DescriptionDe-andines.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German adjective inflection "andines", IPA: /anˈdiːnəs/. Male voice, recorded by native...
DescriptionDe-andine.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German adjective inflection "andine", IPA: /anˈdiːnə/. Male voice, recorded by native German...
e La core de copo di Sat +intera dl perg. damciio cnr sn seumparie No Unioni oca ice: di rovine -ele. RR preside della Regimi Mv! picota ogg in ri diese...
to t jurifdi&ion of the I)iRri& Court of Marylnd is infucient: TatRzogg gY IS CONIIDERED by the Supreme Court afefaid d ow finally decreed...
CONSTRUCTIONS for HanlaBe, Winding, Tran.niission •f Power, Oil Boring. liOgging, Steam Ploughing, .. SPECIAL NOI-ROTATINO FLATTENED STRAND ROPES for Giant...
Sucre Département de Chuquisaca, Bolivie. Le drapeau wiphala, est utilisé dans les fêtes solennelles, c' est l'emblème de la nation andine et des Aymar, c'est...