following license: File:Lt hyperbolic functions 2.svg File:Lt hyperbolic illustration 1.svg File:Lt hyperbolic illustration 2.svg English author name string:...
following license: File:Lt hyperbolic functions 1.svg File:Lt hyperbolic illustration 1.svg File:Lt hyperbolic illustration 2.svg English author name string:...
\onlySlide*{1}{\hypertarget{gamma}{}$\Lambda$: alternative to hyperbolic trig functions} \fromSlide{2}{$\Lambda$: alternative to hyperbolic trig functions} \onlySlide*{2}{...
set ytics 0.02 set xzeroaxis lt -1 lc rgb "black" lw 1 # Draw the hyperbolic secant distribution's pdf unset key plot 1/((2*pi)**0.5)*exp(-0.5*(x+exp(-x)))...
names refer to en.wikipedia. 2006-03-14 11:08 Ktims 1600×1200×0 (32890 bytes) The graph of artanh(x). English determination method or standard: SHA-1...