10 "Ficheiro:SydneyUniversity_MainBuilding_Tower.jpg".

Ficheiro:SydneyUniversity MainBuilding Tower.jpg

DescriptionSydneyUniversity MainBuilding Tower.jpg English: Main Building and Great Hall of The University of Sydney taken from the front lawns. Through...

Ficheiro:SydneyUniversity MainQuadrangle panorama 270.jpg

2704 1951 1664 15150 4500 Great Hall 6685 756 1515 3706 15150 4500 Clock tower 9904 3025 1894 1248 15150 4500 Jacaranda mimosifolia in bloom 12991 2212...

Ficheiro:SydneyUniversity MainBuilding Panorama (2).jpg

This file has an extracted image: SydneyUniversity MainBuilding Tower.jpg....

Ficheiro:SydneyUniversity MainQuadrangle panorama 270 shadowlift.jpg

2704 1951 1664 15150 4500 Great Hall 6685 756 1515 3706 15150 4500 Clock tower 9904 3025 1894 1248 15150 4500 Jacaranda mimosifolia in bloom 12991 2212...

Ficheiro:SydneyUniversity MainQuadrangle panorama.jpg

14151 4500 Jacaranda tree in bloom 5200 780 1415 3561 14151 4500 Clock Tower 15 3005 882 1316 11960 4500 Great Hall 3065 733 1331 3633 11960 4500 Clocktower...

Ficheiro:Victoria Daily Times (1901-10-10) (IA victoriadailytimes19011010).pdf

(1901-10-10)   (  ) Title Victoria Daily Times (1901-10-10) Publisher University of Victoria Description Historic newspaper from British Columbia - Canada...

Ficheiro:The last cruise of the Miranda. A record of Arctic adventure (IA lastcruiseofmira00wals).pdf

Collision with the iceberg The last cruise of the Miranda. A record of Arctic adventure (IA lastcruiseofmira00wals) (page 6 crop).jpg...

Ficheiro:The Street railway journal (IA streetrailwayj271906newy).pdf

Marbled paper - from The Street Railway Journal (IA streetrailwayj271906newy) (page 3 crop).jpg...

Ficheiro:Trinity ivy yearbook 1911.pdf

Clarence Edgar Sherman 1911 (page 66 crop).jpg...

Ficheiro:Isles of the East - an illustrated guide - Australia, New Guinea, Java, Sumatra (IA cu31924010584682).pdf

file has an extracted image: Isles of the East - an illustrated guide - Australia, New Guinea, Java, Sumatra (IA cu31924010584682) (page 1 crop).jpg....