DescriptionDe-Zeder.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German term "Zeder". Male voice, recorded by native German speaker from Berlin, Germany. Deutsch:...
De Minister van Slaat , Kommissaris Generaal over Nederlandse/i Indië, Gezien het advies van de Indische Regering, (missive Gouverneur Generaal, de dato...
Bologna, 1881). di 2. Distoma lanceolatum, Syn. —D. hepaticum, Mehlis. Zeder Dicroca'liim, Bujardin ciola^ Bloch and Rudolphi and Woinlandj Faa-...
quantity .Ifound fourteen hours itsfpecific 80, gravity, , to temperature bei,ogg. The whole was weight 1384 grs. ITEEN took ofdinedwater, and 720grs. adding...
Aerospace Corpor ation . Original l y designed to prov i de external lift capacity to the l ogg i ng indus t ry, Kaman proposes to l ease a package of...
Water-insoluble esters and amides. By C. D. Badgett, Provost, Jr., Clyde L. Ogg, and C,F. Woodward. _Amer. Nicotinic' acid. Raymond C . ; Chem. Soc...
Tropospheri c p ropa gation aff ecting sp ace communicatio ns. D .C. H ogg _______________ _ 4.1. R efr active effects _____________________ _ 4.2....
coll ection and storage syster11 to impr ove operations. and to avold c l ogg l ng and buildup of leachate withi n t he s ite. 6. Provis1on for storage...
1 W C i -6- 951, Parker, Winfred E „, Ricciuti. Constantine. Ogg. C. L.. , and Swern, PREPARATION, CHARACTERIZATION AND PO LA ROGRA PH...
de de is g Dblfzyl den 8 September 1801. de Koorn-Beurs, te Amfterdam, van den 8 September, die wy -&an ORZB lazeren voor echt mededelen. 3 7 ogg,...