
Üdvözlöm, Ön a Szerkesztő:LinguisticMystic/ko/0 szó jelentését keresi. A DICTIOUS-ban nem csak a Szerkesztő:LinguisticMystic/ko/0 szó összes szótári jelentését megtalálod, hanem megismerheted az etimológiáját, a jellemzőit és azt is, hogyan kell a Szerkesztő:LinguisticMystic/ko/0 szót egyes és többes számban mondani. Minden, amit a Szerkesztő:LinguisticMystic/ko/0 szóról tudni kell, itt található. A Szerkesztő:LinguisticMystic/ko/0 szó meghatározása segít abban, hogy pontosabban és helyesebben fogalmazz, amikor beszélsz vagy írsz. ASzerkesztő:LinguisticMystic/ko/0 és más szavak definíciójának ismerete gazdagítja a szókincsedet, és több és jobb nyelvi forráshoz juttat.
Only Standard Seoul Korean, the official dialect of both North and South Koreas, is taken into account.


For further information, including the full final version of the list, read the Wikipedia article: Swadesh list.

American linguist Morris Swadesh believed that languages changed at measurable rates and that these could be determined even for languages without written precursors. Using vocabulary lists, he sought to understand not only change over time but also the relationships of extant languages. To be able to compare languages from different cultures, he based his lists on meanings he presumed would be available in as many cultures as possible. He then used the fraction of agreeing cognates between any two related languages to compute their divergence time by some (still debated) algorithms. Starting in 1950 with 165 meanings, his list grew to 215 in 1952, which was so expansive that many languages lacked native vocabulary for some terms. Subsequently, it was reduced to 207, and reduced much further to 100 meanings in 1955. A reformulated list was published posthumously in 1971.


No. English Korean
한국어 (Hankuke)
IPA Transcription
(Yale romanization of Korean)
1 I , nɑ, t͡ɕ⁽ʰʌ na, ce (humble)
2 you (singular) , nʌ, ni ne, ni
3 he , k⁽ʰɯ̽, kjɛ ku (literary), kyay (colloquial)
4 we 우리, 저희 uɾi, t͡ɕ⁽ʰʌhɰi wuli, cehuy (humble)
5 you (plural) 너희 nʌhɰi nehuy
6 they 그들, 걔네 k⁽ʰɯ̽dɯ̽l, kjɛne̞ kutul (literary), kyayney (colloquial)
7 this i i
8 that , k⁽ʰɯ̽, t͡ɕ⁽ʰʌ ku (medial), ce (distal)
9 here 여기 jʌgi yeki
10 there 거기, 저기 k⁽ʰʌgi, t͡ɕʌ̹ɡi keki (medial), ceki (distal)
11 who 누구, 누가 nugu, nugɑ nwukwu, nwuka (nominative)
12 what 무엇, 무슨 muʌ̹t̚, musʰɯn mwues (pronoun), mwusun (adnominal)
13 where 어디 ʌdi eti
14 when 언제 ˈɘːnd͡ʑe̞ encey
15 how 어떻게 ʌ̹t͈ʌ̹kʰe̞ etteh-key
16 not ɑn an
17 all 모든, 모두 modɯn, modu motun (adnominal), motwu (adverbial)
18 many 많다 maːntʰa manh-ta
19 some 어떤 ʌt͈ʌn etten
20 few 조금 t͡ɕogɯm cokum
21 other 다른 tɑɾɯ̽n talun
22 one 하나, hɑnɑ, hɑn hana (noun), han (adnominal)
23 two , tuːɭ, tuː twul (noun), twu (adnominal)
24 three , sʰe̞t̚, sʰe̞ seys (noun), sey (adnominal)
25 four , ne̞t̚, ne̞ neys (noun), ney (adnominal)
26 five 다섯 ta̠sʰʌ̹t̚ tases
27 big 크다 kʰɯdɑ khu-ta
28 long 길다 kildɑ kil-ta
29 wide 넓다 nʌ̹ɭt͈a̠ nelp-ta
30 thick 두껍다 tuk͈ʌ̹p̚t͈a̠ twukkeW-ta
31 heavy 무겁다 muɡʌ̹p̚t͈a̠ mwukeW-ta
32 small 작다 t͡ɕa̠k̚t͈a̠ cak-ta
33 short 짧다 t͡ɕ͈a̠ɭt͈a̠ ccalp-ta
34 narrow 좁다 t͡ɕo̞p̚t͈a̠ cop-ta
35 thin 얇다 ja̠ɭt͈a̠ yalp-ta
36 woman 계집, 여자 kje̞d͡ʑip̚, jʌ̹d͡ʑa̠ kyeycip (obsolete; derogatory), yeca (usual)
37 man (adult male) 사나이, 남자 sʰa̠na̠i, na̠md͡ʑa̠ sanai (archaic), namca (usual)
38 man (human being) 사람 sʰa̠ɾa̠m salam
39 child 아이, , 어린이 a̠i, e̞, ʌ̹ɾini ai, ay, elin-i (formal)
40 wife 아내, 마누라 a̠ne̞, ma̠nuɾa̠ anay, manwula
41 husband 지아비, 남편 t͡ɕia̠bi, na̠mpʰjʌ̹n ciapi (archaic), namphyen (usual)
42 mother 어머니, 엄마 ʌ̹mʌ̹ni, ʌ̹mma̠ emeni, emma (informal)
43 father 아버지, 아빠 a̠bʌ̹d͡ʑi, a̠p͈a̠ apeci, appa (informal)
44 animal 짐승, 동물 t͡ɕimsʰɯŋ, to̞ːŋmuɭ cimsung (dated), tongmwul (usual)
45 fish 물고기 muɭk͈o̞ɡi mwulkoki
46 bird sʰe̞ say
47 dog ke̞ː kay
48 louse i i
49 snake pe̞ːm paym
50 worm 벌레 pʌ̹ɭɭe̞ pelley
51 tree 나무 na̠mu namwu
52 forest sʰup̚ suph
53 stick 막대기 ma̠k̚t͈e̞ɡi maktayki
54 fruit 열매 jʌ̹ɭme̞ yelmay
55 seed ɕ͈i ssi
56 leaf ip̚ iph
57 root 뿌리 p͈uɾi ppwuli
58 bark (of a tree) 나무껍질 na̠muk͈ʌ̹p̚t͡ɕ͈iɭ namwu-kkepcil
59 flower k͈o̞t̚ kkoch
60 grass pʰuɭ phwul ('herbaceous plant')
61 rope 밧줄 pa̠t̚t͡ɕ͈uɭ pascwul
62 skin 살갗, 피부 sʰa̠ɭɡa̠t̚, pʰibu salkach, phipu
63 meat 고기 ko̞ɡi koki
64 blood pʰi phi
65 bone p͈jʌ̹ ppye
66 fat (noun) 기름 kiɾɯm kilum
67 egg a̠ɭ al
68 horn p͈uɭ ppwul
69 tail 꼬리 k͈o̞ɾi kkoli
70 feather 깃털 kit̚tʰʌ̹ɭ kisthel
71 hair tʰʌ̹ɭ thel
72 head 머리, 대가리 mʌ̹ɾi, te̞ɡa̠ɾi meli, taykali (of animals)
73 ear kɥi kwi
74 eye nun nwun
75 nose kʰo̞ kho
76 mouth , 주둥이 ip̚, t͡ɕuduŋi ip, cwutung.i (as of animals)
77 tooth , 이빨 i, ip͈a̠ɭ i, ippal (as of animals)
78 tongue (organ) çjʌ̹ hye
79 fingernail 손톱 sʰo̞ntʰo̞p̚ sonthop
80 foot pa̠ɭ pal
81 leg 다리 ta̠ɾi tali
82 knee 무릎 muɾɯp̚ mwuluph
83 hand sʰo̞n son
84 wing 날개 na̠ɭɡe̞ nalkay
85 belly pe̞ pay
86 guts 창자 t͡ɕʰaŋd͡ʑa changca
87 neck mo̞k̚ mok
88 back tɯŋ tung
89 breast 가슴 ka̠sʰɯm kasum
90 heart 염통, 심장 jʌ̹mtʰo̞ŋ, ɕʰimd͡ʑa̠ŋ yemthong (dated), simcang (usual)
91 liver kan kan
92 to drink 먹다, 마시다 mʌ̹k̚t͈a̠, ma̠ɕʰida̠ mek-ta, masi-ta
93 to eat 먹다 mʌ̹k̚t͈a̠ mek-ta
94 to bite 물다 muɭda̠ mwul-ta
95 to suck 빨다 p͈a̠ɭda̠ ppal-ta
96 to spit 뱉다 pe̞t̚t͈a̠ payth-ta
97 to vomit 게우다, 토하다 ke̞uda̠, tʰo̞ɦa̠da̠ keywu-ta (dated), tho-ha-ta (usual)
98 to blow 불다 puɭda̠ pwul-ta
99 to breathe 쉬다 ʃʰɥida̠ swi-ta
100 to laugh 웃다 ut̚t͈a̠ wus-ta
101 to see 보다 podɑ po-ta
102 to hear 듣다 tɯt̚t͈a̠ tut-ta
103 to know 알다 ɑlda al-ta
104 to think 헤아리다, 생각하다 he̞a̠ɾida̠, sʰɛŋɡa̠kʰa̠da̠ heali-ta, sayngkak (usual)
105 to smell 맡다 ma̠t̚t͈a̠ math-ta
106 to fear 두렵다, 무섭다 tuɾjʌ̹p̚t͈a̠, musʰʌ̹p̚t͈a̠ twulyeW-ta, mwuseW-ta
107 to sleep 자다 t͡ɕ⁽ʰ⁾ada ca-ta
108 to live 살다 s⁽ʰ⁾ɑldɑ sal-ta
109 to die 죽다 t͡ɕuk̚t͈a̠ cwuk-ta
110 to kill 죽이다 t͡ɕuɡida̠ cwuki-ta
111 to fight 다투다, 싸우다 ta̠tʰuda̠, s͈a̠uda̠ tathwu-ta, ssawu-ta
112 hunt (noun) 사냥 sʰa̠ɲja̠ŋ sanyang
113 to hit 치다, 때리다 t͡ɕʰida̠, t͈e̞ɾida̠ chi-ta, ttayli-ta
114 to cut 베다, 자르다 pe̞da̠, t͡ɕa̠ɾɯda̠ pey-ta, calu-ta
115 to split 가르다, 갈라지다 ka̠ɾɯda̠, ka̠ɭɭa̠d͡ʑida̠ kalu-ta (transitive), kallaci-ta (intransitive)
116 to stab 찌르다 t͡ɕ͈iɾɯda̠ ccilu-ta
117 to scratch 긁다 kɯk̚t͈a̠ kulk-ta
118 to dig 파다 pʰa̠da̠ pha-ta
119 to swim 헤엄치다 he̞ʌ̹mt͡ɕʰida̠ hey.em chi-ta
120 to fly 날다 na̠ɭda̠ nal-ta
121 to walk 걷다 kʌ̹t̚t͈a̠ keT-ta
122 to come 오다 o̞da̠ o-ta
123 to lie (as in a bed) 눕다 nup̚t͈a̠ nuW-ta
124 to sit 앉다 a̠nt͈a̠ anc-ta
125 to stand 서다 sʰʌ̹da̠ se-ta
126 to turn (intransitive) 돌다 to̞ɭda̠ tol-ta
127 to fall 떨어지다 t͈ʌ̹ɾʌ̹d͡ʑida̠ tteleci-ta
128 to give 주다 t͡ɕuda̠ cwu-ta
129 to hold 잡다 t͡ɕa̠p̚t͈a̠ capta
130 to squeeze 짜다 t͡ɕ͈a̠da̠ ccata
131 to rub 문지르다, 비비다 mund͡ʑiɾɯda̠, pibida̠ mwuncilu-ta, pipi-ta
132 to wash 씻다 ɕ͈it̚t͈a̠ ssis-ta
133 to wipe 닦다 ta̠k̚t͈a̠ takk-ta
134 to pull 끌다, 당기다 k͈ɯ̽ldɑ, ta̠ŋɡida̠ kkul-ta, tangki-ta
135 to push 밀다 mildɑ mil-ta
136 to throw 던지다 tʌ̹nd͡ʑida̠ tenci-ta
137 to tie 매다 mεdɑ may-ta
138 to sew 깁다 kip̚t͈a̠ kip-ta
139 to count 세다 s⁽ʰ⁾edɑ sey-ta
140 to say 말하다 ma̠ɾɦa̠da̠ mal-ha-ta
141 to sing 부르다, 노래하다 puɾɯda̠, no̞ɾe̞ɦa̠da̠ pulu-ta, nolay-ha-ta
142 to play 놀다 no̞ɭda̠ nol-ta
143 to float 뜨다 t͈ɯda̠ ttu-ta
144 to flow 흐르다 xɯɾɯda̠ hulu-ta
145 to freeze 얼다 ʌldɑ el-ta
146 to swell 붓다, 부풀다 put̚t͈a̠, pupʰuɭda̠ pus-ta, puphul-ta
147 sun hay
148 moon tɑl tal
149 star pjʌ̹ɭ pyel
150 water muɭ mwul
151 rain pi pi
152 river kaŋ kang
153 lake , 호수 mo̞t̚, ɸʷo̞sʰu mos (pond), hoswu (lake)
154 sea 바다 pa̠da̠ pata
155 salt 소금 sʰo̞ɡɯm sokum
156 stone , 바위 to̞ɭ, pa̠y tol (stone), pawi (rock)
157 sand 모래 mo̞ɾe̞ molay
158 dust 먼지 mʌ̹nd͡ʑi menci
159 earth (soil) xɯk̚ hulk
160 cloud 구름 kuɾɯm kulum
161 fog 안개 a̠nɡe̞ ankay
162 sky 하늘 ha̠nɯɭ hanul
163 wind 바람 pa̠ɾa̠m palam
164 snow nun nwun
165 ice 얼음 ʌ̹ɾɯm elum
166 smoke , 연기 ne̞, jʌ̹nɡi nay (dated), yenki (usual)
167 fire puɭ pwul
168 ash t͡ɕe̞ cay
169 to burn 타다 tʰɑdɑ tha-ta
170 road kiɭ kil
171 mountain sʰa̠n san
172 red 붉다, 빨갛다 puk̚t͈a̠, p͈a̠ɭɡa̠tʰa̠ pwulk-ta, ppalkah-ta
173 green 푸르다, 초록 pʰuɾɯda̠, t͡ɕʰo̞ɾo̞k̚ phwulu-ta, cholok
174 yellow 누르다, 노랗다 nuɾɯda̠, no̞ɾa̠tʰa̠ nwulu-ta, nolah-ta
175 white 희다, 하얗다 çida̠, ha̠ja̠tʰa̠ huy-ta, hayah-ta
176 black 검다, 까맣다 kʌ̹mt͈a̠, k͈a̠ma̠tʰa̠ kem-ta, kkamah-ta
177 night pa̠m pam
178 day na̠t̚ nac
179 year , he̞, ɲjʌ̹n hay, nyen
180 warm 덥다, 따뜻하다 tʌ̹p̚t͈a̠, t͈a̠t͈ɯtʰa̠da̠ teW-ta, ttatus-ha-ta
181 cold 춥다, 차다 t͡ɕʰup̚t͈a̠, t͡ɕʰa̠da̠ chup-ta (of the weather), cha-ta (of a tangible object)
182 full 차다, 가득 t͡ɕʰa̠da̠, ka̠dɯk̚ cha-ta, katuk (adverbial)
183 new , 새롭다 sʰe̞, sʰɛɾo̞p̚t͈a̠ say(-low-ta)
184 old , 오래되다 je̞t̚, o̞ɾe̞dwe̞da̠ yeys, olay-toy-ta
185 good 좋다 t͡ɕo̞tʰa̠ coh-ta
186 bad 나쁘다 na̠p͈ɯda̠ nappu-ta
187 rotten 썩다 s͈ʌ̹k̚t͈a̠ ssek-ta
188 dirty 더럽다 tʌ̹ɾʌ̹p̚t͈a̠ teleW-ta
189 straight 곧다 ko̞t̚t͈a̠ kot-ta
190 round 둥글다 tuŋɡɯɭda̠ twungkul-ta
191 sharp (as a knife) 날카롭다, 뾰족하다 na̠ɭkʰa̠ɾo̞p̚t͈a̠, p͈jod͡ʑo̞kʰa̠da̠ nal-khaloW-ta (sharp), ppyocok-ha-ta (pointed)
192 dull (as a knife) 무디다 mudida̠ mwuti-ta
193 smooth 부드럽다 pudɯɾʌ̹p̚t͈a̠ pwutuleW-ta
194 wet 젖다 t͡ɕʌ̹t̚t͈a̠ cec-ta
195 dry 마르다 ma̠ɾɯda̠ malu-ta
196 correct 맞다 ma̠t̚t͈a̠ mac-ta
197 near 가깝다 ka̠k͈a̠p̚t͈a̠ kakkaW-ta
198 far 멀다 mʌ̹ɭda̠ mel-ta
199 right 오른() o̞ɾɯn(-t͡ɕ͈o̞k̚) olun(-ccok)
200 left () we̞n(-t͡ɕ͈o̞k̚) oyn(-ccok)
201 at 에서 -e̞sʰʌ̹ -eyse
202 in , -e̞, a̠n-e̞ -ey, an-ey
203 with , 으로 -(ɯ)ɾo̞ -(u)lwo (instrumental)
204 and , , -, -이랑, - -(k)wa̠, -(i)ɾa̠ŋ, -go̞ -(k)wa, -(i)lang (nouns), -ko (verbs)
205 if - -mjʌ̹n -myen
206 because -, 때문에 -ni, t͈e̞mune̞ -ni(kka), ttaymwun-ey
207 name 이름 iɾɯ̽m ilum
208 house t͡ɕip̚ cip
209 wall , ta̠m, pjʌ̹k̚ tam, pyek
210 deer 사슴 sʰa̠sʰɯm sasum
211 mouse t͡ɕy cwi
212 rabbit 토끼 tʰo̞k͈i thokki
213 eagle 수리 sʰuɾi swuli
214 spider 거미 kʌ̹mi kemi
215 face 얼굴 ʌ̹ɭɡuɭ elkwul
216 body mo̞m mom
217 navel 배꼽 pe̞k͈o̞p̚ paykkop
218 finger 손가락 sʰo̞nk͈a̠ɾa̠k̚ son-kalak
219 sick
아프다 a̠pʰɯda̠ aphu-ta
220 needle 바늘 pa̠nɯɭ panul
221 clothing o̞t̚ os
222 thunder 천둥 t͡ɕʰʌ̹nduŋ chentwung
223 lightning 번개 pʌ̹nɡe̞ penkay
224 above y uy
225 below 아래 a̠ɾe̞ alay
226 to cough 깇다, 기침하다 kit̚t͈a̠, kit͡ɕʰimɦa̠da̠ kich-ta (North Korean), kich-im-ha-ta
227 to buy 사다 sʰa̠da̠ sa-ta
228 to choose 고르다 ko̞ɾɯda̠ kolu-ta
229 to grow 자라다 t͡ɕa̠ɾa̠da̠ cala-ta
230 to open 열다 jʌ̹ɭda̠ yel-ta
231 to steal 훔치다 ɸʷumt͡ɕʰida̠ hwumchi-ta
232 to dream 꾸다 k͈uda̠ kkwu-ta
233 to cry 울다 uɭda̠ wul-ta
234 to yawn 하품하다 ha̠pʰumɦa̠da̠ haphwum-ha-ta
235 to cook 요리하다, 굽다 joɾiɦa̠da̠, kup̚t͈a̠ yoli-ha-ta, kuW-ta (to bake)
236 six 여섯 jʌ̹sʰʌ̹t̚ yeses
237 seven 일곱 iɭɡo̞p̚ ilkop
238 eight 여덟 jʌ̹dʌ̹ɭ yetelp
239 nine 아홉 a̠βo̞p̚ ahop
240 ten jʌ̹ɭ yel