10 Nalezeny výsledky pro "Soubor:De-Zeder.ogg".


DescriptionDe-Zeder.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German term "Zeder". Male voice, recorded by native German speaker from Berlin, Germany. Deutsch:...

Soubor:Javasche courant 11-10-1828 (IA ddd 010502517 mpeg21).pdf

De Minister van Slaat , Kommissaris Generaal over Nederlandse/i Indië, Gezien het advies van de Indische Regering, (missive Gouverneur Generaal, de dato...

Soubor:Human parasites - a manual of reference to all the known species of entozoa and ectozoa which (excluding the microphytic, confervoid, and simple sarcodic organisms) are found infesting man (IA b21911824).pdf

Bologna, 1881). di 2. Distoma lanceolatum, Syn. —D. hepaticum, Mehlis. Zeder Dicroca'liim, Bujardin ciola^ Bloch and Rudolphi and Woinlandj Faa-...

Soubor:OF the Strength of Acids, and the Proportion of Ingredients in Neutral Salts (IA jstor-30078662).pdf

quantity .Ifound fourteen hours itsfpecific 80, gravity, , to temperature bei,ogg. The whole was weight 1384 grs. ITEEN took ofdinedwater, and 720grs. adding...

Soubor:Vertical replenishment airlift platform for the 21st century- an analysis using the Simulation Mobility Modeling and Analysis Toolbox (SMMAT) (IA verticalreplenis109457581).pdf

Aerospace Corpor ation . Original l y designed to prov i de external lift capacity to the l ogg i ng indus t ry, Kaman proposes to l ease a package of...

Soubor:FEDLINK - United States Federal Collection (IA listsofpublicati145unit).pdf

Water-insoluble esters and amides. By C. D. Badgett, Provost, Jr., Clyde L. Ogg, and C,F. Woodward. _Amer. Nicotinic' acid. Raymond C . ; Chem. Soc...

Soubor:Editorial Note (IA jresv68Dn5Editorial).pdf

Tropospheri c p ropa gation aff ecting sp ace communicatio ns. D .C. H ogg _______________ _ 4.1. R efr active effects _____________________ _ 4.2....

Soubor:Environmental impact statement on the Hudson River PCB reclamation demonstration project, supplemental draft, August, 1981 - USACE-p16021coll7-22233.pdf

coll ection and storage syster11 to impr ove operations. and to avold c l ogg l ng and buildup of leachate withi n t he s ite. 6. Provis1on for storage...

Soubor:Publications and patents of the Eastern Utilization Research Branch - July - December 1955 (IA publicationspate7362unit).pdf

1 W C i -6- 951, Parker, Winfred E „, Ricciuti. Constantine. Ogg. C. L.. , and Swern, PREPARATION, CHARACTERIZATION AND PO LA ROGRA PH...

Soubor:Ommelander courant 11-09-1801 (IA ddd 010215450 mpeg21).pdf

de de is g Dblfzyl den 8 September 1801. de Koorn-Beurs, te Amfterdam, van den 8 September, die wy -&an ORZB lazeren voor echt mededelen. 3 7 ogg,...