f. -mayūkha m. -ratna n. -rahasya n. -lakṣaṇa n. N. of wks
- -vat mfn. having a foundation or support TUp
- -vidhi m. -viveka m. -saṃgraha m. -samuccaya m. -sāra m. -sāra-saṃgraha m. -hemâdri m. ○ṣṭhôddyota, m. N. of wks
- prati-ḍṣṭhātṛ m. N. of a partic. priest (= prati-prasthātṛ) Hariv
- prati-ḍṣṭhā́na n. a firm standing-place, ground, foundation PārGṛ. MBh. &c
- a pedestal, foot TBr. MBh. R
- the foundation (others 'consecration') of a city SkandaP
- N. of a town at the confluence of the Gaṅgā and Yamunā (on the left bank of the Gaṅgā opposite to Allāhābad, the capital of the early kings of the lunar dynasty) MBh. Hariv. Kathās. &c. (IW. 511, n. 1)
- m. N. of a locality on the Go-dāvari Kathās
- (du.) of the constellation Proshṭha-pada L
- prati-ḍṣṭhāpana n. fixing, placing, locating
- (esp.) the erection or consecration of the image of a deity Var. (-paddhati f. N. of wk.)
- establishment, corroboration Sarvad
- (ā), f. counter-assertion, statement of an antithesis Car
- prati-ḍṣṭhā́pam ind. p. (of Caus.) placing, locating ŚBr
- (as inf.) for founding or establishing TāṇḍBr
- prati-ḍṣṭhāpayitavya mfn. to be placed or fixed or established Kāraṇḍ. (wṛ. ○sthAp○)
- prati-ḍṣṭhāpayitṛ m. a founder, establisher VPrāt
- prati-ḍṣṭhāpita mfn. set up, fixed, erected Kathās
- prati-ḍṣṭhā́pya mfn. to be placed or located or fixed TS. AitBr
- to be consigned or transferred or entrusted to (loc.) MBh
- prati-ḍṣṭhí f. resistance RV. vi, 18, 12 (Sāy. 'āśraya')
- prati-ḍṣṭhikā f. a basis, foundation Hcat
- prati-ḍṣṭhita (práti.), mfn. standing, stationed, placed, situated in or on (loc. or comp.) MBh. R. &c
- abiding or contained in (loc.) ŚBr. &c. &c
- fixed, firm, rooted, founded, resting or dependent on (loc. or comp.) AV. &c. &c
- established, proved Mn. viii, 164
- ordained for, applicable to (loc.) ib., 226
- secure, thriving, well off ChUp. Hariv. &c
- familiar or conversant with (loc.) MBh
- transferred to (loc.) Hariv
- undertaken Pañcat. (B. anu-ṣṭhita)
- ascended into, having reached (comp.) Śak. vii, 4/5 (vḷ.)
- complete, finished W
- consecrated ib
- endowed, portioned ib
- established in life, married ib
- prized, valued ib
- famous, celebrated ib
- m. N. of Vishṇu A
- -pada mfn. containing verses of a fixed or constant number of syllables AitBr
- -mātra mfn. having just got a firm footing Mṛicch
- -yaśas mfn. one whose renown is well founded Ratnâv. (su-pr○)
- -saṃtāna mfn. one who has progeny or offspring secured MW
- prati-ḍṣṭhiti (práti-), f. standing firmly, a firm stand or footing VS. Br
- pra-tiṣṭhāsu mfn. (√sthā Desid.) wishing to start Śiś
- wishing to stay or remain W
- prati-√ṣṭhiv P. -ṣṭhīvati, to spit upon (acc.) AV
- prati-ṣṇā and ○ṣṇikā f. (√snā), g. suṣāmâdi Kāś
- prati-ḍṣṇāta (with sūtra) and mfn. Pāṇ. 8-3, 90 Kāś
- prati-sṇāta mfn. Pāṇ. 8-3, 90 Kāś
- prati-ṣvad (√svad), Caus. -ṣvādayati, to taste, relish Kām. Sch
- prati-saṃ-√yat Ā. -yatate, to fight against ŚBr
- prati-saṃyatta mfn. completely prepared or armed MBh
- prati-saṃ-yāta mfn. (√yā) going against, assailing (with acc.) MBh
- prati-saṃ-yukta mfn. (√yuj) bound or attached to something else MBh. (B.)
- prati-saṃ-√yudh (only pf. -yuyudhuḥ), to resist an attack together BhP
- prati-saṃyoddhṛ m. an adversary in war MBh
- prati-saṃ-√rabh Ā. -rabhate, to seize, take hold of MBh. vii, 3169 (B. -saṃ-carate)
- prati-saṃrabdha mfn. (pl.) holding one another by the hands MBh
- excited, furious ib. R
- prati-saṃ-ruddha mfn. (√rudh) contracted into itself shrunk BhP
- prati-saṃ-layana n. (√lī) retirement into a lonely place, privacy Lalit. Divyâv
- complete absorption SaddhP
- prati-saṃlīna mfn. retired, in privacy Divyâv
- complete retirement for the sake of meditation Lalit.
- prati-saṃ-√vad Ā. -vadate, to agree with any one (acc.) AitBr
- prati-saṃ-√vid Caus. -vedayati, to recognize (?) Divyâv. (Ā. p. -vedayamāna, feeling ib.)
- prati-saṃvid f. analytical science (4 with Buddhists) Dharmas. 51 Lalit
- ○vit-prâpta m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva ib
- ○vin-niścayâvatārā f. N. of a partic. Dhāraṇī L
- prati-saṃvedaka mfn. giving detailed information L
- prati-saṃvedana n. experiment, enjoyment Nyāyas. Sch
- prati-saṃvedin mfn. feeling, experiencing, being conscious of anything ib
- prati-saṃ-vi-dhāna n. (√1. dhā) a counter action, stroke in return Mcar
- prati-saṃ-√veṣṭ Ā. -veṣṭate, to shrivel, shrink up, contract MBh
- prati-saṃ-√śri P. -śrayati, to seek refuge or protection in reply MBh
- prati-saṃ-√śru (only ind. p. -śrutya), to Promise MBh
- prati-saṃ-√sṛj P. -sṛjati, to mingle with (instr.) Suśr
- prati-saṃ-saṃsarga m. = pratisarga VāyuP
- prati-saṃ-saṃsṛṣṭa mfn. mingled with (instr.) ib
- -bhakta mfn. one who is temperate in eating ib
- prati-saṃ-skṛ (√skṛ = kṛ
- only Pot. -kuryāt), to repair, restore Mn. ix, 279
- prati-saṃ-saṃskāra m. restoration (○raṃ-√kṛ, to restore) Kāraṇḍ
- prati-saṃ-saṃskāraṇā f. id. L
- prati-saṃ-saṃskṛta mfn. joined or united with (comp.) Suśr
- prati-saṃ-√stambh (only ind. p. -stabhya), to strengthen, encourage MārkP
- prati-saṃ-stara n. (√stṛ) friendly reception L
- prati-saṃ-sthāna n. (√sthā) settling in, entering into (comp.) Lalit
- prati-saṃ-√smṛ P. -smarati, to remember R
- prati-saṃhita See col. 2
- prati-saṃ-√hṛ P. Ā. -harati, ○te, to draw together, contract (with ātmānam, 'one's self' i.e. to shrink, return to its usual bed, said of the sea) Hariv
- to draw or keep back, withdraw (as a weapon, the eye &c.) MBh. Kāv
- to take away, put off Āpast
- to absorb, annihilate, destroy MBh. Pur. Jātakam
- to check, stop, repress MBh. R. &c
- to change MW.: Caus. -hārayati, to retract R
- prati-saṃharaṇīya n. (sc. karman) a partic. punishment L
- prati-saṃhāra m. drawing in, withdrawing MBh
- giving up, resigning ib
- keeping away, abstention from (abl.) ib
- compression, diminution W
- comprehension ib
- prati-saṃhṛta mfn. kept back, checked, restrained R
- comprehended, included W
- compressed, reduced in bulk ib
- prati-saṃjihīrṣu mfn. (fr. Desid.) wishing to withdraw or to be freed from (abl.) BhP
- prati-saṃ-√hṛṣ P. -harṣati, to rejoice again, be glad MBh
- prati-saṃhṛṣṭa mfn. glad, merry R
- prati-saṃ-kāśa m. (√kāś) a similar appearance, resemblance MBh
- prati-saṃ-√kram Ā. -kramate, to go back again, come to an end BhP.: Caus. -krāmayati, to cause to go back or return ib
- prati-saṃkrama m. re-absorption, dissolution (m.c. also ○krāma) ib
- (ifc. f. ā) impression Sarvad
- prati-saṃ-kruddha mfn. (√krudh) angry with, wroth against (acc.) MBh. R
- prati-saṃ-√khyā (only ind. p. khyāya), to count or reckon up, number ŚBr. KātyŚr
- prati-saṃkhyā f. consciousness
- -nirodha m. (with Buddh.) the conscious annihilation of an object (?) Dharmas. 32 (cf. a-prṭprati-n○)
- prati-saṃkhyāna n. the tranquil consideration of a matter Jātakam
- prati-saṅgin mfn. (√sañj) cleaving or clinging to, adhering
- (a-pr○) not meeting with any obstacle, irresistible Hariv
- prati-saṃ-√grah P. Ā. -grihṇāti, ○ṇīte, to receive, accept MBh. R
- to meet with, find MBh.
- prati-√sac Ā. -sacate, to pursue with vengeance ŚBr
- prati-saṃ-√car P. -carati, to meet, come together MBh
- prati-saṃcara m. going or moving backwards (a-pr○) Suśr
- re-absorption or resolution (back again into Prakṛiti) Śaṃk. MārkP
- that into which anything is re-absorbed or resolved MBh
- a place of resort, haunt ib
- prati-saṃ-jāta mfn. (√jan) born, sprung up, arisen R
- prati-saṃ-√jñā Ā. -jānīte, to be kindly disposed ŚBr
- prati-√sad P. -sīdati (Pāṇ. 8-3, 66), to start back, abhor MBh
- prati-saṃ-√diś P. -diśati, to give a person (acc. or haste with gen.) a message or commission in return R. Kād
- to send back a message to (gen.) MBh
- to order, command ib
- prati-saṃdeśa m. a message in return, answer to a message R. Mṛicch. Kathās
- prati-saṃdeṣṭavya mfn. (an answer) to be given in reply to a message Kād
- prati-saṃ-√dhā P. Ā. -dadhāti, -dhatte, (P.) to put together again, re-arrange ŚBr
- (Ā.) to put on, adjust (an arrow) MBh
- (A.) to return, reply Hariv. BhP
- (P.Ā.) to remember, recollect Nyāyas
- (Ā.) to comprehend, understand Prab. vi, 2/3
- prati-saṃhita mfn. aimed at, directed against MBh
- prati-saṃdhātṛ m. one who recollects or remembers Nyāyas
- prati-saṃdhāna n. putting together again, joining together MBh. Kāv. &c
- a juncture, the period of transition between two ages VāyuP
- memory, recollection Nyāyas. Sch
- praise, panegyric L
- self-command, suppression of feeling for a time W
- a remedy MW
- prati-saṃdhi m. reunion MBh
- re-entry into (comp.) or into the womb L
- re-birth Divyâv
- the period of transition between two ages VāyuP
- resistance, adverseness (of fate) MBh
- -jñāna n. recognition Nyāyas. Sch
- prati-saṃdhita mfn. (cf. saṃdhaya) fastened, strengthened, confirmed BhP
- prati-saṃdheya mfn. to be opposed (apr○, 'irresistible') MBh
- prati-sāṃdhānika m. (fr. ○saṃdhāna) a bard, panegyrist L
- prati-samayya ind. having arranged Divyâv. (prob. wṛ. for -śamayya
- See prati-√śam)
- prati-sam-√as P. -asyati (ind. p. -āsam), to put back again to its place ĀpŚr
- prati-sam-ā-√diś P. -diśati, to answer, reply Daś
- to order, command R
- prati-samādiṣṭa mfn. bidden, directed, ordered, commanded R. MārkP
- prati-sam-ā-√dhā P. -dadhāti, to put back again, replace, re-arrange, restore Daś
- to redress, correct (an error) Śaṃk
- prati-samādhāna n. collecting one's self again, composure Kād
- cure, remedy W
- prati-samāhita mfn. fitted to the bowstring (as an arrow) MBh
- prati-sam-āpana n. (√āp) the going against, attacking (with gen.) R
- prati-sam-ā-śrita mfn. (√śri) depending on (acc.) MBh
- prati-sam-√ās Ā. -āste, to be a match for, cope with, resist (acc.) MBh. R
- prati-sam-√āḍsamāsana n. the being a match for, with standing, resisting (with gen.) MBh
- prati-sam-√āḍsamāsita mfn. equalled, opposed, fought ib
- prati-sam-√indh Ā. -inddhe, to kindle again, rekindle ŚBr
- prati-sam-√īkṣ Ā. -īkṣate, to hold out, persevere (Sch. = √jīv) BhP
- prati-samīkṣaṇa n. looking at again, returning a glance ib
- prati-sam-buddha mfn. (√budh) restored to consciousness. recovered MBh
- prati-sam-bhū P. -bhavati, to apply or give one's self to (acc.) MBh
- prati-sam-√mud Caus. -modayati, to give friendly greeting Divyâv
- prati-sammodana n. greeting, salutation (also ā f.)
- -kathā f. friendly address as a salutation Jātakam.
- prati-√sah Ā. -sahate, to be a match for, overcome (acc.) R
- prati-supta mfn. (√svap) fallen asleep, sleeping MBh
- prati-√sṛ P. -sarati (ind. p. -sāram ŚāṅkhBr.), to go against, rush upon, attack, assail (acc.) Hariv
- to return, go home BhP
- to go round or from place to place (not only on the main road) TS.: Caus. -sārayati, to cause to go back Car
- to put back again, restore to its place Kālid
- to spread over, tip or touch with (instr.) Suśr
- to put asunder, sever, separate SaddhP.: Pass. to void or emit per anum(?) Suśr
- prati-sará m. (ifc. f. ā) a cord or ribbon used as an amulet worn round the neck or wrist at nuptials &c. AV. &c. &c. (also ā f. Var. ḍharmas. 5
- and n. )
- a bracelet Kir
- a line returning into itself. circle ŚBr
- assailing, an attack (a-pr○) Hariv
- a wreath, garland L
- a follower, servant L
- the rear of an army L
- dressing or anointing a wound L
- day-break L
- -bandha m. a partic. nuptial ceremony ĀpGṛ. Sch
- pl. N. of partic. magical verses or formulas protecting from demons ŚBr
- m. n. a watch, guard L
- (ā), f. (cf. above) a female servant L
- (with Buddh.) one of the 5 protectors Dharmas. 5
- prati-saraṇa mfn. leaning or resting upon (ifc
- -tā f.) Lalit
- n. streaming back (of rivers) Car
- leaning or resting on (comp.) L
- prati-saryá mfn. present in an amulet or at an incantation VS. (Mahidh.)
- prati-sāraṇa n. (fr. Caus.) dressing and anointing the edges of a wound (or an instrument for doing so) Suśr
- N. of a partic. process to which minerals (esp. quicksilver) are subjected Cat
- prati-sāraṇīya mfn. to be dressed or anointed (as a wound) Car
- to be applied for dressing a wound Suśr
- prati-sārita mfn. (fr. Caus.) repelled, removed Vikr
- dressed (as a wound) Suśr
- prati-sārin mfn. going round or from one to the other MBh
- prati-sṛta mfn. met, encountered, pushed back, removed Suśr
- prati-√sṛj P. -sṛjati, to hurl or utter in reply (a curse) BhP
- to send away, despatch Śak. iv, 21/22 (vḷ.)
- prati-sarga m. secondary or continued creation out of primitive matter Pur
- dissolution, destruction ib
- the portion of a Purāṇa which treats of the destruction and renovation of the world IW. 511 ; 517
- prati-sṛṣṭa mfn. (v. l. ○śiṣṭa, only L.) despatched, despised, celebrated, given
- prati-√sṛp P. -sarpati, to creep back ChUp
- to creep into, enter MBh
- prati-√sev Ā. -sevate, to pursue, follow (pleasure) Divyâv
- to be kind towards (acc.), serve, honour(= prati-√juṣ) Sāy. on RV. iii, 33, 8
- prati-s-√kṝ P. -kirati (pf. -caskare), to hurt, injure, to tear to pieces Śiś. i, 47 Pāṇ. 6-1, 141
- prati-s-kīrṇa n. the being hurt or injured Pāṇ. ib. Sch. (cf. prati-√kṝ)
- prati-skhalita mfn. (√skhal) warded off Śiś. (= prati-ṣkuta Nir. vi, 16)
- prati-√stambh P. Ā. -stabhnāti, -sṭabhate, to lean or press (Ā. 'one's self') against Hariv. Pañcat
- prati-stabdha mfn. leaned against, pressed, M Bh
- stopped, checked Bhaṭṭ
- obstructed, constipated Suśr. (cf. prati-ṣṭabdha)
- prati-snāta mfn. (√snā) bathed, washed Pāṇ. 8-3, 90 Kāś. (cf. prati-ṣṇāta)
- prati-spandana n. (√spand) throbbing, vibration W
- prati-spardh Ā. -spardhate, to emulate, compete, rival BhP
- prati-spardhā f. emulation, rivalry L
- prati-spardhin mfn. emulous, coping with (gen.), a rival MBh. Rājat. Kāraṇḍ
- (ifc.) resembling, like Kāvyâd
- prati-spaśá (TS.), -spā́śana (AV.), mfn. (√spaś) spying, watching, lying in wait
- prati-√sphur P. -sphurati, to push away, remove RV
- prati-√smṛ P. Ā. -smarati, ○te, to remember, recollect (acc.) RV. MBh. Hariv.: Caus. -smārayati, to remind MBh
- prati-smṛti f. 'recollection', N. of a partic. kind of magic MBh
- prati-√svan P. -svanati, to resound MBh.: Caus. -svānayati, to make resound BhP.
- prati-svana m. (also pl.) echo, reverberation Vcar. BhP
- prati-svara m. (√svar) a rever berated sound, echo MBh. Ragh
- a focus Nir.vii, 23
- prati-√han P. -hanti (ep. also Ā. pf. -jaghne), to beat against (gen.) TāṇḍBr
- to attack, assail MBh
- to strike down ib
- to crush, break RV
- to put on a spit ib. i, 32, 12
- to strike in return, strike back, ward off remove, dispel, check, prevent, frustrate MBh. Kāv. &c
- (with ājñām), to disregard a command Śiś.: Pass. -hanyate, to be beaten back &c. MBh. Kāv. &c
- to be kept away from or deprived of (abl.) Śaṃk.: Caus. -ghātayati, See under prati-gha
- prati-ḍhata mfn. struck or striking against R. Śak. Rājat
- repelled, warded off, checked, impeded, obstructed, prevented, omitted MBh. Kāv. &c
- dazzled (as eyes, i.e. impeded in their functions) BhP
- dulled, blunted (as teeth by acids, = hṛṣita) L. (cf. Pat. on Pāṇ. 7-2, 29)
- hostile (cf. below)
- disappointed L
- hated, disliked L
- tied, bound L
- sent, despatched L. (prob. wṛ. for pra-hita)
- -dhī mfn. hostile-minded, having hostile intentions Bhartṛ
- -mati mfn. id. W
- -raya mfn. whose current is impeded Megh
- prati-ḍhati f. a stroke, blow Bālar
- beating back, recoil, rebound Śiś
- disappointment W
- prati-ḍhatya ind. in inverse direction Kauś
- prati-ḍhanana n. impeding, suppressing Yogas. Sch
- striking again, returning a blow W
- prati-ḍhantavya mfn. to be opposed or resisted MBh. Hariv
- prati-ḍhantṛ m. one who wards off, preventer Ragh. (v. l. ○hartṛ)
- prati-√hary P. Ā. -háryati, ○te, to desire, love, accept gladly, long for RV. AV
- to despise, reject AV
- prati-√hā P. -jahāti, to leave unheeded, neglect Hariv.: Pass. -hīyate, to stay behind (abl.), be defeated MBh
- prati-ḍhāna (?), next.
- pratihānâ-kūṭa m. a partic. Samādhi Kāraṇḍ. (prob. wṛ. for pratihāra-k○)
- prati-hāsa m. (√has) returning a laugh, laughing with or at W
- fragrant oleander, Nerium Odorum L
- prati-hiṃsā f. (√hiṃs) retaliation, revenge W
- prati-ḍhiṃsita mfn. injured in return
- n. = prec. Pañcat
- prati-hita &c. See prati-√dhā
- prati-√hu P. -juhoti, to offer a supplementary sacrifice Gobh
- prati-ḍhotavya mfn. to be offered as a supplementary sacrifice ib. Sch
- prati-ḍhoma m. a supplementary sacrifice, jaim. Nyāyam
- prati-√hṛ P. Ā. -harati, ○te (ind. p. pratī-hāram Kauś
- inf. prati-hartave BhP.), to throw back AV
- to strike or pound Kauś
- to keep shut, close by pressure (an udder) TāṇḍBr
- to bring back Lāṭy
- to deliver, offer, present BhP
- to procure ib
- (Ā.) to take i.e. eat ChUp
- to join in the Sāman hymns as Pratihartṛi ( See below) Lāṭy.: Caus. hārayati, to have one's self announced to (gen.) Jātakam.: Desid. -jihīrṣati, to wish to requite or revenge MBh. (cf. prati-jihīrṣu)
- prati-háraṇa n. throwing back, repelling, rejecting AV
- avoiding, shunning L
- prati-ḍhartṛ́ m. (cf. pratī-h○) one who draws back or absorbs, a destroyer MBh
- one who keeps or wards off, an averter Ragh
- N. of one of the 16 priests (the assistant of the Udgātṛi) Br. ŚrS. &c
- N. of a king (son of Pratihāra or of Pratîha) Pur
- prati-hāra m. striking against, touch, contact (esp. of the tongue with the teeth in the pronunciation of the dentals) RPrāt
- shutting, closing, stopping (a-pr○) TāṇḍBr
- N. of partic. syllables in the Sāman hymns (with which the Pratihartṛi begins to join in singing, generally at the beginning of the last Pada of a stanza
- also pratī-h○ AV. ŚāṅkhBr.) Br. ŚrS. &c
- N. of a partic. magical formula spoken over weapons R. (vḷ. ○ra-tara)
- (that which keeps back), a door, gate (also pratī-h○ L
- comp. below)
- a door-keeper, porter Hariv. Kāv. Pur. &c. (also pratī-h○
- du. two door-kṭkeeper i.e. two statues at the entrance of a temple VarBṛS
- ī f. a female door-kṭkeeper, portress, Priyad.)
- a juggler L
- juggling, trick, disguise L
- -goptrī f. a female door-keeper Vcar
- -tara m. See above
- -pa m. a door-keeper BhP.
- -bhūmi f. 'door-place', a threshold Kum
- the office of a porter or a portress Ragh
- -rakṣī f. = -goptrī Vcar
- -vat mfn. containing the Priyad syllables (above) Lāṭy
- -sūtra n. N. of wk
- prati-ḍhāraka m. a juggler L
- prati-ḍhārāya Nom. to act as door-keeper (○yitam impers.) Prasannar
- prati-ḍhārya mfn. to be pushed back or repelled, resistible R. (cf. a-pr)
- n. jugglery L
- N. of an Avadāna
- prati-hṛta mfn. held back ŚBr
- fastened KātyŚr
- prati-√hṛṣ Ā. -hṛṣyate, to show joy in return for anything MBh.: Caus. harṣayati, to gladden, rejoice ib
- prati-ḍharṣa m. expression of joy Dhātup
- prati-ḍharṣaṇa mfn. (fr. Caus.) causing joy in return R
- prati-√heṣ Ā. -heṣate, to neigh towards (acc.) Var
- prati-hrāsa m. (√hras) abbreviation, abridgment, ŚrS
- prati-hvará m. (√hvṛ) a slope, the rising vault (of the sky) RV
- prati-√hve Ā. -huváte, to call RV
- pratī in comp. for prati (cf. Pāṇ. 6-3, 122 Vārtt. 3 Pat.)
- ○kāra m. = prati-k○ ( See under prati-√kṛ MBh. Kāv. &c
- an alliance resting on the requital of former services Kām
- ○kārya mfn. (cf. prati-k○) one on whorn vengeance might be taken, punishable (a-pr○) Rājat
- ○kāśá m. reflexion, resemblance, appearance AV. Kauś
- (ifc.), similar, resembling, like MBh. R. &c
- ○ghāta m. (cf. prati-gh○) warding off (ifc.) MBh
- m. prevention, obstruction, repression, hindrance, resistance Mn. MBh. &c
- ○ghātin mfn. in a-pratighāti-tā, q.v
- ○toda m. N. of partic. initial forms of Padas in hymns Nid
- ○darśá m. (cf. prati-d○) N. of a man ŚBr
- ○nāha m. (cf. prati-n○, p. 666, col. 2) obstruction, constipation Car. Suśr
- a flag, banner ŚBr
- -bhājana n. that which represents a banner ib
- ○pāna n. (cf. prati-p○) drinking Āpast
- ○bodhá m. (cf. under prati-√budh) vigilance AV
- ○māna n. (cf. prati-m○) a weight (measure) Mn. viii, 403
- ○rādha m. = prati-r○, Śāṅkh
- ○vartá mfn. returning into itself (= parisara) AV
- ○vāpa m. = prati-v○ Suśr
- a disease, pestilence L
- ○vāha m. (cf. prati-v○) fee, reward GopBr. Kauś
- ○vī́ mfn. (cf. prati-√vii) receiving gladly, accepting RV
- m. or f. acceptance ib
- ○veśa
- ○veśin = prati-v○ (p. 663, col. 2)
- ○sāram See prati-√sṛ
- ○hartṛ m. (cf. prati-h○) a doorkeeper, porter Rājat
- ○hārá m. (in most meanings) = prati-hāra, q.v
- a partic. alliance L. (wṛ.) for pratī-kāra above)
- N. of a family of kings Cat
- -tā f. (Rājat.), -tva n. (Pañcat.) the office of a door keeper or chamberlain
- -dhuraṃ-dharā f. a female door-keeper Vcar
- ○hāram See prati-hṛ
- ○hāsa m. (cf. prati-h○) Nerium Odorum L
- pratī7 (prati-√i), P. praty-eti, to go towards or against, go to meet (as friend or foe) RV. &c. &c
- to come back, return ib
- to resort or apply to RV. AV. ŚBr
- to fall to a person's (dat.) lot or share AitBr
- to receive, accept MBh
- (also Pass.) to admit, recognize, be certain of, be convinced that (2 acc.) GṛŚrS. Nir. R. &c
- to trust, believe (with gen.) Kathās.: Pass. pratī7yate, to be admitted or recognized, follow, result Kāv. Śaṃk. Hit. (p. ○yamāna, known, understood, implicit Pāṇ. Sāh.): Caus. praty-āyayati (Pass. praty-āyyate), to lead towards i.e. cause to recognize or acknowledge, convince (any one of the truth of anything) Kālid
- to make clear, prove Śaṃk. Sāh.: Desid. pratī7ṣiṣati, to wish or try to understand Pāṇ. 2-4, 47 Sch
- pratī7ta mfn. acknow. ledged, recognized, known (śyāmaiti, 'by the name of Śaṃk') Nir. Mn. MBh. &c
- convinced of anything, trusting in, firmly resolved upon (comp.) KaṭhUp. MBh. Hit
- satisfied, cheerful, glad, pleased AitBr. MBh. &c
- respectful L
- past, gone L
- clever, wise L
- m. N. of a divinity enumerated among the Viśve Devās. MBh
- -sena m. N. of a prince Buddh
- ○tâkṣarā f. N. of a Comm. on the Mitâksharā
- ○tâtman mfn. confident, resolute MBh
- ○târtha mfn. having a recognized or acknowledged meaning Nir
- ○tâśva m. N. of a prince VP
- prátī7ti f. going towards, approaching RV
- the following from anything (as a necessary result), being clear or intelligible by itself Vedântas.
- clear apprehension or insight into anything, complete understanding or ascertainment, conviction Śak. Śaṃk. Kathās. &c
- confidence, faith, belief. Daś
- trust, credit Inscr
- fame, notoriety W
- respect ib
- delight ib
- -mat mfn. known, understood Harav
- pratī7tya n. confirmation, experiment RV. vii, 68, 6
- comfort, consolation ib. iv, 5, 14 (others mfn. to be acknowledged or recognized)
- -samutpāda m. (Buddh.) the chain of causation Lalit. (twelvefold
- Dharmas. 42)
- pratyaya m. belief firm conviction, trust, faith, assurance or certainty of (gen., loc. or comp.)
- proof, ascertainment Mn. MBh. &c. (pratyayaṃ-√gam, to acquire confidence, repose confidence in MBh
- asty atra pratyayo mama, that is my conviction Kathās
- kah pratyayo'tra, what assurance is there of that? ib.)
- conception, assumption, notion, idea KātyŚr. Nir. Śaṃk. &c
- (with Buddhists and Jainas) fundamental notion or idea (-tva n.) Sarvad
- consciousness, understanding, intelligence, intellect (in Sāṃkhya = buddhi)
- analysis, solution, explanation, definition L
- ground, basis, motive or cause of anything MBh. Kāv. &c. (in med.) = nimitta, hetu &c. Cat
- (with Buddhists) a co-operating cause
- the concurrent occasion of an event as distinguished from its approximate cause
- an ordeal Kāty
- want, need Kāraṇḍ
- fame, notoriety Pāṇ. 8-2, 58
- a subsequent sound or letter Prāt
- an affix or suffix to roots (forming verbs, substantives, adjectives and all derivatives) Prāt. Pāṇ
- an oath L
- usage, custom L
- religious meditation L
- a dependant or subject L
- a householder who keeps a sacred fire L
- -kara (R.), -kāraka (Pañcat.), kāraṇa (Śak.), mfn. one who awakens confidence, trustworthy
- -kārin mfn. id. L
- (iṇī), f. a seal, signet L
- -tattva-prakāśikā f. N. of wk
- -tva n. (cf. above) the being a cause, causality Sarvad
- -dhātu m. the stem of a nominal verb Pat
- -prativacana n. a certain or distinct answer, Sak
- -mauktika-mālā f. N. of wk
- -lopa m. (in gram.) elision of an affix
- -sarga m. (in Sāṃkhya) the creation which proceeds from Buddha
- -svara m. (in gram.) an accent on an affix
- ○ayâtma mfn. causing confidence R. (v. l. pratyag-ātma)
- ○ayâdhi m. a pledge which causes confidence in regard to a debt L
- -"ṣayânta-śabda-kṛd-anta-vyūha m. N. of wk
- praḍtyayāya Nom. P. ○yati, to convince HPariś. (prob. wṛ. for Caus. praty-āyayati)
- praḍtyayika mfn. (in ātma-pr○) that of which everybody can convince himself. MBh
- praḍtyayita mfn. proved, trustworthy (compar. -tara) Jaim
- wṛ. for ○tyāyita Pañcat
- praḍtyayitavya mfn. credible Śaṃk
- praḍtyayin mfn. deserving confidence, trustworthy R
- trusting, believing W
- praty-āya m. toll, tribute L
- praty-ḍāyaka mfn. (fr. Caus.) causing to know or understand (-tva n.) Sarvad
- convincing, credible MBh. 1
- praty-ḍāyana mfn. (for 2. See praty-ê) convincing, credible MBh. (v. l. ○āyaka)
- (ā), f. convincing, persuasion Kathās
- consolation, comfort Ratnâv
- n. elucidation, explanation, demonstration Kathās. Sāh
- (am), ind. (after a finite verb) Siddh
- praty-ḍāyayitavya mfn. to be explained or demonstrated Mālav
- praty-ḍāyita mfn. convinced of, trusting (ifc.) Pañcat. (wṛ. ○ayita)
- m. a trustworthy person, confidential agent, commissioner, SāṅkhBr
- praty-ḍāyitavya wṛ. for ○āyayitavya Mālav
- praty-ḍāyya mfn. to be encouraged or comforted Subh
- praty-etavya mfn. to be acknowledged, or admitted, to be understood as (nom.) RPrāt. Śaṃk
- praty-ḍetṛ mfn. believing, trusting, a believer W
- pratīka See p. 675, col. 1
- pratī7kṣ (prati-√īkṣ), Ā. pratikṣate (ep. also P. ○ti), to look at, behold, perceive AV. KātyŚr
- to look forward to, wait for, expect TS. &c. &c
- to look at with indifference, bear with, tolerate (acc.) Mn. ix, 77
- pratī7kṣa mf(ā)n. looking backward ( See apr○)
- (also ○kṣaka R.) looking forward to, waiting for, expectant of (ifc.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- having regard to (ifc.) Hariv
- (ā́), f. expectation TBr. KaṭhUp
- consideration, attention, respect, veneration Āpast. MBh. R
- pratī7kṣaṇa n. looking to or at, considering, regard, attention BhP
- observance, fulfilment Prab
- pratī7kṣaṇīya mfn. to be waited for or expected Kull
- to be looked at or considered or regarded W
- pratī7kṣam ind. having expected (ifc., e.g. śarat-pr○) R.
- pratikṣita mfn. contemplated, considered
- respected, honoured
- expected, hoped W
- pratī7kṣin mfn. looking or waiting for, expecting MBh. Rājat. 1
- pratī7kṣya mfn. to be expected or waited for Mn. MBh. &c
- to be observed or fulfilled Śiś
- to be considered or regarded, respectable, worthy Ragh. Rājat. 2
- pratī7kṣya ind. 'while expecting or waiting', gradually, slowly Mṛicch. iii, 17/18
- pratīcchaka See pratiṣ
- pratī7ḍ (prati-√iḍ), only 3.pl. pratī7ḻate, to praise RV. vii, 76, 7
- pratī7ta &c. See under 2. pratī7
- pratī-tta See á-pratītta
- pratī7ndhaka m. (√indh) N. of a prince of Videha R
- pratī7nv (prati-√inv), P. pratī7nvati, to urge, promote, advance RV. i, 54, 7
- pratīpa mf(ā)n. (fr.
- cf. anūpa, dviipa, samīpa), 'against the stream', 'against the grain', going in an opposite direction, meeting, encountering, adverse, contrary, opposite, reverse MBh. R. Ragh. &c
- inverted, out of order Suśr. Var
- displeasing, disagreeable Mn. MBh. R. Hariv
- resisting, refractory, cross, obstinate
- impeding, hindering BhP. MBh. R. &c. backward, retrograde
- turned away, averted W
- m. an adversary, opponent BhP
- N. of a prince, the father of Śāṃtanu and grandfather of Bhīshma AV. MBh. Hariv. &c
- n. (in rhet.) inverse comparison (e.g. 'the lotus resembles thine eyes', instead of the usual comparison 'thine eṭeyes resemble the lotus ; 5 forms are enumerated) Kuval. Pratāp. Sāh. Kpr
- N. of a gram. wk
- (ám), ind. against the stream, backwards
- against RV. &c. &c
- in return Bālar
- in inverted order Mn
- refractorily (with √gam, to resist Śak
- with abhy-upa-√gam, to go against, oppose R.)
- ○ga mf(ā)n. going against, flowing against, flowing backwards Ragh. Var
- ○gati f. (VarBṛS. Sch.) or (ib. Kum.) a retrograde movement
- ○gamana n. (ib. Kum.) a retrograde movement
- ○gāmin mfn. (ifc.) going against, acting in contravention to Daś
- ○taraṇa n. sailing agṭagainst the stream Vikr
- ○darśanī or f. 'turning away the face', a woman L
- ○"ṣrśinī f. 'turning away the face', a woman L
- ○dīpaka n. a partic. figure of speech Bhaṭṭ. Sch
- ○vacana n. contradiction Amar
- pratīpâśva m. N. of a Prince VP. (v. l. pratīkâśva)
- pratīpôkti f. contradiction Naish
- pratīpaka mfn. opposed to, hindering, hostile BhP
- m. N. of a prince ib
- pratīpaya Nom. P. ○yati, to oppose one's self to, be hostile to (loc.) BhP
- to cause to turn back, bring back, reverse Kum
- pratīpāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to oppose one's self to, be hostile to, be against (gen.) Bhaṭṭ. (g. sukhâdi)
- pratīpin mfn. unfavourable, unkind, g. sukhâdi
- pratī7ps Detsid. of praty-√āp, q.v
- pratī7r (prati- √īr), only Caus. 2ḍu. impf. praty-airayatam, to put on, fix on RV. i, 117, 22
- pra-tīra m. N. of a son of Manu Bhautya MārkP
- n. = tīra, a shore, bank L
- pratī7ṣ (prati-√iṣ), P. pratī7cchati (ind. p. pratī7ṣya), to strive after, seek RV. x, 129, 4
- to receive, accept from MBh. Kāv. &c
- to regard, mind, attend to, obey ib
- pratī7cchaka m. one who receives, a receiver Mn. iv, 194
- pratī7ṣita mfn. (√īṣ) stretched out towards Kāṭh
- pra-√tud P. -tudati, to strike at, cut through, pierce MBh. Hariv. BhP.: Caus. -todayati, to push on, urge, instigate MBh. Mṛicch
- pra-ḍtud m. 'pecker', N. of a class of birds (including the falcon, hawk, owl, parrot, crow, raven, peacock &c.) Āpast
- pra-ḍtuda m. id., Gaut Mn. Yājñ. Suśr
- an instrument for piercing Suśr
- pra-ḍtodá m. a goad or long whip AV. &c. &c. (also -yaṣṭi f. Divyâv.)
- sg. (with aṅgirasām) and du. (with kaśyapasya), N. of Sāmans ĀrshBr
- -yantra n. N. of wk
- pra-ḍtodin See śroṇi-pratodin
- pra-tur See su-pratúr.
- pra-√turv (only pr. p. -tū́rvat), to be victorious RV. v, 65, 4
- pra-√tuṣ P. -tuṣyati, to delight in (instr.) Bhaṭṭ.: Caus. -toṣayati, to give pleasure, gratify BhP
- pra-ḍtuṣṭi f. satisfaction (-da mfn. giving satisfaction) Pañcat
- pra-ḍtoṣa m. 'gratification', N. of one of the 12 sons of Manu Svāyambhuva BhP
- pra-tustuṣu See pra-√stu
- pra-tūṇī f. a kind of disease (causing pain of the nerves extending from the rectum and generative organs to the bowels
- wṛ. for pratitūṇī?) Suśr
- pra-tūrṇa ○tūrta &c., See pra-√tvar
- pra-√tṛd (only ind. p. -tṛdya), to thrust through with a spit ŚBr
- pra-ḍtardana mfn. piercing, destroying (said of Vishṇu) Vishṇ
- m. N. of a king of KāSi (son of Divo-dāsa and author of RV. ix, 96) Br. MBh. &c
- of a Rākshasa R
- of a class of divinities under Manu Auttama MārkP
- pra-ḍtṛṇṇa n. (piercing i.e. splitting scil. the words) recitation of the Pada-pāṭha AitĀr
- tṛd mfn. cleaving, piercing (applied to the Tṛitsus) RV. vii, 33, 14
- pra-√tṛp Caus. -tarpayati, to satiate, refresh, strengthen, satisfy Pañcat. Suśr
- pra-√tṝ P. Ā. -tarati, ○te (Ved. also -tirati, ○te
- inf. -tíram), to go to sea, pass over, cross ŚBr. &c. &c
- to set out, start RV. ŚBr
- (Ā.) to rise, thrive, prosper RV
- to raise, elevate, augment, increase, further, promote ib. AV. ŚBr. MBh
- to extend: prolong (esp. with ā́yus, 'to promote long life
- Ā. 'to live on, live longer') RV.: Caus. -tārayati (aor. prâtītarat), to extend, widen MBh
- to prolong (life) AV
- to mislead, take in, deceive Mṛicch. Kathās
- to lead astray, seduce, persuade to (dat. or loc.) Ragh. Kathās
- pra-ḍtara m. passing over, crossing (cf. duṣ- and su-pr○)
- N. of the joints (saṃdhī) on the neck and of the spinal vertebrae Suśr
- pra-ḍtáraṇa mf(ī)n. furthering, promoting, increasing (with āyuṣaḥ, 'prolonging life') RV. AV. VS. PārGṛ
- n. going to sea, passing over, crossing MBh. Kāv. &c. ○tarītṛ́ (RV.),
- pra-ḍtárītṛ (AV.), m. a furtherer, promoter (esp. of long life)
- pra-ḍtāra m. passing over, crossing (with gen.) MBh. R
- deception, fraud L
- tāraka mfn. cheating, deceitful, a deceiver Bhartṛ. Vcar
- ḍtāraṇa n. (fr. Caus.) ferrying over, carrying across, SāriṅgP
- passing over, crossing (m. c. for ○taraṇa) R. Rājat
- deceiving, cheating (also ā f.) ŚārṅgP. L
- ḍtāraṇīya mfn. to be deceived, deceivable KātyŚr. Sch
- ḍtārayitṛ m. a furtherer, promoter AitBr
- ḍtārita mfn. misled, deceived, imposed upon MBh. Kāv. &c
- persuaded or seduced to (dat.) Ragh. (v. l. pra-codita). 1
- ḍtirá mfn. furthering, granting success or victory AitĀr. 2
- ḍtíra mfn. (?) carrying across, furthering, helping TS. (Sch.)
- ḍtīrṇa (prá-), mfn. having put to sea ŚBr
- having spread over (acc.) Ragh
- pra-tolī f. a broad way, principal road through a town or village (ifc. ○līka) MBh. Kāv. &c
- a kind of bandage applied to the neck or to the penis Suśr
- prá-tta prá-tti, See pra-√dā
- pra-tná mf(ā́)n. former, preceding
- ancient, old
- traditional, customary RV. AV. TS. Br. BhP
- n. a kind of metre RPrāt
- pratnáthā ind. as formerly, as of old, in the usual manner RV. 1
- pratna-vát ind., id' ib. 2
- pratnávat mfn. containing the word pratna ŚBr
- praty-aṃśa &c. See p. 663, col. 3
- pratyak See p. 675, col. 1
- praty-akṣa mf(ā)n. present before the eyes, visible, perceptible (opp. to paro'kṣa, q.v.) Up. MBh. &c
- clear, distinct, manifest, direct, immediate, actual, real ŚBr. &c. &c
- keeping in view, discerning (with gen.) MBh
- n. ocular evidence, direct perception, apprehension by the senses (in Nyāya one of the 4 Pramāṇas or modes of proof. cf. pramāṇa)
- superintendence of, care for (gen.) Mn. ix, 27
- (in rhet.) a kind of style descriptive of impressions derived from the senses Kuval
- (pratyákṣam), ind. (also ○kṣa ibc.) before the eyes, in the sight or presence of (gen. or comp.), clearly, explicitly, directly, personally AV. &c. &c.
- (āt), ind. explicitly, actually, really Br
- (eṇa), ind. before the eyes, visibly, publicly, expressly, directly Lāṭy. MBh. MārkP
- (e), ind. before one's face, publicly Pañcat
- ○karaṇa n. one's own perception Car
- ○kṛta mfn. addressed directly or personally, containing a personal address Nir
- (ā) f. (scil. ṛc) a hymn or verse in which a deity is addressed directly or in the 2nd person MW
- ○khaṇḍa m. n. N. of part I of the Tattvacintāmaṇi
- -cintāmaṇi m. and -vyākhyā f. N. of wks
- ○cārin mfn. walking personally before the eyes of (gen.) Kāvyâd
- ○jñāna n. immediate perception Tarkas
- ○tamāt or ind. most perceptibly or directly or really &c. Br
- ○tamā́m ind. most perceptibly or directly or really &c. Br
- ○tas ind. before the eyes, visibly, perceptibly (○taḥ śrutam, heard perceptibly or with the ears) MBh. Pāṇ. Sch. Kathās
- evidently, clearly, plainly MW
- ○tā f. the being before the eyes, before visible, visibility MBh. Kathās. MārkP. &c
- addressing in the 2nd person MW
- (ayā), ind. before the eyes of any one Pañcat
- ○tva n. ocular evidence, explicitness KātyŚr
- the being ocular evidence or immedite perception Sarvad
- addressing in the 2nd person MW
- ○darśana n. seeing with one's own eyes
- the power of discerning (the presence of a god) MBh
- m. an eye-witness L
- ○darśin mfn. seeing anything (gen.) with one's own eyes, one who has seen with his own eṭeyes MBh
- ○darśivas mfn. one who has seen anything with his own eyes
- seeing anything (acc.) clearly as if before the eyes MBh. Hariv. Sūryas
- ○dīpikā f. N. of wk
- ○dṛś mfn. seeing distinctly, one who sees anything (acc.) clearly as if before the eyes MārkP
- ○dṛśya mfn. to be seen with the eyes, visible, perceptible Nir. Kathās
- ○dṛṣṭa mfn. seen with the eṭeyes, Ratnâv. Kathās
- ○dviṣ (pratyákṣa-), mfn. not liking that which is clear ŚBr
- ○dharman mfn. keeping in view the merits (of men) MBh
- ○para mfn. setting the highest value on the visible Car
- ○pariccheda m. N. of wk. (also ○da-mañjūṣā f. and ○da-rahasya n.)
- ○parī7kṣaṇa n. real observation Var
- ○pṛṣṭha m. a partic. Pṛishṭhya ĀśvŚr
- ○pramā f. a correct notion obtained through the senses Vedântap
- ○pramāṇa n. ocular or visible proof, the evidence of the senses
- an organ or faculty of perception W
- N. of wk. (also ○ṇyâloka-ṭippaṇī f.)
- ○phala mfn. having visible consequences (-tva n.) Āp
- n. a visible consequence MW
- ○bandhu (pratyákṣa-), mfn. with evident relation MaitrS
- ○bṛhatī f. an original Bṛihati ŚāṅkhŚr
- ○bhakṣa m. real eating ŚrS
- ○bhūta mfn. become visible, appeared personally Hit
- ○bhoga m. enjoyment or use of anything in the presence or with the knowledge of the owner W
- ○maṇi m
- ○maṇi-raśmicakra n. N. wks. (= -vāda)
- ○vat ind. as if it were evident Āp
- ○vāda m. N. of wk. by Ruci-datta
- ○vādin mfn. 'asserting perception by the senses', one who admits of no other evidence than perception by the senses
- m. a Buddhist L
- ○vidhāna n. an express injunction Gaut
- ○viṣayī-√bhū P. -bhavati, to move only within range of the sight Naish. Comm
- ○vihita mfn. expressly enjoined, ŚāṅkhŚr,
- ○vṛtti mfn. having a form visible to the eye
- composed clearly or intelligibly (as a word) Nir. Sch
- ○siddha mfn. determined by evidence of the senses MW
- pratyakṣâgamana n. approaching in person Siṃhâs
- pratyakṣânumāna n. (-ṭīka f. and -śabda-khaṇḍana n.) of wks
- pratyakṣâvagama mfn. plainly in telligible Bhag
- pratyakṣaya Nom. P. ○yati, to make visible or perceptible Mālav
- to see with one's own eyes Kād
- pratyakṣāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to come clearly before the eyes, be visible
- ○yamāṇa-tva n. coming clearly before the eyes Sāh
- pratyakṣin mfn. seeing with one's own eyes
- m. an eye-witness Jātakam
- pratyakṣī in comp. for ○kṣa
- ○karaṇa n. looking at, viewing Mn. Kull
- making manifest or apparent W
- ○√kṛ to make visible or evident MW
- to inspect, look at or See with one's own eyes MBh. Mṛicch. Kād. &c
- ○kṛta mfn. seen with the eṭeyes Śak. Hit
- made present or visible, manifested, displayed W
- ○√bhū to come before the eṭeyes, be visible, appear in person Kathās. Siṃhâs
- praty-áñc mfn. (nom. pratyáṅ. pratī́cī, pratīcī́
- pratyák) turned towards, facing (acc.) RV. AV. VS
- coming (opp. to arvāñc, 'going') RV
- being or coming from behind, turning the back, averted, moving in an opposite direction ib. Br. KātyŚr
- westward, western, occidental, to the west of (abl.) VS. AV. Br. Mn. &c
- turned back or inward, inner, interior Prab. BhP. Vedântas
- equal to, a match for (acc.) AV
- past, gone L
- m. the individual soul Prab. vi, 4/5
- (pratī́cī), f. (with or scil. diś) the west AV. &c. &c
- N. of a river BhP
- (pratyák), ind. backwards, in an opposite direction RV. AV
- behind (abl.) KātyŚr
- down (opp. to ūrdhvam) KaṭhUp
- westward, to the west of (abl.) ŚrS. MBh. BhP
- inwardly, within BhP. Vedântas
- in former times L
- prátīka mf(ā)n. (for praty-aka
- cf. anūka, apāka, abhīka) turned or directed towards
- (ifc.) looking at BhP
- (prob.) going uphill MBh
- adverse, contrary, inverted, reversed L
- n. exterior, surface RV
- outward form or shape, look, appearance, face (cf. ghṛta-p○, cāru-p○, tveṣa-p○) ib. Nir
- the face (esp. the mouth) RV. ŚBr. PārGṛ
- the front MW
- an image, symbol ChUp. Sch
- a copy Vām
- (also m.) the first part (of a verse), first word Br. &c. &c
- m. a part, portion, limb, member L. (cf. prati-pr○, p. 662, col. 2)
- N. of a son of Vasu and father of Ogha-vat BhP
- of a son of Maru VP
- ○tva n. the being an image or symbol ChUp. Sch
- ○darśana n. a symbolic conception Bādar. Sch
- ○vat (prátīka-), mfn. having an outward form or face or mouth
- m. N. of Agni TS
- pratīkâśva m. N. of a prince BhP
- pratīkôpâsana n. image-worship, the service of idols Mn. Kull
- pratīcī f. of pratyáñc
- ○pati m. 'lord of the west', N. of Varuṇa, the ocean Prasannar
- ○"ṣśa (○cī7śa), m. id. L
- pratīcīná mfn. turned towards, going or coming towards RV
- (○cī́na), mfn. turned away from, turning the back RV
- being behind, coming from behind AV
- turning westward, western TS. Br
- subsequent, future (with abl.) RV. TBr
- (am), ind. back to one's self TBr
- backwards, behind TS. TBr. Kāṭh. BhP
- ○grīva (pratīcī́na-), mfn. having the neck turned westward Br
- ○prajanana (pratīcī́na-), mfn. ŚBr
- ○phala (pratīcī́na-), mfn. having fruit turned or bending backwards ib. AV
- ○mukha mf(ī́)n. having the face turned westward ŚBr
- ○śiras (pratīcī́na-), mfn. having the head turned westward ib
- ○stoma m. a partic. Ekâha Vait
- pratīcīnêḍa mfn
- n. (with kāśīta) N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr
- pratīcya mfn. being or living in the west MBh. R
- (ibc.) the west, western country MBh
- (ā), f. N. of the wife of Pulastya ib
- (pratī́cya), n. a designation of anything remote or concealed Naigh. iii, 25 (perhaps wṛ. for pratī74tya)
- pratyak in comp. for ○tyañc
- ○cintāmaṇi m. N. of wk
- ○cetana mfn. one whose thoughts are turned inwards or upon himself Yogas
- (ā), f. thoughts turned inwards or upon one's self ib
- ○tattva-dīpikā (or -pradīpikā), f
- ○tattva-viveka m. N. of philos. wks
- ○tva n. backward direction, dṭdirection towards one's self BhP. Sch
- ○parṇī f. Achyranthes Aspera (= apâmārga) L
- Anthericum Tuberosum (= dravantī) ib
- ○puṣkara mf(ā)n. having the bowl turned westward (as a ladle) AitBr
- ○puṣpī f. Achyranthes Aspera L
- (accord. to Pāṇ. 4-1, 64 Vārtt. 1 the correct form would be -puṣpā)
- ○prakāśa m. N. of a teacher Cat
- ○pravaṇa mfn. devoted to the individual soul
- (-tā f.) Prab
- ○śiras mfn. (ĀpŚr. &c.) and f. (Kauś.) having the head turned towards the west
- ○śīrṣī f. (Kauś.) having the head turned towards the west
- ○śreṇī f. N. of various plants (Anthericum Tuberosum, Croton Polyandrum or Croton Tiglium, Salvinia Cucullata &c.) Car. L
- ○śrotas mfn. wṛ. for -srotas
- ○sarasvatī f. the western Sarasvatī BhP
- ○sthalī f. N. of a Vedī R
- ○srotas mfn. flowing towards the west MBh. R. Śiś. Sch
- ○svarūpa m. N. of an author Cat
- pratyag in comp. for ○tyañc
- ○akṣa n. an inner organ BhP
- mfn. having inner organs ib
- -ja mfn. discerned by the internal faculties, visible to the eye of the soul MW
- ○ātma mfn. concerning the personal soul or self R
- ○ātman m. the individual soul KaṭhUp. Vedântas. BhP. &c
- an individual Bādar. Sch
- ○ma-tā f. being an individual soul RāmatUp
- ○ma-tva n. universal permeation of spirit MW.
- ○ānanda mfn. inwardly rejoicing, appearing as inward delight Vedântas
- ○āśā-pati m. 'lord of the western quarter', N. of Varuṇa L
- ○āśis f. a personal wish KātyŚr. Sch
- mfn. containing a personal wish ĀpŚr
- ○udak ind. towards the north-west ĀśvŚr
- ○ekarasa mfn. having taste or pleasure only for the interior, delighting only in one's own soul RāmatUp
- ○jyotis n. the inward light Mcar
- ○dakṣiṇatas ind. towards the south-west KātyŚr
- ○dakṣiṇā ind. towards the south-west ĀśvŚr
- -pravaṇa mfn. sloping towards the s-wṭwest, ĀŚvGṛ
- ○diś f. the western quarter AV. AitBr. MBh. &c
- ○dṛś f. a glance directed inwards BhP
- mfn. one whose glance is directed inwards RāmatUp
- ○dhāman mfn. radiant within, internally illuminated BhP
- ○ratha m. N. of a prince VP
- pl. N. of a warrior-tribe (also called ahi-cchattra
- cf. prātyagrathi) Pāṇ. 4-1, 173
- ○vahana-prayoga m. N. of wk
- pratyaṅ in comp. for ○tyañc
- ○mukha mf(ī)n. having the face turned away or westward GṛŚrS. &c
- -tva n. facing the west Hcat
- praty-√añj P. -anakti, or -añjati, to smear over, besmear ŚBr
- to decorate, adorn RV
- praty-ḍañjana n. smearing, anointing Suśr. Bhpr
- praty-√ad P. -atti, to eat in return or in compensation for anything ŚBr
- praty-ḍadana n. eating, food L
- praty-adhi-√śri P. -śrayati. to put down beside (the fire) KātyŚr
- praty-adhī7 (adhi-√i), Ā. -adhī7yate, to read through or study severally MBh
- praty-anu-√jñā P. -jānāti, to refuse, reject, spurn R
- praty-anu-√tap Pass. -tapyate, to feel subsequent remorse, repent, regret R
- praty-anu-√nī P. Ā. -nayati, ○te, to speak friendly words, induce to yield, persuade MBh
- (Ā.) to beg a person's (acc.) pardon for (acc.) ib
- praty-anu-√bhū P. -bhavati, to enjoy singly or severally PraśnUp. Divyâv
- praty-anu-√yāc P. -yācati, to beseech, implore (with acc.) R
- praty-anu-vāśita mfn. (√vāś) roared against, answered by roaring Var
- praty-anu-√smṛ P. -smarati, to remember R
- praty-apa-√kṛ (only ind. p. -kṛtya), to take vengeance on (acc.) Daś
- praty-apḍapakāra m. offending or injuring in return, retaliation Kum
- praty-apa-√yā P. -yāti, to go back, withdraw, retreat, flee into (acc.) MBh
- praty-apa-√vah P. -vahati, to drive back, repel BhP
- praty-apa-√sṛp Caus. -sarpayati, to cause to go back, put to flight MBh
- praty-apôrṇu (-apa-√ūrṇu), Ā. -apôrṇute, to uncover one's self in the presence of (acc.) TS
- praty-abhi-√ghṛ Caus. -ghārayati, to sprinkle over repeatedly GṛS
- praty-ḍabhighāraṇa n. sprinkling over afresh GṛŚrS
- praty-abhi-√car P. -carati, to use spells or charms against AV. ŚāṅkhŚr
- praty-abhi-√cḍabhicáraṇa mfn. using spells or charms against AV
- praty-abhi-cita mfn. (√1. cī7) built up in defence GopBr. (w. r. -jita)
- praty-abhi-√jñā P. Ā. -jānāti, -jānīte, to recognize, remember, know, understand MBh. Kāv. &c
- to come to one's self, recover consciousness Kathās.: Caus. -jñāpayati, to recall to mind Śaṃk
- praty-ḍabhijñā f. recognition Kap. Bhāshāp. &c. (ifc. ○jña mfn. Daś. Rājat.)
- regaining knowledge or recognition (of the identify of the Supreme and individual soul) Sarvad
- -darśana n. N. of a philos. system IW. 118
- -vimarśinī f. N. of Comm. on -hṛdaya
- -śāstra n. N. of a philos. manual
- -sūtra n. -hṛdaya n. N. of wks
- praty-ḍabhijñāta mfn. recognized, known MBh. Śak. &c
- -vat mfn. Kathās
- praty-ḍabhijñāna n. recognition MBh. Kāv. &c
- a token of recognition (brought by a messenger to prove that he has accomplished his mission) R
- reciprocity ĀśvŚr. Sch
- -ratna n. a jewel (given as token) of recognition MW
- praty-ḍabhijñāpana n. causing to recognize Śaṃk
- praty-ḍabhijñāyamāna-tva n. the being recognized Kap. Sch
- praty-abhi-dhā √1. P. Ā. -dadhāti, -dhatte, to take or draw back, re-absorb BhP
- (Ā.) to reply, answer ib
- praty-ḍabhihita mfn. answered, having received an answer from (instr.) Śak
- approved MBh
- praty-abhi-dhāv √1. P. -dhāvati, to run or hasten towards R
- praty-abhi-√nand P. -nandati, to greet in return, return a salutation MBh
- to bid welcome Śak. (v. l. for abhi-n○)
- praty-abhi-√nḍabhinandita mfn. saluted, welcomed MBh
- praty-abhi-√nḍabhinandin mfn. receiving thankfully (ifc.) Ragh
- praty-abhi-pra-√sthā Ā. -tiṣṭhate, to set out for, depart MBh
- praty-abhi-bhāṣin mfn. (√bhāṣ) speaking to, addressing (acc.) R
- praty-abhi-bhūta mfn. (√bhū) overcome, conquered Prab. v, 8 (v. l. aty-abhibh○)
- praty-abhi-√mith P. -methati, to answer scornfully or abusively ŚBr
- praty-ḍabhimethana n. a scornful reply ŚāṅkhŚr
- praty-abhi-√mṛś P. -mṛśati, to stroke or rub over, touch, lay hold of Gobh. Vait
- praty-ḍabhimarśa m. (AitBr.),
- praty-abhi-√mṛḍśana n. (Lāṭy.) stroking or rubbing over, rubbing, touching
- praty-ḍabhimṛṣṭa mfn. touched (a-praty-abh○) AitBr
- praty-abhi-√yā P. -yāti, to go against (acc.) BhP
- praty-abhi-√yuj Ā. -yuṅkte, to make a counter attack against (acc.) Bālar.: Caus. -yojayati, to make a counter plaint or charge against (acc.) Yājñ
- praty-ḍabhiyukta mfn. attacked by (instr.) Prab. (-vat, mfn. Kathās.)
- accused in return or by a counter plaint MW
- praty-ḍabhiyoga m. a counter plaint or charge, recrimination Yājñ
- praty-abhi-lekhya n. (√likh) a counter document, a document brought forward by the opposing party Vas
- praty-abhi-√vad P. -vadati, to return a salute, greet in return Āpast.: Caus. Ā. -vādayate id. Mṛicch
- praty-abhi-√vḍabhivāda m. return salutation Pāṇ. 8-2, 83
- praty-abhi-√vḍabhivādaka mfn. returning a salutation Kull
- praty-abhi-√vḍabhivādana n. the act of retṭreturning a salutation Mn. ii, 126
- praty-abhi-√vḍabhivādayitṛ mfn. one who returns a salutation Kull
- praty-abhi-skandana n. (√skand) a counter plaint or charge, an accusation brought against the accuser or plaintiff Yājñ. Sch. (cf. praty-abhiyoga)
- praty-abhi-√hṛ Caus. -hārayati, to offer, present Gobh. (v. l.)
- praty-abhy-anu-jñā f. (√jñā) leave, permission ĀśvGṛ
- praty-abhy-ḍanujñāta mfn. dismissed on taking leave, allowed to depart MBh
- praty-abhy-utthāna n. (√sthā) rising from a seat through politeness (ifc. f. ā) Kād
- pratyaya &c. See p. 673, col. 3
- praty-√arc P. -arcati, to shine upon (acc.) RV.: Caus. -arcayati, to greet in return or one by one MBh. R
- praty-ḍarcana n. returning a salutation or obeisance MBh
- praty-ḍarcita mfn. saluted in return MBh
- praty-√arth P. -arthayati, to challenge (to combat) Bhaṭṭ
- praty-ḍarthaka m. an opponent, adversary L
- praty-ḍarthika (ifc.), id. MBh
- praty-ḍarthin mfn. hostile, inimical
- (ifc.) opposing, rivalling, emulating MBh. Kāv. &c
- m. an adversary, opponent, rival ib
- (in law) a defendant Mn. Yājñ. &c
- ○thi-tā f. and ○thi-tva n. the state of a defendant at law MW
- ○thi-bhūta mfn. become an obstacle Kum.
- ○thy-āvedana n. (in law) the verbal information or deposition of the defendant which is written down by the officers of the court MW
- praty-√ard Caus. -ardayati, ○te, to oppress or assault in return R
- praty-arpaṇa &c. See praty-√ṛ
- praty-ava-karśana mfn. (√kṛś) bringing down, baffling, annihilating BhP
- praty-ava-√gam P. -gacchati to know singly or exactly MBh
- praty-ava-√grah P. -gṛhṇāti, to draw or put back MaitrS
- to retract, revoke, recall R
- praty-ava-√tṝ P. -tarati, to disembark Divyâv
- praty-ava-√do P. -dātí, or -dyati, to divide again TBr
- praty-ava-dhā √1. P. -dadhāti, to put in again ŚBr
- praty-ava-nejana n. (√nij) washing off again PārGṛ
- praty-ava-√bhāṣ Ā. -bhāṣate, to call to Divyâv
- praty-ava-bhāsa m. (√bhās) becoming visible, appearance (ifc. f. ā) Uttarar. (wṛ. ○bhāṣā)
- praty-ava-bhuj √1. P. -bhujati, to bend back Kauś
- praty-ava-√mṛś P. -mṛśati, to touch Kauś
- to reflect, meditate Daś. BhP
- praty-avḍavamarśa m. (wrongly spelt ○ṣa) inner contemplation, profound meditation BhP
- counter conclusion Kull
- recollection Hariv
- consciousness Jātakam
- -vat mfn. absorbed in thought, meditative MBh
- praty-avḍavamarśana n. contemplation, meditation BhP
- praty-ava-√mṛṣ P. Ā. -mṛṣyati, ○te, or -marṣati, ○te, to endure reluctantly, suffer beyond endurance MW
- praty-ava-rudh √2. (only ind. p. -rudhya), to recover BhP
- praty-avḍavaruddha mfn. stopped, suppressed ib
- praty-avḍavarodhana n. obstruction, interruption MBh
- praty-ava-√ruh P. -rohati, to come down again, desend from (abl.), alight upon (acc.) TS. Br. ĀśvŚr
- to descend (from a seat, chariot &c.) in honour of (acc.) TS. ŚBr. MBh
- to celebrate the festival called Pratyavarohaṇa ŚāṅkhGṛ.: Caus. -ropayatí, to bring down from, deprive of (abl. or instr.) MBh
- praty-avḍávarūḍhi f. descending towards TS
- praty-avḍavarohá m. id
- a descending series Br. ŚrS
- praty-avḍavarohaṇa n. = ○avarūḍhi ŚrS
- N. of a partic. Gṛihya festival in the month Mārgaśīrsha GṛS
- praty-avḍavarohaṇīya m. a partic. Ekâha sacrifice forming part of the Vājapeya ŚrS
- praty-avḍavaroham ind. descending AitBr
- praty-avḍavarohin mfn. descending, moving downwards Br. Lāṭy
- moving or rising from a seat (a-pratyav○) KātyŚr
- (iṇī), f. N. of a partic. litany TāṇḍBr
- praty-ava-√sad P. -sīdati, to sink down, perish MBh
- praty-ava-√sṛj P. -sṛjati, to throw on (loc.) Hariv
- to relinquish, leave ŚBr
- praty-ava-sṛta mfn. (√sṛ) gone away Divyâv
- praty-ava-√sṛp P. -sarpati, to creep towards ŚBr
- praty-ava-√so P. -syati, to come back, return to (loc.) ŚBr
- praty-avḍavasāna n. consuming, eating Pāṇ. 1-4, 52
- praty-avḍavasita mfn. relapsed into the old (bad) way of life MBh. Nār. (Sch. 'one who has given up the life of a religious mendicant')
- consumed, eaten L. (cf. Pāṇ. 6-2, 195 Kāś.)
- praty-ava-skanda m. (√skand) an attack, surprise Kathās
- = next L
- praty-ava-skandḍavaskandana n. a special plea at law (admitting a fact, but qualifying or explaining it so as not to allow it to be a matter of accusation), Bṛihasp.
- praty-ava-√sthā Ā. -tiṣṭhate, to return, re-appear (with punar) BhP
- to resist, oppose, object to Kap. Sch
- to stand alone or separately MW
- to re-attain, recover Bhaṭṭ.: Caus. -sthāpayati, to cause to stand firm, encourage (with ātmānam 'to collect one's self, recover') Vikr
- praty-avḍavasthā f. = pary-avasthā L
- praty-avḍavasthātṛ m. an opponent, adversary L
- praty-avḍavasthāna n. objection Nyāyas
- removal, setting aside L
- former state or place, status quo W
- opposition, hostility ib
- praty-avḍavasthāpana n. (fr. Caus.) refreshing, strengthening Car
- praty-avasthita mfn. standing separately or opposite R
- being in a partic. condition MBh
- praty-ava-√han P. -hanti, to strike back, repel RV. v, 29, 4
- praty-ava-√hṛ (only Ved. inf. -hartos), to lessen, shorten, diminish AitBr.: Caus. -hārayati, to suspend, interrupt, finish MBh
- praty-avḍavahāra m. drawing back, withdrawal MBh
- dissolution, re-absorption Ragh
- praty-avâp (ava-√āp), only pf. -avâpuḥ, to re-obtain, recover Śiś
- praty-avê (-ava-√i), P. avaī7ti, to come down again, reach in descending Br
- to offend, sin Śaṃk
- praty-ḍavâya m. decrease, diminution KātyŚr. MBh
- reverse, contrary course, opposite, conduct Mn. iv, 245
- annoyance, disappointment Śak. Prab
- offence, sin, sinfulness Āpast. Vedântas
- disappearance of what exists or non-production of what does not exist W
- praty-avêkṣ (-ava-√īkṣ), Ā. -avêkṣate (ep. also P. ○ti), to look at ŚBr
- to inspect, examine, look or inquire after MBh. R. &c
- to consider, have regard for (acc.) R
- praty-ḍavêkṣaṇa n. looking after, care, attention Kām. Kull
- (ā), f. (with Buddhists) one of the 5 kinds of knowledge Dharmas. 94
- praty-ḍavêkṣā f. = prec. n. Rājat
- praty-ḍavêkṣya mfn. to be regarded or paid attention to MBh
- praty-aṣṭa mfn. (√1. aś) fallen to a person's (loc.) lot or share Kauś
- praty-as √1. P. -asti, to be equal to or a match for (acc.) RV. ŚBr
- praty-as √2. P. -asyati, to throw to or down AV
- to turn over or round ŚBr
- praty-ḍasta (práty-), mfn. thrown down, laid low VS. ŚBr
- thrown off, given up Bhartṛ
- praty-ḍastra n. a missile hurled in return Kathās
- praty-√ah (only pf. -āha), to say anything in the presence of (acc.) AV
- to tell, relate (with acc. of pers. and thing) Hit
- to answer, reply to (acc.) ŚBr
- praty-ā-kalita mfn. (√3. kal) enumerated, held forth, reproached Daś
- interposed, introduced (as a step in legal process) W
- n. judicial decision as to which of the litigants is to prove his case after the defendant has pleaded Yājñ. Sch
- (defendant's) supplement to the written deposition of two litigants Nār
- praty-ā-√kāṅkṣ Ā. -kāṅkṣate, to be desirous of, long for, expect MBh
- praty-ā-√kṛṣ P. -kṛṣati, to withdraw BhP
- praty-ā-√kram P. Ā. -krāmati, -kramate, to step back ĀpŚr
- praty-ā-√kruś P. -krośati, to challenge or revile in return MBh
- praty-ḍākroṣṭavya mfn. to be reviled in return L
- praty-ā-kṣepaka mf(ikā)n. (√kṣip) reviling in turn, deriding (-tva n.) Kuval
- praty-ā-√khyā P. -khyāti, to proclaim one by one ŚBr
- to refuse, repudiate, reject ib. &c. &c
- to deny Daś
- to refute Śaṃk
- to counteract (by remedies) Suśr.: Desid. -cikhyāsati, to wish to refute Śaṃk
- praty-ā-√khyḍākhyāta mfn. rejected, refused, disallowed, denied (-tva n.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- prohibited, interdicted Śak
- set aside, outvied, surpassed Mālav
- informed, apprised W
- celebrated, notorious ib
- praty-ā-√khyḍākhyātavya mfn. to be opposed or refuted Śaṃk
- praty-ā-√khyḍākhyātṛ m. a refuser BhP.
- praty-ā-√khyḍākhyāna mfn. conquered, overcome (as a passion) HYog
- n. rejection, refusal, denial, disallowance, repulse MBh. Kāv. &c
- counteracting, combating (of feelings &c.) HYog
- non-admittance, refutation Śaṃk
- N. of a Jaina wk
- -saṃgraha m. N. of wk
- praty-ā-√khyḍākhyā́yam ind. enumerating one by one TS. ŚBr
- praty-ā-√khyḍākhyāyin mfn. rejecting, refuting (a-pr○) GṛS
- praty-ā-√khyḍākhyeya mfn. to be declined or refused MBh. Yājñ
- to be refuted or denied W
- to be cured, curable (as a disease) Car
- praty-ā-√gam P. -gacchati, to come back again, return TBr. MBh. Kāv. &c
- to come to one's self, recover consciousness, revive Kālid
- praty-ḍāgata mfn. come back again, returned, arrived MBh. Kāv. &c
- -prâṇa mfn. one who has recovered his breath or life MBh
- -smṛti mfn. one who has recovered his memory R
- ○tâsu mfn. = -prâṇa Ragh
- praty-ḍāgati f. coming back, return, arrival Hariv
- praty-ḍāgama m. id. ib. R. &c
- ○mâvadhi ind. till (my) return MW
- praty-ḍāgamana n. coming back, return to (acc.), coming home again MBh. Kāv. &c
- (nirūha-pr○) the coming back of a clyster Suśr
- praty-ā-√gṝ P. -gṛṇāti, to speak to in return, answer, respond ŚāṅkhŚr
- praty-ā-√cakṣ Ā. -caṣṭe, to refuse, decline, reject, repulse (with acc. of pers. or thing) ŚrS. MBh. Kāv. &c
- to answer, refute, oppose in argument MW
- praty-ḍācakṣāṇaka mfn. desirous of refuting or objecting to (acc.) Nyāyas. Sch
- praty-ā-√jan Ā. -jāyate, to be born again Kāraṇḍ. (Pot. -jāyeyam SāmavBr.)
- praty-ā-√tan P. Ā. -tanoti, -tanute, to extend in the direction of, shine upon or against, irradiate RV. AV
- to bend (a bow) against (acc.) RV
- praty-ā-√dā Ā. -datte, to receive back MBh
- to take back, revoke ib
- to draw forth from (abl.) BhP
- to repeat, return AV. ŚāṅkhSr
- praty-ā-√dḍādāna n. re-obtaining, recovery MBh
- repetition, reiteration RPrāt. ĀśvŚr
- praty-ā-√dḍāditsu mfn. (fr. Desid.) desirous of recovering or obtaining BhP
- praty-ā-√dḍādeya mfn. to be received back, to be (or being) received Inscr
- praty-ā-√diś P. -diśati, to enjoin, direct, advise R. BhP
- to report, relate (with 2 acc.) MBh
- to summon Hit
- to decline, reject, repel MBh. Kāv
- praty-ḍādiṣṭa mfn. enjoined, directed, &c
- overcome, surpassed MBh. Śak. Ragh
- informed, apprised W
- warned, cautioned ib
- declared (as from heaven) ib
- praty-ḍādeśa m. order, command Vet
- an offer Jātakam
- rejection, refusal Kālid
- warning, determent, prevention Mn. viii, 334
- obscuring, eclipsing Daś
- putting to shame Kād
- who or what puts to shame, shamer of, reproach to (gen.) Vikr
- praty-ḍādeṣṭṛ m. one who warns or cautions MW
- praty-ā-√dṛ Ā. -driyate, to show respect to (acc.) ŚBr
- praty-ā-√dru P. -dravati, to run against, rush upon (acc.) MBh
- praty-ā-dhā́na n. (√dhā) a place where anything is deposited or laid up, repository ŚBr
- praty-ā-dhmāna n. (√dhmā) a partic. nervous disease, a kind of tympanites or winddropsy Suśr
- praty-ā-√nah P. -nahyati, to put upon, cover with ŚBr
- praty-ḍānāha m. inflammation in the chest, pleuritis Gal
- praty-ā-√nī P. Ā. -nayati, ○te (inf. -nayitum R.), to lead or bring back, restore Kauś. R. BhP
- to recover, regain Hariv. BhP
- to pour or fill up again ŚBr. Kauś.: Desid. Ā. -ninīṣate, to wish to bring back, try to rearrange or restore MBh
- praty-ḍānayana n. leading or bringing back, recovery, restoration Hariv. Vikr. Kād
- praty-ḍāninīṣu mfn. (fr. Desid.) desirous of bringing back W
- praty-ḍānīta mfn. led or brought back BhP
- praty-ḍāneya mfn. to be repaired or made good MBh
- praty-√āp only Desid. pratī7psati, to ask (a girl) in marriage Kathās.
- praty-ā-patti f. (√pad) return BhP
- turning back (from evil), conversion MBh. (= vairāgya Nīlak.)
- restoration, restitution Pāṇ. 3-1, 26 Vārtt. 6 ; viii, 4, 68 Vārtt. 1
- expiation Āpast. (= śuddhi Sch.)
- praty-ḍāpanna mfn. returned, regained, restored Daś. BhP
- praty-ā-plavana n. (√plu) springing or leaping back R
- praty-ā-√brū P. -braviiti, to reply to, answer (acc.) MBh
- praty-ā-√bhū P. -bhavati, to be at hand or at a person's (acc.) command TS
- praty-ā-√mnā (only -mnāyus), to repeat or recite again RPrāt
- praty-ā-√mnḍāmnātavya mfn. to be rejected (a-pr○) BhP
- praty-ā-√mnḍāmnāna n. contrary determination, altered purpose Lāṭy. KātyŚr. Sch
- praty-ā-√mnḍāmnāya m. id. ĀpŚr
- (in log.) the proposition re-stated, conclusion (= nigamana)
- praty-āya &c. See p. 673, col. 3
- praty-ā-√yā P. -yāti, to come back, return to (acc.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- praty-ā-rambha m. (√rabh) beginning again, recommencement Kauś
- prohibition Pāṇ. 8-1, 31
- annulment Pat
- praty-ā-√ruh Caus. -ropayati, to cause to mount again R. Uttarar
- praty-ā-√labh Ā. -labhate, to seize by the opposite side ĀśvŚr
- to take up an attitude of resistance ( a-pratyālabhamāna)
- praty-ā-√liṅg P. -liṅgati, to embrace in return Mṛicch
- praty-ā-√lī (only Ā. pf. -lilye) to cling to (acc.) L
- praty-ā-līḍha mfn. (√lih) eaten L
- extended towards the left L
- n. a partic. attitude in shooting (the left foot advanced and right drawn back) L
- praty-ā-vap √2. P. -vapati to cast or throw upon once more Kauś. MānGṛ
- praty-ā-√vṛt Ā. -vartate, to turn against (acc.) RV
- to return, come back Kathās. Hit. &c.: Caus. -vartayati, to drive back, repel RV. ŚBr
- praty-ḍāvartana n. coming back, returning R
- praty-ḍāvṛtta mfn. turned back (as a face) Amar
- returned, come back ib. Megh. &c
- repeated Var
- praty-ḍāvṛtti f. coming back, return Mālatīm
- praty-ā-√vraj P. -vrajati, to go back, return Lāṭy. ĀśvGṛ
- praty-ā-√śaṃs Ā. -śaṃsate, to expect, presuppose R
- praty-ā-√śī Ā. -śete, to lie before (acc.) RV
- praty-ā-śraya m. (√śri) a shelter, refuge, dwelling Sāṃkhyak. Sch
- praty-ā-√śru Caus. -śrāvayati, to pronounce the ejaculatory response AV. Br. &c
- praty-ḍāśrāvá m. (VS.),
- praty-ḍāśrā́vaṇa n. (ŚBr. ŚrS.) the ejaculatory response (a partic. sacrificial formula)
- praty-ḍā́śrāvita (Br.),
- praty-ḍā́śruta (TS.), n. id
- praty-ā-√śvas P. -śvasiti, to breathe again, respire, revive, take heart again MBh. Kāv. &c.: Caus. -śvāsayati, to comfort, console, encourage R
- praty-ḍāśvasta mfn. refreshed, revived, recollected MBh. Hariv. R
- praty-ḍāśvāsa m. breathing again, respiration, recovery MBh
- praty-ḍāśvāsana n. (fr. Caus.) consolation R
- praty-√ās Ā. -āste, to sit down opposite, or in the direction of (acc.) ŚBr
- praty-ā-saṃ-kalita n. (√3. kal) the putting together or combining of various evidence, consideration pro and con Smṛitit
- praty-ā-saṅga m. (√sañj) combination, connection VPrāt
- praty-ā-√sad P. -sīdati, to be near or close at hand Nyāyas. Sch
- to wait for, expect Kir
- praty-ḍāsatti f. immediate proximity (in space, time &c.), close contact Lāṭy. Śak. &c.
- good humour, cheerfulness Ratnâv
- (in gram.) analogy
- praty-ḍāsanna mfn. near at hand, close to (gen. or comp.), proximate, neighbouring MBh. Kāv. &c
- imminent Megh. Kathās. &c
- closely connected or related Āpast. MBh
- feeling repentance MBh. (Nīlak.)
- n. = -tā f. proximity, neighbourhood MBh
- -mṛtyu mfn. one whose death is imminent, at the point of death MW
- praty-ā-√sev Ā. -sevate = prati-√juṣ, Caus. Nir. viii, 15
- praty-ā-√sthā P. -tiṣṭhati, to keep firm, stand fast AV
- praty-ā-svara mfn. (√svṛ) shining back, reflecting ChUp
- praty-ā-svādaka m. (√svad) a fore-taster (?) Nalac
- praty-ā-√han P. -hanti (pf. Ā. -jaghne), to drive back, keep away, ward off AV. MBh
- praty-ḍāhata mfn. driven back, repelled, repulsed, rejected MBh. Kāv. &c
- praty-ā-√hṛ P. -harati, to draw in or back ŚāṅkhŚr. MBh. &c
- to withdraw (the senses from worldly objects) Pur
- to replace, fetch or bring back, recover ŚrS. MBh. Kāv. &c
- to rearrange, restore R
- to take up again, continue (a business, sacrifice &c.) MBh. Hariv
- to report, relate MBh
- to utter (a speech), cry MW
- to withdraw (what has been created), destroy Hariv. Pur
- wṛ. for pra-vyā-hṛ MBh. &c
- praty-ḍāharaṇa n. drawing hither and thither Gobh. Sch
- bringing back, recovery Vikr
- drawing back, withdrawing (esp. the senses from external objects) Vedântas
- praty-ḍāharaṇīya or mfn. to be taken back or withheld or restrained or controlled W
- praty-ḍāhartavya mfn. to be taken back or withheld or restrained or controlled W
- praty-āhāra m. drawing back (troops from a battle), retreat MBh
- withdrawal (esp. of the senses from external objects), abstraction MBh. Mn. Pur. Vedântas. (cf. IW. 93)
- withdrawing (of created things), re-absorption or dissolution of the world MBh
- (in gram.) the comprehension of a series of letters or roots &c. into one syllable by combining for shortness the first member with the Anubandha (s.v.) of the last member
- a group of letters &c. so combined (as ac or hal in the ŚivaSūtras) Pāṇ. 1-1, 1 &c
- (in dram.) N. of a partic. part of the Pūrva-raṅga (s.v.) Sāh
- speaking to, address (○raṃ-√kṛ, with gen., to speak to a person) Kāraṇḍ. (prob. wṛ. for pravyāh○)
- sound ib. (prob. wṛ. for id.)
- praty-āhḍāhārya mfn. to be taken back or withheld &c
- to be heard or learnt from (abl.) MBh
- praty-āhḍāhṛta mfn. resumed, restrained, withheld W
- praty-ā-√hve Ā. -hvayate (ind. P. -hūya), to answer a call BhP
- to respond to the Āhāva (s.v.) TS
- praty-ḍāhvaya m. echo, resonance BhP
- praty-ḍāhvāna n. answering a call ĀśvŚr. Sch
- praty-ukta See prati-√vac, p. 670
- praty-√ukṣ P. -ukṣati, to sprinkle ĀpŚr
- praty-uc-car (-ud-√car), Caus. -cārayati, to rouse up, excite, urge MBh
- to repeat RPrāt
- praty-ḍuccāra m. repetition L
- praty-ḍuccāraṇa n. speaking in return, answering (a-pratyuc○) Nyāyas. Sch
- praty-ucchri (-ud-√śri), P. Ā. -chrayati, ○te, (P.) to erect against ŚBr
- (Ā.) to rise against, revolt ib
- praty-ḍúcchrita mfn. rising ib
- praty-ujjīv (-ud-√jīv), P. -jīvati, to return to life, revive Ratnâv. Kathās.: Caus. -jīvayati, to restore to life, revivify, resuscitate Pañcat
- praty-ḍujjīvana n. returning to life, reviving MBh. Kād. Bālar
- (fr. Caus.) restoring to life, revivifying MBh. Kād
- praty-uta ind. on the contrary, rather, even Kāv. Kathās. Pur. &c. (cf. 2. utá)
- praty-ut-karṣa m. (√kṛṣ) outdoing, surpassing Pratāp
- praty-ut-krama m. (√kram) undertaking, the first step or measure in any business L
- setting out to assail an enemy W
- declaration of war W.
- praty-ḍutkramaṇa n. id. W
- praty-ḍutkrānta mfn. about to pass away
- -jīvita mfn. one whose life is about to pass away, almost dead Daś
- praty-ḍutkrānti f. = -utkrama L
- praty-ut-tambh (√stambh), P. -tabhnāti, or -tabhnoti, to prop up, support AitBr
- praty-ḍúttabdhi f. upholding, propping up, supporting, fixing Br
- praty-ḍuttambha m. (TāṇḍBr.),
- praty-ḍuttambhana n. (Sāy.) id
- praty-uttara &c. See p. 664
- praty-ut-√tṝ (only ind. p. -uttīrya), to come home, return R
- to betake one's self to (acc.), id
- praty-ut-thā (√sthā), P. -tiṣṭhati, to rise up before (acc.), rise to salute, go to meet Br. Mn. MBh. &c
- praty-ḍutthāna n. rising from a seat to welcome a visitor, respectful salutation or reception Mn. Gaut. MBh. &c
- rising up against, hostility Hariv. (v. l. abhy-utth○)
- praty-ḍutthāyika v. l. or wṛ. for ○yuka
- praty-ḍutthāyín mfn. rising again ŚBr
- praty-ḍutthāyuka mfn. rising respectfully (a-pratyutth○) GopBr. ŚrS. (v. l. ○yika)
- praty-ḍutthita mfn. risen to meet (acc.) MBh. R
- praty-ḍuttheya mfn. to be honoured or saluted by rising from the seat AitBr
- praty-ut-panna mfn. (√pad) existing at the present moment, present, prompt, ready MBh. Kāv. &c
- reproduced, regenerated W
- (in arithm.) produced by multiplication, multiplied Col
- n. multiplication or the product of a sum in mṭmultiplication ib
- ○jāti f. (in arithm.) assimilation consisting in multiplication, or reduction to homogeneousness by multiplication ib
- ○mati mfn. ready-minded, sharp, confident, bold MBh. Suśr. Śak. v, 19/20 (-tva n. presence of mind ib., v. l.)
- m. 'Ready-wit', N. of a fish Kathās. Hit
- praty-ut-pā √5. Ā. -pipīte, to rise against (acc.) TS
- praty-ut-√sad P. -sīdati, to resort to (acc.) ŚBr
- praty-ud-ā-√vraj P. -vrajati, to go in a contrary direction Kauś
- praty-ud-ā-√hṛ P. -harati, to speak in return, reply, answer R
- (in gram.) to adduce a contrary example Pāṇ. Sch
- praty-ḍudāharaṇa n. a counter example or illustration ib. Vām. VPrāt. Sch
- praty-ḍudāhārya mfn. to be adduced as a counter example Pat
- praty-ḍudāhṛta mfn. named, answered BhP
- praty-ud-√i P. -eti, to ascend to (acc.) AV
- to rise and go towards (acc.) ib. &c
- praty-udita See prati-√vad
- praty-ud-√īkṣ Ā. -īkṣate, to look up at, perceive, behold R. Bhaṭṭ
- praty-ud-√īr (only ind. p. -īrya), to utter in return, reply BhP
- praty-ud-√gam P. -gacchati (ep. also Ā. ○te), to go out towards, advance to meet (a friend or an enemy) Mn. MBh. &c
- to come forth again, Peasannar
- to set out for (acc. or loc.) Kāraṇḍ
- praty-ḍudgata mfn. gone to meet (a friend or an enemy) MBh
- met, encountered R. Ragh
- risen as from a seat W
- praty-ḍudgati f. (Kād. &c.),
- praty-ḍudgama m. (Ragh. &c.),
- praty-ḍudgamana n. (Prab.) going forth towards, rising from a seat (as a mark of respect) and going out to meet (esp. a guest)
- praty-ḍudgamanīya mfn. to be met or treated respectfully L
- fit or suitable for the respectful salutation of a guest Kum
- n. a clean suit of clothes, the upper and lower garments as worn at meals &c. L
- praty-ud-gā √1. (only aor. -údgāḥ), to rise before or over (acc.) RV
- praty-ud-gāra m. (√gṝ) a kind of nervous disease L
- praty-ud-gīta mfn. (√gai) answered in singing or in chanting Lāṭy
- praty-ud-√grah P. -gṛhṇāti, to set aside, dismiss Lāṭy
- praty-ḍudgraha m
- praty-ḍudgrahaṇa n. setting aside, dismissing ib. Sch
- praty-udghāta prob. wṛ. for praty-udyāta.
- praty-ud-√dīp Ā. -dīpyate, to flame against ŚBr
- praty-uddharaṇa n. (√hṛ) recovering, re-obtaining W
- praty-ḍuddhāra m. offering, tendering L
- praty-ḍuddhṛta mfn. re-obtained
- rescued, delivered from (abl.) Ragh
- praty-uddhā (-ud- √1. hā), only aor. -ahāsata, to ascend towards (acc.) RV
- praty-ud-√yam P. -yacchati, to counterbalance (acc.) TāṇḍBr
- praty-ḍudyata mfn. presented, offered BhP
- wṛ. for ○udgata
- praty-ḍudyama m. (TāṇḍBr.), ā f. (ŚāṅkhBr.) counterbalance, equipoise
- praty-ḍudyamin mfn. maintaining an equipoise, counterbalancing ŚāṅkhBr
- praty-ḍudyāmín mfn. id., resisting, refractory AitBr. ŚBr
- praty-ud-√yā P. -yāti, to rise and go towards or against, go to meet (a friend or an enemy) MBh. Kāv. &c
- praty-ḍudyāta mfn. met, encountered, received Kālid
- praty-ḍudyātṛ mfn. going forth against, attacking an assailant MBh
- praty-ḍudyāna n. the act of going forth against &c. L
- praty-ud-√vad Caus. -vādayati, to cause to resound ŚBr
- praty-ud-√vraj P. -vrajati, to go forth to meet Ragh
- praty-un-namana n. (√nam) rising or springing up again, rebounding Suśr
- praty-un-miṣ (-ud- √1. miṣ), P. -miṣati, to rise or shine forth (as the sun) Daś
- praty-upa-√kṛ Ā. -kurute, to do a service in return, requite a favour Pañcat
- praty-ḍupakāra m. returning a service or favour, gratitude MBh. Kāv. &c
- praty-ḍupakārin mfn. requiting a favour, grateful R
- praty-ḍupakriyā f. = ○upakāra Kād. Rājat. Kathās
- praty-upa-√kram Ā. -kramate, to go or march forth against (acc.) GopBr
- praty-upa-√gam P. -gacchati, to come near, approach MW
- praty-ḍupagata mfn. come near, approached ib
- praty-upa-√diś P. -diśati to explain singly or severally Suśr
- to teach anything (acc.) in return to (dat.) Mālav
- praty-ḍupadiṣṭa mfn. advised or cautioned in return MW
- praty-ḍupadeśa m. instruction or advice in return Kum
- praty-upa-√dru P. -dravati, to rush against, fall upon, assail (acc.) MBh. Pañcat
- praty-upa-dhā √1. P. -dadhāti, to put or place upon, cover ŚBr
- praty-upa-panna v. l. for pratyutpanna, in -mati, ○ti-tva, Sak. v, 19/20
- praty-upa-bhuj √2. Ā. -bhuṅkte, to eat, enjoy R
- praty-upa-bhḍupabhoga m. enjoyment MārkP
- praty-upa-√yā P. -yāti, to go again towards, return MBh
- praty-upa-ruddha mfn. (√2. rudh) obstructed, choked BhP
- praty-upa-labdha mfn. (√labh) gained back, recovered Vikr. BhP
- ○cetas mfn. one who has recovered his senses MW
- praty-upa-√viś P. -viśati, to sit down opposite to or before (acc.)
- to beset or besiege a person (to make him yield) MBh. R.: Caus. -veśayate, to cause a person to beset or besiege another Āpast
- to oppose, resist, k
- praty-ḍupaviṣṭa mfn. one who besets or besieges another Āpast
- praty-ḍupaveśa m
- praty-upa-√viḍśana n. besetting or besieging a person (to make him yield) R
- praty-upa-√vraj P. -vrajati, to go against, attack (acc.) MBh
- praty-upa-√sṛ P. -sarati, to return BhP
- praty-upa-√sthā P. Ā. tiṣṭhati, ○te, (Ā.) to stand opposite to ŚBr
- (Ā.) to wait on MBh.
- (P.) to insist on (loc.) Vajracch.: Caus. -sthāpayati, to call forth, manifest Śaṃk
- upasthāna n. proximity, imminence Śaṃk
- ḍupasthāpana n. mental realization ib
- praty-upasthita mfn. come near to (acc.), approached, arrived MBh. Hariv. &c
- standing or being in (loc. or comp.) Hariv. Var
- present, assisting at (loc.) SaddhP
- gone against, standing opposite to (acc.) MBh
- assembled ib
- happened, occurred (or about to happen, imminent) MBh. Kāv. &c
- collecting, pressing (as urine) Suśr
- praty-upa-√spṛś P. -spṛśati, to touch or sip again (water for internal ablution) Gobh
- praty-ḍupasparśana n. touching or sipping (water) again ib
- praty-upa-hāra m. (√hṛ) handing back, restitution Ragh
- praty-upa-√hve Ā. -havate, to call, invite Br
- praty-ḍupahavá m. a response to an invitatory formula or the repetition of it ib. ĀśvŚr
- praty-upâ-karaṇa n. (√1. kṛ) recommencement of Vedic study Gobh
- praty-upâ-dhā √1. Ā. -dhatte, to regain, recover BhP
- praty-upâ-√hṛ P. -harati, to give up, desist MBh
- praty-upê (-upa-√i), P. -upâiti, to approach again, recommence AitBr. Kauś
- praty-ḍupeya mfn. to be met or dealt with MBh
- praty-upêkṣita mfn. (√īkṣ) disregarded, neglected R
- praty-upôdita mfn. (√vad) addressed with offensive words TāṇḍBr
- praty-upta See prati-√vap, p. 670
- praty-√uṣ P. -oṣati, to singe, scorch RV
- praty-ḍuṣṭa (práty-), mfn. burnt or consumed one by one VS
- praty-ḍuṣyá mfn. to be singed or scorched ŚBr
- praty-√ūh P. Ā. -ūhati, ○te (ind. p. -uhya Naish.), to push back, strip off RV. ŚBr. ŚrS
- to bring back, recover BhP
- to ward off, keep away AV. ŚBr. ChUp
- to interrupt Mn. Naish
- to offer, present ŚBr
- praty-ḍūḍha mfn. rejected, refused R
- neglected Divyâv
- surpassed, excelled BhP
- covered, enveloped Sarvad
- praty-ḍūha m. an obstacle, impediment MBh. Kāv. &c
- praty-ḍūbana n. interruption, discontinuance ŚāṅkhŚr
- praty-√ṛ Caus. -arpayati, to cause to go towards, throw towards AV
- to fasten, fix, put on ŚBr. Ragh
- to render up, deliver back, restore, return Mṛicch. Kālid
- to give again or anew Kathās
- praty-ḍṛta mfn. fixed, inserted Nir
- praty-arpaṇa n. giving back, restoring, returning Ragh. Kull
- praty-arpaṇḍarpaṇīya mfn. to be given back Kull
- praty-arpaṇḍarpita mfn. restored Yājñ
- praty-ê (-ā-√i
- P. pr. 3. pl. -ā-yanti, p. -ā-yat
- Pot. -êyāt
- pf. -êyāya
- ind. p. -êtya), to come back, return to (acc.) ŚBr. KātyŚr. ChUp. MBh. 2
- praty-âyana n. (for 1. ○Ay○ See p. 673, col. 3) setting (of the sun) ChUp
- praty-etavya See p. 673, col. 3
- praty-êṣ (ā-√īṣ), Ā. -êṣate, to attach one's self to, enter into (loc.) RV. v, 86, 3
- pra-√tras P. -trasati, to flee in terror AV. ŚBr.: Caus. -trāsayati, to frighten or scare away AV
- pra-ḍtrāsá m. trembling, fear ib
- pra-√tvakṣ only in Ā. pr. p. -tvakṣāṇá, eminent, superior RV
- pra-ḍtvakṣas (prá-), mfn. energetic, vigorous, strong (Maruts and Indra) ib
- pra-√tvar Ā. -tvarate, to hasten forwards, speed MBh
- pra-ḍtūrṇa mfn. quick, fleet Hcar. (cf. Pāṇ. 8-2, 61)
- pra-ḍtūrta (prá-), mfn. id. ŚBr
- pra-ḍtūrtaka mfn. containing the word pratūrta g. goṣad-ādi
- pra-ḍtūrti (prá-), f. rapid or violent motion, haste, speed RV
- mfn. hastening, rapid, violent ib. VS.
- prath cl. 1. Ā. (Dhātup. xix, 3) práthate (rarely P. ○ti e.g. impf. 2. du. áprathatam RV
- Impv. prathantu VS
- pf. paprathatuḥ BhP
- mostly Ā., pf. paprathé, p. paprathāná RV
- aor. prathiṣṭa, p. prathāná ib
- fut. prathiṣyate, prathitā Gr.), to spread, extend (intrans
- P. trans. and intrans.), become larger or wider, increase RV. &c. &c
- to spread abroad (as a name, rumour &c.), become known or celebrated MBh. Kāv. &c
- to come to light, appear, arise Kir. Rājat
- to occur (to the mind) Rājat.: Caus. pratháyati (rarely ○te
- aor. apaprathat Pāṇ. 7-4, 95
- Subj. papráthat RV
- paprathanta ib
- práthayi TS.), to spread, extend, increase RV. &c. &c. (prathayati-tarām Ratnâv. iv, 3
- Ā. intr. RV. AV.)
- to spread abroad, proclaim, celebrate R. Hariv. BhP
- to unfold, disclose, reveal, show Kāv. Pur
- to extend over i.e. shine upon, give light to (acc.) RV. iii, 14, 4
- pratha m. N. of a Vāsishṭha (supposed author of RV. x, 181, 1), Aūkr
- (ā), f. spreading out, extending, flattening, scattering Nyāyam. KātyŚr. Sch
- fame, celebrity Śiś. Kathās. Rājat. (○thāṃ-√gam or gā, to become famous or celebrated Rājat
- ○thâpaha mfn. destroying fame ib.)
- growing, becoming (in anyathā-pr○, 'the becoming different') Vedântas
- práthana n. spreading out, extending, flattening Nir. RPrāt
- the place for spreading &c. TBr
- unfolding, displaying, showing Rājat
- throwing, projecting W
- celebrating ib
- m. Phaseolus Mungo L. (cf. pra-ghana)
- prathaya Nom. P. ○yati = pṛthum ācaṣṭe Pat. (cf. Caus. of √prath)
- pratháyat mfn. spreading out, extending &c. AV. &c. &c
- seeing, beholding W
- prathayitṛ mfn. one who spreads or expands or divulges or proclaims BhP
- práthas n. width, extension RV
- ○vat (práthas-), mfn. wide, spacious VS
- prathita mfn. spread, extended, increased
- divulged, displayed, published, known, celebrated MBh. Kāv. &c
- cast, thrown W
- intent upon, engaged in ib
- m. N. of Manu Svārocisha Hariv
- of Vishṇu A
- ○tithi-nirṇaya m. N. of wk
- ○tva n. fame, celebrity L
- ○yaśas mfn. of wide renown Mālav
- ○vidiśā-lakṣaṇa mfn. renowned under the title of Vidiśā Megh
- prathitânurāga mfn. manifesting or showing affection MW
- prathiti f. extension of fame, celebrity, notoriety. L
- prathimán m. extension, width, greatness RV. &c. &c. (instr. prathinā́ RV.)
- prathimin mfn. having size or magnitude W
- (inī), f. Pāṇ. 5-2, 137 Sch
- prathivī wṛ. for pṛthivii, the earth
- práthiṣṭha mfn. broadest, widest, very large or great RV. ŚBr. (Pāṇ. 6-4, 161 Sch.)
- práthīyas mfn. broader, wider
- also = prec. ŚBr. Prab. (Pāṇ. 6-4, 161 Sch.)
- prathu mfn. (= pṛthu) wide, reaching farther than (abl.) Rājat
- m. N. of Vishṇu MBh
- prathuka m. (= pṛthuka) the young of any animal L
- prath or pṛth, cl. 10. P. prāthayati or parthayati, to throw, cast
- to extend Dhātup. xxxii, 19
- prathamá mf(ā́)n. (for pra-tama, superl. of 1. pra
- rarely declined as a pron., e.g. ○másyāḥ AV. vi, 18, 1
- ○me PañcavBr. xxv, 18, 5 R. iv, 37, 11 Kir. ii, 44
- Pāṇ. 1-1, 33) foremost, first (in time or in a series or in rank)
- earliest, primary, original, prior, former
- preceding, initial, chief, principal, most excellent RV. &c. &c
- often translatable adverbially = ibc. (cf. below) and (ám), ind. firstly, at first, for the first time
- just, newly, at once, forthwith (also āt Hariv.)
- formerly, previously (am also as prep. with gen. = before, e.g. Mn. ii, 194
- prathamam-anantaram, or paścāt, first-afterwards
- prṭprathamam-tatas, firstnext)
- m. (in gram., scil. varṇa), the first consonant of a Varga, a surd unaspirate letter
- (scil. puruṣa), the first (= our 3rd) person or its terminations
- (scil. svara), the first tone
- in math. the sum of the products divided by the difference between the squares of the cosine of the azimuth and the sine of the amplitude
- (ā), f. (in gram.) the first or nominative case and its terminations
- du. the first two cases and their terminations
- ○kathita mfn. aforesaid, before-mentioned Megh
- ○kalpa m. a primary or principal rule Mn
- ○kalpika m. a term applied to a Yogī just commencing his course (cf. prāthama-k○) Yogas. Comm
- ○kalpita mfn. placed first, first in rank or importance Mn. MBh
- ○kusuma m. or n. (?) white marjoram L
- ○garbha m. first pregnancy, first litter GṛS. VS. Mahīdh
- (-gárbhā), f. pregnant for the first time ŚBr
- ○grantha m. N. of a poem by Jagaj-jīvana-dāsa
- ○cittôtpādika mfn. one who first thinks (of doing anything) Kāraṇḍ
- ○cchád mfn. typical, figurative RV. (accord. to Sāy. = prathamam ācchādayitṛ, covering first)
- ○já or mfn. firstborn, a firstling
- ○jā́ mfn. firstborn, a firstling
- original, primary RV. &c. &c
- (-ja), being the issue of the first (i.e. fṭfirst-mentioned) marriage Yājñ
- ○jāta mfn. firstborn AitBr. Gobh
- ○taram ind. first of all Divyâv
- ○tas ind. first, at first, firstly Lāṭy. Mn. MBh. &c
- forthwith, immediately Hariv
- before, in preference to (with gen.) Caurap
- (ifc.) before, sooner than ŚārṅgP
- ○trisauparṇa m. N. of Vishinu MBh
- ○darśana n. first sight
- (e), ind. at first sight MW
- -dina n. the first day of seeing any one (gen.) Hit
- ○divasa m. a first day, principal day MW
- ○dugdhá mfn. just milked ŚBr
- ○dhāra m. a first drop Kauś
- ○nirdiṣṭa mfn. first mentioned, first named
- -tā f. Hcat
- ○parāpātin mfn. flying off first ĀpŚr
- ○parigṛhīta mfn. formerly married Śak
- ○puruṣa m. the first (= our 3rd) person in the verb or its terminations L. ( See above)
- N. of an author Cat
- ○pravada mfn. uttering the first sound (as a child) Kauś
- ○prasūtā f. (a cow) that has calved for the first time Hcat
- ○pluta mfn. leapt off first ĀpŚr
- ○bhakṣá m. (ŚBr.),
- ○bhakṣaṇa n. (ĀpŚr. Comm.) the first enjoyment of (gen.) ŚBr
- ○bhā́j mfn. one to whom the first share is due RV
- ○bhāvin mfn. becoming or being like the first RPrāt
- ○maṅgala mfn. highly auspicious MW
- ○mañjarī f. a partic. Rāga Saṃgīt. (cf. paṭha-m○)
- ○yajñá m. the first sacrifice Br. ĀśvŚr
- ○yauvana n. early youth Var
- ○rātrá m. the beginning of night Br. Car
- ○vayas n. earliest age, youth Vcar
- ○vayasín mfn. young ŚBr
- ○vaṣaṭ-kārá m. making the first exclamation Vashaṭ over (gen.) ib
- ○vasati f. the original home Vcar
- ○vāsyá mfn. worn formerly (as a garment) AV
- ○vittā f. a first wife KātyŚr
- ○viraha m. first separation
- (e), ind. immediately after separation MW
- ○vṛttânta m. former circumstances, earlier history Śak
- ○vaiyākaraṇa m. a beginner in grammar Pāṇ. 6-2, 56 Sch
- a distinguished or first-rate grammarian ib
- ○śravas (○má-śr○)
- superl. -śravastama mfn. having a distinguished reputation RV
- ○śrī mfn. one who has just become rich or fortunate Mṛicch
- ○saṃgama m. N. of a man Kathās
- ○samāvṛtta mfn. just turned towards (loc.) Nir
- ○sāhasa m. the first or lowest degree of punishment or fine MW
- ○su-kṛta n. a former service or kindness ib
- ○soma m. the first oblation of Soma
- -tā f. KātyŚr. Comm
- ○sthāna n. the first or lowest scale (in pronunciation, low but audible) KātyŚr
- ○svara m. the first sound SaṃhUp
- mfn. supplied with the first sound Lāṭy
- n. N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr
- prathamâgāmin mfn. occurring first, first mentioned Nir
- prathamâdeśa m. placing (a word) at the beginning of a sentence ib
- prathamâbhitapta mfn. first scorched or scalded (with tears) Ragh
- prathamâbhidheya n. original meaning
- -tā f. Śiś
- prathamârdha m. n. the first half Śrutab
- prathamâvara-tva n. the being the first and the last Kum
- prathamâstam-ita n. the having just set (said of the sun) KātyŚr. iv, 15, 12
- prathamâhám ind. on the first day ŚBr
- prathamâhāra m. the first application KātyŚr
- prathamêtara mfn. 'other than first', the second Piṅg. Sch
- prathamôtpatita mfn. leapt off first MānŚr
- prathamôtpanna mfn. produced first, firstborn MW
- prathamôdita mfn. first uttered, uttered previously Ragh
- prathamaka mfn. first, foremost Śrutab
- pra-dakṣiṇa mf(ā)n. moving to the right ŚāṅkhGṛ
- standing or placed on the right (with √kṛ, or pra-√kṛ, 'to turn towards persons or things so as to place them on one's right', 'turn the right side towards' as a token of respect) Mn. MBh. &c.
- auspicious, favourable MBh. R
- respectful, reverential MBh
- (ám), ind. from left to right, so that the rṭreverential side is turned towards a person or object AV. &c. &c. (also ibc
- comp. below
- with √kṛ and pra-√kṛ as above)
- towards the south Mn. Var. (eṇa ind. = ám in both meanings BhP. Var.)
- m. (ā) f. and n. turning the right side towards, circumambulation from left to right of a person or object (gen. or comp
- with √kṛ or √1. dā dat., gen. or loc.) as a kind of worship R. Kathās. Pañcat. RTL. 68, 2 ; 145 &c
- ○kriyā f. going round from left to right (as a mark of respect) Ragh
- ○gāmi-tā f. the state of one who walks towards the right (one of the 80 minor marks of Buddhists) Dharmas. 84, 15
- ○paṭṭikā f. a yard, court-yard L
- pradakṣiṇânuloma mfn. respectful and obedient (said of a slave) MBh
- pradakṣiṇârcis mfn. shooting out flames towards the right Ragh
- pradakṣiṇâvarta mfn. turned towards the reverential MBh. R. Var
- -nābhitā f. having a navel which turns to the rṭreverential Dharmas. 84, 40 (cf. ○ṇa-gāmitā)
- -śikha mfn. = ○ṇárcis MBh
- ○tâika-romatā f. having single hairs on the body and all turning to the reverential Dharmas. 83
- pradakṣiṇâvṛtka mfn. turned towards the right, having (any one or anything) on the right Yājñ
- pradakṣiṇaya Nom. P. ○yati, to go round from left to right, Śāntiś. Rājat
- pradakṣiṇit ind. from left to right, so as to turn one's right side towards any one or anything RV
- pradakṣiṇī-√kṛ P. Ā. -karoti, -kurute, to turn the right side towards (acc.), go round from left to right MBh. Kāv. &c
- pra-dagdha &c. See pra-√dah
- pra-dághas (Ved. inf. of √dagh), to cause to fall, throw down ŚBr. (wṛ. -dághos)
- pra-daṇḍa-vat mfn. inflicting severe punishment Parāś
- pra-datta &c. See pra- √1. dā
- pra-dam Caus. -damayate, to subdue, conquer Bhaṭṭ
- pra-ḍdānta m. pl. N. of a school L
- pra-ḍdām m. (nom. dān) Pāṇ. 8-2, 64 Sch
- pra-dara See pra-√dṝ
- pra-darpa m. (√dṛp) pride, arrogance MW
- pra-ḍdṛpita See á-pradṛpita
- pra-ḍdṛpta mfn. proud, haughty, conceited MW
- pra-ḍdṛpti (prá-), f. haughtiness, arrogance, madness RV
- pra-darvidā (?) Kāś. on Pāṇ. 6-3, 63 (cf. pra-pharvidā)
- pra-darśa &c. See pra-√dṛś
- pra-dala m. an arrow (= pra-dara) L
- pra-dava ○vya &c. See pra- √2. du
- pra-√das P. -dasyati, to dry up, become dry Kāṭh
- pra-√dah P. -dahati (ep. also Ā. ○te), to burn, consume, destroy AV. &c. &c.: Pass. -dahyate (ep. also ○ti), to take fire, be burnt, burn MBh. Kāv. &c.: Caus. -dāhayati, to cause to be burnt Vcar
- pra-ḍdagdha (prá-), mfn. burnt, destroyed ŚBr. R. Var
- ○dhâhuti (prá-), mfn. one who has burnt the sacrificial oblation ŚBr
- pra-ḍdagdhavya mfn. to be burnt MBh
- pra-ḍdāha m. burning, heating, consuming by fire Br. Gaut
- destruction, annihilation Śaṃk
- pra-dā √1. P. -dadāti, rarely Ā. -datte, (Ved. inf. prá-dātos TS
- irreg. Pot. P. -dadet Hcat.), to give away, give, offer, present, grant, bestow RV. &c. &c. (with or scil. bhāryām, to give in marriage
- with prativacas, to grant an answer
- with pravṛttim, to information about an event
- with yuddham, to grant battle
- with dvaṃdva-yuddham, to engage in single combat
- with vidyām, to communicate or impart knowledge
- with hutâśanam, to set fire to)
- to give up, abolish TS
- to sell (with instr. of price) Pañcat
- to restore (anything lost &c.) Mn
- to pay, discharge (a debt) Yājñ
- to put or place in (loc.) ib. MBh.: Pass. -dīyate, to be given away, be given Mn. MBh. &c.: Caus. -dāpayati, to cause to give TS. &c. &c
- to compel to give back or to repay Yājñ. Kull.
- to cause to put in or to MBh. Bhpr
- to put or place in (loc.) Car
- (with vastim), to apply a clyster ib.: Desid. -ditsate, to wish to give in marriage Daś
- prá-tta mfn. (for pra-datta) given away (also in marriage), offered, presented, granted, bestowed TS. &c.&c
- -vat mfn. one who has given or presented W
- prá-tti f. giving away, giving, gift TS. AitBr
- pra-da mf(ā)n. giving, yielding, offering, granting, bestowing, causing, effecting, uttering, speaking (cf. anna-, jaya-, bahu-, sukha-, -śāpa &c.)
- (ā), f. a gift L
- pra-ḍdatta mfn. = pratta R. Kathās. Pañcat. (-nayanôtsava mfn. affording a feast to the eyes i.e. beautiful to behold Kathās.)
- m. N. of a Gandharva R
- pra-ḍdadi See á-pradadi
- pra-dātavya mfn. to be given (also in marriage) or offered or presented or restored or imparted &c. (teṣāṃ saṃskṛtam pradātavyam, to these Saṃskṛit is to be imparted i.e. these are to be taught Saṃskṛit Sāh.) Mn. MBh. &c
- to be placed or put into Var
- pra-ḍdātṛ́ m. a giver, bestower (mostly in comp. with the object, rarely with the receiver) AV. &c. &c
- an offerer, presenter (viṣa-, of poison) Car
- one who gives a daughter in marriage Mn. MBh
- an imparter (of knowledge) Pañcat
- a granter (of a wish) BrahmaP. (f. trī)
- N. of Indra TS. ŚBr
- of one of the Viśve Devā? MBh
- pra-ḍdā́trikā f. a female giver MaitrS
- pra-dā́na n. (for 2. See below) giving, bestowal, presentation (esp. of an offering in the fire
- also N. of the sacred text recited on this occasion) TS. &c. &c
- a gift, donation Mn. MBh. &c
- giving away in marriage Mn. Yājñ. &c
- applying (of a clyster) Suśr
- turning (the eyes) Kum
- making (an attack) Pañcat
- uttering (a curse) VP
- granting (a boon) MBh
- teaching, imparting, announcing, declaring Mn. R. Kathās
- -kṛpaṇa mfn. mean or niggardly in making presents MBh
- -pūrvam ind. with a present Kathās
- -ruci m. 'delighting in giving', N. of a man Buddh
- -vat mfn. giving, liberal MBh
- -śūra m. 'a hero in giving', an excessively liberal man Lalit
- N. of a Bodhi-sattva SaddhP
- pra-ḍdānaka n. an offering, donation Cat
- pra-ḍdānika See go-pr○, jala-pr○ and dattâpradānika
- pra-ḍdāpayitṛ́ m. a giver TS
- pra-ḍdāpya mfn. to be caused to give or compelled to pay Yājñ
- pra-ḍdāya n. a present MBh
- pra-ḍdāyaka mfn. giving, granting, presenting, bestowing (gen. or comp.) MBh. R. &c
- -tva n. Kull
- pra-ḍdāyin mfn. id. Mn. MBh. &c
- ○yi-tva n. Kum
- pra-ḍdi m. a gift, present Pāṇ. 3-3, 92 Sch
- pra-ḍditsā f. (fr. Desid.) desire to give Jātakam
- pra-ḍditsu mfn. (fr. Desid.) wishing to give (with acc.) MBh
- pra-deya mf(ā)n. to be given or presented or granted or offered or communicated or imparted or taught (with dat., sometimes in comp. with the recipient) Mn. MBh. &c
- to be instructed or initiated in (loc.) MBh
- (ā), f. to be given in marriage, marriageable MBh. R. Kathās
- m. a present, gift MBh. R
- pra-dāna n. (√do) a goad L. (for 1. See under pra- √1. dā)
- pra-dānta See pra-√dam
- pra-dāsa m. (?) Divyâv
- pra-digdha See pra- √dih
- pra-dív f. (fr. 3. div, 'heaven'
- nom. -dyaús) the third or highest heaven (in which the Pitṛis are said to dwell) AV
- the fifth of seven heavens ŚāṅkhBr. ; mfn. (fr. 3. div, 'day' ) existing from olden times, ancient RV
- (-dívas), ind. from of old, long since, always, ever (ánuprad○, as of old, as formerly) ib. AV
- (-dívi), ind. at all times, always, ever RV
- pra-√diś P. Ā. -diśati, ○te, to point out, show, indicate, declare, appoint, fix, ordain RV. &c. &c
- to direct, bid, urge R
- to assign, apportion, grant Mn. MBh. (-diśyati, i, 6472) Kāv. &c.: Caus. -deśayati, to urge on, incite MBh. R.: Intens. (pr. p. -dédiśat), to animate RV
- pra-díś f. pointing to or out, indication, direction, order, command, dominion RV. AV. VS
- a direction, quarter, region of the sky ib. MBh. Hariv. (acc. pl. 'in all directions, everywhere' MBh
- with pitryā, 'the region of the Pitṛis' i.e. the south AV.)
- an intermediate point or half-quarter (as northeast) AV. &c. &c
- pra-ḍdiṣṭa (prá-), mfn. pointed out, indicated, fixed, ordained RV. &c. &c.
- pra-deśa m. (ifc. f. ā) pointing out, showing, indication, direction, decision, determination Nir. ŚrS
- appeal to a precedent Suśr
- an example (in grammar, law &c.) RPrāt. MBh. Yājñ. Sch
- a spot, region, place, country, district (often in comp. with a part of the body, e.g. kaṇṭha-, hṛdaya-) MBh. Kāv. &c. (n. Pañcad.)
- a short while ( See comp. below)
- a wall L
- a short span (measured from the tip of the thumb to that of the forefinger) L
- (with Jainas) one of the obstacles to liberation Sarvad. ('atomic individuality' W.)
- -kārin m. N. of a kind of ascetic L
- -bhāj mfn. of short duration Daśar
- -vat mfn. possessing or occupying a place Brahmas. Sch
- -vartin mfn. = -bhāj (○ti-tvā f.) Hcar
- -śāstra n. a book containing examples MBh
- -stha mfn. = -bhāj Sāh
- being or situated in a district MW
- pra-ḍdeśana n. a gift, present, offering L
- (ī), f. = ○śinī L
- pra-ḍdeśita mfn. urged, directed MBh
- pra-ḍdeśinī f. the forefinger (or the corresponding toe) ŚrS. MBh. &c
- pra-ḍdeṣṭṛ m. one who pronounces judgment, chief justice Pañcat
- pra-√dih P. -degdhi, to smear over, besmear, anoint Suśr
- pra-ḍdigdha mfn. smeared over, anointed, stained or covered with (instr. or comp.) ib. MBh. R. &c
- n. (scil. māṃsa) a kind of dish prepared with meat L
- m. a kind of sauce or gravy W
- pra-ḍdeha m. a plaster, a thick or viscid ointment, poultice Suśr
- applying a plaster, unction ib
- solid food (perhaps inspissated juice &c.) ib
- pra-ḍdehana n. smearing, anointing Kauś
- pra-dī √2. (only pr. Subj. -dī́dayat and pf. -dīdiyuḥ), to shine forth RV
- pra-√dīp Ā. -dīpyate, to flame forth, blaze, burst into flames ŚBr. MBh. Var.: Caus. -dīpayati, to set on fire, light, kindle, inflame KātyŚr. MBh. &c
- pra-ḍdīpa m. a light, lamp, lantern MBh. Kāv. &c. (often ifc. 'the light i.e. the glory or ornament of', e.g. kula-pr○, q.v
- also in titles of explanatory wks. = elucidation, explanation, e.g. mahābhāṣya-pr○)
- N. of wk
- -mañjarī f. N. of Comm. on the Amara-kośa
- -śaraṇa-dhvaja m. N. of a Mahôraga-rāja L
- -sāha m. N. of a prince Cat. (sāha = ?)
- -siṃha m. N. of an author Cat
- pra-ḍdīpaka m. (ikā), f. and n. a small lamp, a lamp MBh
- (ifc.) explanation, commentary Cat
- pra-ḍdīpana mfn. inflaming, exciting Suśr
- m. a sort of poison L
- n. the act of kindling or inflaming R
- pra-ḍdīpāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to act as a lamp Mṛicch
- pra-ḍdīpīya or mfn. g. apūpâdi
- pra-ḍdīpya mfn. g. apūpâdi
- pra-ḍdīpta mfn. kindled, inflamed, burning, shining ŚBr. &c. &c
- excited, stimulated MBh. Kāv. &c
- (in augury) clear, shrill (opp. to pūrṇa) VarBṛS
- -bhās mfn. shining bright, Ṛit
- -śiras mfn. one whose head is hot or burning Vedântas
- ○tâkṣa m. 'having lustrous eyes', N. of a Yaksha Kathās
- pra-ḍdīpti f. light, lustre, brilliancy L
- -mat mfn. bright, radiant, luminous MBh
- pra-dīrgha mfn. exceedingly long Var. Suśr
- pra-du √2. Ā. -dūyate, to be consumed by fire ChUp
- P. -dunoti, to distress, pain, press hard Suśr. Bhaṭṭ
- pra-ḍdava mfn. burning, inflaming Pāṇ. 3-1, 142 Kāś
- pra-ḍdavyá m. (with agni) a forest fire ŚBr
- pra-ḍdāvá m. id. MaitrS
- pra-ḍdāvyá m. (with agni) id. TS. ŚāṅkhBr. ŚrS
- pra-dugdha See á- and savya-pradugdha
- pra-√duṣ P. -duṣyati, to become worse, deteriorate Suśr
- to be defiled or polluted, fall (morally) Mn. Yājñ
- to commit an offence against (acc.) MBh
- to become faithless, fall off ib.: Caus. -dūṣayati, to spoil, deprave, corrupt, pollute, defile MBh. Kāv. &c
- to abuse, blame, censure R
- (with cittam) to be angry Divyâv
- pra-ḍduṣṭa mfn. corrupt, wicked, bad, sinful MBh. Kāv. &c
- wanton, licentious (woman), Ṛit
- pra-ḍdūṣaka mfn. polluting, defiling MBh
- pra-ḍdūṣaṇa mfn. corrupting, defiling, impairing MBh. Suśr
- pra-ḍdūṣita mfn. corrupted, spoilt, made worse MBh. R. Var. Suśr. 1
- pra-ḍdoṣa mfn. (for 2. See col. 2) corrupt, bad, wicked Śiś
- m. defect, fault, disordered condition (of the body or of a country), mutiny, rebellion Pañcat
- -nirṇaya m. -śānti f. ○ṣôdyāpana n. N. of wks.
- pra-duh mfn. (nom. -dhuk) milking Pāṇ. 3-2, 61 Sch
- pra-ḍdoha See su-pradoha
- pra-ḍdohana m. N. of a man ( See prādohani)
- pra-√dṛś Pass. -dṛśyate (cf. pra√paś), to become visible, be seen, appear RV. &c. &c.: Caus. -darśayati, to make visible, show, indicate, explain, teach, describe Mn. MBh. &c.: Desid. -didṛkṣate, to wish to see Bhaṭṭ
- pra-darśa m. look, appearance ( See su-prad○)
- direction, injunction Suśr
- pra-ḍdarśaka mfn. showing, indicating RPrāt
- proclaiming, foretelling MārkP
- teaching, expounding Cat
- m. a teacher MBh
- n. (?) a doctrine, principle Kap. Sch. (v. l. pra-ghaṭṭaka)
- pra-ḍdarśana n. look, appearance (often ifc., with f. ā) MBh. R
- pointing out, showing, propounding, teaching, explaining, Rprāt. MBh. Śaṃk
- an example Yājñ
- prophesying W
- (ā), f. indication Kāvyâd. Sch
- m. pl. N. of a class of deities under Manu Auttami VP
- pra-ḍdarśita mfn. shown, pointed out, indicated
- taught, mentioned, specified Mn. MBh. &c
- prophesied W
- pra-ḍdarśin mfn. (ifc.) seeing, viewing MBh. Suśr
- pointing out, showing, indicating MBh. Hariv. Kathās
- pra-√dṝ (of P. only Ved. Impv. -dárṣi), to break or tear to pieces RV. vi, 26, 5: Pass. -dīryate, to cleave asunder, split open (intr.) AitBr. KātyŚr
- to be dispersed or scattered (as an army) MBh.: Caus. -dārayati, to split, cleave, tear asunder ib
- pra-ḍdará m. dispersion, rout (of an army) MBh
- a crevice, cleft (in the earth) VS. Br. &c
- moenorrhagia (a disease of women) Car
- a kind of arrow MBh
- rending, tearing W
- pl. N. of a people MBh
- pra-deśa &c. See pra-√diś
- pra-doṣa m. (for 1. See under pra-duṣ) the first part of the night, evening (also personified as a son of Doshā and associated with Niśitha and Vyushṭa) MBh. Kāv. Pur. &c
- (ám), ind. in the evening, in the dark RV. GṛŚrS
- ○kāla m. evening tide Hit
- ○timira n. evening darkness, the dusk of early night Mṛicch
- ○pūjāvidhi m
- ○mahiman m
- ○māhātmya n. N. of wks
- ○ramaṇīya mfn. pleasant or delightful in the evening MW
- ○velā f. = -kāla A
- ○śivapūjā f. N. of wk
- ○samaya m. = -kāla A
- ○stotra n. N. of ch. of SkandaP
- pradoṣâgama m. the coming on of evṭevening, nightfall Amar
- pradoṣânila m. the evening wind Mṛicch
- pradoṣaka m. evening Mṛicch. v, 35 (v. l.)
- born in the evening (?) Pāṇ. 4-3, 28
- pra-dyu n. merit (of good works) leading to heaven or securing heaven L
- pra-dyut √1. Ā. -dyotate, to begin to shine ŚBr.: Caus. -dyotayati, to irradiate, illumine Prab. BhP
- pra-ḍdyutita mfn. beginning to shine, illuminated Pāṇ. 1-2, 21 Sch
- pra-dyotá m. radiance, light ŚBr
- a ray of light L
- N. of a Yaksha MBh
- of a king of Magadha and founder of a dynasty VP. Kathās
- of a king of Ujjayinī and other princes Lalit
- Priyad. BhP
- pra-ḍdyotana m. the sun L
- N. of a prince of Ujjayinī Lalit
- (with bhaṭṭâcārya) N. of an author, Cat
- (pl.) of a dynasty BhP
- n. blazing, shining, light L
- pra-ḍdyotita mfn. = ○dyutita Pāṇ. 1-2, 21 Sch
- pra-ḍdyotin mfn. (ifc.) illustrating, explaining Cat
- pra-dyumna m. 'the pre-eminently mighty one', N. of the god of love (re-born as a son of Kṛishṇa and Rukmiṇī, or as a son of Saṃkarshaṇa and then identified with Sanat-kumāra) MBh. Kāv. &c
- the pleasant (= kāma) Subh
- the intellect (= manas) Śaṃk
- N. of a son of Manu and Naḍvalā BhP
- of a king Kathās
- of sev. authors and teachers Cat
- of a mountain Rājat
- of a river ib
- ○pura n. 'Pradyumna's city', N. of a town on the Candra-bhāgā or Chenab Kathârṇ
- ○rahasya n. 'PṭPradyumna's secret', N. of wk
- ○vijaya m. 'PṭPradyumna's victory', N. of a drama
- ○śikhara n. 'PṭPradyumna's peak', N. of a mountain Kathās
- -pīṭhâṣṭaka n. N. of wk
- pradyumnâgamana n. Pradyumna's arrival
- ○manīya mfn. treating of it Pāṇ. 4-3, 88 Sch
- pradyumnâcārya m. former N. of Veda-nidhi-tīrtha (died in 1576) Cat
- pradyumnânanda m. 'Pradyumna's joy', N. of a Bhāṇa (also ○dīya n.)
- pradyumnâbhyudaya m. 'PṭPradyumna's rise', N. of a Nāṭaka
- pradyumnâstra n. Pradyumna's weapon Kathās.
- pradyumnôttaracarita n. 'PṭPradyumna's further deeds', N. of a poem
- pradyumnôpâkhyāna n. 'the story of Pradyumna', N. of a tale
- pradyumnaka m. N. of the god of love BhP
- pra-drāṇaka mfn. (√2. drā) sorely distressed, very needy or poor, ChUP
- pra-√dru P. -dravati (ep. also Ā. ○te), to run forwards, run away, flee RV. &c. &c
- to hasten towards, rush upon or against (acc.) MBh. R
- to escape safely to (acc.) MBh. (v. l. prâd○): Caus. -drāvayati, to cause to run away, put to flight MBh
- pra-ḍdrava mfn. fluid, liquid Suśr
- pra-ḍdrāva m. running away, flight Bhaṭṭ. (Pāṇ. 3-3, 27)
- going quick or well W
- pra-ḍdrāvin mfn. fleeing, runaway, fugitive Kauś. (Pāṇ. 3-2, 145)
- prá-druta mfn. run away, fled, departed TBr. MBh
- pra-druh mfn. (nom. -dhruk) one who hurts or injures Pāṇ. 3-2, 61 Sch
- pra-√drek Ā. -drekate, to begin to neigh or roar or bellow &c. Bhaṭṭ
- pra-dvār f. a place before a door or gate MBh. (v. l. a-dvār)
- pra-ḍdvāra n. id. R. Kathās
- pra-√dviṣ P. Ā. -dveṣṭi, -dviṣṭe, to feel dislike or repugnance for, hate, show one's hatred against (acc.) MBh. R
- pra-dviṣ mfn. (nom. ṭ) disliking, hating Pāṇ. 3-2, 61 Sch
- pra-ḍdveṣa m. dislike, repugnance, aversion, hatred, hostility to (loc., gen. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- (ī), f. N. of the wife of Dīrghatamas MBh
- pra-ḍdveṣaṇa n. hatred, dislike of (comp.) MBh
- pra-ḍdveṣṭṛ mfn. one who dislikes or hates
- a disliker, hater W
- pra-dhána n. (cf. dhána) spoil taken in battle, a prize gained by a victor, the battle or contest itself RV. &c. &c
- the best of one's goods, valuables Nār
- tearing, bursting &c. (= dāraṇa) L
- m. N. of a man
- pl. his descendants BrahmaP
- pradhanâghātaka mfn. bringing about a contest Hcar
- pradhanâṅgaṇa n. a battle-field Vcar
- pradhanôttama n. 'best of battles', a great battle or contest MW
- pradhanyá mf(ā)n. forming the spoil or booty (as cattle) RV
- pra-dhamana See pra-√dhmā
- pra-dharṣa &c. See pra-√dhṛṣ
- pra-dhā √1. Ā. -dhatte, to place or set before, offer RV
- to send out (spies) ib. vii, 61, 3
- to give up, deliver TS. Kāṭh
- to devote one's self to (acc.) Lalit
- pra-dha^ m. Pāṇ. 3-1, 139 Sch
- (ā), f. ib. vi, 4, 64 Sch
- N. of a daughter of Daksha MBh. MārkP. (prob. wṛ. for prādhā)
- pradhāna n. a chief thing or person, the most important or essential part of anything KātyŚr. Mn. MBh. &c
- (ibc.) the principal or first, chief, head of
- [often also ifc. (f. ā), e.g. indra-pradhāna, (a hymn) having Indra as the chief object or person addressed Nir
- prayoga-p○, (the art of dancing) having practice as its essential part, chiefly practical Mālav.]
- 'the Originator', primary germ, original source of the visible or material universe (in Sāṃkhya = prakṛti, q.v.) IW. 53, 1 &c
- primary or unevolved matter or nature Sarvad
- supreme or universal soul L
- intellect, understanding L
- the first companion or attendant of a king, a courtier, a noble (also m.) L
- an elephant-driver (also m.) L
- (in gram.) the principal member of a compound (opp. to upasarjana, q.v.)
- mf(ā)n. chief, main, principal, most important
- pre-eminent in (instr.)
- better than or superior to (abl.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- m. N. of an ancient king MBh
- (ā), f. N. of a Śakti, Tantr. (cf. IW. 522)
- ○karman or n. chief or principal action
- ○kārya n. chief or principal action
- principal mode of treatment (in med.), Suśr Madhus
- ○kāraṇa-vāda m. the doctrine that Pradhāna is the original cause (according to the Sāṃkhya) Bādar. Sch
- ○tama mfn. most excellent or distinguished, most important, chiefest MBh. Suśr
- ○tara mfn. more excellent, better MārkP
- ○tas ind. according to eminence or superiority Mn. MBh. Hariv
- ○tā f. pre-eminence, excellence, superiority, prevalence R. Hariv. Hit. Vedântas.
- the being Pradhāna, q.v
- (in MBh. iii, 173 = jagat-kāraṇatā
- cf. śarīra-p○)
- ○tva n. pre-eminence, superiority, excellence ĀśvŚr. MBh
- (in Sāṃkhya) the being Pradhāna Sāṃkhyak. Sch
- ○dhātu m. 'chief element of the body', semen virile L
- ○puruṣa m. a chief person, most distinguished personage, an authority Mn. Mālav
- 'the supreme soul', N. of Śiva MBh
- ○ṣâtī7ta m. transcending Pradhāna and Purusha (matter and spirit)
- N. of Śiva MW
- ○bhāj mfn. 'receiving the chief share', most excellent or distinguished MBh
- ○bhūta mfn. one who is the chief person Kāś. on Pāṇ. 1-4, 54
- ○mantrin m. a prime minister R. Hit. Vet
- ○mitra n. a chief friend R
- ○vādin m. one who asserts the Sāṃkhya doctrine (of Pradhāna), Badar. Sch
- ○vāsas n. the best clothes, fulldress Mṛicch
- ○vṛṣṭi f. copious rain, heaviest rain Var
- ○śiṣṭa mfn. taught or laid down as of primary importance MW. (cf. anvācaya-ś○)
- ○sabhika m. the chief of a gambling-house Mṛicch
- ○sevā f. chief or principal service Pañcat
- pradhānâṅga n. a chief member, the chief member of the body
- most eminent person in a state
- principal branch of a science &c. W
- pradhānâtman m. supreme or universal soul, N. of Vishṇu VP
- (identified with the original cause of the universe or Viśva-bhāvana W.)
- pradhānâdhyakṣa m. a chief superintendent
- -tā f. the office of chief superintendent Kathās
- pradhānâmātya m. a prime minister W
- pradhānôttama mfn. best of the eminent, illustrious
- warlike, brave W
- pradhānaka n. (in Sāṃkhya) the original germ out of which the material universe is evolved (= pradhāna, a-vyakta, q.v.) Tattvas
- pradhānya wṛ. for prādh○, q.v. MBh
- pra-dhí m. the felly of a wheel (also pl.) RV. &c. &c
- orb, disc (of the moon) RV. x, 138, 6
- a segment, Śulbas
- -maṇḍala n. the circumference of (the felly of) a wheel MW
- ○dhy-anīka n. the centre of a segment, Śulbas
- a well L
- pra-dhā √2. See pra-√dhe, col. 2
- pra-dhāv √1. P. Ā. -dhāvati, ○te, to run forwards, run forth, run away, set out, start RV. ŚāṅkhŚr. MBh. &c
- to rush upon Kathās
- to run or go to (acc.) Mn. MBh. &c
- to pervade, permeate Suśr
- to become diffused, spread MBh.: Caus. P. -dhāvayati, to put to flight Kathās
- to drive away. run Br. 1
- pra-ḍdhāvana m. a runner L
- pra-ḍdhāvita mfn. run away, set out, started MBh. R. Pañcat. &c
- pra-dhāv √2. P. Ā. -dhāvati, ○te, to wash or rub off ŚBr.: Caus. P. Ā. -dhāvayati, ○te, to wash or cause to wash off MBh. 2
- pra-ḍdhāvana m. air, wind L. (regarded as a 'purifier', cf. pavana
- or perhaps fr. √1. dhāv, regṭregarded as a 'runner')
- n. rubbing or washing off Suśr. Gaut
- pra-dhi See above
- pra-√dhī (or -dīdhī, only p. pr. -dīdhyat and -dī́dhyāna), to long for, strive after RV. i, 113, 10
- to look out, be on the watch AV. x, 4, 11
- pra-dhī f. great intelligence Vop
- mfn. of superior intelligence, pre-eminently intelligent ib
- pra-dhura n. the tip of a pole ĀpŚr
- pra-√dhū P. Ā. , ○nute, to move forward PañcavBr
- to blow away ChUp. MBh.: to blow or shake out (the beard after drinking) RV.: Intens. -dodhuvat, -dūdhot, to blow (the beard, acc.)
- to blow into (loc.) RV
- pra-dhūpita mfn. fumigated, perfumed MBh
- heated, burnt
- lighted, inflamed
- afflicted
- excited W
- (ā), f. (with or scil. diś) the quarter to which the sun is proceeding L
- a woman in trouble or affliction ib
- pra-dhūmita mfn. smothered with smoke, giving out smoke, smouldering Ragh
- pra-√dhṛ (only pf. Ā. -dadhre, with manas), to set the mind upon anything (dat.), resolve, determine MBh.: Caus. P. -dhārayati, to chastise, inflict a punishment on any one (loc
- cf. daṇḍaṃ-√dhṛ) MBh
- to keep in remembrance ib
- to reflect, consider ib. Pat
- (pradhārayantu wṛ. for pra dhārā yantu ĀśvGṛ. iii, 12, 14)
- pra-ḍdhāraṇa mfn. keeping, preserving, protecting ( See pāda-pr○)
- (ā), f. constantly fixing one's mind on a certain object MBh
- pra-√dhṛṣ P. -dharṣati, -dhṛṣṇoti, to be bold against, assail with courage or daring, lay hands on, hurt, injure, harass, overpower, overcome R.: Caus. P. -dharṣayati id. ib. KaushĀr. MBh. &c
- to violate (a woman) MBh
- to destroy, devastate R
- pra-ḍdharṣa m. attacking, assaulting, assailing ( See duṣ-p○)
- pra-ḍdharṣaka mfn. (ifc.), molesting, hurting, violating (the wife of another) MBh. R. Hariv
- pra-ḍdharṣaṇa mfn. (ifc.) attacking, molesting, harassing MBh
- n. or (ā), f. attacking, assailing, an attack, assault, illtreatment, molestation (keśa-p○, dragging by the hair) MBh. R
- pra-ḍdharṣaṇīya mfn. to be assailed, assailable, open to attack, exposed to injury or ill-treatment MBh
- pra-ḍdharṣita mfn. (fr. Caus.) attacked, hurt, injured MBh. R. BhP
- haughty, arrogant W
- -vat mfn. arrogant, proud W
- pra-ḍdharṣin mfn. = ○dharṣaṇa mfn. Dharmaśarm
- pra-ḍdhṛṣṭa mfn. treated with contumely W
- proud, arrogant ib
- pra-ḍdhṛṣṭi f. overpowering, subjugation ŚāṅkhŚr
- pra-ḍdhṛṣya mfn. to be hurt or injured, violable ( See a-p○, duṣ-p○, su-p○)
- pra-√dhe Caus. -dhāpayati, to cause to suck MānGṛ
- pra-√dhmā (or dham), P. (Ā. Pot. -dhmāyīta ChUp.) -dhamati, to blow before or in front, blow away AV
- to scare Car
- to destroy MBh
- to blow into (esp. into a conch shell, acc.) ib. Suśr. Hariv. &c
- (Ā.) to cry out ChUp. vi, 14, 1 Śaṃk
- (others, 'to be tossed about', 'wander about'): Caus. P. Ā. -dhmāpayati, ○te, to blow into, blow (a conch shell) MBh. R. Hariv
- pra-ḍdhamana n. blowing into (the nose, as powder)
- a sternutatory Suśr
- pra-ḍdhmā mfn. blowing violently MW
- pra-ḍdhmāpana n. (fr. Caus.) a remedy for difficult respiration (in med.) Suśr
- pra-ḍdhmāpita mfn. blown into, blown (as a conch shell) MBh
- pra-√dhyai P. Ā. -dhyāyati, ○te, to meditate upon, think of (acc. with or without prati) Gobh. MBh. Hariv
- to reflect, consider MBh. R. Kir
- to excogitate, devise, hit upon MBh
- pra-ḍdhyāna n. meditating upon, reflection, thinking, deep thought, subtle speculation MBh. R. Suśr. Car
- pra-√dhraj P. -dhrajati, to run forward RV. i, 166, 4
- pra-√dhvaṃs Ā. -dhvaṃsate, to flow off (as water) ĀśvGṛ
- to fall to pieces, perish ChUp.: Caus. -dhvaṃsayati, to scatter, sprinkle ŚBr
- to cause to fall, destroy, cause to perish MBh. Śiś
- pra-ḍdhvaṃsa m. utter destruction, annihilation, perishing, disappearance Var. Bhartṛ
- = ○dhvaṃsâbhāva (below) Sarvad
- -tva n. state of destruction, desolation, ruin KapS. Sch
- ○dhvaṃsâbhāva m. non-existence in consequence of annihilation, ceasing to exist Tarkas. Sarvad. &c
- pra-ḍdhváṃsana mfn. destroying, annihilating MBh
- m. one who destroys, a destroyer (as a partic. personification) ŚBr. (cf. prādhvaṃsana)
- pra-ḍdhvaṃsita mfn. (fr. Caus.) destroyed, annihilated, dispelled MW
- pra-ḍdhvaṃsin mfn. passing away, transitory, perishable (utpanna-p○, arisen and passing away again, i.e. having no further consequences TPrāt. Comm.) MBh
- (ifc.) destroying, annihilating R
- pra-ḍdhvasta mfn. destroyed, perished, disappeared MBh. R. Bhartṛ. BhP
- pra-√dhvan P. -dhvanati, to sound, resound Śiś.: Caus. -dhvanayati, to cause to sound Car
- pra-ḍdhvāna m. a loud sound Dharmaśarm
- pra-√nakṣ P. Ā. -nakṣati, ○te, to draw near, approach RV. vii, 42, 1
- pra-naptṛ m. a great grandson Uṇ. Sch
- pra-√nabh Ā. -nabhate, to burst asunder, open AV
- pra-√nard P. -nardati Pāṇ. 8-4, 14 Sch
- pra-ḍnardaka mfn. ib
- pra-naṣṭa See pra-ṇaś, p. 659
- pra-nāyaka mfn. one whose leader is away, whose rulers are abroad
- destitute of a guide Pāṇ. 1-4, 59 ; viii, 4, 14 Sch.
- pra-nāla -nālī = -ṇāla, -ṇālī, q.v
- pra-nāśin wṛ. for -ṇāśin, q.v
- pra-niṃsita -niṃsitavya = -ṇiṃsita, -ṇiṃsitavya, q.v
- pra-nikṣaṇa = -ṇikṣaṇa Pāṇ. 8-4, 33 Sch
- pra-nighātana n. (fr. pra-ni√han) killing, slaughter, murder L
- pra-nindana = -ṇindana Pāṇ. 8-4, 33 Sch
- pra-ni-√bhid P. -bhinatti Pāṇ. 8-4, 18 Sch
- pra-ni-√rakṣ P. -rakṣati Vop
- pra-nīḍa mfn. wṛ. for pra-ḍīna, (q.v.) MBh. xii, 9314
- pra-nud mfn. wṛ. for -ṇud (q.v.) Suśr
- pra-√nṛt P. Ā. -nṛtyati, ○te, to dance forwards, begin to dance, dance AV. MBh. R. &c
- to gesticulate as in dancing (in token of derision) before any one (acc.) MBh.: Caus. -nartayati, to cause to dance Kathās
- id. met. Kād
- pra-ḍnartita mfn. caused to dance forwards, set in motion, shaken, agitated
- dandled MW
- pra-ḍnṛtta mfn. one who has begun to dṭdance, dancing MBh. R. Kathās
- n. a dance MārkP
- -vat mfn. having begun to dance MBh. Kathās
- pra-ḍnṛtya mfn. or n. wṛ. for ○nṛtta
- pra-ḍnṛtya-vat wṛ. for ○nṛtta-vat
- pra-pakṣa m. the extremity of a wing (of an army drawn out in the form of a bird) MBh. R
- mfn. forming the extremity of a wing (in an army so arranged) MBh
- m. N. of a son of Kṛishṇa VP
- pra-pac √1. (or pañc). See pra-pañcaya under pra-pañca
- pra-pac √2. P. Ā. -pacati, ○te, to begin to cook Pāṇ. 8-1, 44 Sch
- to be accustomed to cook R
- pra-ḍpakva mfn. (in med.) inflamed Suśr
- pra-ḍpāka m. ripening (of a boil &c.) Suśr
- digestion Car
- (prob.) a partic. part of the flesh of a victim Kauś
- pra-pañca m. (√1. pac, or pañc) expansion, development, manifestation MāṇḍUp. Kāv. Kathās
- manifoldness, diversity Kāv. Śaṃk. Pañcat
- amplification, prolixity, diffuseness, copiousness (in style
- ○cena and ○ca-tas ind. diffusely, in detail) Hariv. Hit
- manifestation of or form of (gen.) Hit. Bhāshāp
- appearance, phenomenon Vcar
- (in phil.) the expansion of the universe, the visible world Up. Kap. Sarvad
- (in rhet.) mutual false praise Pratāp
- (in dram.) ludicrous dialogue Sāh
- (in gram.) the repetition of an obscure rule in a clearer form Pāṇ. Sch
- (said to be encl. after a finite verb, g. gotrâdi)
- deceit, trick, fraud, error L
- opposition, reversion L
- -catura mfn. skilful in assuming different forms Amar
- -tva n. = maraṇa, death, Sāṃkhyas. (v. l.)
- -nirmāṇa n. the creation of the visible world BhP
- -buddhi mfn. having a cunning mind, artful
- m. N. of a man Kathās. -mithyā-tva n. the unreality of the visible world
- ○tvânumāna n. (○māna-khaṇḍana n. and ○ḍana-paraśu, m.) N. of wks
- -vacana n. diffuse or prolix discourse Hit
- -viveka m. -sāra m. -sāra-viveka m. and -sāra-sāra-saṃgraha m. N. of wks
- ○câmṛta-sāra m. N. of wk
- ○câsya mf(ā)n. (prob.) having various faces Hcat
- pra-ḍpañcaka mf(ikā)n. multiplying Hcat
- amplifying, explaining in detail L
- (ikā), f. N. of a Yoginī Hcat
- pra-ḍpañcana n. development, diffusion, copiousness, prolixity MBh. Pur. Sarvad
- pra-pañcaya Nom. P. ○yati, to develop, amplify, explain in detail Śaṃk. Sāh
- to dwell upon a note (acc.) in music Gīt
- pra-ḍpañcita mfn. amplified, extended, treated at length Hariv. Rājat
- represented in a false light BhP
- erring, mistaken W
- deceived, beguiled W
- pra-√paṭh P. -paṭhati, to recite aloud Hariv
- pra-ḍpāṭha or m. a lecture (i.e. chapter or subdivision of a book) TS. Br. &c
- pra-ḍpāṭhaka m. a lecture (i.e. chapter or subdivision of a book) TS. Br. &c
- pra-ḍpāṭhita mfn. (fr. Caus.) taught, expounded L
- pra-paṇá m. (√paṇ) exchange, barter AV.
- pra-√pat P. -patati, to fly away or along, hasten towards (loc.), fly or fall down upon (loc.), fall RV. &c. &c
- to fall from, be deprived of, lose (abl.) MBh.: Caus. -pātayati, to cause to fly away AV. ŚBr
- to chase, pursue MBh
- to throw down ib.: Desid. -pipatiṣati, to wish to hurry away AV.: Intens. -pāpatīti, to shoot forth RV
- pra-ḍpatana n. flying forth or away MBh. (cf. haṃsa-)
- flying or falling down, falling from (abl. or comp.) or into (loc. or comp.) Gaut. MBh. &c
- a steep rock, precipice L
- death, destruction W
- pra-ḍpatita mfn. flown away or along, fallen, come down, fallen or got into (acc.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- pra-pāta m. a partic. mode of flying Pañcat
- springing forth Var
- an attack L
- starting off, setting out, departure Kathās
- falling down, falling from (abl. or comp.) or into (loc. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- falling out (of teeth, hair &c.) Suśr
- discharge, emission, flow (of semen) VP
- letting fall (a glance on anything) Kum
- a steep rock, cliff, precipice MBh. Hariv. &c
- a steep bank or shore L
- a cascade, waterfall L
- ○tâbhimukha mf(ī)n. inclined to precipitate one's self from a rock Kathās
- ○tâmbu n. waterfalling from a rock Rājat
- pra-ḍpātana n. (fr. Caus.) causing to fall, throwing down R
- throwing, casting (akṣa-p○, 'casting-dice') Hariv
- pra-ḍpātam ind. falling down MBh
- pra-ḍpātin m. a rock, cliff, mountain L
- pra-ḍpitvá See col. 2
- pra-ḍpitsu mfn. (fr. Desid.) wishing to fall or throw one's self down Śiś
- prá-patha m. a way, journey (esp. to a distant place) RV. AitBr
- (ifc. f. ā) a broad road or street Kāṭh. BhP
- mfn. 'about to go off' (?), loose, relaxed L
- prá-ḍpathín mfn. roaming on distant paths (superl. -tama) RV
- m. N. of a man ib
- prá-ḍpathyá mfn. being on the road, wandering (also applied to Pūshan, the protector of travellers) VS
- (ā), f. = pathyā, Terminalia Chebula or Citrina L
- prá-ḍpātha m. a road, way L
- pra-pad √2. Ā. -padyate (ep. also P.), to fall or drop down from (abl.), throw one's self down (at a person's feet) MBh
- to go forwards set out for, resort to, arrive at, attain, enter (with acc., rarely loc.) AV. &c. &c
- to fly to for succour, take refuge with (acc.) TS. &c. &c
- to fall upon, attack, assail RV. AV
- to come to a partic. state or condition, incur, undergo (acc.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- (with an adv. in sāt), to become, e.g. sarpasāt pra-√pad, to becṭbecome a serpent Bhatt
- to obtain, gain (patini, 'as husband'), partake of, share in (acc.) ib
- to adopt or embrace (a doctrine) Rājat
- to undertake, commence, begin, do MBh. Kāv
- to form (a judgment) MBh
- to assume (a form) Kathās
- to enjoy (pleasure) R
- to take to (dat.) Hariv
- to come on, approach, appear AV. R. Hariv
- to take effect, succeed MBh
- to turn out (anyathā, 'differently' i.e. without any effect or consequence) Hariv
- to admit (a claim) R.: Caus. -pādayati, ○te, to cause to enter, introduce into (acc. or loc.) Br.: Desid. P. pítsati, to wish to enter ŚBr
- Ā. -pitsate (cf. Pāṇ. 7-4, 54), to be going to incur or undertake Daś
- pra-patti f. pious resignation or devotion, Śāṇd
- -pariśilana n. ○tty-upâdhitva-niṣedha m. N. of wks
- pra-pad f. away AitBr
- N. of partic. sacred texts Br. GṛŚrS
- pra-ḍpadana n. entering, entrance into (comp.) ĀśvGṛ. Vait
- access, approach ŚBr. ChUp
- pra-ḍpadam ind. a term applied to a partic. mode of recitation (in which the Vedic verses are divided, without reference to the sense and construction, into parts of an equal number of syllables and between these parts partic. formulas inserted containing the word pa-padye) AitBr
- pra-panna mfn. arrived at, come to (śaraṇam, for protection), got into (any condition) ChUp. MBh. Kāv. &c
- (with pādau) fallen at a person's feet R
- suppliant (cf. comp.)
- approached, appeared, happened, occurred R
- acknowledged (as a claim) Yājñ
- provided with (instr.) Śak. 1, 1
- effecting, producing W
- poor, distressed ib
- -gati-dīpikā f. -dina-caryā f. -duṣṭâriṣṭa-śānti f. -pārijāta m. N. of wks
- -pāla m. 'protector of suppliants', N. of Kṛishṇa MBh
- -mālikā f. -lakṣaṇa n. N. of wks
- ○nnâmṛta n. 'nectar for suppliants', N. of a legendary biography of Rāmânuja (cf. RTL. 119 &c.)
- ○nnârti-hara mf(ī)n. relieving the distress of suppliants MW
- pra-ḍpāda See á-prapāda.
- pra-ḍpā́duka mfn. falling away prematurely (as a fetus) TS. Kāṭh
- pra-ḍpitsu mfn. desirous of plunging into (loc). Śiś
- desirous of entering upon (acc.) Kir
- prá-pad f. (fr. 3. pad) the fore part of the foot AV
- prá-pada n. id. the point of the foot, tip of the toes (ais, ind. on tiptoe) RV. &c. &c
- prapadīna wṛ. for ā-prapadīna, q.v
- pra-panna &c. See col. 1
- prapannāḍa m. Cassia Tora L. (cf. prapunāṭa &c.)
- pra-parṇa mfn. whose leaves are fallen Pat
- pra-palây (palā = parā and √ay = i), Ā. -palâyate (ind. p. -palâyya), to run away, flee, escape MBh. Hariv. R
- pra-ḍpalâyana n. running away, flight, rout Pañcat
- pra-ḍpalâyita mfn. run away
- routed, defeated Kathās. Pañcat
- pra-ḍpalâyin mfn. running away, flying, a fugitive MBh
- pra-palāśa mfn. = pra-parṇa Pat
- pra-pavaṇa or pra-pavana n. (√1. pū) purifying, straining (Soma juice) Pāṇ. viii, 4, 34 Sch
- pra-ḍpavaṇīya or mfn. to be cleansed or purified ib
- pra-ḍpavanīya mfn. to be cleansed or purified ib
- pra-√paś P. -paśyati (ep. also Ā. ○te), to see before one's eyes, look at, observe, behold RV. &c. &c
- to judge, discern MBh
- to know, understand R
- to regard as, take for (two acc.) MBh
- pra-ḍpaśyat or mfn. well-discerning, judicious, sensible, intelligent MBh
- pra-ḍpaśyamāna mfn. well-discerning, judicious, sensible, intelligent MBh
- pra-pā √1. P. -píbati, (ind. p. -pāya Pāṇ. 6-4, 69), to begin to drink, drink RV. &c. &c
- to imbibe (cakṣuṣā, with the eye i.e. feast the eyes upon) MBh
- pra-pā́ f. a place for supplying water, a place for watering cattle or a shed on the road-side containing a reservoir of water for travellers, fountain, cistern, well AV. &c. &c. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-3, 58 Vārtt. 4 Pat.)
- a supply of water, affluent (of a tank &c.) L
- -pālikā or ○lī f. a woman who distributes water to travellers Vcar
- -pūraṇa n. filling a cistern with water
- ○ṇīya mfn. serving to fill a cistern with with Pāṇ. 5-1, 111 Vārtt. 1 Pat
- -maṇḍapa m. a shed with water for travellers Vcar
- -vana n. 'fountaingrove', a cool grove L
- pra-ḍpāṇa n. drinking, a drink or beverage (in a-prap○ and su-prap○ cf. also pra-pāna)
- pra-ḍpāṇīya mfn. to be drunk, drinkable W
- pra-ḍpāna n. drinking, sipping R
- the under part of a horse's upper lip (which he uses in drinking) Var. (v. l. ○pāṇa)
- pra-ḍpānaka n. sherbet Bhpr. Sāh
- pra-ḍpāyin mfn. drinking, one who drinks W
- pra-ḍpīti f. the act of drinking Kauś. Sch
- pra-pā √3. P. -pāti, to protect, defend from (abl.) BhP
- pra-ḍpāyin mfn. who or what protects W
- pra-ḍpālaka m. (cf. √pāl) a guardian, protector Kāv
- pra-ḍpālana n. guarding, protecting, protection Cat
- pra-ḍpālin m. 'protector', N. of Baladeva L
- pra-pāka See pra- √2. pac
- pra-pāṭikā f. a young shoot or sprout L
- pra-pāṭhaka See pra-√paṭh
- pra-pāṇi or ○ṇika m. the fore-arm Car
- pra-pāṇḍu or ○ḍura mfn. very white, of a dazzling white colour Suśr
- pra-pāta &c. See pra-√pat
- prapādika or ○dīka m. a peacock L
- pra-pāduka &c. See above
- prá-pitāmaha m. a paternal great-grandfather VS. TS
- (○mahá) AV. &c. &c
- N. of Kṛishṇa and Brahmā MBh
- (ī), f. a paternal great-grandmother ib
- m. pl. great-grandfathers, ancestors R. Kathās
- pra-pitṛvya m. a paternal grand-uncle L
- pra-pitvá n. (perhaps for pra-pit-tva fr. √pat
- cf. apa-pitva) start, flight, haste RV
- the advanced day i.e. evening ib
- pra-pitsu See col. 2
- pra-√pinv P. Ā. -pinvati, ○te, to swell, be full of, be rich, flow over RV
- pra-√piṣ P. -pinaṣṭi, to crush to pieces, pound Pañcat.: Caus. -peṣayati, to pound, grind or crush to pieces Suśr
- pra-ḍpiṣṭa (prá-), mfn. crushed or ground down ŚBr. KātyŚr
- -bhāga (○ṭá-), mfn. whose share has been ground down' TS
- pra-√pī &c. See pra-√pyai
- pra-√pīḍ P. -pīḍayati, to press, squeeze ŚBr. MBh. Suśr
- to suppress (the breath) ChUp
- to afflict, torment, harass MBh. Kāv. &c
- pra-ḍpīḍana n. pressing, squeezing Suśr
- an astringent ib
- pra-ḍpīḍita mfn. pressed, afflicted, tortured MBh. Kāv. &c
- pra-pīti See pra- √1. pā
- pra-puṭa m. 'a large cornucopia' Kauś. (dṛḍhaḥ puṭaḥ Sch.)
- pra-puṇḍarīka v. l. for prapauṇḍ○, q.v
- pra-putra m. a grandson, descendant Inscr
- pra-√puth Caus. -pothayati, to push away (anyo'nyam, 'each other') R
- prapunāṭa (L.), ○nāḍa (Suśr.), prapuṃnaḍa, or ○nāṭa (L.), ○nāḍa (Suśr.), ○nāla (L.), m. Cassia Tora or Cavia Alata
- pra-purāṇa mfn. very old, kept a long time Car
- pra-√puṣ P. -puṣyati (RV.), puṣṇāti (BhP.), to nourish, feed, support
- pra-puṣpita mfn. flowering, in blossom, blooming MBh. R
- pra-√pūj P. -pūjayati, to respect, honour, esteem MBh. Kāv. Śaṃk
- to honour i.e. present with (instr.) Hcat
- pra-ḍpūjita mfn. honoured, respected MBh
- pra-pṛ √1. (only aor. Subj. -parṣi), to carry across, bring over (ati) RV. i, 174, 9
- pra-√pṛc P. -pṛṇakti, or -pṛñcati, to come in contact with (acc.) RV. TBr
- pra-pṛthák ind. singly, one by one AV
- pra-pṛṣṭha mfn. having a prominent or protuberant back Pāṇ. 6-2, 177 Sch
- pra-√pṝ P. -pṛṇāti ( See pra-pra-√pṝ), Pass. -pūryate, to be filled, become full or satiated, be completed or fulfilled or accomplished MBh. Kāv. &c.: Caus. -pūrayati, to fill up, complete MBh. R
- to make rich, enrich Mṛicch
- pra-ḍpūraka mf(ikā)n. filling up, fulfilling, satisfying Kāvyâd. Sch
- (ikā), f. Solanum Jacquini L
- pra-ḍpūraṇa mf(ī)n. filling up (oil, and) increasing (love) Cat
- the act of filling up, filling, putting in, inserting, injecting (with loc. or comp.) Suśr
- satiating, satisfying Cat
- bending (of a bow) R
- adorning, embellishing (of Indra's banner) Var
- pra-ḍpūrita mfn. filled up, completed MBh
- pra-pauṇḍarīka n. the √of Nymphaea Lotus Car. (v. l. prapuṇḍ○)
- Hibiscus Mutabilis Suśr
- pra-pautra m. the son of a son's son, a great-grandson Kathās. Rājat. (also ○traka Yājñ.)
- (ī), f. a great-granddaughter Hcat
- pra-pyasá mfn. swelling AV. (cf. next)
- pra-√pyai Ā. -pyāyate, to swell out, swell up, be distended or exuberant RV. VS. TS.: Caus. -pyāyayati, to cause to swell out, distend RV. ŚBr
- prá-pīta mfn. swollen out, swollen up, distended RV
- prá-pīna mfn. id. VS
- prá-pyāta mfn. id. TS
- prá-ḍpyāna mfn. id. Pāṇ. 6-1, 28 Sch.
- pra-pyāyana n
- ○pyāyanīya mfn. Pāṇ. 8-4, 34 Sch
- pra-pyāyayitṛ́ mfn. (fr. Caus.) causing to swell out, distending ŚBr
- pra-pra-√jan Ā. -jāyate, to be born again and again RV. v, 58, 5
- pra-pra-√pṝ P. -pṛṇāti, to fill up, complete RV. v, 5, 5
- pra-prarṣ (-pra-√ṛṣ), P. -arṣati, to stream forth towards (dat.) RV. ix, 9, 2
- pra-pra-√vī P. -veti, to advance against, attack RV. vii, 6, 3
- pra-pra-√śaṃs Pass. -śasyate, to be praised RV. i, 138, 1 (cf. vi, 48, 1)
- pra-pra-√śru Pass. (3. sg.) -śṛṇve, to be celebrated RV. vii, 8, 4
- pra-pra-√sthā Ā. -tiṣṭhate, to rise, advance RV. i, 40, 7
- pra-prâs (-pra- √1. as), P. -asti, to be in a high degree or prominently RV. i, 150, 3
- pra-√prī Caus. -prīṇayati, to make pleasant Divyâv
- pra-√pruth P. -prothati, to snort (as a horse) RV. TS
- to blow or puff out (the cheeks) RV. iii, 32, 1
- to shake the limbs noisily TāṇḍBr. Sch
- pra-ḍprothá m. snorting, blowing, puffing MaitrS
- the nostrils of a horse Āpast
- N. of a partic. plant (sometimes used as a substitute for the Soma) TāṇḍBr
- prá-prê (-pra-√i), P. 3. pl. -yanti, to go forth, move on, advance RV. iii, 9, 3
- pra-√plu Ā. -plavate, to go to sea (samudram), float or sail away TS. AitBr.: Caus. -plāvayati, to cause to float or sail away ṢaḍvBr
- to wash or flood with water ŚBr. GṛŚrS
- pra-ḍplāvana n. flooding with water, extinguishing (a fire) AitBr
- pra-ḍpluta (prá-), mfn. dipped in water VS
- prapharvī́ f. a wanton or lascivious girl RV. AV. VS
- ○vi-dā (ĀpŚr.), ○vii-dā (Kāṭh.), f. bestowing a wanton girl
- pra-phulta mfn. = pra-phulla Pāṇ. 7-4, 89 Sch
- pra-ḍphulti f. blooming, blossoming ib
- praphulla mfn. ( See √phull. phal) blooming forth, blooming, blown MBh. Kāv. &c
- covered with blossoms or flowers R. Hariv
- expanded, opened wide (like a full-blown flower), shining, smiling, cheerful, pleased ( See comp.)
- ○naga-vat mfn. rich in blooming trees R
- ○nayana (W.),
- ○netra (Śatṛ.), mfn. having fully opened or sparkling eyes, having eyes expanded with joy
- ○vadana mfn. having the face expanded with joy, looking gay or happy W
- pra-√bandh P. -badhnāti, to bind on, fasten, fetter, check, hinder ŚBr
- &c &c
- pra-ḍbaddha mfn. bound, tied, fettered ChUp. &c. &c
- dependent on (comp.) MBh
- checked, stopped, suppressed
- -mūtra mfn. suffering from retention of urine Suśr
- pra-ḍbanddhṛ m. 'one who connects together', a composer, author Pratāp
- an interpreter (○ddhṛ-tā f.) Naish
- pra-ḍbandha m. a connection, band, tie (garbha-nāḍī-prab○, the umbilical cord) Suśr
- an uninterrupted connection, continuous series, uninterruptedness, continuance Hariv. Kāv. &c
- a composition, (esp.) any literary production Kāv. Rājat. Pratāp
- a commentary Naish. Sch
- -kalpanā f. a feigned story, a work of fiction L
- -kośa m. -cintāmaṇi m. N. of wks
- -varṣa m. incessant rain Var
- ○dhâdhyāya m. N. of the 4th ch. of the Saṃgīta-darpaṇa and of the Saṃgītaratnâkara
- ○dhârtha m. the subject-matter of a composition or treatise, A
- pra-ḍbandhana n. binding, fettering Kir
- connection, bond, tie Suśr
- prababhra m. N. of Indra Kāṭh. (cf. pravabhrá)
- pra-barha m. (√1 bṛh) the best, most excellent MBh. R. (cf. pra-varha)
- pra-barhaṇa n. (√2. bṛh, bṛṃh) tearing off or out ĀpŚr. Sch
- pra-ḍbarham See pravarham.
- pra-bala mf(ā)n. strong, powerful, mighty, great, important (as a word), violent (as pain) MBh. Kāv. &c
- dangerous, pernicious MārkP
- (ifc.) abounding in Suśr
- (ám), ind. greatly, much ŚBr
- m. N. of a son of Kṛishṇa BhP
- of an attendant of Vishṇu ib
- of a Daitya Kathās
- wṛ. for pra-vāla L
- (ā), f. Paederia Foetida L
- (ī), f. See s.v
- ○tara mfn. stronger, very strong or mighty Prab
- ○tā f. (Rājat.),
- ○tva n. (Kull.) strength, power, might, validity
- ○toya mfn. abounding in water Rājat
- ○nirṇaya-vyākhyā f. N. of wk
- ○rudita n. strong crying, excessive weeping Megh
- ○vat mfn. strong, mighty MBh
- ○virasā f. decay Divyâv
- pra-bala Nom. P. ○lati, to become strong or powerful L
- pra-ḍbalana-tā f. strengthening Kāv
- prabalaya Nom. P. ○yati, to strengthen, increase Mcar
- prabalī in comp. for ○bala
- ○√bhū P. -bhavati, to become strong or mighty Kathās
- prabalī f. a class, division of a community (?) Inscr
- pra-bahlikā See pra-vahlikā
- pra-√bādh Ā. -bādhate (ep. also P. ○ti), to press forward, drive, urge, promote RV. Nir
- to repel, drive away, keep off MBh. Kāv. &c
- to torment, vex, hurt, injure, annoy ib
- to set aside, annul Pāṇ. 7-2, 90 Sch.: Intens., See below
- pra-ḍbādhaka mfn. (ifc.) pressing back, keeping away Suśr
- refusing MW
- pra-ḍbādhana n. keeping off, keeping at a distance MBh. MārkP
- pressing hard upon, tormenting, paining MBh. (also ā f. Jātakam.)
- refusing, denying MW
- pra-ḍbādhita (prá-), mfn. driven, urged on RV. x, 108, 9
- oppressed MW
- pra-ḍbādhin mfn. (ifc.) harassing, paining, tormenting Bālar
- pra-ḍbā́badhāna mfn. (fr. Intens.) hastening on before, overtaking RV
- pra-bāla See pra-vāla
- pra-bālaka m. N. of a Yaksha MBh
- (ikā), f. N. of a woman, Vāsav. introd. (printed ○vālikā)
- pra-bālika (or -vālika ?), m. a kind of purslain L
- pra-bāhu m. the fore-arm Var. VP
- 'long-armed', N. of a man MBh. (also ○huka VP.)
- pra-bā́huk ind. in an even line, on a level TS. Br. (= bāhulyena TBr. Sch.)
- pra-bā́ḍhukam ind. at the same time or on high L. (g. svar-ādi)
- pra-√budh Ā. -budhyate (Ved. inf. -búdhe), to wake up, wake, awake (intrans.) RV. &c. &c
- to expand, open, bloom, blossom MBh. Kāv. &c
- P. -bodhati, to become conscious or aware of know, understand, recognise as (2. acc.) MBh.: Caus. -bodkayati, to wake up, awaken (trans.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- to cause to expand or bloom Kum
- to stimulate (by gentle friction), ŚarṅgS
- to make sensible, cause to know, inform, admonish, persuade, convince MBh. Kāv. &c
- to instruct, teach (two acc.) Cāṇ
- pra-ḍbuddha mfn. awakened, awake, roused, expanded, developed, opened, blown Up. MBh. &c
- come forth, appeared Vcar
- (anything) that has begun to take effect (as a spell) Cat
- known, understood, recognised Kap
- enlightened, clear-sighted, clever, wise Kathās. Hcar
- m. N. of a teacher BhP
- -tā f. intelligence, wisdom MārkP
- pra-budh mfn. watchful, attentive RV
- f. awaking ib
- pra-ḍbudha m. a great sage BhP
- pra-bodha m. awaking (from sleep or ignorance), becoming conscious, consciousness Kāv. Kathās. Pañcat
- opening, blowing (of flowers) Kālid
- manifestation, appearance (of intelligence) Pañcat. (v. l.)
- waking, wakefulness Śak
- knowledge, understanding, intelligence Ragh. BhP. Śāntiś
- awakening (trans.) R
- friendly admonition, good words (pl.) Naish
- reviving of an evaporated scent VarBṛS
- N. of wk
- -candra m. 'the moon of knowledge', knowledge personified and compared with the moon Prab
- -candrikā f. 'moonlight of knowledge', N. of sev. wks
- -candrôdaya m. 'rise of the moon of knowledge', N. of a celebrated philosophical drama and of sev. other wks
- ○daya-saṃgraha m. ○dayâmalaka m. or n. (?) N. of wks
- -cintāmaṇi m. -dīpikā f. -prakāśa m. -mañjarī f. -mānasôllāsa m. -ratnâkara m. N. of wks.
- -vatī f. N. of a Surâṅganā Siṃhâs
- -siddhi f. -sudhâkara m. -sū7kti-vyākhyā f. N. of wks
- ○dhânanda m. (with sarasvatī), N. of an author Cat
- ○dhôtsava m. = ○dhinī (below)
- N. of wk. (cf. nārāyaṇaprabodh○)
- ○dh4ôdaya m. rise of knowledge Prab
- N. of wk
- pra-ḍbodhaka mfn. awakening, causing to open or blossom Subh
- m. a minstrel whose duty is to wake the king L
- (ifc.) = ○bodha, understanding, intelligence (e.g. sukha-prabodhaka f. ikā, of easy intelligence i.e. easily intelligible Cat.)
- pra-ḍbodhana mfn. awaking, arousing, Ṛit. Pañcat
- m. N. of a Buddha Buddh
- (ī), f. the 11th day in the light half of the month Kārttika, celebrated as a festival in commemoration of the waking of Vishṇn Pur
- Alhagi Maurorum L
- n. waking, awaking MBh. Kāv. &c
- awakening, arousing, MHh. Hariv
- knowledge, understanding, comprehension Pañcat
- enlightening, instructing ib. Prab
- reviving of an evaporated scent L
- pra-ḍbodhita mfn. (fr. Caus.) awakened, aroused &c. MBh. Kāv. &c. (also -vat Sāh.)
- (ā), f. N. of a metre Chandom
- pra-ḍbodhin mfn. awaking Ragh
- coming forth from (abl.) R
- (inī), f. the 11th day in the light half of Kārttika (= ○bodhanī) Cat
- ○dhi-tā f. awaking, wakefulness (a-prab○) MBh
- pra-ḍbodhya mfn. (fr. Caus.) to be awakened MBh. Kathās. Suśr
- pra-√brū P. Ā. -braviiti, -brūte, to exclaim, proclaim, announce, declare, teach, indicate, betray RV. AV. TS. Br. GṛŚrS
- to praise, celebrate RV
- to speak kindly to (dat.) ib
- to say, tell, relate MBh. Kāv. &c. (with two acc. Bhaṭṭ
- with satyam, to speak the truth, speak sincerely VarBṛS.)
- to read before (gen. or dat.) MW
- to call, name BhP
- to describe as (two acc.) MBh
- to announce i.e. recommend anything to (dat.), offer, present Āpast. (cf. ni- √1. vid, Caus.)
- pra-√bhaj P. Ā. -bhajati, ○te, to execute, accomplish Pañcar
- to honour Buddh
- to divide MW. 0bhāga, m. division KātySr
- (fr. pra + bhāga) the fraction of a fraction, a sub-fraction Col
- -jāti f. reduction of sub-fractious to a common denominator ib
- pra-ḍbhāj mfn. Pāṇ. 3-2, 62 Sch
- pra-√bhañj P. -bhanákti, to break up, crush, destroy, rout, defeat RV. &c. &c.: Pass. pr. p. -bhajyamāna, being broken to pieces or broken up BhP
- pra-ḍbhagna mfn. crushed to pieces, defeated MBh. R
- pra-ḍbhaṅgá m. a breaker, crusher RV
- breaking, crushing, destruction R
- pra-ḍbhaṅgín mfn. breaking, crushing, destroying RV
- pra-ḍbhaṅgura mfn. breaking (perishable ?) L
- pra-ḍbhañjana mfn. = ○bhaṅgin Kauś. MBh. Hariv
- m. wind or the god of wind, storm, tempest, hurricane MBh. R. &c
- a nervous disease Suśr
- a partic. Samādhi Kāraṇḍ
- N. of a prince MBh
- n. the act of breaking to pieces AdbhBr
- pra-bhadra n. Azadirachta Indica L
- (ā), f. Paederia Foetida L
- pra-ḍbhadraka mfn. exceedingly handsome or beautiful MBh. R
- n. a kind of metre Col
- a combination of 4 Ślokas containing one sentence Kāvyâd. Sch
- pra-bhartavya &c. See pra-√bhṛ
- pra-bhava &c. See under pra-√bhū
- pra-bhā √1. P. -bhāti, to shine forth, begin to become light, shine, gleam RV. &c. &c
- to appear, seem, look like (nom. with or without iva) MBh. Kāv. &c
- to illuminate, enlighten TUp
- prabhā́ f. light, splendour, radiance, beautiful appearance (ifc. often mfn. with f. ā) Mn. MBh. &c
- the shadow of the gnomon on a sun-dial Sūryas
- light variously personified (as wife of the sun, or as wife of Kalpa and mother of Prātar, Madhyaṃ-dina and Sāya i.e. morning, midday and evening, or as a form of Durgā in the disc of the sun) Hariv. Pur
- N. of a Śakti Hcat
- of an Apsaras MBh
- of a daughter of Svar-bhānu and mother of Nahusha Hariv
- of the city of Kubera L
- of a kind of metre Col
- of sev. wks
- ○kara m. 'light-maker', the sun (du. sun and moon) MBh. Kāv. Kathās
- the moon L
- fire L
- a partic. Samādhi Kāraṇḍ
- N. of Śiva Śivag
- of a class of deities under the 8th Manu MārkP
- of a serpentdemon MBh
- of a sage of the race of Atri Hariv. Pur
- of a son of Jyotish-mat VP
- of a teacher of the Māmāṃsā philosophy (associated with Kumārilabhaṭṭa) Col.
- of sev. other teachers and authors (also prabhākara-guru, -candra, -datta, -deva, -nandana, -mitra) Cat
- -pariccheda m. N. of wk
- -vardhana m. N. of a king Hcar
- -varman m. N. of a minister Rājat
- -siddhi m. N. of a scholar Buddh
- -svāmin m. N. of the statue of the tutelary deity of Prabhākara-varman Rājat
- ○râhnika n. N. of wk
- (ī), f. (with Buddhists) one of the 10 stages of perfection Dharmas. 64
- n. N. of a Varsha MBh
- ○kīṭa m. 'light-insect', a firefly L
- ○"ṣñjana (○bhâñj○), m. Hyperanthera Moringa L
- ○tarala mfn. tremulously radiant, flashing Śak
- ○tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha ŚivaP
- ○"ṣnanā (○bhân○), f. N. of a Surâṅganā, Siṇhâs
- ○pada-śakti f. N. of wk
- ○pallavita mfn. overspread with lustre Vikr
- ○pāla m. N. of a Bodhisattva Buddh
- ○praroha m. a shoot i.e. flash or ray of light Ragh
- ○maṇḍala n. (also ○la-ka n. Kathās.) a circle or crown of rays ib
- -śobhin mfn. shining with a circle of rays Ragh
- N. of wk
- m. a partic. Samādhi Kāraṇḍ
- ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting of light, shining MBh. Hariv
- m. a partic. Gaṇa of Śiva Harav
- ○lepin mfn. covered with splendour Hcar
- ○"ṣlocana (○bhâl○), n. N. of wk
- ○vat mfn. luminous, radiant, splendid MBh. Kāv. &c
- (ī), f. the lute of one of the Gaṇas or demigods attendant on Śiva L
- a kind of metre Śrutab
- (in music) a partic. Śruti Saṃgīt
- N. of a Buddh. deity Lalit
- of the wife of the sun MBh
- of one of the Mātṛis attendant on Skanda ib
- of an Apsaras VP
- of a Surâṅganā Siṃhâs
- of a sister of the Asura Indra-damana L
- of a daughter of king Vajra-nābha and wife of Pradyumna Hariv
- of the wife of Citra-ratha king of Aṅga MBh
- of the daughter of Suviira and wife of Marutta MārkP
- of a Tāpasī MBh
- of them other of Malli (the 19th Arhat of present Avasarpiṇī) L
- of the daughter of the Śreshṭhin Soma-datta and wife of Madana the son of Vikrama-sena Śukas
- of a river W
- (-pariṇaya m. 'the marriage of Prabhāvatī', N. of a drama by Viśva-nātha)
- ○"ṣvalī (○bhâv○), f. N. of wk
- ○vyūha m. N. of a Buddh. deity Lalit
- prabhêśvara-tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha ŚivaP
- prabhāta mfn. shone forth, begun to become clear or light MBh. Kāv. &c
- m. N. of a son of the sun and Prabhā VP
- (ā), f. N. of the mother of the Vasus Pratyūsha and Prabhāsa MBh
- n. daybreak, dawn, morning Gaut. MBh. &c
- ○karaṇīya n. a morning rite or ceremony Śak
- ○kalpa mf(ā)n. nearly become light, approaching dawn (as night) R
- ○kāla m. time of daybreak, early morning Suśr
- ○prâya mfn. = -kalpa Kād
- ○samaya m. = -kāla MBh
- pra-bhāna n. light, radiance, shining Pāṇ. 8-4, 34 Sch
- pra-ḍbhānīya mfn. to be irradiated or lighted ib
- pra-ḍbhānu m. N. of a son of Kṛishṇa BhP
- pra-ḍbhāpana n. (from Caus.) causing to shine Pāṇ. 8-4, 34 Vārtt. 2. Pat
- pra-ḍbhāpanīya mfn. to be caused to shine Pāṇ. ib. Sch
- prabhāgá See pra-√bhaj
- prabhāraka wṛ. for prabhā-kara MBh
- pra-bhāva &c. See pra-√bhū
- pra-√bhāṣ Ā. -bhāṣate (ep. also P. ○ti), to speak, tell, declare, disclose, manifest, explain, call, name MBh. Kāv. &c
- to talk to, converse with (acc.) MBh
- pra-ḍbhāṣa m. declaration, doctrine Hariv. (Nīlak.)
- wṛ. for -bhāsa
- pra-ḍbhāṣaṇa n. explanation Suśr
- ○ṇīya mfn. relating to an explṭexplanation ib
- pra-ḍbhāṣita mfn. spoken, uttered, declared MBh. Kāv. &c
- n. speech, talk Var
- pra-ḍbhāṣin mfn. saying, speaking MBh. BhP
- pra-√bhās Ā. -bhāsate (ep. also P. ○ti), to shine, glitter, be brilliant MBh. Hariv
- to appear like (iva) MBh.: Caus. -bhāsayati, to irradiate, illuminate, enlighten MBh. R
- pra-ḍbhāsa M. 'splendour', 'beauty', N. of a Vasu MBh
- of a being attendant on Skanda ib
- of a deity under the 8th Manu MārkP
- (with Jainas) of one of the 11 Gaṇâdhipas L
- of a son of a minister of Candraprabha king of Madra Kathās
- (pl.) N. of a race of Ṛishis MBh
- m. or n. N. of a celebrated place of pilgrimage on the west coast of the Dekhan near Dvārakā MBh. Kāv. &c. (also -kṣetra n. -kṣetra-tīrtha n. -deśa m.)
- -kṣetra-tīrtha-yātrânukrama m. -kṣetra-māhātmya n. -khaṇḍa m. or n. and ○sêśvara-māhātmya n. N. of wks.
- pra-ḍbhāsana n. irradiating, illumining MBh
- pra-ḍbhāsura (R.),
- pra-ḍbhāsvat (Hariv.), mfn. shining forth, shining brightly, brilliant
- pra-ḍbhāsvara mfn. id. R. Kathās
- clear, shrill (as a voice) L
- (ā), f. a partic. mythical plant Divyâv
- pra-√bhid P. -bhinatti, to cleave, split asunder, break, pierce, open RV. &c. &c.: Pass. -bhidyate, to be broken in pieces, crumble ŚBr
- to be dissolved, open KaṭhUp
- to split, divide (intr.) MBh.: Caus. of Intens. -bebhidayya Pat
- pra-ḍbhid mfn. Pāṇ. 3-2, 61 Sch
- pra-ḍbhinna mfn. split asunder, cleft, broken, pierced, opened MBh. Kāv. &c
- blown (as a flower) Sāh
- exuding (as blood) Suśr
- flowing with juice (cf. -karaṭa
- m. an elephant in rut) MBh. R
- broken through, interrupted R
- disfigured, altered, depressed MBh
- -karaṭa mfn. having the temples cleft and flowing with juice (as a rutting elephant) MBh. R. (○ṭā-mukha mfn. having the fissure in the temples flowing with juice MBh.)
- -viṣ mfn. secreting or relaxing the feces, aperient Suśr
- ○bhinnâñjana n. mixed collyrium, an eye-salve mixed with oil Ṛitus. Pañcat
- pra-ḍbheda m. splitting, piercing, cutting through Yājñ. MBh. Ragh
- the flowing of juice from the temples of an elephant Megh
- division, subdivision, variety, species, kind, sort MBh. Kap. Hcat. Suśr
- pra-ḍbhedaka mf(ikā)n. tearing asunder, cleaving, piercing (cf. carma-prabhedikā)
- pra-ḍbhedana mfn. id. MBh
- pra-√bhī (only pf. -bibhayāṃ-cakāra), to be terrified at (abl.) Bhaṭṭ
- pra-ḍbhīta mfn. terrified, afraid MBh
- pra-bhu See under pra-√bhū below
- pra-bhuj √1. (only ind. p. -bhujya), to bend, incline Br. Kauś
- pra-ḍbhugna mfn. Pāṇ. 8-4, 29 Sch
- pra-bhuj √3. (only pr. p. -bhuñjatī́), to befriend, protect (?) RV. i, 48, 5
- pra-ḍbhukta mfn. begun to be eaten (as rice) Pāṇ. 1-2, 21 Sch
- pra-√bhū P. -bhavati (rarely Ā. ○te
- Ved. inf. -bhūṣáṇi), to come forth, spring up, arise or originate from (abl.), appear, become visible, happen, occur ŚBr. &c. &c
- to be before, surpass (with pṛṣṭham, 'to be greater or more than the back can carry', applied to wealth RV. ii, 13, 4) to become or be numerous, increase, prevail, be powerful RV. &c. &c. (3. sg. prabhavati-tarām, 'has more power' Vikr. v, 18)
- to rule, control, have power over, be master of (gen., loc. or dat.) Mn. MBh. &c
- to be equal to or capable of (dat. or loc.) ib
- to be a match for (dat.) Pāṇ. 2-3, 16 Vārtt. 2 Pat
- to be able to (inf.) Kālid. Kathās. &c
- to profit, avail, be of use to (dat.) RV. Br
- to implore, beseech (?) Hariv.: Caus. -bhāvayati, to increase, spread out, extend, augment, multiply (esp. the Soma by placing it in a greater number of vessels) Br
- to provide more amply, endow more richly, cause to thrive or prosper, cherish, nurture ib. MBh. &c
- (as Nom. fr. -bhāva below) to gain or possess power or strength, rule over (acc.) MBh. R
- to recognise R.: Desid. of Caus. -bibhāvayiṣati, to wish to increase or extend AitBr
- pra-bhavá mfn. prominent, excelling, distinguished RV
- m. production, source, origin, cause of existence (as father or mother, also 'the Creator'), birthplace (often ifc., with f. ā, springing or rising or derived from, belonging to) Up. Mn. MBh. &c
- might, power (= pra-bhāva) L
- N. of a Sādhya Hariv
- of Vishṇu A
- of sev. men HPariś
- N. of the first or 35th year in a 60 years' cycle of Jupiter Var
- -prabhu and -svāmin m. (with Jainas) N. of one of the 6 Śruta-kevalins L
- pra-ḍbhavat mf(antī)n. coming forth, arising &c
- mighty, powerful, potent MBh. Kāv
- pra-ḍbhavana n. production, source, origin (ifc. 'springing from'
- cf. meru-prabh○ and Pāṇ. 8-4, 34 Sch.)
- ruling, presiding (?) W
- pra-ḍbhavanīya mfn. Pāṇ. ib
- pra-ḍbhavitṛ mfn. powerful, potent
- m. a great lord or ruler Bhartṛ
- pra-ḍbhaviṣṇu mfn. = prec. (also m
- with gen. or loc. 'lord over') MBh. Kāv. &c
- tā f. lordship, supremacy, dominion, tyranny Var
- power to (inf.) Rājat
- pra-ḍbhavya mfn. (fr. pra-√bhū) Pāṇ. 3-1, 107 Sch
- (fr. pra-bhava) being at the source or origin, original Lāṭy
- fit for rule (?) W
- pra-ḍbhāva m. (ifc. f. ā) might, power, majesty, dignity, strength, efficacy Mn. MBh. &c. (○veṇa, ○vāt and ○vatas ind. by means or in consequence of, through, by)
- supernatural power Kālid
- splendour, beauty MBh. R
- tranquillizing, conciliation (?) L
- N. of the chapters of the Rasikapriyā Cat
- N. of a son of Manu Sva-rocis MārkP
- -ja mfn. proceeding from conscious majesty or power W
- -tva n. power, strength Kām
- -vat mfn. powerful, strong, mighty MBh. Kathās
- pra-ḍbhāvaka mfn. prominent, having power or influence Śatr. Siṃhâs
- pra-ḍbhāvana mf(ī)n. (fr. Caus.) creating, creative MBh
- explaining, disclosing (= prakāśaka) R. (B.)
- m. creator MBh. R. Hariv
- (ā), f. disclosing, revealing, promulgation (of a doctrine) HYog
- pra-ḍbhāvaya Nom. ○yati, See under Caus. above
- pra-ḍbhāvayitṛ mfn. making powerful or mighty Daś
- pra-ḍbhāvita (Kām.),
- pra-ḍbhāvin (Śiś.), mfn. powerful, mighty
- pra-bhú mfn. (Ved. also ū́ f. vii) excelling, mighty, powerful, rich, abundant RV. &c. &c
- more powerful than (abl.) MBh
- having power over (gen.) VP
- able, capable, having power to (loc., inf. or comp.) Kāv
- a match for (dat.) Pāṇ. 2-3, 16 Vārtt. 2 Pat
- constant, eternal L
- m. a master, lord, king (also applied to gods, e.g. to Sūrya and Agni RV
- to Prajā-pati Mn
- to Brahmā ChUp
- to Indra R
- to Śiva MBh
- to Vishṇu L.)
- the chief or leader of a sect RTL. 142
- a sound, word L
- quicksilver L
- N. of a deity under the 8th Manu MārkP
- of a son of Kardama Hariv
- of a son of Śuka and Pīvarī ib
- of a son of Bhaga and Siddhi BhP
- of a poet Cat
- of sev. other men HPariś
- (○bhvii f. N. of a Śakti Pañcar.)
- -kathā f. N. of wk
- -tā f. lordship, dominion, supremacy Yājñ. (v. l.) Kathās
- power over (loc.) Śak
- possession of (comp.) Ragh
- prevalence (instr. 'for the most part') Ratnâv
- -tva n. lordship, sovereignty, high rank, might, power over (gen., loc. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- prevalence (instr. 'for the most part') Suśr
- -tvabodhi f. knowledge joined with supreme power Kāraṇḍ
- -tvâkṣepa m. (in rhet.) an objection based on power (i.e. on a word of command) Kāvyâd. ii, 138
- -deva m. N. of a Yoga teacher Cat
- (ī), f. (with lāṭī) N. of a poetess ib
- -bhakta mfn. devoted to his master (as a dog) Cāṇ
- m. a good horse L
- -bhakti f. loyalty, faithfulness MW
- -liṅga-caritra n. -liṅga-līlā f. -vaṃśa m. N. of wks
- -śabda-śeṣa mfn. having only the title of lord remaining Ragh
- pra-ḍbhū = ○bhu (cf. above)
- -tva n. sufficiency KātyŚr. (cf. prabhu-tva)
- -vasu (○bhū́- Padap. ○bhú-), mfn. abundantly wealthy (said of Indra and Soma) RV
- m. N. of a descendant of Aṅgiras, author of RV. v, 35, 36 ; ix, 35, 36
- prá-bhūta mfn. come forth, risen, appeared &c
- (ifc.) become, transformed into Daś
- abundant, much, numerous, considerable, high, great ŚBr. &c. &c. (compar. -tara Pañcat
- superl. -tama Daś.)
- abounding in (comp.) R
- able to (inf.) Sāh
- governed, presided over W
- mature, perfect ib
- m. a class of deities in the 6th Manvantara Hariv. (v. l. pra-sūta)
- n. (in phil.) a great or primary element (= mahā-bhūta) Sāṃkhyak
- -jihvatā f. having a long tongue (one of the 32 signs of perfection of a Buddha) Dharmas. 83 (also -tanu-jihv○, 'having a long and thin tongue ib.)
- -tā f. quantity, plenty, multitude, large number Śiś
- -tva n. id. Pañcat
- sufficiency KātyŚr. (v. l. for prabhū-tva)
- -dhana-dhānya-vat mfn. rich in money and corn R
- -nāgâśva-ratha mfn. having many elephants and horses and chariots MBh
- -bhrānta n. much roaming Pañcat
- -yavasêndhana mfn. abounding in fresh grass and fuel ib
- -ratna m. N. of a Buddha SaddhP
- -rūpa n. great beauty MW
- -vayas mfn. advanced in years, old Kāv
- -varṣa n. pl. many years, Pañeat
- -śas ind. many times, often Car
- ○tôtka m. ardently desirous of or longing for Kāvyâd. iii, 118
- prá-ḍbhūtaka mfn. containing the word prabhūta g. goṣad-ādi
- m. pl. a partic. class of deceased relatives, KāṭhAnukr
- prá-ḍbhūti (prá-), f. source, origin TāṇḍBr
- imperious demeanour, violence RV. iv, 54, 3
- sufficiency RV. TBr
- a ruler, lord (?) RV. viii, 41, 1
- prá-ḍbhūvarī f. reaching or extending beyond (acc.) VS
- bhūṣṇu mfn. powerful, strong, able L. (cf. ○bhaviṣṇu)
- pra-√bhūṣ P. -bhūṣati, to offer, present RV. i, 159, 1
- pra-√bhṛ P. Ā. -bharati, ○te, to bring forward, place before, offer, present RV. AV. ŚāṅkhŚr.
- to stretch forth, extend RV
- to hurl, cast ib
- (Ā.) to quiver ib
- to be borne along, rush on ib
- to praise ib
- pra-ḍbhartavya mfn. to be supported or nourished Yājñ
- pra-ḍbhartṛ (prá-), m. bringer, procurer (with acc.) RV
- pra-ḍbharman (prá-), n. placing before, presenting RV
- reciting, recitation ib
- prá-bhṛta mfn. brought forward &c
- placed in (loc.), introduced RV
- filled with (instr.) R. (B.)
- prá-ḍbhṛti (prá-), f. bringing forward, offering (of sacrifice or praise) RV. AV
- a throw or stroke RV
- beginning, commencement ŚBr. &c. &c. (ifc. = 'commencing with' or 'et caetera', e.g. munayaḥ somaśravaḥ-prabhṛtayaḥ, 'the Munis beginning with Somaśrava? i.e. 'the Munis, Somaśrava? &c.'
- in this sense also ○tika)
- ind. (after an abl., adv. or ifc.) beginning with, from-forward or upward, since GṛŚrS. Mn. MBh. &c. (e.g. bālyāt prabhṛti, 'from boyhood upwards'
- janma-pr○, 'from birth'
- adya pr○, 'beginning from to-day, henceforth'
- tataḥ or tadā pr○, 'thenceforth' &c.)
- pra-bhṛthá m. an offering, oblation RV
- pra-bheda See pra-√bhid
- pra-√bhraṃś Ā. -bhraśyate, to fall away, slip off, drop down, disappear, vanish R. Suśr
- to escape from (abl.) TBr. KātyŚr
- to be deprived of (abl.) Mṛicch.: Caus. -bhraṃśayati, to cause to fall down, cast down Suśr
- to cause to fall from, deprive of (abl.) MBh. Ragh
- pra-ḍbhraṃśa See á-prabhraṃśa
- pra-ḍbhraṃśathu m. a disease of the nose accompanied with discharge of mucus Suśr
- pra-ḍbhraṃśana See nāva-prabh○ under 2. nāva
- pra-ḍbhraṃśita mfn. (fr. Caus.) caused to fall down, deprived of, expelled from (abl.) MBh
- pra-ḍbhraṃśin mfn. falling off, falling down Ragh
- pra-ḍbhraṃśuka mf(ā)n. falling off, vanishing, disappearing ŚBr. TBr
- pra-ḍbhraṣṭa mfn. fallen down Ratnâv
- strayed, runaway, escaped from (abl.) ib. Mṛicch
- broken W
- -śīla mf(ā)n. of fallen character, immoral Var
- pra-ḍbhraṣṭaka n. a chaplet or wreath of flowers suspended from the lock on the crown of the head L
- pra-√bhram P. -bhramati, or -bhrāmyati, to roam about, wander through (acc.) Kathās
- pra-√bhrāj Ā. -bhrājate, to shine forth, gleam AV
- pra-ḍbhrāj mfn. (nom. ṭ) shining forth Āpast
- pram ind. (√1. prā). See goṣpadapram
- pramaṃhiṣṭhīya n. N. of the hymn RV. i, 57 (beginning with prá máṃhiṣṭhāya) AitBr
- N. of sev. Sāmans ĀrshBr
- prá-maganda m. the son of a usurer RV. iii, 53, 14 (Sāy
- others 'N. of a king')
- pra-magna See pra-√majj below
- pra-maṅkana n. Pat. on Pāṇ. 8-4, 32
- pra-maṅgana n. Kāś. on Pāṇ. ib
- pra-√majj P. -majjati, to immerse one's self in, dip into Kāṭh
- pra-ḍmagna mfn. immersed, dipped, drowned Pāṇ. 8-4, 29 Sch
- pra-maṇas mfn. careful, attentive, kind AV
- good-natured, cheerful Hariv. (cf. pramanas)
- pra-maṇḍala n. (prob.) the felly of a wheel MBh
- pra-mata See pra-√man
- pra-matta See pra-√mad
- pra-√math (or manth), P. -mathati, or -mathnāti, to stir up violently, churn (the ocean) Ragh
- to tear or strike off, drag away ŚBr. MBh. R
- to handle roughly, harass, distress, annoy MBh. Kāv. &c. (ind. p. -mathya, violently, forcibly)
- to destroy, lay waste MBh.: Caus. -māthayati, to assault violently, harass, annoy MBh
- pra-ḍmatha m. 'Tormentor', N. of a class of demons attending on Śiva MBh. Kāv. &c. (cf. RTL. 238)
- of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh
- a horse L
- (ā), f. Terminalia Chebula or Citrina L
- N. of the wife of Kshupa and mother of Vīra MārkP
- pain, affliction W
- -nātha (Kād.), -pati (L.), m. 'lord of the Pramathas', N. of Śiva
- -prathama m. 'first of the Pramathas', N. of Bhṛiṅgiriṭi Bālar
- ○thâdhipa m. 'ruler of the Pramathas', N. of Śiva VarBṛS
- of Gaṇêśa L
- ○thâlaya m. 'abode of torment', hell L
- pra-ḍmathana mf(ī)n. harassing, tormenting, hurting, injuring MBh. Hariv. R
- destroying Subh
- m. N. of a magical formula pronounced over weapons R
- N. of a Dānava Kathās
- hurting, destroying, killing R
- agitating, churning W
- pra-ḍmathita mfn. well churned W
- torn off, dragged away, harassed, annoyed, injured, killed MBh. Kāv. &c
- -puraḥ-sara mfn. having the leader killed Kām
- pra-ḍmathin mfn. harassing, annoying, tormenting Mudr
- pra-ḍmathyā f. a kind of paste or dough prepared by boiling any medicinal substance in water Car. Bhpr
- pra-ḍmantha m. a stick used for rubbing wood to produce fire KātyŚr
- pra-ḍmanthu m. N. of a son of Vīra-vrata and younger brother of Manthu BhP.
- pra-mātha m. stirring about, racking, paining, tormenting MBh. Hariv
- rape (cf. draupadī-pr○)
- subjugation, destruction (of enemies) Uttarar
- N. of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh
- of one of the attendants of Skanda ib
- of a Dānaya Kathās
- pl. N. of a class of fiends attending on Śiva Hariv. (cf. pramatha)
- pra-ḍmāthita mfn. (fr. Caus.) roughly handled, violated, ravished, forcibly carried off MBh
- pra-ḍmāthin mfn. stirring about, tearing, rending, troubling, harassing, destroying MBh. Kāv. &c
- striking off, used for striking off MBh
- (in med.) throwing out i.e. producing secretion of the vessels Car. Bhpr
- m. N. of the 13th (47th) year of a 60 years' cycle of Jupiter Var. (also wṛ. for pra-mādin)
- of a Rākshasa MBh
- of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra ib
- of a monkey R
- (inī), f. N. of an Apsaras MBh. Hariv
- pra-√mad (or mand), P. (rarely Ā.) -madati, -mandati, -mādyati (○te), to enjoy one's self, be joyous, sport, play RV
- to be careless or negligent, to be indifferent to or heedless about (abl. or loc.) RV. &c. &c
- to neglect duty for, idle away time in (loc.) Mn. MBh. &c
- to be thrown into confusion MBh.: Caus. P. , to gladden, delight Bālar
- Ā. -mādayate, to enjoy, indulge in RV
- pra-matta mfn. excited, wanton, lascivious, rutting Mn. Pañcat
- drunken, intoxicated Śak
- mad, insane W
- inattentive, careless, heedless, negligent, forgetful of (abl. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c
- indulging in (loc.) MBh. R
- blundering, a blunderer W
- -gīta mfn. sung or recited by an intoxicated person Pat
- -citta mfn. careless-minded, heedless, negligent Kām
- -tā f. inattentiveness, sleepiness, mental inactivity (a-pram○) Rājat
- -rajju f. (?) Kauś
- 1. -vat mfn. inattentive, careless (a-pram○) MBh
- 2. -vat ind. as if drunk, like one intoxicated MW
- -śramaṇa n. (with Jainas) N. of the 6th among the 14 stages which lead to liberation Cat
- pra-ḍmád or f. lust, desire VS. AV
- prá-mad f. lust, desire VS. AV
- pra-mada m. joy, pleasure, delight MBh. Kathās
- mfn. wanton, dissolute Ragh. (also ○daka Nir.)
- mad, intoxicated L
- m. the thorn-apple L
- the ankle L
- N. of a Dānava Hariv
- of a son of Vasishṭha and one of the sages under Manu Uttama BhP
- (ā f. See below)
- -kaṇṭha m. N. of a man Rājat
- -kānana n. = ○dA-k○ L
- -ropya n. N. of a city in the Dekhan Pañcat
- -vana n. = ○dA-v○ Kālid
- pra-ḍmadana n. amorous desire Kauś
- a pleasure-grove MānGṛ
- pra-ḍmadā f. (of ○da) a young and wanton woman, any woman Mn. MBh. &c
- the sign of the zodiac Virgo L
- N. of 2 kinds of metre Col
- -kānana n. the royal garden or pleasureground attached to the gynaeceum L
- -jana m. womankind, the female sex R. Var
- -"ṣnana (○dân○), n. a kind of metre Col
- -vana n. = -kānana R
- (○na-pālikā f. a woman who has the inspection of a royal pleasure-garden Mālav.)
- -"ṣspada (○dâsp○), n. the gynaeceum of a prince Kathās
- pra-ḍmadāya Nom. P. ○yati, to behave like a wanton woman BhP
- pra-ḍmaditavya mfn. to be neglected or disregarded
- n. (impers.) one should be negligent regarding (abl.), TaittUp
- pra-ḍmadvara mf(ā)n. inattentive, careless HPariś
- (ā), f. N. of the wife of Ruru and mother of Śunaka MBh. Kathās
- pra-ḍmanda m. a species of fragrant plant Kauś
- pra-ḍmandanī́ f. N. of an Apsaras AV
- pra-mā́da m. intoxication RV. MBh
- madness, insanity L
- negligence, carelessness about (abl. or comp.) Kauś. Mn. MBh. &c
- an error, mistake W
- a partic. high number L
- -cārin mfn. acting in a careless manner Kāraṇḍ
- -pāṭha m. a wrong reading Śaṃk
- -vat mfn. = ○mādin L
- pra-ḍmādikā f. a deflowered girl L.
- an imprudent or careless woman W
- pra-ḍmādita mfn. (fr. Caus.) trifled away, forfeited, lost R
- pra-ḍmādin mfn. negligent, careless, incautious, indifferent MBh. Kāv. &c
- drunken, intoxicated W
- insane ib
- (○di-tā f. Jātakam.)
- n. N. of the 47th (21st) year of a 60 years' cycle of Jupiter L. (cf. pra-nāthin)
- pra-√man (only Ā. 1. pl. pr. -manmahe), to think upon, excogitate RV. i, 62, 1
- pra-ḍmata mfn. thought out, excogitated, wise MW
- pra-ḍmataka m. N. of an ancient sage MBh
- pra-ḍmati (prá-), f. care, providence, protection
- provider, protector. RV. AV
- m. N. of a Ṛishi in the 10th Mauv-antara Hariv. (v. l. prām○)
- of a son of Cyavana and father of Ruru MBh
- of a prince (son of Janam-ejaya) R
- of a son of Prâṃśu BhP
- pra-mánas mfn. careful, tender AV
- pleased, cheerful, willing MBh. Kāv. (cf. pra-maṇas)
- pra-mantra m. or n. (?) a partic. high number Buddh. (cf. pra-mātra)
- pra-manyu mfn. incensed or enraged against (loc.) MBh
- very sad Daś
- pra-manth See pra-√math
- pra-manda ○danī, See under pra-√mad
- pra-maya. 2 See under pra-√mā and pra-√mī
- pra-mará See under pra-√mṛ
- pra-marda ○daka &c. See under pra-√mṛd
- prá-mahas mfn. of great might or splendour (said of Mitra-Varuṇa) RV
- pra-√mā Ā. -mimīte (Ved. inf. pra-mé
- Pass. -mīyate), to measure, mete out, estimate AV. ŚrS. MBh
- to form, create, make ready, arrange RV. MBh
- to form a correct notion of (acc.), understand, know MaitrUp. Hariv. Hit.: Caus. -māpayati, to cause correct knowledge, afford proof or authority MW. 1
- pra-ḍmaya m. (for 2. See under pra-√mī) measuring, measure L
- pra-mā́ f. basis, foundation AV
- measure, scale RV
- right measure, true knowledge, correct notion Prab. Kap. Tarkas. IW. 59 &c
- a kind of metre RPrāt
- -tva n. accuracy of perception Bhāshāp
- -tva-cihna n. N. of wk
- pramāṇa n. (ifc. f. ā) measure, scale, standard
- measure of any kind (as size, extent, circumference, length, distance, weight, multitude, quantity, duration) KātyŚr. KaṭhUp. Mn. &c. (instr. 'on an average' Jyot.)
- prosodical length (of a vowel) Pāṇ. 1-1, 50 Sch
- measure in music MBh. (Nīlak.)
- accordance of the movements in dancing with music and song Saṃgīt
- measure of physical strength Śak. (cf. comp. below)
- the first term in a rule of three sum Col
- the measure of a square i.e. a side of it, Śulbas
- principal, capital (opp. to interest) Col
- right measure, standard, authority GṛŚrS. Mn. MBh. &c. (pramāṇam bhavatī, 'your ladyship is the authority or must judge' Nal
- in this sense also m. and f. sg. and pl., e.g. vedāḥ pramāṇāḥ, 'the Vedas are authorities' MBh
- strī pramāṇī yeṣām, 'they whose authority is a woman Pāṇ. Sch.)
- a means of acquiring Pramā or certain knowledge (6 in the Vedânta, viz. pratyakṣa, perception by the senses
- anumāna, inference
- upamāna, analogy or comparison
- śabda or āpta-vacana, verbal authority, revelation
- an-upalabdhi or abhāva-pratyakṣa, non-perception or negative proof
- arthâpatti, inference from circumstances
- the Nyāya admits only 4, excluding the last two
- the Sāṃkhya only 3, viz. pratyakṣa, anumāna and śabda
- other schools increase the number to 9 by adding sambhava, equivalence
- aitihya, tradition or fallible testimony
- and ceṣṭā, gesture IW. 60 &c. &c.)
- any proof or testimony or evidence Yājñ. MBh. Kāv. &c
- a correct notion, right perception (= pramā) Tarkas
- oneness, unity L
- = nitya L
- m. (cf. n.) N. of a large fig-tree on the bank of the Ganges MBh
- (ī), f. (cf. n.) N. of a metre Col
- ○kuśala mfn. skilful in arguing Kap
- ○koṭi f. the point in an argument which is regarded as actual proof Sarvad
- ○khaṇḍana n
- ○jāla n. N. of wks
- ○jña mfn. knowing the modes of proof A
- m. N. of Śiva Śivag
- ○ṭīkā f
- ○tattva n. N. of wks
- ○tara n. a greater authority than (abl.
- -tva n.) L
- ○tas ind. according to measure or weight Mn. viii, 137
- according to proof or authority. W
- ○tā f
- ○tva n. authority, warranty MBh. (the latter also 'correctness' Nīlak.)
- ○darpaṇa m. N. of wk
- ○dṛṣṭa mfn. sanctioned by authority Kap
- demonstrable Ml
- ○nāma-mālā f
- ○nirṇaya m. N. of wks
- ○pattra n. a written warrant MW
- ○patha m. the way of proof (acc. with na and ava-√tṝ, 'not to admit of proof') Sarvad
- ○padârtha m. N. of wk
- ○paddhati f. = -patha (○tiṃ na adhy-√ās = ○thaṃ na ava-√tṝ) Sarvad
- N. of wk
- ○pallava m. or n
- ○pārâyaṇa n. N. of wks
- ○puruṣa m. an umpire, arbitrator, judge Hit
- ○pramoda m. N. of wk
- ○pravīṇa mfn. skilful in arguing Prasannar
- ○bhakti f
- ○bhāṣya-ṭīkā f. N. of wks
- ○bhuta m. 'authoritative', N. of Śiva Śivag. (cf. -jña)
- ○mañjarī f
- ○mālā f. N. of wks
- ○yukta mfn. having the right measure Var
- ○ratnamālā f. N. of wk
- ○rāśi m. the quantity of the first term in a rule of three sum Āryabh
- ○lakṣaṇa n
- ○lakṣaṇa-parī7kṣā f. N. of wks
- ○vat mfn. established by proofs, well-founded Prab
- ○vākya n. authoritative statement authority Madhus
- ○vārttika n
- ○viniścaya m. N. of wks
- ○śāstra n. any wk. of sacred authority, scripture MW
- ○saṃgraha m
- ○samuccaya m
- ○sāra m. (and ○ra-prakāśikā f.) N. of wks
- ○siddhi m. N. of a man Kathās
- ○sūtra n. a measuring cord Mṛicch
- ○stha mfn. of normal size Hcat
- being in a normal state or condition, imperturbed Hariv
- pramāṇâdarśa m. N. of a drama
- pramāṇâdi-nirūpaṇa n. and N. of wks
- pramāṇâdi-prakāśikā f. N. of wks
- pramāṇâdhika mfn. being beyond measure, excessive, unnaturally strong Śak
- longer than (comp.) Mṛicch
- pramāṇânurūpa mfn. corresponding to (a person's) physical strength Śak
- pramāṇântara n. another means of proof (-tā f.) Bhāshāp
- pramāṇâbhāva m. absence of proof, want of authority W
- pramāṇâbhyadhika mfn. exceeding in size, bigger Pañcat
- pramāṇâyāma-tas ind. according to size and length MBh
- pramāṇaka (ifc.) = pramāṇa, measure, quantity, extent MBh
- argument, proof. Kull
- (ikā), f. a kind of metre Chandom
- pramāṇaya Nom. P. ○yati, to regard or set up a person (acc.) as an authority in (loc.) Hit
- to use as evidence Sarvad
- praḍmāṇita mfn. adjusted Car
- proved, demonstrated, shown clearly Rājat
- pramāṇī in comp. for ○ṇa
- ○karaṇa n. setting up or quoting as an authority Pat
- ○kṛta mfn. meted out for or apportioned to (gen.)
- regarded as authority, conformed to Kālid. Kathās. Rājat
- regarded as evidence R
- ○bhūta mfn. become or regarded as an authority or proof W
- pra-mātṛ mfn. (for 2. See col. 2) one who has a correct notion or idea, authority, performer of (the mental operation resulting in a) true conception Kap. Sch. Vedântas. Sarvad
- (-tā f. Sarvad
- -tva n. Śaṃk.)
- a partic. class of officials Inscr
- pra-ḍmāpaka mfn. proving Sarvad
- m. an authority MW. 1
- pra-ḍmāpaṇa n. (for 2. See col. 2) form, shape MBh
- pra-mita mfn. meted out, measured KātyŚr. (ifc. measuring, of such and such measure or extent or size Var
- cf. māsa-pram○)
- limited, moderate, little, few Var. Kathās
- that about which a correct notion has been formed Śaṃk
- known, understood, established, proved W
- m. N. of a teacher VP
- ○tâkṣara n. pl. 'measured syllables', few words Kathās
- (ā), f. N. of a metre Śrutab
- ○tâbha m. pl. 'of limited splendour', N. of a class of gods in the 5th Manv-antara VP
- pra-ḍmiti f. a correct notion, right conception, knowledge gained or established by Pramāṇa or proof Nyāyas. Sch. Sarvad
- manifestation BhP
- inference or analogy W
- measuring ib
- pra-ḍmeya mfn. to be measured, measurable (also = limited, small, insignificant Naish.), to be ascertained or proved, provable MBh. Kāv. &c
- that of which a correct notion should be formed Vedântas
- n. (ifc. f. ā) an object of certain knowledge, the thing to be proved or the topic to be discussed Kap. Sch. Vedântas. MBh. R. (cf. IW. 63)
- -kamala-mārtaṇḍa m. -ṭīkā f. -tattvabodha m. N. of wks
- -tva n. provableness, demons-rability Tarkas
- -dīpikā f. -nava-mālikā f. -pariccheda m. -mālā f. -muktâvalī f. -ratnâvalī f. -saṃgraha m. -saṃgraha-vivaraṇa n. -sāra m. -sāra-saṃgraha m. N. of wks.
- pra-mātavya See pra-√mī below
- pra-mātṛ f. (for 1. See col. 1) the mother's mother VP
- pra-mātāmaha m. a maternal great-grandfather GobhŚrāddh. AgP. (v. l. ○mātṛ-kāmaha)
- (ī), f. a maternal great-grandmother W
- pra-mātra m. or n. (?) a partic. high number Buddh
- pra-mātha &c. See pra-√math
- pra-mā́da &c. See pra-√mad
- pra-māpaṇa See pra-√mā
- pra-māpaṇa &c. See pra-√mī
- pra-mārá See pra-√mṛ
- pra-mārjaka &c. See pra-√mṛj
- pra-mi √1. P. Ā. -minoti, -minute, to erect, build KaushUp
- to judge, observe, perceive
- Sāh. Nyāyad. Comm. Suśr. (ind. p. pra-māya). 2
- pra-ḍmita n. (for 1. See col. 1) a hall KaushUp
- pra-√mid P. Ā. -medyati, -medate, to begin to become fat L
- pra-ḍminna mfn. one who has begun to become fat Pāṇ. 7-2, 17
- pra-ḍmedita mfn. id. ib
- one who has begun to show affection Bhaṭṭ. (-vat mfn. id. Pāṇ. 1-2, 19)
- being or made unctuous, unctuous, greasy MW
- pra-√mih P. -mehati, to make water, pass urine MBh
- pra-ḍmīḍha mfn. passed as urine
- thick, compact L
- pra-ḍmeha m. urinary disease (N. applied to all urinary disease, of which there are 21 varieties including diabetes, gleet, gonorrhoea &c.) Suśr. Var. &c
- pra-ḍmehaṇa mfn. causing flow of urine Kauś. (others ○mehana n. 'the penis')
- pra-ḍmehin mfn. suffering from urinary disease Suśr
- pra-√mī P. -mināti (-mīṇāti Pāṇ. 8-4, 15
- -miṇoti BhP
- Ved. inf. -míyam, -míye and -metos, below.), to frustrate, annul, destroy, annihilate RV. AV. BhP
- to change, alter RV
- to neglect, transgress, infringe ib
- to miss, lose (one's way or time), forget ib. ŚBr
- to cause to disappear, put out of sight RV
- to leave behind, outstrip, surmount, surpass ib. Bhaṭṭ.: (Ā. or Pass. -mīyate aor. Subj. -meṣṭhāḥ) to come to naught, perish, die AV. &c. &c.: Caus. -māpayati, to destroy, annihilate, kill, slay Nir. Mn. Yājñ. &c
- to cause to kill Yājñ
- pra-maya m. (for 1. See pra-√mā) or f. (only L.) ruin, downfall, death Kāṭh. Rājat. Kathās
- pra-ḍmayā f. (only L.) ruin, downfall, death Kāṭh. Rājat. Kathās
- killing, slaughter W
- pra-ḍmayú mfn. liable to be lost or destroyed, perishable AV
- pra-mātavya mfn. to be slain MBh
- pra-māpaṇa mf(ī)n. (fr. Caus
- for 1. See col. 1) murdering, a murderer Yājñ
- n. (also ○māpana L.) slaughter Mn. Yājñ. MBh. &c
- pra-ḍmāpayitṛ mfn. causing to perish
- -tva n. destructiveness, murderousness Śaṃk. on ChUp
- pra-ḍmāpita mfn. destroyed, killed, slain Rājat
- pra-ḍmāpin mfn. destroying, killing W
- pra-māyu (Ṣaḍv Br.) or (TS. Br. ĀśvGṛ.), mfn. liable to destruction, perishable, dying away
- pra-ḍmā́yuka (TS. Br. ĀśvGṛ.), mfn. liable to destruction, perishable, dying away
- pra-míyam (Ved. inf.), to miss, lose RV. iv, 55, 7
- pra-míyaḍmíye (Ved. inf.), to frustrate, annihilate ib. iv, 54, 4
- pra-mī mfn. in vā́ta-p○, q.v
- pra-ḍmīṇat mfn. injuring, killing
- overcoming, subduing W
- pra-ḍmīta mfn. deceased, dead Kāṭh. TS. Mn. MBh
- immolated L
- m. an animal immolated A
- -patikā f. (a wife) whose husband is dead, a widow Mn
- pra-ḍmīti f. ruin, destruction Nir
- pra-ḍmīya mfn. See a-p○
- pra-ḍmetos (Ved. inf.), to perish TBr
- pra-mīḍha See pra-√mih above
- pra-√mīl P. -mīlati, to close or shut the eyes Gīt
- pra-ḍmīlaka m. (Bhpr. Car.),
- pra-ḍmīlikā f. (Car.) shutting the eyes, sleepiness
- pra-ḍmīlā f. (ifc. f. ā) id. Naish
- lassitude, enervation, exhaustion from indolence or fatigue W
- N. of a woman (sovereign of a kingdom of women) A
- pra-ḍmīlita mfn. one who has the eyes closed, with closed eyes MBh
- pra-ḍmīlin m. N. of a demon (who causes closed eyes or faintness) AV
- pra-√mīv P. -mīvati, to push towards, press
- to instigate, incite TS. ŚBr.
- pra-mukti See pra-√muc below
- pra-mukha mfn. turning the face towards, facing (acc.) R
- first, foremost, chief, principal, most excellent Hit
- (generally ifc
- f. ā) having as foremost or chief, headed or preceded by, accompanied by or with [cf. prīti-p○
- vasiṣṭhap○] MBh. Kāv
- honourable, respectable L
- m. a chief, respectable man, sage W
- a heap, multitude L
- Rottleria Tinctoria L
- n. the mouth MW
- commencement (of a chapter) BṛĀrUp. Śaṃk
- time being, the present, the same time Pratāp
- (ibc. or e ind.) before the face of, in front of, before, opposite to (with gen. or comp.) MBh. Kāv
- (with √kṛ) to cause to go before or precede R
- ○tas ind. at the head of, in front of, before the face of, before, opposite to (with gen. or ifc.) MBh. Hariv
- before all others, first, in the first place BhP
- ○tā f. or superiority, predominance W
- ○tva n. superiority, predominance W
- pra-mugdha See pra-√muh
- pra-√muc P. Ā. -muñcati, ○te, to set free, let go, liberate, release from (abl.) RV. AitBr. MBh. Yājñ
- to loosen, loose, untie, unbind, undo RV. ŚBr. KātyŚr. ChUp
- to rid one's self of (gen.), escape R
- (ind. p. -mucya, having liberated one's self from abl. ChUp.)
- to drive away, banish, shake off RV. VS. TBr. MBh
- to give up, resign, renounce MBh. R
- to discharge, emit, throw out, shed AV. MBh. R. &c
- to hurl, fling, throw, shoot MBh. Kathās
- to utter MW
- to throw or put on (as a garland &c.) ib
- to lend, bestow MBh. R.: Pass. -mucyate, to free one's self from (abl. or instr.) Mn. MBh. BhP. &c
- to be loosened, become loose or detached, fall off (as fruits) ŚBr. MBh
- to leave off, cease ŚBr. KaṭhUp.: Caus. -mocayati, to liberate from (abl.) MBh
- to loosen, untie Ragh. Sch.: Desid. -mumukṣati, to be about to give up or resign MBh
- pra-mukta mfn. loosened, untied, released, liberated from (abl. or instr.) MBh. R
- free from (abl.) L
- forsaken, abandoned R
- given up, renounced ib
- discharged, thrown out, shed Var. Kāraṇḍ
- hurled, shot R
- pra-ḍmukti (prá-), f. liberation
- pl. N. of partic. sacred texts TBr. iii, 8, 18, 4
- pra-muca (MBh. MārkP.) or (R.) ?or (R.) ?or (MBh. Hariv.), m. N. of a Ṛishi
- pra-muḍci (R.) or (MBh. Hariv.), m. N. of a Ṛishi
- pra-muḍcu (MBh. Hariv.), m. N. of a Ṛishi
- pra-ḍmucyamānahoma m. pl. N. of partic. oblations accompanied with prayers beginning with pramucyamānaḥ Vait
- pra-moka m. liberation Śiś
- pra-ḍmoktavya mfn. to be liberated, to be set free MBh
- pra-ḍmocana mf(ī)n. liberating from (comp.) MBh. Hariv. MārkP
- (ī), f. a species of cucumber L
- n. setting free, the act of liberating from (comp.) Kathās. Kull
- discharging, emitting, shedding MBh. (Cf. unmocana-pramocaná.)
- pra-√mud Ā. -modate, to become joyful, rejoice greatly, exult, be delighted AV. &c. &c.: Caus. -modayati, to make glad, delight Mn. MBh. Hariv. Sāh
- pra-ḍmud mfn. pleased, happy L
- (○múd), f. gladness, delight, pleasure (esp. sensual plṭpleasure) RV. VS. ŚBr. MBh. Pañcat. (○mude-√bhū, to become a cause of delight)
- pra-ḍmudita mfn. delighted, pleased, glad VS. MBh. R. &c
- gladsome (said of the autumn) MBh
- wṛ. for pracudita (which m. c. for pra-codita) MBh
- (ā), f. (with Buddhists) N. of one of the 10 Bhūmis Dharmas. 64
- n. gladness, gaiety Var. Kathās
- N. of one of the 8 Sāṃkhya perfections Sāṃkhyak. Sch
- -pralamba-sunayana m. N. of a Gandharva prince L
- -vat mfn. pleased Kathās
- -vadanā f. N. of a metre Col
- -hṛdaya mfn. delighted in heart Gīt
- pra-modá m. (also pl
- ifc. f. ā) excessive joy, delight, gladness VS. Up. MBh. &c
- (also n.) one of the 8 Sāṃkhya perfections Tattvas. Sāṃkhyak. Sch
- (with Jainas) joy as exhibited in the virtuous HYog
- Pleasure personified Hariv. (as a child of Brahmā VP.)
- the 4th year in a 60 years' cycle of Jupiter VarBṛS. viii, 29
- a strong perfume BhP
- a kind of rice Gal
- N. of a being attendant upon Skanda MBh
- of a Nāga ib
- of an author Cat
- of sev. men VP. Rājat
- -cārin wṛ. for pramāda-c○, q.v
- -tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha W
- -nṛtya n. joyous dancing, a joyful dance MW
- ○modâḍhyā f. a partic. plant, = aja-modā Gal
- pra-ḍmodaka m. a kind of rice (= ṣaṣṭikā) Suśr. Car
- N. of a man Mudr
- pra-ḍmodana mfn. making glad, exhilarating MBh.
- m. N. of a Ṛishi R
- n. making glad ib
- gladness, joyousness ib. (cf. sa-p○)
- pra-ḍmodam ind., in uccaiḥ-p○, with loud expressions of joy Prab
- pra-ḍmodamāna n. (Sāṃkhyak. Sch.) or (Tattvas.), 'rejoicing' N. of one of the 8 Sāṃkhya perfections (cf. sadā-pramudita)
- pra-modámānā f. (Tattvas.), 'rejoicing' N. of one of the 8 Sāṃkhya perfections (cf. sadā-pramudita)
- pra-ḍmodita mfn. delighted, rejoiced MW
- m. N. of Kubera L
- (ā), f. N. of one of the 8 Sāṃkhya perfections Tattvas
- pra-ḍmodín mfn. causing excessive joy, delighting AV
- delighted, happy W
- m. a kind of rice (= ○modaka) Vāgbh
- (inī), f. Odina Wodier (= jiṅginī) Bhpr
- pra-√murch P. -mūrchati, to become thick or solid, congeal ŚBr
- pra-√muṣ P. -muṣṇāti, to steal away, rob, carry off, take away RV. ŚBr. PārGṛ. &c
- pra-ḍmuṣita mfn. stolen or taken away (also ○muṣṭa) BhP
- distracted, beside one's self ib. Kathās
- (ā), f. a kind of riddle Cat
- pra-moṣa m. stealing or taking away BhP
- pra-√muh P. -muhyati, to become bewildered or infatuated MBh
- to faint, swoon ib. Suśr.: Caus. -mohayati, to be wilder, infatuate MBh
- pra-ḍmugdha mfn. unconscious, fainting Uttarar. Mālatīm
- very charming Pañcar
- pra-ḍmūḍha mfn. bewildered, unconscious MBh. Hariv. Uttarar
- infatuated, foolish MuṇḍUp. ŚārṅgP
- disjointed MBh
- -saṃjña mfn. having the mind perplexed, bewildered, infatuated R
- pra-ḍmoha m. bewilderment, infatuation MBh. Suśr. Uttarar
- insensibility, fainting W
- -citta mf(ā)n. bewildered in mind MBh
- pra-ḍmohana mf(ī)n. bewildering the mind MBh. Hariv
- pra-ḍmohita mfn. bewildered, infatuated MBh
- pra-ḍmohin mfn. (ifc.) bewildering, infatuating ib
- pra-mūtrita mfn. begun to be urined (n. impers.) Subh. Sch
- pra-mūra in á-p○, q.v
- pra-√mūrch See pra-√murch
- pra-mūṣikā f. the external corner of the eye VarBṛS. lviii, 7 Comm
- pra-√mṛ Caus. P. -mārayati, to put to death ŚBr
- pra-ḍmará m. death RV
- pra-ḍmaraṇa n. dying, death BṛĀrUp. Śaṃk
- pra-ḍmārá m. dying AV
- pra-ḍmṛta mfn. deceased, dead MBh
- withdrawn or gone out of sight
- covered, concealed W
- n. death MBh. MārkP
- tillage, cultivation (as causing the death of many beings) Mn. iv, 4, 5 (cf. x, 83)
- pra-ḍmṛtaka mfn. dead BhP
- pra-mṛgam ind. (√mṛg), g. tiṣṭhadgv-ādi
- pra-mṛgaḍmṛgya mfn. to be sought or searched after
- peculiarly adapted to or fitted for (dat.) Kām
- pra-√mṛj P. -mārṣṭi (-mārjati, ○te MBh
- -mārjayati Suśr.), to wipe, wipe off, wash off, clean, cleanse Kāṭh. ŚBr. GṛŚrS. &c
- to rub, pass the hand over, rub gently, stroke MBh. R
- to wipe out, wash out, remove, expel, rid one's self of ib. GopBr. Kāv. &c
- to render unavailing, frustrate (as a wish) Rājat
- to destroy AitBr
- to make ready, prepare MW
- pra-ḍmārjaka mfn. wiping off, causing to disappear, removing MBh
- pra-ḍmārjana n. the act of rubbing off, wiping off Suśr
- (aśru-p○, the wiping away or drying of tears, consoling MBh. R. Hariv. Kām
- weeping MBh.)
- causing to disappear, removing Kāvyâd
- pra-mṛṣṭa mfn. rubbed off, cleaned, polished MBh. Mālav. &c
- rubbed with (instr.) R
- wiped away, removed, expelled Ragh
- given up, left Hariv. (v. l. prasṛṣṭa)
- pra-mṛḍa mfn. gracious, making glad or happy BhP
- pra-√mṛṇ P. -mṛṇati, to crush, destroy RV
- pra-ḍmṛṇá mf(ā́)n. destroying, crushing RV. TBr
- pra-mṛta &c. See pra-√mṛ
- pra-√mṛd P. -mṛdnāti, to crush down, bruise, destroy, ravage, devastate MBh. R. Hariv. &c
- pra-ḍmarda m. N. of a partic. position of the moon in the Nakshatras Sūryapr
- pra-ḍmardaka mfn. crushing down, crushing, destroying Lalit.
- m. N. of a demon ib
- pra-ḍmardana mfn. crushing down, crushing, destroying MBh. R. Hariv
- expelling Suśr
- m. N. of Vishṇu MBh
- of an attendant of Śiva L
- of a demon causing disease Hariv
- of a Vidyā-dhara Kathās
- of a general-officer of Śambara Hariv
- n. crushing, destroying ib
- pra-ḍmardita mfn. (fr. Caus.) crushed, bruised R
- pra-ḍmarditṛ mfn. one who crushes, a destroyer MBh
- pra-ḍmardin mfn. (ifc.) crushing, destroying Hariv
- pra-√mṛś P. -mṛśati, to lay hold of touch, handle AV. ŚBr. Kathās. (to reflect, consider, deliberate Mahīdh.)
- pra-ḍmṛśá mfn. laying hold of, handling VS. (= paṇḍita Mahīdh.)
- pra-ḍmṛṣṭi f. rubbing over with (comp.) Hcar
- pra-√mṛṣ (only pf. -mamarṣa aor. -marṣiṣṭhāḥ, and inf. -mṛ́ṣe), to forget, neglect (with acc. or dat.) RV. (to destroy Sāy.)
- pra-ḍmṛṣya mfn. in a-pramṛṣyá, q.v
- pra-√mṝ P. -mṛṇāti (cf. pra-mṛṇ), to crush, destroy RV. AV
- prá-mūrṇa mfn. crushed, destroyed AV
- pra-mé ind. See under pra-√mā
- pra-metos See under pra-√mī
- pra-medita See pra-√mid
- pra-meya See p. 686, col. 1
- pra-meha &c. See under pra-√mih
- pra-moka &c. See pra-√muc
- pra-mokṣa m. (√mokṣ) letting fall, dropping, losing R
- discharging, dismissing, liberation, liberation from (comp.)
- final deliverance MBh. R
- pra-ḍmokṣaka m. N. of a mountain Divyâv
- of a serpent demon L
- pra-ḍmokṣaṇa n. the end of an eclipse Var
- pra-móta (perhaps fr. √mīv), a partic. kind of disease (others, mfn. mute') AV. ix, 8, 4
- pra-moda &c. See pra-√mud
- pra-moṣa See pra-√muṣ
- pra-moha &c. See pra-√muh
- pra-√mrad (only Ved. inf. -mradé), to destroy, kill ŚBr. (cf. pra-mṛd)
- pra-√mluc P. -mlocati, to go down, sink down ŚBr
- pra-ḍmlócantī (VS.) or (MBh. Hariv. Pur.), f. N. of an Apsaras
- pra-ḍmlocā (MBh. Hariv. Pur.), f. N. of an Apsaras
- pra-√mlai P. -mlāyati, to fade or wither away Bhaṭṭ. Kuval
- to be sad or dejected or languid A
- pramlāna mfn. faded, withered MBh. R. Kām. Ragh
- soiled, dirty Prab
- ○vadana mfn. having a sickly-looking face MBh
- ○śarīra mfn. withered in body, having an exhausted frame Var
- pramlānī-√bhū P. -bhavati, to fade away Pañcar
- pra-√yakṣ P. Ā. -yakṣati, ○te (inf. -yákṣe), to hasten forward, press onward, be eager
- (with acc.) to strive after, pursue, attain RV
- pra-ḍyakṣa (prá-), mfn. eager, strenuous (?) RV. i, 62, 6 (= pūjya Sāy.)
- pra-√yaj P. Ā. -yajati, ○te (inf. -yájadhyai), to worship, sacrifice to (acc.) RV
- to offer the Prayāja sacrifice (cf. below) TS
- pra-ḍyáj f. an offering, oblation AV
- pra-ḍyajyu (prá-), mfn. worshipful, adorable RV. (= prakarṣeṇa pūjya Sāy
- others 'pressing onwards, rushing on')
- prayāga m. 'place of sacrifice', N. of a celebrated place of pilgrimage (now called Allāhābād) at the confluence of the Gaṅgā and Yamunā with the supposed subterranean Sarasvatī (also -ka AgP
- cf. tri-veṇī
- ifc. also in Deva-pṭpilgrimage, Rudra-pṭpilgrimage, Karṇa pilgrimage and Nanda-pṭpilgrimage) Mn. MBh. &c. (cf. RTL. 375
- as N. of a country Priy. i, 3/4
- pl. the inhabitants of Prayāga MBh.)
- a sacrifice L
- a horse L. (cf. pra-yoga)
- N. of Indra L
- N. of a man (also -ka) Rājat
- ○kṛtya n. N. of ch. of the Tristhalī-setu (q.v.)
- ○tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha SkandaP
- ○dāsa m. N. of 2 men Cat
- ○prakaraṇa n
- ○praghaṭṭaka m. or n. (?) N. of chs. of the Tristhalī-setu.
- ○bhaya m. 'fearing sacrifice', N. of Indra L
- ○māhātmya n
- ○ratna-kroḍa m
- ○rājâṣṭaka n. N. of wks
- ○vana n. N. of a forest R
- ○setu m. N. of wk
- prayājá m. 'pre-sacrifice', preliminary offering (cf. anu-yāja, q.v.), N. of partic. texts or invocations, and of the Ājya libations at which they are employed (they form part of the Prâyaṇīya or introductory ceremony in a Soma sacrifice and are generally 5, but also 9 and 11 in number) RV. TS. VS. Br. GṛŚrS
- a principal ceremony or sacrifice W
- ○tva n. the state or condition of a Prayāja Kapishṭh
- ○vat (○yājá-), mfn. accompanied by a Prayāja TS
- prayājânuyājá m. pl. preliminary offering and after-sacrifice AitBr
- prayājâhuti f. the offering of a PṭPrayāja ib
- prayājyā f. (also pl.) the words spoken at the moment of offering the Prayājyā TBr. Sch
- pra-√yat Ā. -yatate, to be active or effective TBr. (ep. also P. ○ti)
- to strive, endeavour, exert one's self, devote or apply one's self to (loc., dat., acc., arthe, artham, hetos, or inf.) ŚrS. Mn. MBh. &c
- pra-ḍyatana n. effort, endeavour (used to explain pra-yatna) Pat
- pra-ḍyatita n. (impers.) pains have been taken with (loc.) MBh
- pra-ḍyatitavya n. (impers.) pains have to be taken with (loc.) R. Bālar. Car
- pra-ḍyatta mfn. intent, eager Bhartṛ
- pra-ḍyattavya n. (impers.) = ○yatitavya Nal
- pra-ḍyatna m. persevering effort, continued exertion or endeavour, exertion bestowed on (loc. or comp.), activity, action, act Mn. MBh. &c. (instr. sg. and pl. abl. and -tas ind. with special effort, zealously, diligently, carefully
- ○tna ibc. and ○tnāt ind. also = hardly, scarcely)
- great care, caution Pañcat
- (in phil.) active efforts (of 3 kinds, viz. engaging in any act, prosecuting it, and completing it)
- pl. volitions (one of the 17 qualities of the Vaiśeshikas) IW. 68
- (in gram.) effort in uttering, mode of articulation (also āsya-pray○, distinguished into ābhyantara-p○ and bāhya-p○, internal and external effort) Prāt. Pāṇ. 1-1, 9 Sch
- (ā), f. N. of a partic. Śruti Saṃgīt
- -cchid mfn. frustrating a person's (gen.) efforts Mudr
- -prêkṣaṇīya mfn. hardly visible Śak
- -muktâsana mfn. rising with difficulty from a seat Ragh
- -vat mfn. assiduous, diligent, persevering Kām
- ○tnânanda m. N. of wk
- pra-√yabh P. -yabhati, futuere TBr
- pra-√yam P. Ā. -yacchati, ○te, to hold out towards, stretch forth, extend RV. AV
- to place upon (loc.) MBh
- to offer, present, give, grant, bestow, deliver, despatch, send, effect, produce, cause (with dat., gen. or loc. of pers. and acc. of thing) RV. &c. &c. (with vikrayeṇa, to sell
- with uttaram, to answer
- with śāpam, to pronounce a curse
- with yuddham, to give battle, fight
- with viṣam, to administer poison
- with buddhau, to set forth or present to the mind)
- to restore, pay (a debt), requite (a benefit) Mn. MBh. &c
- to give (a daughter) in marriage AitBr. ĀśvGṛ. Mn. &c
- prá-yata mfn. outstretched, far-extended RV. AV
- placed upon (loc.) RV
- offered, presented, given, granted, bestowed RV. &c. &c
- piously disposed, intent on devotion, well prepared for a solemn rite (with loc. or ifc.), ritually pure (also applied to a vessel and a place Āpast. R.), selfsubdued, dutiful, careful, prudent KaṭhUp. Mn. MBh. &c
- m. a holy or pious person W
- -tā f. -tva n. purity, holiness MBh
- -dakṣiṇa (práy○), mfn. one who has made presents (to the priests at a sacrifice), a giver, donor RV
- -parigraha-dvitīya mfn. accompanied by a pious or chaste wife MW
- -mānasa mfn. pious-minded, devout, ascetic MBh
- ○tâtman or ○tâtma-vat mfn. id. Mn. R
- prá-ḍyati (prá-), f. offering, gift, donation RV
- intention, will, effort, exertion ib. VS
- prá-ḍyantṛ́ mfn. one who offers or presents, a giver, bringer (with gen. or acc.) RV
- a guide, driver (gaja-, of elephants) MBh
- prá-ḍyamaṇa n. purification Āpast
- prá-ḍyāma m. dearth, scarcity (= nīvāka) L
- checking, restraining W
- extension, length (in space or time) Jātakam
- progress ib
- prá-ḍyāmya mfn. to be checked or controlled ib
- pra-√yas P. -yásyati (cf. Pāṇ. 3-1, 71), to begin to bubble AV
- to endeavour, labour, strive after (dat.) Naish
- pra-ḍyasta (prá-), mfn. bubbling over RV. AV
- striving, eager Śak
- well cooked or prepared L. (cf. 2. práyas)
- pra-ḍyāsá m. exertion, effort, pains, trouble (ibc., with loc. or gen., -arthāya or -nimittena) VS. TS. Kāv. &c. (cf. a-prayāsena)
- high degree Jātakam
- -bhāj mfn. capable of exertion, active, energetic W
- pra-ḍyāsita n. (fr. Caus.) effort, exertion Mālatīm. (v. l. ā-yāsita)
- práyas n. (√prī) pleasure, enjoyment, delight RV. (prā́yase, iv, 21, 7 = práyase)
- object of delight, pleasant food or drink, dainties, libations (práyāṃsi nadī́nām, 'refreshing waters') ib
- mfn. valuable, precious (?) W
- ○vat (práyas-), mfn. having or bestowing pleasant food, offering libations RV. (○svanto'trayaḥ, N. of the authors of v, 20)
- n. N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr
- prayo-gá (Padap. pra-yóga), mfn. (for 2 under. pra-√yuj) coming to a meal RV. x, 7, 5 (Sāy. = pra-yoktavya)
- m. N. of a Ṛishi TS
- (with bhārgava) author of RV. viii, 91 Anukr
- pra-√yā P. -yāti, to go forth, set out, progress, advance towards or against, go or repair to (acc., also with accha, or prati, or loc.) RV. &c. &c
- to walk, roam, wander MBh. Kāv. &c
- to part, go asunder, be dispersed, pass away, vanish, die ib
- to get into a partic. state or condition, enter, undergo, incur (acc.) ib
- to proceed i.e. behave Bhartṛ. (v. l.)
- to cause to go i.e. to lead into (acc.) Hcat.: Caus. -yāpayati, to cause to set out ŚBr. (cf. Pāṇ. 8-4, 29 ; 30 Sch.): Desid. -yiyāsati, to wish to set out ib.: Caus. of Desid. -yiyāsayati, to cause a person to wish to set out Bhaṭṭ
- pra-yā́ f. onset RV
- pra-yā́ṇa n. (Kāś. on Pāṇ. 8-4, 29) setting out, starting, advancing, motion onwards, progress, journey, march, invasion RV. &c. &c. (with gardabhena, 'riding on an ass' Pañcat.)
- departure, death (cf. prâṇa-pray○)
- onset, beginning, commencement Kāṭh. ŚBr
- -kāla m. time of departure, death Bhag
- -paṭaha m. a drum beaten while marching Hcar
- -purī f. N. of a town (○rī-māhātmya n. N. of wk.)
- -bhaṅga m. the breaking or suspending of a journey, a halt Pañcat
- -vicāra m. N. of wk
- ○ṇârha mfn. deserving death W
- pra-ḍyāṇaka n. a journey, march Kāv. Pañcat. &c. (cf. a-pray○)
- pra-ḍyāṇi See a-prayāṇi
- pra-ḍyāṇīya or mfn. Pāṇ. 8-4, 30 Sch
- pra-ḍyānīya mfn. Pāṇ. 8-4, 30 Sch
- pra-ḍyāta mfn. set out, gone, advanced MaitrUp. R. &c
- arrived at, come to (acc.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- gone or passed away, vanished, deceased, dead Kathās
- pra-ḍyātavya mfn. to be attacked or assailed MBh
- n. (impers.) one should set out ib. R. Kathās
- pra-ḍyātṛ m. one who goes or can go or fly Kathās
- setting out on a march or journey Var
- pra-ḍyātrā f. See prāyātrika
- pra-ḍyāpaṇa or n. (fr. Caus.) Pāṇ. 8-4, 30 Sch
- pra-ḍyāpana n. (fr. Caus.) Pāṇ. 8-4, 30 Sch
- pra-ḍyāpaṇi See a-prayāpaṇi
- pra-ḍyāpaṇīya or mfn. Pāṇ. 8-4, 30 Sch
- pra-ḍyāpanīya mfn. Pāṇ. 8-4, 30 Sch
- pra-ḍyāpita mfn. driven or sent away, made to go or pass away W
- pra-ḍyāpin mfn. (du. ○piṇau or ○pinau) Pāṇ. 8-4, 30 Sch
- pra-ḍyāpya mfn. to be caused to go, to be sent away AitBr
- pra-ḍyāpyamāṇa or mfn. Pāṇ. 8-4, 30 Sch
- pra-ḍyāpyamāna mfn. Pāṇ. 8-4, 30 Sch
- pra-ḍyāman (prá-), n. setting out, start RV
- pra-ḍyāyin mfn. (du. ○yeṇau Kāś. on Pāṇ. 8-4, 29) going forwards, marching, driving, riding MBh. R
- pra-ḍyāvan See vṛṣa and supra-yāvan
- pra-ḍyíyu mfn. (fr. Desid.) used for driving (as a horse) RV. (Nir. iv, 15)
- pra-yāga ○yāja, See pra-√yaj
- pra-√yāc P. Ā. -yācati, ○te, to ask for, beg, solicit, request (with acc. of pers. and thing) MBh. Hariv. R
- pra-ḍyācaka mfn. asking, requesting, imploring (with artham ifc.) MBh
- pra-ḍyācana n. asking, begging, imploring ib
- pra-yāṇa &c. See under pra-√yā
- pra-yāsa See under pra-√yas
- pra-yu √1. (only aor. Subj. -yoṣat), to remove, keep away RV. viii, 31, 17. 1
- pra-ḍyuta (prá-), mfn. absent in mind, inattentive, heedless, careless (cf. a-pray○) RV. VS
- (pra-yúta), n. (also m. Siddh.) a million VS. &c. &c. (cf. 2. ayúta)
- pra-ḍyuti (prá-), f. absence (with manasaḥ = thoughtlessness) RV
- pra-ḍyutvan See á-prayutvan
- pra-ḍyotṛ́ m. a remover, expeller RV
- pra-yu √2. P. -yauti, to stir, mingle TS. MaitrS
- to disturb, destroy Nir
- pra-ḍyút mfn. stirring, mingling TBr., 2
- pra-ḍyuta (prá-), mfn. mingled with (instr.) MānŚr
- confused (as a dream) MānGṛ
- destroyed, annihilated MaitrS
- m. N. of a Deva-gandharva MBh
- ○têśvara-tīrtha n. N. of a place of pilgrimage SkandaP.
- pra-ḍyuvana n. stirring, mingling Hcat
- pra-√yuch P. -yucchati, to be absent
- (with or scil. manasā) to be absent in mind, be careless or heedless RV
- pra-√yuj Ā. -yuṅkte (rarely P. -yunakti
- Pāṇ. 1-3, 64), to yoke or join or harness to (loc.) RV
- to unite with (instr.) AV
- to turn (the mind) to (loc.) RV
- to prepare for (dat.) ib
- to set in motion, throw, cast (also dice), discharge, hurl at (loc. or dat.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- to utter, pronounce, speak, recite ib
- to fix, place in or on (loc.) BhP
- to direct, order, urge to (dat. or loc.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- to choose for (two acc.) Kum
- to lead towards, bring into (acc.) BhP
- to use, employ, practise, display, exhibit, perform, accomplish, contrive, do Br. &c. &c
- to undertake, commence, begin Vait. R
- to cause, effect, produce Kum. BhP. Sarvad
- to represent on the stage, act Mṛicch. Kālid
- to lend (for use or interest) Mn. Yājñ.: Pass. -yujyate, to be fit or suitable, conduce to (dat.) Kāv. Pañcat.: Caus. -yojayati, to throw, discharge, hurl at or against (loc.) MBh
- to utter, pronounce R
- to show, display, exhibit BhP
- (with manas) to concentrate the mind ŚvetUp
- to urge, direct, appoint to (loc.) MBh. BhP
- to transfer or entrust to (dat.) MBh
- to undertake, begin Kām
- to represent on the stage Hariv. Sāh
- to cause to be represented by (instr.) Uttarar
- to use, employ MBh. Kām. Suśr. &c
- to perform, practise Mn. iii, 112
- (with vṛddhim) to take interest ib. x, 117
- (with prayogam) to invest capital SaddhP
- to be applicable, g. kṣubhnâdi
- to aim at, have in view Pāṇ. 6-3, 62 Sch.: Desid. -yuyukṣate, to wish to use, want, require Pat
- pra-yukta mfn. yoked, harnessed MBh. R. &c
- stirred (by wind) Ragh
- directed, thrown, hurled MBh. Kāv. &c
- drawn (as a sword) BhP
- vented (as anger) MBh
- uttered, pronounced, recited Up. Śiksh. &c
- urged, ordered, bidden Gobh. Bhag. &c
- used, employed, practised, performed, done Br. Kauś. MBh. &c
- undertaken, begun, contrived R. Mālav. Prab
- made, prepared Kum
- (n. impers.) behaved or acted towards (loc. or acc. with prati) Śak
- lent (on interest) Yājñ
- suitable, appropriate Pañcat. ( See a-pray○)
- resulting from (comp.) ib
- n. a cause W
- -tama mfn. most used AitBr
- -saṃskāra mfn. to which polish has been applied, polished (as a gem) Ragh
- pra-ḍyukti (prá-), f. impulse, motive RV
- setting in motion, employment TBr. Śaṃk. Rājat
- pra-ḍyuga n. orig. form of prau0ga (q.v.) Vprāt
- pra-yúj (prob.) f. a team RV
- impulse, motive VS. AV
- acquisition RV
- (○yujāṃ haviiṃṣi or ○yug-ghav○, N. of 12 oblations, one of which is offered each month ŚBr.)
- mfn. joining, connected with (lit. or fig., as a cause, motive &c.) W
- pra-ḍyoktavya mfn. to be thrown or discharged MBh
- to be used or employed, applicable, suitable ib. R. &c
- to be exhibited or represented Mālav
- to be uttered or pronounced or recited Śiksh. Śaṃk
- pra-ḍyoktṛ m. a hurler, shooter (of missiles) MBh. R
- an executor, agent (of an action) MBh. Ragh. &c
- an undertaker (of a sacrifice) KātyŚr. Sch
- a procurer MBh
- an employer ib. Kām
- an actor, mime Ragh
- a speaker, reciter RPrāt. Kāvyâd
- a performer (of music) R
- a composer, author, poet Uttarar
- a money-lender Yājñ. Sch
- -tā f. -tva n. the state or condition of an employer Sarvad
- pra-ḍyoktra n. harness Divyâv
- prayoga m. (for 1. See under 2. práyas, col. 1) joining together, connection Var
- position, addition (of a word) Vprāt. Pāṇ. (loc. often = in the case of Kāś. on Pāṇ. 1-4, 25 ; 26 &c.)
- hurling, casting (of missiles) MBh. R. &c
- offering, presenting Hariv
- undertaking, beginning, commencement ŚBr. ŚrS
- a design, contrivance, device, plan Mālav. Rājat
- application, employment (esp. of drugs or magic
- IW. 402, 1), use GṛŚrS. MBh. &c. (ena, āt and ○ga-tas ifc. = by means of)
- practice, experiment (opp. to, 'theory') Mālav
- a means (only ais, by use of means) MBh. Suśr
- (in gram.) an applicable or usual form Siddh. Vop
- exhibition (of a dance), representation (of a drama) Mṛicch. Kālid. (○ga-to-√dṛś, to see actually represented, See on the stage Ratnâv.)
- a piece to be represented Kālid. Prab
- utterance, pronunciation, recitation, delivery ŚrS. RPrāt. Pāṇ. Sch
- a formula to be recited, sacred text Śiksh.
- lending at interest or on usury, investment Mn. MBh
- principal, loan bearing interest Gaut
- an example L
- cause, motive, affair, object W
- consequence, result ib
- ceremonial form, course of proceeding ib
- a horse (cf. pra-yāga) L
- ○kārikā f
- ○kaustubha m. or n. N. of wks
- ○grahaṇa n. acquirement of practice Daś
- ○candrikā f
- ○cintāmaṇi m
- ○cūḍāmaṇi m. N. of wks
- ○jña mfn. skilful in practice Suśr
- ○tattva n
- ○darpaṇa m
- ○dīpa m
- ○dīpikā and f. N. of wks
- ○dīpiḍkā-vṛtti f. N. of wks
- ○nipuṇa mfn. = -jña Bhartṛ
- ○pañcaratna n
- ○paddhati f. N. of wks
- ○pāda n. smoking for the sake of one's health Car
- ○pārijāta m
- ○pustaka m. or n. N. of wks
- ○pradhāna mfn. consisting chiefly in practice (not in theory) Mālav
- ○mañjarī f
- ○maṇi-mālikā f
- ○mantra m
- ○mayūkha m
- ○muktâvalī f
- ○mukha-vyākaraṇa n
- ○ratna n
- ○ratna-kroḍa m
- ○ratna-mālā or f
- ○ratna-māḍlikā f
- ○ratna-saṃskāra m
- ○ratnâkara m
- ○ratnâvalī f
- ○vidhi m
- ○viveka and m. N. of wks
- ○viveḍka-saṃgraha m. N. of wks
- ○vīrya n. (with Buddhists) energy in practice (one of the 3 energies) Dharmas. 108
- ○vṛtti f
- ○vaijayantī f
- ○śikhāmaṇi m
- ○saṃgraha and m
- ○saṃgraḍha-viveka m
- ○saraṇi f
- ○sāra m
- ○sāraṇī f
- ○sāra-samuccaya m. N. of wks
- prayogâṇḍabilā f. N. of wk
- prayogâtiśaya m. (in dram.) 'excess in representation', pronouncing the name of a character the moment that he enters the stage Pratāp
- the useless appearance of a character on the stage during the prelude Sāh
- prayogâmṛta n. N. of wk
- prayogârtha mfn. having the sense of prayoga L
- prayogin mfn. being employed or used, applicable, usual (○gi-tva n.) KātyŚr
- having some object in view W
- performing (on the stage)
- m. an actor Bhar
- praḍyogīya mfn. treating of the application (of medicines &c.) Cat
- praḍyogya m. any animal harnessed to a carriage, draught animal ChUp
- praḍyojaka mf(ikā)n. causing, effecting, leading to (gen. or comp.) MBh. Rājat. Sarvad
- (ifc.) prompting, instigating, instigator, promoter Pāṇ. 1-4, 55
- effective, essential Sāh
- deputing, anointing W
- m. an author, composer Yājñ
- a money-lender, creditor ib
- a founder or institutor of any ceremony W
- an employer A
- -kartṛ-tva n. the acting as instigator or promoter W
- -tā f. (Nyāyam. Sch.), -tva n. (Kāś.) agency
- ○kâdhyāya-bhāṣya n. N. of wk
- pra-yojana n. (ifc. f. ā) occasion, object, cause, motive, opportunity, purpose, design, aim, end Prāt. MBh. Kāv. &c
- prayojanena, with a particular intention, on purpose MBh
- ○na-vaśāt id. Pañcat
- kena "ṣnena, from what cause or motive ? Prab
- kasmai "ṣnāya, kasmāt "ṣnāt, kasya "ṣnasya and kasmin "ṣne, id. Kāś. on Pāṇ. 2-3, 27
- ○nam ati-√kram, to neglect an opportunity MBh
- profit, use or need of, necessity for Kāv. Pañcat. &c. (with instr., taruṇā kim prayojanam, what is the use of the tree? Kuval
- bhavatv etaiḥ kusumaiḥ prayojanam, let these flowers be used Śak
- with gen. or dat. Kāś. on Pāṇ. 2-3, 27 ; ii, 3, 72)
- means of attaining Mn. vii, 100
- (in phil.) a motive for discussing the point in question IW. 64
- -vat mfn. having or connected with or serving any purpose or interest, interested R
- serviceable, useful Suśr. (○ttva n. Sarvad.)
- having a cause, caused, produced W
- pra-ḍyojayitṛ m. (fr. Caus.) a causer, occasioner Āpast
- pra-ḍyojya mfn. to be cast or shot (missile) MBh. Hariv
- to be used or employed or practised (-tva n.) Mn. MBh. &c
- to be appointed or commissioned, dependent, a servant or slave Sarvad
- to be represented (on the stage) Sāh
- n. capital (to be lent on interest)
- -tva n. the state of being used or employed (a-pray○) Vām
- the state of being appointed or commissioned, dependence (a-pray○) Sarvad
- pra-√yudh Ā. -yudhyate (rarely P. ○ti), to begin to fight, attack, fight with (acc.) RV. MBh. R. Hariv.: Caus. -yodhayati, to cause to begin to fight ĀśvGṛ
- to attack, combat Hariv.: Desid. Ā. -yuyutsate, to wish to fight with (instr.) MBh
- pra-ḍyutsu m. (only W.) a warrior
- a ram
- an ascetic
- air, wind
- N. of Indra (for ○yuyutsu)
- pra-ḍyuddha mfn. fighting, one who has fought MBh. Hariv. R. Kathās
- n. fight, battle Kathās
- ○yud-dhârtha mfn. having the sense of pra-yuddha (accord. to others, m. = pratyutkrama, war, battle, going to wṭwar or battle
- accord. to others v. l. for prayogârtha) L
- pra-ḍyúdh mfn. attacking, assailing RV. v, 59, 5
- pra-ḍyoddhṛ mfn. one who fights, a combatant Sāy
- pra-yuvana See under pra- √2. yu
- pra-yaí See under pra-√yā
- pra-yoktavya pra-yoga, pra-yojaka, pra-√yuj○
- pra-yotṛ́ See under pra- √1. yu
- prayyamedha = praiyyamedha (wṛ. for praiyamedha, q.v.) AitBr
- pra-√rakṣ P. -rakṣati, to protect against, save from (abl
- See -rakṣita below)
- pra-ḍrakṣa mfn. one from whom any one is protected Siddh
- pra-ḍrakṣaṇa n. protecting, protection Pañcat
- pra-ḍrakṣita mfn. protected against, saved from (abl.) Pañcat. (v. l.)
- pra-ratham ind., g. tiṣṭhadgv-ādi
- pra-√rad P. -radati, to scratch or cut in, dig out (as a channel), mark out (as a path) RV
- pra-√rap P. -rapati, to prate, talk RV
- pra-√rapś (only Ā. pf. -rarapśe), to reach beyond (abl.) RV
- pra-√ram Caus. P. -ramayati, to delight or gladden greatly, exhilarate Nir. ii, 18
- pra-rādhas m. (√rādh) N. of a descendant of Aṅgiras SV. (v. l. purādhas)
- pra-ḍrā́dhya mfn. to be satisfied or made content RV. v, 39, 3
- pra-√ric Ā. -ricyate, to excel, surpass, be superior to (abl.) RV. TS
- to empty excessively, become excessively empty TĀr.: Caus. -recayati, to leave remaining RV
- to quit, abandon ib
- pra-ḍríkvan mfn. reaching beyond, surpassing (with abl.) RV. i, 100, 15
- pra-ḍreká m. (iii, 30, 19) and n. (i, 17, 6) abundance, plenty RV
- pra-ḍrécana n. (i, 17, 6) abundance, plenty RV
- pra-√rī P. -riṇāti, to sever, detach, take away RV. ii, 22, 4
- Ā. -rīyate, to penetrate, enter (?), v, 7, 8
- pra-√ru P. -rauti, to roar or cry out loudly RV
- pra-√ruc Ā. -rocate, to shine forth RV
- to be liked, please ŚBr.: Caus. -rocayati, to enlighten, illuminate RV
- to cause to shine ib
- to make apparent or specious, make pleasing AV. TS. Br
- pra-ḍrocana mf(ī)n. exciting or inciting to love (as a spell), seductive Kathās
- (ā), f. highest praise Bālar
- (in dram.) exciting interest by praising an author in the Prologue of a drama Daśar. Sāh. Pratāp. (also n.)
- favourable description of that which is to follow in a play ib
- n. stimulating, exciting Mālatīm
- seduction Prab
- praising ChUp. Śaṃk. Kap. Sch. Mālatīm
- illustration, explanation PañcavBr
- pra-ḍrocita mfn. (fr. Caus.) commended, praised, approved, liked MBh
- pra-√ruj P. -rujati, to break down, break RV. MBh. BhP
- pra-ḍruja m. N. of a mythical being conquered by Garuḍa MBh
- of a Rākshasa ib
- pra-√rud P. -roditi, to begin to mourn or cry or weep, lament or cry aloud ŚāṅkhGṛ. MBh. R. &c
- to weep with any one (acc.) MBh
- pra-ḍrudita mfn. one who has begun to weep, weeping MBh. R. Vikr. Kathās
- pra-rudh P. Ā. -ruṇaddhi, -runddhe, to keep or hold back, check, stop Br. MBh
- pra-√ruh P. -rohati, to grow up, shoot forth, shoot up VS. Br. ChUp. &c
- to heal up (as a wound) MBh. (v. l.)
- to grow, increase MBh. Rājat. ŚārṅgP.: Caus. -ropayati, to fasten to, put into or on (loc.) Var
- pra-ḍrúh mfn. shooting forth, growing up (like a plant)
- (with giri), m. a mountain which rises in the foreground Hariv. 5327
- f. a shoot, a new branch AV
- pra-ḍrūḍha mfn. grown up, full-grown R. Kāv. Var
- (ifc.) overgrown with Hariv
- filled up, healed up R
- grown, widely spread, become great or strong Sāh. BhP. Kathās. &c
- old L
- growing or proceeding from a √, rooted, fastened L.
- arisen or proceeded from (comp.) Hariv. R. Śak. BhP
- -kakṣa mfn. a place where shrubs have grown ĀpŚr
- -keśa mfn. one whose hair has grown long, having lṭlong having Pañcat
- -mūla mfn. having roots gone deep A
- -śāli m. full-grown rice MW
- pra-ḍrūḍhi f. the having shot up Hcar
- growth, increase Rājat
- pra-ḍródhana n. rising, ascending TS
- pra-ḍropita mfn. (fr. Caus.) sown, planted R. Sāh
- shown or done (as a kindness) Rājat
- pra-ḍroha m. germinating, sprouting, growing or shooting forth (lit. and fig
- cf. dṛḍhap○) Kum. Kull. &c
- a bud, shoot, sprout, sprig Hariv. Kāv. Suśr. &c
- an excrescence Suśr
- a new leaf or branch MW
- (fig.) a shoot = ray (of light
- See prabhā-p○) Kum. Ragh. BhP
- -vat mfn. possessing vegetation, covered with vṭvegetation Suśr
- pra-ḍrohaka mfn. causing to grow Nalac
- pra-ḍrohaṇa n. germinating, sprouting, growing or shooting forth, growth (lit. and fig.) MBh. Sāṃkhyak. Sch. Siṃhâs
- a bud, shoot, sprig MBh. Hariv
- pra-ḍrohin mfn. growing or shooting up, shooting up from (comp.) Mn. i, 46
- (ifc.) causing to grow, propagating MBh. Hariv. Hcat
- ○hi-śākhin mfn. (a tree) whose branches grow again Yājñ. ii, 227
- pra-√rūp P. -rūpayati, to expound, expose, explain (esp. in the Jaina system) Sarvad
- pra-ḍrūpaṇa n. (or
- pra-√rūpaṇā f.) exposing, teaching Siṃhâs
- pra-reká ○récana, See pra-√ric
- pra-√rej Ā. -rejate, to tremble at (acc.) RV. i, 38, 10: Caus. -rejayati, to cause to tremble ib. iv, 22, 3
- pra-rkṣīya Nom. P. ○yati (fr. prarkṣa = pra + ṛkṣa) Vop. ii, 4
- (also prārkṣīya.)
- prarcchaka mfn. (fr. pra + ṛcchaka) Pat
- prarṣabhīya Nom. P. ○yati (fr. prarṣabha = pra + ṛṣabha) Pāṇ. 6-1, 22 Sch
- (also prārṣabhīya.)
- pra-laghu mfn. very inconsiderable, very small (as an attendance) Kād
- -tā, f. Mudr
- pra-√lap P. -lapati, to speak forth (inconsiderately or at random), prattle, talk idly or incoherently, trifle TBr. MBh. Kāv. &c
- to talk, converse BhP
- to speak forth, speak MBh. Pañcat
- to exclaim Bhartṛ
- to lament, bewail Pañcat
- to speak or tell in a doleful manner MBh. R
- to call upon or invoke in piteous tones MBh.: Caus. -lāpayati, to cause or incite to speak Mṛicch
- pra-ḍlapana n. prattling, talking Pañcat. Sāh
- lamentation Uttarar
- pra-ḍlapita mfn. spoken forth, spoken, said W
- spoken dolefully, invoked piteously Sāh
- n. prattling, talk Pañcat. Nītis
- lamentation Pañcat. Sāh
- pra-ḍlāpá m. talk, discourse, prattling, chattering AV. &c. &c
- (also n.) lamentation (ārta-p○, lamentation of one in pain) MBh. R. Pañcat. &c
- incoherent or delirious speech, raving Cat
- -vat mfn. one who speaks confusedly or incoherently Suśr
- -han m. a kind of medic. preparation L
- ○pâika-maya mf(ī)n. 'consisting only of lamentation', doing nothing but lament MW
- pra-ḍlāpaka m. speaking incoherently Bhpr
- pra-ḍlāpana n. (fr. Caus.) causing or teaching to speak Cat
- pra-ḍlāpin mfn. (generally ifc
- ○pi-tva n.) chattering, talking much or unmeaningly, talking, speaking MBh. R. Yājñ. &c
- lamenting, wailing R
- (fever) attended with delirium Bhpr
- ○pi-tā f. amorous conversation or prattle Pratāp
- pra-labh √Ā. -labhate, to lay hold of, seize MBh
- to get, obtain Kathās
- to overreach, cheat, deceive, befool MBh. BhP.: Caus. -lambhayati, to cheat, deceive BhP
- pra-ḍlabdha mfn. seized MBh
- overreached, cheated, deceived MW
- pra-ḍlabdhavya mfn. to be cheated or fooled MBh
- pra-ḍlabdhṛ mfn. a cheat, deceiver MBh
- pra-ḍlambha m. obtaining. gaining R
- (also pl.) overreaching, deceiving MBh
- pra-ḍlambhana n. overreaching, deceiving BhP
- that by which any one is deceived Jātakam
- pra-lamphana n. a jump L
- pra-√lamb Ā. -lambate, to hang down Daś. Suśr
- pralamba mf(ā)n. hanging down, depending, pendent, pendulous (generally ibc.) KātyŚr. Sch. MBh. Hariv. R
- bending the upper part of the body forward MBh
- prominent MW
- slow, dilatory W.
- m. hanging on or from, depending L
- a branch L
- a shoot of the vine-palm L
- a cucumber Bhpr
- a garland of flowers worn round the neck W
- a kind of necklace of pearls L
- the female breast L
- tin (?) W
- N. of a Daitya slain by Balarāma or Kṛishṇa MBh. Hariv. Kathās. &c
- of a mountain R
- (ā f. N. of a Rākshasī Buddh.)
- -keśa mfn. one whose hair hangs down VP
- -ghna m. 'slayer of Pralamba', N. of Bala-rāma and of Kṛishṇa L
- -tā f. the hanging down, being pendulous Kād
- -nāsika mfn. one who has a prominent nose A
- -bāhu mfn. one whose arms hang down MBh. Hariv. BhP. Buddh. (-tā f. one of the 32 signs of perfection Dharmas. 83)
- m. N. of a man Kathās
- -bhid m. 'crusher of Pralamba', N. of Bala-rāma L
- -bhuja mfn. one whose arms hang down L
- m. N. of a Vidyā-dhara Kathās
- -mathana (Hariv.), -han (MBh.), -hantṛ (L.), m. 'slayer of Pralamba', N. of Bala-rāma and of Kṛishṇa
- ○bâṇḍa m. a man with pendent testicles Vet
- ○bôjjvala-cāru-ghoṇa mfn. having a prominent and bright and handsome nose MBh
- ○bôdara m. 'having a pendent belly', N. of a prince of the Kiṃ-naras Kāraṇḍ
- of a fabulous mountain ib
- praḍlambaka m. fragrant Rohisha grass L
- praḍlambana n. hanging down, depending L
- praḍlambita mfn. hanging down, pendulous Kathās
- (alaṃ-kāra-p○ for pralambitâlaṃ-k○, having pendent ornaments Lalit.)
- praḍlambin mfn. hanging down, depending Suśr. Hariv. (cf. tri-pr○)
- pralambī-√kṛ to make to hang down R
- pra-lambha ○lambhana, See pra√labh
- pra-laya &c. See under pra-√lī
- pra-lalāṭa mfn. having a prominent forehead MBh
- pra-lavá &c. See under pra-√lū
- pra-lāpa &c. See under pra-√lap
- pra-√likh P. Ā. -likhati, ○te, (P.) to scratch, draw lines in (acc.) Mn. iv, 55
- to draw lines, write Hcat
- (P. Ā.) to scrape together PārGṛ
- (Ā.) to comb one's head (Sch. 'to draw lines') Kauś. PārGṛ
- pra-√lip P. Ā. -limpati, ○te, to smear, besmear, stain (Ā. to smear &c. one's self) ŚBr. GṛŚrS. Kauś. &c.: Caus. -lepayati, to smear, besmear MBh. Var
- pra-ḍlipa mfn. one who smears or plasters W
- pra-ḍlipta mfn. cleaving or sticking to (loc.) MBh
- pra-ḍlepa m. cleaving to (comp.) Bhpr
- an unguent, ointment, salve, plaster Suśr. MārkP. Var
- a hectic or slow fever Car
- pra-ḍlepaka mfn. anointing, smearing, plastering W
- m. a plasterer, an anointer W
- a partic. marine substance, lime made of calcined shells (?) L
- a hectic or slow fever Suśr. Bhpr
- (ikā). f. g. mahiṣy-ādi
- pra-ḍlepana n. the act of anointing or smearing MW
- an unguent, salve, plaster Car
- pra-ḍlepya m. clean or well trimmed hair (perhaps correctly for a form pralebhya) L
- prá-liśa m. N. of a mystic being Suparṇ
- pra-√lih P. Ā. -leḍhi, -līḍhe, to lick up, cause to melt on the tongue Suśr
- pra-ḍleha m. a kind of broth L
- pra-ḍlehana n. the act of licking Gobh
- pra-√lī Ā. -līyate (ind. p. -līya, or -lāya), to become dissolved or reabsorbed into (loc.), disappear, perish, die Br. Mn. MBh. &c
- pra-laya m. dissolution, reabsorption, destruction, annihilation
- death
- (esp.) the destruction of the whole world, at the end of a Kalpa (s.v.) ṢaḍvBr. ChUp. Śaṃk. MBh. Kāv. &c
- setting (of the stars) Subh
- end (saṃjāta-nidrā-p○ mfn. having done sleeping Pañcat.)
- cause of dissolution Bhag. Bṛih
- fainting, loss of sense or consciousness Pratāp. Sāh. Suśr
- sleepiness Gal
- N. of the syllable om, AtharvaśUp
- -kāla m. the time of universal dissolution MW
- -kevala mfn. = ○layâkala (q.v.) Sarvad
- -ghana m. the cloud which causes the destruction of the world Hit
- -ṃ-kara mf(ī)n. causing destruction or ruin Up. Kāv
- -jaladhara-dhvāna m. the rumbling or muttering of clouds at the dissolution of the world MW
- -tā f. dissolution (-tāṃ-√gam, to perish, be annihilated) Hariv
- -tva n. id. (-tvāya-√kḷp = -tāṃ-√gam) MBh. BhP
- -dahana m. the fire causing the destruction of the world, Ratnâv. Amar.
- -sthiti-sarga m. pl. destruction, preservation and creation (of the world). Kum
- ○layâkala mfn. (an individual soul) to which mala and karman still adhere (with Śaivas) Sarvad
- ○layânta-ga mfn. perishing only at the destruction of the world (the sun) MārkP
- ○layôdaya m. du. dissolution and creation Bhag. Suśr. Kathās
- pra-ḍláyana n. a place of repose, a bed AV
- pra-ḍlā́yam ind. (with √i or car) to hide one's self, be hidden Br. Kāṭh
- pralīna mfn. dissolved, reabsorbed into (loc.), disappeared, lost, died MBh. R. Suśr. &c
- slacked, tired, wearied AitBr
- unconscious, insensible W
- flown away MBh. (v. l. pra-ḍīna)
- ○tā f. or dissolution, destruction, annihilation, the end of the universe L
- ○tva n. dissolution, destruction, annihilation, the end of the universe L
- unconsciousness, fainting L
- ○bhū-pāla mfn. whose monarchs have been destroyed MW
- pralīnêndriya mfn. one whose senses have slacked or languished (○ya-tva n. Sāy.)
- pra-luṭh √P. -luṭhati, to roll forwards, roll, roll along the ground, roll round Pañcat
- to be agitated, heave, toss, wallow MW
- pra-ḍluṭhita mfn. rolling about Bhaṭṭ
- pra-ḍloṭhana n. the act of rolling
- heaving, tossing (as of the ocean) W
- pra-ḍloṭhita mfn. (anything) that has begun to roll Bhaṭṭ
- rolling
- heaving, tossing W
- pra-√lup P. -lumpati, to pluck or pull out Hariv.: Pass. -lupyate, to be robbed MBh
- to be interrupted or disturbed or violated or destroyed MW
- pra-ḍlupta mfn. robbed Uttarar. Rājat
- having lost (with abl.) MārkP
- pra-ḍlopa m. destruction, annihilation Lalit
- pra-√lubh P. Ā. -lubhyati, ○te, (Ā.) to lust after, be lustful, follow one's lusts, go astray sexually (said of a wife) ŚāṅkhGṛ. Mn
- to allure, entice, seduce, pollute MBh.: Caus. -lobhayati, to cause to lust after, allure, entice, attempt, to seduce MBh. R. Pur. &c
- to divert the attention of any one by (instr.) Suśr
- pra-ḍlubdha mfn. seduced MBh
- (ā), f. (a woman) who has conceived an illicit affection for (saha) Pañcat
- pra-lobha m. allurement, seduction Pañcat. BhP
- desire, cupidity W
- pra-ḍlobhaka m. 'allurer', N. of a jackal Pañcat
- pra-ḍlobhana mfn. causing to lust after, alluring, seducing BhP
- (ī), f. gravel, sand L
- n. allurement, inducement MBh. R. Kathās. Rājat
- that which allures, a lure, bait MW
- (also wṛ. for pralambhana Bhag.)
- pra-ḍlobhita mfn. allured, enticed BhP
- pra-ḍlobhin mfn. alluring, seducing MārkP
- lusting after MW
- pra-ḍlobhya mfn. to be lusted after, alluring Subh
- pra-√lū P. Ā. -lunāti, -lunīte, to cut off HPariś
- pra-lavá m. a part cut off, chip, fragment (as of a reed &c
- others 'the sheath of a leaf'
- others 'a dead leaf') ŚBr. KātyŚr
- pra-ḍlavana n. the reaping of corn GṛS
- pra-ḍlavitṛ mf(trī)n. one who cuts off Pāṇ. 6-1, 174 Sch
- pra-ḍlavitra n. an instrument for cutting off Pāṇ. 6-2, 144 Sch
- pra-ḍlūna mfn. cut off MW
- m. a kind of insect Suśr
- pra-lepa &c. See under pra-√lip
- pra-leha ○lehana, See pra-√lih
- pra-lola mfn. being in violent motion, agitated R
- pra-lolupa m. N. of a Kunti (a descendant of Garuḍa) MārkP
- pralkārīya Nom. (fr. pra + ḷkāra) P. ○yati Pāṇ. 6-1, 92 Sch. (also prālkārīya)
- pravá mfn. (fr. √pru) fluttering, hovering RV
- ○ga m. = plava-ga, a monkey L
- ○ṃ-ga m. = plavaṃ-ga id. L
- ○ṃ-gama m. -plavaṃ-g○ id. L
- pravaka mfn. one who goes W
- pra-vaṅga m. pl. N. of a people MārkP
- pra-√vac P. -vakti (inf. -vā́ce RV. ix, 95, 2), to proclaim, announce, praise, commend, mention, teach, impart, explain (with acc. of thing and dat. or gen. of person) RV. &c. &c
- to tell of betray TS
- to give, deliver (with acc. and dat.) RV. Br
- to speak, say, tell (with acc., rarely dat. of person, and acc. of thing) PraśnUp. MBh. Hariv. &c.
- to declare to be, call (2 acc.) Śrutab.: Caus. -vācayati, to cause to announce Gobh.: Desid. -vivakṣati MBh. xii, 3767 (wṛ. -vivakṣataḥ for -vivikṣataḥ)
- pra-ḍvaktavya mfn. to be announced or imparted or taught or explained Mn. MBh
- pra-ḍvaktṛ mfn. one who tells or imparts or relates Yājñ
- a good speaker MBh
- an announcer, expounder, teacher (-tva n.) ĀśvŚr. Mn. R. &c
- the first relater of a legend (ifc. -ka) L
- pra-vacana m. one who exposes, propounds BhP
- n. speaking, talking Pañcat
- recitation, oral instruction, teaching, expounding, exposition, interpretation (cf. sāṃkhya-pravacana-bhāṣya) ŚBr. Up. PārGṛ. RPrāt. &c
- announcement, proclamation Lāṭy
- excellent speech or language, eloquence W
- an expression, term Nir
- a system of doctrines propounded in a treatise or dissertation
- sacred writings (esp. the Brāhmaṇas or the Vedâṅgas) Mn. MBh. Hariv. &c. (cf. IW. 145)
- the sacred writings of Buddhists (ninefold) Dharmas. 62
- the sacred writings of the Jainas Hemac. Sch
- (am, enclitic after a finite verb, g. gotrâdi)
- -paṭu mfn. skilled in speaking, eloquent Bhartṛ
- -sāra-gāthā f. and -sārôddhāra m. N. of wks
- pra-ḍvacanīya mfn. to be taught or propounded ŚāṅkhGṛ
- to be well or elegantly spoken W
- m. a propounder, teacher Pāṇ. L
- a good speaker W
- pra-vāka m. a proclaimer ( See soma-p○)
- pra-ḍvāc mfn. eloquent L
- talkative Mudr
- boastful, bragging Bālar
- pra-ḍvācaka mfn. declaratory, explanatory MW
- speaking well, eloquent W
- pra-ḍvā́cana n. a proclamation, promulgation RV. x, 35, 8
- fame, renown RV. iv, 36, 1
- a designation, name ( See dvi-p○)
- pra-ḍvā́cya mfn. to be proclaimed aloud, praiseworthy, glorious RV
- to be spoken to Hariv
- n. a literary production Pāṇ. 7-3, 66 Sch
- prôkta mfn. announced, told, taught, mentioned Mn. BhP. Var. Pāṇ
- said, spoken, spoken to, addressed MBh. Prab. Var. Hit
- called, declared, said Mn. Bhag. Hariv. Pañcat. &c
- meaning, signifying (with loc.) L
- (e), ind. it having been announced KātyŚr
- ○kārin mfn. doing what one has been told BhP
- ○vat mfn. one who has said or declared W
- pra-vaṭa m. (√vaṭ ?) wheat L
- pra-vaṇá (prob. fr. 1. pra and suffix vana, cf. vag-vaná, sat-vaná, śuśuk-vaná
- but according to Pāṇ. 8-4, 5 fr. pra and vana, 'wood'
- according to others from √pru), m. or n. (?) the side of a hill, slope, declivity, abyss, depth RV. Kāṭh. MBh. (in RV. only loc. sg. and once pl
- in MBh. viii, 2369 also abl. sg.)
- m. a place where four roads meet L
- a moment L
- a whirlpool L
- n. an access to (loc.) MBh
- (e), ind. in a precipitous course, hurriedly, hastily MBh
- mf(ā)n. declining, bent, sloping down, steep, abrupt TS. Br. GṛŚrS. Mn. &c
- (ifc.) directed towards (cf. udak-, dakṣiṇā-, nimna- &c.)
- inclined or disposed or devoted to, intent upon, full of (loc., dat., gen., inf. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- wasted, decayed, disappeared R
- generous L
- humble, modest L.
- ○tā f. inclination, propensity, proneness to (comp.) Prab. Kuval
- ○praharṣa mfn. one whose joy or happiness has disappeared R. (v. l. in B. pravinaṣṭa-harṣa)
- ○vat mfn. having a steep descent or declivity. Nir
- ○vidheyī-√bhū to obey gladly Inscr
- pravaṇe-ja mfn. = pravāte-já Nir. viii, 9
- pravaṇaya Nom. P. ○yati, to become inclined or attached to Dharmaś
- to make ready, prepare, accomplish, effect, produce ib
- pravaṇāyita n. (fr. Nom. ○ṇāya) inclination, propensity, bias Sāh
- pravaṇī-√kṛ to dispose favourably Kum
- pravaṇī-√kṛ--√bhū to become favourably disposed GopBr
- pravát f. the side or slope of a mountain, elevation, height RV. AV
- heavenly height (7 or 3 in number) ib
- (pravato napāt, 'son of the heavenly height' i.e. Agni AV.)
- a sloping path, smooth or swift course (instr. sg. or pl. 'downhill, precipitately, swiftly') RV. TUp
- (prá-vat), mfn. directed forwards or towards, blazing forth (said of Agni) TS. AitBr
- containing the syllable pra or pṛ Br
- ○vat (○vát-v○), mfn. abounding in heights, hilly RV
- sloping downwards, affording a swift motion ib
- pravad in comp. for ○vat
- ○bhārgava n. N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr
- ○yāman (○vád-), mfn. having a downward path, rapid in its course (as a chariot) RV.
- pra-vaṇi See niṣ-pravaṇi
- pra-vatsyat See pra- √5. vas
- pra-√vad P. Ā. -vadati, ○te (Ved. inf. prá-vaditos), to speak out, pronounce, proclaim, declare, utter, say, tell RV. &c. &c
- to speak to (acc.) Bhaṭṭ
- to raise the voice (said of birds and animals) R. Var
- to roar, splash (said of water) ĀśvGṛ
- (cf. a-pravadat) to assert, affirm, state ŚvetUp. Var
- to pronounce to be, call, name (2 acc.) Mn. MBh. &c
- to offer for sale (with instr. of price) Pañcat. (v. l.): Caus. -vādayati, to cause to sound, play (with acc. of the instrument) ŚāṅkhŚr. MBh. &c
- (without an object) to play, make music Hariv. (also -vādyati, with act. meaning MBh. xii, 1899)
- pra-ḍvadá mfn. sounding forth, sounding (as a drum) Kauś
- m. a herald, bard (?) AV. v, 20, 9
- pra-ḍvadana n. a proclamation, announcement ŚāṅkhŚr
- pra-ḍvaditṛ́ mfn. one who speaks out, uttering (gen. or acc.) TS. MBh
- pra-ḍvadiṣu See vāk-pravadiṣu
- pra-vāda m. speaking forth, uttering ĀśvŚr. MBh
- expressing, mentioning Nir
- talk, report, rumour, popular saying or belief MBh. Kāv. &c. (○dāya, in order to spread the rumour Kathās
- ○dena, according to rumour, as the saying goes MBh.)
- ill rumour about (gen.), slander, calumny (pl.) Kāv
- mutual defiance, words of challenge (prior to combat) Bhaṭṭ
- (ifc.) passing one's self off as R
- (in gram.) any form or case of (gen. or comp
- opp. to a specified form or case) Prāt
- (ā), f. anything belonging to (comp.) Vait
- pra-ḍvādaka mfn. causing to sound, playing (a musical instrument) Hariv
- pra-ḍvādin mfn. giving forth a sound, uttering a cry MBh
- (ifc.) stating, declaring, reporting, speaking of Lāṭy. MBh
- (fr. ○vāda), being in some grammatical form or case RPrāt
- pra-ḍvādya mfn. Pāṇ. 2-4, 56 Sch
- prôdita mfn. spoken out, uttered Hariv
- pra-√vadh (only Pass. pr. 3. pl. -vadhyante and ind. p. -vadhya), to kill or slay Pañcat
- pra-√van Ā. -vanute (Ved. inf. právantave), to vanquish, conquer, gain, procure RV
- pra-vap √1. P. Ā. -vapati, ○te, to shave off (the beard &c.) RV.: TS. GṛS. 1
- pra-ḍvapaṇa n. shaving off GṛS
- pra-vap √2. P. -vapati, to scatter, strew, throw RV. &c. &c.: Caus. -vāpayati, to scatter, strew TS. Kāṭh. 2
- pra-ḍvapaṇa n. scattering, sowing GṛS
- pra-ḍvāpayitṛ mfn. (fr. Caus.) one who scatters forth or pours out Kāṭh
- pra-ḍvāpin mfn. scattering, sowing in (comp.) Mn. ix, 51
- pra-vapa mfn. (pra + vapā) having a thick membrane or omentum Pāṇ. 8-4, 16 Sch
- pravabhrá m. N. of Indra MaitrS. (cf. prababhra)
- pra-vayaṇa. 2 See pra-√vii and pra-√ve
- prá-vayas mfn. strong, vigorous, in the prime of life RV. TS. Kāṭh
- advanced in age, aged, old, ancient ĀśvGṛ. Ragh. Car
- pra-vayyā See under pra-√vii
- pra-vara mf(ā)n. (fr. pra + vara or fr. pra √2. vṛ
- for 2. and 3. See p. 693) most excellent, chief, principal, best Mn. MBh. &c
- eldest (son) MBh
- better than (abl.) BhP
- greater (opp. to sama, 'equal', and nyūna, 'smaller') Var
- (ifc.) eminent, distinguished by Hariv
- m. a black variety of Phaseolus Mungo L
- Opuntia Dillenī L
- N. of a messenger of the gods and friend of Indra Hariv
- of a Dānava ib
- (ā), f. N. of a river (which falls into the Godāvarī and is celebrated for the sweetness of its water) MBh. VP
- n. aloe wood Bhpr
- a partic. high number Buddh
- ○kalyāṇa mfn. eminently beautiful Hariv
- ○jana m. a person of quality Mṛicch
- ○dhātu m. precious metal Var
- ○nṛpati m. N. of a prince (= -sena) Vcar
- ○pura n. N. of a town in Kaśmīra ib
- ○bhūpati m. = -sena Rājat
- ○mūrdhaja mfn. having beautiful hair R
- ○rūpa mf(ā)n. having a bṭbeautiful form MBh
- ○lalita n. N. of a metre Chandom
- ○vaṃśa-ja mfn. descended from a noble family Hariv
- ○vāhana m. du. 'having the best horses', N. of the Aśvins L.
- ○sena m. N. of 2 princes of Kaśmira (cf. -nṛpati and -bhūpati) Rājat. (cf. IW. 494, 2)
- pravarêśa m. a noble lord (?) Rājat
- N. of a prince (= ○ra-sena) ib
- pravarêśvara m. N. of a temple built by Pravara-sena ib
- pra-varga pra-vargya, pra-varjana, See under pra- √vṛj
- pra-varṇ √P. -varṇayati, to communicate MBh
- pra-varta &c. See under pra- √vṛt
- pra-vardaka &c. See pra- √vṛdh
- pra-varṣa &c. See under pra- √vṛh
- pra-várham See under pra- √vrih
- pravalākin m. a peacock L
- a snake L. (prob. wṛ. for pra-calākin)
- pra-valg √P. Ā. -valgati, ○te, to move the limbs quickly, bound, leap MBh. Hariv
- pra-ḍvalgita mfn. bounding, leaping, fluttering Hariv
- pra-valh √Ā. -valhate, to test with a question or a riddle, puzzle (with acc.) AitBr
- pra-ḍvalha m. a riddle, enigma ŚrS
- pra-ḍvalhikā f. id. (N. of AV. xx, 133) Br. ŚrS
- pra-ḍvalhita mfn. enigmatical Nir
- pra-vas √4. Ā. -vaste, to put on (clothes), to dress R
- pra-vas √5. P. -vasati, (rarly Ā
- ., e.g. pf. -vāsāṃ cakre ChUp
- fut. -vatsyati ĀśvŚr
- ind. p. prôṣya ŚBr.), to go or sojourn abroad, leave home, depart RV. &c. &c
- to disappear vanish, cease Hariv
- to stop at a place, abide, dwell MBh. R
- (= Caus.) to banish to (loc.) R.: Caus. -vāsayati, to make to dwell in Divyâv
- to order to live abroad, turn out, expel, banish Mn. MBh. &c.: Desid. -vivatsati, to intend to set out on a journey Śiś
- to be about to depart from (abl.) Car
- pra-ḍvatsyat mfn. about to dwell abroad
- -patikā f. the wife of a man who intends to make a journey L
- pra-ḍvasathá n. departure, separation from (abl.) RV. TBr. ĀpŚr
- pra-ḍvasana n. setting out on a journey, departing. Amar
- dying, decease Hcar
- pra-ḍvutavyá n. (impers.) it is to be set out on a journey TS
- pra-vāsa m. dwelling abroad, foreign residence, absence from home RV. &c. &c. (acc. with √gam or yā. pra- √vas or ā- √pad
- to go abroad
- abl. with ā- √i, upâ-. or parā-√vṛt, to return from abroad)
- (in astron.) heliacal setting of the planets Var
- -kṛtya n. N. of wk
- -gata mfn. gone abroad, being away from home MW
- -gamana-vidhi m. N. of wk
- -para mfn. addicted to living abroad MW
- -pariśiṣta n. -vidhi m. N. of wks
- -stha (Ragh.), -sthita (Kathās.), mfn. being absent from home
- ○sôpasthāna, n
- ○sôpasthāna-prayoga m. ○sôpasthāna. vidhi, m
- ○sôpasthāna-haviryajña-prâyaścitta n. N. of wks
- pra-ḍvāsana n. (fr. Caus.) sending away from home, exile, banishment from (abl.) Mn. MBh. &c
- killing, slaying L
- pra-ḍvāsanīya n. (scil. karman) the punishment of exile L
- pra-ḍvāsita mfn. sent abroad, exiled, banished MBh
- pra-ḍvāsin mfn. dwelling abroad, absent from home Kāṭh. MBh. &c
- pra-ḍvāsya mfn. (fr. Caus.) to be sent abroad, to be banished Mn. viii, 284
- prôṣita mfn. one who has set out on a journey, absent from home, abroad KātyŚr. Mn. MBh. &c
- effaced Ragh
- set (as the sun) Var
- deceased, dead Hcar
- -trāsa m. fear of one who is absent MW
- -bhartṛkā f. (a wife) whose husband is abroad
- -maraṇa n. dying abroad or in a foreign country. W
- -vat mfn. sojourning away from home, strange, a stranger ib
- prôṣúṣa mfn. one who has been absent or abroad ŚBr
- prôṣya ind. having set out on a journey, abroad, absent ŚBr
- -pāpīyas mfn. one who has become worse by living abroad Bhaṭṭ
- prôṣyá mfn. roaming, wandering TBr
- pra-vasu m. N. of a son of Īlina MBh
- pra-vah √P. -vahati, (Pāṇ. 1-3, 81), to carry forwards, draw or drag on wards RV. AitBr. ŚrS. R.
- to carry off in flowing, wash away RV. ĀśvGṛ. R
- to lead or bring to (acc.) MBh. Bhaṭṭ
- to bear Bhaṭṭ
- to exhibit, show, utter BhP
- (Ā.) to drive onwards RV
- to flow along Kathās. Rājat
- to rush, blow (as wind) MBh.: Caus. -vāhayati, to cause to go away, send off, dismiss ĀśvŚr
- to cause to swim away (Pass., to be washed away) MārkP. HPariś
- to set in motion or on foot Hariv. R
- pra-ḍváha mf(ā)n. bearing along, carrying (ifc.) MBh. R
- m. N. of one of the 7 winds said to cause the motion of the planets MBh. Hariv. &c. (cf. IW. 179)
- wind, air L
- N. of one of the 7 tongues of fire Col
- a reservoir into which water is carried Yājñ
- flowing or streaming forth L. (cf. -vāka)
- going forth, going from a town W
- pra-ḍvahaṇa n. sending away i.e. giving (a girl) in marriage SāmavBr
- creation, Harlv. (vḷ.)
- a carriage (for women) Mṛicch
- a kind of litter L
- (also n. and ī, f
- ifc. f. ā) a ship R. Kathās
- ○ṇa-bhaṅga m. shipwreck Ratnâv
- pra-vāhá m. (ifc. f. ā) a stream, river, current, running water (○he-mūtrita n. 'making water in a river', doing a useless action Pāṇ. 2-?47 Sch.)
- met. = continuous flow or passage, unbroken series or succession, continuity ŚBr. &c. &c
- continuous use or employment Śaṃk
- continuous train of thought Sarvad
- N. of ch. in Sad-ukti-karṇâmṛita
- flowing or streaming forth L. (cf. -vaha)
- course of action, activity L
- course or direction towards W
- a pond, lake ib
- a beautiful horse L
- N. of one of the attendants of Skanda MBh
- (pl.) N. of a people VP
- (ī), f. sand L. (also ○hôtthā f. Gal.)
- pra-ḍvāhaka mfn. carrying forwards, bearing or carrying well W
- m. a Rākshasa, imp, goblin (also ika) L
- (ikā), f. a sudden desire to evacuate, diarrhoea, Suśsr1. (ikā ind., g. svar-ādi)
- pra-ḍvā́haṇa mfn. carrying off or away VS
- m. N. of a man ŚBr. ChUp
- (ī), f. the sphincter muscle (which contracts the orifice of the rectum) Suśr
- n. driving forth, protrusion ib
- evacuation (esp. if from sudden desire) ib. Car
- pra-ḍvāhaṇeya or m. (ī f. Pat.) patr. fr. ○vahaṇa, Pā2ṇ. vii, 3, 28 ; 29 Sch. (cf. g. śubhrâdi)
- pra-ḍvāhaṇeyi m. (ī f. Pat.) patr. fr. ○vahaṇa, Pā2ṇ. vii, 3, 28 ; 29 Sch. (cf. g. śubhrâdi)
- pra-ḍvāhaṇeyaka mfn. (fr. ○vāhaṇa) Pāṇ. 7-3, 29 Sch
- pra-ḍvāhayitṛ m. (ft. Caus.) one who bears or carries away (-tva n.) VS. Sch
- pra-ḍvāhita m. (fr. Caus.) N. of a Ṛishi in the third Manv-antara VP
- n. the 'bearing down' (of a woman in labour) Car
- pra-ḍvāhín mfn. drawing, carrying, bearing along or away AV. &c. &c
- (ifc.) streaming MBh. R
- (fr. ○vāha) abounding in streams, g. puṣkarâdi
- m. a draught animal ŚāṅkhŚr
- pra-ḍvāhyá mfn. (fr. ○vāha) fluviatic VS
- pra-voḍhṛ or m. one who carries off (with gen. or ifc.) RV. MBh
- pra-ḍvoḻhṛ m. one who carries off (with gen. or ifc.) RV. MBh
- prâuḍha See s.v
- pra-vahli ○likā, or ○īī f. a riddle, enigma L. (cf. pravalha, ○hikā)
- pra-√vā P. -vāti, to blow forth, blow RV. &c. &c
- to smell, yield a scent MBh. R. &c
- pra-vā́ f. blowing forth, blowing AV. VS. TS
- N. of a daughter of Daksha, Vāyup
- pra-ḍvātá mfn. blown forward, agitited by the wind ( See below)
- n. a current or draught of air, windy weather or a windy place TS. &c. &c
- -dīpa-capala mfn. flickering or unsteady like a lamp agitated by the wind Kathās
- -nīlôtpala n. a lotus flower agitated by the wind Kum
- -śayana n. a bed placed in the middle of a current of air Mālav
- -sāra m. N. of a Buddha Lalit. (v. l. pravāṭa-sāgara i.e. pravāḍas○)
- -subhaga mfn. (a spot), delightful by (reason of) a fresh breeze Śak
- mfn. growing in an airy place RV
- pra-ḍvāyyá n. (prob.) flight, fleetness AV
- pra-vāka pra-vāc &c. See under pra. √vac
- pra-vāḍa m. or n. (?) = pra-vāla, coral SaddhP
- ○sāgara m. N. of a Buddha Lalit. (vḷ. for pravāta-sāra)
- pra-vāṇa ○ṇi, See under pra-√ve
- pra-vāda &c. See under pra-√vad
- pra-vāpayitṛ ○pin, See under pra- √2. vap
- pra-vāyaka See under pra- √vii
- pra-vāyya See under pra- √vā.
- pra-vāra ○raṇa &c. See under pra √1. 2. vṛ
- pra-vāla m. n. (prob. fr. √val, but also written pra-bāla
- ifc. f. ā) a young shoot, sprout, new leaf or branch (to which feet and lips are often compared) MBh. Kāv. &c
- coral Mn. MBh. &c. (in this sense also written pra-vāḍa)
- the neck of the Indian lute L
- m. an animal L
- a pupil L
- mfn. having shoots or sprouts Dharmaś
- having long or beautiful hair (= prakṛṣṭa-keśa yukta) ib
- ○padma n. a red lotus-flower Suśr
- ○phala n. red sandal-wood Bhpr
- ○bhasman n. calx of coral MW
- ○maṇi-śṛṅga mfn. having horns of coral and gems ib
- ○vat mfn. having new leaves or shoots W. (cf. bahu-puṣpa-pravāla-vat)
- ○varṇa mfn. coral-coloured, red Suśr
- pravālâśmantaka m. or n. (prob.) coral ib
- pravālaka n. coral Hcat. ( See also prabālaka)
- pra-vāś √P. -vāśati, to begin to croak or make a croaking noise Var
- pra-vāsa and e. See col. 1
- pra-√vāh Ā. -vāhate, to bear down (said of a woman in labour) Suśr.: Caus. -vāhayati id. ib. 2
- pra-ḍvāhita n. (for 1. See pra-√vah) bearing down Car
- pra-vāha &c. See pra-√vah
- pravika g. purohitâdi (Kāś.)
- pra-vikaṭa mfn. very large, huge Harav
- pra-vikarṣa m. drawing (the bowstring) Kir
- pra-ḍvikarṣaṇa n. drawing, dragging Jātakam
- pra-vi-√kas P. -kasati, to open, expand (intr.) Śiś
- to appear, become manifest, Peasannar
- pra-vi-kṝ √P. -kirati, (ind. p. -kīrya), to scatter about, disperse, diffuse MBh
- pra-ḍvikīrṇa mfn. scattered, dispersed, diffused R. Suśr
- -kāmā f. a woman who has various lovers Var
- pra-vi-khyāta mfn. (√khyā) universally known, renowned MBh
- known as, named, called (nom.) MārkP
- pra-ḍvikhyāti f. renown, celebrity L
- pra-vi-gata mfn. (√gam) passed away, disappeared Var
- pra-vi-√gal P. -galati, to stream forth Mālatīm
- to cease, disappear ib
- pra-ḍvigalita mfn. oozing Divyāv
- pra-vi-gāh √Ā. -gāhate, to dive into, enter (acc.) R
- pra-vi-graha m. (√grah) separation of words by dividing or breaking up the Saṃdhi RPrāt
- pra-vi-ghaṭ √P. -ghāṭayati, to divide, disunite Kir
- pra-ḍvighaṭana n. hewing off or asunder Mcar
- pra-ḍvighaṭita mfn. hewn off, severed Mcar
- pra-vi-√cakṣ Ā. -caṣṭe, to declare, mention, name MBh
- pra-vicaya See below
- pra-vi√car P. -carati, to go forwards, advance MBh. Hit
- to roam about Mṛicch
- to walk or wander through (acc.) MBh.: Caus. -cārayati, below
- pra-ḍvicāra m. distinction, division, species, kind Suśr
- -mārga m. pl. springing from side to side (an artifice in fighting) Kir
- vicāraṇā f. id. Car
- ḍvicīrita mfn. (fr. Caus.) examined or investigated accurately Pañcat
- pra-vi-√cal P. -calati, to become agitated, tremble, quake MBh
- to become confused or disturbed Hariv
- to deviate or swerve from (abl.) MBh. Bhartṛ.: Caus. -cālayati, to cause to tremble, shake Hariv
- pra-vi-ḍcalita mfn. moved, shaken MBh
- pra-vi-ci √2. P. -cinoti, to search through, investigate, examine MBh. R
- pra-vicaya m. investigation, examination Lalit
- pra-ḍvicita mfn. tried, proved, tasted MBh.
- pra-vi-√cint P. -cintayati, to think about, reflect upon (acc.) MBh. R
- pra-ḍvicintaka mfn. reflecting beforehand, foreseeing Hariv
- pra-vicetana n. (√4. cit) comprehending, understanding Hariv
- pra-vi-ceṣṭ √Ā. -ceṣṭate, to rove about, Veṇis
- pra-vij √(only Ā. 3. pl. pf. -vivijre), to rush forth RV. x, 111, 9: Caus. -vejayati, to drive away MBh
- pra-ḍvikta (prá.), mfn. trembling, quaking RV
- pra-ḍvejita mfn. (fr. Caus.) hurled, thrown, shot off MBh
- pra-vijaya m. pl. N. of a people MārkP
- pra-vi-jahya mfn. (fr. √jah
- cf. pra-vi √3. hā) to be given up or abandoned L
- pra-vi-jṛmbh √Ā. -jṛmbhate, to open or expand (intr.), appear in full vigour or splendour Bālar
- pra-vi-jñā √P. -jānāti, to know in detail or accurately Suśr
- pra-vi-tata mfn. (√tan) spread out, expanded, wide Hariv. Kāv. &c
- undertaken, begun MBh
- arranged Kathās
- dishevelled W
- pra-vi-tapta mfn. (√tap) scorched up, pained with heat Kām
- pra-vid √1. P. -vetti, to know, understand RV. AV. MBh.: Caus. -vedayati, ○te, to make known, communicate, relate TUp. MBh
- (P.) to know or understand right MuṇḍUp
- pra-ḍvíd f. knowledge, science RV. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-2, 61)
- pra-ḍvidvás mfn. knowing, wise RV. AV. TBr
- pra-ḍvettṛ m. a knower R
- pra-ḍveda m. ( See á-praveda)
- -kṛt mfn. (prob.) making known AV
- pra-ḍvedana n. making known, proclaiming. Pāṇ. 3-3, 153
- pra-ḍvedin mfn. knowing well or accurately Mn. ix, 267
- pra-ḍvedya mfn. to be made known MBh
- pra-vid √3. P. Ā. -vindati, ○te, to find, find out, invent RV
- to anticipate ŚBr.: Intens. -vevidīti, to attain, partake of (acc.) RV
- pra-vidalana n. pounding, crushing Mcar
- pra-vi-dāra m. (√dṝ) bursting asunder Var
- pra-ḍvidāraṇa n. (fr. Caus.) causing to burst asunder L
- war, battle L
- tumult crowd L
- pra-vi-ditsu mfn. (fr. Desid. of √1. dā) wishing to perform Harav. (wṛ. for -dhitsu?)
- pra-vi-duh √(only P. 3. pl, pr. duhanti), to milk or drain out completely (fig.) RV
- pra-viddha See pra-√vyadh
- pra-vi-druta mfn. (√dru) running or flowing asunder, scattered, dispersed MBh
- pra-vi-dhā √1, P. Ā. -dadhāti, -dhatte, to place apart, divide Suśr
- (Ā.) to meditate, think upon R. Rājat
- to place in front, put at the head, pay attention to Śukas
- pra-ḍvidhāna n. a means employed Vishṇ
- pra-vi-dhvasta mfn. (√dhvaṃs) thrown away R
- tossed about, agitated Hariv
- pra-vi-naś √2. (only Ā. 2ṣg. fut. -naṅkṣyase), to perish utterly, be destroyed R
- pra-vi-ḍnaṣṭa mfn. utterly destroyed ib
- pra-vi-nir-dhūta mfn. (√dhū) thrown or flung away or towards or at MBh
- pra-vipala m. or n. (?) a partic. minute division of time, a small part of a Vipala Siddhântaś
- pra-vi-√bhaj P. -bhajati, to separate, divide, distribute, apportion PraśnUp Mn. MBh. &c
- pra-ḍvibhakta mfn. separated, divided distributed &c. Mn. MBh. &c
- one who has received his share Mn. viii, 166
- (ifc.) divided into or consisting of Kull
- divided or distinguished by (instr. or comp.). Bhag. Śaṃk
- variously situated, scattered R
- -rasmi mfn. having the rays distributed, distributing rays Śak. Pravibhāga, m. separation, division, distribution, classification Mn. MBh. &c.
- a part, portion Uttarar. -vat, mfn. having subdivisions, subdivided MBh. -śas, ind. separately, singly MBh. Hcat
- pra-vibhāvaka mfn. (√bhū) causing to appear, representing Bhar
- pra-vi-bhinna mfn. (√bhid) broken or torn off, wounded R
- pra-vi-bhuj √1. P. -bhujati, to bend back, Susr
- pra-vi-muc √P. Ā. -muñcati, ○te, to set free, liberate R
- to give up, relinquish, abandon MBh. Kathās. &c.: Pass. -mucyate, to be freed from or rid of (abl.) Suśr
- pra-vi-mṛś √(only ind. p. -mṛśya wṛ. -mṛṣya) to think upon, ponder, reflect, deliberate MBh. R
- pra-vi-yuta mfn. (√2. yu) completely filled, crammed Nir. ix. 26
- pravira m. yellow sandal L
- pra-vi-rata mfn. (√ram) one who has desisted from (abl.) Rājat
- pra-virala mf(ā)n. separated by a considerable interval, isolated, few, very rare or scanty Var. Ragh. Kathās. &c
- pra-vi-rūḍha mfn. (√ruh) sprouted, grown Divyâv
- pra-vi-labh √Ā. -labhate, to regain, recover MBh. xiv, 1732 (prob. wṛ. for prati-l○ B. vi-pra-ī○)
- pra-vi-lamb √only pr. p. Ā. -lambamāna, hanging, suspended Divyâv.: Caus. (ind. p. -lambya) to hang up Pañcat. (v. l. pratiḷ○)
- pra-ḍvilambita mfn. hanging forwards, projecting (ati-pra-vil○) Suśr
- n. loitering, delaying ŚārṅgP
- pra-ḍvilambin mfn. projecting, prominent Var
- pra-vilaya See pra-vi- √lī
- pra-vi-√las P. -lasati, to shine forth brightly BhP
- to appear in full strength or vigour Gīt. Sch
- pravila-sena or pravilla-sena m. N. of a prince VP
- pra-vilāpana &c. See pra-vi- √lī
- pra-vilāpin mfn. (√lap) grieving, lamenting Kathās
- pra-vi-lī √Ā. or Pass. -līyate, (○ti), to become dissolved, melt or vanish away MuṇḍUp. MBh. &c.: Caus. -lāpayati, to cause to disappear or dissolve itself into (loc.) Śaṃk. BhP. Sch
- to dissolve, melt (trans.) Suśr
- pra-ḍvilaya m. melting Suśr
- = next Śaṃk
- pra-ḍvilayana n. complete dissolution or absorption Car
- pra-ḍvilāpana or n. (fr. Caus.) complete absorption or annihilation Śaṃk
- pra-ḍvilāpitatva n. (fr. Caus.) complete absorption or annihilation Śaṃk
- pra-ḍvilāpayitavya or mfn. to be completely annihilated ib
- pra-ḍvilāpya mfn. to be completely annihilated ib
- pra-vi-lup √Caus. -lopayati, to give up, abandon Kāv
- pra-ḍvilupta mfn. cut away, removed, destroyed, vanished, gone Kum. Kathās
- pra-vi-lok √P. -lokayati, to look forwards or about R
- to perceive, notice, consider Kathās
- (in astron.) to observe Gol
- pra-vilola mfn. very unsteady Caurap
- pra-vi-vardhita mfn. (√vṛdh) very much increased Rājat
- pra-vivāda m.altercation, quarrel, dispute Vet
- pra-vivikṣu See under pra- √viś
- pra-vi-vic √(only Pass. -vicyate), to test, examine Cat
- pra-vi-ḍvivikta mfn. separate, solitary, lonely, (loc. pl. 'in a solitude') MBh. R
- fine, delicate ŚBr. &c. &c
- sharp, keen MBh
- -cakṣus mfn. sharp-sighted MBh
- -tā f. keeping away from worldly objects or desires, Jātakam
- -bhuj mfn. eating delicate food MāṇḍUp
- ○tâhāra mfn. id. ŚBr
- pra-vi-ḍviveka m. complete solitude L.
- pra-vi-vepita mfn. (√vep, Caus.) caused to tremble R
- pra-vivrajiṣu and pra-vivrājayiṣu, See under pra-√vraj
- pra-viś √P. Ā. -viśati, ○te, to entor, go into, resort to (acc. or loc.) RV. &c. &c. (with agnim, agnau, madhyam agneḥ, vahnau, or citāyām, 'to ascend the funeral pyre'
- with karṇayoḥ', to come into the ears i.e. be heard'
- with ātmani, or cittam, 'to take possession of the heart'
- in dram. 'to enter the stage')
- to reach, attain Sarvad
- to have sexual intercourse with (acc., applied to both sexes) MBh. Suśr
- to enter upon, undertake, commence, begin, devote one's self to (acc., rarely loc.) MBh. Hariv. R. &c. (with piṇḍīm or tarpaṇam, 'to accept or enjoy an oblation')
- to enter into i.e. be absorbed or thrown into the shade by (acc.) Hariv. (with aṅgāni or gātrāṇi), 'to shrink, shrivel' R. Kathās.: Caus. -veśayati, ○te, to cause or allow to enter, bring or lead or introduce to, usher into (acc. or loc.) AV. &c. &c. (without an object, 'to bring into one's house &c.', esp. 'to bring on the stage')
- to lead home as a wife, i.e. marry MBh
- to lay or store up, deposit in, put or throw into (loc. or acc.) Mn. MBh. &c
- to enter i.e. commit to paper, write down Yājñ. Sch
- to initiate into (acc.) Prab
- to instil into (loc.) = teach, impart Kathās
- to spend (money) Pañcat
- to enter, come or be brought into (acc.) Var. BhP.: Desid. -vivikṣati, to wish to enter into (acc.) MBh. R
- pra-ḍvivikṣu mfn. (fr. Desid.) wishing or being about to enter (acc.) MBh. Kām
- prá-viṣṭa mfn. entered R. Ragh
- one who has entered or gone or come into, being in or among (loc., acc. or comp
- cf. madhya-prav○) RV. &c. &c. (in dram. 'one who has entered the stage')
- sunk (as an eye) Suśr
- appeared or begun (as an age) Vet
- one who has entered upon or undertaken, occupied with, intent upon, engaged in (loc. or comp.) BhP. Rājat
- initiated into (acc.) Prab
- agreeing with (loc.) MBh
- made use of. invested (as money) Yājñ. Rājat
- (ā), f. N. of the mother of Paippalādi and Kauśika Hariv. (prob. wṛ. for śraviṣṭhā)
- prá-ḍviṣṭaka n. entering the stage (only ○kena ind. in stage directions) Mṛicch. Śak. Pracaṇḍ. &c
- prá-ḍviṣṭahāya Nom. Ā. ○yate to appear in person Kād
- pra-veśa m. (ifc. f. ā) entering, entrance, penetration or intrusion into (loc., gen. with or without antar, or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (acc.with √kṛ, to make one's entrance, enter)
- entrance on the stage Hariv. Malav
- the entrance of the sun into a sign of the zodiac Var
- coming or setting in (of night) L
- the placing (e. g. of any deposit) in a person's house or hand Pañcat
- interfering with another's business, obtrusiveness Kathās
- the entering into i.e. being contained in (loc.) Pāṇ. 2-1, 72 Sch. Sāh
- employment, use, utilisation of (comp.) Kull. Inscr
- income, revenue, tax, toll (cf. -bhāgika)
- intentness on an object, engaging closely in a pursuit or purpose W
- manner, method Lalit
- a place of entrance, door MBh. Kāv. &c
- the syringe of an injection pipe Suśr
- -bhāgika m. (prob.) a receiver or gatherer of taxes Rājat
- pra-ḍveśaka ifc. = ○veśa entering, entrance Kathās
- m. a kind of interlude (acted by some of the subordinate characters for the making known of what is supposed to have occurred between the acts or the introducing of what is about to follow) Kālid. Ratnâv. Daśar. Sāh. &c. (cf. viṣkambhaka and IW. 473)
- N. of wk
- pra-ḍveśana n. entering, entrance or penetration into (loc., gen. or comp.) KātyŚr. Yājñ. MBh. &c
- sexual intercourse PārGṛ
- a principal door or gate L
- conducting or leading into (loc.), introduction KātyŚr. MBh. &c
- driving home (cattle) Gobh
- pra-ḍveśanīya mfn. (fr. prec.), g. anupravacanâdi
- pra-ḍveśayitavya mfn. (fr. Caus.) to be introduced Śak. (vḷ.)
- pra-ḍveśita mfn. (fr. Cause.) caused to enter, brought or sent in, introduced MBh. Kāv. &c
- thrown into (any condition, as sleep &c.) Ragh
- appointed, installed BhP
- (ā), f. impregnated, pregnant (dārakam', with a boy') Divyâv
- n. causing to appear on the stage BhP
- pra-ḍveśin mfn. (ifc.) entering into MBh
- having sexual intercourse with Car
- (fr. ○veśa), having an entrance accessible over or through (comp.) Hariv
- pra-ḍveśya mfn. to be entered, accessible, open MBh. Hariv. Śak
- to be played (as a musical instrument) Ragh
- to be let or conducted into, be introduced MBh. R.
- to be put back or re-introduced (said of the intestines) Suśr
- pra-ḍveṣṭavya mfn. to be entered or penetrated or pervaded, accessible, open Kāv. Kathās
- to be caused or allowed to enter, to be admitted Hariv
- n. (impers.) one should enter or penetrate into (loc.) Mn. MBh. &c
- pra-ḍveṣṭṛ mfn. one who enters or goes into Vedântas. (-tva n.)
- pra-vi-śam √Caus. -śāmayati to extinguish, destroy, annihilate (?) Divyâv
- pra-vi-śiṣ √P. -śinaṣṭi, to magnify, increase, augment Uttarar
- pra-vi-śīrṇa mfn. (√śṝ) fallen off (as flesh) Suśr
- pra-vi-śudh √Caus. -śodhayati, to clean perfectly MBh. Suśr
- pra-ḍviśuddha mfn. perfectly clean R
- pra-viśleṣa m. separation, parting L
- pra-vi-ṣaṇṇa mfn. (√sad) dejected, sad, spiritless R
- pra-viṣaya m. scope, range, reach (of the eye &c
- ○yaṃ dṛṣṭer √gam, 'to become visible') Kum. xvii, 21
- pra-viṣā f. a birch tree L. (cf. upa-viṣā, prati-viṣā)
- pra-viṣṭa ○ṭaka &c. See under pra- √viś
- pra-visarpin mfn. spreading or diffusing (intr.) slowly Jātakam
- pra-vi-sṛta mfn. (√sṛ) pouring forth Kathās
- spread, divulged Vāgbh
- run away, fled MBh
- violent, intensive Mṛicch. Pañcar
- pra-vi-stṛ √P. -stṛṇāti &c., to spread, expand Hcat
- pra-ḍvistara m. circumference, compass. extent ib. Pur. (○reṇa, in great detail')
- pra-ḍvistāra m. id. Cat
- pra-vi-spaṣṭa mfn. (√spaś) perfectly visible or evident Kum. xii, 42
- pra-vi-hata mfn. (√han) beaten back, put to flight MBh
- pra-vi-hā √3. P. -jahāti, to relinquish, give up, abandon R. (ind. p. -hāya, 'disregarding, passing over')
- pra-vihāra m. moving onwards Pārvat
- pra-vī √P. -veti, to go forth RV
- to strive after, make for, enter into ib
- to attack, assail ib
- to enter, fertilize, impregnate ib. . TS AV. Kāṭh
- to urge on, inspirit, animate RV
- pra-vayaṇa mfn. (for 2. See under pra-√ve) fit for driving forwards (as a stick) Pāṇ. 2-4, 57 Sch
- n. a goad ib. L
- pra-ḍvayaṇīya mfn. to be driven forwards Pāṇ. 2-4, 56 Sch
- pra-ḍvayyā f. to be impregnated (as a cow) Pāṇ. 6-1, 83
- pra-ḍvāyaka mfn. driving forwards Pāṇ. 2-4, 56 Sch
- prá-vīta mfn. impregnated AV. (cf. a-prav○, ṛta-prav○)
- prá-ḍvetṛ m. a charioteer Pāṇ. 2-4, 56 Vārtt. 1 Pat
- prá-ḍveya mfn. Pāṇ. 6-1, 83 Sch
- pra-vīṇa mf(ā)n. (pra + viiṇā) skilful, clever, conversant with or versed in (loc. or comp.) Kāv. Kām. (cf. g. śauṇḍḍâdi)
- m. N. of a son of the'Ith Manu Hariv. (vḷ. pra-viira)
- ○tā f
- ○tva n. skill, proficiency Kāv
- pravīṇī-kṛ √to render skilful Siṃhâs
- pra-vītin mfn. (√vye) having the sacred thread hanging down the back Gal. (cf. upa-viitin, ni-viitin)
- prá-vīra mfn. preceding or surpassing heroes RV. x, 103, 5 (cf. abhí-viira)
- m. a hero, prince, chief among (gen. or comp.), a person excellent or distinguished by (comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c. (ifc. f. ā)
- N. of a son of Pūru MBh
- of a son of Pracinvat (grandson of Pūru) Hariv. Pur
- of a son of Dharmanetra Hariv
- of a son of Hary-aśva VP
- of a son ol the 14th Manu Hariv. (v. l. pra-viiṇa)
- of a Caṇḍala MārkP
- pl. N. of the descendants of Praviira (son of Pūru) MBh
- ○bāhu m. 'strong-armed', N. of a Rākshasa R.
- ○vara m. 'best of heroes', N. of an Asura Kathās
- pravīraka m. N. of sev. men Mudr
- pra-vī-vivikṣu mfn. (Desid. of √viṣ) being about to embrace or inundate (said of the ocean) R
- pra-vṛ √1. P. -vṛṇoti, to ward off, keep away RV.: Caus. -vārayati id. MBh
- pra-vará m. (for 1. See p. 690) a cover ŚBr. (Sāy. pra-vāra
- Pāṇ. 3-3, 54)
- an upper garment Var. 1
- pra-ḍvaraṇa n. (for 2. See under pra √2. vṛ) the festivities at the end of the rainy season Buddh
- pra-ḍvāra m. a covering, cover, woollen cloth, BṛArUp. (cf. 2. pra-vara)
- pra-ḍvāraka m. = 1. pravaraṇa L
- woollen cloth L. 1
- pra-ḍvāraṇa n. (fur 2. See under pra- 2 -vṛ) prohibition L
- = 1. pravaraṇa Buddh. (also ā, f
- MWB. 84). 1
- vārita mfn. (for 2. See under pra- √2. vṛ) clothed with (instr.) Kāraṇḍ
- pra-vṛ √2. P. Ā. -vṛṇāti, (Ved.) -vṛṇite -vṛṇoti, -vṛṇute (3 -sg. aor. Subj. -vṛta RV.), to choose out, choose as (acc.) or for (dat.) RV. Br. MBh. BhP
- to accept gladly RV. ix, 101, 13: Caus. -varayati, to choose, select MBh
- -vārayati, to please, gratify. R. (For 1
- pravara mfn. best, &c., See p. 690, col. 3.)
- pra-vara m. a call, summons (esp. of a Brāhman to priestly functions) AitBr
- an invocation of Agni at the beginning of a sacrifice, a series of ancestors (so called because Agni is invited to bear the oblations to the gods as he did for the sacrificer's progenitors, the names of the 4 10 5 most nearly connected with the ancient Ṛishis being then added) Br. ŚrS
- a family, race L
- an ancestor KātyŚr. Sch. (ī f. Pat.)
- -kāṇḍa m. or n. a chapter about a series of ancestors Cat
- -khaṇḍa m. or n. -darpaṇa m. -dīpikā f. -nirṇaya, m. -mañjarī f. -ratna n. N. of wks
- -vat mfn. having a series of ancestors L
- ○râdhyāya m. ○re-kṛta-śānti f. N. of wks. 2
- pra-ḍvaraṇa n. (for 1. See above) a call, summons, invocation (ati-prav○) ĀśvŚr
- any religious ceremony or observance (= anu-ṣṭhāna) Hcat
- ○ṇīya mfn. fit for religious observance ib. 2
- pra-ḍvāraṇa n. (for 1. See above) satisfying, fulfilment of a wish MBh. v, 146. 2
- pra-ḍvārita mfn. (for 1. See above) offered, set out for sale MBh. v, 6006 (B. pra-codita)
- pra-ḍvārya mfn. to be satisfied MBh. v, 149
- pra-ḍvṛta mfn. chosen, selected, adopted (as a son) BhP
- -homa m. an oblation offered on the appointment of a priest, ŚrS
- ○mīya mfn. relating to it, Sā3ṅkhBr
- ○tâhuti f. = ○tahoma ib. Vait
- pra-vṛkṇa See pra- √vraśc
- pra-vṛj √P. Ā. -vṛṇakti, -vṛṅkte, (Ved. inf. -vṛ́je), to strew (the sacrificial grass) RV. Br
- to place in or on the fire, heat ib
- to perform the Pravargya ceremony Br. KātyŚr
- pra-varga m. a large earthenware pot (used in the Pravargya ceremony) Sāy. on RV. vii, 103, 8
- wṛ. for next
- ○gâvarta-bhūṣaṇa m. N. of Vishṇu Hariv
- pra-ḍvargyá m. a ceremony introductory to the Soma sacrifice (at which fresh milk is poured into a heated vessel called, mahā-viira or gharma, or into boiling ghee) Br. ŚrS. MBh. &c
- n. N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr
- -kāṇḍa m. N. of ŚBr. xvi (in the kāṇva-śākhā)
- -prayoga m. N. of wk
- -vat (○gyá-.), mfn. connected with the Pravargya ceremony ŚBr. ŚrS
- -sāman n. N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr
- pra-ḍvárjana n. performance, of the PravṭPravargya ceremony, placing in or near the fire ŚBr
- pra-ḍvṛkta (prá-.), mfn. placed in or near the fire ŚBr
- pra-ḍvṛjya mfn. to be placed in or near the fire ĀpŚr
- pra-vṛñjana n. = ○várjana ib
- pra-ḍvṛñjanīya mfn. used at the Pravargya ceremony KātyŚr
- pra-vṛt √Ā. -vartate, (ep. also P. ○ti), to roll or go onwards (as a carriage), be set in motion or going ChUp. MBh. &c
- to set out, depart, betake one's self MBh. R. &c
- to proceed (vartmanā, or ○ni, on a path
- apathena, on a wrong path) Kāv. Kathās
- to come forth, issue, originate, arise, be produced, result, occur, happen, take place VS. Br. MBh. &c
- to commence, begin to (inf.), set about, engage in, be intent upon or occupied with (dat., loc., or artham ifc.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- to proceed against, do injury to (loc.) MBh. R. Ragh.
- to debauch (anyo'nyam, 'one another') MBh
- to act or proceed according to or with (instr. or abl.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- to behave or conduct one's self towards, deal with (loc.) ib
- to hold good, prevail ib
- to continue, keep on (pr. p.) Hariv. Sarvad
- to be, exist MārkP
- to serve for, conduce to (dat., or artham ifc.) Sarvad
- to mean, be used in the sense of (loc.) ib
- to let any one (gen.) have anything (acc.) MBh.: Caus. -vartayati, to cause to turn or roll, set in motion RV. &c. &c
- to throw, hurl, Pour forth RV. MaitrS
- to send Prab
- to set on foot, circulate, diffuse, divulge MBh. Kāv. &c
- to introduce, appoint, instal ib
- to produce, create, accomplish, devise, invent, perform, do, make ib. (with setum to erect a dam
- with vyayakarma, to effect expenditure
- with loka-yātrām, to transact the business of life
- with kathām, to relate a story)
- to exhibit, show, display R. BhP
- to undertake, begin KātyŚr. MBh. &c
- to use, employ Bhaṭṭ
- to induce any one to do anything, betray into (loc.) Kathās
- to proceed against (loc.) MBh
- pra-vartá m. a round ornament AV. (TS. Sch. 'an ear-ring'
- cf: pra-vṛtta)
- engaging in, undertaking W
- excitement, stimulus ib
- pra-ḍvartaka mf(ikā)n. acting, proceeding L
- setting in motion or action, setting on foot, advancing, promoting, forwarding Up. Mn. MBh. &c
- producing, causing, effecting MBh. Kāv. &c
- m. a founder, author, originator of anything ib
- an arbiter, judge W
- n. (in dram.) the entrance of a previously announced person on the stage (at the end of the introduction) Sāh. Pratāp. (cf. pra-vṛttaka and prā-varta)
- -jñāna and ○kīya n. N. of wks
- pra-ḍvartana mf(ī)n. being in motion, flowing Ragh. x, 38 (C. ○vartin)
- (ā), f. incitement to activity Gaut
- (in gram.) order, permission, the sense of the precative or qualified imperative tense (?) W
- n. advance, forward movement, rolling or flowing forth R. Var. Yājñ. Sch
- walking, roaming, wandering R
- activity, procedure, engaging in, dealing with (instr. or loc.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- going on, coming off, happening, occurrence MBh. Hariv. &c
- conduct, behaviour MBh
- bringing near, fetching ŚāṅkhŚr
- erection, construction Mn. Yājñ. Sch
- causing to appear, bringing about, advancing, promoting, introducing, employing, using MBh. R. &c
- informing W
- pra-ḍvartanīya mfn. to be set in motion or employed Kull
- to be begun Yājñ. Sch
- pra-ḍvartamānaká mfn. (dimin. of the pr. p. ○vartamāna) coming slowly forth from (abl.) RV. i, 191, 16
- pra-ḍvartayitṛ m. (fr. Caus.) one who sets in motion or action, instigator of(gen.) or to (loc.) Kād. Śaṃk. (-tva, n.)
- an erector, builder, founder, introducer VP. Yājñ. Sch
- an employer Kull
- pra-ḍvartita mfn. (fr. Caus.) caused to roll on or forwards, set in motion, set on foot MBh. Kāv. &c
- set up, established, introduced, appointed ib
- built, erected, made, performed, accomplished ib
- related, told Sāh
- made pure, hallowed Mn. xi, 196
- informed, apprized W
- stimulated, incited ib
- lighted, kindled MW
- dispensed, administered Ml
- allowed to take its course ib
- enforced ib
- pra-ḍvartitavya n. (impers.) one should act or proceed Prab. Sāh
- pra-ḍvartitṛ m. one who causes or effects, producer, bringer MBh
- one who settles or determines Yājñ
- pra-ḍvartin mfn. issuing, streaming forth, forth, moving onwards, flowing Kālid. Śatr
- active, restless, unsteady (a-prativ○) ŚBr. Up
- causing to flow MBh. Hariv
- causing, effecting, Producing ib
- using, employing Hariv
- introducing, propagating Cat
- (ī), f. N. of a Jaina nun HPariś
- pra-ḍvartya mfn. to be (or being) excited to activity Śaṃk
- pra-vṛ́t f. (?) VS. xv, 9
- pra-ḍvṛtta mfn. rotund, globular ŚāṅkhBr
- driven up (as a carriage) ChUp
- circulated (as a book) Pañcat
- set out from (-tas), going to, bound for (acc., loc., inf., or artham ifc
- dakṣiṇena, 'southwards'
- with pathā', proceeding on a path') MBh. Kāv. &c
- issued from (abl.), come forth, resulted, arisen, produced, brought about, happened, occurred VS. &c. &c
- come back, returned MBh
- commenced, begun MBh. Kāv. &c
- (also -vat mfn. ) having set about or commenced to (inf.) Kathās
- purposing or going to, bent upon (dat., loc., or comp.) Kāv. Kathās. Rājat
- engaged in, occupied with, devoted to (loc. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c
- hurting, injuring, offending MBh
- acting, proceeding, dealing with (loc.) Mn. MBh. &c
- existing Āpast
- who or what has become (with nom.) R
- (with karman n. action) causing a continuation of mundane existence Mn. xii, 88
- wṛ. for pra-cṛtta and pra-nṛtta
- (○vṛttá), m. = ○varta, a round ornament ŚBr
- (ā f. N. of a female demon MārkP.)
- -karman n. any act leading to a future birth W
- -cakra mfn. 'whose chariot wheels run on unimpeded', having universal power (○kra-tā f.) Yājñ
- -tva n. the having happened or occurred Jaim
- -pānīya mfn. (a well) with abundant water MBh
- -pāraṇa n. a partic. religious observance or ceremony Śak. (vḷ.)
- -vāc mfn. of fluent speech, eloquent MBh
- -samprahāra mfn. one who has begun the fight (○ra-tva n.) Kathās
- ○ttâśin m. N. of a partic. class of ascetics Baudh
- pra-ḍvṛttaka n. -"ṣvartaka n. Pratāp
- N. of a metre Col
- pra-ḍvṛtti f. moving onwards, advance, progress GṛŚrS. MBh. Suśr
- coming forth, appearance, manifestation ŚvetUp. Kālid. Rājat
- rise, source, origin. MBh
- activity, exertion, efficacy, function Kap. Sāṃkhyak. MBh. &c. (in the Nyāya one of the 82 Prameyas IW. 63)
- active life (as opp. to ni-vṛtti q.v. and to contemplative devotion, and defined as consisting of the wish to act, knowledge of the means, and accomplishment of the object) W
- giving or devoting one's self to, prosecution of. course or tendency towards, inclination or predilection for (loc. or comp.) Rājat. Hit. Sāh
- application, use, employment Mn. MBh. MārkP
- conduct, behaviour, practice Mn. MBh. &c
- the applicability or validity of a rule KātyŚr. Pāṇ. Sch
- currency, continuance, prevalence ib
- fate, lot, destiny R
- news, tidings, intelligence of (gen. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- cognition (with viṣaya-vatī, 'a sensuous cognition') Yogas
- the exudation from the temples of a rutting elephant L. (cf. Vikr. iv, 47)
- N. of Avanti or Oujein or any holy place L
- (in arithm.) the multiplier W. (wṛ. for pra-kṛti?)
- -jña, m. 'knowing the news', an emissary, agent. spy L
- -jñóna n. -vijñāna Sarvad
- -nimitta n. the reason for the use of any term in the particular significations which it bears MW
- -nivṛtti-mat mfn. connected with activity and inactivity BhP
- paróṅmukha mf(ī)n. disinclined to give tidings Vikr
- -pratyaya m. a belief in or conception of the things relating to the external world Buddh
- -mat mfn. devoted to anything, Kaiy
- mārga m. active or worldly life, occupancy about the business and pleasures of the world or with the rites and works of religion MW
- -vacana mfn. (a word) expressing activity Kāś. on Pāṇ. 2-3, 51
- -vijñāna n. cognition of the things belonging to the external world Buddh
- ○tty-aṅga n. N. of wk
- pra-vṛdh √P. -vardhati, to exalt, magnify. RV. viii, 8, 22
- Ā. -vardhate (rarely P. ○ti), to grow up, grow, increase, gain in strength, prosper, thrive RV. &c. &c.: Caus. -vardhayati, ○te, to strengthen, increase, augment, extend RV. &c. &c
- to raise, exalt, cause to thrive Hariv
- to rear, cherish, bring up Kathās
- pra-vardhaka mf(ikā)n. augmenting, increasing, enhancing Inscr
- pra-ḍvardhana mfn. id Hariv. Suśr
- n. augmenting, increase W
- prá-vṛddha mfn. grown up, fully developed, increased, augmented, intense, vehement, great, numerous RV. &c. &c
- swollen, heaving R. Kālid
- risen to wealth or power, prosperous, mighty, strong MBh. Var
- (also with vayasā) advanced in age, grown old MBh. Kathās
- expanded, diffused W
- full, deep (as a sigh) ib
- haughty, arrogant MW
- wṛ. for pra-vṛtta, -viddha, -buddha
- vṛddhi f. growth, increase Var. Kālid. Rājat
- rising, rise (arghasya, 'of price') Var
- prosperity, increasing welfare, rising in rank or reputation ib. Rājat
- pra-vṛ́dh f. growth RV. iii, 31, 3
- pra-vṛścya See pra- √vraśc
- pra-vṛṣ √P. -varṣati, to begin to rain, rain, shed or shower abundantly with (instr) MBh. Kāv. &c.: Caus. -varṣayati, to cause to rain TS. ŚBr
- pra-ḍvarṣa m. (also pl.) rain MBh. Pañcat
- pra-ḍvarṣaṇa m. N. of a mountain BhP
- n. beginning to rain, raining, causing to rain MBh. Var. (Sch. 'first rain')
- pra-ḍvarṣin mfn. raining, causing to rain, showering, discharging MBh. R. &c. (cf. ūrdhva-prav○)
- pra-ḍvṛṣṭa mfn. begun to rain or to pour down (instr.) MBh. R. Kathās
- (e), ind. when it rains Var.
- pra-vṛh √P. Ā. -vṛhati, ○te, to tear out or off or asunder, destroy RV. TS. Br. Up
- (Ā) to draw towards one's self. attract ŚBr
- pra-ḍvárham ind. plucking off ŚBr
- pra-ḍvṛḍha mfn. torn off Kāṭh. (Cf. pra- √1. bṛh.)
- pra-√ve P. -vayati, to weave on, attach to RV. TS. ŚBr. Up
- pra-vayaṇa n. (for 1. See under pra- √vii) the upper part of a piece of woven cloth AitBr
- pra-ḍvāṇa n. the edging or trimming of a piece of woven cloth Lāṭy
- pra-ḍvāṇi or f. a weaver's shuttle L
- pra-ḍvāṇī f. a weaver's shuttle L
- prôta See s.v
- pra-veka mfn. (√vic) choicest, most excellent, principal, chief (always ifc.) MBh. R. &c
- pra-vega m. (√vij) great speed, rapidity MBh. R. (cf. śara-pr○)
- pra-ḍvegita mfn. moving swiftly, rapid R
- pra-veṭa m. barley L. (cf. pra-vata, prāvaṭa)
- pra-veṇī f. a braid of hair worn by widows and by wives in the absence of their husbands R. (○ṇi L.)
- a piece of coloured woollen cloth (used instead of a saddle) MBh. (○ṇi L., also 'the housings of an elephant')
- N. of a river MBh
- pra-vetṛ pra-veya, See pra- √vii
- pra-vettṛ pra-veda &c. See pra √1. vid
- pra-vedha See pra-√vyadh
- pra-√vep Ā. -vepate (m. c. also P. ○ti), to tremble, shiver, quake MBh. Kāv. &c.: Caus. -vepayati (aor. prâviivipat), to cause to tremble, shake RV. &c. &c
- pra-ḍvepa rembling, quivering R
- pra-ḍvepaka m. trembling shivering, shuddering Suśr
- pra-ḍvepathu m. id. ib
- pra-ḍvepana m. N. of a serpentdemon MBh
- n. trembling, shuddering, tremulous motion, agitation Car. Pāṇ. Sch. Vop. (wṛ. ○vepaṇa)
- pra-ḍvepanín mfn. causing (enemies) to tremble (said of Indra) RV
- pra-ḍvepanīya○ mfn. to be caused to tremble Pāṇ. 8-4, 34 Sch
- pra-ḍvepita n. the act of trembling Kir
- pra-ḍvepin mfn. trembling, shaking, tottering Nir. ix, 8
- pra-veraya Nom. P. ○yati (cf. √vel, vell), to cast, hurl MBh
- pra-ḍverita mfn. cast, hurled ib. (vḷ.)
- pravela m. a yellow variety of Phaseolus Mungo L
- pra-veśa &c. See pra- √viś
- pra-veṣṭ √Caus. -veṣṭayati, to cover, enclose, surround TS
- to twine or fasten round ĀpŚr. MānGṛ
- pra-veṣṭa m. (only L.) an arm
- the fore-arm or wrist (cf. pra-koṣṭha)
- the fleshy part of the back of an elephant on which the rider sits
- an elephant's housings
- an elephant's gums ( See also danta-pr○)
- pra-ḍveṣṭita mfn. covered with (instr.) MBh
- praveṣṭaka wṛ. for pra-viṣṭaka ( See pra- √viś)
- pra-veṣṭavya ○ṭṛ, See pra- √viś
- pra-voḍhṛ See pra-√vah
- pra-vy-akta mfn. (√añj) evident, apparent, manifest (compar. -tara) Suśr
- pra-ḍvyakti f. appearance, manifestation ib
- pra-vyath √Ā. -vyathate, (ep. also P. ○ti), to tremble, be afraid of (gen.), be disquieted or distressed MBh. R. &c
- = Caus. R.: Caus. -vyathayati, to frighten, disquiet, distress MBh. R. Hariv
- pra-ḍvyathita mfn. affrighted, distressed, pained MBh. Hariv. R. &c
- pra-√vyadh P. -vidhyati, to hurl, cast, throw away or down RV. &c. &c
- to hurl missiles, shoot AV. ŚBr
- to pierce, transfix, wound MBh. Suśr
- prá-viddha mfn. hurled, cast, thrown into (loc.) RV. &c. &c
- thrown asunder, spilt (as water) R
- crammed, filled MBh
- abandoned, given up R
- prá-ḍvedha m. a bow-shot ĀpŚr. Sch
- a partic. measure of length, Divyâ
- prá-ḍvyādhá m. id., the distance of the flight of an arrow ŚBr. TBr. ŚrS
- pra-vy-as √2. P. -asyati, to lay down, place upon (loc.) R
- pra-vy-ā-hṛ √P. -harati, to utter forth, speak MBh. R
- to utter inarticulate sounds, howl, yell, roar ib. (v. l. pratyāhri)
- to declare beforehand, foretell, predict MW.: Caus. -hārayati, to speak MBh
- pra-ḍvyāharaṇa n. the uttering of sounds, faculty of speech Divyâv
- pra-ḍvyāhāra m. (v. l. or wṛ. pratyāh○) prolongation or continuation of discourse MBh. (= prakṛṣṭâkti, Nīlak.)
- speaking to, address (○raṃ √kṛ, with gen.', to address a person') Kāraṇḍ
- sound ib
- pra-ḍvyāhṛta mfn. speaking MBh
- spoken, foretold, predicted ib
- pra-√vraj P. -vrajati, to go forth, proceed, depart from (abl.), set out for, go to (acc., loc. or dat.) ŚBr. Up. GṛŚrS. MBh. &c
- to leave home and wander forth as an ascetic mendicant ŚrS. Mn. MBh. &c
- (with Jainas) to become a monk HPariś.: Caus. -vrājayati (wṛ. -vraj○), to send into exile, banish from (abl.) MBh. R. &c
- to compel any one to wander forth as an ascetic mendicant or to become a monk MBh. HPariś
- pra-vivrajiṣu mfn. (from Desid.) wishing to take the vow of a monk HPariś
- pra-viḍvivrājayiṣu mfn. (from Desid. of Caus.) wishing to send into exile, desirous of banishing, Bhaṭṭi
- pra-vrajana n. going abroad MBh
- pra-ḍvrajikā wṛ. for ○vrajitā and ○vrājikā
- pra-ḍvrajita mfn. gone astray or abroad R. Kāś. on Pāṇ. 2-3, 38
- run away (said of horses) MBh
- (also with vanam) one who has left home to become a religious mendicant or (with Jainas) to become a monk Mn. MBh. HPariś
- m. a religious mendicant or a monk MBh. Var. Suśr
- (ā), f. a female ascetic or a nun Yājñ. Var. Kād. Sāh
- Nardostachys Jatamansi L
- another plant (muṇḍīrī) L
- n. the life of a religious mendicant MBh
- pra-ḍvrajya n. going abroad, migration MBh
- (ā), f. id. ib
- going forth from home (first rite of a layman wishing to become a Buddh. monk) MWB. 77
- roaming, wandering about (esp. as a religious mendicant, in a dress not authorized by the Veda) Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c
- the order of a relṭreligious mendicant MBh. Var
- ○jyā-yoga m. a constellation under which future relṭreligious mendicants are born Var
- jyâvasita m. a relṭreligious mendicant who has renounced his order Yājñ
- pra-vrāj m. a religious mendicant Var. Kathās
- pra-ḍvrājá m. the bed of a river RV
- pra-ḍvrājaka m. a religious mṭmendicant R. Kathās
- (ikā), f. a female ascetic (also ○jaka-strī) Kathās
- pra-ḍvrājana n. banishment, exile MBh. R
- pra-ḍvrājita mfn. become a monk Divyâv
- vrā́jin m. = ○vrāj ŚBr
- mfn. running after ( See dvi-pravrājinī)
- pra-vraśc √P. -vṛścati, (ind. p. vṛścya), to cut or hew off, cut or tear to pieces, lace ite, wound AV. Br. Bhaṭṭ
- pra-ḍvṛkṇa mfn. cut or hewn off BhP
- pra-ḍvraścana m. an instrunient for cutting fuel, a knife for cutting wood Pāṇ. Sch. (cf. idhma-pr○)
- pra-ḍvraska m. a cut Kauś
- pra-vlī √P. -vlināti, to overwhelm by pressure, crush ĀpŚr
- pra-ḍvlaya m. sinking down, collapse AitBr
- pra-ḍvlīna (prá-), mfn. overwhelmed by pressure, crushed, sunk down AV. Br
- pra-śaṃyuvāka wṛ. for śaṃy○
- pra-śaṃs √P. Ā. -śaṃsati, ○te, (irreg. Pot. -śaṃsīyāt Cāṇ.), to proclaim, declare, praise, laud, extol RV. &c. &c
- to urge on, stimulate RV. i, 84, 19
- to approve, esteem, value (with na, to disapprove, blame) MBh. Kāv. &c
- to foretell, prophesy Cāṇ
- pra-ḍśaṃsaka mfn. (ifc.) praising, commending MBh. R. HYog
- pra-ḍśaṃsana n. praising, commending Vedântas. Pāṇ. Sch. (wṛ. ○śaṃśana)
- pra-ḍśaṃsanīya mfn. to be praised, laudable Kād
- pra-ḍśaṃsā́ f. praise, commendation, fame, glory (with Buddhists one of the 8 worldly conditions Dharmas. 61) ŚBr. &c. &c. (cf. aprastuta-p○, strī-p○
- wṛ. ○śaṃśā)
- -nāman n. an expression of praise Nir
- mukhara mfn. loud with praise, praising loudly (○rânana, mfn. 'one whose mouth is loud with praise', speaking loudly in praise of anything) Rājat
- -"ṣlāpa (○sâl○), m. applause, acclamation Daś
- -vacana n. pl. a laudatory speech MBh
- -"ṣvali (○sâv○), f. a poem of praise, panegyric Bālar
- ○śaṃsôpamā f. (in rhet.) laudatory comparison, comparing to anything superior Kāvyâd.
- pra-ḍśaṃsita mfn. praised, commended Pañcar
- pra-ḍśaṃsitavya mfn. to be praised, praiseworthy W
- pra-ḍśaṃsin mfn. (ifc.) praising, commending, eulogizing MBh. R
- pra-ḍśaṃstavya mfn. to be praised, praiseworthy. R. (cf. ○śastavya)
- pra-śaṃḍsaṃsya mfn. to be pr, praisewṭpraiseworthy RV. MBh. R. Uttarar. (vḷ.)
- preferable to, better than (abl.) Mn. ii, 95 Kull. (cf. 1. ○śasya.)
- praśastá mfn. praised, commended, considered fit or good, happy, auspicious (as stars, days &c.) RV. ĀśvGṛ. Mn. MBh. &c
- better, more excellent Gaut
- best Āpast
- consecrated (as water) Var
- m. N. of a man Kathās
- of a poet Cat
- (ā), f. N. of a river MBh
- -kara m. N. of an author (perhaps the writer of a wk. entitled Praśasta) Cat
- -kalaśa m. N. of a man Rājat
- -ta f. (MW.) or -tva n. (Mcar.) excellence, goodness
- -paribhāṣā f. N. of wk
- -pāda m. N. of an author Sarvad. Cat
- -bhāṣya n. N. of wk. Cat
- -vacana n. pl. laudatory words, praises Mṛicch
- ○śastâdri m. N. of a mountain to the west of Madhya-deśa Var
- praḍśastavya mfn. to be praised, praiseworthy R. (cf. -śaṃstavya)
- praḍśuti (prá-). f. praise, fame, glorification RV. Uttarar. Daśar. &c. (○tiṃ √dhā, to bestow praise upon, value highly with loc. RV.)
- liking, desire (as of food) RV
- (in dram.) a benediction (praying for peace &c. in the reign of a prince) Sāh
- instruction, guidance, warning RV
- an edict Vcar. Bālar
- (metrical) eulogistic inscription Ml
- excellence, eminence W
- N. of a guide to letter-writing Cat. (also ○tikā)
- -kāśikā f. N. of wk
- -kṛt mfn. bestowing praise, praising RV
- -gāthā f. a song of praise Caṇḍ
- -taraṃga m. N. of wk. -paṭṭa m. a written edict Rājat
- -prakāśikā f. N. of wk. (= -kāśikā)
- -ratnâkara m. N. of wk
- -ratnâvahlī f. N. of a poem by Viśva-nātha, Sāh 1
- praḍśasya mfn. to be praised, praiseworthy, excellent, eminent RV. Nir. MBh. &c
- to be called happy, to be congratulated MBh. (cf. ○śaṃsya)
- -tā f. excellence, eminence Hemac. 2
- praḍśasya ind. having praised or commended MBh. R. Pañcat. BhP
- pra-śak √P. -śaknoti, (fut. also A. -śakṣye. MBh.), to be able to (inf.) MBh. Hariv
- pra-ḍśaka mfn. wṛ. for ○sakta MBh
- pra-ḍśakya mfn. one who does his utmost Kauś. Sch
- praśaka wṛ. for pra-śākha, col. 2
- pra-śaṭha mfn. very false or wicked (-tā f.) L
- pra-śad √only Caus. -śātayati, to cause to fall down, break off, pluck Vcar
- pra-ḍśattvan m. the ocean Uṇ. iv, 116 Sch
- (arī), f. a river ib
- pra-śam √P. -śāmyati, to become calm or tranquil, be pacified or soothed, settle down (as dust) Mn. MBh. &c
- to be allayed or extinguished, cease, disappear, fade away ib.: Caus. -śamayati (rarely śām○), to appease, calm quench allay, extinguish, terminate ib
- to make subject, subdue, conquer MBh
- pra-ḍśama m. calmness, tranquillity' (esp. of mind), quiet, rest, cessation, extinction, abatement MBh. Kāv. &c
- m. N. of a son of Ānaka-dundisbhi and Śānti-deva BhP
- (ī), f. N. of an Apsaras MBh
- -ṃ-kara mfn. causing the cessation of (gen.), disturbing, interrupting R
- -rati-sūsra n. N. of wk
- -sthita mfn. being in a state of quiescence Ragh
- ○mâyana mfn. walking in tranquillity BhP
- pra-ḍśamaka mfn. one who brings to rest, quenching, allaying Kāraṇḍ
- pra-ḍśamana mfn. tranquillizing, pacifying, curing, healing MBh. Hariv. Suśr
- n. the act of tranquillizing &c. MBh. Kām. Daś. Pur. Suśr
- securing, keeping safe (of what has been acquired) Mn. vii, 56 (others, bestowing aptly'
- others, 'sanctification'
- Ragh. iv, 14)
- killing, slaughter L
- (scil. astra) N. of a weapon R
- śamita mfn. (fr. Caus.) tranquillized, relieved, quelled, quenched, allayed MBh. Hariv. &c
- atoned for, expiated Uttarar
- -ripu mfn. one who has all enemies pacified Mṛicch
- ○târi mfn. id. Ragh
- ○tâpadrava mfn. one who has all calamities quelled MW
- pra-śān ind., g. svar-ādi (cf. ○śām)
- pra-ḍśānta mfn. tranquillized, calm, quiet, composed, indifferent Up. Mn. MBh. &c
- (in augury) auspicious, boni ominis Var
- extinguished, ceased, allayed, removed, destroyed, dead MBh. Kāv. &c
- -kāma mfn. one whose desires are calmed, content BhP
- -cāritramati m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva Lalit
- -cārin m. pl. 'walking tranquilly', (prob.) N. of a class of deities ib.
- -citta mfn. 'tranquil-minded', calm Vedântas
- -ceṣṭa mfn. one whose efforts have ceased, resting MW
- -tā f. tranquillity of mind MBh
- -dhī mfn. = -citta BhP
- -bādha mfn. one who has all calamities or hindrances quelled MW
- -bhūmipāla mfn. 'having the kings extinguished', without a king (said of the earth) Rājat
- -mūrti mfn. of tranquil appearance Var
- -rāga m. N. of a man Cat
- -viniścaya-pratihārya-nirdeśa m. N. of a Buddh. Sūtra
- -vinītêśvara m. N. of a divine being, Lalī
- ○tâtman mfn. 'tranquil-souled', composed in mind, peaceful, calm Bhag. BhP
- ○târāti mfn. one whose enemies have been pacified or destroyed Prab
- ○târja mfn. one whose strength has ceased, weakened, prostrated W
- ○tôlmuka mfn. extinguished W
- ○tâujas mfn. = ○tôrja MW
- pra-ḍśāntaka mfn. tranquil, calm Bhar
- pra-śānti f. sinking to rest, rest, tranquillity (esp. of mind), calm, quiet, pacification, abatement, extinction, destruction MBh. Kāv. &c
- -dūtī f. 'messenger of rest', N. of old age Kathās
- pra-ḍśā́m mfn. (nom. ○śā́n) painless, unhurt ŚBr. (cf. ○śān above)
- pra-ḍśāma tranquillity, pacification, suppression W
- pra-ḍśāmita mfn. (fr. Caus.) pacified i.e. subdued, conquered Hariv
- pra-śardha mfn. (√śṛdh) bold, daring RV
- praśala wṛ. for prasala
- pra-śas f. (√1. śas) a hatchet, axe, knife AitBr. (Nir. Sch
- others = pra-śasta, pra-kṛṣṭa-cchedana &c.)
- pra-śasta &c. See pra-√śaṃs
- pra-śākha mfn. having great branches (as a tree), Psṇ. vi, 2, 177 Sch
- (also ○śaka) N. of the 5th stage in the formation of an embryo (in which the hands and feet are formed) Buddh
- (ā), f. a branch or twig MBh. R
- (prob.) extremity of the body Suśr
- ○kha-vat mfn. (m.c. for ○khA-v○) having numerous branches R
- pra-śāḍkhikā f. a small branch, twig MBh
- praśātikā See prasātikā
- pra-śānta &c. See under pra- √śam
- pra-śās √P. -śāsti, (ep. also Ā.), to teach, instruct, direct RV. ŚBr. R
- to give instructions to, order, command (acc.) MBh. R. MārkP
- to chastise, punish MBh. Kathās
- to govern, rule, reign (also with rājyam), be lord of (acc. with or without adhi) ŚBr. Mn. MBh. &c
- to decide upon (loc.) MBh
- pra-ḍśāsaka m. = ○śāstṛ Pañcat. (B.)
- pra-ḍśā́sana n. guidance, government, rule, dominion RV. ŚBr. ChUp. MBh
- enjoining, enacting W
- pra-ḍśāsita mfn. governed, administered R
- enjoined, enacted W
- pra-ḍśāsitṛ m. a governor, ruler, master, dictator Mn. MBh. Śaṃk
- pra-ḍśāta wṛ. for
- pra-ḍśasta ĀpŚr
- pra-ḍśāstṛ́ m. 'director', N. of a priest (commonly called Maitrāvaruṇa, the first assistant of the Hotṛi) RV. &c. &c
- a king Uṇ. ii, 94 Sch
- pra-ḍśāstrá n. the office of the Praśāstṛi RV. ii, 2, 1 ĀpŚr
- his Soma vessel ib. ii, 36, 6. 1
- pra-ḍśāsya ind. having ruled or commanded MBh. 2
- pra-ḍśāsya mfn. one who has to receive orders from (gen.) Bālar
- praśiṣṭa mfn. ruled over, reigned, governed, commanded MW
- praḍśiṣṭi, (prá-), f. injunction, command, order TBr. ĀśvŚr
- praḍśís f. order, direction, precept RV. AV. TBr. ĀśvŚr
- pra-śithila mf(ā)n. very loose, relaxed, lax Hariv. Kāv. Suśr
- very feeble, hardly perceptible Saṃk
- ○bhuja-granthi mfn. one who loosens the clasp of the arms Sāh
- praśithilī in comp. for ○la
- ○kṛta mfn. rendered very loose, greatly loosened Ṛitus
- ○bhūta mfn. become loose or lax Suśr
- praśiṣa m. N. of a man
- pl. N. of his descendants Cat
- pra-śiṣya m. the pupil of a pupil BhP
- ○tva n. the condition of a pupil's pupil L
- pra-śī √Ā. -śete, to lie down upon (acc.) RV
- prá-śīta mfn. (√śyai) congealed, frozen ŚBr.
- pra-śīrṇa See pra- √śṝ
- praśukrīya mfn. beginning with pra śukrā (said of RV. vii, 34, 1) ŚāṅkhBr
- pra-śuc √Ā. -śocate, to glow, beam, radiate RV
- pra-ḍśócana mfn. burning on, continuing to burn AV
- pra-śuci mfn. perfectly pure R
- pra-śuddhi f. (√śudh) purity, clearness MBh
- pra-√śubh (only Ā. 3. sg. pr. -śobhe = śobhate), to be bright, sparkle RV. i, 120, 5
- pra-śumbh √(only 3.pl. -śambhante), to glide on wards, fly along RV. i, 85, 1 (Sāy. 'to adorn one's self highly')
- praśuśruka m. N. of a prince (a son of Maru) R. (B. praśuśruva
- cf. pra-suśruta)
- pra-śuṣ √P. -śuṣyati, to dry up, become dry, kām
- pra-ḍśoṣa m. dryness, aridity Suśr
- pra-ḍśoṣaṇa m. 'drying up', N. of a demon producing illness Hariv
- pra-śūna mfn. (√śvi) swollen Suśr
- pra-śṝ √P. -śṛṇāti, to break in pieces, break off, crush RV. ŚBr. KātySr
- pra-ḍśīrṇa mfn. broken, smashed ŚBr. KātyŚr. MBh
- pra-ścut √(or -ścyut), P. -ścotati (-ścyotati), to trickle forth, drip down Mālatīm
- to pour forth, shed, spill, Bhaṭt
- pra-ḍścutita mfn. dripped down Gobh
- pra-ḍścotana n. trickling, dripping Uttarar
- praśna m. basket-work, a plaited basket Kauś. (Sch. 'a turban')
- praśná m. (√prach) a question, demand, interrogation, query, inquiry after (comp
- cf. kuśala-p○) ŚBr. &c. &c
- judicial inquiry or examination (cf. sâkṣi-p)
- astrological inquiry into the future (cf. divya-, deva-, daiva-p○)
- a subject of inquiry, point at issue, controversy, problem ŚBr. &c. &c. (praśnam pra-√brū', to decide a controverted point'
- nam √i, with acc. or ○nam ā √gam, with loc. of pers., 'to lay a question before any one for decision'
- praśnas tava pitari, the point at issue is before thy father')
- a task or lesson (in Vedic recitation) RPrāt
- a short section or paragraph (in books) Col. &c
- ○kathā f. a story containing a question Kathās
- ○kalpalatā f
- ○kṛṣṇīya n
- ○koṣṭhī f
- ○kaumudī f
- ○grantha m
- ○caṇḍêśvara m
- ○candrikā f
- ○cintāmaṇi m
- ○cuḍāmaṇi m
- ○jñāna n
- ○tantra n
- ○tilaka n
- ○dīpikā f. N. of wks
- ○dūtī f. a riddle, enigma, perplexing question L
- ○nidhi m
- ○nirvācana n
- ○nīlakaṇṭha m
- ○pañjikā f. N. of wks
- ○pūrvaka mfn. preceded by a question Kāś. on Pāṇ. 3-2, 120
- (○kam or -pūrvam), ind. with a preceding question, after examination Hcat
- ○prakaraṇa n
- ○prakāśa m
- ○pradīpa m
- ○brahmârka m
- ○bhāga m
- ○bhārgava-kerala m
- ○bhairava m
- ○mañjūṣā f
- ○manoramā f
- ○māṇīkya-mālā f
- ○mārga m
- ○mārtaṇḍa m
- ○ratna n
- ○ratnasāgara m
- ○ratnâṅkura m
- ○ratnâvalī f
- ○rahasya n
- ○lakṣaṇa n. N. of wks
- ○vādin m. a fortune-teller, astrologer Gal
- ○vidyā f
- ○vinoda m. N. of wks
- ○vivāká m. one who decides controversies, an arbitrator VS
- ○vivāda m. a controverted question, controversy MBh
- ○viveka m
- ○vaiṣṇava m
- ○vyākaraṇa n
- ○śataka m
- ○śāstra n
- ○śiromaṇi m
- ○śekhara m
- ○ślokávalī f
- ○saṃgraha m
- ○saptati f
- ○sāra m
- ○sārâmnāya m
- ○sāra-samudra m
- ○sāramāya m
- ○sārôddhāra m
- ○sudhâkara m. N. of wks
- praśnákhyāna n. du. question and answer Kāś. on Pāṇ. 2-3, 28
- praśnâdika m. or n
- praśḍnânuṣṭhāna-paddhati f
- praśḍnârṇava m. (= ○navaiṣṇava or vaiṣṇava-śāstra)
- praśḍnâryā f
- praśḍnâvalī f. N. of wks
- praśnôttara n. question and answer, a verse consisting of question and answer Cat
- -tantra n. maṇi-mālā f. mālā f. -mālikā f. -ratna-mālā f. -ratnâvali
- f. N. of wks
- praśnôpadeśa m.,
- praśnôpaniṣad f. N. of wks.
- praśnaya Nom. P. ○yati, to question, interrogate, inquire after (2 acc.) Kāvyâd
- praśnín m. a questioner, interrogator VS
- praṣṭavya mfn. to be asked or questioned about (acc. with or without prati) Mn. Yājñ. MBh. &c
- to be consulted about (loc.), M Bh. MārkP
- to be inquired into Śak. MārkP
- n. (impers.) one should ask or inquire about Mālav
- praṣṭṛ m. one who asks or inquires, interrogator, querist, Kat? Up. MBh. MārkP
- praśni ○nī wṛ. for pṛśni, ○nī
- pra-śratha m. or pra-śranthana n. (śranth) laxity, relaxation, flaccidity Pāṇ. Vop
- pra-śrabdhi f. (√śrambh) trust, confidence L
- pra-śraya &c. See pra- √śri
- praśravaṇa wṛ. for pra-sravaṇa
- prá-śravas mfn. loud-sounding (said of the Maruts) RV. (Sāy. = prakṛṣṭânna)
- praśri wṛ. for pṛśni
- pra-śri √P. -śirayati, to lean against, fix Kāṭh
- to join or add to (loc.) RV
- pra-śraya m. leaning or resting on, resting-place ŚārṅgP
- inclining forward i.e. respectful demeanour, modesty, humbleness, affection, respect, civility (personified as a son of Dharma and Hri) MBh. &c. &c
- -vat mfn. deferential, respectful, civil, modest BhP. ○yâvanata mfn. bent down deferentially MBh
- ○yôttara mfn. (words) full of modesty or humbleness ib
- pra-ḍśrayaṇa n. respectful demeanour, modesty. BhP
- pra-ḍśrayin mfn. behaving respectfully, courteous, modest (○yitā f.) Kām
- pra-śrita mfn. bending forward deferentially, humble, modest, courteous, well-behaved (am ind. humbly, deferentially) MBh. Kāv. &c. (often wṛ. ○sṛta)
- hidden, obscure (as a meaning) MBh
- m. N. of a son of Ānaka-dundubhi and Śānti-deva BhP
- pra-śru √Ā. 3. sg. -śriṇve, to be heard, be audible RV. v, 87, 3
- to become known or celebrated ib. iv, 41, 2 &c
- śravaṇa and See above
- ḍśravas See above
- pra-ślatha mfn. very loose, greatly relaxed, languid, flaccid Daś. (cf. pra-śratha)
- pra-ślita mfn. (for pra-śrita) bent, inclined (N. of the rule of Saṃdhi that changes as to o before sonant letters) RPrāt
- pra-śliṣṭa mfn. (√iliṣ) twisted, entwined, coalescent (applied to the Saṃdhi of a, or ā with a following vowel and of other vowels with homogeneous ones, also to the vowel resulting from this Saṃdhi and its accent) Prāt. ŚāṅkhŚr. Pat
- pra-śleṣa m. close contact or pressure Amar
- coalescence (of vowels) Prāt. Siddh
- pra-śvas √P. -ivasiti, to breathe in, inhale MBh.: Caus. -śvāsayati, to cause to breathe ŚBr
- to comfort, console Hariv
- pra-śvasitavya n. (impers.) recovery of breath i.e. recreation should be procured for (gen.) or by (instr.) or through or by means of (instr.), TaittUp
- pra-śvāsa m. breathing in, inhaling Suśr
- praṣṭavya ○tṛ, See under praśna
- prá-ṣṭi m. (√1. as. cf. abhi-ṣṭi, upa-sti, pari-ṣṭi) 'being beyond or in front', a horse harnessed by the side of other yoke-horses or in front of them, a side-horse or leader RV. AV. Br
- a man at one's side, bystander, companion RV. Lāṭy
- a tripod (supporting a dish) TS. Sch
- ○mat (prá○), mfn. having side-horses (as a chariot) RV
- ○vāhana (prá ), mfn. (a chariot) drawn (also) by side-horses, yoked (at least) with 3 horses ŚBr. AitĀr
- ○vāhin mfn. id. TBr. TāṇdyaBr
- pra-ṣṭha mf(ī)n. (√sthā
- Pāṇ. 8-3, 92) standing in front, foremost, principal, best, chief Ragh. Rājat
- m. a leader, conductor Kuval
- a species of plant L
- (ī), f. the wife of a leader or chief L
- ○tva n. the being in front, Pre-eminence, superiority Rājat
- ○vah m. (strong -vāh, weak praṣṭhâuh
- nom. -vāṭ. Pāṇ. 8-2, 31 Sch.) a side-horse L
- a young bull or steer training for the plough W
- (praṣṭhâuhi), f. a cow for the first time with calf. L. (cf. paṣṭhavah, ○ṭhauhī).
- pra-ṣṭhiv √P, -ṣṭhīvati, to spit out ĀśvŚr
- praṣṭhi-vāhin wṛ. for praṣṭi-v○
- praṣṇa-vaiṣṇava wṛ. for praśna-v○
- pras cl.1. Ā. prasate, to extend, spread, diffuse Dhātup. xix, 4
- to bring forth young. Vop
- pra-sakala mfn. very full (as a bosom) Śiś
- pra-sakta ○ti, See under pra- √sañj
- pra-sakṣin See under pra- √sah
- pra-saṅktavya See under pra √sañj
- pra-saṃ-khyā √P. -khyāti, to count, enumerate MBh
- to add up, calculate ĀśvŚr. MBh
- pra-saṃkhyā f. total number, sum MBh
- reflection, consideration, KstyŚr
- pra-saṃkhyāna mfn. collecting or gathering (only for present needs) MBh. xiv, 2852, vḷ. (Nīlak.)
- m. payment, liquidation, a sum of money ib. iii, 10298 Nīlak. a measure to mete out anything')
- n. counting, enumeration BhP
- reflection, meditation, i MBh. Tattvas
- reputation, renown MBh. iii, 1382 (Nīlak.)
- -para mfn. engrossed or absorbed in meditation Kum
- pra-saṅga See under pra- √śañj
- pra-saṃgha m. a great multitude or number MBh. vli, 8128 (vḷ. pra-varṣa)
- pra-√sac P. -siṣakti, to pursue RV. x, 27, 19
- pra-saṃ-cakṣ √Ā. -caṣṭe, (Pot. -cakṣīt), to reckon up, recount, enumerate Lāṭy
- to penetrate, investigate Nyāyas. Sch
- pra-sañj √P. Ā. -sajati, ○te, (P.) to hang on, attach to (loc.) Lāṭy
- to hang with i.e. to provide or supply with (instr.) ŚBr
- to cling to (loc.) Daś
- to engage with any one(loc.) in a quarrel or dispute, ChUP
- (only ind. p. -sajya) to be attached to the world BhP
- to result, follow, be the consequence of anything Sarvad
- to cause to take place Pat
- (Ā.) to attach one's self to (acc.) MBh.: Pass. sajyate, or -sajjate (○ti), to attach one's self, cling to, be devoted to or intent upon or occupied with (loc.) Mn. MBh. &c
- to be in love (pr.p. -sajjantī) Hariv
- (-sajjate), to be the consequence of something else, result, follow, be applicable Pat. Bhāshāp. Sarvad.: Caus. P. -sañjayati, to cause to take place Naish
- Ā. -sajjayate, to attach to, stick in (loc
- with na, 'to fly through', said of an arrow) R
- pra-sakta mfn. attached, cleaving or adhering or devoted to, fixed or intent upon, engaged in, occupied with (loc. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c
- clinging to the world, mundane BhP
- being in love, enamoured MBh. Kāv
- (ifc.) supplied or provided with R. (v. l. pra-yukta)
- resulting, following, applicable Kāś. Kathās. Sarvad
- continual, lasting, constant, eternal MBh. Kāv. &c
- used, employed W
- got, obtained ib
- opened, expanded ib
- contiguous, near A
- (○saktá), for ○sattá AV
- ibc. and(am), ind. continually, incessantly, eternally, ever Kāv
- -dhī or -hṛdaya mfn. with heart or mind intent upon or occupied with (comp.) Var
- ○tâśrumukha mf(ī)n. having the face wet with tears R
- pra-saktavya mfn. to be attached to (loc.) Kathās
- sakti f. adherence, attachment, devotion or addiction to, indulgence or perseverance in, occupation with (loc. or comp.) Mn. Kir. Kathās. (cf. a-pras○ and ati-pras○)
- occurrence, practicability (○timpra √yā, 'to be practicable') Rājat
- (in gram.)bearing upon, applicability (of a rule) RPrāt. Sch
- connection, association W
- inference, conclusion ib
- a topic of conversation ib
- acquisition ib
- ḍsaṅktavya mfn. to be caused to take place Pat
- pra-saṅga m. adherence, attachment, inclination or devotion to, indulgence in, fondness for, gratification of, occupation or intercourse with (loc., gen. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c. (ena ind. assiduously, zealously, eagerly
- cf. also below)
- evil inclination or illicit pursuit Mn. ix, 5
- union, connection (ifc. 'connected with', e.g. madhu-prasaṅga-madhu, 'honey connected with or coming in the spring season') Ratnâv. i, 17
- (pl.) all that is connected with or results from anything Kām
- occurrence of a possibility, contingency, case, event ŚrS. Mn. Śaṃk. Pāṇ. Sch. (e.g. ecaḥ pluta-prasaṅge, 'in the event of a diphthong being prolated')
- applicability Vajras
- an occasion, incident, conjuncture, time, opportunity MBh. Kāv. &c. (ibc
- ena, āt and atas ind. when the occasion presents itself, occasionally, incidentally
- prasaṅge kutrâpi, 'on a certain occasion'
- amunā prasaṅgena, tat-prasaṅgena or etat-prasaṅge, 'on that occasion')
- mention of parents (?, = guru-kīrtita) Sāh
- (in dram.) a second or subsidiary incident or plot W
- N. of a man Kathās
- (pl.) of a Buddhistic school
- -nivāraṇa n. the prevention of (similar) eases, obviation of (like future) contingencies Kull. on Mn. viii, 334
- -prôṣita mfn. happening to be departed or absent Daś
- -ratnâkara m. -ratnâvalī f. N. of wks
- -vat mfn. occasional, incidental Daś
- -vaśāt ind. according to the time, as occasion may demand MW
- -vinivṛtti f. the non-recurrence of a case Mn. viii, 368
- -sama m. (in Nyāya) the sophism that the proof too must be proved Nyāyas. Sarvad
- ○gânu. saṅgena ind. by the way, by the by, Sāṃkhyas. Sch
- ○gâbharaṇa n. N. of a modern poetical anthology
- saṅgin mfn. attached or devoted to (comp.) Ṛitus. Śaṃk
- connected with, dependent on, belonging to, contingent, additional MBh. Suśr
- occurring, appearing, occasional, incidental MBh. Pat
- secondary, subordinate, non-essential MBh
- ○gi-tā f. attachment, addiction to intercourse with (comp.) MBh. Tattvas
- ḍsajya mfn. to be attached to or connected with
- applicable
- -tā f. applicability, Śaṃkar
- pratiṣedha m. the negative form of an applicable (positive) statement Pat. (also ○sajyāyām pr○ ib
- ○dha-tva n. Sāh.)
- ḍsañjana n. attaching, uniting, combining, connecting W
- applying, bringing into use, bringing to bear, giving scope or opportunity, introduction ib
- ḍsañjayitavya mfn. = ○saṅktavya ĀpŚr. Sch
- pra-√sad P. -sīdati (ep. also Ā. ○te), to fall into the power of (acc.) MaitrS. AitBr
- to settle down, grow clear and bright, become placid or tranquil (as the sea or sky, met. applied to the mind) MBh. Kāv. &c
- to become clear or distinct KaṭhUp. Kām
- to become satisfied or pleased or glad, be gracious or kind (with gen. 'to favour'
- with inf. 'to deign to
- Impv. often 'be so gracious, please') Mn. MBh. &c
- to be successful (as an action) Ragh.: Caus. -sādayati (m.c. also ○te
- Pass. -sādyate), to make clear, purify Kāvyâd. Kathās
- to make serene, gladden (the heart) Bhartṛ
- to render calm, soothe, appease, propitiate, ask a person (acc.) to or for (inf., dat., loc., arthe with gen., or artham ifc.) Mn. MBh. &c
- pra-sattá mfn. satisfied, pleased RV. v, 60, 1
- pra-satti f. cleasness, brightness, purity W
- graciousness, favour Bālar. Siṃhâs
- pra-sadman in dīrghá-. p○, q.v
- pra-sanna mfn. clear, bright, pure (lit. and fig.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- distinct, perspicuous MBh. Kām
- true, right, plain, correct, just Mālav. Mālatīm
- placid, tranquil R. Var. Āp
- soothed, pleased
- gracious, kind, kindly disposed towards (with loc., gen., or acc. aod prati), favourable (as stars &c.)
- gracious, showing favour (as a speech) MaitrUp. MBh. Kāv. &c
- m. N. of a prince Hemac
- (ā), f. propitiating, pleasing W
- spirituous liquor made of rice Car. Pat
- -kalpa mfn. almost quiet, tolerably calm Pañcat
- -gātr-tā. f. having tranquil limbs (one of the 80 minor marks of a Buddha) Dharmas. 84
- -caṇḍikā f. N. of a drama
- -candra m. N. of a prince HPariś
- -jala mfn. containing clear water R
- -tarka mfn. conjecturing right Mālav
- -tā f. brightness, clearness, purity Suśr
- clearness of expression, perspicuity Cat
- complacence, good humour Kāv. Rājat. VP
- -tva n. clearness, purity MBh. Ragh
- -pāda m. or n. (?) N. of wk. by Dharma-kirti
- -prâya mfn. rather plain or correct, Mālatim
- -mukha mfn. 'placid-countenanced', looking pleased, smiling W
- -rasa mfn. clear-juiced Kpr
- -rāghava n. N. of a drama by Jaya-deva
- -veṅkaṭêśva-māhāmya n. N. of a legend in the Bhavishyôttara-Purāṇa
- -salila mfn. -jala MBh
- ○sannâtman mfn. gracious-minded, propitious MaitrUp
- ○sannêrā f. spirituous liquor made of rice L
- pra-sāda m. (ifc. f. ā) clearness, brightness, pellucidnees, purity (cf. ambu-p○), UP. Kālid. &c. (Nom. P. ○sādati, to be clear or bright. Śatr.)
- clearness of style, perspicuity Pratāp. Kāvyâd. Sāh
- brightness (of the face) Ragh
- calmness, tranquillity, absence of excitement KaṭhUp. Suśr. Yogas
- serenity of disposition, good humour MBh. Suśr. Ragh. &c
- graciousness, kindness, kind behaviour, favour, aid, mediation (○dāt ind. through the kindness or by the favour of
- ○daṃ √kṛ, to be gracious
- cf. duṣ-p○, drik-p○) Gobh. MBh. Kāv. &c
- Kindness personified as a son of Dharma and Maitrī BhP
- clarified liquor, a decoction Car
- settlings, a residūm ib
- free gift, gratuity Ratnâv
- a propitiatory offering or gift (of food, = p"ṣ-dravya, prasādânna) L
- the food presented to an idol, or the remnants of food left by a spiritual teacher (which any one may freely appropriate to his own use) RTL. 69 ; 145 &c
- approbation W
- well-being, welfare W
- N. of a Comm. on the Prakriyā-kaumudi
- -cintaka wṛ. for -vittaka Bālar
- -dāna n. a propitiatory gift, a gift in token of favour, gift of food by a superior MW
- -paṭṭa m. a turban of honour (worn as a token of royal favour) Var
- -paṭṭaka n. a written edict of favour, Lokapr
- -parāṅmukha mf(ī) not caring for any one's favour Amar
- withdrawing favour from any one (gen.) Pañcat
- -pātra n. an object of favour Daś
- -puraga mfn. inclined to favour, favourably inclined MārkP
- -pratilabdha m. N. of a son of Māra Lalit
- -bhāj mfn. being in favour, Sāmkhyas. Sch
- -bhūmi f. an object of favour, favourite Hcar
- -mālā f. N. of wk
- -vat mfn. pleased, delighted
- gracious, favourable L. (-vatī-samādhi m. a partic. Samādhi Buddh.)
- -vitta mf(ā)n. (Kād. Kathās. Rājat. Bālar.) or -vittaka mfn. (Kathās.) rich in favour, being in high favour with any one (gen. or comp.)
- m. and favourite, darling
- -ṣaṭ-ślokī f. -stava m. N. of 2 Stotras
- -su-mukha mf(ī)n. inclined to favour (others 'having a clear or serene face') Mālav. Ragh
- -stha mfn. abiding in serenity, kind, propitious
- happy W
- ○sādântara n. another (mark of) favour MW
- sādânna n. See ○sāda above
- ○sādī- √kṛ, to bestow as a mark of favour, bestow graciously, Present (with gen. of person) Pañcat. Kād. Rājat. &c
- pra-sādaka mfn. clearing, rendering clear or pallucid Mn
- gladdening, exhilarating R
- propitiating, wishing to win any one's favour ib. (cf. su-p○)
- pra-sādana mf(ī)n. clearing, rendering clear (cf. ambu - p○, toya-p○ &c.)
- calming, soothing, cheering R. Suśr. BhP
- m. a royal tent L
- (ā), f. service, worship L
- n. clearing, rendering clear (netra-p○ 'administering soothing remedies to the eyes') Suśr
- calming. soothing, cheering, gratifying (cf. śruti-p○), rendering gracious, propitiating (tvatprasdanāt 'for the sake of propitiating thee') MBh. Kāv. &c
- boiled rice L
- wṛ. for pra-sādhan Hariv. Mālav
- pra-sādanīya mfn. cheering. pleasing (ef. guru-p○) Lalit
- to be rendered gracious
- pra-sādayitavya mfn. to be rendered gracious towards (upari) Pañcat
- pra-sādita mfn. cleared, rendered clear (a-pr○) Kāvyâd
- pleased, conciliated &c. MBh
- worshipped. W
- n. pl. kind words Hariv
- pra-sādin mfn. clear, serene, bright (as nectar, the eyes, face &c. ) Mālatīm. Bālar
- clear, perspicuous (as a poem), Balar
- (ifc.) calming, soothing, gladdening, pleasing MBh
- showing favour, treating with kindness MW
- pra-sādya mfn. to be rendered gracious, be propitiated MBh. R. Sāh. Bālar
- sedivas mfn. one who has become pleased or propitiated, favourable W
- pra-√san (only Ā. acr. 3. pl. -siṣanta), to win, be successful RV. x, 142, 2
- pra-saṃ-√dhā P.Ā. -dadhāti, -dhatte, to fix or fit (an arrow) to (a bow-string) MBh
- pra-saṃdhāna n. combination (e.g. of words in the Krama, q.v. APrāt. ib. Sch
- pra-saṃdhi m. N. of a son of Manu MBh
- pra-sanna &c. See p. 696, col. 3
- prasannateyu (?) and prasanneyu (?), m. N. of two sons of Raudrāśva VP
- pra-sabha n. (prob. fr. √sabh = sah) N. of a variety of the Trishṭubh metre Var
- ibe. (am), ind. forcibly, violently Mn. MBh. &c. (cf. pra-sahya)
- exceedingly, very much Ṛitus. Śiś
- importunately Bhag
- ○damana n. forcible taming (of wild animals) Śak
- ○haraṇa n. carrying off by force, violent seizure Yājñ
- prasabhôddhṛta mfn. torn up by force
- ○târi mfn. one who has forcibly uprooted his enemies Ragh.
- pra-sam-īkṣ √Ā. -īkṣate, to look at or upon, observe, perceive, see Mn. MBh. &c
- to wait for BhP
- to reflect upon, consider, deliberate ib.,
- to acknowledge, regard as (acc.) MBh
- pra-samīkṣaṇa n. considering, deliberating, discussing W
- pra-samīkṣā f. deliberation, judgment ib
- pra-samīkṣita mfn. looked at or upon, observed, considered MBh. Suśr
- regarded, declared MBh. 1
- pra-smīkṣya mfn. to be considered or weighed or discussed W. 2
- pra-samīkṣya ind. having looked at or considered ŚvetUp
- -parī7kṣaka mfn. one who investigates or examines deliberately Car
- pra-sam-īḍ √(only inf. īḍitum), to praise, celebrate BhP
- pra-sayana See pra- √1, si
- pra-sara pra-saraṇa, See pra- √sṛ
- pra-sarga pra-sarjana, See pra- √sṛj
- pra-sarpa &c. See pra- √sṛp
- prasala m. the cold season, winter L. (vḷ. praśala)
- pra-salaví ind. towards the right side ŚBr. ŚāṅkhŚr. (opp. to apa-salavi
- wṛ. prasavi ŚāṅkhBr.)
- pra-sava. 2. 3 See pra- √3. su and pra- √1. 2. su
- pra-savya See vāja-pr○
- pra-savya mfn. turned towards the left, to the left side (am, ind
- opp. to pradakṣiṇa, q.v.) GṛŚrS. R
- contrary, reverse L
- favourable L
- pra-√sah Ā. -sahate (rarely P. ○ti: ind. p. -sahya See below), to conquer, be victorious RV. AV
- to bear up against, be a match for or able to withstand, sustain, endure (acc.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- to check, restrain R
- to be able to (inf.) MBh
- pra-sakṣín mfn. overpowering, victorious RV
- pra-sáh (○sā́h), mfn. id. RV
- pra-saha mfn. (ifc.) enduring withstanding Kām
- m. endurance, resistance ( See duṣ-pr○)
- a beast or bird of prey Car. Suśr
- (ā), f. Solanum Indicum L
- pra-sahana m. a beast of prey L
- n. resisting, overcoming Pāṇ. 1-3, 33 (○ne√kṛ g. sâkṣād-ādi, where Kāś. pra-hasane)
- embracing Kāvyâd. Sch
- pra-sahiṣṇu See a-pras○. 1
- pra-sahya mfn. to be conquered or resisted &c
- capable of being conquered or resisted (inf. with pass. sense) MBh. 2
- pra-sahya ind. having conquered or won Mālav. i, 2
- using force, forcibly, violently Mn. Gaut. &c
- exceedingly, very much MBh. R. Mṛicch
- at once, without more ado Kathās
- necessarily, absolutely, by all means (with na, 'by no means') Mn
- Var BhP. Kathās
- -kārin mfn. acting with violence MārkP
- -caura m. 'violent thief', a robber, plunderer L
- -haraṇa n. forcible abduction, robbing, plundering MBh
- ○hyâḍhā f. married by force ib
- pra-sahvan mfn. overpowering, defeating Br. ŚrS
- pra-sāha m. overpowering, defeating, force, violence ( See a- and duṣ-pr○)
- controlling one's self MW
- prasātikā f. pl. a kind of rice wsth small grains MārkP. (praśāt○ Car
- ef. prasādhikā)
- pra-sāda &c. See pra- √sad
- pra-sādh √Caus. -sādhayati, to reduce to obedience or subjection, subdue TS. Mn. &c
- to reduce to order, arrange, settle AV. Kām. Ragh. Suśr
- to adorn, decorate Kāv. Kathās
- to manage, perform, execute, accomplish RV. &c. &c
- to gain, acquire Vcar. Pañcat
- to find out by calculation Gaṇit
- to prove, demonstrate Nīlak
- pra-sādhska mf(ikā)n. (ifc.) adorning, beautifying, Vāsav. MārkP
- accomplishing, perfecting W
- cleansing, purifying ib
- m. an attendant who dresses his master, valet de chambre Kām. Ragh
- (ikā), f. a lady's maid Ragh
- wild rice Bhpr. (cf. pracātikā)
- pra-sā́dhana mf(ī)n. accomplishing, effecting RV
- m. a comb L
- (ī), f. id. (keśa-pr○), Sśr
- a partic. drug (= siddhi) L
- n. (ifc. f. ā) bringing about, perfecting Nir
- arranging, preparing. Suśr
- embellishment, decoration, toilet and its requisites Mn. MBh. &c
- wṛ. for ○sādana
- -vidhi m. mode of decoration or embellishment Kathās
- -viśeṣa m. the highest decoration, most excellent ornament Kālid.
- pra-sādhita mfn. accomplished, arranged, prepared (a-pras○, su-pr○) Kathās. Suśr
- proved MW
- ornamented, decorated W
- ○dhitâṅga mf(ī)n. having the limbs ornamented or decorated MW
- pra-sādhya mfn. to be mastered or conquered R
- accomplishable, practicable W
- to be destroyed or defeated ib
- pra-sāmí ind. incompletely, partially, half ŚBr
- pra-sāra &c. See pra- √sṛ
- pra-sāha See pra- √sah
- pra-si √1. (only Ā. pf. siṣye, with pass. meaning), to bind-render harmless Rājat
- pra-sayana n. used to explain pra-siti Nir. vi, 12. 1
- pra-sita mfn. (for 2. See below) bound, fastened W
- diligent, attentive, attached or devoted to, engrossed by, engaged in, occupied with (loc. or instr
- Pāṇ. 2-3, 44) Ragh. Siddh
- lasting, continuous SaddhP. 1
- pra-siti (prá-), f. (for 2. See below) a net for catching birds RV. iv, 4, 1 &c. (Nir. Sāy.)
- a ligament, binding, fetter L
- pra-sic √P. -siñcati, to pour out, shed, emit AV. &c. &c,
- to sprinkle, water MBh. Hariv
- to fill (a vessel) KaushUp.: Pass. -sicyate, to be poured out or flow forth MBh. Suśr
- to be watered i.e. refreshed MBh.: Caus. -secayati, to pour into (loc.) Yājñ
- pra-sikta mfn. poured out Uttarar. Suśr
- (ifc.) sprinkled with MBh
- pra-seka m. flowing forth, dropping, oozing, effusion MBh. Kāv. Suśr
- emission, discharge Ṛitus
- sprinkling, wetting L
- exudation, resin R
- running or watering of the mouth or nose, vomiting, nausea Suśr
- (-tā f. id. ŚārṅgS.)
- the bowl of a spoon or ladle KātyŚr
- pra-sekin mfn. discharging a fluid Suśr
- suffering from morbid flow of saliva ib
- secana n. (ifc. f. ā) the bowl of a spoon or ladle ĀpŚr. Sch
- -vat mfn. having a bowl or spout (for pouring out fluids) ĀpŚr
- prá-sita mfn. (√2. si
- cf. pra-si above) darting along RV
- n. pus, matter L. 2
- prá-siti (prá-), f. (for 1. See above) onward rush, onset, attack, assault RV
- a throw, cast, shot, missile VS. TBr
- stretch, reach, extension, sphere RV
- succession, duration VS
- dominion, power, authority, influence RV
- pra-sidh √2. P. Ā. -sedhati, ○te, to drive on RV. TāṇḍBr. Lāṭy
- pra-sidh √3. P. -sidhyati, (rarely Ā. te), to be accomplished or effected, succeed Mn. MBh. &c
- to result from (abl.) Mn. xii, 97
- to be explained or made clear Kāś. on Pāṇ. 3-1, 122
- pra-siddha (prá-), mfn. brought about, accomplished Kum. (a-pras○)
- arranged, adomed (as hair) ib
- well known, notorious, celebrated TS. &c. &c
- (ā), f. (in music) a partic. measure Saṃgīt
- -kṣatriya-prâya mfn. consisting for the most part of renowned Kshatriyas MW
- -tā f. (Nīlak.), -tva n. (Sarvad.) celebrity, notoriety
- pra-siddhaka m. N. of a prince descended from Janaka (son of Maru and father of Kṛitti-ratha) R
- pra-siddhi f. accomplishment, success, attainment Mn. Yājñ. Kām. BhP
- proof, argument Kathās
- general opinion, publicity, celebrity, renown, fame, rumour Var. Kāv. Kathās
- -mat mfn. universally known, famous Kathās
- viruddha-tā f. the state of being opposed to general opinion, sāh. (= khyāti-v○)
- -hata mfn. having no value, very trivial Kpr
- pra-√siv P. -sīvyati, to sew up ŚBr
- prasīdikā f. a small garden L. (vḷ. prasedikā)
- pra-su √3. Caus. -sāvayati, to cause continuous pressing (of Soma) Nidānas
- pra-savá m. (for 2.and 3. See p. 698, col. 1) the pressing out (Soma juice) RV. ŚrS
- pra-savitra n. (prob.) a Soma press Pāṇ. 6-2, 144 Sch
- pra-sút mfn. streaming forth (as Soma from the press) SV
- f. (continued) pressing (of Soma) TāṇḍBr
- pra-suta (prá-), mfn. pressed or pressing continuously TS. ŚBr. ŚrS
- m. the Soma so pressed
- n. continued pressing of Soma ChUp
- m. or n. a partic. high number ( See mahā-pr○)
- pra-suti f. a Soma sacrifice Hcat
- pra-suva m. = ○sava above ŚāṅkhBr.
- pra-sup pra-supta &c. See under pra-√svap
- pra-suśruta m. N. of a prince (son of Maru) Pur. (cf. pra-śuśruka)
- pra-suhma m. pl. N. of a people MBh
- pra-sū √1. P. -suvati, -sauti, (Impv. -suhi with vḷ. -sūhi KātyŚr.), to set in motion, rouse to activity, urge, incite, impel, bid, command RV. AV. Br
- to allow, give up to, deliver AV. Br. ŚrS
- to hurl, throw, Bhsṭṭ. Sch
- prá-sava m. (for 1. pra- √3. su) setting or being set in motion, impulse, course, rush, flight RV. AitBr
- stimulation, furtherance, aid RV. AV. Br. &c
- pursuit, acquisition VS
- = next TBr. 1
- savitṛ m. (for 2. See below) an impeller, exciter, vivifier VS. Br. 2
- ḍsavin mfn. (for 2. See below) impelling, exciting Pāṇ. 3-2, 157
- ḍsavīṛ́ m. -"ṣsavitṛ RV. 1
- sūti (prá-), f. (for 2. See below) instigation, order, permission TS. TBr. Kāṭh
- pra-sū √2. Ā. -sūte, -sūyate, (rarely P. -savati, -sauti
- once Pot. -sunuyāt Vajracch.), to procreate, beget, bring forth, obtain offspring or bear fruit, produce Br. Mn. MBh. &c
- (mostly Ā. -sūyate, rarely ○ti) to be born or produced, originate, arise Mn. MBh. &c
- pra-savá m. (ifc. f. ā
- for 1. 2. See above) begetting, procreation, generation, conception, parturition, delivery, birth, origin VS. &c. &c
- augmentation, increase MBh
- birthplace ib. Śaṃk
- offspring, posterity Mn. MBh. &c. (kisalaya-pr○, 'a young shoot' Ragh.)
- a flower MBh. Kāv. Suśr. (also n. R.)
- fruit L
- -karmakṛt m. one who performs the act of begetting, begetter MBh
- -kāla m. the time of delivery or bringing forth Var
- -gṛha n. a lying-in chamber MW
- -dharmin mfn. characterized by production, productive, prolific ib
- -bandhana n. the footstalk of a leaf or flower L
- -māsa m. the last month of pregnancy MW
- -vikāra m. a prodigy happening at the birth of a child Var
- -vedanā f. the pangs of childbirth, throes of labour Pañcat
- -samaya m. = -kāla Var
- -sthali f. 'birthplace', a mother Mahān
- -sthāna n. a receptacle for young. a nest MW
- ○vôtthāna n. N. of the 17th Pariś. of the Yajur-veda
- ○vônmukha mf(ī)n. expecting child. birth, about to be delivered Ragh
- pra-savaka m. Buchanania Latifolia L
- pra-savat mf(antī)n. bringing forth, bearing
- (antī), f. a woman in labour Mn. iv, 44
- pra-savana n. bringing forth, bearing children, fecundity Hit. (v. l.)
- pra-savāpitā f. delivered Divyâv. 2
- pra-savitṛ m. (for 1. See pra √1. sū) a begetter, father Bālar. Prasannar
- (trī), f. a mother L
- bestowing progeny MBh. 2
- pra-savin mfn. (for 1. See pra- √1. sū) bringing forth, bearing children Megh. MārkP. Car
- pra-sū́ mfn. bringing forth, bearing, fruitful, productive RV. &c. &c
- (ifc.) giving birth to (cf. pitṛ-pr○, putrikā-pr○, strī-pr○)
- f. a mother Inscr. L
- a mare L
- a young shoot, tender grass or herbs, sacrificial grass RV. Br. KātySr
- a spreading creeper, the plantain L
- -sū́-mat (AV.), -sū-maya (ĀpŚr.), -sū́-vara (f. varī RV.), mfn. furnished with flowers
- pra-sūkā f. a mare L
- pra-sūta (prá-), mf(ā)n. procreated, begotten, born, produced, sprung ('by' or 'from', abl. or gen
- 'in', loc. or comp
- Pāṇ. 2-3, 39) Up. Mn. MBh. &c
- m. pl. (or sg. with gaṇa) N. of a class of gods under Manu Cākskusha Hariv. MārkP
- n. a flower L
- any productive source MW
- (in Sāṃkhya) the primordial essence or matter Tattvas
- (ā), f. a woman who has brought forth a child, recently delivered (also= finite verb) AV. &c. &c. 2
- pra-sūti f. (for 1. See pra- √1. su) procreation, generation, bringing forth (children or young), laying (eggs), parturition, birth Mn. iv, 84 (-tas) MBh. Kāv. &c
- coming forth, appearance, growth (of fruit, flowers &c.) Kālid. Prab
- a production, product (of plants or animals) MBh
- a procreator, father or mother Hariv. Var. Ragh
- a child, offspring, progeny Mn. MBh. and e
- N. of a daughter of Manu and wife of Daksha Pur
- -ja n. 'birthproduced', pain (resulting as a necessary consequence of birth) L
- -vāyu. m. air generated in the womb during the pangs of childbirth MW
- pra-sūtikā f. recently delivered Yājñ. Sch
- (ifc.) giving birth to (cf. naśyat-pr○)
- (a cow) that has calved Cāṇ. (cf. sakṛt-pr○)
- pra-slina mfn. born, produced (= -sūta or jāta) L.
- n. (ifc. ā) a flower, blossom MBh. Kāv. &c
- fruit L
- -bāṇa m. 'having fruit for arrows', the god of love Kām
- -mālā f. a garland of fruit Mālatīm
- -varṣa m. a shower of fruit (rained from heaven) BhP
- -stabaka m. a bunch of blossoms or fruit BhP
- ○nâñjali mfn. presenting a nosegay held in both hands opened and hollowed (= puṣpâñjali) Cat
- ○nâśuga (Naish.), ○nêehu (L.), m. = ○na-bāṇa
- pra-sūnaka m. a kind of Kadamba L
- n. a flower L
- pra-sūrat mf(antī)n. being born MBh. xiii, 5687
- pra-sūkā See col. 1
- pra-sūc √P. -sūcayati, to indicate, manifest MBh
- pra-sṛ √P. -sisarti, (only Ved.) and sarati (sometimes also Ā. ○te), to move forwards, advance ('for' or 'against', acc.), proceed (lit. and fig.), spring up, come forth, issue from (abl.), appear, rise, spread, extend RV. &c. &c
- to break out (as fire, a disease &c.) MBh. Pañcat. (vḷ.)
- to be displaced (as the humours of the boy) Suśr
- to be diffused (as odour) Kathās
- to pass. elapse (as night) Vikr
- to commence, begin Bhartṛ. Kathās. (also Pass., e.g. prâsāri yājñah, 'the sacrifice began' ŚBr.)
- to prevail, hold good, take place Sarvad
- to stretch out (hands) RV
- to agree, promise Inscr.: Caus. -sārayati, to stretch out, extend VS. &c. &c
- to spread out, expose (wares &c. for sale) Mn. R. &c
- to open wide (eyes, mouth, &c.), Mṛiccli. BhP
- to diffuse, circulate, exhibit Var. Śaṃk
- to prosecute, transact Kād
- (in gram.) to change a semivowel into the corresponding vowel Pat.: Intens. (-sasre, ○rāte, ○rāṇa) to extend, be protracted, last RV
- pra-sara m. (ifc. f. ā) going forwards, advance, progress, free course, coming forth, rising, appearing, spreading, extension, diffusion Kālid. Kād. Śaṃk. &c
- range (of the eye) Amar
- prevalence, influence Śak
- boldness, courage Mṛicch
- a stream, torrent, flood Gīt. BhP
- (in med.) morbid displacement of the humours of the body Suśr
- multitude, great quantity Śiś
- a fight, war L
- an iron arrow L
- speed L
- affectionate solicitation L
- (ā), f. Paederia Foetida L
- n. (in music) a kind of dance Saṃgīt
- -yuta mfn. possessing extension, extensive (as a forest) R
- pra-saraṇa n. going forth, running away, escaping Mṛicch
- (in med.) = ○sara Suśr
- holding good, prevailing TPrāt. Sch
- complaisance, amiability BhP
- spreading over the country to forage L
- = next L
- pra-saraṇi (or ○ṇī), f. surrounding an enemy L
- pra-sāra m. spreading or stretching out, extension Suśr. Kull
- a trader's shop Nalac
- opening (the mouth) Vop
- raising (dust) Bālar
- = prec. L
- pra-sāraṇa n. (fr. Caus.) stretching or spreading not, extending, diffusing, displaying, developing Br. Bhāshāp. Suśr
- augmentation, increase Kām
- changing a semivowel into a vowel APrāt. Sch. (cf. sam-pras○)
- = ○saraṇi L
- spreading over the country for collecting forage L
- (ī), f. = ○saraṇi L
- Paederia Foetida L
- pra-sāraṇin mfn. containing a semivowel liable to be changed into a vowel Pāṇ. Vārtt
- pra-sārita mfn. (fr. Caus.) held forth, stretched out, expanded, spread, diffused Mn. MBh. Kāv. &c
- laid out, exhibited, exposed (for sale) R
- published, promulgated Var. Śaṃk
- -gātra mfn. with outstretched limbs (su-pr○) Sāh
- -bhoga mfn. (a serpent) with expanded coils Pañcat
- tâgra mfn. (fingers) with extended tips Cat
- ○tâṅguli mfn. (a hand) with extended fingers L
- pra-sārin mfn. coming forth, issuing from (comp.) Śak
- spreading, extending (trans. and intrans
- esp. stretching one's self out in singing). PārGṛ. (cf. vāk-pras○) Saṃgīt
- extending over (comp.) Sāh. (○ri-tva n.)
- going along gently, gliding, flowing, creeping W
- (iṇī), f. (in music)N. of a Sruti Saṃgīt
- Paederia Foetida Bhpr
- Mimosa Pudica L
- N. of wk. 1
- pra-sārya ind. (fr. Caus.) having stretched out or put forth &c. MBh. 2
- pra-sārya mfn. (fr. Caus.) to be changed into a vowel Pat
- prá-sṛta mfn. come forth, issued from (abl. or comp.) ŚvetUp. MBh. Kāv. &c
- displaced (as the humours of the body) Suśr
- resounding (as tones) Kathās. (n. impers. with instr. 'a sound rose from' ib.)
- held or stretched out TBr. Bhartṛ. Kathās
- wide-spreading MuṇḍUp. Bhag
- extending over or to (loc.) Kathās
- intent upon, devoted to (comp.) R. Vajracch.
- prevailing, ordinary ŚBr. Kāṭh
- intense, mighty, strong Uttarar. Daś. Kathās
- set out, departed, fled Daś. Kathās
- wṛ. for pra-śrita, humble, modest, quiet MBh. R. &c
- m. the palm of the hand stretched out and hollowed as if to hold liquids GṛŚrS
- (also n. L.) a handful (as a measure = 2 Palas) ŚBr. (also -mātra n.) ŚrS. Suśr
- pl. N. of a class of deities under the 6th Manu VP
- (ā), f. the leg L
- n. what has sprung up or sprouted, grass, plants, vegetables MBh. Pañcar
- agriculture (prob. wṛ. for pra-mṛta) L
- -ja m. N. of a partic. class of sons MBh
- -mātra n. See above
- ○tâgra-pradāyin mfn. offering the best of all that has grown MBh
- ○tâgra-bhuj mfn. eating the best &c. ib
- prá-sṛti (prá-). f. streaming, flowing Śak
- (successful) progress TĀr
- extension, diffusion MBh
- swiftness, haste Nīlak
- the palm of the hollowed hand Kauś
- a handful as measure (= 2 Palas) Yājñ. BhP
- -m-paca, See nīvāra-pr○
- -yāvaka m. eating groats made of not more than a handful of barley. Gaut
- prá-sṛtvara mfn. breaking forth Bhām
- prá-sṛmara mfn. streaming forth Bhartṛ
- being at the head of (gen.). Hcar
- pra-sṛj √P. -sṛjati, (aor. P. -asrāk Ā. -asṛkṣata), to let loose, dismiss, send off to (acc.) RV. &c. &c
- to give free course to (anger &c., with acc.) MBh
- to stretch out (the arms) RV
- to scatter, sow MārkP
- to engage in a quarrel with (loc.) MBh. (prob. wṛ. for pra-sajati): Pass. -sṛjyate, to go forth or out, leave home Gobh. Lāṭy.: Desid. -sisrikṣati, to wish to dismiss or send off ŚāṅkhBr
- pra-sargá (or ○sárga), m. pouring or flowing forth RV
- dismissal ŚāṅkhŚr
- pra-sarjana mf(ī)n. darting forth Kauś
- pra-sṛṣṭa mfn. let loose, dismissed, set free MBh
- having free course, uncontrolled ib. Car
- given up, renounced Hariv. (-vaira mfn. 'one who has given up enmity' ib.)
- hurt, injured MW
- wṛ. for pra-mṛṣṭa R
- (ā), f. pl. (prob.) a partic. movement in fighting MBh. (= sarvâṅgasáṃśleṣaṇa VP. Sch.)
- pra-sṛp √P. -sarpati, to creep up to, glide into (acc.) RV. VS. Br. ŚrS
- to advance, proceed, move towards (acc.) Vait. MBh. &c
- to stream or break forth MBh. Śiś.: to set in (as darkness) Kathās
- to spread, extend, be diffused Śatr. Uttarar
- to set to work, act, proceed in a certain way Kām. Kathās
- to advance, progress Bhaṭṭ
- pra-sarpa m. going to the part of the sacrificial enclosure called the Sadas MBh. (= agni-visarjana Nīlak.)
- n. N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr
- pra-sarpaka m. an assistant who is under the superintendence of the Ṛitvij or a mere spectator at a sacrifice (so designated from entering the Sadas
- prec.) ŚrS
- pra-sárpaṇa n. going forwards, entering (loc.) MBh
- = ○sarpa ĀśvŚr
- a place of refuge, shelter RV
- pra-sarpita mfn. (fr. Caus.) crawling along Ṛitus
- pra-sarpin mfn. coming forth, issuing from (comp.) Śak. (vḷ.)
- creeping along, crawling away Var
- going to the Sadas (cf. ○sarpaka) ĀśvŚr
- pra-sripta mfn. spread, diffused Uttarar
- = ○sarpaka KātyŚr
- pra-sṛmara See pra- √sṛ
- pra-sṛṣṭa See pra- √srṛj
- pra-seka pra-secana &c. See under pra-.√sic, p. 697
- prasedikā vḷ. for prasīdikā, q.v
- pra-sedivas See pra- √sad, p. 696
- pra-sena m.or n. (?), ○nā f. a kind of jugglery VarBṛS. Sch
- pra-sena m. N. of a prince (son of Nighna or Nimna) Hariv. Pur
- of a king of Ujjayini (succeeded by Vikramârka or Vikramâditya). Inscr
- prasena-jit m. N. of sev. princes (esp. of a sovereign of Śrāvastī contemporary with Gautama Buddha MWB. 407) MBh. R. Hariv. Pur. &c
- pra-seva m. (√siv) a sack or a leather bottle L
- the damper on the neck of a lute L
- pra-sevaka m. a sack, bag Suśr. Nalac
- a damper (= prec.) L
- (ikā), f. See carma-prasevikā.
- prá-s-kaṇva m. N. of a Vedic Ṛishi with the patr. Kāṇva (author of RV. i, 44-50 ; viii, 49 ; ix, 95 ; according to BhP. grandson of Kaṇva) RV. Pāṇ. Nir. &c
- pl. the descendants of Praskaṇva BrahmaP
- pra-√skand P. -skandati (ind. p. -skandya, or -skadya), to leap forth or out or up or down TS. Br. MBh. &c
- to gush forth (as tears) Gaut
- to fall into (acc.) R
- to fall upon, attack MBh
- to shed, spill Br. Up.: Caus. -skandayati. to cause to flow (a river
- others 'to cross') MBh. Hariv
- to pour out (as an oblation) MBh
- pra-skanda m. a kind of √MBh. (vḷ.)
- pra-skandana mfn. leaping forward, attacking (said of Siva) MBh
- one who has diarrhoea Car
- n. leaping over or across (comp.) ĀpŚr. Sch
- voiding excrement L
- a purgative Car
- pra-skandikā f. diarrhoea Car
- pra-skandin mfn. leaping into (comp.). GopBr
- attacking, daring, bold Jātakam
- m. N. of a man L
- pra-skanna mfn. shed, spilt MBh. R
- lost, gone BhP
- having attacked or assailed MBh
- m. a transgressor, sinner, one who has violated the rules of his caste or order W
- pra-skunda m. a support MBh. v, 2700 ('an altar or elevated floor of a circular shape' Nīlak.)
- pra-√skhal P. -skhalati, to stagger forwards, reel, totter, stumble, tumble MBh. Kāv. &c
- pra-skhalat mfn. reeling, tottering Kathās
- ○lad-gati mfn. with a tottering step ib
- pra-skhalana n. the act of stumbling, reeling. falling BhP. Suśr
- pra-skhalita mfn. staggering, stumbling MBh
- one who has failed Kām
- pra-√stan only Caus. -stanayati, to thunder forth RV
- prá-stabdha mfn. (√stambh) stiff, rigid ŚBr. Suśr
- -gātra mfn. having stiff or rigid limbs Suśr
- prá-stambha m. becoming stiff or rigid ib
- pra-stara &c. See pra- √stṛ
- pra-stava &c. See pra-√stu
- pra-stīta or pra-stīma mfn. (√styai
- See Pāṇ. 8-2, 54) crowded together, swarming, clustering W
- sounded, making a noise ib
- pra-√stu P. -stauti (in RV. also Ā. -stavate, with act. and pass. sense, and 1. sg. -stuṣe), to praise before (anything else) or aloud RV. &c. &c
- to sing, chant (in general, esp. said of the Prastotṛi) Br. Lāṭy. ChUp
- to come to speak of introduce as a topic Prab. Hit. BhP
- to undertake, commence, begin Mālav. Dhūrtas. Bhaṭṭ
- to place at the head or at the beginning Sarvad.: Caus. -stāvayati, to introduce as a topic, suggest MBh. Malatīm
- pra-tuṣṭuṣu mfn. (fr. Desid.) wishing to praise W
- wishing to begin MW
- pra-stava m. a hymn of praise, chant, song MārkP
- a favourable moment (cf. a-pr○) R
- pra-stāva m. introductory eulogy, the introduction or prelude of a Sāman (sung by the Pra-stotṛi) Br. Lāṭy. ChUp
- the prologue of a drama (= prasstāvanā) Hariv
- introducing a topic, preliminary mention, allusion, reference Kāv. Pañcat
- the occasion or subject of a conversation, topic ib
- occasion, opportunity, time, season, turn, convenience ib. Kathās. Hit. (e or eṣu, on a suitable occasion, opportunity
- ena, incidentally, occasionally, suitably
- with tava, at your convenience)
- beginning, commencement Pañcat. Hit
- spoit, ease (= helā) L
- N. of a prince (son of Udgītha). BhP
- -krameṇa ind. by way of introduction Hit
- -cintamaṇi m. -taraṃgiṇī f. N. of wks
- -tas ind. on the occasion of (kathā-pr○, in course of conversation) Kathās
- -pāṭhaka m. = vaitālika, the herald or bard of a king Nalac
- -muktâvatī f. N. of wk
- -yajña m. a topic of conversation to which each person present offers a contribution (as at a sacrifice) MW
- -ratnâkara m. -śloka m. pl N. of wks
- -sadṛśa mf(ī)n. suited to the occasion, appropriate, seasonable Hit
- -sūtra n. N. of wk
- ○vânugatarn ind. on a suitable occasion Pañcat
- ○vântara-gata mfn. occupied with something else, jātakam
- pra-stāvanā f. sounding forth, blazing abroad Daś
- introduction, commencement, beginning, preface, exordium MBh. Mālav. Mcar
- a dramatic prologue, an introductory dialogue spoken by the manager and one of the actors (of which several varieties are enumerated, viz. the Udghāṭyaka, Kaṭhôdghāṭa, Prayogâtiśaya, Pravartaka, and Avalagita) Kālid. Ratnâv. Sāh. Pratāp. &c
- pra-stāvita mfn. (fr. Caus.) caused to be told or related, mentioned Mālatīm
- pra-stāvya mfn. (fr. Caus.) to be preluded or introduced with a Prastāva (as a Sāman) Lāṭy
- prá-stuta mfn. praised TS. Br
- proposed, propounded, mentioned, introduced as a topic or subject under discussion, in question MBh. Kāv. &c
- commenced, begun R. Mālav. Hit
- (with inf., one who has commenced or begun Kathās.) Rājat
- ready, prepared W
- happened ib
- made or consisting of ib
- approached, proximate ib
- done with effort or energy ib
- n. beginning, undertaking Mālatīm
- (in rhet.) the chief subject-matter, that which is the subject of any statement or comparison ( = upameya
- IW. 109, 457, and ○tâṅkura)
- -tva n. the being a topic under discussion Kull
- -yajña mfn. prepared for a sacrifice MW
- ○tâṅkura m. a figure of, speech, allusion by the mention of any passing circumstance to something latent in the hearer's mind Kuval
- prá-stuti (prá-), f. praise, eulogium RV. ChUp
- pra-stotṛ́ m. N. of the assistant of the Udgātṛi (who chants the Prastāva) Br. ŚrS. MBh. &c
- -prayoga m. -sāman n. N. of wks
- pra-stotrīya mfn. relating to the Prastotṛi Lāṭy. Sch
- pra-√stubh (only pr. p. Ā. -stubhāná, with pass. sense), to urge on with shouts RV.: Caus. -stobhayati, to greet with shouts BhP
- to scoff, deride, insult ib
- pra-stobha m. allusion or reference to (gen.) BhP
- du. (with rajer aṅgirasasya) N. of 2 Sāmans ĀrshBr
- pra-s-√tump P. -tumpati g. pāraskarâdi
- pra-stṛ √P. Ā. -stṛṇoti, -stṛṇute, or -stṛṇāti, -stṛṇīte, to spread, extend (trans. and intrans.) AV. ŚBr. Kauś
- (with giraḥ) to pour out i.e. utter words, speak Naish
- pra-stará m. (ifc. f. ā) anything strewed forth or about, a couch of leaves and flowers, (esp.) a sacrificial seat RV. &c. &c
- (ifc.) a couch of any material MBh
- a flat surface, flat top, level, a plain Mn. MBh. R
- a rock, stone Kāv. Hit
- a gem, jewel L
- a leather bag Mṛicch. Sch
- a paragraph, section Cat
- a tabular representation of the long and short vowels of a metre W
- musical notation ib
- pl. N. of a people R. (v. l. for pra-cara)
- -ghatanâpakaraṇa n. an instrument for breaking or splitting stones Hit
- -bhājaná n. a substitute for sacrificial grass. ŚBr
- -sveda m. and -svedana n. inducing perspiration by lying on a straw-bed Car
- ○re-ṣṭhá (or -ṣṭhā́,), mfn. being on a couch or bed VS
- pra-staraṇa m. (or ā f.) a couch, seat Hariv. (cf. rukma-pr○)
- pra-stariṇī f. Elephantopus Scaber L
- pra-stāra m. (ifc. f. ā) strewing, spreading out, extension (also fig. = abundance, high degree) MBh. Kāv
- a litter, bed of straw Hariv
- a layer Sulbas
- a flight of steps (leading down to water) MBh
- a flat surface, plain Hariv. (v. l. ○stara)
- a jungle or wood overgrown with grass L
- a process in preparing minerals Cat
- a representation or enumeration of all the possible combinations of certain given numbers or of short and long syllables in a metre Col
- (in music) a kind of measure Saṃgīt
- N. of a prince (son of Udgītha) VP. (prob. wṛ. for prastāva)
- cintāmaṇi m. N. of wk
- -paṅkti f. a kind of metre RPrāt
- -pattana n. N. of wk
- pra-stārin mfn. spreading out, extending to (comp.)
- n. a partic. disease of the white of the eye Suśr
- pra-stira m. a bed or couch made of flowers and leaves L
- pra-stīrṇa (prá-.), mfn. spread out, extended ŚBr
- flat (as the tip of the tongue) AV
- pra-stṛta wṛ. for ○mṛta L
- pra-sthā √P. -tiṣṭhati, (rarely Ā. te). to stand or rise up (esp. before the gods. an altar &c.) RV. TS. VS
- to advance towards (acc.) ŚBr. ŚāṅkhSr
- (Ā
- P1ṇ. i, 3, 22) to be awake MBh
- (Ā., m. c. also P.) to set out, depart from (abl.), proceed or march to (acc. with or without prati) or with a view to or in order to (dat. or inf) ĀśvGṛ. MBh. Kāv. &c
- (with ākāśe) to move or abide in the open air R.: Caus. -sthāpayati, to put aside AV.
- to send out, send to (acc. with or without prati) or for the purpose of (dat. or loc.), send away or home, dispatch messengers &c., dismiss, banish MBh. Kāv. &c
- drive, urge on (horses), Kum Desid. Ā. -tiṣṭhāsate, to wish to set out Śaṃk. Bhaṭṭ
- pra-stha mfn. going on a march or journey, going to or abiding in (cf. vana-pr○)
- stable, firm, solid W
- expanding, spread ib
- m. n. table-land on the top of a mountain MBh. Kāv. &c
- a level expanse, plain (esp. at the end of names of towns and villages
- cf. indra-, oṣadhi-, karīra-pr○ and See Pāṇ. 4-2, 110)
- a partic. weight and measure of capacity (= 32 Palas or = 1/4 of an Āḍhaka
- or = 16 Palas= 4 Kuḍavas= 1/4 of an Aḍhaka
- or = 2 Śarāvas
- or = 6 Palas
- or = 1/16 of a Droṇa) MBh. Kāv. Suśr. &c
- m. N. of a monkey R
- -kusuma or -puṣpa m. 'flowering on mountain-tops', a species of plant, a variety of Tulasi or basil L
- -m-paca mf(ā)n. cooking the amount of a Prastha (said of a cooking utensil capable of containing one Prastha) Pāṇ. 3-2, 33 Sch
- -vat m. a mountain L
- pra-sthā́ = ○stha in -vat mfn. having a platform AV
- (-vatī), t N. of a river Hariv
- pra-sthāna n. setting out, departure, procession, march (esp. of an army or assailant) MBh. Kāv. &c
- walking, moving, journey, advent ib
- sending away, dispatching Yājñ
- departing this life, dying (cf. mahā-pr○)
- religious mendicancy MBh
- a way to attain (any object), course, method, system Madhus. KātyŚr. Sch
- a sect Sarvad
- an inferior kind of drama (the character of which are slaves and outcasts) Sāh
- starting-point, place of origin, source, cause (in jñāna-pr○, N. of wk.)
- -trayabhāṣya n. N. of wk
- -dundubhi m. a drum giving the signal for marching Kād
- -bheda m. ratnâkara m. N. of wks
- -vat ind. as in setting forth, as on a departure Var
- -viklava-gati mfn. one whose step falters in walking Śak
- -vighna m. an obstacle to proceeding or to sending anything (-kṛt mfn. causing an obstṭobstacle &c.) Yājñ
- non-attendance at a festival, impeding its taking place W
- ○naka n. setting out, departure Nalac
- ○nâvalī f. N. of wk
- ○nika mfn. See cátuṣ-pr○
- also wṛ. for prāsthānika
- ○nīya mfn. belonging or relating to a departure Lāṭy
- pra-sthāpana n. (fr. Caus.) causing to depart, sending away, dismissing, dispatching MBh. (also ā f.) Kāv. &c. (with diśaḥ, 'sending into all quarters of the world' R.)
- dhvanipr○', giving currency to an expression' Sāh
- pra-sthāpanīya mfn. (fr. Caus.) to be sent or dispatched W
- to be carried or driven off ib
- pra-sthāpita mfn. (fr. Caus.) sent away, dismissed, dispatched Kum
- held, celebrated (as a feast) Divyâv
- pra-sthāpya mfn. (fr. Caus.) to be sent away or dispatched MBh
- pra-sthāyin mfn. setting forth, departing, marching, going Kathās. (cf. g. gaimy-ādi)
- pra-sthāyīya and in sākaṃ-sth○, q.v
- ○sthāyya in sākaṃ-sth○, q.v
- ○sthā́vat See above under pra-stha
- ○sthāvan mfn. swift, rapid RV
- prasthika mfn. (fr. pra-stha), See ardha-pr○
- (ā), f. the sounding-board of a lute Harav. Sch
- (prob.) Hibiscus Cannabhinus Bhpr
- prá-sthita mfn. set forth, prepared, ready (as sacrifice) RV. Br. ŚrS
- rising, upright RV
- standing forth, prominent AV
- appointed, installed R
- set out, departed, gone to (acc. with or without prati dat. or loc.) or for the purpose of (dat.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- (-vat mfn. = pra-tasthe, 'he has set out' Kathās.)
- (ifc.) reaching to, Sak. vii, 4/3 (v. l. prati-ṣṭhita)
- (am), impers. a person (instr.) has set out BhP
- n. setting out, going away, departure Bhartṛ
- N. of partic. Soma vessels ( See next)
- -yājyā f. a verse pronounced on offering the Prasthita vessels, ŚrS. (-homa m. the oblation connected with it Vait.)
- prá-sthiti f. setting out, departure, march, journey Kād
- prá-stheya n. (impers.) it ought to be set out MBh
- pra-snava pra-sna0vin, See tinder pra-√snu
- pra-√snā P. -snāti, to enter the water (with or without an acc.) RV. MaitrS. Br.: Caus. -snapayati, to bathe (intrans.) in (acc.) RV. AV
- pra-sna m. a bath, vessel for bathing L
- pra-snapita mfn. (fr. Csus.) bathed AV
- pra-snātṛ m. one who bathes, a bather Nir
- pra-snéya mfn. suitable for bathing ŚBr. Nir
- pra-snigdha mfn. (√snih) very oily or greasy Śak
- very soft or tender Ragh.
- pra-snu √P. Ā. -snauti, -snute, to emit fluid, pour forth, flow, drip, distil TS. Kathās
- (Ā.) to yield milk (aor. prâsnoṣṭa) Pāṇ. 3-1, 89 Sch.: Desid. -susnūṣiṣyate, vii, 2, 36 Vārtt. 2 Pat
- pra-snava m. (often v. l. ○srava) a stream or flow (of water, milk &c.) MBh. Hariv
- pl. tears MBh
- urine ib
- -saṃyukta mfn. flowing in streams, gushing forth (tears) MBh
- pra-snavana n. emitting fluid ĀpŚr. Sch
- pra-snavitrīya Nom. P. ○yati = prasnavitêvâcarati Pat
- pra-snāvin mfn. (ifc.) dropping, pouring forth Nir
- pra-snuta mfn. yielding milk MBh. R. &c
- -stanī f. having breasts that distil milk (through excess of maternal love) MW
- pra-snuṣā f. the wife of a grandson MBh
- pra-√spand Ā. -spandate (ep. also P. ○ti), to quiver, throb, palpitate MBh. Ragh. Suśr
- pra-spandana n. quivering, trembling, throbbing Suśr
- pra-√spardh Ā. -spardhate, emulate, compete, vie with (instr. or loc.) or in (loc.) R. Hariv
- pra-spardhin mfn. (ifc.) rivalling with, equalling Mcar
- pra-sphāra mfn. (√sphar) swollen, puffed up, self-conceited Nalac
- pra-sphij mfn. large-hipped Pat
- pra-√sphuṭ P. -sphuṭati, to burst open, be split or rent MBh. R.: Caus. -sphoṭayati, to cleave through, split, pierce. Hariv. Kathās
- to slap or clap the arms MBh
- pra-sphuṭa mfn. cleft open, burst, expanded, blown L
- divulged, published, known, open, evident, clear, plain Kāv. Pur. Kathās. &c
- pra-sphoṭaka m. N. of a Nāga L
- pra-sphoṭana n. splitting, bursting (intrans. ) Var
- opening. expanding, causing to blow or bloom L
- making evident or manifest L
- striking, beating L
- winnowing corn, a winnowing basket L
- wiping away, rubbing out L
- pra-√sphur P. -sphurati (pr. p. Ā. -sphuramāṇa MBh.), to spurn or push away AV
- to become tremulous, throb, quiver, palpitate RV. &c. &c
- to glitter, sparkle, flash, shine forth (lit. and fig.) Hariv. Kāv. Kathās
- to be displayed, become clear or visible, appear Kāv. Var
- pra-sphurita mfn. become tremulous, quivering, vibrating MBh. Kāv. &c. (○tâdhara mfn. one whose lower lip quivers MBh.)
- clear, evident L
- pra-sphuliṅga m. or n. (?) a glittering spark Mcar
- pra-√smi Ā. -smayate (ep. P. pr. p. -smayat), to burst into laughter Nir. MBh. Hariv
- pra-smṛ √P. -smarati, to remember MBh
- to forget (Pass. smaryate) Bālar
- pra-smartavya mfn. to be forgotten ib
- pra-smṛta mfn. forgotten Naish
- pra-smṛti f. forgetting, forgetfulness W
- pra-√syand P. Ā. -syandati, ○te (often wṛ. for -spand), to flow forth, run away, dart, fly RV. GṛS. MBh
- to drive off (in a carriage) ŚBr.: Caus. -syandayati, to make flow MBh
- pra-syanda m. flowing forth, trickling out L
- pra-syandana n. id. MBh
- exudation Rājat
- pra-syándin mfn. oozing forth ŚBr. ĀpŚr. MBh
- shedding (tears) Ratnâv
- m. a shower of rain Gaut
- pra-sraṃs √Ā. -sraṃsate, to fall down, miscarry (said of the fetus) Suśr
- pra-sraṃḍsraṃsa m. falling down or asunder Br
- pra-sraṃḍsraṃsana n. a dissolvent Car
- pra-sraṃḍsraṃsin mfn. letting fall, dropping, miscarrying Suśr
- pra-√sru P. -sravati (rarely Ā. ○te), to flow forth, flow from (abl.) AV. &c. &c
- to flow with, let flow, pour out (acc.) MBh. Kāv. &c.: Caus. Ā. -srāvayate, to make water ŚBr
- pra-srava m. (often v. l. ○snava) flowing forth MBh. Kāv. &c
- a stream, flow, gush (lit.and fig.) ib
- a flow of milk (loc. 'when the milk flows from the udder') Mn. (esp. v, 130) MBh. &c
- (pl.) gushing tears MBh
- (pl.) urine ib. (v. l.)
- (pl.) morbid matter in the body Car
- the overflow of boiling rice L
- n. a waterfall R. (B.)
- -yukta mfn. flowing with milk (breasts) Hariv.
- -saṃyukta mfn. id. ib
- flowing in a stream (as tears) MBh
- pra-srávaṇa n. (sometimes wṛ. ○śravaṇa) streaming or gushing forth, trickling, oozing, effusion, discharge. RV. &c. &c. (often ifc., with f. ā)
- the flowing of milk from the udder Yājñ. MārkP
- milk Gal
- sweat, perspiration L
- voiding urine L
- a well or spring Mn. Yājñ. Ṛitus
- a cascade, cataract L
- a spout, the projecting mouth of a vessel (out of which any fluid is poured) RV
- (also with plākṣa n.) N. of a place where the Sarasvatī takes its rise, ŚrS. MBh. Rājat
- m. N. of a man L
- of a range of mountains on the confines of Malaya R
- -jala n. spring-water L
- pra-sravin mfn. (ifc.) streaming forth, discharging Nir. Rājat
- (a cow) yielding milk Ragh
- pra-srāva m. flowing, dropping W
- urine Car. (wṛ. ○śrāva)
- the overflowing scum of boiling rice L
- -karaṇa n. the urethra L
- pra-sruta mfn. flowed forth, oozed out, issued MBh. Hariv
- discharging fluid, humid, moist, wet MBh. Kāv. Suśr
- pra-sruti f. flowing forth, oozing out L
- pra-svana m. (√svan) sound, noise MBh
- pra-svanita (prá., fr. Caus.), sounding, roaring RV
- pra-svāna m. a loud noise L
- pra-√svap P. -svapiti, or ○pati (Pot. Ā. -svapīta or ○peta MBh.), to fall asleep, go to sleep, sleep Br. MBh. Hariv
- pra-súp mfn. asleep RV
- pra-supta mfn. fallen into sleep, fast asleep, sleeping, slumbering Mn. MBh. &c
- closed (said of flowers) Kālid
- having slept Hit
- asleep i.e. insensible Suśr
- quiet, inactive, latent BhP
- -tā f. = next Suśr
- pra-supti f. sleepiness ŚārṅgS. (paralysis W.)
- pra-svāpa mfn. causing sleep, soporific MBh
- m. falling asleep, sleep BhP
- a dream ib
- pra-svāpaka mf(ikā) u. causing to fall asleep MW
- causing to die, slaying ib
- pra-svāpana mf(ī)n. causing sleep MBh. Kāv. &c. (○nī daśā f. condition of sleep MārkP.)
- n. the act of sending to sleep R
- pra-svāpinī f. 'sending to sleep', N. of a daughter of Sattra-jit and wife of Kṛishṇa Hariv
- prá-svādas mfn. (√svad) very pleasant or agreeable RV
- pra-√svāra See pra- √svṛ
- pra-svid √Ā. -svedate, to begin to sweat, get into perspiration Suśr
- to become wet or moist L
- pra-svinna mfn. covered with perspiration, sweated, perspired R
- pra-sveda m. great or excessive perspiration, sweat MBh. Vet. Sāh
- m. an elephant Gal
- -kaṇikā f. a drop of sweat Prab
- -jala n. sweat-water MārkP
- -bindu m. = -kaṇikā, Caur
- pra-svedita mfn. sweated, perspired W
- hot, causing perspiration ib
- -vat mfn. suffering or producing perspṭperspiration ib. (cf. Pāṇ. 1-2, 19 Sch.)
- pra-svedin mfn. sweating, covered with perspiration Hit
- pra-svṛ √P. -svarati, to lengthen or prolate a tone in uttering it RPrāt
- pra-svāra m. the prolated syllable Om (repeated by a religious teacher at the beginning of a lesson) ib
- prahaṇa wṛ. for pra-haraṇa Hariv
- praha-ṇemi or praha-nemi m. the moon L. (prob. wṛ. for graha-nemi, q.v.)
- pra-han √P. -hanti, (pf. Ā. -jaghnire MBh.), to strike, beat, slay, kill, destroy RV. &c. &c. (with acc
- according to Pāṇ. 2-3, 56 also with gen.)
- pra-ḍhaṇana n. striking &c. Pāṇ. 8-4, 22 Sch
- a kind of amorous sport (= jaghana-dvayatāḍana) L
- pra-hata mfn. struck, beaten (as a drum), killed, slain MBh. Kāv. &c
- cut to pieces BhP
- hewn down Subh
- repelled, defeated W
- spread, expanded ib
- contiguous ib
- learned, accomplished (= śāstra-vid Gal.) ib
- (ifc.) a blow or stroke with, g. akṣa-dyūtâdi
- -muraja mfn. having drums beaten, resounding with the beating of drums Megh
- pra-ḍhati f. a stroke, blow Kād. Bālar
- pra-han See a-prahan
- pra-ḍhantavya mfn. to be killed or slain Hariv
- hantṛ́ mfn. striking (nr 'he will strike') down, killing, slaying RV. MBh.
- pra-hara &c. See pra- √hṛ
- pra-harita mfn. of a beautiful greenish colour Car
- pra-harṣa &c. See pra- √hṛṣ
- pra-√has P. -hasati (ep. also Ā. ○te), to burst into laughter (also with hāsam) MBh. Kāv. &c
- to laugh with (acc.) MBh. Pañcat
- to laugh at, mock, deride, ridicule MBh. R. &c
- pra-ḍhasa m. N. of Śiva Gal
- of a Rakshas R
- pra-ḍhasat mf(antī) n. laughing, smiling MBh
- (antī), f. a species of jasmine L
- another plant L
- a large chafing-dish or fire-pan L
- pra-ḍhasana n. laughter, mirth, mockery, derision Uttarar. Hit. (○nam, enclit. after a finite verb, g. gotrâdi
- ○ne √kṛ, to mock, deride, g. sâkṣād-ādi Kāś.)
- (in rhet.) satire, sarcasm
- (esp.) a kind of comedy or farce Daśar. Sāh. &c
- pra-ḍhasita mfn. laughing, cheerful Hariv. Kāv. Pur
- m. N. of a Buddha Lalit
- of a prince of the Kiṃ-naras Kāraṇḍ
- n. bursting into laughter BhP
- displaying bright gaudy colours Jātakam
- -netra m. 'laughing-eyed', N. of a Buddha Lalit
- -vadana (Pañcat.), ○tânana (Hariv. ), mfn. with laughing face
- pra-ḍhāsa m. loud laughter, laughter Hariv. Kāv
- derision, irony Pāṇ. 1-4, 106 &c
- appearance, display Veṇis
- splendour, of colours Jātakam
- an actor, dancer L
- N. of Śiva L. (cf. ○hasa)
- of an attendant of Śiva MBh
- of a Nāga ib
- of a minister of Varuṇa R
- of a Tirtha (wṛ. for ○bhāsa?) L
- n. (with bharad-vājasya) N. of a Sāman (wṛ. for prāsāha) L
- pra-ḍhāsaka m. one who causes laughter, a jester L
- pra-ḍhāsita mfn. (fr. Caus.) caused to laugh MW
- pra-ḍhāsín mfn. laughing, derisive, satirical AV
- shining bright Jātakam
- m. the buffoon of a drama (= vidūṣaka) L
- pra-hasta mfn. long-handed Inscr
- m. (n. Pāṇ. 6-2, 183 Sch.) the open hand with the fingers extended KātyŚr. Sch
- N. of a Rākshasa MBh. R
- of a companion of Sūrya-prabha (son of Candra-prabha, king of Śākala
- he had been an Asura before) Kathās
- -vāda m. N. of work
- pra-ḍhastaka m. the extended hand L
- m. or n. (scil. tṛca) N. of RV. viii, 95, 13-15
- pra-hā √2. Ā., -jihīte, to drive off, haste away RV
- to spring up ŚBr
- pra-hā √3. P. -jahāti, (3. pl. pr. irreg. -jahanti MBh
- fut. 3. du. Ā. -hāsyete R.), to leave ŚBr. &c. &c
- to desert, quit, abandon, give up, renounce, violate (a duty), break (a promise) MBh. Kāv. &c
- to send off, throw, hurl Bhaṭṭ
- (incorrectly for Pass.) to cease, disappear MBh.: Pass. -hīyate, to be relinquished or neglected, be lost, fail, cease, perish Mn. MBh
- io be vanquished, succumb MBh.: Cius. -hāpayati, to drive away, remove, destroy BhP
- pra-jahitá mfn. (irreg. fr. the pres. stem) quitted, abandoned RV. viii, 1, 13 (applied to a fire that has been abandoned TāṇḍBr. ŚrS.)
- pra-hā́ f. a good throw at dice, any gain or advantage RV. AV. TāṇḍBr. (= pra-hantṛ Sāy.)
- -vat mfn. acquiring gain, gaining RV. (= praharaṇa-vat Sāy.)
- ○"ṣhāṇ n. relinquishing, abandoning, avoiding Śiś. Śaṃk. Lalit
- abstraction, speculation, meditation Lalit. Vajracch
- exertion Dharmas. 45
- ○"ṣḍhāṇi f. cessation, disappearance ŚvetUp. Pur
- want, deficiency MW
- ○"ṣḍhātavya mfn. to be relinquished or abandoned Vajracch
- ○"ṣḍhāna and wṛ. for ○hāṇa and ○hāṇi
- ○"ṣḍhāni wṛ. for ○hāṇa and ○hāṇi
- ○"ṣḍhāpaṇa n. (fr. Caus.) driving away, forced abandonment or departure W
- prahīṇa mfn. (cf. Kāś. on Pāṇ. 8-4, 29) left, remaining BhP
- standing alone i.e. having no relatives Vas
- cast off, worn out (as a garment) Gaut
- failing in (instr.) MBh
- ceased, vanished Jātakam
- (ifc.) wanting, destitute of MBh
- m. removal, loss, waste, destruction W
- ○jīvita mfn. one who has abandoned life, dead, slain W
- ○doṣa mfn. one whose sins have vanished, sinless Vedântas
- pra-hāyyá See 1. pra- √hi
- pra-hāra See pra- √hṛ
- pra-√hi P. Ā. -hiṇoti, -hiṇute: -hiṇvati, -hiṇvate (cf. Pāṇ. 8-4, i5
- pf. -jighāya KaushUp. ; 1ṣg. pr. Ā. -hiṣe RV
- Aor.p. prấhait AV
- Impv. prá-hela RV
- inf pra-hyé ib.), to urge on, incite RV
- to direct, command Lāṭy. KaushUp.
- to convey or send to, furnish, procure. bestow on (dat.) RV. &c. &c
- to hurl, cast, throw upon, discharge at (dat. or loc ) Kāv. Pur
- to turn the eyes towards (acc.) Kād
- to dispatch (messengers), drive away, dismiss, send to (acc. with.or without prati dat., gen. with or without antikam or pārśvam) or in order to (dat. or inf.) RV. &c. &c
- (Ā.) to rush on RV
- to forsake (= pra. √3. hā) BhP.: Caus. aor. prâjīhayat Pat.: Desid. of Caus. pra-jighāyayiṣati ib
- pra-hāyyá m. one who is to be sent, a messenger AV. (vḷ. ○hāya
- cf. ○heya)
- práhita mfn. urged on incited, stirred up RV. BhP
- hurled, discharged at Hariv. R. Pur
- thrown forward i.e. stretched out (as an arm) MBh
- imbedded (as nails) Sāh
- (ifc.) directed or turned towards, cast upon (as eyes, the mind &c.), Kalid. BhP
- conveyed, sent, procured Daś. Kathās. Pañcat
- sent out, dispatched (as messengers) RV. &c. &c
- sent away, expelled, banished to (dat.) R. Kathās
- sent to or towards or against (loc., gen. with or without pārśve, or dat.), appointed, commissioned MBh. Kāv. &c
- m. du. (with gaurīviteḥ and śyāvâśvasya) N. of 2 Sāmans ĀrshBr
- n. sauce, gravy, condiment L
- ○ṃ-gama mfn. going on an errand or mission to (gen.) PārGṛ
- -vat mfn. one who has sent out, (= fin. verb) he sent out R. Kathās
- prahitâtman mfn. resolute Divyâv
- prá-hetavya mfn. to be sent out or dismissed Campak
- prá-ḍheti m. a missile, weapon VS
- N. of. a king of the Rākshasas Pur
- of an Asura ib
- prá-ḍhetṛ́ m. one who sends forth or impels RV
- prá-ḍhéya mfn. to be sent away or dispatched. serving as a messenger AV. ŚBr
- pra-hi m. (according to Uṇ,
- . iv, 134 fr. pra- √hṛ, but cf. pra-dhi) a well
- prahitu (only ○tó saṃyojane), N. of 2 Sāmans ĀrshBr. (cf. pra-hita above)
- pra-hima mfn. having severe winters (?) Pāṇ. 8-4, 16 Pat
- pra-hīṇa See pra.√3. hā
- pra-√hu P. Ā. -juhoti, -juhute, to sacrifice continually, offer up RV.: Caus. -hāvayati, to pour out or down ĀpŚr
- prá-huta mfn. offered up RV. Br. GṛS. &c
- m. (scil. yajña) sacrificial food offered to all created beings Mn. iii, 73 &c. (n. L.)
- prá-ḍhuti (prá-.), f. an oblation, sacrifice RV
- pra-hoṣá m. id. ib
- pra-ḍhoṣín mfn. offering oblations or sacrifices ib
- pra-hṛ √P.Ā. -harati, ○te, to offer (esp. praise, 1. sg. pr. -harmi). RV. i, 61, 1
- to thrust or move forward, stretch out RV. TS. ŚBr
- to put into, fix in (loc.) RV
- to hurl, throw, discharge at (loc.). AV. &c. &c
- to throw or turn out ŚāṅkhSr
- to throw (into the fire) Br. KātyŚr
- to strike, hit, hurt, attack, assail (with acc., loc., dat. or gen
- Ā. also, to fight with each other') AV. Mn. MBh. &c.: Caus. Ā. -harayate, to stir up, excite, rouse RV. iv, 37, 2: Desid. -jihīrṣati, to wish to take away, M Bh
- to wish to throw ŚBr
- to wish to strike or assail MBh. Daś. (cf. jihīrṣu, p. 659)
- pra-hara m. (ifc. f. ā) a division of time (about 3 hours = 6 or 7 Nāḍikās
- lit. 'stroke', scil. on a gong) Var. Kathās. Pañcat
- the 8th part of a day, a watch Kathās
- N. of the subdivisions in a Śākuna (q.v.)
- -kuṭumbī. f. a species of plant L
- -virati f. the end of a watch (at 9 o'clock in the forenoon), Amar'
- pra-ḍharaka m. striking the hours Vet
- a period of about 3 hours, watch Śiś. (cf. ardha-praharikā)
- pra-ḍharaṇa n. striking, beating, pecking Pañcat. attack, combat MBh
- throwing (of grass into the fire) TS. Sch
- removing, dispelling Śaṃk
- a weapon (ifc. f. ā) MBh. Kāv. &c. (cf. kṛta-pr○)
- a carriage-box BhP
- wṛ. for pra-vahaṇa L
- m. the verse spoken in throwing grass into the fire ĀpŚr
- N. of a son of Kṛishṇa BhP
- -kalikā or -kalitā f. a kind of metre Chandom. Col
- -vat mfn. fighting Sāy
- pra-ḍharaṇīya mfn. to be attacked or fought MBh
- to be removed or dispelled or destroyed Prab
- n. a weapon MBh. Hariv
- pra-ḍharin m. one who announces the hours by beating a gong &c., a watchman, bellman L
- pra-ḍhartavya mfn. to be attacked or fought MBh. Hariv
- n. (impers.) one should strike or attack (dat. or loc.) ib. Kāv. Kathās.
- pra-ḍhartṛ m. a sender, dispatcher Śiś
- an assailant, combatant, warrior MBh. Kāv. &c
- pra-hāra m. striking, hitting, fighting Vcar
- a stroke, blow, thump, knock, kick &c. ('with', comp
- 'on', loc. or comp.) Mn. Yājñ. MBh. &c
- m. a necklace Dharmaś
- -karaṇa n. dealing blows, beating MW
- -da mfn. (ifc.) giving a blow to, striking Yājñ
- -varman m. N. of a prince of Mithilā Daś
- -vallī f. a kind of perfume Bhpr
- ○rârta mfn. hurt by a blow, wounded Yājñ
- n. chronic and acute pain from a wound or hurt W
- pra-ḍhāraṇa n. a desirable gift L. (v. l. for 2. pravâraṇa)
- pra-ḍhārin mfn. striking, smiting, beating with (comp.), attacking, fighting against (gen. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- m. a good fighter, champion, hero Nir. v, 12
- ○ri-tā f. striking, hitting Divyâv
- pra-ḍhāruka mfn. carrying off, tearing away Kāṭh
- pra-ḍhā́ya (or ○hāryá), mfn. to be taken away or removed ŚBr. (cf. pra-hāyyā, under pra-√hi) to be beaten MW
- prá-hṛta mfn. thrown (as a stone) AV
- stretched out or lifted up (as a stick) ŚBr
- struck, beaten, hurt, wounded, hit, smitten MBh. Kāv. &c
- m. N. of a man, g. aśvâdi n. a stroke, blow
- (impers. 'a blow has been struck' Hariv. Ragh. Sāh
- ○te sati, when a blow has been struck' Mn. viii, 286)
- a fight with (comp.) Ragh. xvi, 16 (cf. g. akṣa-dyūtâdi)
- pra-hṛṣ √P. -hṛṣyati, (m. c. also Ā. ○te), to rejoice, be glad or cheerful, exult MBh. Kāv. &c.: Caus. -harṣayati, to set (the teeth) on edge Car
- to cause to rejoice, gladden, inspirit, encourage ŚāṅkhBr. MBh. R. &c
- pra-harṣa m. erection (or greater erṭerection) of the male organ Car
- erection of the hair, extreme joy, thrill of delight, rapture (○ṣaṃ √kṛ, with loc. 'to delight in') MBh. Kāv. &c
- -vat mfn. delighted, glad MBh. R
- pra-ḍharṣaṇa mf(ī)n. causing erection of the hair of the body, enrapturing, delighting MBh. Hariv
- m. the planet Mercury or its ruler L. (cf. ○ṣula)
- (ī), f. (cf. ○ṣiṇī) turmeric L
- a kind of metre Chandom
- n. erection (of the hair of the body) Car
- rapture, joy, delight MBh
- gladdening, delighting. ib
- the attainment of a desired object Kuval
- -kara mf(ī) u. causing great joy, enrapturing MBh
- pra-ḍharṣita mfn. (fr. Caus.) stiffened (as reed). Suśr
- made desirous of sexual intercourse Car
- greatly delighted, enraptured, very happy MBh. R
- pra-ḍharṣin mf(iṇī)n. gladdening (with gen.) MBh
- (iṇī) f. (cf. ○ṣaṇī) turmeric L
- a kind of metre Śrutab
- pra-ḍharṣula m. the planet Mercury L. (cf. ○ṣaṇa)
- pra-hṛṣṭa mfn. erect, bristling (as the hair of the body) MBh. R. BhP
- thrilled with delight. exceedingly pleased, delighted ib. Var. Kathās. Pañcat. &c
- citta mfn. delighted at heart at heart, exceedingly glad. A
- -manas mfn. id. MBh
- -mukha mfn. having a cheerful face, looking pleased (a-pr○). MārkP
- -mudita mfn. exceedingly pleased and cheerful R
- -rūpa mfn. of pleasing form MBh
- erect in form MW
- -roman mfn. one who has erected hair R
- m. N. of an Asura Kathās
- -vadana mfn. = -mukha MārkP
- ○ṭâtman. mfn. = ○ṭa-citta. MBh. R
- pra-ḍhṛṣṭaka m. a crow W
- pra-heṇaka n. a kind of pastry, Divyáv. (cf. pra-helaka)
- pra-heti &c. See pra-√hi
- pra-helaka n. (√hil?) a kind of pastry. sweetmeat &c. distributed at a festival L. (cf. pra-heṇaka)
- pra-ḍhelā f. playfulness, free or unrestrained behaviour
- (ayā), ind. freely, without constraint Pañcat
- pra-ḍheli (L.),
- pra-ḍhelikā (Kāvyâd., 6 kinds), f. an enigma, riddle, puzzling question
- pra-ḍhelī f. id
- -jñāna n. the art or science of proposing riddles L
- pra-hoṣa ○ṣin, See under pra-√hu
- pra-hye See under pra-√hi
- pra-hye m. (√hrād) N. of the chief of the Asuras (with the patr. Kāyādhava. and father of Virocana) TBr
- of a son of Hiraṇyakaśipu (he was an enemy of Indra and friend of Vishṇu) MBh. Hariv. BhP. (cf. pra-hlāda)
- pra-ḍhrādi m. pl., vḷ. for pra-hlādīya. KaushUp.
- pra-hrāsa m. (√hras) shortening, diminution, wane MBh
- pra-hlād √Ā. -hlādate, to be refreshed or comforted, to rejoice Kir.: Caus. -hlādayati ○te to refresh, comfort, delight MBh. R. &c
- pra-hla mfn. pleased, glad Gal
- pra-ḍhlatti f. pleasure, delight Pāṇ. 6-4, 95 Sch
- pra-ḍhlanna mfn. pleased, glad, happy Pāṇ. 6-4, 95 Sch
- pra-ḍhlanni f. = ○hlatti Siddh
- pra-hlāda m. joyful excitement, delight, joy. happiness MBh. R. Suśr
- sound, noise L
- a species of rice Gal
- N. of a pious Daitya (son of Hiraṇya-kaśipu
- he was made king of the Daitya by Vishṇu, and was regent of one of the divisions of Pātāla
- cf. pra-hrāda) MBh. VP. (RTL. 109)
- of a Nāga. MBh
- of a Prajā-pati ib
- pl. N. of a people. ib
- -campū f. -carita n. -vijaya n. -stuti f. -stotra n. N. of wks
- pra-ḍhlādaka mf(ikā)n. causing joy or pleasure, refreshing Ṛitus
- pra-ḍhlādana mf(ī)n. id. MBh. Kāv. Suśr
- m. (with yuva-rāja) N. of a poet (brother of king Dhārā-varsha, 1208) Cat
- u. (Hariv. Suśr.) and (ā), f. (Bālar.) the act of causing joy or pleasure, refreshment
- pra-ḍhlādanīya mfn. refreshing, comforting Lalit
- pra-ḍhlādita mfn. (fr. Caus.) rejoiced, delighted MBh. R
- pra-ḍhlādin mfn. delighting, refreshing MBh
- pra-ḍhlādīya m. pl. the attendants of the Asura Prahlāda KaushUp. (cf. pra-hrādi)
- pra-hva mf(ā)n. (√hvṛ) inclined forwards, sloping, slanting. bent GṛŚrS. MBh. &c. (-tva n. VP. Sch.)
- bowed, stooping, bowing before (gen.) MBh. (○vâñjali mfn. bowing with hands joined in token of respect R.)
- humble, modest MBh. Kāv. &c
- inclined towards i.e. intent upon, devoted to, engaged in L
- (ī), f. N. of a Śakti RāmatUp
- pra-ḍhvaṇa n. bowing down in reverence BhP
- pra-ḍhvaya Nom P. ○yati, to render humble Uttarar
- pra-ḍhvāṇa mfn. beut, bowing TāṇḍBr
- prahvī in comp for pra-hva
- ○kṛta mfn. bent forwards, bowed W
- conquered, won ib
- ○bhūta mfn. bowing, humble, modest Bālar
- pra-√hval P. -hvalati, to begin to reel, quak e, tremble Bhaṭṭ
- pra-hvalikā n. a for beautiful body L. (cf. prakula)
- pra-hvalīkā wṛ. for pra-valhikā
- pra-√hve (Ā. -havate &c
- 1. sg. impf. -ahve), to invoke RV
- pra-hvāya m. call, invocation Pāṇ. 3-3, 72
- prā cl. 2. P. (Dhātup. xxiv, 53) prāti (pf. P. papraú or paprā, 2ṣg. paprātha, p. paprivás f. ○prúṣī RV
- Ā. papre, 2. sg. ○priṣe ib. AV
- papre as Pass., Bhatt aor 3. sg. aprāt or aprās RV
- Subj. prā́s or prā́si ib
- aor. Pass. aprāyi AV.), to fill RV. AV. Br. Bhaṭṭ.
- prā mfn. filling (ifc.= 2. pra
- cf. antarikṣa-, kāma-, kratu- &c.)
- prāṇa mfn. (for 2. See p. 705, col. i) filled, full L
- prātá mfn. id. RV
- prāti f. filling (= pūrti) L
- the span of the thumb and forefinger. L
- prā Vṛiddhi or lengthened form of 1. pra in comp. (cf. P1ṇ. vi, 3, 122). Observe in the following derivatives, only the second member of the simple compound from which they come is given in the parentheses, leaving the preposition pra (lengthened to prā in the derivatives) to be supplied
- ○kaṭya n. (fr. -kaṭa) publicity, manifestation, Nīlak
- ○karaṇika mfn. (fr. -karaṇa) belonging to the matter in question or to a chapter or to a class or genus MānGṛ. KātyŚr
- being the subject of any statement MW
- ○karṣa n. N. of Sāmans ĀrshBr
- ○karṣika mfn. deserving preference, g. chedâdi
- ○kaṣika m. (fr. -kaṣa
- See Uṇ. ii, 41 Sch.) a dancer employed by a woman or one supported by another's wives L
- ○kāmya n. (fr. -kāma) freedom of will, wilfulness MBh. Kum. MārkP
- irresistible will or fiat (one of the 8 supernatural powers) MWB. 245
- ○kāra See s.v
- ○kāśá m. a metallic mirror (others' a kind of ornament') Br. ŚrS
- ○kāśya n. (fr. -kāśa) the being evident, manifestness, celebrity, renown MBh. Kāv. Suśr.
- ○kṛta See s.v
- ○kramika mfn. (fr. -krama) one who undertakes much (without finishing anything) Gaut. Sch
- ○kṣālana wṛ. for pra-kṣ○
- ○kharya n. (fr. -khara) sharpness (of an arrow) Naish. Sch
- wickedness W
- ○gadya mfn. (fr. -gadin) Pāṇ. 4-2, 80
- ○galbhī f. (fr. galbha) boldness, confidence, resoluteness, determination Bālar
- ○galbhya n. id. MBh. Kāv. &c
- importance, rank W
- manifestation, appearance Kpr
- proficiency MW
- -buddhi f. boldness of judgment Pañcat
- -vat mfn. possessed of confidence, bold, arrogant Kathās
- ○gāṅgam wṛ. for prāggaṅgam Pat
- ○gātha mf(ī)n. belonging to the Pragathas (i.e. to RV. viii) ĀśvŚr
- m. patr. of Kali and Bharga and Haryata RAnukr
- ○gāthaka mf(ikā)n. = prec. mfn. ŚāṅkhŚr
- ○gāthika mfn. derived from Pragātba ŚrS
- ○gītya n. (fr. -gīta) notoriety, celebrity, excellence Nalac
- ○guṇya n. (fr. -guṇa) right position or direction Car
- ○gharma-sád mfn. sitting in a region of fire or light RV. vi, 73, 1 (Sāy.)
- ○ghāta wṛ. for pra-gh○ L
- ○ghāra m. sprinkling, aspersion L
- ○caṇḍya n. (fr. -caṇḍa) violence, passion, Mālatim
- ○cinvat m. N. of a son of Janam-ejaya (= pra-cinvat) MBh
- ○curya n. (fr. -cura) multitude, abundance, plenty Bādar. Rājat. Pañcat
- amplitude, prolixity TPrāt. Sch
- prevalence, currency Śaṃk. Rājat
- (eṇa), ind. in a mass, fully, mostly MārkP
- in detail BhP
- ○cetas m. pl. N. of the 10 sons of Pr1cina-barhis (= pra-cetas) MBh
- ○cetasa mfn. relating to Varuṇa (= pra-cetas
- with āśā f. the west) Hcar
- descended from Pracetas (m. patr. of Manu, Daksha, and Vāmīki) MBh. Hariv. Pur
- pl., = -cetas pl. L
- -stava m. N. of VP. xiv
- ○jahita m. = pra-j○
- m. a Gārhapatya fire maintained during a longer period of time, SrS
- ○jāpata
- ○jāpaḍtya
- ○jāvata
- ○jeśa
- ○jeḍśvara See s.v
- ○jñá mf(ā and ī) (fr. jñā) intellectual (opp. to śārīra, taijasa) ŚBr. Nir. MāṇḍUp
- intelligent, wise, clever KaṭhUp. Mn. MBh. &c
- m. a wise or learned man MBh. Kāv. &c
- intelligence dependent on individuality Vedântas
- a kind of parrot with red stripes on the neck and wings L
- (ā), f. intelligence, understanding L
- (ī), f. the wife of a learned man L
- -kathā f. a story about a wise man MW
- -tā f. (Mis.), -tva n. (Vedântas.) wisdom, learning, intelligence
- -bhūta-nātha, mṆ. of a poet Cat
- -māna m. respect for learned men W
- -mānin (Śaṃk.), -m-māniṅ (Kathās.), -vādika (MBh.). mfn. thinking one's self wise
- ○ṇāyya mfn. proper, fit, suited ChUp. iii, 11, 5 (vḷ. pra-ṇ○)
- ○ṇāhá m. cement (used in building) AV
- ○ṇitya n. prob. wṛ. for mītya q.v
- ○tardana mf(ī)n. belonging to or derived from Pratardana L
- ○tithsyī f. (fr. -tithi) N. of a female sage GṛS. (v. l. -tītheyī)
- ○tuda mfn. derived from the Pratudas or peckers (a kind of bird) Car
- ○tṛdá m. patr. fr. pratṛd ŚBr. (Sāy.)
- ○dakṣiṇya n. (fr. -dakṣiṇa) circumambulation while keeping one's right side towards an object MBh
- respectful behaviour Car
- ○dānika mfn. (fr. -dāna) relating to an oblation KātyŚr. Sch
- ○dúr See s.v
- ○deśá m. (ifc. f. ā) the span of the thumb and forefinger (also a measure= 12 Aṅgulas) ŚBr. GṛŚrS.: MBh. &c
- place, country L. (v. l. for pra-d○)
- -pāda mf(ī)n. (a seat) whose legs are a span long KātyŚr
- -mātrá n. the measure of a span ŚBr. (with bhūmeḥ, 'a mere span of land' MBh.)
- mf(ī)n. a span long Br. GṛŚrS. &c
- -sama mf(ā)n. id. KātyŚr
- ○śâyāma mf(ā)n. id. Gobh
- ○deśana n. = pra-deśana, a gift &c. L
- ○deśika mfn. having precedents Nir. (with guṇa m. the authorized function or meaning of a word)
- local, limited Rājat
- m. (also ○kêvara) a small land-owner, chief of a district Kauś
- ○deśin mfn. a span long Gṛihyās
- (inī). f. the forefinger KātyŚr. Sch. (prob. wṛ. for pra-deśinī)
- ○doṣa mfn. belonging or relating to the evening, vespertine Bhpr
- ○ṣika mfn. id. Pañcat. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-3, 14)
- ○dohani m. patr. fr. pra-dohana g. taulvalyādi
- ○dyumni m. patr. fr. pra-dyumna MBh. Hariv. (cf. g. bahv-ādi)
- ○dyoti m. patr. fr. pradyota Cat
- ○dhanika n. (fr. -dhana) an implement of war, weapon BhP
- ○dhā f. (cf. pra-dhā) N. of a daughter of Daksha and mother of sev. Apsaras and Gandharvas MBh. Hariv
- ○dhānika mfn. (fr. -dhāna) pre-eminent, distinguished, superior BhP
- (ir Sāṃkhya) derived from or relating to Pradhāna or primary matter MBh. BhP
- ○dhānya n. predominance, prevalence, ascendency, supremacy KātyŚr. Śaṃk. Suśr. &c
- ibc
- ○nyena, ○nyāt, and -tas ind. in regard to the highest object or chiefmatter, chiefly. mainly, summarily Nir. MBh. Hariv. &c. (-stuti mfn. chiefly praised)
- m. a chief or most distinguished person Vet
- ○dheya mfn. descended from Prādhā MBh. (cf. karṇa-prādheya)
- ○dhvánsana m. patr. fr. pra-dhváṃsana, ŚBr
- ○nādi f. = (or wṛ. for) pra-ṇāḍī = pra-ṇālī MBh
- ○paṇika m. (fr. -paṇa
- but Uṇ. ii, 42) a trader, dealer MBh. Siś
- ○prābandha See késara-prābandhā
- ○balya ī. (fr. -bala) superiority of power, predominance, ascendency Vedântas. Suśr
- force, validity (of a rule) TPrāt. Sch
- ○bālika See -vālika
- ○bodhaka m. = (and v. l. for) pra-b○, a minstrel employed to wake the king in the morning R
- = next L
- ○bodhika m. (fr. -bodha) dawn, daybreak L
- ○bhañjana n. the Nakshatra Svāti (presided over by Pra-bhṭbhoda, the god of wind) Var. Var
- ○ni m. patr. of Hanūmat (son of Pra-bhṭbhoda) Mcar
- ○bhava n. (fr. -bhu) superiority L
- ○bhavatya n. (fr. -bhavat), id. Mn.viii, 412
- ○bhākara mf(ī)n. derived from prabhā-kara Dharmaś
- m. a follower of Pradhāna Vedântas
- n. the work of Pradhāna Pratāp. Sch
- -khaṇḍana n. N. of wk
- ○kari m. patr. of the planet Saturn Var
- ○bhātika mf(ī)n. (fr. -bhāta) relating to morning, matutinal Pañcat. Suśr
- ○bhasika (with kṣetra), n. = pra-bhāsa-kṣ○ Cat
- ○bhūtika mf(ī)n. = pra-bhūtam āha Pāṇ. 4-4, 1 Vārtt. 2 Pat
- ○bhṛta n. once in Divyâv. m. (fr. -bhṛti) a present, gift. offering (esp. to a deity or a sovereign) Kathās. Rājat. (cikitsā-prābhṛta m. a man whose gift is the art of medicine, a skilful physician Car.)
- N. of the chapters of the Sūryaprajñapti (the subdivisions are called prābhṛta-prâbhṛta)
- ○ta-ka n. a present, gift Mālav
- ○tī √kṛ, to make a present of offer Kathās
- ○mati m. N. of one of the 7 sages in the 10th Manv-antara Hariv. (v. l. pra-mati and prāptati)
- ○māṇika mf(ī) n. (fr. -māṇa) forming or being a measure Hcat. (cf. pra-māṇika)
- founded on evidence or authority, admitting of proof, authentic, credible Dāyabh
- one who accepts proof or rests his arguments on authority Sarvad
- a president, the chief or head of a trade W
- -tva, is. authoritativeness, cogency, Mallin
- -vāttika n. N. of wk
- ○māṇya n. (fr. -māṇa) the being established by proof. resting upon authority, authoritativeness, authenticity, evidence, credibility Nir. Mn. MBh. &c
- -vāda m. N. of sev. wks. (also ○da-kroḍa m. -ṭīkā f. -rahasya n. -vicāra m. -śiromaṇi. m. -saṃgraha m. ○dârtha, m.)
- -vâdin mfn. one who affirms or believes in proof Sarvad
- ○mādika mf(ī)n. (fr. -māda) arising from carelessness, erroneous, faulty, wrong (with pāṭha m. a wrong reading), Mallin. Siddh. Cat
- -tva n. erroneousness, incorrectness Sāṃkhyak. Sch
- ○mādya m. (fr. -māda) Adhatoda Vasica or Gendarussa Vulgaris. L
- n. madness, fury. intoxication W
- ○mītya n. (fr. -mīta) debt (lit. 'death' ?) L
- ○modika mf(ī)n. (fr. -mīta) charming, enchanting Mcar
- ○dya n. rapture, delight Lalit. Divyâv
- ○yatya n. (fr. -yata) purity, pious disposition or preparation for any rite ĀpŚr. Śaṃk. BhP. (a-prây○)
- ○yāṇika mf(ī)n. (fr. -yāṇa) fit for a march or journey MBh
- ○yātrika mf(ī)n. (fr. -yātrā) id. ib. Hariv
- ○yāsá m. = pra-y○, VS
- ○yu
- ○yus See a-prāyu ○yus
- ○yudh f. (?) fight, battle
- -yud-dheṣin (for -heṣin) or -yudh-eṣin m. a horse L. (lit. 'neighing in or longing for the battle')
- ○yoktra mf(ī)n. (fr. -yoktṛ) relating to an employer Pat
- ○yogi (prā́-), m. patr. fr. pra-yoga MaitrS
- ○yogika mf(ī)n. (fr. -yoga) applied. used, applicable Kām. (cf. g. chedâdi)
- (with dhūma, m.) a kind of sternutatory Suśr
- ○yojya mfn. belonging to things requisite or necessary. Dhāyabh
- ○roha m. a shoot, sprout (= pra-r○) Cat
- mf(ī)n. accustomed to rise or ascend, g. chattrâdi
- ○lamba mf(ī)n. hanging down R
- m. a kind of pearl ornament L
- the female breast L
- a species of gourd L
- n. (?) a garland hanging down to the breast Ragh. (also ○baka, n. and ○bikā f. L.)
- ○lepika mfn. = pralepikāyâ dharmyam, g., mahiṣy-ādi
- ○leya mf(ī) n. (fr. -laya Pāṇ. 7-2, 3) produced by melting ib. Sch
- m. fever in goat or sheep Gal
- n. (?) hail, snow, frost, dew Megh. Var. Rājat. &c. (also as Nom P. ○yati, to resemble hail &c. Dhūrtas.)
- -bhū-dhara m. 'snow-mountain', Hima-vat Vcar
- -raśmi (Var.) or -rocis (Prasannar.), m. 'frosty-rayed.' the moon
- -varṣa m. falling (lit. 'raining') of snow, Veṇis
- -śaila m. = -bhūdhara Kathās
- ○yâṃśu, ni. = ○yaraśmi Var
- ○yâdri m. = ○ya-bhū-dhara Vcar.
- ○vacana (VPrāt.) and usual while reciting Vedic texts
- ○vacanika (TS. Sch.), usual while reciting Vedic texts
- ○vaṭa m. barley L. (cf. pra-vaṭa and pra-veṭa)
- ○vaṇá mfn. being among the crags (fire) RV. lī, 22, 4 ○ṇi (?) Uṇ. ii, 103 Sch. -1
- ○vara mf(ī)n. (fr. 3. pra-vará, p. 693
- for 2. See prā- √1. vṛ) Pat
- ○vareya m. patr. fr. pra-vara Kāṭh
- ○vargá mf(ī)n. distinguished, eminent RV
- ○vartaka See under prā- √vṛt, p. 709
- ○varṣin mfn. raining, ŚaṅkhGṛ
- ○vahaṇi wṛ. for -vahaṇi.-vāduka m. an opponent in philosophical discussion Nyāyas. Sch
- ○vālika m. (fr. -vāla) a vendor of coral R
- ○vāsa mf(ī)n., g. vyuṣṭâdi
- ○sika mf(ī)n., g. guḍâdi and saṃtāpâdi
- ○vāhaṇi (prā́-). m. patr. fr. pra-vāhaṇa TS. ĀpŚr. Sch. &c. (wṛ. prāvahaṇi and prāhaṇi
- g. taulvaiy-ādi Kāś.)
- ṇeya m. patr. fr. ○ṇi Pravar. (cf. g. śbhrâdi
- also pravāhaṇeya Pāṇ. 7-3, 28)
- ○ṇeyaka (also prav○), m. patr. fr. ○ṇeya Pāṇ. vii, 3, 29 Kāś
- ○ṇeyi (also prav○), m.id. ib
- ○vīṇya u. (fr. -viiṇa) cleverness, dexterity, skill, proficiency in (loc. or comp.) Ragh. Kathās
- ○vṛttika mf(ī)n. (fr. -vṛtti) corresponding to a former mode of action KātyŚr. Sch
- (ifc.) well acquainted with Hariv
- ○vṛ́ṣ &c., sees. v
- ○veṇya n. (fr. ) a fine woollen covering R. (v. l. ○ṇī)
- ○vepá m. the swaying of pendent fruit (on a tree) RV
- ○veśana mf(ī)n., g. vyuṣṭâdi. n. a workshop L
- ○veśika mf(ī)n. (fr. -veśa) relating to entrance (into a house or on the stage) Vikr. Bālar. Pracaṇḍ. (with ākṣiptikā and dhruvā f. N. of partic. airs sung by a person on entering the stage ib.)
- auspicious for entrance Var
- ○sya n. the being accessible, accessibility (only a-prāv○) L
- ○vrājya n. (fr. -vrāj) the life of a religious mendicant, vagrancy MBh. (wṛ. -vrajya) MārkP
- ○śastya n. (fr. -śasta) the being praised, celebrity, excellence Mālatīm. Kathās
- ○śāstra n. the office of Praśāstṛi KātyŚr. (cf. g. udgātr-ādi)
- government, rule, dominion MW
- ○śṛṅga mfn. having the horns bent forwards VS. TS
- ○śravaṇa v. l. for -sravaṇa m
- ○śliṣṭa mf(ī)n. N. of a kind of Svarita produced by the combination of 2 short i's APrāt. (wṛ. prāk-śl○)
- ○ṣṭha mf(ī)n. Pat
- ○saṅga m. a kind of yoke for cattle MBh
- -vāhīvā́h mfn. = uṣṭṛ ĀpŚr. Sch
- ○saṅgiha mf(ī)n. (fr. -saṅga) resulting from attachment or close connection BhP
- incidental, casual, occasional Uttarar. Kathās. Rājat. Sāh. (opp. to ādhikārika)
- inherent, innate W
- relevant ib
- opportune, seasonable MW
- ○saṅgya mfn. (fr. -saṅga) harnessed with a yoke Pāṇ. 4-4, 76
- m. a draught beast W
- ○sacá mf(ī)n. congealed (water) TBr. (Sch.)
- m. congealing, freezing TS. (Sch.)
- ○sarpaka m. = pra-s○ KātyŚr. Sch
- ○sáh mfn. mighty, strong. RV. i, 129. 4
- f. force
- (○hā), ind. by force, violently, mightily RV. TS. Br
- ○saha m. force, power ŚBr. (āt ind. by force MānGṛ.)
- (ā), f. N. of the wife of Indra AitBr
- ○sāda See s.v
- ○sāha mfn. See jagat-prās○
- n. (with bharad-vājasya) N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr
- ○sútika mf(ī)n. (fr. sūti) relating to childbirth MW
- ○senajitī f. patr. fr. prasena-jit MBh
- ○seva m. a rope (as part of a horse's harness) TBr. (cf. pra-s○),
- ○skaṇva mf(ī)n. derived from Praskaṇva ŚāṅkhŚr
- n. N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr
- ○stārika mf(ī)n. (fr. -stāra) Pāṇ. 4-4, 72 Kāś
- ○stāvi m. patr. fr. (and v l. for) -stāva VP
- ○stāvika mf(ī)n. (fr. -stava) introductory L
- having a prelude (as a hymn) Lāṭy
- opportune (apr○), Mālatim
- ○stutya n. (fr. -stuta) the being propounded or discussed, M W
- ○sthānika mf(ī)n. (fr. -sthāna) relating or favourable to departure MBh. R. &c
- n. preparations for departure MBh. (cf. mahā-pr○)
- ○sthika mf(ī)n. containing or weighing or bought for a Prastha KātyŚr. Sch. Suśr
- n. (with kṣetra) a field sown with a Pradhāna of grain Pāṇ. 5-1, 45 (?) Sch
- ○sravaṇa mf(ī)n. coming from a spring (as water) Suśr
- m. (with plakṣa) the source of the Sarasyati or the place where the Sarasyati reappears TāṇḍBr. ŚrS
- patr. fr. pra-sravaṇa ŚāṅkhBr. (v. l. prāśr○)
- ○haṇi wṛ. for -vāhaṇi
- ○harika (Dharmaś. Kād
- cf. cātuṣ-prāh○)
- ○hārika (Cat.), m. (ft. ) a police officer, watchman
- ○hṛtāyana m. patr. fr. pra-hṛta g. aśvâdi
- ○hrādi (prā́-), m. patr. fr. pra-hrāda (N. of Virocana and Bali) AV. MBh. &c
- ○hlādanīya wṛ. for pra-ht○ Lalit
- prâṃśu mfn. (said to be fr. pra + aṃśu) high, tall, long MBh. Kāv. &c
- strong, intense Naish.
- m. N. of a son of Manu Vaivasvata Hariv. Pur
- of a son of Vatsa-prī (or -prīti) Pur
- ○tā f. height. loftiness R
- ○prākāra mfn. having long walls Kathās
- ○labhya mfn. to be obtained or reached (only) by a tall person Ragh
- prâṃśuka mfn. large, big (said of an animal) HYog
- prāk See under prāñc, col. 3
- prākaṭya &c. See under 3. prā
- prākara m. N. of a son of Dyutimat MārkP
- n. N. of a Varsha called after Prākara ib. (vḷ. pīvara VP.)
- prā-kāra m. (fr. prā for pra and √1. krī
- Pāṇ. 6-3, 122 Vārtt. 1 Pat.) a wall, enclosure, fence, rampart (esp. a surrounding wall elevated on a mound of earth
- ifc. f. ā) ŚrS. Mn. MBh. &c
- ○karṇa m. 'Wall-Ear', N. of a minister of the owl-king Ari-mardana Pañcat
- ○khaṇḍa m. the fragments of a wall Mṛicch
- ○dharaṇī f. the platform upon a wall R
- ○bhañjana mfn. breaking down walls Kathās
- ○mardi m. patr. fr. next, g. bābv-ādi
- ○mardin m. 'wall-crusher', N. of a man ib
- ○śeṣa mfn. having only ramparts left Ml
- ○stha mfn. one who stands or is stationed upon a rampart Mn. vii, 74 &c
- prākārâgra n. the top of a wall L
- prākārīya mfn. fit for a wall Pāṇ. 5-1, 12 Sch
- prākāruka mfn. (prob.) scattering about, Kāṭh
- prâ-kṛ √P. Ā. -karoti, -kurute &c., to drive away Kāṭh
- prākṛta mf(ā, or ī)n. (fr. pra-kṛti) original, natural, artless, normal, ordinary, usual ŚBr. &c. &c
- low, vulgar, unrefined Mn. MBh. &c
- provincial, vernacular, Prākritic Vcar
- (in Sāṃkhya) belonging to or derived from Prakṛiti or the original element
- (in astron.) N. of one of the 7 divisions of the planetary courses (according to Parāśara comprising the Nakshatras Svāti, Bharaṇī, Rohiṇī and Kṛittikā)
- m. a low or vulgar man Mn. (viii, 338) MBh. &c
- (with or scil. laya, pralaya &c.) resolution or reabsorption into Prakṛiti, the dissolution of the universe Pur
- n. any provincial or vernacular dialect cognate with Saṃskṛit (esp. the language spoken by women and inferior characters in the plays, but also occurring in other kinds of literature and usually divided into 4 dialects, viz. Śaurasenī, Māhārāshṭri, Apabhraṃśa and Paiśācī), Kav. Kathās. Kāvyâd. &c
- ○kalpataru m
- ○kāmadhenu f
- ○kośa m
- ○candrikā f
- ○cchandá-kośa m
- ○cchandaḥ-sūtra n
- ○cchandaṣ-ṭīkā f. N. of wks
- ○jvara m. common fever (occurring from affections of the wind in the rainy season, of the bile in the autumn, and of the phlegm in the spring) W
- ○tva n. original or natural state or condition KātyŚr
- vulgarity (of speech) L
- ○dīpikā f
- ○nāma-liṅgânuśāsana n
- ○pañcī-karaṇa n
- ○pāda m
- ○piṅgala m
- ○prakāśa m. (and -bhāṣya n.),
- ○prakriyāvṛtti f
- ○pradīpikā f
- ○prabodha m. N. of wks
- ○pralaya m. the total dissolution of the world W
- ○bhāṣā-kāvya n
- ○bhāṣântarvidhāna n. N. of wks
- ○bhāṣin mfn. speaking Prākṛit Mṛicch
- ○mañjarī f
- ○maṇī-dīpikā f
- ○manoramā f. N. of wks
- ○mānuṣa m. a common or ordinary man W
- ○mitra n. a natural friend or ally, a sovereign whose kingdom is separated by that of another from the country with which he is allied, W (cf. prākṛtâri and ○tôdāsīṇa)
- ○rahasya m
- ○rahasya n
- ○lakṣaṇa n
- ○laṅkêsvara m
- ○vyākaraṇa n. (and ○ṇa-vṛtti f.) N. of wks
- ○śāsana n. a manual of the Prākṛit dialects, Gr
- ○saṃskāra m
- ○saṃjīvanī f
- ○saptati f
- ○sarvasva n
- ○sāhitya-ratnâkara m
- ○subhāṣitâvalī f
- ○sūtra n
- ○setu m. N. of wks
- prākṛtâdhyāya m. and N. of wks
- prākṛḍtânanda m. N. of wks
- prākṛtâri m. a natural enemy, a sovereign of an adjacent country, Mallin
- prākṛtâṣṭâdhyāyī f. N. of wk
- prākṛtôdāsīna m. a natural neutral, a sovereign whose dominions are situated beyond those of the natural ally W
- prākṛtāyana m. patr. fr. pra-kṛta g. aśvâdi
- prākṛtika mf(ī)n. relating to Pra-kṛiti or the original element, material, natural, common, vulgar Sāṃkhyak. Pur. Tattvas
- prākoṭaka m. pl. N. of a people MBh.
- mfn. relating to the Prākoṭakas ib. (v. l. prāk-kośala)
- prāk-karman prāg-agra &c. See under prāñc, col. 3, and p. 704, col. 1
- prāgahi m. N. of a teacher ŚāṅkhŚr
- prāgaḍhīya mfn. relating to Prāgahi ib
- prâgāra m. or n. (?) a principal building Inscr
- prā́gra (pra-agra), n. the highest point, summit Nir
- ○sara mfn. going in the forefront, foremost in (comp.) Hcar
- chief among (gen.) Śak. v, 15 (v. l. -hara)
- ○hara mfn. taking the best share, chief principal among (gen. or comp.) Kālid. Hcar
- prâgrya mfn. chief principal, most excellent MBh. Hariv
- prāgrāṭa n. thin coagulated milk L
- prāghuṇa m. (Prākṛit for prâ-ghūrṇa
- cf. prahuṇa) a visitor, guest Kathās
- prāghuṇaka (Pañcat.),
- prāghuṇika (Bhām.), m. id. (○ṇikī- √kṛ, to make a visitor to, cause to reach
- kathā mama śravana-prāghuṇikī-kṛtā, 'the tale was made to reach my ears' i.e. 'was communicated to me' Naish.)
- prâghūrṇa m. (lit. 'one who goes forth deviously') wanderer, guest Pañcat
- prâghurṇaka m. id. (v. l.)
- prâghūrṇika m. id. L. (v. l.)
- (ā), f. hospitable reception Vet
- prāṅ &c. See p. 704, col. 3
- prâṅga (pra-aṅga), n. a kind of drum (= paṇava) L. (cf. next)
- prā́ṅgaṇa (pra-aṅgaṇa), n. acourt, yard, court-yard Ratnâv. Kathās. Pur. &c. (also written ○gana)
- a kind of drum L. (cf. prec.)
- prācaṇḍya prācurya &c. See under 3. prā, p. 702, col. 1
- prācāra (pra-ācāra), mfn. contrary to or deviating from ordinary institutes and observances W
- m. a winged ant, Hativ. (v. l.)
- prâcārya m. the teacher of a teacher or a former teacher Āpast. (= pragata ācārya Pat.)
- prācikā f. (cf. prájika) a musquito L
- a female falcon L
- prācikya n. fr. pracika g. purohitâdi (Kāś.)
- prācīna &c. See p. 704, col. 3
- prācīra m. or n. (fr. pra-cīra) an enclosure, hedge, fence, wall Kull. L
- prācya See p. 705, col. 1
- prāch incorrect for prāś, See 3. prā́s
- prâjaka m. (fr. pra-√aj) a driver, coachman Mn. viii, 293 &c
- prâjana m. a whip, goad Gobh. KātyŚr. Sch. (also prâja Gṛihyās.)
- ○nin m. one who bears a whip Gṛihyās
- prâjika m. a hawk VarBṛS. Sch. (cf. prācikā)
- prêjitṛ m. = prâjaka L
- prâjin m. (prob.) = prâjaka
- ○ji-dhara m. N. of a man Rājat
- ○jipakṣin. m. a partic. bird (cf. vāji-p○)
- ○ji-maṭhikā f. N. of a place Rājat
- prājaruhā and prājaryā ind., with √kṛ g. sâkṣād-ādi (Kāś.)
- prājala m. pl. N. of a Vedic school L. (v. l. prājvalana and prâñjali)
- prājāpata mf(ī)n.= next, mfn. g. mahiṣy-âdi
- (ī), f. N. of AV. v, 2, 7 Kauś
- prājāpatyá mf(ā́) is. coming or derived from Prajā-pati, relating or sacred to him AV. &c
- &c
- m. a descendant of Prajā-pati (patr. of Patam-ga, of Prajāvat, of Yakshma-nāśana, of Yajña, of Vimada, of Vishṇu, of Saṃvaraṇa, of Hiranya-garbha) RAnukr
- (with or scil. vivâha or vidhi) a form of marriage (in which the father gives his daughter to the bridegroom without receiving a present from him) ĀśvGṛ. i, 6 Mn. iii, 30 &c
- (with or scil. kṛcchra or upavāsa) a kind of fast or penance (lasting 12 days, food being eaten during the first 3 once in the morning, during the next 3 once in the evening, in the next 3 only if given as alms, and a plenary fast being observed during the 3 remaining days Mn. xi, 105) Yājñ. &c.
- (with śakaṭa, also n.) the chariot of Rohiṇī, N. of an asterism Var. Pañcat
- (with or scil. tithi) the 8th day in the dark half of the month Pausha Col. (○tyāś catvāraḥ prastobhāḥ, N. of Sāmans ĀrshBr
- superl. ○tya-tama Kapishṭh.)
- a son born in the Prājāpatyá form of marriage Vishṇ
- a Kshatriya and a Vaiśya. GopBr. Vait
- N. of the confluence of the Gaṅgā and Yamunā L. (cf. MBh. i, 2097)
- (with Jainas) N. of the first black Vāsudeva L
- (ā), f. patr. of Dakshiṇā RAnukr
- giving away the whole of one's property before entering upon the life of an ascetic or mendicant W
- N. of a verse addressed to Prajā-pati, ApGṛ
- (with śakaṭī) = m. n. with śakaṭa MW
- n. generative energy, procreative power. AV. TS
- (with or scil. karman) a partic. kind of generation in the manner of Prajā-pati MBh. Hariv
- a partic. sacrifice performed before appointing a daughter to raise issue in default of male heirs W
- the world of Prajāpati MārkP
- (with or scil. nakṣatra or bha) the asterism Rohiṇī MBh. Var
- (also with akṣarya, prayas-vat and mādhucchaudasa) N. of Sāmans ĀrshBr
- ○tva n. the state or condition of belonging or referring to Prajā-pati Śaṃk
- ○pradāyin (or -sthāna-pr○), mfn. (prob.) procuring the place or world of PrṭPrājāpatyá MārkP
- ○vrata n. N. of a partic. observance ĀpGṛ. Sch
- ○sthalī-pāka-prayoga m. N. of wk
- prājāpatyêṣṭi f. N. of wk
- prājāpatyaka mfn. belonging or referring or sacred to Prajā-pati MBh
- prājāvata mf(ī)n. (fr. prajā-vat), g. mahiṣyādi
- prājeśa mf(ī)n. (fr. prajêśa) sacred to Prajāpati
- n. the Nakshatra Rohiṇī VarBṛS
- prājeśvara mf(ī)n, (fr. prajêśvara) id. ib
- prâji-dhara &c. See prâjaka
- prājña &c. See p. 702, col. 1
- prâjya mfn. (?fr. pra + ājya, 'having much ghee') copious, abundant, large, great, important MBh. Kāv. &c
- lasting, long Rājat
- high, lofty A
- ○kāma mfn. rich in enjoyments R
- ○dakṣiṇa mfn. abounding in sacrificial fees MBh
- ○bhaṭṭa m. N. of an author Cat
- ○bhuja mfn. long-armed Ml
- ○bhojya mfn. (prob.) = -kāma ib
- ○vikrama mfn. possessing great power Kum
- ○vṛṣṭi mfn. sending rain in abundance (said of Indra) Śak
- prâjyêndhanatṛṇa mfn. (a place) abounding in fuel and grass Hariv
- prāñc mfn. (fr. pra + 2. añc
- nom. prā́ṅ, prā́cī, prā́k
- Pāṇ. 6-1, 182) directed furwards or towards, being in front, facing, opposite RV. VS. AV. Mn. (acc. with √kṛ, to bring, procure, offer RV
- to stretch forth the fingers ib
- to make straight, prepare or clear a path ib
- to advance, promote, further ib
- with Caus. of √kḷp, to face, turn opposite to Mn. vii, 189)
- turned eastward, eastern, easterly (opp. to ápāc, western) RV. &c. &c
- being to the east of (abl.) Mn. ii, 21
- running from west to east, taken lengthwise KātyŚr
- (with viśvataḥ) turned to all directions RV
- inclined, willing ib
- lasting, long (as life) AV
- (esp. ibc
- below.) previous, prior, former
- (prañcas), m.pl. the people of the east, eastern people or grammarians, P1ṇ. i, 1, 75 &c
- (prā́cī) f. (with or scil. diś) the east ŚBr. MBh. &c
- the post to which an elephant is tied L
- (prā́k
- prāṅ Lāṭy. KātyŚr.), ind. before (in place or in order or time
- as prep. with abl. , rarely with gen
- also in comp. with its subst. Pāṇ. ib.) ŚrS. Up. MBh. &c
- in the east, to the east of (abl.) RV. Lāṭy
- before the eyes Hit. i, 76
- at first, formerly, previously, already Mn. MBh. &c
- (with eva), a short while ago, recently, just Śak
- still more so, how much more (= kim-uta) Buddh
- above, in the former part (of a book) Mn. Pāṇ
- first, in the first place, above all Kathās. MārkP
- from now, henceforth Var
- up to, as far as (with abl
- esp. in gram., e. g. prāk kaḍārāt, up to the word kaḍāra Pāṇ. 2-1, 3)
- between (= avântare) L
- early in the morning L
- wṛ. for drāk MBh
- (prācā́), ind. forwards, onwards RV
- eastwards ib
- (prācás), ind. from the front ib
- prāk in comp. for prāñc
- ○karman n. preparatory medical treatment Suśr
- an action done in a former life Kathās
- ○kalpa m. a former age or era MārkP
- ○kāla m. a former age or time W
- ○kālīna mfn. belonging to former or ancient times, ancient, previous, former W.
- ○kūla mfn. -tā f. wṛ. for -tūla &c., q.v
- ○kṛta mfn. done before, done in a former life MBh
- n. an action done in a former life Siṃhâs
- ○kevala mfn. manifested from the first in a distinct form (without preliminary symptoms, as a disease) Suśr
- ○kośala (or -kosala) mfn. belonging to the eastern Kośalas (as a Prince) MBh. (vḷ. prākoṭaka)
- ○caraṇa mfn. previously excited (said of the female generative organs previous to coitus) Car. ŚārṅgS
- ○ciram ind. before it is too late, in good time MBh
- ○chāya n. the falling eastward of a shadow Mn
- ○tanaya m. a former pupil BhP. (v. l. prâpta-naya)
- ○tarām ind. somewhat more eastward MānŚr
- ○tiryakpramāṇa n. the breadth in front KātyŚr. Comm
- ○tūla mfn. having panicles (of Kuśa grass) turned towards the east GṛS. Mn. BhP
- n. a panicle of Kuśa grass turned eastward W
- -tā f. the being turned towards the eastward (of sacrificial vessels) Prayogar
- (wṛ. -kūla, ○tā)
- ○pada n. the first member of a compound Piṅg. Sch
- ○paścimâyata mf(ā)n. running from east to west Hcat
- ○puṇya-prabhava mfn. caused by merit accumulated in former existences MW
- ○puṣpā f. N. of plant Pāṇ. 4-1, 64 Vārtt.: 1
- ○pravaṇa (prā́k-), mf(ā) n. sloping eastward ŚBr
- ○prastuta mfn. mentioned before, Mālatim
- ○prahāna m. the first blow A
- ○prātarāśika mfn. to be studied before breakfast, SaṃthUp
- ○phala m. the bread-fruit tree (= panasa) L
- ○phslgunī f. = pūrva-ph○ (q.v.) Var
- -bhava m. Bṛihaspati or the planet Jupiter (born when the moon was in the mansion Prākphalguni) L
- ○phālguna m. the planet Jupiter L. (cf. prec.)
- (ī), f. = pūrva-ph○ (q.v.) Var. (vḷ. -phalgunī)
- ○phālguneya m. the planet Jupiter (cf. prec.) L
- ○śas ind. eastwards, towards the east Gobh
- ○śiras (prā́k-), mfn. having the head turned to the east ŚBr. GṛŚrS. MBh. MārkP
- ○śirasa (W.) or (Suśr.), mfn. id
- ○śiraska (Suśr.), mfn. id
- ○śṛṅga-vat m. N. of a Ṛishi MBh
- ○śrotas wṛ. for -srotas, q.v
- ○śliṣṭa mfn. v. l. for prāśliṣṭa, q.v
- ○saṃstha mfn. (-tva n.) ending in the east KātyŚr
- ○saṃdhyā f. morning twilight Hariv. Var
- ○samāsa mfn. having the joint (?) or tie turned eastward Lāṭy
- ○soma mfn. (MānGṛ.) or (Yājñ.) preceding the Soma sacrifice
- ○saumika mf(ī)n. (Yājñ.) preceding the Soma sacrifice
- ○srotas mfn. flowing eastward (wṛ. -śrotas) R
- prāktana mf(ī)n. former, prior, previous, preceding, old, ancient (opp. to idânīntana) Hariv. Ragh. BhP. &c
- ○karman n. any act formerly done or done in a former state of existence
- fate destiny Pañcat
- ○janman n. a former birth Kum
- prāktás (AV.) or (RV.), ind. from the front, from the east
- prā́ktāt (RV.), ind. from the front, from the east
- prāg in comp. for prāñc
- ○agra mf(ā)n. having the tip. or point turned forward or eastward (-tā f.) GṛŚrS. BhP
- ○anurāga m. former affection Malatim
- ○anūka n. the stripes stretching lengthways on the back part of an altar KātyŚr. Comm
- ○apaccheda m. a division made lengthwise ib
- ○apám ind. (fr. -apāk) from the front towards the back, in a backward direction ŚBr
- ○aparâyata mf(ā)n. extending from east to west Var
- ○apavargam ind. with its end to the east Āp
- ○abhāva m. the not yet existing, non-existence of anything which may yet be Bhāshāp. Sāṃkhyak., Comm &c
- (in law) the non-possession of property that may be possessed W
- -vāda m. -vicāra m. vicāra-rahasya n. -vijñāna n. vôjjīvana n. N. of wks
- ○abhihita mfn. before mentioned
- tva n. Hcat
- ○avasthā f. former state, a former condition of life Rājat. Sāy
- ○āṅgam ind. prob. wṛ. for -gaṅgam, 'east of the Ganges' MBh
- ○āyata mf(ā)n. extending east ward ĀśvŚr. MBh
- ○āhuti f. morning libation ŚāṅkhGṛ. Comm
- ○āhnika mfn. relating to the forenoon (= paurvāhṇika) MBh
- ○ukti f. previous utterance VPrāt. Sch
- ○uttara mf(ā)n. north-eastern MBh. Hariv. R
- (ā), f. (with or scil. diś) the north-east MBh. R
- (eṇa ṃBh. or -tas Var.), ind. north-eastwards, to the north-east of (with abl. or gen.)
- -dig-bhāga (Paṛicat.) or -digvibhāga (MBh.), m. the nṭnorth-eastern side of (gen.)
- ○utpatti f. first appearance, fṭfirst manifestation (of a disease) Car
- ○udañc uif(īcī)n. north-eastern GṛŚrS. YĀjñ. MBh. Pur
- (īcī), f. (With or scil. aiś) the north-east ib
- (ak), ind. to the north east ĀśvŚr
- -udak-pravaṇa mfn. sloping north-eastward or sloping towards the east or north ṢaḍvBr. Lāṭy. Kauś.
- ○ak-plava (Hariv.) or ○ak-plavana (MBh. MārkP.), mfn. inclining towards the north-east
- ○ag-agra mfn. having the tips turned somewhat east and somewhat north ĀpGṛ. (Sch.)
- ○aṅmukha mfn. having the face turned to the nṭnorth-eṭeast (or to the east or north) Mn. BhP
- ○uddhāra-saṃgraha mṆ. of wk
- ○ūḍhā f. (a woman) formerly married Viddh
- ○gaṅgam ind., See prāg-āṅga n
- ○gamana-vat mfn. having a forward motion, going forwards Vedântas
- ○gāmin mfn. going before, preceding, intending to go before R
- ○guṇa mfn. possessing any previously mentioned quality RāmatUp
- ○granthi mfn. having the knots turned eastward KātyŚr
- ○grāmam ind. before the village or to the east of the village Pāṇ. 2-1, 12 Sch
- ○grīva mfn. having the neck turned eastward GṛŚrS. Kauś
- ○ghuta n. (KātyŚr.) or (prāg-homa TBr. Comm.) a previous oblation
- ○ghoma m. (prāg-homa TBr. Comm.) a previous oblation
- ○janmaka mf(ikā)n. belonging to a former life HPariś. (ikā f. = devâṅganā)
- ○janman n. a former birth, fṭformer life BhP. Kathās. Rājat
- ○jāta n. (Bhartṛ.) or (Kathās.) id,
- ○jāti f. (Kathās.) id,
- ○jyotiṣa mfn. lighted from the east ŚāṅkhGṛ
- relating to the city of Prāg-jyṭjyotisha MBh
- m. N. of a country (= kāma-rūpa) L
- the king of the city of Prrāg-jyṭjyotisha (N. of Bhaga-datta) MBh
- (pl.) N. of a people living in that city or its environs MārkP. Var
- n. N. of a city, the dwelling-place of the demon Naraka MBh. Hariv. R. Rājat. Ragh
- N. of a Sāman MBh. (Nīlak.)
- -jeṣṭha m. N. of Vishṇu ib
- ○dakṣiṇa mf(ā)u. south-eastern Kauś. MārkP
- (ā), f. the south-east
- ind. to the south-east KātyŚr.: ○ṇâñc mf(ācī)n. directed or turned to the south-east ŚāṅkhŚr
- ○ṇā-pravaṇa mfn. sloping south-eastward ĀśvGṛ
- ○daṇḍa mf(ā)n. having the stem or stalk turned eastward Kauś. AitBr. ŚāṅkhŚr
- (am), ind. ĀpŚr. Vait
- ○daśa (prāg-.), mfn. having the border turned eastward ŚBr. -1
- ○diś f. 'the eastern quarter', the east Hariv. -2
- ○diś mfn. one who has been pointed to or mentioned before Hariv
- ○deśa m. the eastern country, country of the eastern people Pāṇ. 1-1, 75 Sch. (○śaṃ, w. 1. for -diśaḥ see prec. Hariv. 444)
- ○daihika mfn. belonging to life in a former body Car
- ○dvār f. a door on the east side BhP
- ○dvāra mfn. having doors towards the east Kauś. ŚāṅkhGṛ. KātyŚr
- (also -dvārika Var. Comm.)
- N. of the 7 lunar mansions beginning with Kṛittikā Var
- n. the place before a door R. Ragh
- a door on the east side MānGṛ
- ○dvārika mfn. See prec
- ○bodhi m. N. of a mountain MWB. 399
- ○bhakta n. taking medicine before a meal Suśr
- medicine to be taken before a meal Car
- ○bhava m. a previous life Siṃhâs
- ○bhāga m. the fore or upper part Śiś. iv, 49 (vḷ. -bhāra)
- the eastern side Var
- ○bhāra m. (prob. fr. Prākr. pabbhāra = pra-hvāra,√hvṛ) the slope of a mountain, Mālatim. Kathās. Bālar
- bending, inclining (cf. prācīna-p○
- purataḥ-p○, bent to the front Lalit.)
- inclination, propensity Lalit. (ifc. = inclined to, Divyâ)
- the being not far from Yogas
- a (subsiding) mass, multitude, heap, quantity Bhartṛ. Prab. &c
- a shelter-roof L. (v. l. for bhāga, q.v.)
- ○bhāva m. prior existence L
- superiority, excellence W
- wṛ. for -bhāra in the sense of 'slope of a mountain' (L.) and, being not far from' (Yogas.)
- -tas ind. from a prior state of existence W
- ○bhāvīya mfn. belonging to a prṭprior existence Śaṃk. Sch
- ○rūpa n. previous symptom (of disease) Cat
- ○lagna n. horoscope VarYogay
- ○lajja mf(ā)n. being ashamed at first Rājat. -1
- ○vaṃśa m. a former or previous generation Hariv
- N. of Vishṇu ib. -2
- ○vaṃśa mfn. having the supporting beams turned eastward KātySr. Āp
- m. the space before the Vedi (perhaps a kind of sacrificial chamber having columns or beams towards the east and situated opposite to the Vedi
- accord. to others, a room in which the family and friends of the person performing the sacrifice assemble) ĀpŚr. Hariv. Ragh. BhP
- ○vaṃsika mfn. relating to the space before the Vedi ĀpŚr. Comm
- ○vacana n. a former decision VPrāt. Sch
- any. thing formerly decided or decreed MBh
- ○vaṭa m. or n. (?) N. of a city R
- ○vat ind. as before, as previously, as formerly Kathās
- as in the pre. ceding part (of a book) Pāṇ. 1-2, 37 Vārtt. 2 Sch
- ○vāṭa-kula n. N. of a family Bhadrab
- ○vāta m. east-wind Car
- ○vṛtta n. former behaviour Kathās
- (in law) = 1 prâṅ-nyāya (q.v.), Bṛihasp
- ○ttânta m. a former event, previous adventure Vet.
- ○vṛtti f. conduct or life in a former existence Kathās
- ○veṣa m. a former dress Rājat
- ○hāra m. wṛ. for -bhāra, q.v
- ○homa See -ghoma, col. 2
- prāgivīya mfn. fr. prāg iva Pāṇ. 5-3, 70
- prāgghitīya mfn. fr. prāgghitāt ib. iv, 4, 75
- prāgdiśīya mfn. fr. prāg diśaḥ ib. v, 3, 1
- prāgdīvyatīya mfn. fr. prāg dīvyataḥ ib. iv, 1, 83
- prāgdhitīya mfn. wṛ. for ○gghitīya
- prāṅ in comp. for prāñc
- ○āyata mfn. = prāg-āy○ (q. v:) Kauś
- ○īkṣaṇa n. looking eastward KātyŚr. Comm
- ○īṣa mfn. having the pole turned eastward ib
- ○nayana n. moving eastward ib
- ○nāsikā or f. Pāṇ. 4-1, 60 Sch. -1,
- ○nāsiḍkī f. Pāṇ. 4-1, 60 Sch. -1,
- ○nyāya m. (in law) a former trial of a cause, special plea W
- ○yôttara n. a defendant's plea that the charge against him has already been tried Yājñ. Sch. -2
- ○nyāya mfn. turned eastward according to rule ŚāṅkhŚr
- ○mukha mf(ā or ī)n. having the tip or the face turned forward or eastward, facing eastward GṛŚrS. Mn. MBh. &c. (also khâñcana Sāy. on RV. x, 18, 3
- ○kha-karaṇa n. Lāṭy
- ○kha-tva n. Hcat.)
- inclined towards, desirous of wishing (ifc.) Kathās
- (am), ind. eastwards Sūryas
- ○śāyin mfn. See adhah-p○
- prācā ind., See prāñc
- ○jihva (prācā́-.), mfn. moving the tongue forwards (said of Agni) RV. i, 140, 3
- ○manyu mfn. striving to move forwards (said of Indra) ib. viii, 50, 9
- prācī f. of prāñc
- ○pati m., lord of the east', N. of Indra L
- ○pratīci-tas ind. from the east or from the west Uttamac
- ○pramāṇa n. length (opp. to breadth) KātyŚr. Sch
- ○mūla n. the eastern horizon Megh
- ○sarasvatī-māhātmya n. N. of wk
- prācī́na mf(ā)n. turned towards the front or eastward, eastern, easterly RV. TS. Br. &c
- former, Prior, preceding. ancient, old Mn. Kull. Hāyan
- m. n. a hedge (= prācīra) L
- (ā), f. Clypea Hernandifolia L
- the Ichneumon plant L
- n. N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr
- (am), ind. in front, forwards, before (in space and time
- with abl.), eastwards, to the east of (abl.) RV. AV. TS. Br. &c
- subsequently (átaḥ-p○, 'fursher on from that point') ŚBr
- ○āvītin mfn. = ○nâviitin (q.v.) Mn
- ○karṇa mf(ā)n. having the wood-knots turned eastward (said of a branch of the Udumbara tree) ĀpŚr
- ○kalpa m. a former Kalpa or period of the world's duration Sāṃkhyak. Sch
- ○kūla (BhP.) = prāk-k○ = prāk-tūta, q.v. (v. l. prācīnamūla)
- ○garbha m. N. of an ancient Rishi also called Apântara-tamas MBh
- ○gāthā f. an ancient story or tradition MW
- ○gauḍa m. N. of the author of the. Saṃvatsara-pradipa Cat
- ○grīva (prācī́na-.), mfn. having the neck turned eastward Br
- ○tā f. antiquity, oldness MW
- ○tāná m. the warp or longitudinal threads of a web TS
- ○tilaka m. 'having a mark towards the east (?)', the moon L
- ○tva n. = -tā MW
- ○pakṣa (prācī́na-), mf(ā)n. having the feathers turned forward (as an, arrow) AV
- ○panasa m. 'the eastern Jaka tree, Aegle Marmelos L
- ○prakriyā f. N. of a gramm. wk. (= prakriyā-kaumudī) Cat
- ○prajanana (prācī́na-), mfn. ŚBr. vii, 4, 2, 40
- ○pravaṇa mfn. sloping eastward ĀpŚr
- ○prāg-bhāra mfn. bending or inclining eastward Buddh
- ○barhis m. (nom. ○hi before ṛ) 'eastern light (?)', N. of Indra Ragh
- of a Prajā-pati of the race of Atrī MBh
- of a son of Havir-dhāman (or Havir-dhāna) and father of the 10 Pracetas MBh. Hariv. Pur
- of a son of Manu BhP
- ○mata n. an ancient belief, a belief sanctioned by antiquity MW
- ○mātrā-vāsas n. a partic. article of women's clothing ĀpŚr
- ○mūla mfn. having roots turned eastward BhP
- ○yoga m. 'ancient Yoga', N. of a man, g. gargâdi
- of an ancient teacher, father of Patanjali VāyuP
- ○yogīpútra (prā́cīna-), m. N. of a teacher ŚBr
- ○yogya (prā́cīna-), m. patr. fr. -yoga fr. -yoga ŚBr. Up. &c
- (pl.) N. of a school of the Sāma-veda, Āryav. Caraṇ
- ○raśmi (prācī́na-), mfn. having reins directed forward RV. x, 36, 6
- ○vaṃśa (prācī́na-), mf(ā)n. having the supporting beams turned eastward TS. ŚBr. Kāṭh. (cf. prāg-v○)
- n. a hut which has the supporting beams turned eṭeastward TS
- ○vṛtti f. N. of Comm. on the Uṇadi-sūtras
- ○śāla m. N. of a man ChUp
- ○śiva-stuti f. N. of an ancient hymn in praise of Siva
- ○ṣaḍ-aślti f. N. of wk
- ○haraṇa n. carrying towards the east, carrying to the eastern fire ĀśvŚr
- prācī́nâgra mfn. having its points turned eastward (said of sacred grass) ŚBr.
- prācīnâtāna m. pl. (AitBr.) or n. sg. (KaushUp
- v. l. pl.) = prācīna-tāná, q.v
- prācīnâpavītin mfn. = ○nâviitín (q.v.) ŚāṅkhŚr
- prācīnâmalaka m. Flacourtia Cataphracta
- n. its fruit MBh. Hariv. Suśr
- prācīnâvavītín mfn. = ○nâviitín (q.v.) ŚBr
- prācīnâvītá mfn. = ○nâviitín Gal
- n. the wearing of the sacred cord over the right shoulder (as at a Śrāddha) TS. Lāṭy. ŚāṅkhGṛ
- prācīnâvītin mfn. (Br. GṛŚrS. Gobh. Mn. i.) or (AV.) wearing the sacred cord over the right shoulder
- prācīnâvītiḍnôpavītá mfn. (AV.) wearing the sacred cord over the right shoulder
- prācais ind. forwards RV. i, 83, 2 (cf. uccais, nīcais, parācais)
- prācyá or mf(ā)n. being in front or in the east, living in the east, belonging to the east, eastern, easterly AV. RPrāt. Sch. MBh. R. &c
- prācyá mf(ā)n. being in front or in the east, living in the east, belonging to the east, eastern, easterly AV. RPrāt. Sch. MBh. R. &c
- preceding (also in a work), prior, ancient, old (opp. to ādhunika) Bālar. Sāh
- N. of partic. hymns belonging to the Sāma-veda Hariv. BhP
- m. N. of a man Buddh
- (pl.) the inhabitants of the east, the eastern country Br. KātyŚr. MBh. &c
- the ancients ŚārṅgP
- (ā), f. (with or scil. bhāṣā) the dialect spoken in the east of India Sāh
- ○kaṭha m. pl. the eastern Kathas (a school of the black Yajur-veda) Caraṇ. Aryav
- ○pada-vṛtti f. a term applied to the rule according to which e remains in partic. cases unchanged before a RPrāt
- ○pāñcāli f. pl. SaṃhUp. xvi, 3
- ○bhāṣā f. the dialect of the east of India MW
- ○ratha m. a car used in the eastern country Lāṭy
- ○vṛtti f. a kind of metre Piṅg. Col
- ○sapta-sama mfn. Pāṇ. 6-2, 12 Sch
- ○sāman m. pl. N. of partic. chanters of the Sama-veda BhP
- prācyâdhvaryu m. Pāṇ. 6-2, 10 Sch
- prācyâvantya m. pl. N. of a people Suśr
- prācyôdañc mf(īcī)n. running from east to north Hcat
- prācyaka mfn. situated in the east BhP
- prācyāyana m. patr. fr. prācya g. aśvâdi
- prâñjana (pra-añj○), n. paint or cement (on an arrow) AV
- prâñjala mfn. (prob. fr. pra + añjali and = prâñjali) straight Suśr
- upright, honest, sincere ĀpŚr. Sch
- level (as a road) Kād
- ○tā f. straightness, plainness (of meaning) Pañcat
- prâñjali mf(ī)n. joining and holding out the hollowed open hands (as a mark of respect and humility or to receive alms
- cf. añjali, kṛtâñj○) Mn. MBh. and e
- m. pl. N. of a school of the Sāmaveda, Āryav. (also -dvaita-bhṛt
- v. l. prājvalanā dvaita-bhṛtaḥ and prājalā dvaita-bhṛtyāḥ)
- ○pragraha mfn. holding the hands joined and outstretched R. (v. l. ○liH pragr○)
- ○sthita mfn. standing with joined and outstretched hands ib
- prâñjalika (MBh.),
- prâñjaḍlin (Hariv.) = prâñjali
- prâñjalī-√bhū to stand holding out the joined and hollowed open hands Kāraṇḍ
- prāḍāhati m. patr., g. taulvaly, ādi (v. L. prāṇāhati, Kaś, )
- prāḍ-vivāka See under 3. prāś, p. 709, col. 2
- prâṇ or prân (pra-√an), P. prâniti (Pāṇ. 8-4, 19 Sch
- impf. prâṇat, vii, 3, 99 Sch.) or prâniti (Vop.). to breathe in, inhale KenUp
- to breathe RV. AV. ŚBr. Up
- to blow (as the wind) AitBr
- to live AV. Bhaṭṭ
- to smell Saṃk.: Caus. pr^āṇayati (aor. pr^āṇiṇat Pāṇ. 8-4, 21 Sch.), to cause to breathe, animate AV. Bhaṭṭ.: Desid. prâṇiṇiṣati Pāṇ. 8-4, 21 Sch
- prâṇ mfn. breathing Pāṇ. 8-4, 20 Sch
- prâṇá m. (ifc. f. ā
- for 1. See under √prā, p. 701) the breath of life, breath, respiration spirit vitality
- pl. life RV. &c. &c. (prâṇān with √muc or √hā or pari- √tyaj, 'to resign or quit life'
- with √rakṣ, 'to save life'
- with ni-√han, 'to destroy life'
- tvam me prâṇaḥ', thou art to me as dear as life'
- often ifc
- cf' pati-, mâna-pr○)
- a vital organ vital air (3 in number, viz. prâṇa, apâna and vyāna AitBr. TUp. Suśr
- usually 5, viz. the preceding with sam-āna and, yd-āna ŚBr. MBh. Suśr. &c., MWB. 242
- or with the other vital organs 6 ŚBr
- or 7 AV. Br. MuṇḍUp
- or 9 AV. TS. Br
- or 10 ŚBr
- pl. the 5 organs of vitality or sensation, viz. prâṇa, vāc, cakṣus, śrotra, manas, collectively ChUp. ii, 7, i
- or = nose, mouth, eyes and ears GopBr. ŚrS. Mn. iv, 143)
- air inhaled, wind AV. ŚBr.
- breath (as a sign of strength). vigour, energy, power MBh. R. &c. (sarvaprâṇena or -prâṇaiḥ, 'with all one's strength' or, all one's heart'
- cf. yathā-prâṇam)
- a breath (as a measure of time, or the time requisite for the pronunciation of 10 long syllables = 1/6 Vināḍikā) Var. Aryabh. VP
- N. of a Kalpa (the 6th day in the light half of Brahmā's month) Pur
- (in Sāṃkhya) the spirit (= puruṣa) Tattvas
- (in Vedânts) the spirit identified with the totality of dreaming spirits Vedântas. RTL. 35 (cf. prāṇâtman)
- poetical inspiration W
- myrrh L
- a N. of the letter y Up
- of a Sāman TāṇḍBr. (vasiṣṭhasya prâṇâpânau ĀrshBr.)
- of Brahmā L
- of Vishṇu RTL. 106
- of a Vasu BhP
- of a son of the Vasu Dhara Hariv
- of a Marut Yājñ. Sch
- of a son of Dhātṛi Pur
- of a son of Vidhātṛi BhP
- of a Ṛishi in the 2nd Manv-antara Hariv
- ○kara mf(ī) n. 'life-causing', invigorating, refreshing Cāṇ
- m. N. of a man L
- ○karman n. vital function Bhag
- ○kṛcchra n. peril of life MBh. BhP
- ○kṛṣṇa m. (also with viśvāsa) N. of 2 authors Cat
- ○grahá m. 'breath-catcher', the nose, A
- pl. N. of partic. Soma vessels TS
- ○ghātaka (MW.),
- ○ghna (Suśr.), mf(ī)n. life-destroying, killing, mortal
- ○caya m. increase of vitality or strength Var
- ○cít mfn. forming a deposit of breath ŚBr
- ○cití f. a mass or deposit of breath ib
- ○cchid mfn. cutting life short, deadly, fatal Var
- ○ccheda m. destruction of life, murder
- -kara mfn. causing destruction of life, murderous Hit
- ○tejas (○ṇá-), mfn. whose splendour or glory is life or breath ŚBr
- ○toṣiṇī f. N. of wk. on Tantric rites (1821)
- ○tyāga m. abandonment of life, suicide, death Kāv. Kathās
- ○trāṇa n. saving of life Mālatīm
- -rasa m. N. of a partic. mixture L
- ○tvá n. the state of breath or life ŚBr. Kap
- ○dá mf(ā)n. life-giving, saving or preserving life AV. &c. &c
- m. Terminalia Tomeutosa or Coccinia Grandis L
- N. of Brahmā L
- of Vishṇu A
- (ā), f. Terminalia Chebula L
- a species of bulbous plant L
- Commelina Salicifolia L
- (with guḍikā) a kind of pill used as a remedy for hemorrhoids L
- n. water L
- blood L
- ○dakṣiṇā f. the gift of life Kathās. Pañcat
- ○daṇḍa m. the punishment of death MW
- ○dayita m. 'dear as life', a husband Amar
- ○dávat See -dāvat
- ○dā́ mfn. giving breath VS
- ○dātṛ mfn. one who saves another's life MBh
- ○dāna n. gift of (i. e. saving a person's) life Kathās
- resigning life Pañcat
- anointing the Havis with Ghṛita during the recitation of sacred texts supposed to restore life KātyŚr
- ○dāvat mfn. life -giving AV. (-dávat prob. wṛ.)
- ○durodara n. playing for lṭlife, staking life MBh
- ○dṛh mfn. (nom. -dhṛk) sustaining or prolonging the breath Kāṭh
- ○dyūta n. play or contest for lṭlife MBh
- ○tâbhidevana mfn. (a battle) played or fought with lṭlife as a stake ib
- ○droha m. attempt on another's lṭlife Pañcat
- ○hin mfn. (ifc.) seeking another's life Daś
- ○dhara m. N. of a man, Kathās
- -miśra m. N. of an author Cat
- ○dhāra mfn. possessing life, living, animate
- m. a living being MW
- ○dhāraṇa n. support or maintenance or prolongation of life (○ṇaṃ √kṛ P., to support auother's life
- , to support one's own life, take food) MBh. R. &c
- means of supporting life, livelihood MBh. R
- ○dhārin mfn. saving a person's (gen.) life Hariv
- ○dhṛk See -dṛh
- ○nātha m. (ifc.) f. ā, lord of life', a husband, lover Amar
- N. of Yama L
- N. of a heresiarch (who had a controversy with Śainkara at Prayāga) Cat
- (with vaidya) N. of an author of sev. medic. wks
- ○nārāyaṇa m. N. of a king of Kāma-rūpa Cat
- ○nāśa m. 'loss of life', death, Veṇis
- ○nigráha m. restraint of breath Vedântas
- ○ṃ-dada m. 'life-giver', N. of Avalokitêśvara Kāraṇḍ
- ○pata mfn. (fr. next), g. aśvapaty-ādi
- ○pati m. 'life-lord', the soul MBh
- a physician. Car
- a husband MW
- ○patnī f. 'breath-wife', the voice ṢaḍvBr
- ○parikraya m. the price of lṭlife L
- ○parikṣīṇa mfn. one whose lṭlife is drawing to a close Pañcat
- ○parigraha m. possession of breath or life, existence Amar
- ○parityāga m. abandonment of lṭlife Mṛicch
- ○parī7psā f. desire of saving lṭlife MW
- ○pā́ mfn. protecting breath or lṭlife VS
- ○pratiṣṭhā f. N. of wk
- -paddhati f. -mantra m. N. of wks
- ○prada mfn. restoring or saving another's life, Kathās. (-phala n. N. of wk.)
- (ā), f. a species of medic. plant L
- ○pradāyaka mf(ikā)n. = -prada mfn. Kathās
- ○pradāyin mfn. id. ib
- ○prayāṇa n. departure or end lṭlife Rājat
- ○prahāṇa n. loss of life Siṃhâs.
- ○prâśanin mfn. feeding only on breath (i.e. on the mere smell of food or drink), Pracaṇḍ
- ○priya mfn. dear as life Vet
- m. a husband, lover Naish. Sch
- ○prêpsu mfn. wishing to preserve his life, being in mortal fright MBh
- ○bādha m. danger to life, extreme peril Mn. iv, 31 (v. l.) Kām. BhP. (also ā f. A.)
- ○buddhi f. sg. life and intelligence R. (v. l.)
- ○bhakṣa m. feeding only on breath or air (cf. -prâśanin) ŚrS
- (am), ind. while feeding only on breath or air KātySr
- ○bhaya n. fear for l, peril of death R. Kathās. Pañcat
- ○bhāj mfn. possessing life
- m. a living being, creature, man Śiś
- ○bhāsvat m. 'life-light' (?), the ocean L
- ○bhūta mfn. being the breath of lṭlife Ṛitus
- ○bhṛ́t mfn. supporting life TS. ŚBr
- = -bhāj. ŚBr. &c. &c
- N. of partic. bricks used in erecting an altar TS. ŚBr
- N. of Vishṇu A
- ○mát mfn. full of vital power, vigorous, strong, MaitrS:
- ○mâya mf(ī)n. consisting of vṭvigorous air or breath ŚBr
- -kośa m. the vital case (one of the cases or investitures of the soul) Vedântas
- ○mokṣaṇa n. = -tyāga Pañcat
- ○yama m. = prâṇâyāma L
- ○yātrā f. support of life, subsistence MBh. Kāv. &c
- ○trika mfn. requisite for subsṭsubsistence (ka-mātra mfn. possessing only the necessaries of life) Mn. MBh
- ○yuta mfn. endowed with life, living, alive Cāṇ
- ○yoni f. the source or spring of lṭlife Hariv
- ○rakṣaṇa n. or preservation of lṭlife
- ○raḍkṣā f. preservation of lṭlife
- ○kṣaṇârtham or ○kṣârtham ind. for the prṭpreservation of life Mn. MBh
- ○randhra n. 'breath-aperture', the mouth or a nostril BhP
- ○rājya-da mfn. one who has saved (another's) life and throne Kathās
- ○rodha m. suppression of breath BhP
- N. of a partic. hell ib
- ○lābha m. saving of life Gaut. Mn. xi, 80 (wṛ. ○ṇâlābha)
- ○lipsu mfn. desirous of saving lṭlife MBh
- ○vat mfn. = -yuta, KatyŚr. Śak
- vigorous, strong, powerful Suśr. Hariv. (compar. vat-tara)
- ○vallabhā f. a mistress or wife as dear as life Pañcat
- ○vidyā f. the science of breath or vital airs Col
- ○vināśa m. loss of life, death Sāntiś
- ○viprayoga m. separation from life, death Āpast
- ○vīrya n. strength of breath, TāṇdBr
- ○vṛtti f. vital activity or function Rājat
- support of life Āpast
- ○vyaya m. renunciation or sacrifice of life Kathās
- ○vyāyacchana n. peril or risk of life Gaut
- ○śakti f. a partic. Śakti of Vishṇu Cat
- ○śarīra mfn. whose (only) body is vital air ChUp
- ○saṃyama m. suppression or suspension of breath (as a religious exercise) Yājñ
- ○saṃrodha m. id. Cat
- ○saṃvāda m. an (imaginary) dispute (for precedence) between the vital airs or the organs of sense Col
- ○saṃśaya m. danger to life Gaut. Āpast. (also pl.)
- ○saṃśita (○ṇá-), mfn. animated by the vital airs AV
- ○saṃhitā f. a manner of reciting the Vedic texts, pronouncing as many sounds as possible during one breath VPrāt. Sch
- ○saṃkaṭa n. danger to 10 BhP
- ○sadman n. 'abode of vital airs', the body L
- ○saṃtyāga m. abandonment of lṭlife MārkP
- ○saṃdeha m. danger to life Pañcat
- ○saṃdhāraṇa n. support of lṭlife (○ṇaṃ √kri, with instr., to feed or live on) Hcat
- ○saṃnyāsa m. giving up the spirit R
- ○sama mf(ā)n. equal to or as dear as life MBh
- m. a husband or lover L
- (ā), f. a wife or mistress Gīt
- ○sambhṛta m. wind, air (wṛ. for -sambhūta?)
- ○sammita mfn. -sama mfn. MārkP
- reaching to the nose GṛS
- ○sāra n. vital energy, Rajat
- mfn. full of strength, vigorous Śak
- ○sūtra n. the thread of life, MantrBr'
- ○hara mf(ī)n. taking away or threatening life, destructive, fatal, dangerous to (comp.) Yājñ. R. Cāṇ
- capital punishment R
- ○hāni f. loss of life, death Siṃhâs
- ○hāraka mf(ikā)n. taking away lṭlife, destructive, killing, Kav
- m. a kind of poison L
- ○hārin mfn. = prec. mfn. R
- ○hitā f. See s.v
- ○hīna mfn. bereft of life, dead Kāv
- prâṇâkarṣin mf(iṇī)n. attracting the vital spirit (said of a partic. magical formula) Cat
- prâṇâgnihotra n. N. of wk. (also -vidhi m. and ○trâpanithad f.)
- prâṇâghāta m. destruction of life, killing of a living being Bhartṛ
- prâṇâcārya m. a physician to a king Vāgbh
⋙prāṇā tipāta
- prâṇâ tipāta m. destruction of life, killing, slaughter MBh. R. &c. (with Buddhists one of the 10 sins Dharmas.)
- prâṇâtilobha m. excessive attachment to life HYog. (printed ○Nita○)
- prâṇâtman m. the spirit which connects the totality of subtle bodies like a thread = sūsrâtman (sometimes called hiraṇya-garbha), vital or animal soul (the lowest of the 3 souls of a human being
- the other 2 being jī vâtman and paramâtman) Tarkas. (cf. IW. 114)
- prâṇâtyaya m. danger to life Yājñ. Hariv. Daś
- prâṇâda mfn. 'life-devouring', deadly, murderous Bhaṭṭ
- prâṇâdhika mf(ā)n. dearer than lṭlife (also priya) Kathās
- superior in vigour, stronger BhP
- prâṇâdhinātha m. life-lord', a husband L
- prâṇâdhipa m. 'id.' the soul ŚvetUp
- prânuga mfn. following a person's breath i.e. following him (acc.) unto death Hit
- prâṇânta m. 'life-end', death Ragh
- mfn. capital punishment Mn. viii, 359
- prâṇântika mf(ī)n. destructive or dangerous to life, fatal, mortal, capital (as punish. ment) Mn. MBh. &c
- life-long Gaut. Pañcat. (B
- am ind.)
- desperate, vehement(as love, desire &c.) Kathās
- n. danger to life MBh
- prâṇâpahārin mfn. taking away lṭlife, fatal, deadly W
- prâṇâpâná m. du. air inhaled and exhaled AV
- inspiration and expiration (personified and identified with the Aśvins) Pur
- (with Vasishṭhasya) N. of 2 Sāmans ĀrshBr
- prâṇâbādha in. injury or danger to lṭlife Mn.iv, 51 ; 54
- prâṇâbharaṇa n. N. of a poem
- prâṇâbhisara m. a saver of life Car. 1
- prâṇâyana n. (for 2. See below) an organ of sense BhP
- prâṇâyāma m. (also pl.) N. of the three 'breath-exercises' performed during Saṃdhyā ( See pūraka, recaka, kumbhaka IW. 93 RTL. 402 MWB. 239) Kauś. Yājñ. Pur
- -śas ind. with frequent breath-exercises Āpast
- ○min mfn. exercising the breath (in 3 ways) Yājñ
- prâṇârtha-vat mfn. possessed of life and riches Kāv
- prâṇârthin mfn. eager for life ib
- prâṇâlābha wṛ. for ○nalābha, q.v
- prâṇâvarodha m. suppression of breath Mṛicch
- prâṇâvâya n. N. of the 12th of the 14 Pūrvas or ancient writings of the Jainas
- prâṇâhuti f. an oblation to the 5 Prâṇas A
- prâṇêśa m. 'lord of life', a husband Sāh
- 'lord of breath', N. of a Marut Yājñ. Sch
- (ā), f. a mistress, wife Kathās
- prâṇêśvara m. 'lord of life', a husband, lover MBh. Kāv. Hit
- a partic. drug Cat
- pl. the vital spirits personified Hariv
- (ī), f. a mistress, wife Inscr
- prâṇâi4kaśata-vidha mfn. having 101 variations of the vital airs ŚBr
- prâṇôtkramana n. (MW.) or (Kathās.) 'breath-departure', death
- prâḍṇôtkrānti f. (Kathās.) 'breath-departure', death
- prâṇôtsarga m. giving up the ghost, dying MBh
- prânôpasparśana n. touching the organs of sense of sense Gaut
- prâṇôpahāra m. 'oblation to life', food BhP
- prâṇôpêta mfn. living, alive Divyâv
- prâṇaka m. a living being. animal, worm Kāraṇḍ
- Terminalia Tomentosa or Coccinia Grandis L
- myrrh (bola) or a jacket (cola) L
- prâṇátha m. breathing, respiration VS
- air, wind L
- the lord of all living beings (= prajāpati) L
- a sacred bathing-place L
- mfn. strong L
- prâṇana mfn. vivifying, animating BhP
- m. the throat L
- n. breathing, respiration RV. MBh. Śaṃk
- the act of vivifying or animating BhP
- prâṇanânta m. end of life, death MBh
- prâṇanta m. (Uṇ. iii, 127) air, wind L
- a kind of collyrium L
- (ī), f. sneezing, sobbing L
- prâṇayita mfn. (fr. Caus.) caused to breathe, kept alive Daś
- animated, longing to (inf.) Rājat
- prâṇāyana m. (for 1. See under prâṇa) the offspring of the vital airs VS. (cf. g. naḍâdi)
- prâṇi in comp. for prâṇin
- ○ghātin mfn. killing living beings Kathās
- ○jāta n. a class or species of animals Mahīdh
- ○tva n. the state of a living being, life, Śāṇḍ
- ○dyūta n. gambling with fighting animals (such as cocks or rams &c.) Yājñ
- ○pīḍā f. giving pain to living beings, cruelty to animals W
- ○bhava mfn. (a sound) coming from a living beings Saṃgīt
- ○mat mfn. possessed or peopled with lṭliving beings Sāh
- ○mátṛ f. the mother of a lṭliving beings W
- a kind of shrub L
- ○yodhana n. setting animals to fight (= -dyūta above) MW
- ○vadha m. slaughter of living bṭbeings
- -prâyaścitta n. N. of wk
- ○svana m. sound of animals L
- ○hiṃsā f. injuring or killing an anṭanimals Rājat
- ○hita mfn. favourable or good for lṭliving beings
- (ā), f. a shoe W. (cf. prāṇahitā)
- prâny-aṅga n. a part or limb of an animal or man L
- prâṇika mfn. speaking without making a noise L
- prâṇiṇiṣu mfn. (fr. Desid.) wishing to breathe or live Bhaṭṭ. (cf. Pāṇ. 8-4, 21)
- prâṇin mfn. breathing, living, alive
- m. a living or sentient being, living creature, animal or man ŚBr. &c, &c. (also n. ĀpŚr.)
- prāṇataja m.pl. (with Jainas) N. of a subdivision of the Kalpa-bhavas L
- prāṇahitā f. a shoe L. (perhaps wṛ. for prāṇāhikā
- cf. prāṇāha and prâṇi-hitā)
- prāṇāha See p. 702, col. 1
- prāṇāhati m. patr., g. taulvalyādi (Kāś.)
- prātá See √prā, p. 701, col. 3
- prātar ind. (fr. 1. pra
- prā́tar Uṇ. v, 59) in the early morning. at daybreak, at dawn RV. &c. &c. (prātaḥ prātah, every morning, Daś)
- next morning. to-morrow AV. &c. &c
- Morning personified as a son of Pushparṇa and Prabhā BhP. fruo, frū0h.]
- prātaragnihotrakālātikramaprāyaścitta3prātar--agnihotrakālâtikrama-prâyaścitta n. N. of wk
- ○adhyeya mfn. to be recited every morning Pat
- ○anuvāká m. 'morning recitation', the hymn with which the Prātah-savana begins Br. ŚrS
- ○anta and mfn. ending in the mṭmorning, KatySr. Sch
- ○apavarga mfn. ending in the mṭmorning, KatySr. Sch
- ○abhivāda m. morning salutation Gobh
- ○avanegá m. morning ablution MaitrS. (ApSr. Sch., wṛ. ○neka)
- ○aśaná n. = -āśa MaitrS
- ○ahna m. = -dina Gobh
- N. of a man Cat. = āśa
- m. morning meal, breakfast GṛŚrS. MBh. &c
- ○śita mfn. one who has breakfasted Mn. iv, 62
- ○āhuti f. morning oblation (the second half of the daily Agni-hotra sacrifice) Br. ŚrS
- ○ítvan mfn. going out early
- m. a morning guest RV. (voc. ○tvas)
- ○upasthāna n:,
- ○aupāsana-prayoga mṆ. of wks
- ○geya mfn. to be sung in the mṭmorning
- m. a minstrel who wakes the king in the morning L
- ○japa m. morning prayer Kauś
- ○jít mfn. winning, or conquering early RV
- ○ṇādin m. 'crowing in mṭmorning', a cock Bhpr
- ○dina n. the early part of the day, forenoon L
- ○dugdhá n. morning milk ŚBr
- ○doha m. id. or morning milking ŚrS
- ○bhoktṛ m. 'early eater', a crow L
- ○bhojana n. = -āśa L
- ○mantra m. the hymn or verse to be recited in the morning Baudh
- ○mādhyaṃdina-savana n. N. of wk
- ○yājña mṃṭmorning sacrifice AitBr
- ○yāvan mfn. = -itvan RV. Br
- ○yuktá mfn. yoked early (as a car) TBr
- ○yúj mfn. id
- yoking early ib
- ○vastṛ mfn. shining early GṛŚrS
- ○vikasvara mfn. rising eṭearly L
- ○veṣá mfn. active early TBr
- ○huta n. early sacrifice BhP
- ○homa m. id
- -prayoga m. -vidhi m. N. of wks
- prātaḥ in comp. fur prātar
- ○kalpa mf(ā)n. (night) almost morning, early dawn Pañcad
- ○kārya n. morning business or ceremony MBh
- ○kāla m. morning time, early mṭmorning, daybreak Hit
- -vaktavya n. N. of a Stotra
- ○kṛtya n. N. of wk
- ○kṣaṇa m. = -kāla Pañcad
- ○paddhati f. N. of wk
- ○prahara m. morning watch (from 6 to 9 o'clock) Kathās. (cf. prahara)
- ○saṃdhyā f. morning twilight, dawn Pur. (cf. RTL. 401)
- -prayoga m. -vandana, h. and ○na-vidhi m. N. of wks
- ○sava m
- ○savaná n. the morning libation of Soma (accompanied with 10 ceremonial observances, viz. the prâtar-anuvāka, abhi-ṣava, bahiṣ-pāvamāna-stotra, savanīyāḥ paśavaḥ, dhiṣṇyôpasthāna, savanīyāḥ puroḍāsāḥ, dvi-devatya-grahāḥ, dvidevatya-bhakṣa, ṛtu-yājāḥ, ājya or prau0gaśastra) AV. Br. &c
- ○vanika and ○vanīya mfn. relating to the morning libation of Soma ŚrS
- ○nikadarśa-pūrṇamāsa-prayoga m. N. of wk
- ○sāvá m. morning preparation or libation of Soma RV
- ○snānana n. morning ablution Pur
- -vidhi m. N. of wk
- ○snāyin mfn. one who bathes in the early morning Pur
- ○smaraṇa n. 'early remembrance or tradition', N. of wk
- -śloka m. pl., -stotra n. ○ṇâṣṭaka n. ○ṇīya n. N. of wks
- prātaś in comp. for prātar
- ○candra m. the moon in the in the morning
- -dyuti mfn. having the colour of the moon in the moon i.e. pale, Mālatim
- prātas in comp. for prātar
- ○tarām ind. very early in the morning. Bhaṭṭ
- ○tri-vargā f. N. of the river Gaṅgā MBh. xiii, 1446 (Nilak.)
- prātastána mf(ī)n. relating to the morning, matutinal TS. Priyad
- n. early morning (one of the 5 parts of the day
- the other 4 being saṃgava or morning, midday, afternoon, and evening) TBr
- prātastya mfn. matutinal Amar. Sch
- prātara m. N. of a Nāga MBh
- v. l for pra-tāra g. kṛśâśvâdi
- prátarīya mfn. g. kṛtâśvâdi
- prāti (for 1. See under √prā), Vṛiddhi or lengthened form of 1. prati in comp. In the following derivatives formed with 2. prāti only the second member of the simple compound from which they come is given in the parentheses (leaving the preposition prati, which is lenghened to prāti in the derivatives, to be supplied).
- ○kaṇṭhika mf(ī)n. (fr. -kaṇṭham) seizing by the throat Pāṇ. 4-4, 40
- ○kāmin mfn. (fr. -kāmam
- acc. m.c. ○mīm) a servant or messenger MBh
- ○kūlika mf(ī)n. (fr. -kūla) opposed to, contrary Mcar. (wṛ. prati-k○) Bhaṭṭ
- -tā f. opposition, hostility Śiś
- ○kūlya n. (fr. -kūla) contrariety, adverseness, opposition MBh
- disagreeableness, unpleasantness ib
- (ifc.) disagreement with TPrāt. Sch
- ○kṣepika mf(ī)n. (fr. -kṣepa) L
- ○janīna mf(ī)n. (fr. -kṣepa) L
- ○janīna mf(ī) n. (fr. -jana) suitable for an adversary Pāṇ. 4-4, 99 Sch
- (fr. janam) suitable for everybody, popular Harav
- ○jña n. (fr. -jñā) the subject under discussion APrāt
- ○daivasika mf(ī) n. (fr. -divasam) happening or occurring daily Āryabh
- ○nidhika m. (fr. -nidhi) a substitute KātyŚr
- ○pakṣa mf(ī)n. belonging to the enemy, hostile, adverse, contrary Śiś
- ○pakṣya n. (fr. -pakṣa) hostility, enmity against (gen.) Kathās
- ○pathika mf(ī)n. going along a road or path, P1ṇ. iv, 4, 42
- m. a wayfarer Divyâv
- ○pada mf(ī) n. (fr. -pad) forming the commencement ŚāṅkhŚr
- m. N. of a man Śatr
- ○padika mf(ī)n. (fr. -padam) express, explicit (○kânurodhāt ind. in conformity with express terms, expressly) Nīlak
- n. the crude form or base of a noun, a noun in its uninflected state Pāṇ. 1-2, 45 &c. APrāt. Sāh. (tva- n. Pāṇ. 1-2, 45 Sch.)
- m. fire L
- -saṃjñā-vāda m. N. of wk
- ○pīyá m. patr. of Balhika ŚBr
- ○peya m. id. (also pl.) Pravar. MBh
- ○pauruṣika mf(ī)n. (fr. -pauruṣa) relating to manliness or valour MBh
- ○bodha m. patr. fr. prati-b○ g. bidâdi
- ○dhāyana m. patr. fr. prātibodha g. haritâdi
- ○dhī-putra m. See pratībodhī-p○
- ○bha mf(ī)n. (fr. -bhā) intuitive, divinatory
- n. (with or scil. jñāna) intuitive knowledge, intuition, divination Śiś. Kathās. Pur. (-vat ind. Nyāyas.)
- (ā), f. presence of mind MBh
- ○bhaṭya n. (fr. -bhaṭa) rivalry Mcar
- ○bhāvya n. (fr. -bhū) the act of becoming bail or surety, surety for (gen.) Mn. MBh. &c
- certainty of or about (gen.) Rājat
- ○bhāsika mf(ī)n. (fr. -bhāsa) having only the appearance of anything, existing only in appearance Bādar
- Gov
- ○mokṣa m. = prati-m○.q.v. Buddh
- ○rūpika mfn. (fr. -rūpa) counterfeit, spurious Car
- using false weight or measure Gaut
- ○pya n. similarity of form (a-prātir○) MBh
- ○lambhika mfn. (fr. lambha) ready to receive, expecting L
- ○lomika mf(ī)n. (fr. -lomam) against the hair or grain, adverse, disagreeable. Pāṇ. 4-4, 28
- ○lomya n. (fr. -loma) contrary direction, inverse order Nir. Mn. &c
- opposition MBh. Rājat. (a-prātil○)
- ○veśika m. (fr. -veśa) a neighbour Kathās
- ○veśmaka wṛ. for next
- ○veśmika m. (fr. -veśman) a neighbour Rājat. HPariś
- (ī), f. a female next HPariś
- ○veśya mfn. (fr. -veśa) neighbouring Hcar. (also ifc. Yājñ.)
- m. an opposite neighbour Mn. viii, 392 (cf. ānuveśya)
- any next MBh. Daś
- ○syaka m. id. Pañcat
- ○śākhya n. (fr. -śākham) a treatise on the peculiar euphonic combination and pronunciation of letters which prevails in different Śākhās of the Vedas (there are 4 Pañcat. one for the Śākala-śākhā of the RV
- two for particular Śākhās of the black and white Yajur-vedas, and one for a Śakhā of the AV
- IW. 149, 150)
- -kṛt m. the author of a Pañcat. Pāṇ. 8-3, 61 Sch
- -bhāṣya n. N. of Uvaṭa's Comm. on RPrāt
- ○śravasa m. patr. fr. prati-śravas Pravar. (wṛ. prati-śravasa)
- ○śrutká mf(ī)n. (fr. -śrut) existing in the echo ŚBr
- ○ṣṭhita wṛ. for -svika
- ○satvanam ind. in the direction of the Satvan (s.v.) AitBr. (-sutvanám AV. ŚāṅkhŚr.)
- ○sīma m. (fr. -sīman) a neighbour Divyâv
- ○svika mf(ī)n. (fr. -sva) own, not common to others KātySr. Sch
- granting to every one his own due MW
- ○hata m. a kind of Svarita accent TPrāt
- ○hantra n. (fr. -hantṛ) the state or condition of a revenger, vengeance MW
- ○hartra n. the office or duty of the Pratihartṛi KātyŚr
- ○hāra m. a juggler L
- ○raka, m.id. L
- ○rika mf(ī)n. containing pratihāras (as a Vedic hymn) Lāṭy
- m. a doorkeeper Gaut
- a juggler, conjurer L
- ○hārya n. (fr. -hāra) the office of a door-keeper Nalac
- jugglery, working miracles, a miracle Lalit. Kāraṇḍ. Divyâv
- -saṃdarśana m. a partic. Samādhi Kāraṇḍ
- prātītika mf(ī)n. (fr. pratī7ti) existing only in the mind, mental, subjective Sarvad.
- prātīpa m. (fr. pratīpa) patr. of Śaṃ-tanu MBh
- prātīḍpika mf(ī)n. contrary, adverse, hostile Pāṇ. 4-4, 28
- prātīḍpya n. hostility HPariś
- prātībodhī-putra m. N. of a teacher AitĀr. (cf. under prāti-bodha above)
- prāty in comp. for prāti before vowels
- ○akṣa (g. prajñâdi),
- ○akṣika (Sarvad.), mf(ī)n. perceptible to the eyes, capable of direct perception
- ○antika m. (fr. -anta) a neighbouring chief VarBṛS
- ○ayika mf(ī)n. (fr. -aya) relating to confidence, confidential
- m. (with pratibhū) a surety for the trustworthiness of a debtor Yājñ
- ○avêkṣā wṛ. for praty-av○
- ○ahika mf(ī)n. (fr. -aham) occurring or happening every day, daily Kap. Sūryas. Sch. Kull
- prātikā f. the China rose, Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis L
- prātikya n. (fr. pratika), g. purohitâdi
- prātītheyī (prob.) wṛ. for prātitheyi ( p. 702, col. 1)
- prātuda prātṛda &c. See under 3. prā, p. 702, col. 1
- prātyagrathi m. patr. fr. pratyagratha Pāṇ. 4-1, 173
- prāthamakalpika mf(ī)n. (fr. prathama-kalpa) being (anything) first of all or in the strictest sense of the word (vḷ. for prathama-kapita, q.v. Mn. ix, 166)
- m. a student who is a beginner L
- a Yogī just commencing his course Sarvad. (cf. prathama-kalpika)
- prāthamika mf(ī)n. (fr. prathama) belonging or relating to the first, occurring or happening for the first time, primary, initial, previous &c. TPrāt. Vedântas. Kull
- prāthamya n. priority ĀpŚr. Sch. Kull
- prâd (pra-√ad
- only 3. pl. impf. prâdan), to eat up, devour ŚBr
- prādakṣiṇya prādānika &c. See under 3. prā, p. 702
- prâ-dā (pra-ā- √1. dā), P. -dadāti (inf. prâ-dātum, ind. p. prâ-dāya), to give, bestow MBh
- prâditya (pra-ād○), m. N. of two princes Buddh
- prādúr ind. (prob. fr. prā = pra + dur, 'out of doors'
- prā-dús g. svar-ādi
- ○duṣ before k and p Pāṇ. 8-3, 41
- ○duḥ ṣyāt, ṣanti for syāt, santi, 87) forth, to view or light, in sight AV. &c. &c. (with √as, or bhū, to become manifest, be visible or audible, appear, arise, exist
- with √kṛ, to make visible or manifest, cause to appear, reveal, disclose)
- ○bhāva m. becoming visible or audible, manifestation, appearance (also of a deity on earth) GṛŚrS. MBh. &c
- ○bhūta mfn. come to light, become manifest or evident, appeared, revealed MBh. Kāv. &c
- prāduṣ in comp. for prādur (cf. above)
- ○karaṇa n. bringing to light, manifestation, production GṛŚrS
- ○kṛta mfn. made visible, brought to light, manifested, displayed, made to blaze (as fire) Mn. MBh. &c
- -vapus mfn. one whose form is manifested, appearing in a visible form (as a deity) Rājat
- ○pīta mfn. Pāṇ. 8-3, 41 Sch
- prāduṣya n. = prādur-bhāva Uṇ.ī, 118 Sch
- prādurākṣi m. patr. Pravar. (wṛ. for prādur-akṣi?)
- prâ-dru (pra-ā-√dru), P. -dravati, to run away, flee, escape MBh
- prādhā prādhānika &c. See under 3. prā, p. 702
- prâdhī7 (pra-adhi-√i), P. Ā. prâdhyeti, ○dhī7te, to continue to study, advance in studies ŚāṅkhGṛ
- prâdhī7ta mfn. one who has begun his studies R
- advanced in study, well-read, learned (said of Brāhmans) Gaut
- prâdhyayana n. commencement of recitation or study ŚāṅkhGṛ
- prâdhy-eṣaṇa n. (fr. pra-adhi- √1. iṣ) incitement, exhortation (to study), SāṅkhGṛ. Kathās
- prâdhva mfn. (fr. pra + adhvan
- but accord, to some fr. pra and √dhvṛ = hvṛ) being on a journey Pāṇ. 5-4, 85
- inclined L
- humble L
- distant, long W
- m. start, precedence, first place (○dhve-√kṛ, with acc. and gen., to place a person at the head of') Kāṭh
- a long way or journey L
- a bond, tie L
- a joke, sport L
- (am), ind. far away (with √kṛ, 'to put aside') MBh
- after the precedent of (gen.) Āpast
- favourably, kindly Ragh
- humbly Hcar
- conformably L
- prâdhvaná n. the bed of a river or stream RV
- prâdhvara mf(ī)n. (only ○rī-śākhā?) Cat
- prân See prâṇ, p. 705, col. 1
- prānāḍī See under 3. prā, p. 702
- prānūna m. pl. N. of a people Baudh
- prânta (pra-anta), m. n. (ifc. f. ā) edge, border, margin, verge, extremity, end MBh. Kāv. &c. (yauvana-pr○, the end of youth Pañcat
- oṣṭha-prântau, the corners of the mouth L.)
- a point, tip (of a blade of grass) Kauś
- back part (of a carriage) Vikr. (ibc., finally, eventually Kāv. Pañcat.)
- m. thread end of a cloth L
- N. of a man, g. aśvâdi
- mfn. dwelling near the boundaries Divyâv
- ○ga mfn. living close by L
- ○cara mfn. id. (ifc.) MārkP
- ○tas
- ind. along the edge or border (of anything), marginally L
- ○durga n. 'border-stronghold', a suburb or collection of houses outside the walls of a town L
- ○nivāsin mfn. dwelling near the boundaries MBh
- ○puṣpā f. a kind of plant L
- ○bhūmi f. final place or term
- (au), ind. finally, at last (others 'up to the verge of the border') Yogas
- ○virasa mfn. tasteless in the end Pañcat
- ○vṛti f. 'end-circle', the horizon Mālatīm
- ○śayanâsana-bhakta mfn. Īving in the country (also -śayana-bhakta and -śayanâsanâ-sevin) Divyâv
- ○stha mfn. inhabiting the borders MW
- prāntāyana mfn. patr. fr. prânta g. aśvâdi
- prântara (pra-an○), n. a long desolate road MārkP. Hit
- the country intervening between two villages L
- a forest L
- the hollow of a tree L
- ○śūnya n. a long dreary road W
- prâp (pra-√āp), P. Ā. prâpnoti (irreg. Pot. prâpeyam), to attain to
- reach, arrive at, meet with, find AV. &c. &c
- to obtain, receive (also as a husband or wife) MBh. Kāv. &c
- to incur (a fine) Mn. viii, 225
- to suffer (capital punishment) ib. 364
- (with diśaḥ) to flee in all directions Bhaṭṭ
- to extend, stretch, reach to (ā) Pāṇ. 5-2, 8
- to be present or at hand AV
- (in gram.) to pass or be changed into (acc.) Siddh.: to result (from a rule), be in force, obtain (also Pass.) Kāś.: Caus. prâpayati, ○te (ind. p. prâpayya, or prâpya Pāṇ. 6-4, 57 Sch.), to cause to reach or attain (2 acc.), advance, promote, further (P. ChUp. MBh. &c
- Ā. TBr. MBh.)
- to lead or bring to (dat.) VP
- to impart, communicate, announce, relate Mn. MBh. &c
- to meet with, obtain R.: Desid. prêpsati, to try to attain, strive to reach ŚBr
- prâpa m. (for 2. p. 708, col. 1) reaching, obtaining (cf. duṣ-prâpa)
- prâpaka mf(ikā)n. causing to arrive at, leading or bringing to (gen. or comp.) Kathās. KātyŚr. Sch
- procuring Kull
- establishing, making valid L
- m. a bringer, procurer Kathās
- prâpaṇa mf(ī)n. leading to (comp.) Śaṃk
- n. occurrence, appearance Jaim
- reach, extension (bāḥvoḥ prâpaṇânte, 'as far as the arms reach') KātyŚr
- arriving at (loc.) Kathās
- attainment, acquisition Mn. Āpast. MBh
- bringing to, conveying Dhātup
- establishing, making valid TPrāt. Sch
- reference to (loc.) ĀśvŚr
- elucidation, explanation Pat
- = ātañcana L
- prâpaṇīya mfn. to be reached, attainable MBh
- to be caused to attain, to be brought or conveyed to (acc.) Megh. Kathās
- prâpayitṛ mfn. one who causes to attain, procurer Sāy
- prâpita mfn. (fr. Caus.) caused to attain to or arrive at, led, conveyed or conducted to or into, possessed of (acc.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- got, procured ib
- brought before (the king), commenced (as a lawsuit) Mn. viii, 43
- occurred, obtained (-tva n.) Nyāyam
- prâpin mf(iṇī)n. attaining to, reaching (comp.) Kālid
- prâpipayiṣu mfn. (fr. Desid.) wishing to cause to reach
- (with adhaḥ) wishing to press down Śiś. v, 69
- prâpta mfn. attained to, reached, arrived at, met with, found, incurred, got, acquired, gained Mn. MBh. &c.
- one who has attained to or reached &c. (acc. or comp.) AV. &c. &c
- come to (acc.), arrived, present (prâpteṣu kāleṣu, at certain periods) Mn. MBh. &c
- accomplished, complete, mature, full-grown ( See a-pr○)
- (in med.) indicated, serving the purpose Suśr
- (in gram.) obtained or following from a rule, valid (iti prâpte, 'while this follows from a preceding rule') Pāṇ. 1-1, 34 Sch. &c
- fixed, placed L
- proper, right L
- m. pl. N. of a people MārkP
- ○karman n. that which results or follows (as direct object of an action) from a preceding rule (○ma-tva n.) Pāṇ. 2-3, 12 Sch
- ○kārin mfn. one who does what is right or proper Suśr
- ○kāla m. the time or moment arrived, a fit time, proper season MBh. Kāv. &c. (-tva n. KātyŚr.)
- mf(ā)n. one whose time has come, seasonable, suitable, opportune ib
- (with dehin), m. a mortal whose time i.e. last hour has come Hariv
- (with kumārī), f. a marriageable girl Śak
- (am), ind. at the right time, opportunely MBh
- ○krama mfn. fit, proper, suitable Jātakam
- ○jīvana mfn. restored to life Hit
- ○tva n. the state of resulting (from a grammatical rule) TPrāt
- ○doṣa mfn. one who has incurred guilt R
- ○pañca-tva mfn. 'arrived at (dissolution into) 5 elements', dead L
- ○prakāśaka mfn. advanced in intelligence Sāṃkhyak. Sch
- ○prabhāva m. one who has attained power Kāv
- ○prasavā f. a woman who is near parturition Uttarar
- ○bīja mfn. sown R
- ○buddhi mfn. instructed, intelligent W
- becoming conscious (after fainting) ib
- ○bhāra m. a beast of burden L
- ○bhāva mfn. wise W
- handsome ib
- one who has attained to any state or condition, of good disposition MW
- m. a young bullock L. (wṛ. for -bhāra?)
- ○mano-ratha mfn. one who has obtained his wish R
- ○yauvana mf(ā)n. one who has obtained puberty, being in the bloom of youth Nal
- ○rūpa mfn. fit, proper, suitable Daś
- pleasant, beautiful L
- learned, wise L
- ○rtu (ta-ṛtu), f. a girl who has attained puberty L
- ○vat mfn. one who has attained to or gained MW
- ○vara mfn. fraught with blessings ib
- ○vikalpa m. an alternative or option between two operations one of which results from a grammatical rule (-tva n.) Kāś. on Pāṇ. 1-4, 53
- ○vibhāṣā f. id. ib. i, 3, 50
- ○vyavahāra m. a young man come of age, an adult, one able to conduct his own affairs (opp. to 'a minor') MW
- ○śrī mfn. possessed of fortune Kum. Pañcat
- ○surya mf(ā)n. having the sun (vertical) Var
- prâptânujña mfn. allowed to withdraw or depart R
- prâptâparādha mfn. guilty of an offence Mn. viii, 299
- prâptârtha mfn. one who has attained an object or advantage Kathās
- m. an object attained Kap
- ○thâgrahaṇa n. the not securing an advantage gained MW
- prâptâvasara m. a suitable occasion or opportunity
- mfn. suitable, fit, proper Mālatīm
- prâptôdaka mfn. (a village) that has obtained water Pāṇ. 2-3, 1 Sch
- prâptôdaya mfn. one who has attained exaltation MW
- prâptavya mfn. to be reached or attained or gained or procured MBh. Kāv. &c
- to be met with or found Hit
- ○m-artha m. N. given to a man (who whenever asked his name replied prâp-tavyam artham labhate manuṣyaḥ, 'a man takes anything that is to be got') Pañcat
- n. (when used with nāman), a name ib
- prấpti f. advent, occurrence AV. Yājñ. Pañcat
- reach, range, extent Sūryas
- reaching, arrival at (comp.) R
- the power (of the wind) to enter or penetrate everywhere BhP
- the power of obtaining everything (one of the 8 superhuman faculties) MārkP. Vet. MWB. 245
- saving, rescue or deliverance from (abl.) Ratnâv
- attaining to, obtaining, meeting with, finding, acquisition, gain Mn. MBh. &c
- the being met with or found Nyāyas. Sch
- discovery, determination Sūryas
- obtainment, validity, holding good (of a rule) KātyŚr. Pāṇ. APrāt
- (in dram.) a joyful event, successful termination of a plot (Daśar.)
- a conjecture based on the observation of a particular thing. Sāh
- lot, fortune, luck ŚvetUp. MBh
- (in astrol.) N. of the 11th lunar mansion Var
- a collection (= saṃhati) L
- N. of the wife of Śama (son of Dharma) MBh
- of a daughter of Jarā-saṃdha Hariv. Pur
- ○mat mfn. met with, found Nyāyas. Sch
- (ifc.) one who has attained to or reached Sarvad
- ○śaithilya n. diminution of probability, slight probability MBh
- ○sama m. a partic. Jāti (q.v.) in logic Nyāyas
- prâptyāśā f. the hope of obtaining (an object) Sāh.
- prâpya mfn. to be reached, attainable, acquirable, procurable MBh. Kāv. &c
- fit, proper, suitable MBh
- ○kārin mfn. effective (only) when touched (○ri-tva n.) Nyāyas. Sch
- ○rūpa mfn. rather easy to attain Jātakam
- prâpa n. (fr. pra + 2. áp) Pāṇ. 6-3, 97 Vārtt. 1, P. (for 1. prâpa See p. 707, col. 2) abounding with water?
- prāpaṇika &c. See under 3. prā, p. 702, col. 2
- prāpaya Nom. ○yati (artificially formed fr. priya) = priyam ā-caṣṭe Pat. (cf. prâp, Caus.)
- prābalya &c. See under 3. prā, p. 702, col. 2
- prābhava &c. See under 3. prā ib
- prâbhi-ṇī (pra-abhi-√nī
- only 2. sg. Subj. aor. -ṇeṣi), to lead to (acc.) RV. i, 31, 18
- prāmati prāmāṇika &c. See under 3. prā, p. 702
- prâyá m. (fr. pra + aya
- √5. i) going forth, starting (for a battle) RV. ii, 18, 8
- course, race AV. iv, 25, 2
- departure from life, seeking death by fasting (as a religious or penitentiary act, or to enforce compliance with a demand
- acc. with √ās, upa-√ās, upa-√viś, upa-√i, ā-√sthā, sam-ā-√sthā, or √kṛ, to renounce life, sit down and fast to death
- with Caus. of √kṛ, to force any one acc. to seek death through starvation) MBh. Kāv. &c
- anything prominent, chief part, largest portion, plenty, majority, general rule (often ifc., with f. ā = chiefly consisting of or destined for or furnished with, rich or abounding in, frequently practising or applying or using
- near, like, resembling
- mostly, well-nigh, almost, as it were
- cf. ārya-, jita-, jñāti-, tṛṇa-, daṇḍa-, duḥkha-, siddhi-pr○ &c
- also -tā f.) ŚBr. Lāṭy. Mn. MBh. &c
- a stage of life, age L
- (am), ind., g. gotrâdi
- ○gata mfn. approaching departure from life, nigh unto death MBh
- ○citta n
- ○citti f. = prâyaś-c○ Pāṇ. 6-1, 157 Sch
- ○darśana n. a common or ordinary phenomenon Pāṇ. 2-3, 23 Vārtt
- ○bhava mfn. being commonly the case, usually met with Pāṇ. 4-3, 39
- ○vidhāyin mfn. resolved to die of starvation Rājat
- ○śas ind. for the most part, mostly, generally
- as a rule MBh. Kāv. &c
- in all probability Kathās
- prâyôpagamana n. going to meet death, seeking death (by abstaining from food) R
- prâyôpayogika mfn. most common or usual Car
- prâyôpaviṣṭa mfn. one who sits down and calmly awaits the approach of death (cf. prâya) MBh. Rājat. BhP
- prâyôpaveśa m
- prâyôpaveḍśana n. abstaining from food and awaiting in a sitting posture the approach of death MBh. R. &c
- prâyôpaveśanikā f. id. W
- prâyôpaveśin mfn. = prâyôpaviṣṭa MBh. Rājat
- prâyôpêta mfn. id. MBh
- prấyaṇa mfn. going forth, going VS
- n. entrance, beginning, commencement TS. Br. Up
- the course or path of life MBh. BhP
- going for protection, taking refuge BhP
- departure from life, death, voluntary departure (○ṇaṃ-√kṛ, to court departure) Mn. ix, 323
- a kind of food prepared with milk Pur
- ○tas ind. in the beginning TāṇḍBr
- prâyaṇânta m. the end of life
- (am), ind. unto death PraśnUp
- prâyaṇī́ya mfn. relating to the entrance or beginning, introductory Br. ĀśvŚr
- m. (scil. yāga or karma-viśeṣa or atirātra) the introductory libation or the first day of a Soma sacrifice Br. ŚrS
- (ā), f. (scil. iṣṭī) an introductory sacrifice ib. (-vat, ind. Vait.)
- n. = m. ib. (-tva n. Kapishṭh.)
- prâyaś in comp. for 1. prâyas
- ○citta n. (prā́yaś-
- 'predominant thought' or 'thought of death', Pāṇ. 6-1, 157 Sch.) atonement, expiation, amends, satisfaction ŚBr. GṛŚrS. Mn. MBh. (v, 1086 as m.) &c
- N. of sev. wks
- mfn. relating to atonement or expiation, expiatory ṢaḍvBr
- -kadamba m. or n. -kamalâkara m. -kalpataru m. -kāṇḍa m. or n. -kārikā f. -kautūhala n. -kaumudī, f. -krama m. -khaṇḍa m. or n. -grantha m. -candrikā, f. -cintāmaṇi m. -tattva n. -taraṃga (?), m. -dīpikā, f. -nirūpaṇa n. -nirṇaya m. -paddhati f. -parāśara, m. or n. -pārijāta m. -prakaraṇa n. -prakāśa m. -pratyāmnāya m. -pradīpa m. -pradīpikā f. -prayoga, m. -bhāṣya n. -mañjarī f. -manohara m. -mayūkha m. -mādhaviiya n. -mārtaṇḍa m. -muktâvalī f. -muktâvalī-prakāśa m. -ratna n. -ratna-mālā f. -rahasya n. -vāridhi n. -vidhāna n. -vidhi m. -vinirṇaya m. -viveka m. -vivekôddyota m. -vyavasthā-saṃkṣepa m. -śakti f. -śata-dvayī f. (or -śata-dvayī-prâyaścitta n.), -śekhara m. -śrauta-sūtra, n. -saṃkalpa m. -saṃgraha m. -samuccaya m. -sāra m. -sāra-kaumudī f. -sāra-saṃgraha m. -sārâvali f. -sudhānidhi m. -subodhinī
- f. -sūtra n. -setu m. -sthāna n. -hemâdri m. ○ttâṇḍa-bilā f. ○ttâdi-godāna n. ○ttâdi-saṃgraha m. ○ttâdhikāra m. ○ttâdhyāya m. ○ttâdhyāya-bhāṣya n. ○ttâparârka m. N. of wks
- ○ttâhuti f. an expiatory sacrifice Br. ĀśvŚr
- ○ttêndu-śekhara m. and ○ra-sāra-saṃgraha m. N. of wks
- ○ttêṣṭi. f. = ○ttâhuti GṛŚrS
- ○ttêṣṭi-candrikā f. ○ttôddyota m. ○ttâugha-sāra m. N. of wks
- ○citti (prấyaś-), f. atonement, expiation AV. VS. Br
- N. of a plant Kauś
- mfn. expiating (said of Agni) GṛS
- -mat mfn. one who makes atonement or performs penance TāṇḍBr
- ○cittika mf(ī)n. expiatory ĀśvŚr
- expiable Buddh
- requiring an expiation L
- ○cittin mfn. one who does penance or has to make expiation MBh
- ○cittīya mfn. serving as an atonement, expiatory Kauś. Pat. Sarvad
- bound to perform penance (-tā f.) Mn. xi, 47 (-cittīya, Nom. Ā. ○yate, to be obliged to perform penance Mn. MBh.)
- ○cetana n. atonement, expiation Mcar
- prâyas ind. (for 2. See below) for the most part, mostly, commonly, as a general rule MBh. Kāv. &c
- in all probability, likely, perhaps MBh
- abundantly, largely W
- prâyasya mfn. prevalent, predominant RPrāt. Sch
- prâyika mfn. common, usual ĀpŚr. Sch. Kull
- excessive, redundant MW
- containing the greater part (but not everything) Vām. v, 2, 24
- ○tva n. usage, custom ĀpŚr. Sch
- redundance, superfluity MW
- the containing &c. Vām. v, 2, 24
- prâyeṇa ind. mostly, generally, as a rule ŚrS. Mn. R. &c
- most probably, likely Hit. (cf. prâyaśas and 1. prâyas)
- prâyo in comp. for 1. prâyas
- ○devatā f. the prevalent or predominant deity Nir. vii, 4
- ○bhāvin mfn. being conmonly found or met with Bhpr. (cf. prâya-bhava)
- ○vāda m. a current saying, proverb Bālar
- prāyatya &c. See under 3. prā, p. 702, col. 2
- prā́yas n. (for 1. See above) = 2. práyas RV. iv, 21, 7
- prāyo-gá mfn. (prob.) = 1. prayo-gá RV. x, 106, 2
- prâ-yā (pra-ā-√yā), P. -yāti, to come near, approach RV
- prā-yu prā-yus, See a-pr○
- prâ-yudh (pra-ā-√yudh), Ā. -yudhyate, to fight Śiś. xviii, 32
- prâyuddheṣin &c. See prā-yudh under 3. prā, p. 702
- prấyus (pra-āyus), n. increased vitality, longer life MaitrS
- prâyeṇa See under prâya above
- prâr (pra-√ṛ), P. prêyarti (aor. 3. pl. prâran Ā. prârata
- pf. prâruḥ), to set in motion, arouse RV. v, 42, 14
- to send or procure to (dat.), x, 116, 9
- to arise, stir, come forth, appear, i, 39, 5 &c.: Caus. prârpayati (ind. p. prârpyā), to set in motion, stir up, animate RV. VS
- prấrpaṇa m. an arouser RV
- prâ-rabh (pra-ā-√rabh), Ā. -rabhate, to seize, lay hold on (acc.) RV. vi, 37, 5
- to begin, commence, undertake (with acc. or inf.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- prâ-ḍrabdha mfn. commenced, begun, undertaken MBh. Kāv. &c
- one who has commenced or begun (also -vat mfn. ) Amar. Rājat. Kathās
- n. an undertaking, enterprise Kāv. Pañcat
- -karman (Nīlak.),
- ○kārya (Kull.), mfn. one who has commenced or undertaken a work
- ○kāḍrabdhi f. beginning, commencement W
- the post to which an elephant is tied L
- prârambha m. commencement, beginning, undertaking, enterprise Kāv. Var. Pur. &c.
- prâḍrambhaṇa n. beginning, commencing L
- ○ṇīya mfn. g., anuvacanâdi
- prâḍripsita mfn. (fr. Desid.) intended or meant to be begun Sāh. Sarvad
- prâ-ruh (pra-ā-√ruh), P. -rohati, to ascend, rise MBh
- prâ-ḍroha See prā-r○ under 3. prā, p. 702
- prārkṣīya Nom. P. ○yati = prarkṣīya Vop
- prârc (pra-√arc), P. prârcati, to shine forth RV
- to sing, praise, celebrate, commend ib. BhP.: Caus. (aor. prârcicat) to honour, worship Bhaṭṭ
- prârch (pra-√ṛch), P. prârcchati, to move on Pāṇ. 6-1, 91 Sch
- prârcchaka mfn. (fr. pra + ṛcchaka) Pat
- prârj (pra-√ṛj), Caus. prârjayati, to grant, bestow Nir. iii, 5
- prârjayitṛ mfn. one who grants or bestows (used to explain parjanya) Nir. x, 10
- prârjuna m. pl. N. of a people Inscr
- prârñj (pra-√ṛñj), P. -ṛñjati, to run through (acc.) RV. iii, 43, 6
- prârṇa (pra-ṛṇa), n. a chief or principal debt Pāṇ. 6-1, 89 Vārtt. 7 Pat
- prârth (pra-√arth), Ā. prârthayate (ep. also P. ○ti and pr. p. ○yāna), to wish or long for, desire (acc.) KaṭhUp. MBh. &c
- to ask a person (acc.) for (acc. or loc.) or ask anything (acc.) from (abl.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- to wish to or ask a person to (inf.) ib
- to demand in marriage, woo Ratnâv
- to look for, search Bhaṭṭ
- to have recourse to (acc.) Kathās
- to seize or fall upon, attack, assail Ragh. Kir
- prấrtha mfn. (prob.) eager or ready to set out on a journey AV. Br
- prârthaka mf(ikā)n. wishing for, soliciting, courting
- m. a wooer, suitor, Hit (vḷ.) Kull. ( See a-pr○)
- prârthana n. wish, desire, request, entreaty, solicitation, petition or suit for (loc. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- ○nâbhāva m. absence of solicitation Hit
- prârthanā f. = ○na MBh. Kāv. &c. (○nayā ind. at the request or petition of any one)
- prayer (as forming part of the worship of the gods) RTL. 16
- -duḥkha-bhāj mfn. one who feels the pain of begging Bhartṛ
- -pañcaka n. N. of wk. (containing prayers to Rāmânuja)
- -bhaṅga m. refusal of a request, asking in vain MārkP
- -śataka n. N. a Stotra (in praise of Durgā)
- -siddhi f. accomplishment of a desire Ragh
- prârthanīya mfn. to be desired or wished for, desirable MBh. Śaṃk. Pañcat
- to be asked or begged Kād
- n. the third or Dvāpara age of the world L
- prârthayitavya mfn. worthy of desire, desirable Kālid
- prârthayitṛ mfn. one who wishes for or asks
- m. a solicitor, suitor, wooer Śak. Hit
- prârthita mfn. wished for, desired, wanted MBh. Kāv. &c
- requested, solicited ib
- attacked, assailed Ragh
- obstructed, besieged L
- killed, hurt L
- n. wish, desire R. Ragh
- -durlabha mfn. desired but hard to obtain Kum
- -vat mfn. one who has asked or asks W
- prârthin mfn. (ifc.) wishing for, desirous of Ragh. Rājat. Kathās
- attacking, assailing Ragh
- prârthya mfn. to be desired or wished for by (instr., gen. or comp.), desirable Hariv. Kāvyâd. BhP
- n. (impers.) one should request BhP
- prârd (pra-√ard), Caus. prârdayati, to cause to flow away RV. vi, 17, 12
- to exert beyond measure, overwork Nir. vi, 32
- prârdaka mfn. one who exerts beyond measure Nir. ib
- prârdh (pra-√ṛdh), Ā. prârdhate, to attain Divyâv
- prârdha See pari-prârdha
- prârpaṇa See under prâr, col. 2
- prârṣ (pra-√ṛṣ), P. prârṣati, to flow forth RV
- prārṣabhīya Nom. P. ○yati = prarṣabhīya Vop.
- prârh (pra-√arh), only 3. pl. pf. Ā. pra-arhire, to distinguish or signalize one's self RV. x, 92, 11
- prālamba prāleya &c. See under 3. prā, p. 702, col. 2
- prālkārīya Nom. ○yati = pralkārīya Pāṇ. 6-1, 92 Sch
- prâv (pra-√av), P. prâvati, to favour, befriend, help, protect, promote, comfort, sate, satisfy, content RV. VS. AV
- prâvitṛ́ m. a protector, patron, friend RV. ŚBr. KātyŚr
- prâvitrá n. protection, guardianship Br. ŚāṅkhŚr
- prâvī́ mfn. attentive, mindful RV
- prāvacana ○nika &c. See under 3. prā, p. 702, col. 3
- prāvan See kratu-pr○
- prâva-nij (pra-ava-√nij), P. -nenekti, to wash off AV
- prāvara prāvarṣin, See under 3. prā, p. 702, col. 3
- prâva-so (pra-ava-√so), P. -syati, to settle among (acc.) ŚBr
- prâ-viś (pra-ā-√viś), P. -viśati, to come or resort to (acc.) ŚāṅkhŚr.: Caus. -veśayati, to let or lead in (loc.) MBh. Daś
- prâviṣ-kriyamāṇa mfn. (√kṛ) shown Divyâv. (wṛ. for āviṣ-kr○?)
- prā-vṛ 1. √(prā prob. for pra
- cf. apā-√vṛ), P. Ā. -vṛṇoti, -vṛṇute (inf. -varitum Mṛicch.), to cover, veil, conceal AV. Gaut. Āpast
- to put on, dress one's self in (acc., rarely instr.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- to fill MBh. -2
- prā-ḍvara m. (for 1. See under 3. prā. p. 702, col. 3) an enclosure, fence (cf. mahī-pr○) L
- prā-ḍvaraka m. N. of a district (= ○vāra) MBh
- prā-ḍváraṇa n. (ifc. f. ā) covering, veiling Āpast
- a cover, upper garment, cloak, mantle ŚBr. &c. &c
- prā-ḍvaraṇīya n. an outer garment, cloak, mantle L
- prā-ḍvāra m. id. MBh. Kām. Mṛicch. (also -ka)
- N. of a district (= ○varaka) MBh
- mfn. found in outer garments or cloaks Kāv
- -karṇa m. 'Cloak-Ear', N. of an owl MBh
- -kīṭa m. 'clothes-insect', = kuṇa L
- a louse W
- ○rika m. a maker of cloaks R
- ○rīya P. ○yati, to use as a cloaks Pāṇ. 3-1, 10 Sch
- prā-ḍvuvūrṣu mfn. (fr. Desid.) wishing or intending to wear W
- prā́-vṛta mfn. covered, enclosed, screened, hid in (instr. or comp.) RV. &c. &c
- put on (as a garment) Hcar. Kathās. Hit
- filled with (instr.) R
- m. n. a veil, mantle, wrapper L
- n. covering, concealing Gaut
- (ā), f. a veil, mantle ṢaḍvBr
- prā́-ḍvṛti f. an enclosure, fence, hedge L
- (with Śaivas) spiritual darkness (one of the 4 consequences of Māyā) Sarvad
- prā-√vṛt (prā m. c. for pra), Caus. -vartayati, to produce, create MBh. Hariv
- prā-ḍvartaka mf(ikā)n. producing, founding (a race) Hariv
- prā-vṛ́ṣ f. (fr. pra-√vṛṣ) the rainy season, wet season, rains (the months Āshāḍha and Śravaṇa, comprising the first half of the rainy season which lasts in some parts from the middle of June till the middle of October) RV. &c. &c. (○ṣi-ja mfn. produced in the rainy seasons Śiś.)
- prāvṛṭ in comp. for prāvṛṣ
- ○kāla m. the rainy season Var. Pañcat
- -vaha mf(ā)n. (a river) flowing only in the rainy season MārkP
- prāvṛḍ in comp. for prāvṛṣ
- ○atyaya m. the time following the rainy season, autumn L
- prāvṛṇ in comp. for prāvṛṣ
- ○maya mf(ī)n. resembling the rainy season Hcar
- prāvṛṣa m. the rainy season, the rains Hariv
- (ā), f. id. L
- prāvṛṣāyaṇī f. 'produced by rains', Boerhavia Procumbens L
- Mucuna Pruritus Bhpr
- prāvṛṣika mfn. relating to or born in the rainy season BhP. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-3, 26)
- m. a peacock L
- prāvṛḍṣī́ṇa mfn. (day) beginning the rainy season RV
- prāvṛḍṣeṇya mfn. relating to the rṭrainy season Kālid. Bālar. (cf. Pāṇ. 4-3, 17)
- coming in showers, abundant, much L
- m. Nauclea Cadamba or Cordifolia L
- Wrightia Antidysenterica L
- (ā), f. Mucuna Pruritus L
- a species of Punar-navā with red flowers L.
- prāvṛḍṣeya m. pl. N. of a people MBh
- prāvṛḍṣya m. Nauclea Cordifolia L
- Wrightia Antidysenterica L
- Asteracantha Longifolia L
- n. a cat's eye (gem) L
- prâś (pra- √1. aś), P. prâśnoti (aor. prânaṭ), to reach, attain RV
- to fall to the lot or share of (acc.) ib.: Caus. prâśāpayati, to cause to reach or attain MānGṛ
- prâṣṭa mfn. arrived at, gained (= prâpta). Nir. (Sch.)
- -varṇa mfn. = pṛśni ib
- prâś (pra- √2. aś), P. práśnāti (rarely Ā. ○nīte), to eat, consume, devour, taste, enjoy RV. &c. &c.: Caus. prâśayati, to cause to eat, feed ĀśvGṛ. Mn. Kathās
- prâśa m. eating, feeding upon (cf. ghṛta-, dhūma-pr○)
- food, victuals Kauś. MBh. Suśr
- prâśaka m. eating, enjoying, Śāy. on RV. i, 40, 1
- prâśana n. eating, feeding upon, tasting GṛŚrS. &c. &c
- (fr. Caus.) causing to eat, feeding (esp. the first feeding of a child
- cf. anna-pr○) Mn. Yājñ
- food, victuals (cf. amṛta-pr○) MBh. R. Hariv
- (ī), f. enjoyment, (cf. rasa-pr○) Vait
- ○nârthīya mfn. meant for food ŚāṅkhGṛ
- ○nin, See parṇa- and prâṇa-prâśanin
- prâśanīya mfn. to be eaten, eatable, serving as food
- n. food MBh. R
- prâśavyá n. (fr. prâś or prâśa) food, provisions RV
- prấśita mfn. eaten, tasted, devoured TS. &c. &c
- n. the daily oblation to deceased progenitors Mn. iii, 74
- prâśitavyá mfn. to be eaten, eatable, esculent ŚBr. MBh
- prâśitṛ́ mfn. one who eats, an eater AV. MBh
- prâśitrá n. the portion of Havis eaten by the Brahman at a sacrifice TS. ŚBr. ŚrS. (-vat ind. Vait.)
- = -haraṇa BhP
- anything edible W., n. a vessel in which the Brahman's portion of Havis is placed ŚBr. GṛŚrS
- ○triya, See a-prâśitriya
- prâśin See amṛta-pr○. 1
- prâśū m. (for 2. See below) an eater, guest(?) RV. i, 40, 5 (Mahidh. 'very swift' = śīghra, cf. prâśu)
- prâśya mfn. to be eaten, eatable TBr. KātyŚr. R
- prā́ś m. (√prach) asking, inquiring, a questioner Yājñ. Sch. (cf. śabda-pr○ and Uṇ. ii, 57)
- f. (?) statement or assertion in a debate or lawsuit AV. ii, 27, 1 ; 5 (cf. prati-prāś)
- prāḍ-vivāka m. 'one who interrogates and discriminates', a judge (esp. the chief judge of a stationary court) Mn. Gaut. Bhar. (cf. IW. 296, 1)
- prāśastya &c. See under 3. prā, p. 702, col. 3
- prâśā (pra-āśā), f. ardent desire or longing for TāṇḍBr. Mālatīm
- prāśātika n. a leguminous plant ĀpŚr
- prâśú (pra-āśú), mfn. very quick or speedy RV. (= kṣipra Naigh. i, 15)
- (u), ind. quickly, swiftly ĀpŚr
- ○ṣáh (-ṣā́h), mfn. (prob.) swiftly finishing (a meal) RV. iv, 25, 6 ('rapidly victorious' Sāy.)
- prāśū m. (for 1. See under 2. prâś) = parā-krama TBr. Sch. (cf. satya-pr○)
- prāśnika mf(ī)n. (fr. praśna) containing questions (cf. bahu-pr○)
- m. an inquirer, arbitrator, umpire MBh. R. Mālav
- a witness L
- an assistant at a spectacle or assembly (?) W
- prā́śnī-putrá m. N. of a teacher ŚBr
- prâśvamedha (pra-aśv○), m. a preliminary horse sacrifice Kathās
- prâ-śvas (pra-ā-√śvas), Caus. -śvāsayate, to comfort, console R
- prâṣṭa See above under 1. prâś
- prâs (pra- √1. as), P. prâsti, to be in front of or in an extraordinary degree, excel, preponderate RV
- prâs (pra- √2. as), P. prâsyati, to throw or hurl forth, throw into (loc.), cast, discharge (a missile) RV. &c. &c
- to upset Mn. xi, 176
- (with aṃśam) to cast lots, lay a wager TāṇḍBr
- prâsa m. casting, throwing Br. ŚrS
- scattering, sprinkling Pratāp
- a barbed missile or dart MBh. Kathās
- a partic. constellation or position of a planet Var
- N. of a man Rājat
- -bhārata n. N. of a poem
- ○saka m. a die, dice L
- ○sika mfn. armed with a dart or javelin Pāṇ. 4-4, 57 Sch
- m. a spearman L
- prâsana n. throwing forth or away or down, throwing, casting ŚrS. Jaim
- prâsta mfn. thrown away or off, cast, hurled, discharged BṛĀrUp. Mn
- expelled, turned out, banished W
- prāsaṅga ○gika &c. See under 3. prā, p. 702, col. 3
- prāsāda m. (for pra-s○ lit. 'sitting forward', sitting on a seat in a conspicuous place
- Pāṇ. 6-3, 122) a lofty seat or platform for spectators, terrace ŚāṅkhŚr. Mn
- the top-story of a lofty building Kād
- a lofty palatial mansion (approached by steps), palace, temple AdbhBr. MBh. Kāv. &c
- (with Buddhists) the monks' hall for assembly and confession MWB. 426
- ○kalpa m. N. of wk
- ○kukkuṭa m. a domestic pigeon L
- ○gata mfn. gone to (the roof of) a palace Nal
- ○garbha m. an inner apartment or sleeping chamber in a palace Hit
- ○tala n. the flat roof of a house or palace MBh
- ○dīpikā f. N. of wk
- ○parā-mantra m. N. of a partic. magical formula (a combination of the letters ha and sa = parā-prāsāda-mantra) W
- ○pṛṣṭha n. a terrace or balcony on the top of a palace Hit
- ○pratiṣṭhā f. the consecration of a temple
- -dīdhiti f. N. of wk
- ○prastara m. = -tala Mn. ii, 204
- ○maṇḍanā f. a kind of orpiment L
- ○lakṣaṇa n. N. of wk
- ○vāsin mfn. dwelling in a palace Pat
- ○śāyin mfn. accustomed to sleep in a palace MBh
- ○śṛṅga n. the spire or pinnacle of a palace or temple a turret ib
- ○stha mfn. standing on (the roof of) a palace Nal
- prāsādâgra n. = ○da-tala R
- prāsādâgrya n. pl. most excellent palaces MW
- prāsādâṅgana n. (or ○nā f.) the courtyard of a palace or temple Rājat. Pañcat
- prāsādânukīrtana n. N. of wk
- prāsādârohaṇa n. going up into or entering a palace
- ○ṇīya mfn. Pāṇ. 5-1, 111 Vārtt. 1 Pat
- prāsādâlaṃkāra-lakṣaṇa n. N. of wk
- prāsādika mf(ā)n. (fr. pra-sāda) kind, amiable Lalit
- given by way of blessing or as a favour MW
- (fr. prā-sāda) pleasant, beautiful ib. Kāraṇḍ
- (ā), f. a chamber on the top of a palace Hcar
- prāsādivārika m. a kind of attendant in a monastery Buddh
- prāsādīya Nom. P. ○yati, to imagine one's self to be in a palace Pāṇ. 3-1, 10 Vārtt. 1 Pat
- prāsādīya mfn. belonging to a palace, palatial, splendid W
- prāsādya mfn. id., Śīl
- prāsthika See p. 702, col. 3
- prâh (pra-√ah), only pf. prâha, to announce, declare, utter, express, say, tell (with dat. or acc. of pers. and acc. of thing) ŚBr. Mn. MBh. &c
- to record, hand down by tradition ŚBr
- (with 2 acc.) to call, name, regard or consider as Mn. MBh. &c
- prāha m. instruction in the art of dancing L
- prāhaṇi prāharika &c. See under 3. prā, p. 702, col. 3
- prāhavanīya mfn. (prā, or prâ + √hve?) worthy to be received as a guest Buddh
- prāhuṇa m. (fr. prāghuṇa, q.v.) a guest Kathās
- (ī), f. ib
- prāhuṇaka m
- prāhuḍṇikā f. = prec. m. f. Kathās
- prâhṇa m. (fr. pra + ahna) the early part of the day, forenoon, morning ṢaḍvBr. BhP. Suśr
- (am), ind. in the morning, g. tiṣṭhadgv-ādi
- prâhṇe ind. early, in the morning MBh. xiv, 1277
- ○tarām and ind. earlier or very early in the morning
- ○tamām ind. earlier or very early in the morning
- prâhṇetana mfn. relating to the forenoon, happening in the morning, matutinal Pāṇ. 4-3, 23
- priya priyāla, See under √1. prī below
- prī cl. 9. P. Ā. (Dhātup. xxxi, 2) prīṇā́ti, prīṇīté
- cl. 4. Ā. (xxvi, 35) prīyate (rather Pass
- ep. and m. c. also ○ti and priyate, ○ti
- pf. pipriyé, p. ○yāṇá Subj. pipráyat
- Impv. pipráyasva or ○prīhí RV
- aor. apraiṣīt Br., Subj. préṣat RV.
- apreṣṭa Gr
- fut. preṣyati, ○te, pretā ib.), P. to please, gladden, delight gratify, cheer, comfort, soothe, propitiate RV. &c. &c
- (mostly Ā. prīyate) to be pleased or satisfied with, delight in, enjoy (gen., instr., loc. or abl.) ib
- (Ā
- ep. and m. c. also P. and pri○) to like, love, be kind to (acc.) MBh. R.: Caus. prīṇayati (prāpayati Siddh., prāyayati Vop.), to please, delight gratify, propitiate ĀśvGṛ. Yājñ. MBh. &c
- to refresh, comfort Car.: Desid. píprīṣati, to wish to please or propitiate RV.: Intens. peprīyate, peprayīti, pepreti Gr. [Cf. Goth. frijôn, frijônds ; Germ. friunt, freund ; Angl. Sax. freónd
- Eng. friend ; Slav. prijati ; Lith. pre10telius &c.]
- priyá mf(ā)n. beloved, dear to (gen., loc., dat. or comp.), liked, favourite, wanted, own RV. &c. &c. (with abl. 'dearer than' R. Kathās. Pañcat
- priyaṃ-√kṛ Ā. kurute, either 'to gain the affection of, win as a friend' RV
- or 'to feel affection for, love more and more' MBh.)
- dear, expensive, high in price (cf. priya-dhānyaka, priyânna-tva)
- fond of attached or devoted to (loc.) RV. (id. in comp., either ibc., e.g. priya-devana, 'fond of playing', or ifc., e.g. akṣa-priya, 'fond of dice', Pāṇ. 2-2, 35 Vārtt. 2
- ifc. also = pleasant, agreeable, e.g. gamana-priya, 'pleasant to go', vi, 2, 15 Sch.)
- m. a friend Gaut
- a lover, husband MBh. Kāv. &c
- a son-in-law Mn. iii, 119 (Kull.)
- a kind of deer L
- N. of 2 medicinal plants L. ; (ā), f. a mistress, wife MBh. Kāv. &c.
- the female of an animal Var
- news L
- small cardamoms L
- Arabian jasmine L
- spirituous liquor L
- N. of a daughter of Daksha VP
- of various metres Col
- n. love, kindness, favour, pleasure MBh. Kāv. &c
- (am), ind. agreeably, kindly, in a pleasant way Kāv
- (eṇa), id
- willingly Hit. (vḷ., also priya-priyeṇa Pāṇ. 8-1, 13)
- ○ṃ-vada mf(ā)n. speaking kindly, agreeable, affable to (gen. or comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- m. a kind of bird R
- N. of a Gandharva Ragh
- of a poet Cat
- (ā), f. a kind of metre Col
- N. of a woman Śak. Daś
- ○da-ka m. N. of a man Mudr
- ○kara mfn. causing or giving pleasure R
- ○karman mfn. doing kind actions, kind Kām
- n. the action of a lover BhP
- ○kalatra m. fond of one's wife MW
- ○kalaha mfn. quarrelsome VarBṛS
- ○kāma mf(ā)n. desirous of showing kindness to (gen.), friendly disposed MBh
- ○kāmya m. Terminalia Tomentosa L
- (ā), f. the desire of showing kindness to (gen.) MBh
- ○kāra mfn. doing a kindness or a favour to (gen.) MBh
- congenial, suiting W
- ○kāraka mfn. causing pleasure or gladness, agreeable Mn
- ○kāraṇa n. the cause of any favour
- (āt), ind. for the sake of doing a favour MBh. R
- ○kārin mfn. showing kindness to
- ○ri-tva n. the act of showing kindness Kathās
- ○kṛt mfn. doing a kindness MBh. R
- m. a friend, benefactor W
- -tama mfn. doing that which pleases most MW
- ○kṣatra mfn. ruling benevolently (said of the gods) RV. viii, 27, 19
- ○guḍa mfn. one who likes sugar, fond of showing Pāṇ. Sch
- ○ṃ-kara mf(ī or ā)n. acting kindly towards, showing kindness to (gen.) VS. MBh. Hariv. &c
- causing pleasure, agreeable Hariv
- exciting or attracting regard, amiable W
- m. N. of a Dānava Kathās
- of sev. men ib. Kshitîś
- (ī), f. Physalis Flexuosa L
- a white-blooming Kaṇṭakārī L
- = bṛhaj-jīvantī L
- ○ṃ-karaṇa mf(ī)n. acting kindly to Pāṇ. 3-2, 56
- exciting or attracting regard, amiable MW
- ○ṃ-kāra mfn. = priya-kāra (q.v.) MW
- ○catura mfn. Vop. iii, 110
- ○cikīrṣā f. the desire of doing a kindness to (gen.) MBh
- ○cikīrṣu mfn. wishing to do a kṭkindness to (gen.) Bhag
- ○jana m. a dear person, the beloved one Amar
- ○jāta mfn. dear when born, born beloved or desired (said of Agni) RV. viii, 60, 2
- ○jāni m. a gallant Hcar
- ○jīva m. Calosanthes Indica L
- ○jīvita mfn. loving life
- -tā f. love of life Sāh
- ○tanaya mfn. loving a son Jātakam
- ○tanu (priyá-), mfn. loving the body, loving life AV. v, 18, 6
- ○tama (priyá-), mfn. most beloved, dearest RV. AV. ŚBr. (once = -tara R.)
- m. a lover husband Kāv
- Celosia Cristata L
- (ā), f. a mistress, wife Kāv
- ○tara mfn. dearer &c. R. Pañcat
- -tva n. the being dearer to any one (loc.) than (abl.) MBh
- ○tā (priyá-). f. the being dear ŚBr. Mn. MBh. &c
- the being fond of (comp.), love Kathās. Rājat
- ○toṣaṇa m. a kind of coitus L
- ○tva n. the being dear, being beloved MBh. R
- the being fond of (comp.) Kum. Suśr.
- ○da mfn. giving desired objects L
- (ā), f. Rhinacanthus Communis L
- ○dattā f. a mystical N. of the earth MBh
- N. of a woman Kathās
- ○darśa mfn. pleasant or agreeable to look at (opp. to dur-darśa) MBh
- ○darśana mfn. pleasant or grateful to the sight of (gen.) MBh. Kāv
- m. a parrot L
- a kind of date tree L
- Terminalia Tomentosa L
- Mimusops Kauki L
- a plant growing in wet weather on trees and stones (in Marāṭhī called dagaḍaphūla, in Hindūstānī ?) L
- a partic. Kalpa Buddh
- N. of a prince of the Gandharvas Ragh
- of a son of Vāsuki Kathās
- (a), f. N. of a Surâṅganā Siṃhâs
- of sev. women Vās. Priy
- (ī), f. Gracula Religiosa L
- n. the look of a friend Pañcat
- ○darśikā f. N. of a princess Priy
- of a drama
- ○darśin m. 'looking with kindness upon everything', N. of Aśoka Inscr
- ○dāsa m. N. of the author of a Comm. on the Bhakta-mālā MW
- ○devana mfn. fond of play or gambling MBh
- ○dhanva m. 'fond of the bow', N. of Śiva MBh
- ○dhā́ ind. lovingly, kindly TS
- ○dhānya-kara mfn. causing dearness of corn (opp. to su-bhikṣa-kārin) VarBṛS. iv, 20
- ○dhāma (priyá-) mfn. fond of home, loving the sacrificial enclosure (said of Agni) RV. i, 140, 1
- ○dhāman (priyá-), mfn. = prec. (said of Indra) AV
- (sṭsacrificial of the Ādityas) ŚBr. ŚrS
- ○ṃ-dada mfn. giving what is pleasant, Kāraṇd
- (ā), f. N. of a Gandharvii ib
- ○nivedana n. good tidings Mṛicch
- ○nivedayitṛ (or ○ditṛ), m. a messenger of good tidings Śak
- ○nivedikā f. a female mṭmessenger of good tidings Mālatīm
- ○pati (priyá-), m. lord of the beloved or desired VS
- ○putra m. a kind of bird BrahmaP
- ○prada m. N. of an author of Śākta Mantras Cat
- ○praśna m. a kind inquiry (as after any one's welfare &c.) Hcar
- ○prasādana n. the conciliation of a husband, reconciliation with any object of affection MW
- -vrata n. a vow for the conciliation of a husband ib
- ○prâṇa mfn. fond of life ib
- ○prâya mfn. exceedingly kind or amiable (as speech) L
- of pleasing speech, well-spoken, eloquent W
- n. eloquence in language W
- ○priyeṇa ind. with pleasure, willingly Pāṇ. 8-1, 13
- ○prêpsu mfn. desirous of obtaining a beloved object, lamenting the loss or absence of any bṭbeloved object, grieving for an object of affection W
- ○bhāva m. feeling of love A
- ○bhāṣaṇa n. speaking kindly, kind or friendly speech Hit
- ○bhāṣin mfn. speaking kindly or agreeably R
- (iṇī), f. Gracula Religiosa L
- ○bhojana mfn. fond of good food Bhpr
- ○maṅgalā f. N. of a Surâṅganā Siṃhâs
- ○maṇḍana mfn. fond of trinkets or ornaments Śak
- ○madhu m. 'fond of wine', N. of Bala-rāma (the half-brother of Kṛishṇa) L
- ○mānasa mfn. fond of the lake Mānasa (the Rāja-haṃsa or Royal-goose) MW
- ○mālyânulepana m. 'fond of garlands and ornaments', N. of an attendant of Skanda MBh
- ○mitra m. N. of a mythical Cakra-vartin W
- ○mukhā f. N. of a Gandharvii Kāraṇḍ
- ○mukhyā f. N. of an Apsaras VP
- ○medha (priyá-), m. N. of a Ṛishi (a descendant of Aṅgiras and author of the hymns RV. viii, 1-40, 57, 58, 76 ; ix, 28) and (pl.) of his descendants RV. Nir
- of a descendant of Aja-mīḍha BhP
- -vát ind. as Priya-medha RV
- -stuta (priyá-m○), mfn. praised by Priya ib. (accord. to Sāy. = priya-yajñair ṛṣibhiḥ stutaḥ)
- ○m-bhaviṣṇu mfn. becoming dear or agreeable Bhaṭṭ. (Pāṇ. 3-2, 57)
- -tā f. (W.) or -tva n. (MW.) the becoming dṭdear
- ○bhāvuka mfn. becoming dear Gīt. (Pāṇ. 3-2, 57)
- -tā f. (Bhaṭṭ.) or -tva n. (MW.) the becoming dṭdear
- ○yajña mfn. fond of sacrifices Sāy
- ○raṇa mfn. delighting in war, warlike MW
- ○ratha (priyá-), N. of a man RV. i, 122, 7 (accord. to Sāy. mfn. = prīyamāṇa-ratha-yukta)
- ○rūpa mfn. having an agreeable form, g. manojñâdi to Pāṇ. 5-1, 133
- ○vaktṛ mfn. one who speaks kindly or agreeably, flattering, a flatterer Pañcat
- -tva n. speaking kindly Cāṇ
- ○vacana mfn. one whose words are kind or friendly, speaking kindly Sāy. on RV. i, 13, 8
- m. = bhakti-mān rogī L
- n. kind or friendly speech Vikr
- ○vacas mfn. speaking kindly, not out of tune L
- n. kind or friendly speech Sāh
- ○vat (priyá-), mfn. possessing friends Bhar
- containing the word priya TS. Kāṭh
- ○vadya n. = -vāda (q.v.) ĀpŚr
- ○vayasya m. a dear friend MW
- ○varṇī f. = priyaṅgu L
- Echites Frutescens W
- ○vallī f. = priyaṅgu or phalinī L
- ○vasantaka m. 'the desired spring' and 'the dear Vasantaka' Ratnâv. i, 8.
- ○vastu n. a favourite object or topic MW
- ○vāc mfn. one whose words are kind, kind in speech Kām. Var
- f. kind speech, gentle words, (-vāk-sahita mfn. accompanied by kindness words) Hit
- ○vada m. kindness or agreeable speech MBh. R
- ○vādikā f. a kind of musical instrument L
- ○vadín mfn. speaking kindly or agreeably, flattering, a flatterer VS. MBh. R. &c. (○di-tā f. MBh. R.)
- m. (Car.) or (inī), f. (L.) a kind of bird, Gracula Religiosa
- ○vinā-kṛta mfn. abandoned by a lover, deserted by a husband MW
- ○viśva mfn. Pāṇ. 1-1, 29 Sch
- ○vrata (priyá-), mfn. having desirable ordinances or fond of obedience (said of the gods) RV. ŚBr. KātyŚr
- m. N. of a king (a son of Manu and Śata-rūpā) Hariv. Pur
- of a man Br
- ○śālaka m. Terminalia Tomentosa L. (also spelt -sālaka)
- ○śiṣyā f. N. of an Apsaras VP
- ○śravas mfn. loving glory (said of Kṛishṇa) BhP
- ○sá mfn. granting desired objects RV. ix, 97, 38
- ○saṃvāsa m. living together with loved persons MBh
- ○sakha mfn. loving one's friends Laghuj
- m. a dear friend MBh. Bhartṛ. Megh
- the tree Acacia Catechu (= khadira) L
- (ī), f. a dear female friend Daś
- ○saṃgamana n. 'meeting of friends', N. of a place (in which Indra and Vishṇu are said to have met with their parents Aditi and Kaśyapa) Hariv. 7647
- ○satya mfn. pleasant and true (as speech) L
- a lover of truth A
- n. speech at once pleasing and true W
- ○saṃtati mfn. having a beloved son MW
- ○saṃdeśa m. a friendly message A
- Michelia Champaca L
- ○samāgama m. re-union with a beloved object MW
- ○samucita mfn. befitting a lover ib
- ○samudra m. N. of a merchant HPariś
- ○samprahāra mfn. fond of litigation Bālar
- ○sarpiṣka mfn. fond of melted butter Laghuk
- ○sahacarī f. a dear female companion, beloved wife MW
- ○sālaka m. = -śālaka, q.v
- ○sāhasa mfn. addicted to rashness
- -tva n. VarBṛS
- ○sukha m. N. of an author Cat
- ○suhṛd m. a dear friend, kind or good friend Hit
- ○sena m. N. of a man Divyâv
- ○sevaka mfn. loving servants, kind towards servants Rājat
- ○stotra mfn. fond of praise RV. i, 91, 6
- ○svapna mfn. fond of sleep, sluggish Ragh
- ○svāmin m. N. of an author Cat
- ○hita mfn. at once agreeable and salutary VP
- n. things which are a and servants MBh. Mn. R. Gaut. (du.)
- priyâkhya mfn. announcing good tidings R. Pat
- called 'dear' Prab
- priyâkhyāna n. agreeable news, pleasant tidings MW
- -dāna n. a gift in return for pleasant tidings Jātakam
- -puraḥsara mfn. preceded by pleasant tidings MW
- priyâkhyāyin m. a teller announcing good news Divyâv
- priyā-jana m. pl. mistresses, dear ones &c. (collectively) Śiś
- priyâtithi mfn. fond of guests, hospitable MBh
- priyâtmaka m. a kind of bird classed with the Pratudas Car. (vḷ. ○tma-ja)
- priyâtman mfn. of a pleasant nature, plṭpleasant, agreeable R
- ○tma-ja m. = ○tmaka, q.v
- priyā-dāsa m. N. of an author Cat
- priyâdhāna n. a friendly office MW
- priyânna n. expensive food MW
- -tva n. dearth, scarcity VarBṛS
- priyâpatya m. a kind of vulture L
- priyâpâya m. the absence of a beloved object MW
- priyâpriyá n. sg. du. or pl. pleasant and unpleasant things AV. ChUp. Mn. &c
- priyā-mukhī-√bhū P. -bhavati, to be changed into the face of a loved woman Naish
- priyâmbu mfn. fond of water
- m. the mango tree L
- priyârtham ind. for the sake of a beloved object, as a favour MBh. Megh. Rājat
- priyârha mfn. deserving love, amiable MW
- m. N. of Vishṇu A
- priyâlāpa m. N. of a man, Vṛishabhān
- priyâlāpin mfn. speaking kindly or agreeably Bhartṛ
- priyā́-vat mfn. having a mistress, enamoured AV. iv, 18, 4
- priyā-viraha m. N. of an author Cat
- priyâsu mfn. fond of lift W
- priyâsūyamatī f. N. of a woman Rājat
- priyâilikā f. a kind of bean L
- priyâiṣin mfn. friendly disposed to (comp.) Hariv
- priyôkti f. friendly speech Sāh
- priyôdita mfn. kindly spoken W
- n. kind speech L
- priyôpapatti f. a happy event or circumstance, pleasant occurrence MW
- priyôpabhoga m. the enjoyment of a lover or of a mistress ib
- -vandhya mfn. barren or destitute of the enjoyment of a lover ib
- priyốsriya mfn. loving cows, amorous (said of a bull) RV. x, 40, 11
- priyaka m. a kind of deer with a very soft skin Śiś. Suśr
- a chameleon L
- a kind of bird MBh
- a bee L.
- N. of sev. plants (Nauclea Cadamba, Terminalia Tomentosa &c.) L
- a kind of tree R. Hariv. Var
- N. of a being attending on Skanda MBh
- of a man, g. bidâdi
- (ī), f. the skin of the Priyaka R
- n. N. of a flower Śiś
- priyáṅgu mf. panic seed, Panicum Italicum VS. TS. Br. Kauś
- Aglaia Odorata L
- Sinapis Ramosa MBh. Kathās
- long pepper L
- a medicinal plant and perfume (commonly called Priyaṅgu and described in some places as a fragrant seed) L
- a partic. creeper (said to put forth blossoms at the touch of women) MBh. Kāv. &c
- Italian millet MW
- n. (prob.) panic seed or mustard seed Suśr. Bhpr
- saffron L
- ○dvīpa n. N. of a country Buddh
- ○śyāmā f. N. of the wife of Nara-vāhanadatta Vās
- priyaṅgv-ākhyā f. panic seed L
- priyaṅgukā f. Panicum Italicum SāmavBr
- priyāka m. N. of an author Cat
- priyā-√kṛ P. -karoti, to act kindly towards, do a favour to (acc.). Pāṇ. Vop. Bhaṭṭ
- priyāya Nom. Ā. ○yáte, to treat kindly AV. MBh. (vḷ. priyam ivâcarate Nīlak
- cf. prīyāya)
- to make friends with (instr.) RV
- priyāla m. the tree Buchanania Latifolia (commonly called Piyāl) MBh. R. Suśr. (ā), f. a vine, a bunch of grapes (= drākṣā) L
- priyālatālakharjūraharītakīvibhītaka3priyāla--tālakharjūra-harītakī-vibhītaka m. pl.Piyāl, palm, date and yellow and beleric myrobalan trees MW
- priyīya Nom. P. ○yati, to think a person to be another's mistress HYog
- prī mfn. (ifc.) kind, delighted ( See adhaprī, kadha-prī, ghṛta-prī &c.)
- prīṇa mfn. (for 2. See col. 3) pleased, satisfied W
- prīṇana mfn. pleasing, gratifying, appeasing, soothing Suśr
- n. the act of pleasing or delighting or satisfying MBh. BhP. Ratnâv
- a means of pleasing or delighting or satisfying MBh. BhP
- prīṇayitṛ mfn. one who gladdens or delights
- (trī), f. Sāy. on RV. iv, 42, 10 (wṛ. prīṇāyitrī)
- prīṇayitvā ind. having pleased or propitiated W
- prīṇita mfn. pleased, gratified, delighted MBh. Pañcat. Bhaṭṭ
- prītá mfn. pleased, delighted, satisfied, joyful, glad
- pleased or delighted or satisfied with, jṭjoyful at, glad of (with instr., loc., gen., or ifc.) RV. &c. &c
- beloved, dear to (gen. or comp.) Cāṇ. Hit
- kind (as speech) Hit
- (ā), f. a symbolical expression for the sound ṣ RāmatUp. (vḷ. pītā)
- n. jest, mirth L
- pleasure, delight W
- ○citta mfn. delighted at heart A
- ○tara mfn. more highly pleased Ragh
- ○manas (R.),
- ○mānasa (MBh.), or (ib. Mn.), mfn. pleased or gratified in mind
- prīḍtâtman (ib. Mn.), mfn. pleased or gratified in mind
- prīti f. any pleasurable sensation, pleasure, joy, gladness, satisfaction (with loc. or ifc
- with ind. p., 'joy at having done anything') GṛŚrS. &c. &c
- friendly disposition, kindness, favour, grace, amity (with samam or ifc.), affection, love (with gen., loc., or ifc.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- joy or gratification personified (esp. as a daughter of Daksha or as one of the two wives of Kāma-deva) Hariv. Pur. Kathās
- N. of a Śruti Saṃgīt
- the 2nd of the 27 astrological Yogas. L
- N. of the 13th Kalā of the moon Cat
- a symbolical expression for the sound dh RāmatUp
- (yā), ind. in a state of joyful excitement, gladly, with joy MBh. R. Ragh. Kathās
- in a friendly way, amicably Mn. Ragh. &c
- ○kara mfn. causing pleasure to (comp.) MārkP. Pāṇ. 6-2, 15 Sch. (cf. a-p○)
- inspiring love or affection MW
- m. N. of two authors Cat
- ○karaṇa n. the act of causing pleasure, gratifying MW
- ○karman n. an act of friendship or love, kind action Mn
- ○kūṭa N. of a village, Vāsav., introd
- ○candra m. N. of a preceptor MW
- ○ccheda m. destruction of joy Mṛicch
- ○juṣā f. N. of the wife of A-niruddha L
- ○tṛṣ m. N. of the god of love L
- ○da mfn. giving pleasure L
- inspiring love or regard, affectionate W
- m. a jester or buffoon in a play L
- ○datta mfn. given through love or affection L
- n. (?) property or valuables presented to a female by her relations and friends at the time of her marriage, and constituting part of her peculiar property MW
- ○dāna n. (Ragh.) or (MBh. R. Rājat.) 'gift of love', a present made from love or affection
- ○dāya m. (MBh. R. Rājat.) 'gift of love', a present made from love or affection
- ○dhana n. money given from love or friendship. R
- ○pātra n. an object of affection, a beloved person or thing MW
- ○puroga mfn. preceded by affṭaffection, affectionate, loving MBh
- ○pūrvakam (Mn. Bhag.) or (MBh.), ind. with the accompaniment of kindness, kindly, affectionately.
- ○pūrvam (MBh.), ind. with the accompaniment of kindness, kindly, affectionately.
- ○pramukha mfn. preceded by kindness, kind, friendly
- -vacana n. a speech preceded by kindness, kind spṭspeech, affectionate words Megh
- ○bhāj mfn. enjoying friendship, receiving friendly offices Kathās
- ○bhojya mfn. to be eaten joyfully or cheerfully MW
- ○mat mfn. having pleasurable sensations, pleased, gratified, glad, satisfied MBh. Kāv. MārkP
- having love or affection for (loc., gen. or acc.), affectionate, favourable, loving MBh. R. Hariv. MārkP
- kind (as words) R
- (atī), f. a kind of metre Col
- ○manas mfn. joyous-minded, pleased in mind, content
- kind W
- ○maya mf(ī)n. made up of joy, arisen from joy (as tears) R
- ○yuj mfn. beloved, dear Kir
- ○rasâyana n. 'an elixir of joy', any nectar-like beverage causing joy Hit
- ○vacana (A.) or (Hit.), n. kind or friendly words
- ○vacas (Hit.), n. kind or friendly words
- ○vardhana mfn. increasing love or joy. A
- m. the 4th month Sūryapr
- N. of Vishṇu A
- ○vāda m. a friendly discussion MW
- ○vivāha m. a love-marriage, love-match ib
- ○viśrambha-bhājana n. a repository of affection and confidence ib
- ○śrāddha n. a funeral offering to the Pitṛis of both parents (performed by some one in place of the eldest surviving son, and to be re-performed at some other period by this son in person) ib
- ○saṃyoga m. relation of friendship R
- ○saṃgati f. a covenant of frṭfriendship, friendly alliance with (instr.) ŚārṅgP
- ○saṃdarbha m. N. of wk
- ○sambodhy-aṅga n. (with Buddhists) joyfulness (one of the 7 requisites for attaining supreme knowledge) Dharmas. 49
- ○snigdha mfn. moist through love or charming through affection (said of the eyes) Megh
- prīyati m. an expression for √prī MBh
- prīyāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to rejoice at (acc.) MBh. (cf. priyāya)
- preṇā́ instr. for premṇā́, See premán
- preṇí mfn. = pretṛ́ RV. i, 112, 10 (of obscure meaning AV. vi, 89, 1)
- pretṛ́ mfn. a lover, cherisher, benefactor RV. ŚāṅkhŚr
- predhā́ ind. = priya-dhā́ (q.v.) MaitrS
- prema (ifc. f. ā) = premán love, affection (cf. sa-p○)
- (ā), f. See below
- prema in comp. for premán
- ○tattvanirūpaṇa n. N. of a Bengālī poem by Kṛishṇadāsa
- ○dhara m. N. of an author Cat
- ○nārāyaṇa m. N. of a king Inscr
- ○nidhi m. N. of sev. authors Cat
- ○pattanikā, f. N. of wk
- ○para mfn. intent on love, filled with affection, affectionate, loving, constant W
- ○pātana n. rheum L
- tears (of joy) W
- ○pātra n. an object of affection, a beloved person or thing MW
- ○pīyūṣa-latākartarī f. N. of wk
- ○bandha m. (ŚārṅgP. Rājat.) or (BhP.) the ties of love, love, affection
- ○bandhana n. (BhP.) the ties of love, love, affection
- ○bhakti-candrikā f
- ○bhaktistotra n. N. of wks
- ○bhāva m. state of affection, love R
- ○rasâyana n
- ○rasâḍyanânurāga m
- ○rāja m. N. of wks
- ○rāśī-√bhū P. -bhavati, to become one mass of affection Megh
- ○rddhi (○ma-Rd○), f. increase of affṭaffection, ardent love MW
- ○latikā f. the small creeping plant 'love' Kpr
- ○vat mfn. full of love, affectionate Subh
- (atī), f. a mistress L
- ○viśvāsa-bhūmi f. an object of love and confidence MW
- ○sāgara m. an ocean of love ib
- ○sāhi (sāhi = ?) m. = -nārāyaṇa Inscr
- ○sena m. N. of a prince Siṃhâs
- premâkara m. abundance of love Daś
- premâmṛta n. 'love-ambrosia', N. of a metrical list of 112 names of Kṛishṇa and of sev. other wks
- premârdra mfn. overflowing with love Mālatīm
- premâśru n. a tear of affection MW
- premêndu-sāgara m
- premôkty-udaya m. N. of wks
- premaṇīya mfn. fit for exciting love &c. Buddh
- premán m. n. love, affection, kindness, tender regard, favour, predilection, fondness, love &c. towards (loc. or comp.) TS. Br. Kāv. &c. (also pl.)
- joy L
- m. sport, a jest, joke Sāh
- wind L
- N. of Indra L
- of various men Rājat
- (premṇā, Ved. preṇā́), ind. through love or affection RV. TS. MBh
- premā in comp. for premán
- ○bandha m. = prema-b○ (above) Amar. Ratnâv. Veṇis
- ○vatī f. N. of a Surâṅganā Siṃhâs
- premin mfn. loving, affectionate L
- préyas mfn. (compar. fr. priya) dearer, more agreeable, more desired RV. AV. ŚBr. &c
- m. a lover Amar. Kathās
- a dear friend Mālatīm
- (asī), f. a mistress Bhartṛ. Dhūrtas.
- n. (in rhet.) flattery Pratāp. Kuval. Sāh
- ○kara m. the hand of a lover BhP
- ○tā f. (Rājat.) or (BhP.) the being dearer or very dear
- ○tva n. (BhP.) the being dearer or very dear
- ○vin mfn. containing flattery Kāv
- preyo-'patya (fr. ○yas + ap○), m. 'very fond of offspring', a heron L
- préṣṭha mfn. (superl. fr. priya) dearest, most beloved or desired RV
- (in address) KaṭhUp. BhP
- very fond of (loc.) RV. vi, 63, 1
- m. a lover, husband BhP
- (ā), f. a mistress, wife L
- a leg L
- ○tama mfn. dearest, most beloved BhP
- prīṇa (for 1. See under √prī), mfn. (fr. 1. pra) old, ancient, former Pāṇ. 5-4, 30 Vārtt. 7 Pat. (cf. pra-ṇa, pra-tna, pra-tana)
- prītu m. a bird (?) W
- pru cl. 1. Ā. (Dhātup. xxii, 61) pravate (pf. pupruve ŚBr
- aor. proṣṭhāḥ ĀśvŚr.), to spring up Bhaṭṭ.: Caus. prāvayati (aor. apupravat, or apipravat), to reach to (acc.) ib. (cf. Pāṇ. 1-3, 86): Desid. of Caus. puprāvayiṣati or piprāvayiṣati Pāṇ. 7-4, 81 Sch. (cf. ati-√pru, apa-√pru &c
- and √plu)
- prut (ifc.), See antarikṣa-, uda-, upari- and kṛṣṇa-prút
- pruth cl. 1. P. Ā. próthati, ○te, to pant, neigh, snort (as a horse) RV. ĀśvŚr.: Caus. prothayati, to employ force Āpast.: Intens. (only p. pópruthat) to snort aloud RV. i, 30, 16 (cf. √proth)
- protha m. n. (g. ardharcâdi) the nostrils of a horse MBh. Var. (cf. pṛthu-p○)
- the snout of a hog MBh
- m. the loins or hip (of a man) Bhpr
- the womb L
- a cave L
- a petticoat L
- terror, fright L
- a traveller(?) L
- mfn. notorious, famous (?) W
- placed, fixed (?) ib
- prothátha m. panting, snorting RV
- prothin m. a horse L
- pruṣ cl. 5. P. Ā. pruṣṇóti, ○ṇuté (fut. proṣíṣyate TS
- pf. puproṣa aor. aproṣīt, Gṛ.), to sprinkle, shower, wet, moisten RV. VS. TS
- cl. 10. P. Ā. (or Nom.) pruṣāyáti, ○te id. RV
- cl. 9. P. (Dhātup. xxxi, 55) pruṣṇāti (p. pruṣṇát Br.), id
- to become wet, fill L. ; cl. 4. P. pruṣyati, See vi-√pruṣ.
- pruṣ (ifc.), See abhra- and ghṛta-prúṣ
- pruṣitá mfn. sprinkled, wet RV
- ○psu (○tá-). mfn. dappled, piebald (as horses) ib
- pruṣṭā
- pruṣḍṭāyate Pāṇ. 3-1, 17 Vārtt. 1
- pruṣva m. the rainy season Uṇ. i, 151 Sch
- (pruṣvā́ or prúṣvā), f. a drop of water, hoar-frost, ice AV. VS. ŚBr
- pruṣvāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to fall in drops, trickle Uṇ. i, 151
- proṣaka m. pl. N. of a people MBh
- pruṣ cl. 1. P. (Dhātup. xvii, 53) to burn
- pruṣṭa mfn. burnt L
- pruṣva m. head L
- mfn. hot L
- proṣa m. burning, combustion L
- prū See kaṭa-prū
- prūṣ (for pruṣ). See aṣṭā́-pruṣ
- prê (pra- √5. i), cl. 2. P. prâiti (Ved. inf. prâitos AitBr.), to come forth, appear, begin RV. BṛĀrUp. MBh
- to go on, proceed, advance (esp. as a sacrifice) RV. VS
- to go forwards or farther, come to, arrive at, enter (acc.) ib. ŚBr. Up. MBh
- to go out or away, depart (this life, with or without asmāl lokāt, or itas), die Br. Up. Mn. MBh. &c.: Intens. Ā. prêyate, to drive or go forth (said of Ushas) RV
- prếta mfn. departed, deceased, dead, a dead person ŚBr. GṛŚrS. MBh
- m. the spirit of a dead person (esp. before obsequial rites are performed), a ghost, an evil being Mn. MBh. &c. (cf. RTL. 241, 271 MWB. 219)
- ○karman n. an obsequial rite MBh
- ○kalpa m. 'obsṭobsequial ordinance', N. of GāruḍaP. ii
- ○kāya m. a dead body, corpse Kathās
- ○kārya n. = -karman MBh. R. BhP
- ○kṛtya n. id. MBh. (ā f. Mn. iii, 127)
- -nirṇaya and ○tyâdi-nirṇaya m. N. of wks
- ○gata mfn. gone to the departed, dead MBh
- ○gati f. the way of the depṭdeparted (with √gam, 'to die') ib
- ○gṛha n. 'dead-house', a burning-place L
- ○gopa m. guardian of the dead (in Yama's house) R.
- ○cārin m. 'roaming among the dṭdead', N. of Śiva Śivag
- ○tva n. being dead Hariv
- the state of a ghost Hcat. Kāraṇḍ
- ○dāha m. burning of the dead MW
- ○hâgni m. corpse-fire L
- ○dīpikā f. N. of wk
- ○dhūma m. smoke of the dead i.e. of a funeral pile Mn. Yājñ
- ○nadī f. river of the dead (= vaitaraṇī, q.v.) L
- ○nara m. a dead man, a ghost W
- ○nātha m. 'lord of the dead', N. of Yama Bālar
- ○niryātaka m. a carrier of dṭdead bodies Mn. iii, 166
- ○nirhāraka m. id. ib. (vḷ.)
- ○pakṣa or m. = pitṛ-p○ (q.v.) L
- ○pakḍṣaka m. = pitṛ-p○ (q.v.) L
- ○paṭaha m. a drum beaten at the burning of the dead L
- ○patākā f. a flag used at the bṭburning of the dead Hcar
- ○pati m. = -nātha MārkP
- -paṭaha m. 'Yama's drum', drum beaten at the bṭburning of the dead Kād
- ○pātra n. a vessel used at a Śrāddha ceremony W
- ○piṇḍa-bhuj mfn. one who partakes of the Piṇḍa (q.v.) at a Śrāddha Hcar
- ○pitṛ mfn. one whose father is dṭdead MānGṛ
- ○pura n. (L.),
- ○purī f. (Daś.), city of the dṭdead, Yama's abode
- ○pradīpa m. N. of wk
- ○prasādhana n. adornment of a corpse Kathās
- ○bhakṣiṇī f. N. of a goddess Cat
- ○bhāva m. the being dead, death (○vāya saṃsiddhaḥ, 'ready to die') R
- -stha mfn. dead ib
- ○bhūmi f. 'place of the dead', a burning-ground MW
- ○mañjarī f. N. of ch. of GāruḍaP
- ○mukti-dā f. N. of wk
- ○medha m. a funeral sacrifice R
- ○mokṣa m. N. of ch. of the Māghamāhātmya
- ○rākṣasī f. Ocimum Sanctum L. (vḷ. apêta- and a-prêta-r○)
- ○rāja m. = -nātha R
- -niveśana n. -pura n. Yama's abode or city MBh
- ○loka m. the world of the dead (in which they remain for one year or until the Śrāddha ceremonies are completed) MBh
- ○vat ind. as if dead MW
- ○vana n. 'grove of the dead', a burning-ground L
- ○vaśa m. power of the dead (○śaṃ-√nī, to put to death) MBh
- ○vāhita mfn. possessed by an evil spirit L
- ○śarīra n. the body with which a departed spirit is invested RTL. 28
- ○śilā f. 'stone of the dead', N. of a stone near Gayā on which Piṇdas are offered ( See piṇḍa) GāruḍaP
- ○śuddhi f. (Mn.),
- ○śauca n. (GāruḍaP.) purification after the death of a kinsman
- ○śrāddha n. the obsequial ceremonies performed for a relative at death and every month for a year and at every anniversary after death
- ○samkḷpta mfn. (food) prepared in honour of the dead Āpast
- ○sparśin (ŚāṅkhGṛ.),
- ○hāra (Mn.), m. = -niryātaka
- prêtâdhipa m. = ○ta-nātha Hariv
- -nagarī f. Yama's residence Kād
- prêtâdhipati m. the lord of the dead or of departed spirits ṢaḍvBr
- prêtânna n. food offered to a dead person Mn. Āpast
- prêtâyana m. 'way of the dead', N. of a partic. hell Kād. (wṛ. ○tāpana)
- prêtâlaya m. a kind of thorn-apple L
- prêtâvāsa m. = ○ta-gṛha BhP
- prêtâsthi n. a bone of a dead man
- -dhārin m. 'wearing dead men's bones', N. of Śiva Kāv
- prêtêśa (Yājñ. Sch.),
- prêtêḍśvara (R.), m. = ○ta-nātha
- prêtôddeśa m. an offering to deceased ancestors W
- prếti f. departure, flight. RV. VS
- approach, arrival TāṇḍBr
- ○vat (pr74○), mfn. containing the word prêti or any form of prê TS
- prếtī-ṣaṇi (Padap. ○ti-S○), mfn. striving to move forwards (said of Agni) RV
- prêtika m. the soul of a dead man, a ghost L
- prếtya ind. having died, after death, in the next world, in the life to come, hereafter (opp. to iha) ŚBr. Mn. MBh. &c
- ○jāti f. rank or position in the next world MBh
- ○bhāj mfn. enjoying (the fruits of anything) in the next world Hariv
- ○bhāva m. the state after death, future life Gaut. MBh. R. (cf. IW. 63)
- ○vika mfn. relating to it (opp. to aihalaukika) MBh
- prêtvan mf(arī)n. moving along, straying about (as cattle) Br
- m. wind, air L
- N. of Indra L
- prêhi 2. sg. Impv. in comp. (cf. 1. prôha under prôh)
- ○kaṭā f. a rite in which no mats are allowed, g. mayūra-vyaṃsakâdi
- ○kardamā f. a rite in which no impurity of any kind is allṭallowed ib
- ○dvitīyā f. a rite at which no second person is allṭallowed to be present ib
- ○vaṇijā f. a rite at which no merchants are allowed to be present ib
- prékīya Nom. P. ○yati (fr. pra + eka) Vop. (cf. prâikīya)
- prêkṣ (pra-√īkṣ), Ā. prêkṣate (ep. also P. ○ti), to look at, view, behold, observe TS. &c. &c.
- to look on (without interfering), suffer, say nothing Mn. MBh
- prêkṣaka mf(ikā)n. looking at, viewing or intending to view MBh. R. Hariv
- considering, judging Yājñ. Sch
- m. a spectator, member of an audience MānGṛ
- ○kêrita mfn. (a word) uttered by a spectator MBh
- prêkṣaṇa n. viewing, looking at or on (at a performance) GṛS. Mn. BhP
- (ifc. ā) a view, look, sight Megh
- the eye Suśr
- any public show or spectacle Mn. Pañcat. Kathās
- a place where public exhibitions are held W
- -kūṭa n. the pupil of the eye Suśr
- ○ṇâlambha n. sg. looking at and touching (women) Mn. ii, 179
- prêkṣaṇaka mfn. looking at, a spectator Yājñ
- n. a spectacle, show (as opp. to reality) Bālar. Hcat
- prêkṣaṇika mfn. = prec, mfn. W
- m. an actor (?) Vet
- (ā), f. a woman fond of seeing shows W
- prêkṣaṇīya mfn. to be seen, visible Śak
- (ifc.) looking like, resembling Megh
- worth seeing, sightly, beautiful to the view MBh. Kālid
- n. a show, spectacle Vet
- -ka n. = prec. n. Kathās
- -tama and -tara mfn. most and more sightly or beautiful MBh
- -tā f. sightliness, beautifulness Rājat
- prêkṣā f. seeing, viewing, beholding, regarding, looking on (at a performance) MBh. R. BhP. (often ifc., cf. dharma-prêkṣa, mukha-pr○)
- a sight or view (esp. a beautiful sight or view) BhP
- a public show or entertainment Mn. Hariv. Kathās
- (ifc.) the being understood or meant as Nir. i, 17
- circumspection, consideration, reflection MBh. Hariv. Rājat
- the branch of a tree L
- ○kārin mfn. one who acts with deliberation Kir
- ○"ṣgāra (○kṣâg○), m. n. a play-house, theatre MBh. Hariv. VP
- ○gṛha n. id. Hariv
- ○pūrva (ibc.) or ind. with deliberation Hariv. Rājat
- ○pūrḍvam ind. with deliberation Hariv. Rājat
- ○prapañca m. a stage-play Bālar
- ○vat mfn. circumspect, deliberate, prudent Sāṃkhyak. Sch. Nīlak
- ○vidhi m. a stage-play Bālar
- ○samāja n. sg. public shows and assemblies Mn. ix, 84 (v. l. ○jau m. du.)
- prêkṣita mfn. looked at &c
- n. a look, glance MBh. R. &c
- prêkṣitavya mfn. to be seen or beheld Ratnâv
- prêkṣitṛ mfn. one who looks on, spectator Hariv
- prêkṣin mfn. looking at, viewing, regarding (○kṣi-tva n.) MBh. R. &c
- (ifc.) having the eyes or glance of (cf. mṛga-p○)
- prêkṣya mfn. to be seen, visible MBh
- to be looked at or regarded Kathās
- worth seeing, sightly Kālid. Rājat
- prêṅkh (pra-√īṅkh). P. Ā. prêṅkhati, ○te, to tremble, shake, vibrate AitĀr. Kāv.: Caus. P. prêṅkhayati, to swing (trans.) Ragh
- Ā. ○te, to swing one's self RV. vii, 88, 3
- prêṅkhá mfn. trembling, rocking, swaying, pitching RV. AV
- m. n. and (ā), f. a swing, a sort of hammock or swinging-cot Br. ŚrS. BhP. Suśr. (m. du. the two posts between which a swing moves Āpast
- id. and sg. N. of Sāmans ĀrshBr
- ○kha-phalaka n. the board or seat in a swing ŚāṅkhŚr
- ○khêṅkhana n. swinging BhP.)
- (ā), f. dancing L
- a partic. pace of a horse L
- wandering, roaming L
- prêṅkhaṇa mfn. (ifc.) moving towards Bhaṭṭ
- n. swinging Bhar
- a swing L
- a kind of minor drama (having no Sūtra-dhāra, hero &c.) Sāh. IW. 472
- -kārikā f. a female swinger or dancer Bhar
- prêṅḍkhaṇīya mfn. to be swung or made to oscillate Vop
- prêṅkhita mfn. swung, shaken, set in motion L
- joined to, being in contact with (?) W
- prêṅkhola mfn. swinging, dancing, moving to and fro Vcar
- m. a swing hammock ib
- blowing (of the wind) Mālatīm
- Nom. ○lati, to swing, oscillate Mālatīm. Pracaṇḍ
- prêṅkholana n. swinging, rocking Kād. Suśr
- prêṅkhoḍlaya Nom. ○yati, to swing, rock Dhātup
- prêṅkhoḍlita mfn. swung, rocked, oscillating Kād
- prêṅgaṇa n. (fr. pra + √iṅg) Pāṇ. 8-4, 32 Sch
- prêḍ (pra-√īḍ), Ā. prêṭṭe, to implore, praise, celebrate RV
- preḍaka mfn. = prêraka Sāṃkhyak. Sch. (-tva n.)
- preṇā preṇi, See p. 711, col. 2.
- prêta &c. See p. 711, col. 3
- predi m. N. of a man GopBr. (vḷ. proti, p. 713, col. 2)
- prếddha (pra-iddha), mfn. kindled, lighted, aflame RV
- prênv (pra-√inv), P. prênoti, to send forth, impel forwards or upwards RV
- prênvana n
- prênḍvanīya mfn. Pāṇ. 8-4, 2 Vārtt. 6 Pat
- prepa mfn. (pra + ap, water) Pat
- prêpsā f. (fr. Desid. of pra-√āp) wish to obtain, desire, longing for Nir. vii, 17
- supposition, assumption ib. vi, 32
- prêpsu mfn. wishing to attain, desirous of obtaining, seeking, longing for, aiming at (acc. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c
- anxious to rescue or save ( See prâṇa-pr○)
- supposing, assuming Nir. vi, 32
- preman preyas &c. See p. 711, col. 2
- prêr (pra-√īr), Ā. prêrte, to move (intrans.), come forth, arise, appear RV. AV. TS. ŚBr. Caus. prêrayati, to set in motion, push on, drive forwards, urge, stimulate, excite RV. &c. &c
- to send, dispatch MBh. R
- to turn, direct (the eyes) R. Śak. (vḷ.)
- to raise (the voice), utter, pronounce (words, prayers &c.) RV. &c. &c
- prêraka mfn. setting in motion, urging, dispatching, sending (-tva n.) Hariv. Rājat
- prêraṇa n. driving out
- See paśu-pr○
- (also ā f.) setting in motion, urging, inciting, direction, command, impelling to (prati or comp.) Naish. Kathās. Rājat. Hit
- activity, action Yājñ. Megh
- the sense of the causal verb Vop
- prêraṇīya mfn. to be urged on or incited Rājat
- prêrayitṛ mfn. one who urges or incites or sends MW
- a ruler ib
- prêrita mfn. urged, impelled, dispatched, sent Kālid. Kathās. Suśr
- turned, directed (as the eye) Śak. (vḷ.)
- incited to speak Daś
- passed, spent (as time) Bhartṛ
- prêritṛ mfn. one who urges or incites, an inciter ŚvetUp
- prêrtvan m. the sea, ocean Uṇ. iv, 116 Sch
- (arī), f. a river ib
- preṣ cl. 1. Ā. preṣate, to go, move Dhātup. xvi, 18 (vḷ. hreṣ)
- prêṣ (pra-√iṣ), P. Ā. prêṣyati, ○te (Ved. inf. prêṣe Pāṇ. 3-4, 9 Sch
- ind. p. prâi4ṣam s.v.), to drive on, urge, impel, send forth RV. MBh
- to invite, summon, call upon (another priest to commence a recitation or a ceremony acc., e.g. sāma prêṣyati, 'he calls upon to commence the recitation of a Sāman'
- esp. Impv. prêṣya, 'call upon to recite or offer acc. or gen. to dat.') ŚBr. KātyŚr. (cf. Pāṇ. 2-3, 61 ; viii, 2, 91): Caus. prêṣayati, to hurl, fling, cast, throw MBh. R. Bhaṭṭ
- to turn or direct the eyes Śak. ii, 2 (vḷ. prêrayantyâ)
- to send forth, dismiss, dispatch MBh. Kāv. &c
- to send into exile, banish R. Kathās
- to send word, send a message to a person (gen.) R
- prếṣ f. pressing, pressure (with hemán, 'urging pressure') RV. ix, 97, 1
- prếṣa m. urging on, impelling, impulse ib. i, 68, 5
- sending, dispatching L
- pain, affliction L
- prêṣaka mfn. sending, directing, commanding MBh
- prêṣaṇa n. the act of sending &c., charge, commission Gaut. MBh. R. BhP
- rendering a service MBh. Ratnâv. (pl.)
- -kṛt mfn. one who executes a commission MBh
- ○ṇâdhyakṣa m. a superintendent of the commands (of a king), chief of the administration Cāṇ
- prêṣaṇīya mfn. to be sent or dispatched MW
- prêṣayitṛ mfn. = prêṣaka R
- prếṣita mfn. set in motion, urged on, impelled RV
- hurled, flung, thrown ŚBr
- sent, dispatched on an errand MBh. Kāv. &c. (-vat mfn. Hit)
- sent into exile, banished R
- turned, directed (as the eyes) Śak. i, 23 (vḷ. prêrita)
- ordered, commanded Vop
- prêṣitavya mfn. to be invited (to commence a ceremony) AitBr
- prêṣya mfn. to be sent or dispatched, fit for a messenger Kathās
- m. a servant, menial, slave (ā f. a female servant, handmaid) MBh. Kāv. &c
- n. servitude Yājñ. (in śūdra-pr○ vḷ. for -praiṣya)
- behest, command ( See next)
- -kara mfn. executing the orders of (gen.) MBh
- -jana m. servants (collectively), household Mn. Nal
- a servant Prab.
- -tā f. (Mn.), -tva n. (ib. MBh.), -bhāva m. (Mālav.) the state or condition of a servant, servitude
- -vadhū f. a female servant, handmaid MBh
- the wife of a slave MW
- -varga m. a train of servants, retinue R
- ○ṣyā-tva n. the state of a female servant, being a handmaid Rājat
- prâiṣá m. sending, direction, invitation, summons, order, call (esp. upon the assistant priest to commence a ceremony) AV. Br. MBh. &c
- pain, affliction, frenzy, madness (?) L
- -kara mfn. executing orders, a servant Āpast
- -kṛt mfn. id. Vait
- giving orders, commanding Kauś. (Sch.)
- -pratīka-yājyā f. a Yājyā beginning with a Praisha ĀpŚr
- ○ṣâdhyāya m. N. of wk
- prâiḍṣika mfn. belonging to or connected with the Praishas Nir
- praiṣaṇika mfn. (fr. prâiṣa) executing orders (as a means of livelihood), g. vetanâdi
- fitted for the execution of commands, g. chedâdi
- prâiṣam ind., in the formula prâiṣaiḥ or iṣṭibhiḥ prâiṣam icchati, 'he strives to start (the sacrifice compared to a hunted animal) with invocations or exclamations' AitBr. ŚBr
- prâiṣyá mfn. (with jana AV.) = m. a servant, slave Mn. R
- (ā), f. a female servant ib
- n. servitude ib. Var
- ○jana m. servants, train, retinue R
- ○bhāva m. the state or condition of a slave, servitude Kum
- preṣṭha See p. 711, col. 3
- prêhaṇa n. (fr. pra-√īh) Pāṇ. 8-4, 31 Sch
- prêhi &c. See p. 712, col. 2
- prâikīya Nom. P. ○yati = prékīya Vop
- praiṇ cl. 1. P. praiṇati vḷ. for paiṇ
- praiṇāná mfn. = prīṇāná (√prī), propitiated, gratified AV
- prâitos See pré (pra-√i), p. 711
- prâidh (pra-√edh), cl. 1. Ā. prâidhate Pāṇ. 6-1, 89 Sch
- praiya n. (fr. priya), g. pṛthv-ādi
- praiya Vṛiddhi form of priya in comp
- ○medha m. patr. fr. Priya-mṭmedha AitBr. (wṛ. praiyyam○)
- N. of Sindhu-kshit RAnukr
- n. N. of various Sāmans ĀrshBr
- ○rūpaka n. (fr. priya-rūpa) Naish
- ○vrata mf(ī)n. relating to Priya-vrata BhP
- m. patr. fr. PriyṭPriya-varata ib
- n. Priya-varata's life or adventures ib
- praiyaka m. patr. fr. priyaka g. bidâdi
- praíyaṅgava mf(ī)n. (fr. priyaṅgu) relating to or prepared from panic grass, Maitr. TS. (wṛ. praiyyaṅ○ Kāṭh.)
- praíyaṅgaḍvika mf(ī)n. knowing the tale of Priyaṅgu Pat
- praiyyamedha wṛ. for praiyam○
- See above
- prôkta &c. See pra-√vac
- prôkṣ (pra-√ukṣ), P. prôkṣati to sprinkle upon, besprinkle, consecrate (for sacrifice) RV. VS. ŚBr. GṛŚrS
- to sacrifice, kill, slaughter (a sacrificial victim) MBh. R.: Caus. prôkṣayati, to sprinkle, besprinkle Suśr
- prôkṣa m. the act of sprinkling upon ĀpŚr
- prốkṣaṇa n. id., consecration by sprinkling (of a sacrificial animal or of a dead body before burial) TS. &c. &c
- a vessel for holy water Hariv. (vḷ. ○ṇī)
- immolation of victims L. (-vidhi m. N. of wk.)
- (ī), f. See below
- prốkṣaṇi f. pl. = ○ṇī pl. VS. ŚBr. &c
- prốkṣaṇī f. a vessel for holy water Hariv. (vḷ. ○ṇa)
- pl. water for sprinkling or consecrating (mixed with rice and barley) AV. VS. Br. GṛŚrS
- -dhānī f. (ĀpŚr.), -pātra n. (Nīlak.) a vessel for sprinkling water
- ○nyāsādana n. placing of the Prôkshaṇī vessel L
- prôkṣaṇīya mfn. to be sprinkled
- n. (sg. and pl.) water used for consecrating Hariv. MārkP
- prokṣita mfn. sprinkled, purified or consecrated by sprinkling ŚBr. Mn. Yājñ
- immolated, killed L
- prôkṣitavya mfn. to be sprinkled or consecrated MārkP
- proghiya Nom. P. ○yati (fr. pra + ogha) Vop. (cf. prâughīya)
- prôccaṇḍa (pra-ucc○), mfn. exceedingly terrible, very violent Uttarar. Mcar.
- prôc-car (pra-ud-√car), P. -carati, to utter a sound, utter, pronounce Hariv.: Caus. -carayati, to cause to sound Pañcat
- prôc-ḍcārita mfn. (fr. Caus.) caused to sound, sounding ib
- prôc-cal (pra-ud-√cal), P. ○lati, to start, set out on a journey Kathās
- prôccāṭanā (pra-ucc○), f. driving away, removal, destruction Prasannar
- prôccais (pra-ucc○), ind. very loudly Kathās. Pañcat
- exceedingly high, in a very high degree Prab
- prôc-chal (pra-ud-√śal), P. ○lati, to spurt out, gush or flow forth Śiś
- prôcchūna (pra-ucch○), mfn. swelled, swollen up W
- prôcchrita (pra-ucch○), mfn. lifted up, raised Hariv
- high, lofty Mṛicch
- prôc-chvas (pra-ud-√śvas), P. prôcchvasiti, to breathe strongly or loudly Pañcat
- prôjjāsana (pra-ujj○), n. killing, slaughter L
- prôj-jval (pra-ud-√jval), P. ○lati, to shine brightly, flash, glitter Hariv
- prôjjh (pra-√ujjh), P. prôjjhati, to abandon, leave, quit, forsake, avoid, efface Pañcat. Hit
- to subtract, deduct Sūryas
- prôjjhana n. abandoning, forsaking, quitting, letting go W
- prôjjhita mfn. abandoned, forsaken, shunned, avoided Prab. Pañcat
- (ifc.) free from, wanting Var
- prôjjhya ind. having left or abandoned, Kirāt
- leaving aside, with exception of Var
- prôñch (pra-√uñch), P. prôñchati, to wipe out, efface Mṛicch
- prôñchana n. wiping out, effacing (lit. and fig.) Naish. (ucchiṣṭa-pr○, gathering up the remnants Kull. on Mn. ii, 241)
- prôḍ-ḍī (pra-ud-√ḍī, only ind. p. -ḍīya, to fly up, fly away Mṛicch. (vḷ.) ○ḍīna mfn. having flown up or away MBh. R. Rājat
- proḍham ind., g. tiṣṭhadgv-ādi
- proṇṭha m. a spitting-pot, spittoon L
- prốta mfn. (fr. pra + uta, or ūta
- √ve) sewed (esp. with the threads lengthwise, and opp. to ôta, under. ā-√ve, p. 156)
- strung on, fixed on or in, put or sticking in (loc. or comp.) ChUp. MBh. &c
- set, inlaid MBh
- contained in (loc.), pervaded by (instr.) ŚBr. Up
- fixed, pierced, put on (a spit) MBh. Kāv. &c
- m. n. woven cloth, clothes L
- ○ghaṇa mfn. immersed in clouds (said of the horns of Śiva's bull) Kum
- ○śūla mfn. put on a spit, impaled Rājat. (cf. śūla-prôta)
- prôtôtsādana n. a parasol, umbrella L
- prôtaya Nom. P. ○yati, to infix, insert, inlay KātyŚr. Sch
- prốti (or prốti?), m. N. of a man ŚBr
- prôtkaṭa (pra-utk○), mfn. very great Kathās
- ○bhṛtya m. a high official Pañcat
- prôtkaṇṭha (pra-utk○), mfn. stretching out or lifting up the neck BhP
- Nom. P. ○ṭhayati, to awaken longings, excite desires in (acc.) Ṛitus
- prôt-kūj (pra-ud-√kūj), P. -kūjati, to hum, buzz Dhanaṃj
- prôt-kruṣṭa (pra-utk○), n. a loud cry or uproar, loud sound Hariv
- prôtkṣipta (pra-utk○), mfn. threshed, winnowed Bhpr
- prôt-khan (pra-ud-√khan), P. Ā. -khanati, ○te, to dig up or through or out R
- prôt-ḍkhāta mfn. dug up, dug out Mṛicch
- prôt-khai (pra-ud-√khai), P. -khāyati, to dig up, dig out Bhaṭṭ.
- prôttāna (pra-utt○), mfn. stretched out widely Var
- prôttāla (pra-utt○), mfn. very loud Prasannar
- prôttuṅga (pra-utt○), mfn. very high or lofty, elevated, prominent Kāv. Kathās. MārkP
- prôt-tṝ (pra-ud-√tṝ), P. -tarati, cross over, emerge Rājat
- prôt-thā (pra-ud-√sthā), P. prôttiṣṭhati, to rise, spring up, start MBh. Mṛicch. Kathās
- prôtthita mfn. come forth, sprouted Ṛitus
- sprung from (comp.), issued Prab
- prôt-pat (pra-ud-√pat), P. -patati, to fly upwards, soar aloft Bhaṭṭ
- prôt-pad (pra-ud-√pad), Caus. -pādayati, to bring forth, produce, cause, effect MBh
- prôt-ḍpanna mfn. produced, originated, developed BhP
- prôtphala (pra-ut-ph○), m. a species of tree resembling the fan-palm L
- prôtphulla (pra-utphulla), mfn. (√phal) widely expanded, full blown MBh. Kāv
- ○nayana mfn. having the eyes wide open MBh
- prôt-sad (pra-ud-√sad), Caus. -sādayati, to drive away, remove, destroy MBh. R. (Mn. ix, 261 wṛ. for -sāh○)
- prôt-sādana n. causing to perish, destroying MW
- contriving, device (?) W
- prôt-sah (pra-ud-√sah), P. -sahati, to take courage or heart, boldly prepare to (inf.) Bhaṭṭ.: Caus. -sāhayati (irreg. -sāhati MBh. i, 2233), to exhort, urge on, inspirit, instigate Mn. ix, 261 (wṛ. -sād○) MBh. (vi, 4437 wṛ. for -sād○) R. Kathās. &c
- prôt-sāha m. great exertion, zeal, ardour Kathās
- stimulus, incitement W
- prôt-sāhaka m. an inciter, instigator (esp. of any crime) W
- prôt-sāhana n. (fr. Caus.) the act of inspiriting or inciting, instigatlon, invitation to (comp.) MBh. R. &c
- prôt-sāhita mfn. (fr. Caus.) incited, instigated, stimulated, encouraged R. Kathās. Prab
- prôtsikta (pra-uts○), mfn. exceedingly proud or arrogant Sāh
- prôt-sṛ (pra-ud-√sṛ), P. -sarati, to pass away, disappear, be gone Caṇḍ.: Caus. -sārayati, ○te, to drive away, disperse, dispel, destroy MBh. Hariv. Mṛicch
- to urge on, exhort, incite MW
- to grant, offer ( See below)
- prot-sāraṇa n. (fr. Caus.) sending away, removing, expelling W
- prot-sārita mfn. (fr. Caus.) offered, granted, given Hit
- ejected, expelled W
- urged forwards, incited MW
- prôt-sṛj (pra-ud-√sṛj), P. -sṛjati, to cast out Divyâv
- prôt-sṛp (pra-ud-√sṛp), Ā. -sarpate, to fall out of joint BhP
- proth cl. 1. P. Ā. (Dhātup. xxi, 6) prothati, ○te, to be equal to or a match for, be able to withstand (gen. or dat.) Bhaṭṭ
- (P.) to be full L
- to destroy, subdue, overpower W. (cf. √pruth)
- protha &c. See under √pruth
- prôdaka (pra-ud○), mfn. dripping, wet, moist Āpast
- that from which the water has run off Gobh
- ○kī-bhāva m. dripping off of water Āpast
- prôdara (pra-ud○), mfn. big-bellied Pat
- prôd-i (pra-ud- √5, i), P. -eti, to go up, rise Bhartṛ
- to come forth, appear Sāh. Subh
- prôdita prôdyamāna, See pra-√vad
- prôdgata (pra-udy○), mfn. projecting, prominent Kathās
- prôdgārin (pra-udg○), mfn. (ifc.) giving out from, emitting Dhanaṃj
- prôdgīrṇa mfn. cast out Divyâv
- prôdgīta (pra-udg○), mfn. begun to be sung Prab.
- prôdgrīvam (pra-udg○), ind. while stretching out the neck Kāv
- prôd-√ghuṣ (pra-ud-√ghuṣ), Caus. -ghoṣayati, to cause to resound, proclaim MBh
- prôd-ghuṣṭa mfn. filled with noise, resonant, resounding ib
- prôd-ghoṣaṇā f. sounding aloud, proclaiming, proclamation Kathās. (also ○ṇa n. W.)
- prôddāṇḍa (pra-udd○), mfn. prominent, swollen Cat
- prôddāma (pra-udd○), mfn. immense, extraordinary, prodigious Inscr. Prasannar
- prôddīpta (pra-udd○), mfn. blazing up, blazing Ml
- prôd-dhā (pra-ud- √2. hā, only Ā. pr. p. prôjjíhāna), to flash up, rise to the sky RV
- prôddhūṣita See prôddhṛṣita
- prôd-dhṛ (pra-ud-√hṛ), P. Ā. -dharati, ○te, to lift up, draw up (as water from a well) MBh. Hariv. R
- to extract from (abl.), extricate, save, deliver Kathās. Prasannar
- prôd-ḍdhāra m. lifting up, bearing Dharmaś
- prôddhṛṣita (pra-uddhṛṣ○), mfn. bristling (as the hair of the body), thrilling, shuddering Pañcat. 13 (wṛ. ○dhūṣita)
- prôdbuddha (pra-udb○), mfn. awakened (met.) Cat
- prôdḍbodha m. awaking, appearing Gīt
- awakening, rousing Prasannar
- prôdbhinna (pra-udbh○), mfn. broken or burst forth, germinated Kāv
- prôdbhūta (pra-udbh○), mfn. come forth, sprung up, arisen Hariv. Kāv. MārkP
- prôd-yam (pra-ud-√yam), P. -yacchati, to lift up, raise Bhaṭṭ
- prôd-ḍyata mfn. uplifted (-yaṣṭi mfn. having an uplṭuplifted stick) Pañcat
- raised (voice) RV
- being about to (inf.) Hariv
- prôd-vah (pra-ud-√vah), P. -vahati, to utter, manifest Pañcar
- prôd-ḍvāha m. marriage BhP
- prôd-vij (pra-ud-√vij), Caus. -vejayati, to frighten, terrify MBh. BhP
- prôd-ḍvigna mfn. terrified, alarmed BhP
- prôd-vīci (pra-udv○), mfn. waving, fluctuating Nalac
- prôn-nad (pra-ud-√nad), P. -nadati, to roar out, roar Hariv
- prôn-nam (pra-ud-√nam), Caus. -namayati, to raise up, erect Suśr
- prôn-ḍnata mfn. raised up, elevated, lofty, high Var. Pañcat
- superior Pañcat
- prôn-ḍnamita mfn. (fr. Caus.) raised up, erected Suśr
- prôn-nī (pra-ud-√nī), P. -nayati, to lead or bring up, raise, elevate Kām. BhP
- prôn-math (pra-ud-√math), Pass. -mathyate, to be disturbed Divyâv
- prôn-ḍmāthin mfn. destroying, annihilating Prab
- prôn-mad (pra-ud-mad), P. -mādyati, to begin to grow furious, begin to rut (as an elephant) Inscr
- prôn-√mīl (pra-ud-√mīl), P. -mīlati, to open the eyes Bhaṭṭ
- to open (as a flower), blossom Prab
- to come to light, appear Cat.: Caus. -mīlayati, to open (the eyes) Kathās
- to unfold, reveal, manifest Cat
- prôn-mūlita mfn. (pra-ud-√mūl) uprooted, disturbed (?) Divyâv
- prôbh (pra-√ubh, only ind. p. prôbhya), to bind ŚBr
- prômbhaṇa n. filling W. (cf. Pāṇ. 8-4, 32 Sch.)
- prômbhita mfn. filled W
- proraka m. fever in an ass Gal
- prôrṇu (pra-√ūrṇu), P. Ā. prôrṇoti, or ○ṇauti
- ○ṇute, to cover, veil, envelop AV. TS. KātyŚr. Bhaṭṭ
- (Ā.) to be covered or veiled VS. TS. Br. Kauś.: Intens. prôrṇonūyate, to cover completely Bhaṭṭ. (cf. Pāṇ. 3-1, 23 Vārtt. 3 Pat.)
- prôrṇunaviṣu mfn. (fr. Desid.) wishing to cover or conceal Bhaṭṭ
- prôrḍṇunāva (!), mfn
- (with jvara), m. a kind of fever Bhpr
- prôrḍṇunūṣu mfn. (fr. Desid.) wishing to cover W
- prôrḍṇuvitṛ mfn. one who covers or envelops W
- prôl-laṅgh (pra-ud-√laṅgh), Caus. ○ghayati, to go beyond, transgress, violate Dharmaś. Divyâv
- prôl-las (pra-ud-√las
- only P. pr. p. prôllasat), to shine brightly, glitter Śiś
- to sound, be heard Kathās
- to move to and fro Kathās
- prôllāsita mfn. (fr. Caus.) gladdened, delighted Kathās
- prôllāsin (pra-ull○), mfn. shining, resplendent Nalac
- prôllāghita (pra-ull○
- Pāṇ. 8-2, 55 Sch.), mfn. recovered from sickness, convalescent, strong, robust W
- prôl-likh (pra-ud-√likh), P. -likhati, to draw lines on (acc.) Amar
- to scratch in Gṛihyās
- prôl-ḍlekhana n. drawing marks or lines, scratching, marking W
- prôllola (pra-ull○), mfn. moving to and fro, unsteady Nalac
- proṣa proṣaka, See under √1. 3. pruṣ, p. 711
- proṣadha m. fasting (= poṣadha) Bhadrab
- prôṣita &c. See under pra- √5. vas
- proṣṭila m. (with Jainas) N. of a Daśa-pūrvin (for prOṣṭh○?)
- próṣṭha m. (prob. fr. pra + oṣṭha = ava-stha, 'standing out below') a bench, stool TBr
- m. a bull Pāṇ. 5-4, 120 Sch
- N. of a man, g. śivâdi
- pl. N. of a people MBh. (○ṣṭa VP.)
- (ī), f. Cyprinus Pausius Bhpr. (also m. L.)
- ○padá m. (and ā f.), sg. du. and pl. 'the foot of a stool', N. of a double Nakshatra of the 3rd and 4th lunar mansions AV. (próṣṭhāp○) Br. GṛŚrS. MBh. &c
- ○pāda mf(ī)n. born under the Nakshatra Proshṭha-pada Pāṇ. 7-3, 18
- proṣṭhe-śayá mfn. lying on a bench RV
- proṣṭhika m. N. of a man, g. śivâdi
- (ā), f. Cyprinus Sophore Rasar
- prauṣṭha m. patr. fr. proṣṭha g. śivâdi
- prauṣṭhapada mf(ī)n. relating to the Nakshatra Proshṭha-pada Pāṇ. 7-3, 18
- m. (with or scil. māsa), the month Bhādra or August-September (also called pūrva-bhādrapadā and uttara-bh○) MBh. R. BhP
- N. of one of Kubera's treasure-keepers R
- (ā), f. pl. = proṣṭha-padā PārGṛ
- (ī), f. full moon in the month Bhādra GṛŚrS
- n. N. of a Pariś. of SV
- prauṣṭhapadika mf(ī)n., fr. proṣṭha-padā Pāṇ. 4-2, 35
- prauṣṭhika m. patr. fr. proṣṭhika g. śivâdi
- prôṣṇa (pra-uṣṇa), mfn. burning hot, scorching Pañcat
- prôṣya &c. See under pra- √5. vas
- prôh (pra- √1. ūh), P. prôhati, to push forward or away VS. KātyŚr. Nir
- to throw down KātyŚr
- to effect or bring about by transposition TāṇḍBr
- prôha m. an elephant's foot or the ankle of an elephant L
- in prôha-kaṭā and -kardamā vḷ. for prêhikaṭā and -kard○ g. mayūra-vyaṃsakâdi Kāś
- prôhaṇa n. the act of pushing away (?) Pāṇ. 8-4, 31 Sch
- prôhya-padi or (Kāś.), ind. (prob.) by or in pushing away the foot, g. dvidaṇḍy-âdi
- ○pādi (Kāś.), ind. (prob.) by or in pushing away the foot, g. dvidaṇḍy-âdi
- prauha m.= 1. prôha L
- prôha mfn. (fr. pra- √2. ūh) skilful, clever L
- m. logical reasoning ib
- prauha mfn. and m. id. L
- praukta mf(ī)n. having the sense of 'tena-prôktam', proclaimed by that (said of a suffix) Pāṇ. 4-3, 101
- prauga wṛ. for prau0ga, MānGṛŚrS.
- praughīya Nom. ○yati = próghīya Vop
- prâuḍha mfn. (fr. pra + ūḍha, √vah) raised or lifted up ( See -pāda)
- grown up, fullgrown Hariv. Kāv. Rājat
- mature, middle-aged (as a woman
- in Subh. bālā, taruṇī, prâuḍha and vṛddhā are distinguished
- f. below)
- married W
- luxuriant (as a plant) Bhartṛ. Kāvyâd
- large, great, mighty, strong Kāv. Kathās. Pañcat
- violent, impetuous (as love) Prab. Rājat
- thick, dense (as darkness) Mālatīm
- full (as the moon) W
- (ifc.) filled with, full of ( See mṛdu-pr○)
- proud, arrogant, confident, bold, audacious, impudent (esp. said of a woman) Kāv. BhP
- controverted W
- m. (in music) N. of one of the Rūpakas
- (with Śāktas) N. of one of the 7 Ullāsas
- n. (with brāhmaṇa) = tāṇḍya-brāhmaṇa Sāy
- (ā), f. a married woman from 30 to 55 years of age W
- a violent or impetuous woman (described as a Nāyikā who stands in no awe of her lover or husband) W
- ○carita-nāman n. pl. N. of wk. by Vallabhâcārya on the titles of Kṛishṇa derived from 128 of his exploits during adolescence
- ○jalada m. a dense cloud Bhartṛ
- ○tātparya-saṃgraha m. N. of wk
- ○tva n. confidence, arrogance Kathās
- ○dor-daṇḍa m. a strong and long arm Prab
- ○pāda mfn. one whose feet are raised (on a bench or in some partic. position) Mn
- Gaut Hcat
- ○puṣpa mfn. having blossoms full-grown (as a tree) Megh
- ○prakāśikā f. N. of a Comm. on Prab
- ○pratāpa mfn. of mighty prowess, renowned in arms MW
- -mārtaṇḍa m. N. of wk. on the appropriate seasons for the worship of Vishṇu,
- ○priyā f. a bold or confident mistress Ragh
- ○manoramā f. N. of a Comm. on Siddh. and other wks
- -kuca-mardana n. -khaṇḍana n. N. of wks
- ○yauvana mfn. being in the prime or bloom of youth (ati- and an-ati-pr○) Megh. Hit
- ○vatsā f. having a full-grown calf L
- ○vāda m. a bold or arrogant assertion Hcar
- ○vyañjaka m. N. of wk
- ○svaram ind. with a strong or loud voice Pañcad
- prâuḍhâkṛṣṭa mfn. impetuously or furiously dragged along Śak. i, 32 (vḷ. for pādâkṛ○)
- prâudhâṅganā f. a bold woman Bhartṛ
- prâuḍhâcāra m. pl. bold or confident behaviour Kathās
- prâuḍhânta m. (with Śāktas) one of the 7 Ullāsas
- prâuḍhôkti f. a bold expression or speech Kuval
- prâuḍhi f. full growth, increase Kathās
- full development, maturity, perfection, high degree ib. BhP
- greatness, dignity Vcar
- self-confidence, boldness, assurance Kāv. Kathās
- zeal, exertion W
- controversy, discussion ib
- ○vāda m. a bold assertion, pompous speech L. (cf. prâuḍha-v○)
- prâuḍhiman m. the state of full growth Vām. v, 2, 56
- prâudhī-√bhū P. -bhavati, to grow up, increase, come to maturity Ragh. Rājat
- prauṇa mfn. clever, learned, skilful L. (cf. 2. prauha, proha)
- prauṣṭha &c. See under proṣṭha
- prauha. 2 See col. 2
- plaka See kaśa-plaká
- plakṣ cl. 1. P. Ā. plakṣati, ○te, to eat, consume Dhātup. xxi, 27 (vḷ. for blakṣ)
- plakṣá m. the waved-leaf fig-tree, Ficus Infectoria (a large and beautiful tree with small white fruit) AV. &c. &c
- the holy fig-tree, Ficus Religiosa L
- Thespesia Populneoides L
- a side door or the space at the space of a door L
- = dviipa Pur
- N. of a man TBr
- (with prāsravaṇa) = -prasravaṇa TāṇḍBr. ŚrS
- (ā), f. N. of the river Sarasvatī MBh. Hariv
- ○gā f. N. of a river VP
- ○jātā f. 'rising near the fig-tree', N. of the Sarasvatī MBh
- ○tīrtha n. N. of a place of pilgrimage Hariv
- ○tvá n. the state or condition of being a fig-tree MaitrS
- ○dvīpa m. n. N. of a Dviipa VP. (cf. IW. 420)
- ○nyagrodha m. du. Ficus Infectoria and Ficus Indica Pāṇ. 2-2, 29 Sch
- ○praroha m. the shoot or sprout of a fig-tree Ragh
- ○prasravaṇa n. (ŚrS.),
- ○rāj m. (A.),
- ○rāja m. (MBh.), 'source and king of the fig-tree', N. of the place where the Sarasvatī rises
- ○vat mfn. surrounded by fig-trees
- (ī), f. N. of a river (prob. the Sarasvatī) MBh
- ○śākhā́ f. a branch of the fig-tree MaitrS.
- -vat mfn. furnished with it Gobh
- ○samudbhavā f. = -jātā L
- ○samudra-vācakā f. N. of the river Sarasvatī L
- ○sravaṇa n. = -prasr○ Kull
- plakṣâvataraṇa n. N. of a place of pilgrimage MBh. MārkP
- plakṣôdumbara m. a species of tree Kauś
- plakṣakīya mfn. fr. plakṣa g. naḍâdi
- plā́kṣa mf(ī)n. belonging or relating to or coming from the Ficus Infectoria TS. AitBr
- m. pl. the school of Plākshi Pāṇ. 4-2, 112 Sch
- n. the fruit of the fig-tree L
- (with prasravaṇa) n. N. of the place where the Sarasvatī rises, ŚrS
- plākṣaki m. patr. fr. plakṣa Pravar
- plākṣāyaṇa m. patr. fr. plākṣi TPrāt
- plākṣí m. patr. fr. plakṣa TĀr. TBr
- (ī), f. Pāṇ. 4-1, 65 Sch
- pla-√kṣar (for pra-kṣar, formed to explain plakṣa), Caus. -kṣārayati, to cause to stream forth, pour out MaitrS
- platī́ m. N. of a man RV
- plāta m. patr. fr. platí AitBr
- plab or plav, cl. 1. Ā. plabate, plavate, to go Dhātup. x, 10 (vḷ.) and xiv, 10 (cf. √plu)
- pla-yoga m. (prob.= pra-y○) N. of a man Sāy
- plā́yogi m. patr. of Āsaṅga RV. ŚāṅkhŚr
- plava plavaka &c. See col. 2
- plākṣa &c. See above
- plây (pla = pra and √ay = i
- cf. pla-√kṣar and pla-yoga), Ā. plâyate, to go away, go along MaitrS
- plâya m. = prâya, abundance
- (ifc.) having plenty of (vyādhi-) ŚāṅkhŚr
- plāva &c. See col. 2
- plāśí m. sg. and pl. a partic. part of the intestines (= śiśna, or śiśna-mūla-nāḍyaḥ Mahīdh.) RV. AV. VS. ŚBr
- plấśuka mfn. (fr. pla = pra and āśu-ka) rapidly growing up again ŚBr. KātyŚr
- plâśu-cit mfn. quick, speedy (= kṣipra) Naigh. ii, 15
- plih cl. 1. Ā. plehate, to go, move Dhātup. xvi, 41 (formed to explain the next words?)
- plihan m. = plīhan, the spleen Yājñ. iii, 94
- plīha in comp. for plīhan
- ○ghna m. 'destroying the spleen', Andersonia Rohitaka L
- ○puṣā f. Adelia Nereifolia L
- ○śatru m. 'enemy of the spleen', Andersonia Rohitaka L
- plīhā-kárṇa (for ○ha-k○), mfn. suffering from a partic. disease of the ear called plīhan VS. (Mahīdh.)
- plīhâri m. 'id.', Ficus Religiosa L
- plihôdara n. disease of the spleen Suśr
- ○rin mfn. splenetic ib
- plīhán m. the spleen (from which and from the liver the Hindūs suppose the blood to flow) AV. VS. ŚBr. Suśr
- disease of the spleen (said to be equally applied to enlargement of the mesenteric glands &c.) Suśr. [Orig. splīhan
- Gk. ? ; Lat. lien for splihen ; Slav. sleśena for spleśena
- Eng. spleen.]
- plīhā f. = plīhan L
- ○śatru m. Adelia Nereifolia L. (cf. ○ha-s○)
- ○hantrī f. id. Bhpr
- plī cl. 9. P. plināti, to go, move Dhātup. xxxi, 82 (vḷ.)
- plī́thā f. pl. N. of a partic. class of Apsaras MaitrS. (vḷ. plīyā́)
- plu cl. 1. Ā. (Dhātup. xxii, 62
- xiv,. 40) plávate (rarely P. ○ti
- pf. pupluve Br. &c., 3. pl. ○vuḥ Hariv
- aor. aploṣṭa Br. &c., 2. pl. aploḍhvam Pāṇ. 8-3, 78 Sch
- Prec. ploṣīṣṭa, vii, 2, 43 Sch
- fut. ploṣyati, ○te Br. &c
- ind. p. -plū́ya ŚBr
- -plutya MBh. &c.), to float, swim RV. &c. &c
- to bathe MBh. Ragh
- to go or cross in a boat, sail, navigate MBh. Hariv
- to sway to and fro, hover, soar, fly Br. MBh. Hariv
- to blow (as the wind) MBh. Var
- to pass away, vanish by degrees ŚBr. R. (vḷ.)
- to be lengthened or prolated (as a vowel, See pluta) RPrāt. ĀpŚr. Sch
- (older form pru, q.v.) to hop, skip, leap, jump, spring from (abl.) or to or into or over or upon (acc.) MBh. R. &c.: Caus. plāvayati (rarely ○te, or plāvayati
- aor. apiplavat Bhaṭṭ., apupl○ Gr.), to cause to float or swim, bathe, wash, inundate, submerge KātyŚr. MBh. &c.
- to overwhelm i.e. supply abundantly with (instr.) MBh
- to wash away, remove (guilt, sin &c.) MBh. BhP
- to purify MBh
- to prolate (a vowel) ŚrS
- to cause to jump or stagger Bhaṭṭ.: Desid. of Caus. piplāvayiṣati or puplāvayiṣati Pāṇ. 7-4, 81: Desid. puplūṣate Gr.: Intens. poplūyate, to swim about or rapidly R. Var. per-plovere ; Lat. pluit, pluvius ; Lith. plauti ; Angl. Sax. flovan ; Germ., flawjan, flawên, vlouwen &c.]
- plavá mf(ā)n. swimming, floating ŚāṅkhGṛ. Suśr
- sloping towards, inclined Hariv. Var. Hcat. (in astrol. applied to a constellation situated in the quarter ruled by its planetary regent Var. Sch.)
- transient MuṇḍUp
- m. n. (ifc. f. ā) a float, raft, boat, small ship RV. &c. &c
- m. a kind of aquatic bird (= gātra-samplava, kāraṇḍava, jala-vāyasa, jala-kāka or jala-kukkuṭa L.) VS. &c. &c
- a frog L
- a monkey L
- & sheep L. an arm L
- a Caṇḍāla L
- an enemy L
- Ficus Infectoria L
- a snare or basket of wicker-work for catching fish L
- the 35th (or 9th) year in a cycle of Jupiter VarBṛS
- swimming, bathing (ifc. f. ā) MBh. R. Kathās
- flooding, a flood, the swelling of a river MBh. MārkP
- the prolated utterance of a vowel (= pluti) L
- protraction of a sentence through 3 or more Ślokas (= kulaka) L
- sloping down or towards, proclivity, inclination L
- (in astrol.) = plava-tva VarBṛS. Sch
- a kind of metre Col
- N. of a Sāman (also with vasiṣṭhasya) ĀrshBr
- jumping, leaping, plunging, going by leaps or plunges R. (cf. comp. below)
- returning L
- urging on L
- n. Cyperus Rotundus or a species of fragrant grass Suśr.
- ○ga mfn. = plava mfn. (in astrol.) VarBṛS. Sch
- m. 'going by leaps or plunges', a frog Hariv. R
- a monkey R. Ragh. Kathās
- a sort of aquatic bird, the diver L
- Acacia Sirissa L
- N. of the charioteer of the Sun L
- of a son of the Sun L
- (ā), f. the sign of the zodiac Virgo Var
- ○gêndra m. 'monkey chief', N. of Hanumat BhP
- ○gati m. 'moving by jumps', a frog L
- ○ṃ-ga mfn. 'moving by jumps', flickering (said of fire) MBh
- m. a monkey ib. Ṛitus
- a deer L
- Ficus Infectoria L
- N. of the 41st (15th) year in a sixty years' cycle of Jupiter Var
- ○ṃ-gama m. (cf. prec.) a frog R. Hariv
- a monkey Mn. R. Kathās
- (ā), f. a kind of metre Col
- ○mêndu m. 'monkey-moon', N. of Hanumat MW
- ○tva n. (in astrol.) the position of a constellation in the quarter ruled by its planetary regent VarBṛS. -1
- ○vat ind. as with a boat MBh. -2
- ○vat mfn. possessing a ship or a boat ib
- plavaka m. a leaper (by profession), a rope-dancer &c. MBh
- a frog L
- a Caṇdāla L
- Ficus Infectoria L
- plavana mf(ā)n. inclined, stooping down towards (cf. prāg-udak-pl○)
- m. a monkey L
- n. swimming, plunging into or bathing in (comp.) MBh. Gīt. Rājat. Suśr
- flying MBh. R
- leaping, jumping over (comp.) R
- capering (one of a horse's paces) Sāṃkhyak. Sch
- a kind of water Cyperus L
- plavākā f. a boat L
- plaḍvika m. a ferry-man L
- plavita n. swimming or springing Lalit
- plaḍvitṛ m. a leaper (with gen. of distance) R
- plāva m. flowing over, filling a vessel till it overflows Yājñ. MārkP
- leaping BhP
- plāvana n. (fr. Caus.) bathing, immersion, ablution MBh
- filling a vessel to overflowing (for the purification of fluids) L
- inundation, flood, deluge (cf. jala-pl○)
- prolation (of a vowel) Āpast
- plāḍvayitṛ mfn. one who causes to swim, causing to cross or go in a boat MBh
- plāḍvita mfn. made to swim or overflow, deluged, soaked, moistened or covered with (comp.) MBh. Kāv. &c
- washed away, removed, destroyed BhP
- lengthened, prolated (as a vowel, See pluta) ŚrS. BhP
- n. inundation, food, deluge Kād
- a song in which the vowels are prolated BhP
- plāḍvin mfn. (ifc.) spreading, promulgating Yājñ
- flowing from Śiś
- m. a bird or a deer L
- plāḍvya mfn. to be bathed or steeped in (instr.) Var
- to be jumped or leaped W
- pluta mfn. floated, floating or swimming in (loc.), bathed, overflowed, submerged, covered or filled with (instr. or comp.) Yājñ. MBh. R. &c
- protracted, prolated or lengthened (as a vowel) to 3 Mātrās (q.v.) Prāt. Pāṇ. 1-2, 27 esp. ŚrS. &c. (also said of a kind of measure Cat.)
- flown R
- leaped, leaping MBh. Hariv
- n. a flood, deluge (pl.) Hariv
- leaping, moving by leaps MBh. R. Vcar
- capering (one of a horse's paces) L
- ○gati f. moving by leaps Dhātup
- m. a hare L
- ○tva n. See udagra-pluta-tva
- ○meru m. (in music) a kind of measure Saṃgīt
- ○vat mfn. one who has leaped or jumped R. Hariv
- pluti f. overflowing, a flood Var
- prolation (of a vowel, cf. pluta) Prāt. Pāṇ. Sch. ŚrS
- a leap, jump Śak. i, 7, vḷ. (also met
- cf. maṇḍūka-pl○)
- capering, curvet (one of a horse's paces) L
- pluṣ cl. 1. 4. P. (Dhātup. xvii, 54
- xxvi, 107) ploṣati and pluṣyati (pf. puploṣa Gr
- aor. aploṣīt ib
- fut. ploṣiṣyati, ploṣitā ib.), to burn, scorch, singe Suśr. (only pass. pluṣyate)
- cl. 9. P. pluṣṇāti (Impv. pluṣāṇa), id. Bhaṭṭ
- to sprinkle
- to anoint
- to fill Dhātup. xxxi, 56 (cf. √pruṣ)
- plukṣi m. fire Uṇ. iii, 155 Sch
- the burning of a house (?) L
- oil L
- plúṣi m. a species of noxious insect RV. VS. ŚBr. (a flying white-ant L. )
- pluṣṭa mfn. burned, scorched, singed Ṛitus. Var. Suśr
- frozen Vcar
- pluṣṭāya Nom. Ā. ○yate Pat. on Pāṇ. 3-1, 17
- ploṣa m. burning, combustion Ratnâv. Rājat
- a burning pain Car
- ploṣaṇa (Mālatīm.),
- ploḍṣin (Bālar.), mfn. burning, scorching, singeing
- ploṣṭṛ m. one who burns or consumes by fire Pur
- plus cl. 4. P. plusyati, to burn Dhātup. xxvi, 107 (vḷ. for pluṣ)
- to share Vop
- plêṅkhá (pla-īṅkha
- cf. prêṅkha), m. a swing TS. TBr
- plev cl. 1. Ā. plevate, to serve, wait upon Dhātup. iv, 38 (cf. √peb, pev, sev)
- plota m. or n. (?) cloth, stuff
- a bandage Suśr. (cf. prôta)
- ploti f. thread, connection (in karma-p○) Divyâv
- ploṣa &c. See under √pluṣ
- psā cl. 2. P. (Dhātup. xxiv, 47) psā́ti (Impv. psāhi, psātu AV
- pf. papsau Gr
- aor. apsāsīt Bhaṭṭ
- Prec. psāyāt ŚBr
- or pseyāt Gr
- fut. psāsyati, psātā ib
- ind. p. -psā́ya Br
- Pass. impf. apsīyata ib.), to chew, swallow, devour, eat, consume
- to go Naigh. ii, 14. (For bhsā = bhasā = √bhas + ā
- √.mnā and man, √yā and i &c.)
- psáras n. a feast, enjoyment, delight RV. (cf. devá-psaras)
- psā f. eating, food L
- hunger L
- psātá mfn. chewed, eaten, devoured ŚBr
- hungry L
- psāna n. eating, food L
- psu See 1. á-psu
- psúras n. food, victuals RV. x, 26, 3.
- psnya See viśvá-psnya
- psāt-kāra m. a partic. sound L
- psu (prob. = bhsu fr. bhāsu, √bhās), aspect, appearance, form, shape (only ifc
- cf. aruṇá-, ṛta-psu, &c.)