DescriptionDe-Chlorophylls.ogg pronunciation recording Transcription InfoField Chlorophylls IPA InfoField kloʁoˈfʏls Language InfoField German Date 23...
DescriptionDe-Chlorophyll.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German noun "Chlorophyll". Male voice, recorded by native German speaker from Berlin...
organic microchemistrv published during the past year (1950). 531 Ogg, 532 Ogg, Ricciuti, Constantine and Connelly, J. A, Willits, C, O. L. CRODETERMfNATI...
for two years reduced the number of goatgrass weeds by 80 percent. Alex Ogg, a plant physiologist with the Agricultural Research Service, says three...
on the viscosity are deCorrelation of viscosity and starch granule swelling is scribed. made through photomicrographs. 638 Ogg, C. L. REPORT ON Ml...
Sharp 1939 Harrison 1949 Teeter 1963, 1965 Craner 1964 Yeo 1965 Hodgson 1966 Ogg et al. 1969 Paullin 1973 Anderson 1976; Anderson and Low 1976 Verhoeven l...
tobacco, 131 adjectives, 131 Patent leather polish, 131 Pharoah's serpents' oggs, 205, 2S1 Phosphorus paste, 94 Aloes, 29S Poisons, 94 Antimonium sulphuratum...
-Bro wn FS K proto col Out put f r om t he Nei 1-Br own deck un it w as !ogg ed, and a nno ta te d wi th an cilia ry t i me and loc at io n data, us i...
mountains at Guadalajara, FIG. 14.- -ïhe avocado blossom thrips ; Showing ogg punctures and emergence holes caused hy adult thrips in petioles of avocado...
1) als Erwähnt in Hammarstens Lehrbuch. 2) Bull, de la Soc. 3} Fe 0^ gegeben durch Ogg J/32 Ziemlich Halliburtox meint, chim. T. 27. gleichgiltig...