5 Ergebnisse gefunden für "Datei:De-Rizins.ogg".


DescriptionDe-Rizins.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German noun inflection "Rizins", IPA: /ʁiˈt͡siːns/. Male voice, recorded by native German...


DescriptionDe-Rizin.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German noun "Rizin", IPA: /ʁiˈt͡siːn/. Male voice, recorded by native German speaker from...

Datei:The Glendale Evening News 1917-10-27 (IA cgl 003298).pdf

stopping a t th e A t th e reg u la r m onthly m eeting of j Mrs. T. D. Ogg, of South Kenwood, F lorence ap a rtm en ts, 403% B rand th e Colum bus Avenue...

Datei:The Glendale Evening News 1917-04-14 (IA cgl 003134).pdf

ER T h u rsd ay aftern o o n a m ost de­ lig h tfu l aftern o o n was sp en t a t th e hom e of Mrs. T. D. Ogg, 149 S. K en­ wood stree t, in honor of...


DescriptionDe-Riesin.ogg pronunciation recording Transcription InfoField Riesin IPA InfoField ˈʁiːzɪn Language InfoField German Date 23 April 2021 Source...