DescriptionDe-Banat.ogg pronunciation recording Transcription InfoField Banat IPA InfoField baˈnaːt Language InfoField German Date 28 July 2022 Source...
DescriptionDe-Banats.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German noun inflection "Banats", IPA: /ˌbaˈnaːt͡s/. Male voice, recorded by native German...
lar d dela Munteni-NdurenT, Banat si Istroromini trebue sd fie un a rotunzit. In ce inprejurdri se gdsesc cele !ref felfurl de a dela Muntenl-Ndureni dela...
Polek, A. D ußos); Mineralwasser von Balarue; (M . de Serres \mA F ig u ie r ); Herculesbäder im Banat ( F r . R a g s k y )..............................
gerbralo dell'asarcizià di-* Gelli opposero. resistenza -acoanita. Un, gta 2:banat con ‘gli aspre e vtbgliamo agerala; sg aplonnello.; sa: parogghi. af. »...
Confraternite; Da Marchi: ed i sindagi: ing. G. Buri, acconna:fuggerolmente .—;- banat helle I NOTIZIE13 DISPACCI Funebvî. lor! alle 16 ebboro inogo i funerali...
that on the 11th he victoriously entered Pancsova. Thus the whole of the Banat, and the military frontier from Transylvania to Belgrade, is in the hands...
STIRBET VODA PLIBL1CATA DE N. IORGA --.............-.-- VOL. I CORESPONDENTA POLITIC:N. *OGG - BUCURETI Institutul de Arte Grafice §i Edituri...
Transferare "Ar '' 11638_11640 11640 . Ministerta indystroi o Comer Ogg i tneethri de angajLit 11642 11642 .... ...... .; .s. ..... 11643 11643 Comtmicate...
33 media de iodate ale canon inidlOce Banat' fnte restrinse, in ciltd adesea na potil face facia cheltaelilora lord lo- earl se sandman/11 de Minis. 316...