Description2012 Homeland Food Defense.pdf Homeland Food Defense, United States Department of Agriculture Date 19 September 2012 Source
reveals that the security of the homeland is a complex system of interconnected varieties of security including food, health, personal, economic, environmental...
Therefore, obesity is a homeland security issue. Subjects: Obesity; food industry; homeland security; economics; military readiness Language English Publication...
for failure, followed by defense oversight, which is presented as an example for success. Careful evaluation shows that homeland security oversight more...
prescription for homeland security preparedness? ( ) Author Petersen, Kimberly Ann Title The Affordable Care Act: a prescription for homeland security preparedness...
climate change the future of homeland security? ( ) Author Wasp, Valli A. Title Will climate change the future of homeland security? Publisher Monterey...
centers’ capabilities for homeland security ( ) Author Caliva, T. Michele Title Leveraging poison centers’ capabilities for homeland security Publisher Monterey...
strategy for homeland security ( ) Author Shaughnessy, Joshua Title Winning the war at home: stability operations strategy for homeland security Publisher...