The flying, gray-haired Yank; or, The adventures of a volunteer ... A true narrative of the Civil War ( ) Author Egan, Michael, 1826?-1888 Title The...
Johnny Reb and Billy Yank ( ) Author Hunter, Alexander, 1843- Title Johnny Reb and Billy Yank Publisher New York, Washington, The Neale Publishing Company...
Billy Yank ( ) Author Hunter, Alexander, b. 1843 Tolman, R. O Macdonald, Harold Title Johnny Reb and Billy Yank Publisher New York, Washington, The Neale...
Johnny Reb and Billy Yank ( ) Author Hunter, Alexander, 1843- Title Johnny Reb and Billy Yank Publisher New York, Washington, The Neale Publishing Company...
The smoked Yank ( ) Author Grigsby, Melvin, 1845- Title The smoked Yank Publisher Chicago, Regan Print. Co. Description Subjects: Language English Publication...
Don Hale with the Flying squadron ( ) Author Sheppard, William Henry Crispin, 1871- [from old catalog] Title Don Hale with the Flying squadron Publisher...
or, The blue and the gray ( ) Author Clark, J. Mat. (James Madison), 1847- McQuiddy Printing Company. pbl Title Luella Blassingame, or, The blue and...
Arnold Adair with the English aces; being the further flying adventures of an American aviator ( ) Author Driggs, Laurence La Tourette. [from old catalog]...
The Atlantic ( ) Title The Atlantic Volume 54 Publisher Boston Description Title varies: 1857- , The Atlantic monthly Language English Source Internet...
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