DescriptionDisambiguation systems.pdf Graphical representation of possible disambiguation systems. See nl:Wikipedia:Doorverwijsconstructies Date 13 April...
DescriptionPoster valhallasw wikimania 2008.pdf English: Valhallasw's poster for Wikimania 2008 Source Own work by uploader; several images from commons...
DescriptionWikimania2006 CL1.pdf Disambiguation: The key to information architecture? presentation slides Date 5 August 2006 Source Wikimania 2006 Author...
DescriptionWikimania2009-WikiWord-Paper.pdf Research paper about the extraction of a multilingual thesaurus from Wikipedia, as presented at Wikimania...
DescriptionWikipediaSpace-WS2-Editing-v1.pdf English: Overview of editing in Wikipedia Posters for Wikipedia Space at the National Archives, by Andrew...
DescriptionPost-main-sequence planetary system evolution.pdf English: Veras, Dimitri (2016). "Post-main-sequence planetary system evolution". Royal Society Open...
DescriptionWikiCite 2020 - Enrichissement automatique des données bibliographiques.pdf Français : Ce sont les diapositives intitulées "Enrichissement automatique...
DescriptionWRN 2012.pdf English: Full text of the Wikimedia Research Newsletter, Vol. 2 (2012). Date 27 February 2013, 11:36:10 Source Own work Author...
Library of Scotland Wikisource Project Validating and Transcluding Guide.pdf English: Validating and Transcluding Guide for the National Library of Scotland's...
DescriptionFrieda Brioschi - Open Knowledge Management - The wiki way - ECKM 09.pdf English: Presentation slides for ECKM 09. Date 4 September 2009 Source private...