
Üdvözlöm, Ön a Modul:labels szó jelentését keresi. A DICTIOUS-ban nem csak a Modul:labels szó összes szótári jelentését megtalálod, hanem megismerheted az etimológiáját, a jellemzőit és azt is, hogyan kell a Modul:labels szót egyes és többes számban mondani. Minden, amit a Modul:labels szóról tudni kell, itt található. A Modul:labels szó meghatározása segít abban, hogy pontosabban és helyesebben fogalmazz, amikor beszélsz vagy írsz. AModul:labels és más szavak definíciójának ismerete gazdagítja a szókincsedet, és több és jobb nyelvi forráshoz juttat.

This module supports Module:labels/templates, which in turn is used by the template {{label}}. See Module:labels/data and its submodules Module:labels/data/regional and Module:labels/data/topical for lists of defined labels, and for labels that are aliases (or "redirects") for other labels.

Many implementation details of this module are subject to change in the near future, so it should be considered under construction. This only affects the internals of the module and of the labels themselves, not the way it is used from within entries.

The module takes a list of labels and will process them as follows:

  1. If the label is listed in Module:labels/data or one of its submodules as an alias of another label, replace its name with the name it redirects to, and continue with the next steps.
  2. If the label is defined in Module:labels/data as a label, use that, as long as the label is not restricted to particular languages by the "language" or "languages" fields.
  3. Otherwise, just show the label's name unaltered.


A label specific to "grc" (Ancient Greek)
code result
{{label|grc|Attic}} (Attic)
{{label|en|Attic}} (Attic)


The following labels are found in both Module:labels/data/regional and Module:labels/data/subvarieties. The label data in Module:labels/data/subvarieties overrides the data in Module:labels/data/regional. If you would like the data in Module:labels/data/regional to be used by {{label}}, please move it to Module:labels/data/subvarieties.

  • Arvanitika
  • Cirebon
  • East Palatine
  • Hessian
  • Kölsch
  • Moselle Franconian
  • Pahang
  • Palatine German
  • Ripuarian
  • West Palatine

local m_labeldata = mw.loadData("Module:labels/data")
local m_utilities = require("Module:utilities")
local m_links = require("Module:links")

local export = {}

local function show_categories(data, lang, script, sort_key, script2, sort_key2, term_mode)
	local categories = {}
	local categories2 = {}
	local lang_code = lang:getCode()
	local canonical_name = lang:getCanonicalName()
	local topical_categories = data.topical_categories or {}
	local sense_categories = data.sense_categories or {}
	local pos_categories = data.pos_categories or {}
	local regional_categories = data.regional_categories or {}
	local plain_categories = data.plain_categories or {}
	for i, cat in ipairs(topical_categories) do
		table.insert(categories, lang_code .. ":" .. mw.getContentLanguage():ucfirst(cat))
		if script then
			table.insert(categories, canonical_name .. " - " .. cat .. " in " .. script .. " script")
		if script2 then
			table.insert(categories2, canonical_name .. " - " .. cat .. " in " .. script2 .. " script")
	for i, cat in ipairs(sense_categories) do
		cat = (term_mode and cat .. " szavak" ) or "szavak " .. cat .. " jelentéssel"
		table.insert(categories, canonical_name .. " " .. cat)
		if script then
			table.insert(categories, canonical_name .. " " .. cat .. " in " .. script .. " script")
		if script2 then
			table.insert(categories2, canonical_name .. " " .. cat .. " in " .. script2 .. " script")

	for i, cat in ipairs(pos_categories) do
		table.insert(categories, canonical_name .. " " .. cat)
		if script then
			table.insert(categories, canonical_name .. " " .. cat .. " in " .. script .. " script")
		if script2 then
			table.insert(categories2, canonical_name .. " " .. cat .. " in " .. script2 .. " script")
	for i, cat in ipairs(regional_categories) do
		table.insert(categories, cat .. " " .. canonical_name)
		if script then
			table.insert(categories, cat .. " " .. canonical_name .. " in " .. script .. " script")
		if script2 then
			table.insert(categories2, cat .. " " .. canonical_name .. " in " .. script2 .. " script")
	for i, cat in ipairs(plain_categories) do
		table.insert(categories, cat)
		if script then
			table.insert(categories, cat .. " in " .. script .. " script")
		if script2 then
			table.insert(categories2, cat .. " in " .. script2 .. " script")
	return	m_utilities.format_categories(categories, lang, sort_key) ..
			m_utilities.format_categories(categories2, lang, sort_key2)

function export.show_labels(labels, lang, script, script2, sort_key, sort_key2, nocat, term_mode)
	if not labels then
		if mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText == "Sablon" then
			labels = {"example"}
			error("You must specify at least one label.")
	-- Show the labels
	local omit_preComma = false
	local omit_postComma = true
	local omit_preSpace = false
	local omit_postSpace = true
	local lang_code = lang:getCode()
	local canonical_name = lang:getCanonicalName()
	local alias
	local already_seen = {}
	for i, label in ipairs(labels) do
		omit_preComma = omit_postComma
		omit_postComma = false
		omit_preSpace = omit_postSpace
		omit_postSpace = false
		local deprecated = false
		if m_labeldata.deprecated then
			deprecated = true
		if m_labeldata.aliases then
			alias = label
			label = m_labeldata.aliases
		if m_labeldata.deprecated then
			deprecated = true
		local data = m_labeldata.labels or {}
		if data.track then
			require("Module:debug").track("labels/label/" .. label)
			Do not use the data in the table if the current language
			is not in the "languages" list.
			If the original label was an alias, and was redirected to a label
			with a data file, go back to the original label.
			For example, suppose the label "Rome" is used with the language code "en" (English).
			"Rome" redirects to "Romanesco" in ].
			The only language in the "languages" list is "it" (Italian).
			Because the language code provided to the template was not "it",
			the label's data file will not be used,
			and the label will display as "Rome".
			tracking:	]
		local languages = data.languages
		if languages and not languages then
			mw.log("incorrect language in label template " .. lang_code .. ":" .. label)
			if alias and label ~= alias then
				mw.log("redirect undone in label template " .. lang_code .. ":" .. label .. " > " .. alias)
				label = alias
			data = {}
		if data.special_display then
			local function add_language_name(str)
				if str == "canonical_name" then
					return canonical_name
					return ""
			label = mw.ustring.gsub(data.special_display, "<(+)>", add_language_name)
				If data.glossary or data.Wikipedia are set to true, there is a glossary definition
				with an anchor identical to the label, or a Wikipedia article with a title
				identical to the label.
					For example, the code
						labels = {
							glossary = true,
					indicates that there is a glossary entry for "formal".
				Otherwise, data.glossary and data.Wikipedia specify the title or the anchor.
			if data.glossary then
				local glossary_entry = type(data.glossary) == "string" and data.glossary or label
				label = "]"
			elseif data.Wikipedia then
				Wikipedia_entry = type(data.Wikipedia) == "string" and data.Wikipedia or label
				label = "]"
				label = data.display or label
		local omit_comma = omit_preComma or data.omit_preComma
		omit_postComma = data.omit_postComma
		local omit_space = omit_preSpace or data.omit_preSpace
		omit_postSpace = data.omit_postSpace
		if deprecated then
			label = '<span class="deprecated-label">' .. label .. '</span>'
			if not nocat then
				label = label .. m_utilities.format_categories({ "Entries with deprecated labels" }, lang)
		local label_without_comma_or_space =
			(data.topical_categories or data.regional_categories
			or data.plain_categories or data.pos_categories
			or data.sense_categories) and label
			or nil
		label = (omit_comma and "" or '<span class="ib-comma">,</span>') ..
				(omit_space and "" or "&#32;") ..
		-- Track label text. If label text was previously used, don't show it,
		-- but include the categories.
		-- For an example, see ].
		if already_seen then
			labels = nocat and "" or
				show_categories(data, lang, script, sort_key, script2, sort_key2, term_mode)
			labels = label .. (
				nocat and "" or
				show_categories(data, lang, script, sort_key, script2, sort_key2, term_mode)
		if label_without_comma_or_space then
			already_seen = true
		"<span class=\"ib-brac\">(</span><span style=\"font-style: italic\">" ..
		table.concat(labels, "") ..
		"</span><span class=\"ib-brac\">)</span>"

return export