Birgit Müller (WMDE) 14h54min de 7 de maio de 2018 (UTC)
Sorry for writing in English. Feel free to translate the content of this message below.
After several years discussing about it, and one year of development and discussion with the communities, the development team of Wikimedia Germany has now released the first version of lexicographical data support on Wikidata.
Since the start of Wikidata in 2012, the multilingual knowledge base was mainly focused on concepts: Q-items are related to a thing or an idea, not to the word describing it. Starting now, Wikidata stores a new type of data: words, phrases and sentences, in many languages, described in many languages. This information will be stored in new types of entities, called Lexemes, Forms and Senses.
The goal of lexicographical data on Wikidata is to provide a structured and machine-readable way to describe words and phrases in multiple languages, stored in a same place, reusable under CC-0. In the near future, this data will be available for Wiktionaries and other projects to reuse, as much as you want to.
For now, we’re at the first steps of this project: the new data structure has been released on Wikidata, and we’re looking for people to try it, and give us feedback on what is working or not. Participating to this project is the opportunity for you to have a voice in it, to make sure that your needs and requests are taken in account very early in the process, and to start populating Wikidata with words in your language!
Here’s how you can try lexicographical data on Wikidata:
In any case, feel free to contact me if you have a question or problem, I’ll be very happy to help.
Cheers, Lea Lacroix (WMDE) 12h20min de 23 de maio de 2018 (UTC)
A Predefinição:cont está pulando uma linha indevidamente. Eu tentei uma pequena modificação hoje mas não resolveu o problema. Se alguém achar que pode consertar, por favor, dê uma olhada. Obrigado!
--Valdir Jorge fala!
13h34min de 24 de maio de 2018 (UTC)