English Soldiers of the German 12th S.S. Division in a temporary prisoner-of-war cage in Normandy, France, ca. 7-8 July 1944 determination method or standard:...
Description12th ss 4.png English: Hitler Jugend Soldiers of the 12th SS Panzer Division Captured during the Battle of the Bulge December, 1944. Date December...
pox %a!Ge nerab of , antlers et Re agi ee 3 [Sp in.aré But 20, Of Png Sheree badly c othed aud provisioned. Sout¥, ip. anintercep ted letter...
Se we a i ins ie a .. aon es a" iets a ae a Ss We ee een a a “% rs Pa od ag ine a — as Sha ee ard png OP inn <8 Pee = Cs oe aa ave eo ad ater I Py...
with one excepUon the lines everywhere held fast. Ttrr French took some, prisoners. The text of the report reads: '•In the Artois district there has been...
DescriptionCaptured Soldiers 12th SS Panzer Division "Hitler Jugend".jpg English: Hitler Jugend Soldiers of the 12th SS Panzer Division Captured during...
the Monies that will be wanted for the Service of Prisoners or War in Heattu.—Ditto, of Sick Prisoners or War; Ordered, 24 Dec. Prefented, 16 JAN. Referred...
1st R eg t. —^Sbip Ceres, J.. Eergusson, Com m ander,, Ensign R o b t. L png, 82d R e g t. N . X.. from Arrajcaq. 27th Septem ber.. E usign W m , X«<>ng...
ultimately left the bullet tract (b )( 1) · clean but~A!ely laid opei:(~png its entire length. A final debridement was accomplished 1 (b)(3) NatSecAct...
has received » letter from Mr. John Morisy, M. P.. In which the retebretod Png Rsh atsteemsn expresses the hope of v!<p ing Toronto neat nsmth. his wife...