DescriptionDe-Patent.oga English: Pronunciation recording of German term "Patent_". Male voice, recorded by native German speaker from Berlin, Germany...
"Elektrisk fjerrskådningsapparat benämd telefotograf " Object type patent Description Swedish patent 5869: Elektrisk fjerrskådningsapparat benämd telefotograf...
the inflections Sar-fli! or Sar-agh, in the word Sac-and-aga.* D oga or Sar-agh-oga,t we have not been able to learn. We know of the locality to which...
Patent-Förordnin- gen af den 13 December 1834, härigenom velat tillägga Gross- handlaren IV. Paton Patent under Fem (5) år» tid 1 verkställan- de af...
attached to the inflections Sar-at or JSar-agh, in the word Sar-at-oga or Sar-agh-oga, able to learn. We know we have not been of the locality to which...
oga and aga are local the inflections phrases and only the inflection is I. is to the inflections ^ar-<2^ or Sar-agh, in the word Sar-at- oga...
are not restricted by patents. These include: For photos: .jpg For graphics: .svg, .png For animation: .gif For audio: .ogg (or .oga), .flac For video: ...
pä, dit menskans öga icke stjälsig &.C. Hvarnf likväl intetdera behandlat frågan så fullstän- digt, att skriften kunnat belönas. De laflings-ämnen, som...
kom och såg och segrar vann/ Och ryktet svek ef denna gången/ — ' fart öga föl/de Dina spår — och af vår längtan föregången Du i vår trogna krets nu står/...
Saratoga. This is an Indian word of the Iroquois language. And the inflections oga and aga, are local phrases and only mean place. And in the same sense the...