DescriptionNo 45.jpg English: The numbers 45, tilted like a swastika, behind the 'no' symbol 🚫. Date 14 August 2017 Source Author...
1071 45 45 4531 1983 Gottvaterspitze 2.438m 1710 1110 45 45 4531 1983 Schafgufel 3778 1042 45 45 4531 1983 Steintälikopf 2.443m 901 1490 45 45 4531 1983...
55 4000 1810 "CORPORATION OF CHENNAI" 1880 540 280 45 4000 1810 "சென்னை மாநகராட்சி" 2070 1070 45 40 4000 1810 "1913" 2025 1110 135 40 4000 1810 "RIPON...
1759 1178 64 45 3032 2007 English: Reflected Camera Deutsch: Die gespiegelte Kamera فارسی: انعکاس دوربین English applies to jurisdiction: United States...
English start time: 5 October 2012 heading: 45 degree...
File:Emirates A380 2.JPG 194 560 74 154 4569 1770 File:Ahu Ko te Riku.jpg 320 440 246 234 4569 1770 File:Erdfunkstelle Raisting 2.jpg 720 240 200 554 4569...
1925 293 30 34 3008 2000 Säntis 1361 312 45 34 3008 2000 Altmann 1057 395 30 30 3008 2000 Hoher Kasten 436 474 30 30 3008 2000 Churfirsten English determination...
name string: Ikiwaner Wikimedia username: Ikiwaner object of statement has role: photographer heading: 45 degree determination method or standard: SHA-1...
4000 1890 / W-BOVGVEREAV English Gabrielle Cot, daughter of Pierre Auguste Cot (1890). Oil on canvas, 45.5 × 38 cm (17.9 × 15 in). Private collection...
org/wiki/user:Richard_Bartz object of statement has role: photographer Wikimedia username: Richard Bartz heading: 45 degree determination method or standard: SHA-1...