
Üdvözlöm, Ön a Modul:accel/doc szó jelentését keresi. A DICTIOUS-ban nem csak a Modul:accel/doc szó összes szótári jelentését megtalálod, hanem megismerheted az etimológiáját, a jellemzőit és azt is, hogyan kell a Modul:accel/doc szót egyes és többes számban mondani. Minden, amit a Modul:accel/doc szóról tudni kell, itt található. A Modul:accel/doc szó meghatározása segít abban, hogy pontosabban és helyesebben fogalmazz, amikor beszélsz vagy írsz. AModul:accel/doc és más szavak definíciójának ismerete gazdagítja a szókincsedet, és több és jobb nyelvi forráshoz juttat.

This module supports the accelerated entry creation gadget, WT:ACCEL. It automatically creates entries according to a set of language-specific rules, located in submodules.

The module will automatically try to merge multiple generated entries into one, if everything but the definitions is the same. Moreover, if the definitions use {{inflection of}}, then the inflection tags will be combined into a single {{inflection of}} definition line, separated by a semicolon ;. In addition, the module will attempt to group multiple semicolon-separated tag sets in a single {{inflection of}} call that differ in only one dimension, using multipart tags. For example, the following initially-generated entries


{{head|la|adjective form|head=bonīs}}

# {{inflection of|la|bonus||dat|m|p}}

{{head|la|adjective form|head=bonīs}}

# {{inflection of|la|bonus||dat|f|p}}

{{head|la|adjective form|head=bonīs}}

# {{inflection of|la|bonus||dat|n|p}}

{{head|la|adjective form|head=bonīs}}

# {{inflection of|la|bonus||abl|m|p}}

{{head|la|adjective form|head=bonīs}}

# {{inflection of|la|bonus||abl|f|p}}

{{head|la|adjective form|head=bonīs}}

# {{inflection of|la|bonus||abl|n|p}}

will first be grouped into one entry as follows:


{{head|la|adjective form|head=bonīs}}

# {{inflection of|la|bonus||dat|m|p}}
# {{inflection of|la|bonus||dat|f|p}}
# {{inflection of|la|bonus||dat|n|p}}
# {{inflection of|la|bonus||abl|m|p}}
# {{inflection of|la|bonus||abl|f|p}}
# {{inflection of|la|bonus||abl|n|p}}

Then, the several inflection lines will be combined together into one:


{{head|la|adjective form|head=bonīs}}

# {{inflection of|la|bonus||dat|m|p|;|dat|f|p|;|dat|n|p|;|abl|m|p|;|abl|f|p|;|abl|n|p}}

Finally, the several tag sets in the single {{inflection of}} call will be grouped into one tag set with multipart tags, like this:


{{head|la|adjective form|head=bonīs}}

# {{inflection of|la|bonus||dat//abl|m//f//n|p}}

The use of multipart tags like this helps by indicating where syncretism occurs and reduces the amount of information that must be processed. The algorithm to do the grouping is quite smart; it will only group when it won't change the semantics of the inflections, and there are multiple possible groupings that yield the same number of tag sets, the one with the fewest number of multipart tags is preferred. As an example of the latter, an entry like this::


{{head|la|adjective form|head=bonum}}

# {{inflection of|la|bonus||acc|m|s|;|nom|n|s|;|acc|n|s|;|voc|n|s}}

will be converted to the following:


{{head|la|adjective form|head=bonum}}

# {{inflection of|la|bonus||acc|m|s|;|nom//acc//voc|n|s}}

It could equally well be converted to the following, which also contains two tag sets:


{{head|la|adjective form|head=bonum}}

# {{inflection of|la|bonus||acc|m//n|s|;|nom//voc|n|s}}

However, this grouping is dispreferred because it results in two multipart tags, while the preferred grouping has only one.

Language-specific submodules

Default rules

The module uses a set of default rules which generate entries that should be acceptable in most cases:

  • The headword is formatted using {{head}}, using the part-of-speech of the lemma plus "form", e.g. noun → noun form, adjective → adjective form, etc.
    • For the tags comparative and superlative, "comparative" and "superlative" are added to before the part of speech instead.
  • The definition is formatted using {{inflection of}}, and the form tag is used directly as the form tag of the template. Thus, gen|s{{inflection of|lang|...||gen|s}}.
  • For some tags, a special-purpose template is used in the definition instead:

These defaults may change in the future as Wiktionary's needs change. Don't rely on particular default values. If in doubt, assume that everything will use {{inflection of}}, and override anything you want to be different.

Requesting new rules

First, consider whether new rules are needed at all. The default rules suffice for many cases, especially if you make sure to provide a value for the form tag that can be directly inserted into {{inflection of}}. If you really need language-specific rules, and are not able to edit the module yourself, please file requests for new features at the Grease Pit. Specify:

  1. What you want to generate the links for. That includes at least a link to the template whose links you want to make green.
  2. What the generated entries should look like. In particular, which headword-line template it should use, and which form-of template, which parameters they should receive in which situations, and so on. A link to a word that has blue links to all the forms in the template would work best, as an example.
  3. Ideally, a link to a word that has red links to all the forms. This is useful for testing to see if the generated entries are correct.

Adding new rules

Generation rules are used to create the entry's contents. The general parts are defined in this module, while the language-specific rules are handled by submodules. Each submodule must return a table containing one function named generate. This function has two parameters, params and entry, and it does not return any value.


The params parameter is a table that contains the information about the lemma, the form-of entry to be created, and the acceleration tags. It contains the following values:

The language code of the language in question.
The part of speech that the new entry is created for. This is taken from whatever part-of-speech header preceded the template in the lemma entry.
The name of the form. This is whatever was given in form-form-of as the form name.
The gender, or nil. Whatever was given in gender-gender as the gender.
The transliteration, or nil. Whatever was given in transliteration-translit as the transliteration.
The term that the new entry should link back to. If the origin-pagename tag was given, it will be that. Otherwise, it's the same as origin_pagename by default.
The page name of the lemma.
The origin_transliteration, or nil. Whatever was given in origin_transliteration-translit.
The form that the new entry is created for. This is taken automatically from the display form (alt) in the template's link to the form. It is used to give the head= parameter if necessary. This is the same as target_pagename in most cases, but can be different if the display form contains additional diacritics.
The page name of the entry to be created.


The entry parameter is essentially the return value of the function. It is a table that contains the different parts of the entry that is being created. Some of them will already have a default value when the language-specific function is run, while others are nil by default. The purpose of the generation function for each language is to fill in these values, or override the defaults, so that the entry is generated according to what is needed for the language. The entry table contains the following values:

The contents of the "Pronunciation" section, if any. Empty by default.
The name of the level 3 part-of-speech header for the new entry. This does not usually need to be changed, as it automatically matches the part of speech of the main entry. But you can change it if, for example, you are generating a participle entry and you want to show "Participle" instead of "Verb".
The headword template code and all its parameters. By default, it uses {{head|(lang)|(pos) form}}, with head= and tr= as necessary. You need to override this if you need something else.
The definition line, without the initial # . You must override this, as there is no default and the script will fail.
inflection, declension, conjugation
The contents of the "Inflection", "Declension" and "Conjugation" sections respectively, if any. Empty by default. This can be used if the new entry is a sub-lemma with its own inflection, such as participles or comparative/superlative forms that inflect themselves.
The contents of the "Mutation" section. Empty by default. This appears at level 3 rather than level 4.
The contents of the "Alternative forms" section. Empty by default. This appears after the definitions (rather than before, which is more common) and after the sections above (as per WT:EL).