Description07 Gdańsk (44).JPG Polski: Gdańsk Stare Miasto, ul. Podmłyńska 10 / ul. Profesorska 3 - rzymskokatolicki kościół rektorski ojców karmelitów...
of the following images: File:Gdańsk_(DerHexer)_2010-07-13_275.jpg licensed with Cc-by-sa-3.0,2.5,2.0,1.0, GFDL 2010-07-21T23:12:46Z DerHexer 4155x2759...
following images: File:Herb_Odrowaz.jpg licensed with Cc-by-sa-2.5, GFDL, Polish coats of arms by Tadeusz Gajl 2006-07-03T12:44:14Z Gustavo Szwedowski de Korwin...
truetrue English Vintage electrotechnical laboratory at Chemical Faculty of Gdańsk University of Technology author name string: LukaszKatlewa URL: https://commons...
of the following images: File:Danzig_in_XVII_century.jpg licensed with PD-Art, PD-old-100 2006-07-17T18:16:11Z Mathiasrex 800x558 (85690 Bytes) Danzig...
Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 truetrue English Chmielna Street in Gdańsk author name string: Silar Wikimedia username: Silar URL: https://commons...
0 Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 truetrue English Polish Gdańsk, marina na Nowej Motławie object of statement has role: photographer author...
Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 truetrue English Chmielna Street in Gdańsk author name string: Silar Wikimedia username: Silar URL: https://commons...
BY-SA 4.0 Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 truetrue English Gdańsk-Stogi beach author name string: Silar Wikimedia username: Silar URL: https://commons...
_after_Truth_in_Numbers_premier_at_Wikimania_2010.jpg licensed with Cc-by-3.0, GFDL 2010-07-11T22:44:41Z Ragesoss 3888x2592 (9782677 Bytes) Uploaded with...