en:Image:Cyprus SBAsInRed.PNG English German Karte der Insel Zypern mit gekennzeichneten britischen Militärbasen Akrotiri und Dekelia applies to jurisdiction:...
harta.PNG Cy-map-ja.png 日本語 Cypernkarta svenska.PNG svenska Cyprus BufferZoneInBlue.png Cyprus SBAsInRed.png Cyprus-administration-map-german.PNG Deutsch...
2008 2008-04-05T06:05:34Z Hoshie 2100x1525 (131867 Bytes) added the UK SBAs on Cyprus 2008-03-22T21:58:25Z Nightstallion 2100x1525 (131807 Bytes) Reverted...
Martin, Yns Mon (Anglesey), the Isle of Wight. the Chagos (BIOT), SBAs on Cyprus, and Lough Neagh in NI. under same lic. as before. 2007-09-08T03:16:35Z...
Martin, Yns Mon (Anglesey), the Isle of Wight. the Chagos (BIOT), SBAs on Cyprus, and Lough Neagh in NI. under same lic. as before. 2007-09-08T03:16:35Z...
Martin, Yns Mon (Anglesey), the Isle of Wight. the Chagos (BIOT), SBAs on Cyprus, and Lough Neagh in NI. under same lic. as before. 2007-09-08T03:16:35Z...