DescriptionVarious Phosphoric Acids.PNG Chemical Structures of Various Phosphoric Acids The following chemical structures are shown in this image: orthophosphoric...
a precipitate insoluble in acids; you must have used some other reagent. Tredecim. — You should use the phosphoric acid an ; it ammonium-molybdate...
org/web/2im_/" alt="Book" style="margin-right:10px;float:left;" /><a rel="nofollow">Volume...
Ag 3 P0 4 U 4 P 2 0n Ag 4 P 2 0 Y Phosphoric (P 2 0 5 )x 2 anhydride. Phosphoric P 2 0 5 anhydride. Phosphoric P205 anhydride. Potassic oxide Potassic...
however, gradually disappears onstanding. Where the phosphoric acid is partially replaced by hydrochloric acid, this precipitation either does not take place...
sphate Argentic pyrophosphate. A Potassium K20 Phosphoric anhydride. Phosphoric anhydride. Phosphoric anhydride. Potassium Potassic oxide Potass ic...
Stokes. supposed mineral resin from Livingston, H. N. Stokes. the W. phosphoric acid in rock analyses, by Thomas Bulletin No. 90. On by i ; of water...
TO 1879. DECEMBER, INDEX. (Articles marked with a star are A Acids,: Antiseptic Action SMa of.... illustrated. ‘The reader 381 a5 oo ccs...
Ciphosphoric acid and sn fnr+l-, thern in cement pits, a/d grov;iPng th"m cont nuou ly c ps'^'S^^^ large amounts of potash or phosphoric acid, until the...
NEERING THE png! AND . NAL. MINING J Vou. XVIL.—No. 12.—Fourts Srries. at Dunbar Furnace. By E. C. Prcutin.* Art the suggestion of some NEW YORK...