next Broken Shoe.JPG Withered stony slope.JPG Camping in Dishon.JPG Camping in Dishon 2.JPG Fox in Dishon.JPG Har Almon.JPG I, the copyright holder of...
next Har Almon.JPG Broken Shoe.JPG Withered stony slope.JPG Camping in Dishon.JPG Camping in Dishon 2.JPG Small bridge over Dishon River.JPG I, the copyright...
bridge over Dishon River.JPG Har Almon.JPG Broken Shoe.JPG Withered stony slope.JPG Camping in Dishon.JPG Dry Dishon River 4.JPG I, the copyright holder...
next Withered stony slope.JPG Camping in Dishon.JPG Camping in Dishon 2.JPG Fox in Dishon.JPG Fox in Dishon 2.JPG Broken Shoe.JPG I, the copyright holder...
Dishon River 4.JPG Small bridge over Dishon River.JPG Har Almon.JPG Broken Shoe.JPG Withered stony slope.JPG Lonely Road to Dishon 2.JPG I, the copyright...
next Camping in Dishon.JPG Camping in Dishon 2.JPG Fox in Dishon.JPG Fox in Dishon 2.JPG Fox in Dishon 3.JPG Withered stony slope.JPG I, the copyright holder...
This file has an extracted image: The Poems of Henry Kendall (1920) (page 8 crop).jpg....
This file has an extracted image: Norman H. Adams (page 288 crop).jpg....
barrenness of wind-swept slopes, that on the melting of the snow are scarred by destroying streams leaving in their track patches of withered shoots pressed against...