10 Ergebnisse gefunden für "Datei:De-Glan.ogg".


DescriptionDe-Glan.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German noun "Glan". Male voice, recorded by native German speaker from Berlin, Germany. Deutsch:...


DescriptionDe-Glans.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German noun "Glans". Female voice, recorded by native German speaker from Schleswig-Holstein...

Datei:Bollettino della Società entomologica italiana (IA bollettinodellas221890soci).pdf

peduncolata che la costituisce; ip ipoderma; cellula ipodermica. Hartn. ogg. 2. prima Gianduia cutanea in un embrione avanti gli » di 8, et cuticola...

Datei:Exposition anatomique de la structure du corps humain (electronic resource) (IA b21471332 0001).pdf

Exposition anatomique de la structure du corps humain [electronic resource]   (  ) Author Winslow, Jacques-Bénigne, 1669-1760 University of Glasgow. Library...

Datei:Historische Novellen - (IA historischenovel21hilt).pdf

e!c, fommen, aber 9lan^ig ben. e^, «Stabt d^^arme^ Unterrebun= ©er^ogg be^ — ßarbinal. fagte ber toei^t f (einen in ber gefjabt. neg ic^...

Datei:Songs and ballads of the West - a collection made from the mouths of the people (IA songsballadsofwe00bari).pdf

Universal Songster," n.d. II., p. 34S. Mack." Songs," circ. 1815, it is " Parson Ogg, the Cornish Vicar." Alley, so, in The words originally reached us as taken...

Datei:King and hermit; a colloquy between King Guaire of Aidne and his brother Marban; being an Irish poem of the tenth century (IA kinghermitcolloq00londrich).pdf

oga a clutch of eggs, 20. coraéis líni óenchirce d'ugaib, Cog. G. 48, 19. \ogg, 21. f. a vessel. line f. long lubar a collective of lub herb. n. =...

Datei:Sexual physiology - a scientific and popular exposition of the fundamental problems in sociology (IA b28101911).pdf

impregnation, or rather the elements which mix with the elements of the ogg or ovum, by which process fecundation is effected. They are minute, elongated...

Datei:Ghimpele 1876-09-26, nr. 39.pdf

s'aup de méndru lor nume; Semi-luna inca n'o s lumineze, Glans cea sarb6sca o sa triumfeze! Englezii puternici prea mult vorbitori, Se &slain e fala de rag...

Datei:Medical Heritage Library (IA b21779193).pdf

uniraprognated, being added tha boon has which The one to p'.nshos. or ogg quickly masculin:* element is from that moment endowed with life, a...