DescriptionDe-forder ein.ogg pronunciation recording Transcription InfoField forder ein IPA InfoField ˌfɔʁdɐ ˈaɪ̯n Language InfoField German Date 22 September...
Transferred from de.wikipedia to Commons by Wdwdbot using script (r106M). The original description page was here. All following user names...
150 Americax Diplomacy, Meaning and Influence of . . Frederic Austin Ogg .... 190 American Men of Letters, Two W. E. Simonds 119 American University...
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De natura et attributis divinis ( ) Author Mármol Title De natura et attributis divinis Description Más detalles Fecha de creación 17?? Formato 210...
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[Publication.]) Foaden, George P. printing . office, n. d. Forbes, Henry Ogg. rative of travel N.Y., Harper France & Naturalist’s wanderings in the...
IPPENDICE. WASHINGTON EMONK n Mpa dale ogg È i 27 da ll rst turn di i dll AM ctu dat SRO ut È a i NRE pool de:ft eli ee È ps ore È 1 Esci servi ...