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appointed of the conunittee. Mr. Mebane presented the petition of John B Ogg, of the borough of Norfolk, and State of Virginia, praying that certain military...
en aan den Commandant van het Fort de Haak daarvan ktnnis gaf, met verzoek 6m adfiftentie. Dit had ten gevolge, dat gezegde Commandant enige Minfchappen...
tdem -isjponé 4 sjpggl, -_ 4 9 <<L 14:». 7pn. -^, 4ioêliaft .Mrpond»*3 oggL d Bgl.lgft.l4pß. |-olmJ*' a ÏÏ" *^PrunlVcheßSfga 4 sS.l9ft.lapn. ? ond.:è'...
Burns. John Skiner. Moses Fream. Tobias Rirson. Philip Smith. George (?)ogg. Abr'm McClintack. Adam Maers. Peter Augenstein. Jacob Storms. Jacob Smith...
M r ^ ^ I o g g ; T. M a in w a rin g . E sq ; J . H ogg, E sq ; M asters H ogg an d Miss H ogg. O b t h e 28th November, in Lat. lO" 4' N . th e M a...
-i23pond i 3 85 ggi *i6gl. 6fl opl. 14* 19ft 9PI0 ."* * Boven!, N idem -iaöpond oggL i 4ï 3S " 114g1.16ft.14p1. 3 gLi3ft. 3 pï. Ji3 g), Bft. spl. -124 pond <...
n k . The Bishop of Calcutta left Bombay oil Lieutenant Colonel Commandant Adain K ogg in Council is pleased to make the following ap Monday, under the...
YCUrli ' M ELDERg. ooiraREOATioiTs. -William Brown Alex. Saltfleet Ogg.. and BInbrook. George 8m6iiie;„:;„:;:;::;::;:::;;:;;>xiex:D*ie;;i^r:::::::::3::::^...
Pruisfifche Rogge .131 pond 4 335 ggl *99 aft "pn. t 9gl.ioft dV —> -.ii7pond 4 a-óggL è ggl. Bft opn. ogL *ft. 400. *—— idJm "*" « «gl i Bgl. oft spn. -ii4oond...