DescriptionMission Dolores-29 (cropped).jpg English: Father Junipero Serra, (sculpture). Mission Dolores Date Taken on 24 June 2012, 04:44:05 Source Own...
DescriptionDolores Park in San Francisco (TK2) (cropped).JPG Dolores Park in San Francisco (TK2) Date 29 August 2016, 00:04:22 Source Own work Author...
has an extracted image: "Chinese Section" (page 86) of San Francisco area Home telephone directory (IA hometelephonedir1910homed) (page 324 crop).jpg....
DescriptionDolores Park in San Francisco (TK2).JPG Dolores Park in San Francisco (TK2) Date 29 August 2016, 00:04:22 Source Own work Author Tobias Kleinlercher...
Secret Service stamp in 1915 in the Polk-Husted Directory Co.'s Oakland, Berkeley and Alameda directory (IA polkhusteddirect1915polk) (page 1315 crop).jpg...
(Lago de Texcoco) December 1855 map from Harper's New Monthly Magazine Volume 12 December 1855 to May 1856 (IA harpersnew12harper) (page 34 crop).jpg...
San Francisco" detail, from- Register of the Department of California, Grand army of the republic, 1886 (IA registerofdepart00gran) (page 2 crop).jpg....
This file has an extracted image: Dorothy Bergner 1921 yearbook Goucher College (page 47 crop).jpg....