* Automatically create form-of entries based on meta-data within entries.
* See ] for information.
* Entry creation rules per language are located at ].
* The starting point of the whole script.
* This adds a hook to the page load event so that the script runs
* and processes the accelerated links once the page is done loading.
jQuery.getScript('//nl.wiktionary.orghttps://nl.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?action=raw&title=Gebruiker:Annabel/Kladblok/User:Conrad.Irwin/creationrules.js&ctype=text/javascript&smaxage=21600&maxage=86400', function () {
// Don't do anything unless the current page is in the main namespace.
if (wgNamespaceNumber && wgPageName != 'WikiWoordenboek:Zandbak')
// Find all the links that are marked as accelerated.
// Then go over each red link and see if we can "enhance" it into a green link.
poss = find_form_of_spans ();
for (var i = 0;i<poss.length; i++)
var link = find_red_link (poss);
if (link)
// We can enhance this link, let's do it.
process_link (poss.className.replace(/(^| +)form-of( +|$)/,'').split(' '), link);
link.style.color = '#22CC00';
// We didn't manage to process the link; something must be wrong.
// Show dotted underline under the link instead to indicate this.
link.style.borderBottom = '2px dashed #22CC00';
} );
* Recursively find anything tagged with the "form-of" class.
function find_form_of_spans ()
if (typeof(document.getElementsByClassName) == 'function')
return document.getElementsByClassName('form-of');
var spans = document.getElementsByTagName ('span');
var form_ofs = new Array ();
for (var i=0; i<spans.length; i++)
if (spans.className.match(/(^| +)form-of( +|$)/))
form_ofs.push (spans);
return form_ofs;
* Recursively find first red link in "form-of" spans.
* FIXME: would be better to return an array as multiple params often occur
function find_red_link (span)
var poss = span.firstChild;
while (poss)
if(poss.nodeType == 1)
if (poss.nodeName.toUpperCase () == 'A' && poss.className.indexOf('new') >= 0)
return poss;
else if (recurse = find_red_link(poss))
return recurse;
poss = poss.nextSibling;
return null;
* Convert a raw red link into a snazzy green one.
function process_link (details, link)
// First, gather all the information that was given in the span's class.
var params = get_params(details, link);
// Now build a new "green link" URL to replace the original red link with
var workerHref = '';
// First, try to create an entry "internally".
if (preload = get_preload_text(params))
workerHref = '&preloadtext=' + encodeURIComponent(preload);
throw new Error('Unable to process link: "' + details + '"');
// Did we manage to generate a form-of entry?
// Then replace the link's URL.
link.href +=
'&editintro=User:Conrad.Irwin/creation.js/intro' + workerHref
+ '&summary=' + encodeURIComponent('Creating ' + params.form + ' form of ] (])' )
+ '&preloadminor=true';
// Get the parameters from the span's class
function get_params(details, link)
// Default values
var params = {
lang: null,
pos: get_part_of_speech(link),
form: null,
gender: null,
transliteration: null,
origin: wgTitle,
origin_pagename: wgTitle,
origin_transliteration: null,
target: link.innerText || link.textContent,
target_pagename: link.innerText || link.textContent // TODO
// Go over each value and add it
for (var i = 0; i < details.length; i++)
if (details.match(/(^| +)lang-(+)( +|$)/))
params.lang = RegExp.$2;
else if (details.match(/(^| +)(+)-form-of( +|$)/))
params.form = RegExp.$2;
else if (details.match(/(^| +)gender-((+|c)(pl)?)( +|$)/))
params.gender = RegExp.$2;
else if (details.match(/(^| +)transliteration-(.+)( +|$)/))
params.transliteration = unAnchorEncode(RegExp.$2);
else if (details.match(/(^| +)origin_transliteration-(.+)( +|$)/))
params.origin_transliteration = unAnchorEncode(RegExp.$2);
else if (details.match(/(^| +)origin-(.+)( +|$)/))
params.origin = unAnchorEncode(RegExp.$2);
return params;
// Exception class
function PreloadTextError(message)
this.name = 'PreloadTextError';
this.message = message;
PreloadTextError.prototype = new Error();
PreloadTextError.prototype.constructor = PreloadTextError;
function unAnchorEncode(x)
return decodeURI(x.replace(/\./g, '%').replace(/_/g, '%20'));
//The part of speech, normally determined by other means.
function get_part_of_speech (link)
// Acceleration can be added to inflection tables too.
// This tells the search script to skip headers with these names.
var skipheaders = ;
var node = link;
while (node.previousSibling)
node = node.previousSibling;
if (node.nodeType == 1 && node.nodeName.match(/^$/))
var header = $( node ).find( ".mw-headline" ).text().replace(/^* /,'').toLowerCase();
if (skipheaders.indexOf(header) == -1)
return header;
node = node.parentNode;
throw new Error('This entry seems to be formatted incorrectly. Does it have a language and part-of-speech header?');