DescriptionDe-WMs.ogg pronunciation recording Transcription InfoField WMs IPA InfoField veːˈʔɛms Language InfoField German Date 28 January 2022 Source...
DescriptionDe-Basketball-WMs.ogg pronunciation recording Transcription InfoField Basketball-WMs IPA InfoField ˈbaːskətbalveːˌʔɛms Language InfoField German...
DescriptionDe-Eishockey-WMs.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German noun inflection "Eishockey-WMs". Male voice, recorded by native German speaker...
DescriptionDe-Judo-WMs.ogg pronunciation recording Transcription InfoField Judo-WMs IPA InfoField ˈjuːdoveːˌʔɛms Language InfoField German Date 25 May...
DescriptionDe-Fußball-WMs.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German noun inflection "Fußball-WMs", IPA: /ˈfuːsbalveːˌʔɛms/. Male voice, recorded by...
DescriptionDe-Schach-WMs.ogg pronunciation recording Transcription InfoField Schach-WMs IPA InfoField ˈʃaxveːˌʔɛms Language InfoField German Date 28 January...
KaDeWe WMS.ogg Deutsch: Deutschkurs für Anfänger (mit Audio) English: German language course for absolut beginners (with audio) Español: Curso de Alemán...
Mercedesstern WMS.ogg Deutsch: Deutschkurs für Anfänger (mit Audio) English: German language course for absolut beginners (with audio) Español: Curso de Alemán...
Berufsberatung WMS.ogg Deutsch: Deutschkurs für Anfänger (mit Audio) English: German language course for absolut beginners (with audio) Español: Curso de Alemán...
Philosophie 06 WMS.ogg Deutsch: Deutschkurs für Anfänger (mit Audio) English: German language course for absolut beginners (with audio) Español: Curso de Alemán...