DescriptionSv-rest.ogg English: Pronunciation of word "rest" (en rest) in Swedish. Female voice. Speaker from Gotland, Sweden. Date 12 July 2007 Source...
ono empty. ono with throo oggs, four with one ogg. ^ (S) « 13. *^Tvo nosts, ono with ono, tho oth r ’with throo oggs. Tho first was built precisely...
molasses, sv/eotpotato, (grated Just before -o^ing) raid Sift together rest of dry' orange rind. ingrcdiont 3; add alternately v/ith mill-c to sv/oet'pbt...
15, " He dipped it in water,^^ £/3a-4^£v sv Toj udari; Psalm Ixviii. 23, "That thy foot ii. ogg/j may sv be dipped in the blood of thine enemies,"...
alive.”—Execution of Six of Mosby’s Men. 315 CHAPTER XLI. Adventures of Ogg, the Scout, in Prison and out of it.—Heroism of Mrs Scott and her little...
vrould ask this: wouldn't such a culling have a Tsad effect on our ogg supply? PIOl: ilo, TDccause the proportion of hens that need to aTjOut...
rar? ^fcts, Syvgx^Agcra, fi^ovro GrvpQopav, ^yT^5 Jation, turn tjs&ogg? Kaya &; -o^argf), < g(pv, cev'^fr^. o I'"/, ^gAi&y^d- KctTts-cfyteoiTo...
Eights are also for sale by the following Agents in (California Thomas Ogg Shaw, San Francisco; Samuel Morrison, Santa Clara; C. C. Warner, Stockton;...
Deplorable Condition of German Coal-Miners GENERAL MINING : News: ogg |OFC dies out in it ; but there is no seam to give a sharp separation.” ...
relief. Sat nore potatoes, locrJ. fruits rjid vegetables in season, and oven oggs, poultry, and fish whore they are in axiple supply. But stop eating rice...