DescriptionDe-patz.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German verb inflection "patz", IPA: /pat͡s/. Male voice, recorded by native German speaker from...
DescriptionDe-patz an.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German verb inflection "patz an", IPA: /ˌpat͡s ˈan/. Male voice, recorded by native German...
ramaîi, vendita carbone al sinto: Brusadin si, cl ISGi L.-3.10, Guldo 'Patz èirettore dallé. linea della desco AEON, Balanciaio Olassa VII, nisuto...
~lajor . . . .,... e ' stead of a restaurant, Steve, but it don't Carl patz and Lieut-C-ol. Hiram Bingwatter-the only difference is that the ham, the...