using * symmetry * openMP draw parabolic Julia set and saves it to pgm file period TurnOffset 5 0.17298227404701 6 0.04 7 0.092 gcc t.c -lm -Wall -fopenmp...
local dynamic ) This c program can draw parabolic Julia sets for internal angle ( rotation number) from 1/2 to 1/15. One has only to change value of iPeriodChild...
openMP It uses modified DEM method (different from Milnor's) to draw parabolic julia sets gcc t.c -lm -Wall -fopenmp -march=native time ./a.out File s1000000f1...
function) and 42 text files ( for info and debug) Numerical approximation of parabolic Julia set for fc(z)= z^2 + c iPeriodParent = 1 iPeriodOfChild = 20 parameter... c console progam using * symmetry * openMP draw parabolic Julia set and saves it to pgm file gcc t.c -lm -Wall -fopenmp -march=native...
---------------------*/ free(data); free(edge); return 0; } English Parabolic Julia set for internal angle 1/3 = fat Douady rabbit URL: https://commons.wikimedia... c console progam using * symmetry * openMP draw julia sets gcc i.c -lm -Wall -fopenmp...
filled Julia set From decomposition to checkerboard Parabolic orbits insidse upper main chessboard box Visualisation of Siegel disk I, the copyright holder...
English External rays and critical orbit landing on the parabolic fixed point for internal angle t=5 /11 author name string: Soul windsurfer Wikimedia username:...
org/pdf/1510.00043v2.pdf Parabolic and near-parabolic renormalizations for local degree three by Fei Yang B3 is a Blaschke product whose Julia set is the unit circle...