3 Talált eredmények "Fájl:German_Submarine_Zone_February_1915_after_Reynolds_et_al.jpg".

Fájl:German Submarine Zone February 1915 after Reynolds et al.jpg

image is a derivative work of the following images: File:German_Submarine_Zone_February_1915_SGW_Vol_V.png licensed with License, PD-1923 2009-02-07T10:03:50Z...

Fájl:German Submarine Zone February 1915 SGW Vol V.png

identified Permission (Reusing this file) Other versions Derivative works of this file:  German Submarine Zone February 1915 after Reynolds et al.jpg...

Fájl:Europe satellite image location map.jpg

Derivative works of this file: Europe satellite image location map Britain To Turkey.jpg German Submarine Zone February 1915 after Reynolds et al.jpg...