4 Talált eredmények "Fájl:JuanGris.Portrait_of_Picasso.jpg".

Fájl:JuanGris.Portrait of Picasso.jpg

  This file has been superseded by Juan Gris - Portrait of Pablo Picasso - Google Art Project.jpg. It is recommended to use the other file. Please note that...

Fájl:Juan Gris - Portrait of Pablo Picasso - Google Art Project.jpg

English Latin American Spanish Portrait de Pablo Picasso French Juan Gris - Portrait de Pablo Picasso...

Fájl:Juan gris, ritratto di pablo picasso, 1912, 01.jpg

Object type painting object_type QS:P31,Q3305213 Description English: European paintings in the Art Institute of Chicago...

Fájl:L'arbre biplan (1968) - Jean Dubuffet (1901 - 1985) (23420452431).jpg

Dubuffet's work was placed among the likes of Picasso, Braque, and Rouault at the gallery exhibit, and he was only one of two young artists to be honored in this...