File:Coat of Arms of Calabria Citra.svg is a vector version of this file. It should be used in place of this PNG file. File:Calabria Citra.png → File:Coat of...
Flag based uppon the ancient coat of arms of Calabria Citra English author name string: The White Lion Wikimedia username: The White Lion URL: https://commons...
Imprimis partibus, 23) Pinei Encyclop. metho-dique. Medecine art. Feu. png. 351. Dicton. de sc. med. art Feu. p. 92. ~ 24) Jourdan. / 15 omnibus...
1 pag. 1 2g Pompeo Cardinal Colonna^ 'Luogotenente Generale^ nel 1525?. png.lì^ jy, Pietro di 'Toledo Marchefe di Villafranca , Vicere nel i^2g, di...
gmtéé, 2:2 < 4°r2 > In Conchoide, (fig 6.) cuju: ordimzta I/Ma; uzmfat ex png rg&, I/'M=s:J v h, 65 trmgente M»¢=£'[-1;-: -§ -r, (F ft CP-:C/1:;r, aaieogue...