Edward of Wales (Little David), later Edward VIII of United Kingdom, as a boy taken 1900-1908 by his grandmother Queen Alexandra (1844-1925). Printed...
Thomas Cadwalader 1779-1841 Edward Greene Malbone (page 182 crop).jpg...
jpg Benjamin Disraeli, the aristocracy of nature.jpg Benjamin Webster.jpg C. R. Darwin, F.R.S.jpg Charles Reade.jpg George Macdonald, goody goody.jpg...
Edward Livingston Youmans, interpreter of science for the people; a sketch of his life, with selections from his published writings and extracts from his...
eiscaped execution only through the -timely deJith of Henry Edward VI himseff,'9peri| fiie.jpgTi of storeci to a few yCars 'of Duke ii the public"...
George Daniel Fisher (page 72 crop).jpg...
The savltigs banks of Italy contain the window, tie j*£op#wi the otjtera, Jpg the reign of Henry VHI. Is 33.8 cents a gallon. # viMnlftit Into thcs« ports...
Group Plan oo First iqq New York City 102 jqc , Group-Unit System jpg Architecture and General Prison System Arrangement Wall loq jj» of Buildings...
Ebsworth's Entertainments.jpg John Knox's House.jpg Joseph Knight's book-plate.jpg Joseph Knight, ætat 17.jpg Rev. J. W. Ebsworth, M.A., F.S.A. (Ætat 68).jpg...