story of actual experiences in Ento (Mars) many centuries ago Author Sara Weiss Title Decimon Hûydas : a romance of Mars : a story of actual experiences...
This file has an extracted image: Sara Weiss (page 9 crop).jpg....
Il buon cuore - Anno IX, n. 10 - 5 marzo 1910 (page 2 crop).jpg...
extracted image: Basketball team in 1899 - Annual catalogue of the Indiana Normal School of Pennsylvania (IA annualcatalogueo1899indi) (page 110 crop).jpg....
file has an extracted image: "Room numbers of departments and points of interest" map - from, Catalog ... (IA catalog196364univ) (page 174 crop).jpg....
This file has an extracted image: Il buon cuore - Anno XIV, n. 16 - 17 aprile 1915 (page 1 crop).jpg....
This file has an extracted image: Rafer Johnson (IA southerncampus1963univ) (page 516 crop).jpg....
Deutsch: [Porträt von Sara Spörlin-Merian] ( ) Artist unknown author Title Deutsch: [Porträt von Sara Spörlin-Merian] Description Deutsch: Reproduktion...