DescriptionBP just B compound just augmented fourth.mid English: *Bohlen-Pierce scale: interval between C and B on C = B. Just: 25/18 = 568.72 cents....
verbal nouns may be nnaugmented or augmented. In the nnaugmented nouns no addition is made to the verbal root. The augmented nouns are made by the addition...
2. Perfect Prime, i % in 8 1^ 1 i Augmented Prime, Perfect Prime, ^--^i-^-—^—5* & Augmented Prime. ^—i^— ^ Elementary Exercises. The...
Compound Quadruple measure has a primary accent Note. The tone C, which the Base, Tenor, Alto and Soprano have in common, is called Mid the fourth and...
Liquid Verbs {continued) — Liquid Verbs of Fourth Class — Accusative — L. LI. 213-217 228-234 oircor ttlB- LIT. 235-238 tfik after alaxvvofiai...
a> bD >» M o o PH• C a) bD H O *h •P p>q S3 H bo O ►-« •T3 EC # S3 O rO c3 s o m fc o o Q o o p © '5q iS £ «o *£3 boc >> ps ^2 bp _ tn...
Anabasis. Hom., Homer i^ApoU., Att., Attic. attr., attraction, aug., augment. B. 0., before CSirist. bef , before. to Apollo; II., prob., probably. Iliad;...
biography.biograplfeical biol.. .biology B.L. .Bachelor of Laws Bohem.... • Bohemian bot. ..botany, botanical Bp. .Bishop Br. ..Bromine Braz. .Brazilian...
approximately 29.75o N 48.83o E , with KAAOT located just to the northwest, at approximately 29.79o N 48.80o E (BP Port List, 2007). The locations of the oil terminals...
[ante biol. ....biology ■ meridiem] B.L.,.. .Bachelor of Laws A.M.Master of Arts Bohem. Am.Amos bot. Amer.America, -n Bp . anat.anatomy, anatomical Br. anc...