DescriptionGolden Girls title (gold background).svg English: Title lettering extracted from opening credits of the TV sitcom The Golden Girls. Gold background...
Clark (Firm) Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Title Abridged dictionary of the dahlia : describing "novelties" and standard...
Beauty;the autobiography of a horse, ( ) Author Sewell, Anna, 1820-1878 Title Black Beauty;the autobiography of a horse, Publisher Akron, O., The Saalfield...
Atlas ( ) Author Boivin, Veuve, Mme. (Marie Anne Victoire), 1773-1841 Title A practical treatise on the diseases of the uterus and its appendages. Atlas...
lessons in Greek: ( ) Author Brooks, N. C. (Nathan Covington), 1809-1898 Title First lessons in Greek: Publisher Philadelphia, Sorin and Ball Description...
earliest settlement to the present time ( ) Author Chapman Brothers Title Portrait and biographical album of Osceola county [Mich.] containing .....