DescriptionDanger Polar Bear.jpg Italiano: Il cartello avvisa la popolazione che oltre questo limite è necessario muoversi muniti di arma idonea Date...
DescriptionStop - Polar Bear Danger.jpg English: Stop - Polar Bear Danger - Do not walk beyond this sign without a weapon Deutsch: Halt - Gefahr durch...
DescriptionPolar-Bear-Warning-Longyearbyen.jpg English: A road sign just outside Longyearbyen, Spitzbergen, Norway, warning of danger of meeting polar bears. "Gjelder...
DescriptionPolar bear sign Ny-Alesund.JPG Italiano: Cartello di avviso contro per il pericolo di orsi polari a Ny-Ålesund English: Warning sign for the danger of...
S^5^T::_ ' ■ — !| 22501474847 HP/ ^iii^ t 1 39^t '■^o /I#1 jpg • la 1^3 J * / p PHOi Jrihii fciftfriLK 75 CEORCfc 5^ EUSTON SO?\ Digitized...
signature - In the Lena Delta; a narrative of the search for Lieut.-Commander De Long and his companions (IA inlenadeltanarra01melv) (page 6 crop).jpg....
This file has an extracted image: Joseph Turnley in Language of the Eye (page 8 crop).jpg....
This file has an extracted image: INTERIOR OF A RUSSIAN INN The Boy Travellers in the Russian Empire (page 375 crop).jpg....
Collision with the iceberg The last cruise of the Miranda. A record of Arctic adventure (IA lastcruiseofmira00wals) (page 6 crop).jpg...