DescriptionSv-dum.ogg English: Pronunciation of word "dum" in Swedish. Female voice. Speaker from Gotland, Sweden. Date 12 July 2007 Source The Shtooka...
uncp coniecit, similiter Hartung, nisi quod oggu kcck' scripsit. Fort. : ogg' ul'g%q', r)v xl nu&rj, yiyvsxai ccvSql ■nuv.m. — %u-au, B supra
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Author Alvarez, Joaquín, S.I. Title Humanitis operae quas, dum in Seminario Carmonensi Provinciae Baeticae Societatis Jesu humaniores litteris vacaret...
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simiglianza del vero, c n la convenienzi a d'alcune occulte condizioni applicate a ogg tti diversi imi, dar forma e pirito a quelle cose che ne on prive di sua...
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